Primer Betonokontakt Knauf: composition, properties, characteristics

Often, when performing repair work, it becomes necessary to connect certain building materials. But due to their properties, they do not want to stick to the surface. For example, it is quite difficult to attach tiles to metal or wood. In this case, the Knauf Concrete Contact primer is used. Today we will look at the technical indicators of this material, the main advantages, determine the consumption of the Betonokontakt Knauf primer per 1 m2, and study the prices of the material.

Composition and properties of the primer

The development is a special plaster primer with an acrylic base and high adhesion.

The following components are used for its manufacture:

  • powdered cellulose ether;
  • vinyl acetate copolymer;
  • limestone chips;
  • fine-grained quartz sand;
  • fungicides.

Special binder fillers make Knauf concrete contact a universal composition that increases the adhesion of building materials and ensures long-term operation of the coating.

One of the key properties of the primer is to retain the moisture of the leveling mixture, which guarantees uniform drying, and this, in turn, protects the walls from cracks. In addition, when using Knauf concrete contact, the consumption of liquid finishing materials is significantly reduced.

After applying the primer, air exchange between the living room and the street is normalized, plus the vapor permeability of wall coverings increases.

An important property for which the primer deserves special praise is its ability to prevent the development of fungus and mold on the treated surface.

General information

Concrete contact is an adhesive mixture, but the product is considered a primer material, since it does not independently promote gluing of surfaces, but only creates the conditions necessary for further work. Betonokontakt Knauf helps to glue the metal to the tile and prepare it for the application of a special adhesive, but is not used as an adhesive itself. How did specialists manage to achieve such an effect? The fact is that the primer contains glue, as well as crushed quartz. Sand allows you to make the surface rough, due to which other materials will be well fixed on it. The composition of the concrete contact is also influenced by the technical characteristics and its purpose. Thus, mixtures with the addition of cement or other components are available on the market. In addition, when choosing a product, you need to know about other features of the product.

Purpose and scope of application

Let's take a closer look at what primer is needed for and where it is used:

  • The primer composition plays the role of a connecting link between the base and the applied finishing material. Even very smooth and slippery surfaces treated with this primer will stick to anything because the quartz filler creates a sandpaper-like roughness that provides good grip.
  • Due to the penetration of substances into the structure of the base material, “Concrete-Contact” makes its outer layer more durable.
  • The composition is suitable for both porous absorbent surfaces and smooth ones that cannot absorb moisture.
  • This primer is a solution to the problem of plastering monolithic concrete, on which gypsum plaster does not adhere well due to poor moisture absorption.

Important information! "Concrete Contact" has one serious "contraindication". Under no circumstances should it be used before plastering with cement mixtures. The peel strength of the film created by this primer is 0.4 MPa, while the adhesion of any cement mortar starts from 0.5 MPa. In addition, cement mixtures shrink and the applied layer of plaster becomes slightly stretched. If the solution were applied directly to the concrete, no problems would arise, but with Concrete Contact it will lag behind the wall.

Because of the name of the primer, it often seems that it is only used for treating concrete slabs. In fact, “Betonokontakt” is universal; it can be applied to almost any type of surface:

  • on brick;
  • dense concrete;
  • foam and aerated concrete;
  • plasterboard, gypsum fiber sheets, cement-bonded and tongue-and-groove boards;
  • tile;
  • bases leveled with cement or gypsum mixtures;
  • surfaces coated with oil paint;
  • tree;
  • metal.

If necessary, “Concrete Contact” can even be applied to plastic and glass.

The compositions from different manufacturers have some differences, so it is advisable to read the characteristics of the primer and its scope of application on the packaging before purchasing. For example, “Betokontakt” from Knauf, according to the manufacturer, is intended for treating smooth, poorly absorbent or non-moisture-absorbing substrates, which include concrete, plastered surfaces, polystyrene foam, and gypsum tongue-and-groove slabs. Apply under gypsum plaster, suitable for interior work only.

When purchasing, it is recommended to ask the seller for a certificate of compliance with established standards.

Consumption, preparation and processing

The composition from the Knauf company has a pink tint. During the work, areas with the applied composition are visible, which ensures economical consumption of material.

Consumption depends on the type of surface being treated:

  • The standard indicator is within 300 g/m2;
  • Porous surfaces require an application of 300-500 g per 1 m2;
  • Surfaces characterized by an average level of porosity require 200-350 g/m2;
  • Smooth surfaces have a minimum material consumption of 150-250 g/m2.

After the layer of primer has dried, do not delay finishing the surface. The longer the break in work, the more dust will settle on the wall and the lower the adhesion rate will be.

Before priming, thoroughly clean the base, removing dirt, dust particles, and loose fragments.

To obtain a high-quality result, it is necessary that the moisture level of the concrete base does not exceed 3%. The optimal temperature for operation is +5-+25 degrees Celsius.

It is in this range that the temperature of the air, the treated surface and the Knauf primer should be.

The composition in the package is already ready for use. It is thoroughly mixed before use.

When applying Betokontakt by machine, it is recommended to dilute the solution. The proportion in this case is as follows: up to one liter of water is added to 20 kg of primer.

The solution is not diluted if a brush, roller or brush is used for application.

Objects that are characterized by a weak level of absorption are treated with a primer in one layer. Substrates with a high hygroscopicity index are coated in two passes.

Container and storage

Standard containers for concrete contact are plastic buckets with a capacity of 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 liters. Some manufacturers pour the primer into plastic barrels with a capacity of 20, 30 and 40 liters. A tightly closed container ensures that the composition is completely ready for use - all that remains is to stir it. If the container has been left open for some time, it is advisable to dilute the primer with water.

The guaranteed shelf life of the mixture is one year; see the date of manufacture on the packaging. Concrete contact should be stored at a positive temperature in the range of +50C/+300C. If you allow even short-term freezing, the primer will become unusable. Storage should take place indoors, since exposure to UV radiation destroys the composition. If the surface area to be impregnated is small, then it will be more economical to work with dry powder, the required amount of which is diluted to the required volume.

Primer performance parameters

Recommendations for working with concrete contact

  1. Buy concrete contact from stores that guarantee its originality. To do this, require product quality certificates and other accompanying documents. If you trust a seller on the market, you must understand that such an attitude can result in the purchase of counterfeit products and loss of product quality;
  2. Before work, check the homogeneity of the solution. If you see lumps, then this indicates only one thing - the quality of the product is insignificant, or it is expired;
  3. Independent work with the composition is accompanied by the use of personal protective equipment;
  4. All treated surfaces of a large area undergo a step-by-step coating, since it is difficult to paint a wall with an area of ​​more than 20-30 m2 at once - the primer will dry unevenly, which will lead to a violation of the technology.

Properties and application of concrete contact

Why do you need concrete contact and is it possible to do without it?

Among all the materials that are used to prepare surfaces for plastering or gluing tiles, concrete contact occupies a special place due to its versatility and unique adhesion - the ability to adhere to a wide variety of surfaces. With the help of this innovative primer, it is possible to carry out such complex connections of completely different materials as wood-glass, metal-tile and many others. Is it possible to apply concrete contact on a damp surface?

When processing dense, non-moisture-absorbing substrates, it simply has no equal. Previously, a special bandage made of fabric mesh had to be glued to a smooth concrete wall to hold the plaster. Now it is enough to treat it with concrete contact, and the surface becomes uniformly rough, capable of firmly holding not only plaster and tile adhesive, but also any other finishing materials. Even environmentally friendly, creating a particularly comfortable microclimate in any room, but very capricious gypsum plaster, will be securely fixed for many years.

What does concrete contact look like?

Everything that is treated with concrete contact not only connects well, but also acquires special strength - the plaster fastened with it never cracks or crumbles when the hammer is used. You can safely drill holes - they will be very neat, not a single extra piece will fall off.

Is it possible to apply concrete contact over water-based paint?

In addition to strength, surfaces treated with concrete contact acquire high water resistance, thanks to which they can function in conditions of high humidity. Also, a water-resistant uniform primer reduces the consumption of finishing materials applied on top.

Basic composition of concrete contact:

  • Acrylic dispersion, which is the basic component that organizes the adhesion of surfaces.
  • Quartz sand, which provides surface roughness (coarse-grained - for plaster or fine-grained - for putty).
  • Cement.
  • Compositions of chemical modifiers responsible for vapor permeability, hygroscopicity, resistance to mechanical and biological influences.

As you can see, concrete contact can be classified as an environmentally friendly, harmless material. Surfaces treated with it do not lose the ability to “breathe”. Bactericidal components prevent the appearance of mold, fungi and insects. The activity indicator of hydrogen ions in concrete contact solutions corresponds to neutral acidity, which indicates that they do not pose a corrosive hazard to metals and do not react with lime-containing solutions. Sometimes coloring pigments are added to the components to make it easy to determine where the application was and where it was not.

Wall application

The full properties of each concrete contact, as well as the conditions and shelf life, must be described in the documentation attached to it, in support of which a certificate of compliance with the quality established by GOST standards is attached or presented upon request.

Is it possible to apply concrete contact to gypsum plaster?

Attention! It is prohibited to use concrete contact that has expired its shelf life, as well as one whose structure has become heterogeneous and lumpy.

In practice, when determining which concrete contact is best to use, they rely on such technical characteristics as:

  • fast drying time of the treated surface;
  • degree of moisture resistance;
  • duration of service life;
  • cost standards.

If you need a complete description of concrete contact, it can always be found in the instructions

Working with concrete contact primers is very easy, you just need to follow some simple rules:

  1. The surfaces to be coated do not require special treatment, but dirt, grease, swelling and falling off pieces of old coatings must first be removed.
  2. Work must be carried out in the temperature range from +5 to +30. But for high-quality operation, the temperature can be from -40 to +60.
  3. Typically, the conditions for maintaining concrete contact require positive temperatures. However, now you can also find a frost-resistant solution that allows storage and transportation at -15 degrees, as well as a 5-fold freeze-thaw cycle.
  4. It is better to apply finishing materials on top of the concrete contact layer immediately after drying, before it becomes dusty (dust reduces adhesion). A delay of more than two days is already critical - a fresh coating needs to be applied.

View of freshly applied concrete contact

How to use primer

Diluted Betonokontakt retains its technical characteristics for at least a year. Since it has a water base, the thick fraction often settles to the bottom, while the liquid fraction remains at the top. Such separation does not mean that the product is unsuitable. It is simply mixed to a uniform consistency so that the primer layer (as well as the adhesion force to the concrete) is uniform. But dried traces of the mixture on the walls of the opened bucket indicate that its use has expired.

Priming with Concrete Contact is performed following several rules.

  1. First, dirt and oil stains are removed from the surface, peeled off, and deep cracks are repaired.
  2. Prepare or mix the solution thoroughly.
  3. Concrete contact is applied with a wide brush or foam roller. At the same time, short vertical and horizontal strokes alternate.
  4. Most often, one coat of primer is enough, but if the walls are too uneven, you can apply the treatment in two stages. A second pass is needed if blemishes are noticeable after the first layer has dried, or if it can be easily removed by hand.

Soil characteristics

Knauf primer is available in two types: one modification contains mineral particles measuring 0.3 mm, and the other - 0.6 mm. The first is used for delicate work and before puttying, and the second is more suitable for rough finishing. The dye included in the composition helps not to miss a single area during processing.

According to GOST, the technical characteristics of the Knauf concrete contact primer are as follows:

  1. Neutral acidity index Ph 6.5−7.5.
  2. Short drying period. It depends on the humidity and temperature in the room, but usually no more than 10-12 hours.
  3. Long service life. The manufacturer claims that the primer applied to the walls can last more than 50 years.
  4. A wide range of temperatures (from -20 to +60 degrees) at which concrete contact does not lose its properties.
  5. Uniform application. The mixture fits perfectly on walls both when applied manually and when sprayed with a spray bottle.
  6. Highly environmentally friendly. The adhesive primer can be safely used in rooms with insufficient ventilation, since the chemical formula of the substance does not contain toxic compounds that can harm health.

The amount of primer used depends on the ability of the surface to be treated to absorb liquid. The type of building material and the number of layers of mortar also influence the consumption. So, if it is distributed over a smooth surface, for example, on tiles, then a minimum volume of dispersed substance will be required. As practice shows, to prime approximately 50 square meters, one standard package weighing 20 kg is enough.

The excellent characteristics of the Knauf-betokontakt primer have allowed it to firmly occupy a leading position in the finishing materials market.

General information about Knauf Betokontakt soil

Knauf Betokontakt primer is a mixture of pink tint, completely ready for use. Available in 5 kg containers and 20 kg buckets. The shelf life is 18 months from the date of manufacture, the opened product is stored for about 6 months in a tightly closed container .

The product has pronounced adhesive properties and is used on complex surfaces - poorly absorbent, smooth, dense . It is used to strengthen concrete bases, plasterboard slabs, when preparing metal structures for further work (putty), during laying ceramic tiles, and fastening stucco parts made of polystyrene, gypsum, polyurethane. Concrete contact simplifies construction work and reduces the amount of additional consumables due to its strengthening properties. Knauf Betokontakt primer levels surfaces, eliminates minor base defects and microcracks .

Working with Knauf Betokontakt brand soil requires compliance with a certain temperature regime. It cannot be used at temperatures of –5 degrees Celsius and below, in the cold, or when the thermometer reading is above +26-27 degrees Celsius.

The coating is applied in two layers, each drying time is about three hours, but experts recommend continuing work after 12-20 hours. You can check that it has dried by touching it with your hand; the base should not be sticky.

Knauf Betokontakt primer comes in two types - with mineral particles measuring 0.6 mm and 0.3 mm. The first type is used in rough finishing and coating of external surfaces, the second is used for more delicate work and before puttying.

When calculating the consumption of the necessary material, it is worth considering several factors:

  • degree of moisture absorption of the base;
  • surface type;
  • number of layers;
  • method of application.

With a smooth surface, such as paint and ceramic, primer consumption will be significantly lower than when applied to a concrete slab. The minimum consumption is approximately 200 g. per 1 m², maximum – 350 g.

Manufacturers produce the mixture in a state completely ready for use . Experts allow the Knauf Betokontakt primer to be diluted with a small amount of water for better mechanical application.

When applied manually, the maximum amount of water for dilution is 50 ml per liter of primer . When using the mechanical spraying method, a dilution of 2: 1 is used - two parts soil and one part water.

Another option for diluting the soil is also offered; with this technology, material consumption is reduced, but the quality remains at the same level. The coating is applied in 2 layers. The first layer consists of a mixture of concrete contact and deep penetration primer. The second is Knauf Betokontakt in its pure form.

Before starting work, the mixture must be thoroughly stirred so that all microparticles are distributed evenly over the entire area. When treating the surface, you can use any tools - brush, roller, mechanical sprayer . The pink color will help you see blurred areas.

Concrete contact - characteristics of different brands of primer

The components of concrete contact are Portland cement, sand, acrylic. This composition ensures good adhesion to any surface, from traditional concrete to plastic or glass.

Knauf concrete contact primer technical characteristics:

pH level7,5
Primer colorPink or orange
Heat resistance of dry surface-20 0 С/+80 0 С
Consumption, kg/m20,35
TaraPlastic bucket 20 liters
Shelf life1 year
Store in a dry place at a temperature≤ +1 0 С

Surface typeConcrete
Drying time180 minutes
Limit temperatures+35 0 С/+5 0 С
TaraBucket 5 liters
Shelf life12 months
Application technologyBrush or roller

Density, g/cm 31,37
Consumption, g/m2130-160
Drying time60 minutes
Limit temperatures+35 0 С/+5 0 С
Frost resistance 5 cycles feast temperature-40 0 C
Applicationbrush, roller

Universal primer Betokontakt brand VD-AK-014

  1. Quick drying: after 2-2.5 hours you can continue working with the surface;
  2. The high coefficient of moisture resistance allows the composition to be applied under a concrete screed;
  3. The service life of the substance is 80 years or more;
  4. Shades of different colors help visually determine the uniformity of the layer applied to the walls.

Manufacturers of concrete contact

There are both Russian and foreign companies on the domestic construction market that offer primers with different properties and characteristics. Price comparison will not be correct, since the functionality of each brand is different. One thing is certain: Russian manufacturers produce products that are often superior in quality to their foreign counterparts:

  1. Knauf concrete contact solution: the main composition is purified quartz sand to form a rough surface. Purpose – covering a concrete monolith;
  2. Concrete contact composition of the Serezit brand: intended only for indoor use, therefore absolutely environmentally friendly. The density of the multicomponent substance is 1.7 kg/m3, which means that the quality of the treated surface will be the highest. With a reasonable estimate, Serezit can also be used for exterior work;
  3. Concrete contact of the “Starateli” brand is suitable for surfaces made of various building materials - concrete, gas, foam, cinder blocks, wood and plastic, glass and brick;
  4. Bolars concrete contact soil is designed for any work inside or outside, made on the basis of acrylic;

The basis of any concrete contact primer composition is pure fine-grained quartz sand, which creates a rough, well-adhesive surface that ensures maximum adhesion to other materials, mainly for decorative purposes. For example, some Russian and foreign manufacturing companies introduce needle quartz into solutions, and any primer with this component will be a 100% quality guarantee.

Primer concrete contact, application

Repairing a house or apartment is not only construction work or replacing failed structures and parts: often repairs involve the use of materials that have unique characteristics, one of which is primer. The material is intended to be applied to any building surface, both indoors and outdoors, and the application of concrete contact is carried out with conventional tools - brushes, rollers or a spray gun. The innovative concrete contact primer is considered a universal composition, therefore it is used as a substitute for almost all previously known priming liquids.

Preparing the foundation for work

Before treating concrete contact knauf betokontakt with soil, the working surface area should be prepared for subsequent work: remove dust and dirt from the base with a construction vacuum cleaner, get rid of old crumbling elements, paint and varnish products, as well as all kinds of grease, bitumen stains and materials that could contribute to the deterioration of the adhesion of the applied solution with the surface. Before applying the primer to the base, it is recommended to disconnect all electrical wiring in order to avoid a possible short circuit.


The technical characteristics of the Betonokontakt primer indicate a lot of advantages of this product. The composition can be used on almost any basis. It is even applied to old cladding.

"Betonkontakt" can be used before applying putty or plaster. The film formed by the composition does not allow moisture and steam to pass through. This provides reliable surface protection. It becomes stronger and does not collapse for a long time.

Primer treatment is simple. The quick drying of the layer allows you to quickly continue subsequent repair work. After treatment, mold and mildew do not appear on the surface.

"Betonkontakt" is an environmentally friendly material. It can be used indoors in any room, even in the bedroom and children's room.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any building material, contact group concrete primers have their strengths and weaknesses.

  • improve adhesion to complex surfaces: concrete, glass, metal, tiles;
  • dry quickly;
  • have a long service life;
  • show resistance to aggressive environments of plaster solutions;
  • have waterproofing properties;
  • do not serve as a base for the proliferation of fungus and mold;
  • vapor permeable;
  • tinted for visual control of the quality of application;
  • can be used indoors and outdoors;
  • have a wide range of operating temperatures - from -40oC to +60oC;
  • moisture resistant;
  • environmentally friendly.
  • high price;
  • harsh storage conditions - at temperatures below +5oC and above +70oC they lose their properties;
  • increased surface requirements compared to deep penetration primers;
  • fear of high temperatures during operation - at +70oC polymer fillers turn into a viscous state.

Technical parameters of Knauf concrete contact

The primer is packaged in plastic buckets of 5 and 20 kg. The solution has a pinkish tint - the pigment helps to apply it evenly. Versatility and ease of application are possible thanks to the main characteristics of the Knauf mixture:

Application and characteristics of Knauf concrete contact

  • neutral acid balance (7.5–8.5);
  • drying time after each application – from three hours (depending on temperature and humidity);
  • the service life promised by the manufacturer is up to 80 years;
  • temperature range - from 40 degrees below zero to 60 degrees.

The Concrete Contact layer can withstand at least five times of freezing/defrosting. It can be applied not only in warm interior rooms, but also outside. During priming, it is better if the temperature is kept between 5 and 25 degrees Celsius. The primer can only be stored at positive temperatures.

Due to its environmental friendliness, a similar composition is used in bedrooms and children's rooms. During work, there is no need to wear a mask or arrange forced ventilation of the room.

Areas of use

The main function of the Knauf primer mixture is to improve the adhesive properties of high-density surfaces on which leveling and adhesive solutions do not adhere well. The primer itself adheres to almost any base, be it a glossy tile or a concrete monolith, forming a continuous film of dark pink color on it.

Reliable connection with subsequent layers is ensured by the use of fine-grained alkali-resistant sand in its composition, which gives the base the necessary roughness. After treating the walls with Knauf concrete contact, a layer of lime or gypsum plaster can be applied to the cement without fear that dissimilar materials will enter into a chemical reaction.

This primer will be very useful for solving the following problems:

  • strengthening structures that have a loose structure before plastering;
  • laying new tiles without dismantling the old ones;
  • ensuring reliable adhesion of decorative stucco molding to a smooth surface;
  • preparation of embedded elements of reinforced concrete products and metal structures for putty;
  • strengthening crumbling concrete walls before the final stage of finishing.

Thanks to the Knauf concrete contact primer, it is much easier to carry out work related to preparing the surface and removing the old stable coating.

Where previously it was impossible to do without the use of several special mixtures or reinforcing fiberglass mesh at once, a universal adhesive composition of the Knauf brand is sufficient.

Where is it used?

Primer composition Betonkontakt Knauf is an acrylic dispersion mixture. The main purpose is to cover low-absorbent surfaces with a high density so that adhesion becomes possible.

The primer adheres easily to the base, forming a dark pink film.

Adhesion to the subsequent layer is achieved by fine-grained sand, which is resistant to alkaline environments and gives the coating the desired roughness.

It should be added that this primer allows you to apply a lime or gypsum-based plaster mixture to the cement layer.

There are many other works in which Betonkontakt Knauf soil is used:

  • low-density surfaces are strengthened before applying plaster layers to them;
  • new tiles are laid without dismantling the old tile covering;

  • treatment of surfaces coated with oil or alkyd material before finishing;
  • using the Betonokontakt Knauf primer, stucco molding is securely attached to any smooth base;
  • preparation of metal structures and reinforced concrete products for subsequent puttying is carried out;
  • Before finishing, the dusty concrete base is strengthened.

The primer composition turned out to be multifunctional. With its help, many types of work related to the preparation of the foundation were facilitated.

What is concrete contact from Knauf?

Betonokontakt Knauf is a high-quality composition that can be used to level, strengthen and protect a concrete base. The composition does not contain any components hazardous to health, so the material can be used for interior work without any problems.


The mixture must be shaken well before use. This type of primer can be used to:

  • The paint on dry plaster did not begin to deteriorate over time.
  • Plastering was easier and faster.
  • Increase the adhesion rate of the base and finishing materials.
  • Repair existing cracks or seal seams.
  • Do not allow finishing materials to crack or crumble.
  • Protect from the negative effects of moisture.

Knauf primer contains acrylic, which makes it more resistant to moisture. At the same time, it is possible to achieve excellent quality of preparation of the concrete base. On sale you can find a universal mixture that is perfect for both external and internal work. The manufacturer also offers contact concrete with coarse and fine fractions. The material can be used to process not only concrete, but also polystyrene foam, tiles or drywall.

Concrete contact has antiseptic properties, so the risk of mold or mildew in the future is minimal. Additionally, using a primer, you can reduce the amount of finishing materials needed, because they will not be absorbed into the base so much. The mixture allows you to increase the permeability rate, so air circulation in the room will noticeably improve.

This material is able to retain its positive characteristics even at very low or very high temperatures. Also, the properties will be preserved for one and a half years in a hermetically sealed container.

Advantages and disadvantages

Concrete contact Knauf has a huge number of advantages, the main of which include the following:

  • Can be used both indoors and outdoors.
  • It goes well with materials that do not absorb moisture.
  • There is no need to remove the old coating before applying the primer.
  • There is no need to additionally use reinforcing mesh.
  • It can penetrate into the treated base to a depth of about 10 centimeters.
  • The plastered areas will be so strong that after the primer has completely dried, they can be drilled without any problems.
  • Retains positive characteristics for 80 years.
  • The applied layer of primer dries very quickly.
  • It is not afraid of moisture and allows steam to pass through well.
  • Protects the base from the appearance of fungus or mold.

The mixture can be used immediately after purchase. It is enough just to mix it well. After just a few hours, the treated area will appear dry, but it is best to wait about 7 hours for the primer to dry completely.

Despite so many advantages, Knauf material also has some disadvantages. These include the following:

  • At air temperatures below 40 degrees it loses its properties.
  • If the primer is applied incorrectly, it will not bring a positive result.
  • Dust must not fall on the surface treated with concrete contact.

Concrete contact can be used to treat surfaces only after all “dusty” work has been completed. Finishing work can be done immediately after the primer has dried, so that it does not have time to become covered with dust and does not dry out.

Application methods

Knauf primer can be applied with a roller, brush or spray.

The first option is the most economical, but takes a lot of time. If you need to treat a fairly large area, it is better to use a spray gun, but it is worth remembering that in this case the material consumption will be slightly higher.

Consumption rates for different surfaces

The consumption of primer is influenced not by the origin of the material itself, but by how much moisture it can absorb. Depending on this criterion, the bases can be divided into several main groups.

  1. Porous surfaces. They absorb moisture very well and have a complex structure with a huge number of pores. In order to obtain a high-quality result, it is necessary to use special deep penetration impregnations first. Such surfaces include sand concrete, brick, and concrete. In this case, the primer consumption, provided that it is applied correctly, will be 0.3-0.5 kg per square meter of surface.
  2. Medium porous surfaces. Moisture is absorbed quite slowly and in small quantities. Surfaces include concrete tiles, cement floors, cast-in-place concrete and brick cladding. Material consumption will vary between 0.25-0.35 kg per square meter of base.
  3. Low porosity surfaces. They do not have pores, so they do not absorb moisture. These materials include ceramic tiles, a painted wall, and troweled concrete. The consumption of Knauf primer will be 0.15-0.25 kg per square meter.

These figures are approximate. You can determine the amount of material yourself. To do this, a square meter is marked on the working surface and concrete contact is applied to it. The material is pre-weighed. Then, after treating the base, the residues are weighed. The difference will be the primer consumption per square meter in each individual case.

Is it possible to reduce primer consumption?

In order to make construction work cheaper, they often try to save on primer. You should not do this, because the end result will be a repair that is not of sufficient quality and over time, various types of defects may appear on the surface. If you use less Knauf concrete contact than required, this will lead to poor adhesion and the base will not be strong and reliable enough. In addition, over time, fungus or mold may begin to develop if the humidity level in the room is high enough.

The concrete contact primer from the Knauf company will improve the characteristics of the treated surface and will have a positive effect not only on the quality, but also on the service life of the repairs performed. Therefore, you should not skip this stage, because it plays a very important role.

Dense substrates that do not absorb moisture well Drywall


Ceilings Walls


Consumption 0.2-0.3 kg per 1 sq. m Readiness of the surface for subsequent coating 2-3 hours (at temperatures from +15 to +25°C) Mass fraction of latex by dry residue, not less than 60% Shelf life from the date of manufacture 12 months


It is used for interior finishing work in all types of buildings and structures (A-B), including rooms where a wet disinfection regime is provided, except for surfaces that have direct contact with drinking water and food products. Designed for pre-treatment of dense, poorly absorbent substrates (monolithic concrete, concrete blocks, concrete ceilings) before applying gypsum, gypsum-lime, plasters. As an adhesive primer before laying new ceramic tiles on old ones using tile adhesive (Starateli tile adhesives). As a primer before plastering old tiles with gypsum plaster. For pre-treatment of gypsum boards before facing with ceramic tiles.


The primer has a high viscosity, so it completely fills the pores of the base, almost without penetrating into the surface structure itself

Therefore, it is very important to thoroughly dust off the surface before priming.

Safety precautions for use Surface preparation The base must be dry, hard, free of substances such as dust, dirt, organic contaminants (formwork release agents), and loose elements.

The purpose of the primer is to prepare any surface for further finishing, such as painting. The primer allows you to level the surface, eliminate microcracks, and also improve the adhesion of the base to the decorative material.

Concrete contact is no exception. This primer is used on concrete surfaces, but can also be used on brick or drywall. The use of concrete contact makes it possible to simplify the work with decorative finishing materials, reduce their consumption and increase the durability of the coating.

Consumption of Betonkontakt per 1 m2 depends on the characteristics of the surface on which the primer is used. At the same time, the main role is played not so much by its type (various brands of concrete, brick), but by porosity. It is this factor that affects the intensity of primer absorption, and, accordingly, its consumption.

Traditionally, the following surface options are distinguished:

  • Poreless or low porosity. These include: ceramic tiles, painted walls, rubbed concrete. On such surfaces, the consumption of Concrete Contact per 1 m2 will be minimal: 0.15 – 0.25 kg. The primer is easy to apply in an even layer and, as a rule, does not require additional leveling.
  • Surfaces with medium porosity These are high-grade concrete, monolithic structures, self-leveling cement floors, facing bricks or concrete tiles. Here the consumption will be higher and will be 0.2 - 0.35 kg per square meter.
  • Porous surfaces. This type includes sand concrete, wall bricks and similar materials. Consumption of Betonkontakt per 1 m2 is 0.3 – 0.5 kg, which is explained by the need to fill the pores. It should also be borne in mind that if the surface is highly porous, then it must be treated with special impregnations, otherwise coating with a primer will not lead to the desired results. In addition, the absorption of the primer into the pores leads to an uneven layer, which requires regular trimming.

The best practical way to determine the consumption of Concrete Contact is to test treat a section of the surface. To do this, you can stick masking tape on the wall, forming a meter by meter square. You will need a strictly defined amount of primer, approximately 0.5 - 1 kg (prepared). It is necessary to apply the primer until a smooth, uniform surface is obtained, without drips or gaps.

Once the square is finished, weigh the remaining primer and subtract it from the initial weight. The result is the consumption of Concrete Contact per 1 m2.

Is it possible to reduce material consumption?

Theoretically, yes, but you shouldn’t do it. The cost of Betonkontakt is not so high as to save much. But a lack of primer can lead to a number of negative consequences: cracking of the decorative coating, peeling and deterioration of waterproofing properties.

Thus, the primary task is to ensure high-quality application of the primer, and not to save it.

Primer consumption concrete contact

Consumption directly depends on the type of surface. If the wall absorbs moisture well, then the consumption per 1 m2 will increase significantly. Concrete contact can be used for finishing brick, tiles, drywall and other coatings. To roughly calculate the mixture consumption, you will need to divide the surfaces into three groups: highly porous, with average porosity and without pores.

So brick and concrete belong to the porous group. The primer consumption for such a wall is on average 0.4 kg per 1m2. For finishing with an average porosity, which includes building tiles or monolithic concrete, an average of 0.2 kg of solution per 1 m2 will be required. Finally, non-porous surfaces will require the least mixture. The consumption will be approximately 0.15 kg for 1m2. As you can see, you don’t need a lot of mixture, so it’s quite an economical option.

Thanks to these characteristics, concrete contact has gained wide popularity among both professionals and beginners in the construction business. To learn more about this solution, let's look at a specific brand, Knauf primer.

Concrete contact

The components that make up the concrete contact deep penetration primer (acrylic compounds, cement and sand) make it possible to easily create excellent adhesion on the surface due to the roughness of the structure, similar in appearance and properties to sandpaper.

Using concrete contact primer for walls when carrying out finishing activities, you can combine almost different materials, which makes it possible to create a unique, original design on walls and ceilings. Moreover, according to experts, the material adheres firmly to surfaces for quite a long time. Acrylic Betocontact primer can be applied to almost any surface: concrete pavement, tiles, metal surfaces, wood, brickwork, painted surfaces, etc.

Primer manufacturers

In our company you can get free advice on the choice of finishing materials and buy concrete contact primer in Moscow from both domestic and foreign manufacturers of the following brands:

  • Finishing mixture – Knauf concrete contact primer. Its components include quartz sand, which forms roughness on the surface when processing concrete and other coatings. The consumption of concrete contact primer per 1 m2 is no more than 240-340 g/m2.
  • The primer composition concrete contact ceresite has a density of 1.8 kg/m3 and environmentally friendly properties, used for interior decoration. How much does concrete contact cost? The cost of concrete contact primer is significantly lower than that of Knauf.
  • The prospector primer mixture is used in addition to concrete surfaces, also for application with a roller or brush on gas silicate blocks, without additional processing.
  • Acrylic primer liquid Acrylic primer. This material can be used to process both external and internal surfaces; when using it, you can lay a new layer of ceramic tiles directly on top of the old one. This brand of concrete contact primer has a consumption of 290-310 g/m2.

The basis of any composition of these materials is quartz sand, which differs in structure from different manufacturers; some add needle quartz to increase adhesion.

Primer technical specifications

The use of such a material makes it possible to create roughness on almost different smooth surfaces to increase adhesion. The main advantages of the soil include:

Concrete contact application

  • Accelerated drying process for coated surfaces. After 2-3 hours have passed after coating with the primer mixture, you can safely begin the next work process.
  • Increased moisture resistance. After applying the primer, a film is formed on the treated areas that does not allow moisture to pass through; thanks to these properties, the composition can be used for waterproofing when making cement screed for the floor.
  • The material has a long service life; the manufacturer guarantees that the properties and characteristics of the soil will not change for 80 years.
  • When adding colored preparations, it is possible to visually control the uniformity of primer application to the surface.
  • Simplicity and convenience when covering areas both using mechanical devices and manually.
  • These primer mixtures are safe for the human body and animals.
  • Environmentally friendly, no pungent odor.
  • They are highly resistant to the formation of fungi and mold.

Betonokontakt technical characteristics

This solution has the property of turning a smooth wall surface into a rough one and is classified as a primer. Due to the presence of quartz sand in the composition, concrete contact is capable of connecting almost any coating to the walls. Technical characteristics include:

  • relatively high drying speed on walls. You can continue repairs within two hours after applying the solution;
  • excellent moisture resistance. Concrete contact can be considered a waterproofing finish, because after drying, a waterproof film is formed on the surface of the walls;
  • Due to protection from external damage, it can last for many years, which is a plus. The average lifespan is approximately sixty years;
  • the consumption is not too high and on average you will need 290-390 grams of the mixture to treat one square meter of wall.

Thanks to these technical characteristics, concrete contact has gained wide popularity among both professionals and beginners in the construction business.

Why do you need concrete contact for interior work?

Among all the materials that are used to prepare surfaces for plastering or gluing tiles, concrete contact occupies a special place due to its versatility and unique adhesion - the ability to adhere to a wide variety of surfaces. With the help of this innovative primer, it is possible to carry out such complex connections of completely different materials as wood-glass, metal-tile and many others.

Such mixtures can be used when performing stages of work of any complexity, both during professional construction by experienced workers, and in domestic conditions for beginners during home renovations.

What is concrete contact?

Not everyone knows what it is. The popular concrete contact, the use of which ensures increased adhesion of finishing materials to walls and ceilings, is a special mixture for priming the surface being treated.

This primer is intended for surfaces that do not absorb moisture well.

The composition of concrete contact soil includes the following ingredients:

  1. Portland cement.
  2. Quartz sand.
  3. Polymer filler.
  4. Special additives.

Concrete contact is a polymer-based building mixture that is resistant to alkalis and increases the adhesion of the material to the base.

In online stores you are offered to purchase various brands of high-quality primers at a low cost with delivery or pickup. You can find out the cost of the product and order it on the company’s official website. Products are sold both wholesale and retail. Payment for the services provided is made in any way convenient for you.

When collaborating with our company, you have the opportunity to significantly save money and time while receiving high-quality products.

Prospectors - materials for repair and construction

A well-known domestic manufacturer of building materials offers a wide range of its products, presented in our online store OptoStroy. Today the company offers more than eighty types of products necessary for finishing work. From us you can order Prospectors in Moscow and other regions of the country, without worrying about the quality and originality of the purchased products.

Range of building materials

The company has three main directions:

  • dry mixes;
  • ready-made putties;
  • paint and varnish products.

You can buy putties at OptoStroy; ready-made finishing material will allow you to quickly and efficiently carry out finishing work and prepare the walls for further repairs. The quality of the putty determines the further finishing of the walls and their appearance, so when buying Starateli putty, it means being confident in the quality of the subsequent outer covering of the walls.

Together with the putty, you can buy gypsum plaster prospectors 30 kg price, which will allow you to insulate and level the walls. Also, the company’s production is not limited only to these materials; along with them, the range is presented:

  • primer;
  • ;
  • grouts;
  • waterproofing materials;
  • worms for the production of vermicompost, etc.

If you purchase the Starateli self-leveling floor, it will help you easily level the surface of the room and prepare it for further installation of laminate, tile or other floor covering.

The primer will provide you with high-quality wallpaper. You can also buy Prospector primer in our online catalog with fast delivery to the desired region of the country.

Application instructions

Applying the primer does not require any special professional skills, so you can use it at home without any problems. Traces of the old paint coating are removed from the wall, and the crumbled paint is shaken off with a broom. The resulting depressions are sealed with cement.

The surface to be primed is thoroughly sanded using sandpaper and then degreased. To give the base the greatest strength, a deep penetration acrylic primer is first applied to it and wait until the solution dries.

Having opened the package (the primer is sold in plastic buckets and containers), the first thing you need to do is mix the contents, since quartz sand may settle. Surface treatment is carried out in two ways: with a brush, roller or spatula, or with a special sprayer. The composition is evenly distributed over the surface.

An important condition for using the Knauf concrete contact primer is compliance with the temperature regime. It is highly not recommended to apply the solution to surfaces at temperatures below +5 and above +25 degrees. The next stage of repair cannot be started earlier than after 3 hours. In rooms with high humidity, drying time increases. It is undesirable to delay finishing treatment, as dust particles constantly settle on the ground, which impairs adhesion.

Unlike cheaper primer mixtures, GOST concrete contact Knauf primers fully comply with international quality standards. Experts speak positively about this strengthening solution, noting its fast drying speed, durability and ease of use.

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