Polyurethane impregnation for concrete: TOP 3 popular

  • 1 Purpose
  • 2 Benefits
  • 3 Disadvantages
  • 4 Properties
  • 5 Directions for use
  • 6 Preparation
  • 7 Conclusion

Indoor renovations often require leveling walls and floors. For this, a primer is used, which will strengthen the base and help improve adhesion to the finishing material. Different priming compositions are used for different surfaces. Epoxy concrete floor primer is a polyurethane coating made up of thin layers. It is used in shops for processing meat, fish, refrigerators, at various agricultural facilities - poultry farms, dairy farms, pigsties, polyurethane impregnation is used to extend the life of concrete floors and remove dust from their surface.


For concrete, a one-component polyurethane impregnation Elakor - PU is used, which is applied in a thin layer to the polyurethane layer of the surface. PU impregnation is intended to protect concrete surfaces from dust and serves as waterproofing for coatings in factory workshops, warehouses, garages, car service stations and retail premises.

PU putty is necessary to strengthen and prevent dust on the concrete. Elakor is used in workshops where meat and fish are processed, in refrigerators and agricultural warehouses. Polyurethane primer is used in buildings that are under a canopy; use outdoors is possible only on a coating with a waterproofing layer. Elakor-PU is used on concrete coatings, sand and cement screeds, mosaic concrete, concrete tiles, brick, slate. Elakor-PU soil is intended to strengthen the concrete surface and impart impact strength.

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Application areas of universal polyurethane material

Polyurethane primer is used for premises where loads are expected, for example, entertainment centers or sports complexes.
In which premises is it permitted to apply polyurethane primer "Ekalor-PU":

  • warehouses;
  • production workshops;
  • car services;
  • entertainment centers;
  • food production and freezers;
  • stationary medical buildings;
  • indoor sports complexes and stadiums;
  • railway depots;
  • government agencies;
  • LCD houses.


When applying in cold weather, there must be complete confidence that the concrete does not contain frozen water.
The use of Elakor-PU has mainly some advantages, however, there is one drawback that complicates the process of applying this material. It consists in the possibility of applying a layer of soil only at temperatures above five degrees Celsius. Which makes it impossible to use the primer composition in the cold season during sub-zero temperatures. You can cope with this problem by using heating devices.

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Advantages of polyurethane impregnation for concrete

Domestic and foreign industry produces and sells reinforcing compounds under various names. At the same time, in general, any polyurethane impregnation for concrete has the following technical characteristics and advantages:

  • Increased surface wear resistance by 10 orders of magnitude.
  • Increase in impact strength by 1 order of magnitude.
  • Ensuring zero dust formation and zero moisture permeability.
  • Ability to strengthen the surface layer up to grade M 600. Possibility of using inexpensive concrete grade M 100 and lower, followed by application of polyurethane material.
  • Allows application at ambient temperatures down to minus 20 degrees Celsius.
  • The object is ready for pedestrian movement - 24 hours after applying the last layer, ready for full mechanical load - 72 hours after applying the last layer.
  • Simplicity of application technology. Possibility of application by yourself.
  • Great appearance and guaranteed anti-slip effect.

There are minor restrictions on the conditions of use: the “age” of the concrete or mortar is at least 28 days when gaining strength according to standard conditions (average ambient temperature 20 degrees Celsius) and the humidity of the surface layer of concrete at a depth of 5-6 mm is not more than 5 percent.

Simply put, applying the polymer composition is allowed only after the surface of the structure has completely dried. Otherwise, the product manufacturer does not guarantee the expected result.


This primer composition for concrete pavement has the following properties:

  • providing deep impregnation of the concrete surface;
  • eliminates the coating from possible dust;
  • acts as a sealant;
  • strengthens the concrete composition;
  • has high resistance to wear and shock loads;
  • is resistant to chemical influences;
  • Can be used as decoration;
  • has no difficulties in care.

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Code: 100990057

10, 20, 54, 200
Primer for concrete Elakor

DESCRIPTION: Primer for concrete Elakor-PU is a one-component moisture-curing polyurethane primer. It has high fluidity and effectively penetrates into the pores of concrete (for M300 concrete - by 2-4mm). Primer for concrete polymerizes due to moisture in the air. After polymerization, it forms a hard-elastic polymer with high mechanical properties and high impact strength. Concrete primer is applied to the following surfaces. Concrete and sand-concrete surfaces of grade strength from M100 to M300 Other mineral surfaces: concrete tiles, artificial and natural stone, slate, brick, etc.

PURPOSE: Protection from mechanical and chemical effects of floors, walls, ceilings, products, structures, etc. Priming of surfaces for further application of Elakor-PU coatings, installation of polyurethane floors. Independent economical coating (concrete impregnation) - colorless polyurethane floor. For use indoors, under cover, outdoors (limited). Polyurethane primer for concrete Elakor-PU (in a hardened state) is resistant to constant contact with water, solutions of salts and alkalis up to concentrated ones, solutions of acids with a concentration of up to 10-20%, mineral oils and fats, synthetic, organic, gasoline, diesel fuel and etc.

APPLICATION: — Warehouses (including aggressive substances), hangars, refrigerators, freezers. — Production workshops for almost any industry. — Garages, parking lots, car washes, car services, repair shops. — Trade, exhibition, gyms, residential, public, administrative buildings. — Agricultural facilities: poultry farms, incubators, cowsheds, pigsties, etc. — Reservoirs, technical pools, settling tanks, treatment facilities. — Polyurethane primer for concrete “Elakor-PU” is approved for use (additionally certified). — In housing construction, in children's and medical institutions. — At enterprises of the food and pharmaceutical industries. — At agricultural sites. — At Rosatom enterprises (compliance with GOST R 51102-97).

Flammability group - G1, flammability group - B1.

TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS: viscosity according to VZ-4 at +20°C - no more than 18 sec, mass fraction of non-volatile substances - 48±3%, tensile strength of the dried film - no less than 65 MPa, relative elongation of the dried film at break - no less than 12% .

PROPERTIES: Primer for concrete provides deep impregnation of the surface and high strengthening of concrete (up to M600 and above). Concrete primer provides complete dust removal and complete sealing of concrete (from external influences). High wear resistance and impact strength. High chemical resistance. The operating temperature of surfaces treated with concrete primer is from -60 °C to +120 °C. Good decorative properties and ease of cleaning.

ADVANTAGES: Elakor-PU Primer for concrete, concrete floors can be applied at temperatures from minus 30°C. It is possible to strengthen concrete foundations even of grades M100 and less. Short layer-by-layer drying (3-6 hours) – short work time. After applying primer on concrete: after 1 day - you can walk, after 3 days - full mechanical load. One-component material is a simple technology. Inexpensive equipment.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Basic requirements. The presence of waterproofing of the base (no capillary rise of water) from below. Residual moisture content of the base – no more than 5%. No irremovable oily areas. Preparatory work. Sand the concrete with a mosaic grinder to remove cement laitance, weakened top layer of concrete, and various contaminants. Remove dust with an industrial vacuum cleaner.

APPLICATION: Elakor-PU Primer for concrete is ready for use. The primer on concrete is applied with a medium-wool (nap 12-16 mm) polyamide roller in 2-3 layers, layer-by-layer drying for 4-8 hours, consumption per layer 150-250 g/m? depending on the absorbency of the base. When priming concrete, apply until the wet concrete has a uniform appearance (complete pore closure). When installing a primer on concrete - as an independent colorless polyurethane floor - apply until a uniform shine appears over the entire surface.

STORAGE LIFE: Guaranteed shelf life in manufacturer's containers at temperatures from – 40 °C to +30 °C is 6 months

PACKING: plastic – 5, 10, 30 kg, metal – 5, 10, 20, 50, 200 kg.

Directions for use

Floor after using Elakor.
Before applying putty to the surface, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for using the composition:

  • Stick to the temperature regime. Application of the composition is allowed only at positive temperatures of the air and the base under the soil.
  • Before applying the primer, it is important to ensure that there is a waterproofing layer at the base of the structure.
  • It is not recommended to cover with primer on a wet base; a moisture content of no more than six percent is allowed.
  • Before starting work, you need to clean the work surface from oil stains, remove dust and remove dirt.
  • Apply the composition with a medium-length pile roller in two to three layers, leaving the layers to dry for four to eight hours.
  • Cover the area until a uniform shine is formed.

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Primer requirements

When the question arises of how to prime a concrete floor, usually everyone strives on the spot, that is, in the store, to learn all the subtleties of its selection and application. However, not every seller may be competent in the field of application of compounds. Therefore, it is necessary to determine in advance the conditions in which the primer will be applied, the purpose of the surface and the specifics of further finishing of the floor.

Nuances of choice:

  1. Regardless of the type, purpose and component composition, it is desirable that the primer contains an antiseptic. The floor surface always has a high risk of accumulation of dampness, and the resulting development and growth of mold and fungal formations.
  2. When choosing a primer for an intensively used floor that comes into contact with environmental factors (dirt, water, snow, road salt, gasoline, oils and other aggressive substances), it is better to choose a composition that creates maximum water resistance. Such conditions arise, for example, in a garage, warehouse, or industrial premises.
  3. When choosing a material, you need to remember the compatibility of its composition with subsequent finishing materials applied to it. As a rule, the instructions indicate which finish is preferable to use for a given primer.
  4. When choosing, you cannot proceed solely from what its price is. It is important to take into account popularity, the presence of positive reviews, and the manufacturer itself. It is better to choose products with a high rating, such as, for example, the “Protector Soil” primer.
  5. We must not forget about the possibility of buying counterfeit goods. It is necessary to check the packaging for originality, labeling, production date and expiration date.


The preparation of two-component polyurethane putty involves the ratio of parts. You will need four parts of one component and one part of the other. The ingredients are combined with a drill and a mixer, so that there are no lumps and the full volume of the composition is mixed. During the joining process, one part of the composition is gradually added to four parts of another composition and mixed thoroughly for two minutes. Continuously mix and add sand, after which it is immediately applied to the concrete base. Prepare the composition in small portions, which are applied within half an hour.

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Offers from manufacturers

On the shelves of construction stores you can find the following polyurethane primers:

Manufacturer countryGermany
Packing volume
Approximate consumption100-150 g/m2
Suitable materials for processing
Curing period1-1.5 hours
Additional qualities
  • Increased moisture resistance;
  • Short curing period;
  • Deep penetration
  • 900 g – 1680 rubles;
  • 6000 g – 9440 rubles

Here and below, prices are current for spring 2022.

Uzin PE 414 Turbo primer is devoid of one of the main disadvantages of polyurethane mixtures - slow hardening

Manufacturer countryRussia
Packing volume10000 ml
Approximate consumption100-150 g/m2
Suitable materials for processing
Curing period6-12 hours
Additional qualities
  • Locks humidity up to 3% CM;
  • Significant hardening of the treated surface;
  • Deep penetration
Price8700 rubles

The photo shows Wert Primer SF, a distinctive feature of which is the absence of both solvents and water.

Manufacturer countryGermany
Packing volume
  • 1100 g;
  • 3000 g;
  • 5000 g;
  • 11000 g
Approximate consumption150-200 g/m2
Suitable materials for processing
  • Concrete;
  • Cement;
  • Tree;
  • Gypsum
Curing period12-24 hours
Additional qualitiesSurface vapor barrier
  • 1100 g – 1620 rubles;
  • 3000 g – 4170 rubles;
  • 5000 g – 6150 rubles;
  • 11000 g – 12550 rubles

Ibola UP is best suited in cases where effective vapor barrier of walls is required

Manufacturer countryFinland
Packing volume6000 g
Approximate consumption150-200 g/m2
Suitable materials for processing
  • Concrete;
  • Cement;
  • Tree;
  • Gypsum
Curing period12-24 hours
Additional qualitiesVapor barrier for wet screed
Price5700 rubles

Kiilto PU 1000 ECO primer, unlike most other polyurethane mixtures, requires particularly careful preparation of the surface to be treated

Manufacturer countryItaly
Packing volume10000 g
Approximate consumption200-400 g/m2
Suitable materials for processing
Curing period6-8 hours
Additional qualities
  • Locks humidity up to 3% CM;
  • Significant hardening of the treated surface;
  • Deep penetration
Price7460 rubles

Icar Primer PU has excellent performance characteristics, but at the same time has a fairly high consumption

Consumption per 1 m2

Material consumption depends on the condition of the surface being treated, its composition and porosity. On average, it takes about 300-500 grams of mixture per square meter to complete the first layer, and about 200 grams per square meter for the second.


Two-component polyurethane putty plays an important role in increasing the service life of the concrete base. It eliminates dust and serves as a waterproofing protection. Due to the advantages of this primer composition, the popularity of the product is increasing.

However, in order to achieve the high quality characteristics inherent in the Elakor primer, it is important to adhere to the requirements for its application, then the concrete coating will last for decades and retain all its strength qualities.

Selecting the right composition

Although the primer is a universal composition that is suitable for almost any substrate, the following factors should be taken into account when choosing:

  • It is important where the surface to be treated is located (indoors or outdoors). Operating temperature and moisture level are of great importance. If the base will be subject to loads, it is better to use a two-component primer.
  • You need to understand what the primed surface consists of. What is suitable for MDF boards may not be suitable for metal at all.
  • Toxicity indicators. For residential premises, it is better to use polyurethane solutions that contain acrylic. They are ideal for wood and concrete surfaces.

Primer for concrete floors: application technology and coating preparation

If you decide to repair self-leveling concrete floors or plan to make a 3d epoxy floor, then you should first think about its protection. At the initial stage, it must be well primed, this will protect it from premature destruction, increase strength and wear.

Before applying polyurethane primer, it is important to prepare the floor:

  • It is recommended to clean the surface from dust and dirt;
  • Check the base to ensure there are no oil stains on it. If they are detected, then in this case the application of special solvents will be required;
  • If cracks are detected, they must be repaired with putty;
  • Looseness and unevenness need to be cleaned out.

Application of polyurethane primer is quite simple. The one-component material does not require preparation; it can be immediately applied to the base using a brush or roller. But a mixture of two components must first be prepared in accordance with the instructions. It is recommended to apply both types in several layers, each layer is applied after the previous one has dried.

Polyurethane primer for concrete is an excellent option for surface treatment. This material can perfectly prepare them for subsequent finishing. After them, you can safely apply floor enamel, glue wallpaper, sheathe with wood and other finishing materials. The main thing is to first consider their important features, types and rules of use.


The application of a polyurethane substance does not differ from the technique of applying other primers. But you need to take into account that polyurethane primer is not intended for use with a spray gun. Concrete walls and wooden bases can be primed using rollers, which can have different sizes. With them, a large surface is painted quickly and easily.

Brushes will help where rollers are not so effective, for example, in hard-to-reach areas. They can be used to tint, but over a large area they are useless.

It is permissible to apply primer to an unprepared surface. But it’s better to prepare the foundation well:

  • clean off old finishes, remove dust;
  • Rinse;
  • dry;
  • large cracks should be filled with putty; small cracks will be filled with primer.

After this, you can apply the solution. It is distributed evenly using a roller. After the first layer has dried (about 5 hours), you can apply the second. The polyurethane primer is applied vertically in the first layer, horizontally in the second, since this way the mixture will be better absorbed into the base. Two applications are enough, after which you can begin decorative finishing.

Features of concrete primer for exterior use

The selection of polyurethane primers for exterior work should be done responsibly. They have a lot of requirements that can affect the quality and durability of surface finishes.

Polyurethane primers for exterior finishing must meet the following requirements:

  • They must have increased resistance to atmospheric influences. The material must easily withstand precipitation, rain, snow, and withstand sudden temperature changes and freezing;
  • The composition must contain antiseptic components. They will protect against mold and fungal formations;
  • If metal elements are provided, then for processing it is recommended to use primer mixtures with the addition of rust inhibitors and antioxidants;
  • The composition of polyurethane primer for external work should be dominated by adhesive and film-forming components. This will reliably strengthen the base.

Security measures

When working, use gas respirators of grade A or gas masks. Use hose gas masks in closed containers.

Attention! Uncured Elakor is a fire hazard.

In areas where the composition is stored and used, the use of open fire and other ignition sources is prohibited. When opening metal containers, it is not allowed to use a tool that produces a spark upon impact.

Fire extinguishing agents: sand, felt, finely sprayed water, chemical foam.

Primer for aerated concrete - what are its differences?

Aerated concrete or foam concrete is a building material that has a cellular structure. Despite the fact that it has high strength and a long service life, some problems may arise when working with it. It has an increased rate of moisture absorption, or rather, aerated concrete absorbs liquid.

For this reason, aerated concrete must be primed, this can protect it from moisture penetration. The polyurethane composition will quickly fill and clog large pores. As a result, a protective film with good water-repellent properties is formed on the surface of the material.

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