The main advantages of sand concrete M300 Standard and proper work with it

Sand concrete M300 Stone flower is an alternative to cement-sand mortar M300, which is used for pouring screeds, carrying out repair operations, producing decorative products, and in some cases for constructing foundation structures. The mixture is produced by the company Tsemtorg, which offers its products packaged in paper bags of 25 kg, 40 and 50. It should be noted that the stone flower in its composition and characteristics does not differ from such a material as Axton sand concrete brand M300.


Water consumption per 1 kg of mixture0.14-0.16 l
Layer thickness30 – 200 mm
Permissible temperature for work+5 +30°C
Usability time at + 22°C and 60% humidity180 hours
Consumption at a layer thickness of 1 mm2.2 kg/m2
Density2 kg/m3
Sand grain size0.1 – 5 mm
Delaminationno more than 5%
Storage duration6 months
Hardening time24 hours
Frost resistance50 cycles
Compressive strength30 MPa
Adhesion4 kg/cm2

The composition of sand concrete m300 “Etalon” consists of different fractions of sand, additives, plasticizers and low-aluminate white Portland cement, which is the main binder. Thanks to the correctly selected consistency, this building mixture is universal.

Reviews from experts

DAUER sand concrete is very popular among builders. Reviews will help you make the right choice.

Alexey, 36 years old. I first encountered sand concrete during the renovation of a Khrushchev-era toilet. I wanted to putty and paint the walls and lay tiles on the floors. The first stage required removing the old wooden floor. Only after this did I move on to making screeds. I bought the substance for the first time as a sample. Before this, I had never trusted such compounds. I filled the floor with solution immediately after installing the beacons. The result was a perfectly flat and smooth surface. No cracks appeared, although many reviews on the Internet talk about this. Before laying the tiles, the surface had to be additionally primed. I recommend the material, because the floor has been in use for two years and there are no problems with it.

Gennady, 54 years old. I’ll tell you my story of getting to know sand concrete. I had to come across the material during renovation work at the customer’s country house. Despite my extensive experience in construction, I had never heard of sand concrete before.

The material was planned to be used in an outbuilding - to fill the floor of a barn. I also used sand concrete to lay the foundation. Advantages of the process: convenience and ease of use, the material dries quickly, durable coating. The material fully met expectations and even exceeded them somewhat. I recommend it to all colleagues who want to get fast and high-quality coverage.

Instructions for use

Knowing the characteristics of the etalonstroy building mixture, you can understand whether it is suitable for specific types of work. If you choose this sand concrete, you need to know how to use it and what to follow during the work process.

First you need to prepare the surface of the floors, clean them of dirt and be sure to dry them. When there are cracks and deformations on the surface, they need to be eliminated. Before pouring, be sure to wet the surface to be poured.

Then you can start stirring the solution and pouring the surface to be treated.

It is very simple to prepare the solution. The basic instructions for using the standard are on the bags, so this should not be difficult. You need to pour the dry mixture into a concrete mixer or mixing container with a mixer, then simply pour in the required amount of water and mix the mixture until a homogeneous, plastic consistency is obtained. Water consumption according to the standard is 1.6-2.0 liters per 10 kg of sand concrete.

You need to work with the prepared solution within 2 hours after mixing. After pouring sand concrete, after 48 hours you can check the strength of the poured surface, but it can be finally measured after one month. In the process of gaining strength of sand concrete, it is necessary to comply with the required ambient temperature conditions. If the air is cold, this process will take longer.

The hardening period and duration of strength gain of sand concrete M300 Standard depends on the air temperature.


Vladislav, Krasnodar : I purchased the M300 Stone Flower for the first time when I was building a garage on the site. I used the material to fill the floor. Everything turned out perfect. There are no cracks, the shrinkage was minimal when compared with a conventional mixture of sand and cement. A year later, I again purchased several bags to fill the path. By the way, I didn’t fill it, I made molds and filled the tiles. Perfect again. So I recommend it.

Irina and Vladimir, Tula : We purchased a new apartment without renovation in installments. We tried to save money on purchasing finishing materials. The foreman who led the team recommended buying a sand-concrete mixture Stone Flower brand M300 to fill the screed. He said that he has been using it for several years, and there have been no complaints from customers yet. We decided to take the advice and were pleased with the end result. Moreover, we saved a little.

Grisha, Novosibirsk : Before buying something, I always look at reviews about the product. When I decided to renovate my one-room apartment, I read a lot of positive reviews about the Stone Flower sand concrete. I was attracted by the fact that the material is inexpensive, but with decent characteristics. I compared several brands and chose the M300 as ideal for carrying out repair work. There were no problems with use. So the reviews turned out to be true.

Stepan Georgievich, Smolensk : My son and I decided to pour concrete floors at the dacha, removing the wooden flooring. Unfortunately, we made a mistake with the calculations for the consumption of the dry mixture. It turned out much smaller. Therefore, I had to go buy more building materials. The store advised not to buy an expensive brand and suggested Stone Flower. It turned out it was the same sand concrete only cheaper. For example, compared to Master Hertz, the difference was 30 rubles, which is a decent saving for our volume. It’s a pity that we didn’t come across this material right away.

Consumption per 1 m2

Sand concrete standard m300 40 kg is intended for indoor and outdoor use. The poured layer can be up to 200 mm. The minimum layer is 30 mm. Sand concrete consumption standard m300 per 1m2 - 2.2 kg/m? with a layer thickness of 1 mm. For a cubic meter of mortar you need 5.5 bags of building mixture. Therefore, we calculate the costs of sand concrete as follows: we multiply 2.2 kg of the mixture by the number of square meters, multiply by the thickness of the layer in millimeters and divide the resulting figure by 40 kg (the weight of one bag). In this case, about 6 liters of water are spent per bag of dry mixture.

“Stone Flower” sand concrete grade M300

The Russian construction industry successfully produces a lot of building mixtures and binding solutions that are in demand among consumers. Among them, the most prominent, judging by the positive reviews, is “Stone Flower” sand concrete. This is a dry mixture of fractional mineral of medium size up to 3 mm, and Portland cement, grades PTs 400 D0, PTs 500 D0. The use of compounds of this brand is carried out in any direction - from foundation construction to plastering and finishing work.

Characteristics of sand concrete

Progressive production of mixtures presupposes the presence of high technological qualities that improve the final result. “Stone Flower” is a young product that has advantages in terms of construction. These include:

  • Low mixture consumption per m² – up to 18 kg.
  • Rapid hardening within 24 hours and improved strength after 28 days.
  • Withstand load up to 300 kg/cm².
  • High adhesion to surfaces.
  • Frost resistance.
  • Non-shrinkability.

The use of the dry mixture is possible both in domestic and industrial conditions. There are practically no disadvantages to this composition, if you exclude a large percentage of fakes.

More information about properties and recommended measures in construction processes:

1. The thickness of the elastic layer should be from 10 to 100 mm for plastering and screeding the floor, respectively. More monolithic work will require an increase in the consumption of m300 sand concrete. In order for adhesion to occur faster, the base is first prepared - cleaned and primed. To fill the foundation, sand and gravel pads are required, together at least 30 cm high.

2. The area can be used within two days, and if a heated floor system was used, a month after concreting. Domestic loads will not threaten the surface, since the strength of the fill exceeds the previously established GOST and TU values.

3. The frost resistance of the mixtures allows them to be used in unheated premises of industrial enterprises - workshops, garages, car washes and others.

4. Non-shrinkability allows you to work without constant mixing of the composition, which significantly reduces time.

It is recommended to knead and use the dry mixture of Stone Flower within two hours after combining with water, so it is worth operating in small portions if work is carried out over large areas, in order to avoid waste.

In order to correctly apply this composition, you should evaluate the upcoming work, determine the required amount of material and reinforcement.
For example, pouring the floor of a standard room of 18 m² will require - Stone flower sand concrete 50 kg - 6.5 bags and 65 liters of cold clean water. The recipe does not take into account the reinforcement and the original condition of the foundation. Methods for using bulk material are different, but it is best to produce a prepared plastic substance, distributing it evenly over the entire surface and compacting it by vibration or bayonet. Cost of sand concrete

Considering the large number of counterfeits of the composition, the mixture should be purchased from reputable sales offices or factory networks. The price of sand concrete m300 Stone Flower cannot be lower than the cost of the data given in the table for Moscow for packaging options with the composition:

Sand concrete, kg. Packaging paper bags Cost, rubles

With the help of the websites of construction companies and industries, there is always the opportunity to buy a Stone flower with delivery throughout the city and region. The price for the service is agreed upon in advance. It is important to verify the quality of the goods using their certificates and invoices. They must be provided upon transfer by the retail chain's forwarder or consultant.

Reviews for sand concrete

“I am an experienced foreman. In my work I tried a lot of compositions. About the Stone Flower, I can say that its quality is not inferior to European options. I also had to use it for pouring foundations and screeding apartment floors. It is ideally suited for laying and shaping paving slabs. By adding color, you can get an individual result. The speed of hardening allows us to begin other work immediately, which is important for our team.”

Yuri Nosov, Samara.

“We bought a Stone Flower for apartment work, and to be honest, we’re not happy with it - the surface is cracked, it’s good that the “warm floor” hasn’t been installed yet, otherwise we would have had to work with a chipper - it’s sticking tightly. We corrected the situation in this way - we made a liquid solution and filled in the defects. It turned out well, but the purchase left a residue. Although the technology was followed.”

Marina Osipova, Bryansk.

“I bought the construction mixture sand concrete m-300 when I was raising a house from scratch - from the foundation to the blind area of ​​the well. We have been living here for almost 3 years and there is not even a hint of damage anywhere. This is what Russian production means. Now I’m building a garage for two places, and I will definitely use this composition, since I want to make a small sink there, and judging by the concrete path and the base of the house, moisture does not threaten such a coating in any way.”

Oleg, Ufa.

“Sand concrete of this brand is worthy of praise, but I will tell you about the nuances. Firstly, if one person is working, then you should not immediately take a large amount of the mixture. It’s better to make a m² in two hours rather than layer it later. Secondly, the base must first be prepared and then concreting can begin. I used a vacuum cleaner for cleaning. And lastly, only professionals can afford to pour the mixture dry and then pour it with water. Good luck!".

Andrey, Moscow region.

“The team that did the renovations in the apartment left behind a piece of sand concrete from the Stone Flower brand. My wife asked me to make a path to the dacha. They were so pleased with the result that they later bought more to finish the flower beds. Now the site is the envy of everyone - the borders are perfectly whitened and always look well-groomed. Neighbors are asking us to make a shaped fence for them too. This is a good opportunity to make money."

Sergey Anatolyevich, Ekaterinburg.

Sand concrete Rusean M300

The use of dry building mixtures in construction now comes as no surprise to anyone. This method is gaining more and more popularity. If we talk about low-rise buildings and the construction of private houses, then M300 brand mixtures are often used for this purpose. The composition of these mixtures is quite simple. They consist of:

  • Portland cement;
  • granite chips, mineral powder and other additives;
  • coarse sand.

This is exactly what Rusean M300 sand concrete is. The advantages of the composition are that it is universal and is used for completely different purposes. Here are a few areas where this composition successfully fulfills its tasks:

  1. Construction of a load-bearing, durable and wear-resistant floor that is subject to heavy mechanical load. This is observed in garages.
  2. For foundation and installation construction work.
  3. For fixing blocks and slabs.
  4. For organizing blind areas and castings.
  5. As a binder in brickwork.

  6. For concreting a flight of stairs.
  7. Creation of paving stones and paving slabs.

This proves that M300 Rusean sand concrete is a sought-after product that is used in different ways. If you need to carry out restoration, repair, finishing or construction work, then Rusean will help. With its help, you can even lay tiles, level the base from a variety of materials, such as cellular concrete, gypsum, brick, stone, gypsum fiber, reinforced concrete, etc.

A special feature of Rusean sand concrete is that it is an environmentally friendly product that will not affect the health of residents in any way. That is why you can work with the material in rooms for a variety of purposes. What other advantages does Rusean sand concrete have?

  1. It has high strength because Portland cement is used in the composition.
  2. Due to the presence of sand in the composition, the mixture has optimal viscosity.
  3. High wear resistance and resistance to aggressive substances and corrosion, as the composition contains synthetic additives.
  4. Excellent level of density.
  5. After use, Rusean M300 dries quite quickly.
  6. Excellent frost resistance.
  7. Easy to use.
  8. The mixture hardens lower than other solutions. This indicator is around 24 hours.

Thanks to these advantages, sand concrete M300 Rusean has won many consumers and differs from other competitors.

Reviews of Rusean sand concrete

To understand how high-quality a product is, you should not just pay attention to the data from the manufacturer. It often happens that in practice everything is not as rosy as the manufacturer claims. It is important to consider reviews from people who have already tried the product and have opinions about it. What can you say about Rusean M300 sand concrete? Here are reviews from some users.

Victor Sergeevich, 50 years old: “Friends advised me to use Rusean M300 sand concrete. After studying its properties and characteristics on the Internet, I decided to use it in repair work. I bought a lot of raw materials, because I decided to carry out all types of work from sand concrete. In practice, it turned out that all the data is reliable, the mixture is excellent, it’s easy to work with and the quality is at the highest level. True, I didn’t calculate the amount of dry mixture; I had to buy extra. Otherwise, everything is just great! Now I myself recommend the Rusean M300 to others. By the way, for large-scale work it is better to buy 50 kg bags.”

Anatoly, 42 years old: “As a builder, I have already tried many different building materials, so I can already compare them and give some characteristics. My team and I have to work year-round. Recently we used Rusean M300 sand concrete, which, as it turned out, is quite practical. The composition hardens well, is easy to apply, has an acceptable cost along with low consumption. Compared to expensive analogues, this is a worthy option at an affordable price.”

Oleg, 29 years old: “In the construction business, I can say that I am bamboo. I have no experience in using various building mixtures. When I decided to do this, due to the need for repairs, the consultants advised me to purchase Rusean sand concrete. The preparation process and further work were easy to carry out. The good news is that the Internet is full of information on how to do the job. I have nothing to compare with, but I was pleased with the use of Rusean M300 sand concrete.”

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