How many buckets of cement in a bag (20, 25, 40 and 50 kg): calculation tricks

A real specialist in finishing and construction, even if you wake him up at night, will immediately answer the question: “How many buckets are in a 50 kg bag of cement?” Find out some simple tips that will help you solve this problem using simple arithmetic calculations.

Novice builders can quickly find the composition of a concrete mixture by googling it on the Internet, but the problem of quickly measuring the required amount of material will confuse many.

Why do they count cement as buckets?

In order for construction to proceed at full speed, the required amount of binder must always be at hand. Purchasing materials in advance will lead to cost overruns and problems with storage and loading and unloading. For sale, cement is supplied in bags (kraft paper, plastic) containing 25 or 50 kg. There are also packaging sizes from 20 to 45 kg. It is clear that you can work with such weights “without tearing your navel.”


  • How much crushed stone in 1 cubic. m of concrete
  • Cement storage silo

The weight is indicated on the package in kilograms. At the same time, the formulations of concrete solutions are most often based on volumetric units - either in buckets or in liters. At a construction site, a shovel and a bucket are always at hand, but finding scales is a problem.

The remaining “ingredients” of concrete mixtures (water, crushed stone, sand, plasticizer additives) are also measured using a bucket (“bucket meter”). For example, one of the popular (folk) concrete compositions contains:

  • Cement - 1 part;
  • Sand - 3 parts;
  • Crushed stone - 5 parts;
  • Water - from 0.5 parts to the desired consistency.

Why do you buy cement?

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