Do-it-yourself formwork for concrete stairs - types and features

All work on the construction of any concrete staircase is carried out exclusively during the construction of the building. If for some reason this could not be done, then after completing the construction and finishing work, only a wooden or metal staircase can be built.

Formwork is a box through which the configuration of the staircase is set. It is filled with concrete mortar, after hardening, the formwork is removed. The formwork for a concrete staircase must be strong and withstand the heavy weight of the cement-sand mixture, so the choice of material for its manufacture must be approached very carefully. Otherwise, the box will collapse and all your work will go down the drain. The two most commonly used materials are wood or metal.

If you have chosen wood, then later, after stripping, you will be able to use the removed boards for construction or any other purposes.

Advice! When constructing wooden formwork, you should correctly calculate the thickness of the boards used and think about how you will fasten them together.

A metal box will cost much more, but metal prefabricated panels can be used repeatedly. Metal formwork is often erected by large construction companies.

Sometimes the formwork for a concrete staircase can be made in a combined way: the frame is made of metal, and the side parts are made of sheet material (moisture-resistant plywood, OSB, laminated chipboard).

Therefore, in the construction of private houses, boards and moisture-resistant plywood are most often used for formwork, that is, in fact, the form for pouring concrete is a wooden box. For construction you need:

Type of stairs and formwork

When constructing multi-storey buildings, monolithic staircases are most often constructed. All other options (for example, wooden ones) are relevant only in low-rise private houses.

Monolithic structures are universal; the construction of a staircase of this type is possible at the entrance, for descending to basements and inside buildings. The advantages of the technology include:

  • strength and durability of structures;
  • excellent performance characteristics. In particular, a monolithic structure, unlike a wooden one, will never creak;
  • it is possible to implement a variety of design solutions and use a variety of finishing materials;
  • Fire safety.

The disadvantages include the rather large weight, which creates additional load on the floors. In addition, the process of creating formwork for stairs is labor-intensive, as well as the need to perform “wet” work, which is required by the construction of monolithic structures.

Let's figure out what types of formwork there are for concrete stairs. Depending on the spatial position, two types are distinguished:

  • marching;
  • screw.

Formwork for staircases

Most often, flight stairs are built in multi-storey buildings. They consist of separate marches separated by platforms. In this case, marches can take different forms:

  • in the form of the letter “P”;
  • in the form of the letter “G”;
  • curved, etc.

Depending on the number of marches, one-, two- and multi-march options are distinguished. There are several types of staircase formwork:

Formwork for spiral staircase

The difference between this option is that the steps are located around a support installed vertically. In this case, this may be an option with steps arranged in a circle, but there are also designs with a square arrangement.

The complexity of constructing the formwork of a spiral staircase lies in the fact that it is necessary to create forms separately for each step, since their sizes are not the same. Each shape is then attached to a vertical support, creating the overall shape.

Advice! If a spiral or marching staircase is adjacent to a wall on one side, then the reinforcement frame of the steps must be linked to the reinforcement frame of the walls. For this purpose, during the construction of the wall, special reinforcement outlets are provided.

  • high strength;
  • durability;
  • immunity to climatic influences;
  • solid appearance.

Types of staircase structures

Stairs are classified according to their design features. Two types are common:

  • A flight of stairs, which is a sequential set of steps, one end of which is on the first floor, the second on the next. Its area depends on the angle of inclination, and the steeper the ascent and descent, the higher each step. Complex structures have several flights separated by platforms. Typically, marches are directed at an angle of 180° to each other, which saves space.
  • A spiral staircase is a structurally complex architectural element. Each step is at an angle to the previous one, allowing you to create complex structures that are reliable and safe, saving usable space inside the house or taking up a minimum of space on your garden plot. Its manufacture requires certain skills and special formwork.

There is an option that includes both main structural elements, called a winder turning staircase. It is made in the form of marches with smooth turns of steps. This allows you to rotate the staircase structure at any angle - 45°, 90° or in the opposite direction.

Advantages and disadvantages

Concrete stairs have a number of advantages that are not available to other structures:

  • high strength;
  • durability;
  • immunity to climatic influences;
  • solid appearance.
  • heavy weight - the foundation of the house and the floors must be designed for additional load;
  • operation of the ladder is possible only after the solution has completely dried;
  • the need for cladding.

Making concrete stairs yourself is labor-intensive and requires certain skills.

We begin assembling the device. To do this, you need to use self-tapping screws; it is not recommended to use nails, as difficulties will arise when removing them from the beams.

Safety requirements for a turning staircase with winder steps

Do not forget that walking on wooden stairs should be as safe as possible, since both adults and children can move along them. Therefore, the following recommendations are urgent:

  1. the number of steps in one flight of stairs must be at least 3 and it is desirable that their total number be odd - it is psychologically more convenient to start and finish the ascent from the same foot;
  2. the height of the fence must exceed the level of the person’s center of gravity; on average, this parameter ranges from 90 to 120 cm;
  3. The structure must be fastened directly to the load-bearing elements of the floor.

Formwork for spiral staircase

A spiral staircase is the most complex and time-consuming formwork to manufacture. The technological process is complicated by the fact that each structural element must be made separately.

Let's try to understand the main points of creating formwork for a spiral staircase.

We will need sheets of plywood to lay and form the trapezoid. And curved surfaces can be formed with bars or pieces of thick plywood.

  1. We make racks from beams with a section of 100 by 100 mm, in the interval of 40-60 cm.
  2. We fix the fastening well with additional logs so that the weight of the formwork and reinforcement falls on the support structure, in order to avoid unevenness and the formation of air pockets.
  3. It is important to consider: 3 m of timber 100 by 100 mm can support a weight of 150 kg.
  4. Knowing this, we calculate the number of supports needed. To strengthen the structure, you can also install cross bars.

So, the formwork for the concrete spiral staircase is securely strengthened, fixed and checked. If the staircase has railings, then before pouring concrete, special plates can be installed on the fasteners, from which the side walls will subsequently be formed.

Thanks to the variety of facing materials, they can not only be practical, but also perform a decorative function in the interior. Next we will look at how formwork for stairs is made and how to install it yourself.

Briefly about the main thing

When the small area of ​​the room does not allow installing a straight flight of stairs at the required angle, then a more compact design can be used. A staircase with winder steps will fit perfectly into any interior and perform the functions of a lift no worse than other structures. And most importantly, it will save space and provide a comfortable lifting angle.

But in order not to spoil the design of the room, you need to choose a decent model. After all, the same staircase can look completely different. This also applies to materials that will be involved in construction and design solutions. But the most important thing when choosing such a complex structure is competent calculations. They are either performed independently or entrusted with the work to specialists.

Materials and tools

The formwork is a frame supported by supports into which the concrete solution will then be poured. It can be either removable or non-removable. To make the formwork, a 3 cm thick edged board is used. You can also use waterproof plywood. Sometimes tin sheets are used. The use of this material greatly complicates the installation of formwork. Therefore, the board is the optimal material in terms of characteristics.


The boards are chosen taking into account the fact that their width must correspond to the width of the step.

The advantage of using boards when installing formwork is that they are easier to dismantle when the solution hardens. It is worth considering that if they are planned to be reused after dismantling, it is necessary to apply a waterproofing layer. For this purpose, roofing felt is used; plywood can be protected by applying alkyd varnish. Such measures will prevent deformation of the material.

Self-tapping screws are used to fasten the formwork. Nails are more difficult to remove during dismantling, and in the worst case, hammer blows can damage the structure. You can connect the frame elements using wooden blocks or metal corners. Before you start pouring the steps, an oblong board is attached to the descent of the stairs, which prevents the material from sagging under the weight of the concrete.

You can build the formwork yourself. You will need to prepare the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • level and plumb.
  1. Boards with a width equal to the height of the steps. The first is the longest, the second is shorter by the width of one step, and so on. They should be fastened together crosswise with beams, and the beam should face the outer side of the formwork, as well as the sharp ends of the self-tapping screws.
  2. Sheets. Transfer the design of the steps from the template onto the surface of the OSB board or plywood and cut it out with a jigsaw.

Instructions for installing formwork on an uneven area

When installing formwork in areas with a slope or difficult terrain, it is worth taking a more responsible approach to design work

It is important to understand that the operational load on the foundation, which will be poured into the formwork, will be uneven. In addition, on an elevation it will be lower than on a slope

To install formwork on a slope, a trench must be prepared. It is recommended to start excavation work from the bottom mark, moving upward. The trench is leveled, debris is removed from it, and only after that the installation of formwork begins.

On slopes, panel formwork is more often used; preference is given to elements made of boards rather than plywood or polystyrene. There should be no gaps between the boards on the boards. It is better to use edged material from coniferous trees.

The height of the ledge at the bottom of the trench cannot exceed 30 cm. If the project or terrain or soil features require the installation of reinforcement in the foundation, then its level should be at least 40 cm below the highest point of the formwork. Where the concrete base of the building will be the highest, it is possible to install two or more rows of reinforcement.

Installation of formwork is one of the most important stages in the construction of any type of building.

It is important to understand this and approach each stage of its creation as responsibly as possible, including the choice of materials for it. Even if a fence or country toilet is being built, it is necessary to follow the formwork installation technology

What is formwork made of?

After drying, the outer part is dismantled, only some elements remain in the thickness of the concrete. The main task is to define the shape, hold the solution and ensure uniform drying. Manufacturing will require durable, moisture-resistant products that are not subject to deformation and can withstand heavy weight.

An important part is the reinforcing frame made of welded or wired metal rods; it strengthens the system and increases the load-bearing capacity.

The reinforcement of the flight of stairs is made of ribbed rods with a diameter of 12 mm; for the porch it is permissible to use a smaller size or metal mesh. You will also need fasteners: self-tapping screws for wooden parts and dowels for concrete to fix the frame to the wall or floor.

To do the work yourself you need the following tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • circular saw or other tool for cutting wood;
  • jigsaw;
  • building level;
  • rule;
  • welding machine (for assembling reinforcing rods).

You may also need film, roofing felt or hydrophobic compounds such as varnish, machine oil or paint to seal the elements. This protection allows you to easily separate the frame from the concrete after drying and not draw moisture out of the fresh solution.

Porch formwork assembly technology

Most often, this structure is filled with sand and concrete to the base. There are few steps on it: from 2 to 10, depending on the height of the entrance group.

There are no strict size restrictions, only the recommended ones have been developed:

  • slope - from 24 to 33 degrees (the less, the safer, but too flat is inconvenient and takes up a lot of space);
  • step width - 26-30 cm;
  • height - from 15 to 20 cm.

Installation should begin with measurements and development of a step layout. You need to rely on the height of the future porch and the free space at the entrance. It is necessary to prepare a site of appropriate size. First, a shallow pit is dug; digging into the soil has a good effect on stability and strength during seasonal soil movement. A 10 cm layer of crushed stone is placed on the bottom, then 10 cm of sand, spilled with water and compacted.

To make formwork for the porch, boards or thick plywood, OSB are suitable, start with assembling the sidewalls. Depending on the material chosen, the technology will differ:

  1. Boards with a width equal to the height of the steps. The first is the longest, the second is shorter by the width of one step, and so on. They should be fastened together crosswise with beams, and the beam should face the outer side of the formwork, as well as the sharp ends of the self-tapping screws.
  2. Sheets. Transfer the design of the steps from the template onto the surface of the OSB board or plywood and cut it out with a jigsaw.

For a free-standing staircase you need two sidewalls, for one adjacent to the wall - one. Sometimes they are not required at all, for example, when concreting a porch between blind fences.

The sides are secured in place of the future porch using spacers or metal stakes driven into the ground. If possible, fixed to the wall. It is very important to securely attach the base, since the flimsy structure will fall apart under the pressure of the mixture.

Next, transverse boards are installed, equal in height to the riser, and fixed with self-tapping screws on the horizontal ends of the sidewalls. To strengthen the frame, one transverse beam is nailed under the wide staircase in the center of the boards. The finished formwork should be treated from the inside or glued with film to avoid loss of moisture from the concrete and the mixture itself through the cracks.

For a porch with 2 and 3 slopes, boxes are made instead of sidewalls, each of which on 2 and 3 sides is smaller than the previous one by the width of one step. The installation of formwork and the filling of the steps of a staircase of this type is carried out in stages: the largest box is installed in the foundation pit, reinforced, filled with a cement-sand mixture, after the solution has dried, a second one is installed and then according to a similar scheme.

The porch will not be strong enough without metal reinforcement. Its absence leads to the appearance of cracks and mechanical damage. The rods should connect the steps together. The main ones are driven into the ground or installed on special clamps for reinforcement, the transverse ones are welded or secured with flexible wire. A mesh is also suitable; you need to weld a frame from it in the shape of steps. Next, the concrete porch is filled with mortar, generally leveling the outer part of the mixture.

Guide to assembling formwork for a monolithic flight of stairs

The difference is that its lower part “hangs in the air,” so installation is performed using a different technology. For the same reason, more attention should be paid to reinforcement, since safety and strength come to the fore.

Most often it is located indoors; it is necessary to prepare reliable supports at the base and at the top; it is better to make a screed. Often the space for placing the structure is limited, so a slope slightly greater than for a porch is acceptable, but it is important that it is safe enough for all residents of the house. Or fill two flights with an intermediate platform.

Assembling formwork for a single-flight staircase

The most important part is the bottom or deck; it bears the main load. It is made from OSB board with a thickness of at least 15 mm and is installed on vertical load-bearing beams attached to the floor and wall and interconnected by boards.

The deck can also be made using another technology: install long beams 100x100 mm at an angle from the lower floor to the upper one, make a sheathing from boards and lay a slab on top. It is best to install more additional supports, since the weight of the cement mortar is impressive. It is more convenient to cut the sidewalls according to a template from sheets, and the finished structure is sealed.

Reinforcement of concrete steps

To make the thin steps strong and safe, rods are mounted inside the frame. It is better not to save on this material, but to choose products of large diameter and not replace them with mesh. The most reliable way to attach them is welding. The longer the elements, the stronger the ladder will be. Horizontal guide rods are installed in the holes in the sidewalls in increments of 20 cm. Vertical reinforcement is attached at the same distance.

The steps are carried out according to the same instructions as for the porch. A part equal to the width of the stairs is cut from the board and attached to the vertical ends of the sidewalls. If necessary, reinforce with bars in the center, connecting all transverse parts. Next, the concrete steps are filled with mortar and left to harden. The frame is removed only when the design strength reaches at least 70%.

Recommendations for assembling formwork yourself

To ensure that the steps turn out to be of high quality the first time, when working, use the following guidelines from professionals:

Installation is the longest and most difficult stage of building a porch or staircase. The quality and appearance of the future structure largely depends on it. If you lack skills or have difficult questions, you can use the help of professionals, for example, to design a sketch or calculate the slope angle, and do the main work yourself.

To perform such labor-intensive and complex work, you should stock up on patience, the necessary knowledge, building materials and the necessary tools.

Step-by-step execution of work

Let's look at the procedure for making formwork for a concrete staircase in more detail.

Preparatory work

The inclined span angle should be approximately thirty degrees. As a rule, it is used when arranging entrance flights of stairs or porches. Indoors, to save space, the slope reaches forty to forty-five degrees. For stairs leading to the basement, the descent is even steeper.

Taking into account the comfort of the inclined angle, we determine the number of steps. Their height can be 10–20 cm, width – from 20 to 40 cm.

If elderly people or children live in the house, the height of the steps should be no more than 15 cm.

To know the exact number of steps, the height of the rise should be divided by the height of one step. If tiling is intended, then the calculations take into account its thickness and the adhesive layer.


Let's start installing the frame. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • a supporting frame made of timber is installed;
  • we stuff the bowstrings, tamp the bottom part;
  • we lay the reinforcement;
  • install risers.

Now let's look in detail at how to assemble the formwork. Before installing the bowstrings, the supporting base of the formwork structure is installed. For this purpose, two beams 10 by 10 cm are placed, resting on the floor deck and the support platform below. Before this, both beams are carefully aligned to the corners and plane of the monolithic staircase being poured. The timber heads are fixed with vertically installed racks made of ordinary slabs.

Having completed the alignment of the beams, we sew the entire length of the inner surface along one strip, which sets the direction. They serve as guides and at the same time provide a supporting surface for the boards used for lining.

The bottom is completely covered with boards or remnants of OSB boards. All pieces are carefully adjusted to create tight joints that prevent concrete mortar from seeping through.

Support posts are installed under the formwork bottom.

To form a concrete casting, you will need from one and a half cubic meters of concrete solution, the mass of which exceeds a couple of tons, so the racks must be made of high-quality material.

A strong slab or bars are suitable for this. Each rack is cut to the inclined angle of the stairs, installed from below and secured from the inside with a self-tapping screw. Having completed the installation of the supports, we lay the boards in the formwork and try to walk along it with our feet. In places where springiness is felt, thin wedges are placed under the support post. To prevent the pillars from moving due to the mass of poured concrete, the surface of the screed is covered with a thin layer of sand.

The inside of the box is covered with thin polyethylene material to prevent the concrete mixture from leaking and to protect the lumber from exposure to moisture.


To ensure a reliable foundation for the stairs, reinforcing bars are laid in the formwork structure and boards for risers are attached. First, steel rods are laid along the bottom at intervals of 12 cm at a height of 3.5 - 4 cm. Under each step, two more pieces of 16 cm should be laid, placing them across.

The second row of reinforcement is arranged using the same principle, but two crossbars are replaced by three. The two formed steel layers are tied vertically with short scraps, for which you will need to use a welding machine.

From above, the reinforcing ends are assembled and connected to the rods released on the slab.

The formwork frame must be tied to the slab. If this condition is neglected, the staircase will bend due to the weight of the poured mortar.

This method guarantees the unchanged position of the monolithic flight of stairs during any shrinkage of the object.

All that remains is to install the risers, and everything is ready for concreting. It is recommended to use pine or plywood 2 cm with dimensions 160 by 17 cm for the slats. The material must be of high quality, because the geometry of the stair steps and the final success of the entire process depend on it. The strips for risers must be selected in advance, dried, treated with hydrophobic impregnation and coated with varnish.

The risers are attached with self-tapping screws to bars stuffed onto bowstrings. There must be at least two fastening points on each side. The installation is completed by making a hole 1 cm in diameter in the center of the planks, into which a 10 cm long pin is inserted. One edge of it is welded to the frame base, a washer is put on the other end and a nut is screwed on. This measure will give the risers additional rigidity, and the pin will hold the formwork strip so that it is not squeezed out by the mortar mass.

Many people use threaded couplings in their stairs. They secure balusters and vertically mounted railing posts. To ensure that the coupling is located in the right place, the embedded element is welded to the metal reinforcement.

Pouring concrete

It is best to pour concrete mortar M250 into the formwork. You can cook it yourself or order it delivered to the company. The first option is more acceptable, because concreting a staircase has certain differences from pouring a foundation.

“Semi-dry” concrete is required. If you pour a mixture from a mixer into the formwork, you will have to carefully monitor the layer level along all the steps.

Filling the degrees is done using a regular bucket. A mixture of concrete prepared by yourself is poured into molds, leveled and slightly compacted with a metal rod. The concrete will partially settle, filling the cavities of the steps located below. Working sequentially, we add and compact the solution until we achieve the desired filling.

How to make formwork for stairs yourself?

To perform such labor-intensive and complex work, you should stock up on patience, the necessary knowledge, building materials and the necessary tools.

Knowledge of the technical component of product design

First of all, we create a drawing of the future formwork structure. We determine the location and design loads on the suspensions.

We calculate the amount of consumables, prepare tools and equipment.

Let's consider creating formwork for a monolithic staircase. We will need:

  • Prepared edged boards 25-30 mm;
  • Waterproof plywood - 20 mm;
  • The reinforcement is ribbed with a diameter of 10-20 mm;
  • Beams with a section of 10 by 10 mm.

All parts of the future structure must be joined and adjusted to each other without various cracks and recesses.

We begin assembling the device. To do this, you need to use self-tapping screws; it is not recommended to use nails, as difficulties will arise when removing them from the beams.

We check the availability of construction tools for work:

  • Level for fitting products
  • Plumb
  • Mechanical hand saw or electric jigsaw
  • Screwdriver with bits or set of screwdrivers
  • Hammer.

When installing supports, you need to be very vigilant; you cannot fix the logs “at random”; the concrete structure weighs quite a lot, which can damage the entire formwork.


It is made to increase the strength of the product; ribbed reinforcement is most often used. Its numerous elements are twisted with soft wire.

A monolithic staircase must be poured with concrete in one go, starting from the bottom and ending with the last upper step. To avoid leakage of the solution from the formwork, it is made thicker due to the admixture of crushed stone. To eliminate air pockets in concrete, it is necessary to use an electric vibrator.

After the concrete has completely hardened and the strength of the stairs has been checked, the formwork is dismantled.

The main materials with which you can finish a concrete staircase:

DIY device

To design and install formwork yourself, you need to have some skills in carpentry and concrete work.

It is also important to correctly carry out calculations and prepare materials in order to obtain a strong and beautiful structure.

Required materials and tools

To implement a formwork project, you should take care of the following materials:

  1. Edged board 30-40 mm thick.
  2. Plywood 20 mm thick.
  3. Ribbed reinforcement. Its cross-section can vary from 10 to 16 mm.
  4. Beam with a section of 100x100 mm.
  5. Self-tapping screws for wood.

You still need to find a number of tools, including:

  1. Construction plumb and level.
  2. Saw or hacksaw.
  3. Screwdriver.
  4. Hammer.


When choosing the inclination of the span, you should adhere to the value of 30 degrees

This is especially important when organizing an entrance staircase or porch. In order to save free space inside the house, a deviation of up to 40-45 degrees is allowed

If you need to arrange a staircase to an attic or basement, a steeper descent is allowed.

Depending on the selected inclination, the number of steps is determined. Their height is 100-200 mm, and their width is at least 200 mm.

The number of steps is determined by a simple formula: the height of the rise is divided by the height of the step

If you want to apply a finishing layer, you will need to pay attention to the thickness of the adhesive base and finishing material

Manufacturing and assembly

Guided by the calculations made, you can proceed to the main stages of installing formwork for reinforced concrete stairs. First of all, you should prepare the plank frame of the formwork, side stops and stiffeners. The lower part of the structure is lined with plywood.

Using blocks, boards and plywood, as well as a special stencil, you can begin cutting out the shape of the steps. Self-tapping screws are used to connect all parts. With their help it will be convenient to dismantle the structure. To achieve better fastening strength, it is recommended to use metal corners.


To strengthen the design of the flight of stairs, it is important to provide good reinforcement. A mesh is made from a ribbed rod using welding equipment

It is usually placed at a height of 2-3 cm above the formwork along the span. For this purpose, plastic inserts are used or the edges of the rods are bent.

If possible, reinforcing bars should be connected to embedded parts or placed in holes. You cannot overload the weight of the formwork with heavy reinforcement; in private construction you can do without a metal frame.

Concreting procedure

At all stages of concreting, it is necessary to ensure that horizontal structures correspond to vertical ones. The former are checked using a building level, and the latter - using a plumb line. Next, it is necessary to install reinforcing mesh and frames, ensuring the presence of a protective layer.

At selected points, embedded parts are connected to the frame; they will be used to attach balusters or racks. To prepare the concrete mixture, you need to use the following components:

One opening is used to fill the flight of stairs with concrete. The procedure itself is performed from the bottom up, slowly filling the formwork with the prepared solution. To ensure that the mixture is sufficiently viscous and the strength properties of the structure are high, it is diluted with crushed stone.

To prevent the formation of voids during the concreting process, vibration equipment is used. Upon completion of pouring, the layer is smoothed and leveled.

To avoid drying or cracking of the outer surface until it reaches the optimal degree of strength, the monolith is covered with PVC film, which ensures uniform hardening of the solution.

If self-tapping screws and angles were used as fastening elements, dismantling will be easier than in the case of nails.

Entrance staircase in a concrete house: manufacturing features

Installing a concrete staircase is a rather labor-intensive process that should be started with certain knowledge and skills. With the right approach, it is possible to build a structure without large physical and financial costs. When installing a staircase located on the street, you should take into account some nuances; deviation from them may lead to certain problems.

One of the most important stages of staircase installation is carrying out the necessary calculations that will help determine the height of the steps, the thickness of the flooring and other important details.

One of the significant elements of staircase structures is the railing. Metal railings for stairs are highly durable and can be of various types. Read more about this in the material:

Stages of installing a concrete entrance staircase into a house:

Drainage is poured into the base of each step - a cushion of crushed stone, broken brick or slag. In this case, the drains should not reach the formwork. To increase the strength of the steps, reinforcement with wire with a diameter of 5-6 mm is used. Concrete is prepared in the following proportion of components: 1 part M400 cement, three parts sifted sand, three parts crushed stone fraction 5-10 mm.

How to properly prepare and apply the solution

Practice shows that the durability of the result directly depends on the quality of the solution. It is for this reason that experts recommend mixing cement and sand in a ratio of 1:3.

When the solution is ready, you can start filling the first stage. When this task is completed, formwork is made for the second element, after which the filling is performed. Thus, formwork is installed one by one for each subsequent element of the staircase and it is poured.

When the filling is completed, the entire structure is covered with film. This approach will avoid premature exposure to rain, and will also ensure that all processes proceed as efficiently as possible.

When the solution is completely dry, the film and formwork can be removed. The final stage will be the cladding of the porch steps, examples of which can be seen in the photo below.

If you still have questions about how to make steps for a porch with your own hands, it is recommended to watch the video, which shows the whole process in sufficient detail. Among other things, with its help you can learn many nuances and features, as well as get answers to many questions.

What else can you make a staircase from?

As practice shows, the second most popular building material for making steps is wood. Wooden porch steps have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • budget cost of material;
  • there is no need to purchase a specific tool;
  • does not require professional experience;
  • ease of changing the final color of the product.

The main condition for making porch steps from wood is impregnation of the wood with a special solution, which will protect it from the negative effects of external factors, and also give it high fire-resistant characteristics.

Another option is clinker steps for the porch. These are specific tiles on the steps of the porch, which are ready-made plates that are used when constructing stairs. The main advantage of this material is its strength, durability and ease of use. Among other things, they can have either a simple or curly shape, thanks to which you can create a truly unique design.

Metal products complete the unique rating. They have simply amazing durability and strength. It is also worth noting that, depending on the wishes of the owner, all kinds of forged elements can be used.

Construction stages

Using pegs and string, mark the contours of the future flight of stairs. Next, using pegs and twine, the number of steps and the width of the treads are marked. Starting from the top step, we take out the soil and form the rough contours of the steps. For large flights of stairs (10 steps or more), it is recommended to pour a concrete base. This is necessary to strengthen the lower riser and thus insure it from sliding and subsequent destruction.

To do this, a trench is opened under the first riser, which should be twice as wide as its width, 100 mm longer than the length of the step and 100 mm deeper. The trench is filled with crushed stone (broken brick, slag or other solid stone waste) and filled with M200-M250 concrete. The base is leveled and left for two weeks to dry completely.

Next, the plank formwork is assembled at the prepared site. The formwork can be of two design options: for all shear steps or for each step separately. In the first option, the formwork design should exactly follow the contours of the future staircase. Using a hammer, the formwork is pushed slightly into the ground and the correct installation is checked.

Drainage is poured into the base of each step - a cushion of crushed stone, broken brick or slag. In this case, the drains should not reach the formwork. To increase the strength of the steps, reinforcement with wire with a diameter of 5-6 mm is used. Concrete is prepared in the following proportion of components: 1 part M400 cement, three parts sifted sand, three parts crushed stone fraction 5-10 mm.

Pouring the structure with simultaneous operations: compaction by so-called “bayoneting” and leveling the surface until water appears on the surface of the filled steps and ironing. The formwork is dismantled 72 hours after pouring.

If the formwork option is used separately for each step, four boards are connected to each other (preferably with wood screws). The resulting “box” is installed on each step and, one by one, “from bottom to top”, each individual step is filled. Important! When pouring the structure, it is necessary to make a slight slope of the tread surface away from the slope to drain the water.

The support of any structure is powerful beams that bear the entire weight of the structure. Its shape depends only on the wishes of the developer, and the quality depends on compliance with the rules of work and the choice of material:

Necessary calculations

A staircase is an architectural element that is subject to increased loads, so during construction it is necessary to perform certain calculations. The wrong approach will result in it being uncomfortable, cracking and at risk of destruction. The main point from which to base the calculations is the space allocated for the stairs. After which the type of structure is determined, for example, with a platform or winder steps, marching or spiral spans.

The interior concrete staircase requires special precision; it must save home space while remaining comfortable for all family members. Therefore, it needs to be designed together with the house, taking into account the height of the floors and the space for interfloor transitions.

The main parameter is the slope of the span, measured in degrees to the horizon. If there is sufficient space, flights of stairs are made with a slope of 20-24°. This design allows you to increase the size of the steps, but the march may be too long.

The most acceptable option is considered to be marches at an angle of 26-33° to the horizon. They are comfortable, safe, and easy to manufacture, provided that the configuration of the steps is correctly calculated.

The maximum angle at which safety requirements are met is 45 degrees, while the height and width of the step will be the same. Such stairs save space, but are not very convenient.

Next, for proper assembly of the formwork, you need to calculate the width and height of the steps for the resulting slope. Data can be taken from the prepared table:

Width, cmHeight, cmInclination angle, in degrees and minutes

Another option is to calculate the height of the steps yourself. For this purpose, a special formula is proposed, with the help of which S=d+2h, which is safe for a particular person, is calculated. Where S is the step length, d is the width, h is the height of the step. But this method does not take into account the length of the flight of stairs. It allows you to select the optimal height of the steps. The number of steps can be found by dividing the height of the span by the height of one step. You can adjust the flight to a specific height by the size of the riser on which the staircase should rest.

According to SP 118.13330.2012 “Public buildings and structures,” the width of the step should be 30 cm (acceptable from 28 cm to 35 cm), and the height of the riser should be 15 cm (acceptable from 13 to 17 cm).

When performing calculations, it must be taken into account that the distance from the steps to the upper barrier should not be lower than 2 m, so that a person does not hit his head. The minimum width of the march is at least 0.8 m, 1 m is recommended.

Step-by-step production of formwork

  1. Draws up a plan for the future porch, indicating its height, width, number and length of steps. According to the drawn up diagram, markings are made on the ground using metal or wooden pegs. Accuracy is important, on which the strength of the porch and the aesthetic appearance of the steps depend.
  2. Wooden formwork is made from edged planed boards 4 cm thick and 10 cm wide. 3 panels are assembled from the material. One is 2.8 x 0.3 m in size, two are 1.2 x 0.3 m. Fasteners (screws) and beams (longer than the height of the shield) with pointed ends for mounting in the ground are prepared. To improve the quality of concrete, a thick film is stapled to the surface of the boards.
  3. The panels are driven into the ground to the selected elevation.
  4. The shields are connected by corners. To increase the strength of the structure, braces made of timber are used. They are installed next to the shields, resting against the boards with one end and the other in the ground.
  5. Knitting of a two-level reinforcement frame consisting of two horizontal lattices connected by vertical ties.
  6. Do-it-yourself formwork for the second and subsequent steps is made from wooden panels, each group of which decreases in size. The installation diagram is done by analogy with the first step.

Photos of work stages:

We assemble the panels, install them, secure them, do the initial reinforcement

We make concrete preparation and complete the reinforcement

We fasten horizontal boards for formwork of steps

Finished porch

Concrete is poured in one step. To speed up the process, you can make a gutter, eliminating the need to drag the finished solution from the concrete mixer to the workplace.

After pouring the concrete, vibrate the porch to remove any trapped air. This can be done with a vibrating paver or with your own hands using a shovel and tamper.

The formwork is removed 4 weeks after the work. During this time, the material will completely harden and support for the steps will not be needed. The hardened concrete is covered with tar.


Pouring a flight of stairs Construction diagram of a monolithic staircase

Rotary staircase

Staircase to the basement Reinforcement Reinforced concrete staircase frame
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Filling with concrete
Concreting the stairs is done at one time. Filling begins from the lower steps. Crushed stone is added to the concrete so that it does not leak out of the formwork. You should definitely use an electric vibrator. This will compact the concrete and prevent the formation of air cavities. After drying, the formwork is dismantled, and the staircase is decorated with railings and various decorative materials.

Good knowledge of the issue - how to make formwork for stairs, will allow you to quickly and efficiently do this work.

We recommend that you read:

  • how to make a spiral staircase with your own hands;
  • how to make a wooden staircase to the second floor;
  • how to choose a hammer drill for your home.

Stage #4. Knitting and installation of reinforcing mesh or frame

If the staircase is small, then for reinforcement you can use a mesh knitted from reinforcement with a diameter of 10-12 mm. The reinforcing bars are placed in increments of 15 and 20 cm to form a mesh with a cell of 15 x 20 cm. The bars are tied together using wire.

For a large staircase, a reinforcement cage is used. It consists of two or more meshes connected to each other by vertical rods. Leave a distance of 2-3 cm between the meshes.

The reinforcement frame (mesh) is a kind of “skeleton” of the structure; it will hold the frozen concrete mass. Therefore, the horizontal frame rods (mesh) are fixed in the wall for reliable connection with the future concrete staircase. To do this, holes of the required diameter are drilled in the wall and pins are driven in with a hammer.

The frame or mesh is laid on the lower part of the formwork at a distance of 2-3 cm from the bottom. To raise the reinforcement, you can use stones, bricks or special plastic supports.

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