Concrete M250 (b20, b20, b20): application, composition and characteristics

What do we know about M250 B20 concrete? Only that he is. What is it, where is it used, its working properties, is it a good building material? This article will tell you everything about it in detail. Let's analyze the cement, so to speak, grain by grain.

So, B20 concrete is included in the class of heavy types of concrete. It is used for pouring various foundations, building sites, manufacturing reinforced concrete products, caissons, etc. The heavy class B20 is in demand in all areas of construction: military, commercial and among the common population. In terms of performance characteristics, it is a fairly balanced material. But the population, when choosing between the M200, M250 and M300 brands, often prefers the first due to the fact that the M250 is more expensive, and the M300 is of better quality. The M250 material has a fairly average strength coefficient, but at the same time it has a good cost/quality ratio.

Designation and explanation

The same concrete has several different designations:

  • Class B20 according to GOST 26633-2012 “Heavy and fine-grained concrete”;
  • M250 – old brand designation;
  • C16 according to National Security Code 5.03.01-02.

Class interpretation: B – concrete strength, 20 – maximum pressure in MPa that a material sample measuring 150×150×150 mm can withstand with a 95% probability.

The mark indicates the minimum load strength in kgf/cm2 that can be withstood by the test sample. In this case – 250 kgf/cm2.

C16 according to SNB 5.03.01-02 denotes the indicator of standard resistance and guaranteed axial compressive strength in N/mm2 (MPa). That is, B20 concrete corresponds to the C16/20 marking.

Composition of concrete M250 B20

According to GOST standards, a concrete mixture of 20 m250 should have only the following components:

  • Cement m250;
  • Gravel, granite chips or crushed limestone;
  • Clean river or quarry sand without impurities;
  • Water.
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