Concrete M200: characteristics, composition, proportions, preparation and use

Delivery of ready-mixed concrete to the installation site

Why is M200 concrete so good, what characteristics does it have, and how to make it correctly yourself? In this article we will talk about this, the most common brand that can be found in any construction industry. We will answer these and other questions in our publication.

Description of properties and characteristics

Concrete M200 can be classified as class B15.
This designation began to be used recently. In the old one, they used the Latin letter M. And this meant an indicator of average compressive strength compared to classes of guaranteed strength. B15 means the ability to withstand loads up to 15 MPa. The permissible load in the case of the M200 reaches 200 kilograms per cm2. In each case, during production, the composition of the material is determined on the basis of GOST. It is necessary to take into account the conditions in which the future building will be operated.

  1. The quality of crushed stone and water content determine the density of concrete, which is 1500 kilograms per m2.
  2. Water resistance level - up to W. In total, it can be up to 20.
  3. Frost resistance – F100.
  4. The level of mobility or draft of the hull is from 5 to 20 centimeters.
  5. Compressive strength – B15, or 150 kilograms per cm2.

The basic properties of the material are described in current standards. Composition mobility is a parameter that deserves special attention. If mobility is high, then no problems arise during work. After pouring, all voids in the structure are filled in full. The indicator improves with the addition of plasticizers.

The size of the crushed stone aggregate will determine how the final concrete will turn out. It can be fine-grained or coarse-grained, with granules.

The compositions can be operated at temperatures from 5 to 30 degrees above zero.

The share of water in the total mass is usually up to 20%; it is not recommended to deviate from this norm. Plasticizers are added in diluted form. Self-calculation will be easier if you use online calculators. Shrinkage is present in the material, but remains insignificant.

To achieve the optimal option, builders must adhere to the following conditions:

  • Use components only in dry, clean form.
  • The ideal option is pre-washing, cleaning sand with crushed stone.
  • Use only fresh, high-quality binders.
  • Powerful concrete mixers for mixing.
  • The mixture is consumed immediately after the preparation process is completed.

This information must be taken into account when placing an order. The ideal distance when renting dump trucks is up to 15 kilometers. The passport and laboratory report confirm the characteristics declared by the manufacturer. When kneading by hand, it is impossible to achieve proper homogeneity.


Concrete grade B15 M200 can be called one of the most widely used in private construction. Foundations for one-story buildings are made from it, unless a large load is expected. It is used when pouring garden paths and other concrete work carried out on the farm.

Technical characteristics of concrete in 15 m200

According to the new classification, concrete is characterized by compressive strength. Mark M 200 corresponds to class B15. This means that this concrete stone, after reaching its design strength, will withstand a load of at least 150 kg/cm². This strength is more than enough for any one-story house or house with an attic.

Frost resistance is the ability to withstand freezing/thaw cycles without damage. The M200 concrete has about 100 cycles. Another important criterion is water resistance. This is the ability to resist the penetration of water. Brand M200 belongs to the category of materials with normal permeability. If water protection is important to you, look towards higher brands.

Water resistance table

The other two parameters, mobility/hardness and density, are determined by the selection of gravel and the amount of water. Proportions are usually given as “average” for average parameters. But you need to be very careful when changing them. Even a small deviation can greatly affect the result. By pouring a couple of glasses of water onto one concrete mixer, you risk getting a solution that is too liquid, which may lose its strength.

The weight of a cube of M200 concrete in a liquid state is about 2362 kg/m³, in a dried form the weight of one cubic meter is 2162 kg/m³. These are average values, as the specific weight depends on density, use of additives and other factors. The differences can be about 4-6% from the mentioned figures. So you can focus on these numbers.

Preparation of concrete solution

Concrete grade M200 requires compliance with proportions when preparing the solution. The number of components depends not only on the expected volume of the mixture, but also on the brand of cement used.

Standard proportions for preparing m200 concrete are given in the table:

Cement brandProportions by weight in kgProportions by volume in liters
CementSandCrushed stoneCementSandCrushed stone

Proportions of cement, sand and crushed stone in buckets (10 liters): 1 bag of 50 kg of binder, 6 fine and 14 coarse fillers.

Material consumption per 1 m3:

  • 360 kg of M300 cement, 665 kg of sand, 1173 kg of crushed stone;
  • 286 kg of M400 cement, 795 kg of sand, 1080 kg of crushed stone;
  • 220 kg of M500 cement, 770 kg of sand, 1232 kg of crushed stone.

In all cases, water should not exceed 20% of the total mass of the dry mixture.

How many bags of cement in m200 concrete:

  • M500 binder will need 4 bags of 50 kg and one of 25 kg or 5 bags of 50 kg (with remainder);
  • M400 cement requires 6 bags of 50 kg or 5 of 50 kg and 1 of 40 kg;
  • M300 cement will require 7 bags of 50 kg + 1 of 25. This is the most uneconomical option for purchasing components.

The proportions of concrete m 200 must be observed as accurately as possible, choosing a convenient measure (kg, liters or buckets). Only if this condition is met, the compressive strength of the finished structure will be expected, as well as other parameters.

To produce grade 200 concrete, you will need a self-contained concrete mixer. You can knead manually, but the quality of the solution in this case will not be ideal.

Sand and crushed stone are combined, cement is added, then water is poured in and mixed thoroughly. The mixture is prepared in batches as needed. For pouring large volumes, it is advisable to order the solution from the factory - M200 sets quickly and between batch batches the concrete placed in the formwork begins to gain strength, and inhomogeneities form in the structure.

Calculation of cement mortar

  • Stage 2. Quality check

To check the strength, we use metal cube molds with an edge size of 15*15 cm, in the amount of 6 pieces. We pour the mixture into the molds, and after 3 days, after removing the form, we check on the press whether it corresponds to the given brand. If the samples show 70% or more of the standard strength, it means you succeeded.

Otherwise, we will make additional adjustments to the composition, seeking specificity in the question: how much cement is needed per cube of M200 concrete.

Driving concrete samples

  • Stage 3. Adjusting the composition is the most difficult, but at the same time interesting.

Not strong enough? You may need to increase the amount of cement or reduce the amount of water. A higher concentration of crushed stone in the composition will also help. Try special additives. Too much cement costs money. Therefore, in some cases it is more profitable to use additives. If you dose more crushed stone, be aware that the resulting density and weight will increase. Therefore, it may be necessary to reduce the sand content in the mixture.

After each batch we do trial tests. Only when the samples show the required strength and the cost of the final product suits you, can you begin the full-scale preparation of M200 concrete.

Testing the sample using a non-destructive method

Attention! It is advisable to do all these batches and tests in laboratory conditions. But if you don’t have the opportunity, you can use non-destructive testing devices (IPS-MG4-01, IPS-MG4-03, silver Schmidt, etc.) designed to determine strength characteristics. GOST 10181 - 2000 Concrete mixtures. Test methods will help you understand the rules for conducting tests and calculating the necessary indicators.

Making your own batch

“concrete corner”, which is at every construction site

Finally, having achieved acceptable quality, concrete production can be launched at full capacity.

Simple but useful recommendations will help with this:

  • The dosage is carried out using any available means - these can be shovels, buckets, bags, etc., the main thing is to maintain the proportions.
  • Dry, inert materials are mixed first, i.e. crushed stone and sand, then add cement so that when water is added, all the ingredients are a homogeneous mixture.
  • Water is not added all at once, but gradually.
  • The first time, pour about 30%, mix, then another 50%, pay attention to the consistency, you may not have to use all the water if you have already achieved the required mobility of the concrete mixture.
  • It may also happen that you don’t have enough water - that’s okay, you can add more. Simply by increasing the water content, adjust the cement content as a percentage of the amount of liquid (+5% water means +5% cement).

The video in this article will clearly demonstrate how to properly knead, and how you can adjust the composition during the manufacturing process.

Areas of use

Most often, M200 concrete is recommended for pouring foundations, and it is suitable for creating the foundation in one-, two-, or even three-story houses. It is used to fill blind areas and floor screeds in residential buildings, garages, terraces, workshops, and utility rooms.

Other areas of application of the material:

  • arrangement of sidewalks, paths, porches, flights of stairs, curbs;
  • creation of retaining walls, partitions and load-bearing walls in low-rise buildings;
  • filling of access roads, areas for transport, parking lots, storage facilities, bicycle paths;
  • production of bases for baths, gazebos;
  • production of slabs, finished reinforced concrete products, blocks, tiles;
  • arrangement of footings.

Scope of application of concrete grade M200

The material of this brand is so widespread that it has found wide application in various fields of construction.

  • Used for screeding and making concrete floors . Since it has a high resistance to various wear factors, it is quite suitable for these purposes. In addition, this type of work is carried out indoors, which means that the composition does not require additional resistance to various atmospheric phenomena.
  • Used to create building foundations . The strength of this brand can easily withstand a high-rise building, however, it is still recommended to use it for the construction of foundations for low-rise buildings. Most often it is used for the construction of country houses and dachas.
  • Widely used for the construction of reinforced concrete products , as it can provide high performance parameters. Blocks and slabs made with such concrete are not recommended for use in places with high loads, however, they can be used to create stairs and retaining walls.
  • It is used for the construction of platforms , paths and other similar structures, due to the fact that it has a low cost.
  • It is used for the manufacture of road slabs , as it combines perfectly with a metal frame. To produce such slabs, it is required that the wear resistance of the concrete solution be significantly higher than in any other cases, which is why various additives are added to the mixture during the preparation process.

Proportions for concrete M200

It is not always possible to order a ready-made mixture from a specialized enterprise. A number of developers involved in the construction of private buildings prepare the solution themselves. It is important for them to know how to prepare 200 grade concrete. Depending on what kind of cement is used, the proportion may vary.

The technical characteristics of the concrete mixture depend on the elements included in it and their ratio

Concrete grade M200 is prepared in the following ratios:

  • when using M400 cement, it is necessary to mix sand, crushed stone and cement in a weight ratio of 2.8:4.8:1. When using volumetric dosing, this proportion changes slightly and is 2.5:4.2:1;
  • A solution is prepared based on Portland cement M500, which includes 3.5 kg of sand and 5.6 kg of crushed stone per 1 kilogram of cement. The volumetric proportion for this type of cement includes crushed stone, sand and cement in a ratio of 4.9:3.2:1.

The concentration of water usually varies depending on the moisture content and size of the starting materials, as well as the required degree of mobility of the solution. The share of water is about 20% of the total volume of the batch. If you follow the recommended proportions, M200 concrete will be of high quality, which will ensure a long service life of the structures being built. It is important to mix the ingredients thoroughly using a concrete mixer.

Additives to concrete m200

In addition to the basic composition of M200, chemical additives for various purposes can be added to the concrete mixture, which improve one or another property of the material. You need to understand that plasticizers, additives, antifreeze additives (for example, Cemaktiv-3) and many other components increase not only the technical characteristics of the resulting concrete, but also the budget for it. If material resources allow the use of additional additives to the concrete mixture, it may be more advisable to purchase concrete of a higher class.

Consumption of components for preparing 1 m3 of concrete M200

Due to the short guaranteed shelf life of cement and the high cost of fillers, many developers will be interested in information on the consumption of cement, crushed stone and sand per 1 m3 of concrete. Using this information, developers, knowing the consumption of concrete in m3, have the opportunity to purchase the optimal amount of materials.

Proportions of concrete m200 in 10 l buckets

  1. To determine the proportion of concrete components in buckets, it is necessary to answer the question: How much cement per m200 cubic meter of concrete in kilograms? The requirements of the current regulatory document GOST 26633-2012 Heavy and fine-grained concrete (Table 1) determine the minimum amount of cement CEM I 32.5N PC for pouring reinforced structures - from 220 to 270 kg/m3. For calculations of “buckets” we take the average value of 220+270/2=245 kg/m3.
  2. The next step is to transfer 245 kg into “buckets”. Using the generally accepted density of cement - 1300 kg/m3, we determine how many kilograms of cement fit in 1 bucket with a volume of 10 liters (0.01 m3): 1300X0.01 = 13 kg of cement fit in a bucket with a volume of 10 liters.
  3. We translate 245 kg/m3 into a 10 liter bucket: 245/13=18.8 buckets of CEM I 32.5N PC cement will be required to prepare 1 m3 of M200 concrete.
  4. Amount of crushed stone (filler) in kg: 245x4.5=1102 kg. Using the tabulated density of crushed stone - 1400 kg/m3, we convert 1102 kg into 10 liters of bucket: 1102/(1400x0.01) = 78.7 buckets of granite crushed stone will be needed to prepare 1 m3 of M200 concrete. Note: this means the size of the M200 concrete aggregate is 20-40 mm.
  5. Amount of sand in kg: 245x3=735 kg. Using the tabulated density of sand - 1500 kg/i3, we convert 735 kg into a 10 liter bucket: 735/1500x0.01 = 49 video sand will be needed for 1 m3 of M200 concrete.
  6. Water. 18.8 (buckets of cement) x10x0.7=130 liters. Note: the calculated value of the amount of water is approximate and is adjusted when directly mixing the material.

If the developer is faced with the task of calculating the proportions of the components of M200 concrete in buckets of a larger volume (12 or 15 liters), it is enough to substitute in the above formulas instead of the number 0.01 (volume of a 10-liter bucket in cubic meters) the numbers 0.012 (12 liters) and 0.015 (15 l).

Selection of components for obtaining the M200 grade

Concrete "pizza"

If you are planning to prepare the mixture yourself, you need to calculate and select the components of concrete M200:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • coarse aggregate (crushed stone);
  • water;
  • sometimes a plasticizer.

Usually the composition of M200 B15 concrete is calculated in laboratory conditions, but this is also possible on the construction site independently. First, let's decide on the components.


(Cement) Portland cement is a hydraulic binder and the main component of concrete, serving to bind all its elements. The cement consumption per 1 cubic meter of M200 concrete allows you to determine its brand - usually PC500 or PC400.

The main difference between them is the achievement of strength at 28 days of age for PC 500 - 49 MPa, and PC400 - 39.2 MPa, and the activity group after steaming.

This difference in indicators significantly affects the work with concrete:

  • Cements with a higher grade of PC 500 can reduce construction time.
  • Having a strength of 200-250 kgf/cm2 at 3 days of age, it ensures rapid hardening and removal of formwork.
  • The PC500 grade with activity indicators of almost 10 MPa is higher than that of PC400, which will reduce the cement consumption per cubic meter of M200 concrete by approximately 2-5 kg.
  • Although, it is only possible to say exactly how much cement is needed per cubic meter of M200 concrete through laboratory tests. Even between different manufacturers there are differences in the basic parameters of the binder.

Helpful advice! The hardening of cement is significantly accelerated at elevated temperatures. In winter conditions, electric heating is usually used. Some people are making thermal cameras in factories. If there are no conditions and the ability to organize a high-quality heat and humidity regime, the formwork with concrete is simply wrapped in polyethylene and technical felt.

Particular attention should be paid to cement storage:

  • It must be stored in closed warehouses with a thick roof and walls, protected from moisture.
  • It is better not to buy cement in large quantities, because it loses its strength properties over time (within a year it can lose up to 40% of its strength).
  • If bags are stored in bulk, it is best to place them on pallets, since in any technical room there is a high probability that water will get on the floor.

Cement pebbles are a sign of bad cement

The quality of the binder in appearance can be determined by the presence of cement stones found in it. It is not recommended to use such a PC with them. It is better to require a quality certificate, especially if the purchase is made in large quantities.

Coarse aggregate

Crushed stone is a coarse aggregate that is a natural material. Allows you to reduce the amount of cement per cubic meter of M200 concrete. But don't overdo it. With a larger dosage of crushed stone, the mass and density of concrete increases, which is not always welcome.

In addition, coarse aggregates increase the technical properties of concrete. Crushed stone occupies almost 50% of the volume of concrete, forming a rigid skeleton that absorbs loads. So what kind of coarse aggregate should the M200 concrete mixture be of good quality?

There are several characteristics that it must satisfy:

  • Size. The often used and best suitable crushed stone fraction for M200 concrete is 10-20 mm. Fraction 10-20 means that the maximum grain diameter is 20 mm, and the minimum is 10 mm. The presence of grains of larger or smaller diameter in crushed stone should not exceed 5%.

Crushed stone fraction 10–20 mm

  • View. It is best to use granite crushed stone, which has high strength characteristics. If you purchase crushed stone from a crushed stone plant, you are usually provided with a quality certificate, which indicates the grade of strength (breakability) of the stone, which should not be less than M800.

Crushed granite

  • Form. The desired shape of crushed stone is cuboid, it allows you to reduce voids. But crushed stone does not always have this grain shape; there are also admixtures of blades (needle and plate forms). Its presence is undesirable, but it is permissible to add M200 to concrete; GOST 8267-93 regulates its content in the range of 10-50%, depending on the group. The lower the blade content, the lower the cement consumption, so this parameter is worth paying attention to.

Crushed stone with a high flake content

  • Degree of purity. The purity of the coarse aggregate also has an important influence on the M200 concrete class. Dust-like, and to a greater extent clayey inclusions, prevent the adhesion of cement to crushed stone, as a result of which the strength of concrete is reduced by up to 30%.

Dirty rubble

When choosing crushed stone, you need to rely on the above parameters; this will ensure a high-quality product of class B15.

Fine aggregate

Sand is a fine aggregate and is also a natural material. Sand is included in the composition of a cube of M200 concrete within 30-35%. It is a binding material that helps reduce cement consumption.

There are certain criteria that need to be followed when selecting sand:

  • Size. The main parameter when choosing sand is the grain composition, determined by the particle size modulus. To prepare the M200 concrete mixture, it is better to use river sand with a fineness modulus of 2.0 - 2.5 (medium sand group). The sand must be clean without large inclusions. The content of grains larger than 10 mm is permissible no more than 5%, and grains with a diameter of 5 mm no more than 15%.
  • Bulk density is another important parameter. For concrete grade 200 it should be no lower than 1550 kg/m3. For mass purchases of sand, this unit is necessary. It helps set the price per cubic meter or per ton.
  • Humidity. Since sand is stored outside at construction sites, its humidity varies, ranging from 1-7%. There is a need to regulate the dosage of water when mixing concrete, since the sand included in the M200 concrete recipe is used when selecting the composition, dried to a constant weight (dry).

Bulk sand storage

Be sure to ask for a quality certificate for sand. Fine aggregate that is too dirty will significantly reduce the strength characteristics that the artificial stone should have in the end. Standards 8736-85 and 10268-80 will help determine sand standards.


Plasticizers are special additives that improve various technical characteristics of concrete:

  • frost resistance;
  • workability;
  • protection against frame corrosion;
  • increasing strength gain, both in the early and final stages;
  • fire resistance;
  • water absorption;
  • level of pumpability and many others.

Samples with added platinum agent

  • Construction is carried out at any time of the year. But, for example, in winter conditions it is very problematic to make a batch, since the water crystallizes and the mixture freezes. You can, of course, heat the materials, or you can use a plasticizer with antifreeze properties.
  • It improves mobility, density, water resistance, reducing the setting time. When introducing a plasticizer into heavy B15 M200 concrete, the technical characteristics of the mixture are improved. But you shouldn’t overdo it with additives either.
  • The selection of the necessary additive can be done using catalogs provided by representatives of chemical manufacturing companies. They list all the supposed benefits and approximate dosage.

Of course, choosing a supplement is not done at random. Whether it is suitable for M200 concrete or not can only be determined experimentally, depending on the structures and environmental conditions in which it is used. It is best to use additives if you have a recipe approved by a construction laboratory.

Concrete brand correspondence table to strength class

To determine the class and grade of concrete, the following table is used:

Brand (M)Strength of concrete (kgf/cm2)Class (B)

M 50-100

The composition marked 50 is considered the most fragile and unreliable. Most often it is used when filling voids in structures that do not experience loads. Approximately the same can be said about the mixtures M 75 and M 100. The so-called “thin” concrete was used when pouring the rough layer of the building mixture. These compositions are used in the manufacture of the underlying cushion (concrete) for foundations, screeds and in the installation of road bases.

Based on the fact that the compressive strength class of concrete corresponds to B 7.5, the indicator of such a material does not allow its use for serious work.

M 150

Having slightly better strength properties, M 150 concrete can also be classified as a lightweight concrete that should not be chosen for structures subject to loads. Such mixtures can be used for rough work and when pouring the foundation for small one-story buildings. It can also be used for screeds, garden terraces, paths and areas where people will walk.

M 200-250

With a ratio of grade 200 and concrete class B 15, the composition is more durable. It can be used for the construction of retaining walls, in the manufacture of stairs, platforms, paths, blind areas and borders. Often, M 200 is poured into strip-type foundations (only if the soil is stable) and open terraces.

The strength of concrete is sufficient for installing screeds in rooms with little mechanical load.

Concrete M 250 has almost the same property - it is also often poured as slabs with low loads.

Concrete M300

The most frequently ordered brand of concrete (this also applies to M200 B15). The combination of technological qualities and relatively low price of this brand of concrete makes its use universal for almost any construction needs. M300 B22.5 is suitable for a monolithic or strip foundation for almost any house, including a country cottage.

Concrete M350

The main application of M350: production of load-bearing walls, floor slabs, beams, columns, reinforced concrete structures and products, casting of monolithic foundations.

Concrete M400

The main applications of M400 are: filling pool bowls, cross beams, hydraulic structures, retaining walls, bridge structures, basement floors of monolithic buildings.

M 500 and above

Such compositions can be classified as highly specialized, since with such a concentration of cement and strength indicators, it is not rational to use M 500 for the construction of residential buildings. Typically, concrete mixtures of this class are used for the construction of bank vaults, bridges, dams, dams and strategic objects.

In addition to classifying concrete by strength, it is also worth considering other differences.

Calculation of concrete composition

What is this brand of mixture used for?

Any builder, or even a simple craftsman carrying out small “household” work, has encountered such mixtures. Therefore, the M200 mixture has rightfully earned such a characteristic as versatility.

Its use on a construction site or in precast concrete factories is quite common:

  • This can be a concrete base (concrete footing), used to protect against groundwater and prepare the foundation for further installation of structures. It is traditional to use thin concrete M200.
  • Reinforced concrete lintels, marches and platforms. Although the brand may change according to the requirements of the project.
  • Round reinforced concrete wells for water supply and sewerage systems, where, by the way, the grade of concrete for water resistance is important.
  • Garden elements, such as benches.
  • Paving slabs, where it is used as the second bottom layer.

As we can see, the M200 brand mixture is applicable at different stages of construction, from underground to above-ground cycle.

What is density

Density is the ratio of the mass of a material to its volume. In the documentation it has the designation - kg/m3 or t/m3, less often - in g/cm3, where the difference lies in the number of digits (in fact, these numerical parameters are the same). In the marking, the specific density of concrete is designated by the letter D and is indicated in kg/m3 of concrete.

The high density of the material allows it to have high resistance to surface wear. It also determines the resistance of the material to loads and overloads. Therefore, denser mortars are used in the construction of complex and demanding objects. Less dense solutions are used in less demanding and less responsible structures (pedestrian paths, floor slabs, etc.). For example, such a material is a mixture of grade B15 (m200). The density of concrete B15 varies between 1.6 - 2.4 t/m3.

This parameter depends on:

  • proportions of components;
  • grades of cement;
  • sand grain size;
  • size and type of crushed stone;
  • composition and volume of water in solution;
  • method and conditions of curing;
  • use of plasticizers.

All of the above factors must be taken into account when producing the material with the required parameters. At the same time, do not forget about the shrinkage coefficient of this material.

How to properly prepare concrete mix M200

To prepare the concrete composition, perform the following operations:

Scheme of preparation and laying of concrete mixture

  • Cement and sand are poured into a large, clean container. A plasticizer is added to the resulting mixture, if necessary.
  • The poured substances are mixed until a homogeneous gray composition is formed.
  • Add water with constant stirring.
  • Crushed stone is added to the resulting solution.
  • The prepared composition is placed in formwork.

Thorough mixing of the ingredients is done by hand. To do this, use a shovel or hoe. For best results, use an electric mixer or concrete mixer.

The concrete mixture is laid immediately after preparation. The compacted solution quickly thickens and loses its strength. The coarse filler precipitates. The mixture separates, liquefies and becomes fluid. The frozen solution becomes heterogeneous and unsuitable for further use.

Concrete with grade 200 has average technical characteristics. Average indicators increase the versatility of the composition. The material is successfully used in civil and industrial construction. Strict adherence to the proportions and methods of preparing the solution guarantees high quality and long-term operation of concrete structures.

How to influence density (volumetric weight)

The density of this material most depends on the properties of the components of the solution. That is why they need to be selected with special attention, so that the result is a material of the required density. This material parameter is influenced by many aspects.

To obtain a solution of the required density you need:

  1. Use the smallest filler available. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the number of voids in reinforced concrete products.
  2. Reduce the amount of water. But it must be taken into account that the mobility of the solution must be normal. It is difficult to work with thick and heavy mortar, in particular when pouring complex-shaped and large-sized structures.
  3. Compact the solution mechanically or manually. Compacted with vibrators or fittings.
  4. Artificial heating of the poured mixture. This allows moisture to evaporate faster, thereby increasing the mass and density of the material.
  5. Choose expanding or non-shrinking cement. For example, you can use aluminous cement or Portland cement. Thanks to this, the material will have little porosity, and its quality will not deteriorate.
  6. Use of plasticizers. Additives allow you to reduce the amount of water required to make the solution and maintain its mobility. Thanks to this, it will be possible to increase the density of the material.
  7. Vacuuming. This technological process is quite complex, so it is used only in industrial production.

GOST standards

Heavy class concrete B 15 M 200 is described with its features in the standards GOST 7473-2010 BST V15, P3, F100, W 6.

The M 200 marking indicates such qualities

  • F 100 – frost resistance. When the mixture is subject to freezing and thawing about a hundred times, the material will lose its quality by 5%;
  • W 6 - the water resistance of the composition indicates that it prevents the penetration of water at pressure levels of up to 0.6 atm;
  • P 3 suggests that mobility will depend on the proportionality of water and cement.


Mobility indicates the ease of installation of the solution, that is, its ability to spread and fill all the voids into which it is placed. The characteristic is marked with the letter P. Depending on the workability, the following designation of concrete is distinguished:

  • P5 – fluid;
  • P4 – cast;
  • P3 – highly mobile;
  • P2 – movable;
  • P1 – sedentary.

Based on the indicated mobility grade, builders can select methods of transporting and pouring the solution. Thus, for simple monolithic works, materials marked P3 are suitable, and for complex building structures it is better to select mixtures of P4 and P5. Solutions with high mobility are much easier to lay when making formwork, since during the work you can do without a vibrator. You should only buy plastic material from the manufacturer. It is not recommended to dilute the solution with water to increase mobility, since for this purpose they use not liquid, but special plasticizers.

Based on the information presented, let's consider a separate example. If concrete bst v25 p4 f200 w8 is used for construction, the decoding means that the material is grade M350, can withstand 200 freeze/thaw cycles, has an average level of water resistance and low mobility.

Thus, competent interpretation of concrete makes it easy to navigate the wide variety of products on the market and select exactly those solutions that are optimally suited for specific work.

Description of material

Concrete M200 is indispensable in private and residential construction. Reinforced concrete structures made from such a building mixture can withstand long-term loads, which allows them to be used for the construction of buildings 5-6 floors high. Today on sale you can find various types of concrete of strength grade M200, which will differ in their strength indicators, moisture and frost resistance and a number of other characteristics.

This material is made from M400 Portland cement and may include fine-grained and coarse-grained fillers. Accordingly, its characteristics, mobility and ability to maintain strength over a certain period of time will differ.

Thanks to the use of various plasticizers and additives, it is possible to significantly change the characteristics of the final mixture, but all production of M200 concrete is carried out exclusively in accordance with GOST in compliance with the recipe of this material.

It is customary to distinguish between the following types of concrete M150 and m200, depending on the characteristics of the material:

  • According to the purpose of the mixture: for industrial and domestic construction.
  • Type of binding material: gypsum, cement, silicate and with the addition of polymers.
  • Fractions of solid fillers used: fine-grained and coarse-grained types of crushed stone.
  • Density and elasticity of the composition: porous, dense, special purpose.
  • Type of maturation: with natural hardening and autoclave compositions.
  • Depending on the volumetric mass indicator: lightweight and heavy.

Provided the correct choice of such material, it will be possible to ensure maximum durability of the erected buildings, their resistance to pressure and other adverse environmental influences.

READ Concrete M350: general characteristics and features of use

The most popular are cement coarse-grained dense varieties, which are used with equal success for the manufacture of reinforced concrete structures, pouring foundations and erecting structures using monolithic construction technology.

Frost resistance

The frost resistance parameter allows you to determine how many cycles of thawing and freezing a material can withstand over a certain time while maintaining its original characteristics. For marking, the symbol F and a numerical designation from 25 to 1000 are used. For example, consider what f75 concrete means. This value indicates that the building material is capable of maintaining its properties for up to 75 freeze/thaw cycles.

It is important to understand that sub-zero temperatures promote the expansion of moisture located in the pores of the building material - the larger the volume of these pores, the lower the frost resistance. At low rates, the material reduces the load-bearing capacity of building structures and ensures faster wear of their surface.

By finding out what concrete with one or another marking means, you can correlate its frost resistance with strength indicators. The table suggests the ratio of these parameters for the most common solutions.

ClassFrost resistanceBrand

A little about raw materials

The considered characteristics of B15 concrete are relevant only for high-quality material. But it also happens that even if the composition has been fully complied with, but the quality is low, the reason in most cases lies precisely in the raw materials.

Let's take a closer look at what they should be and how to avoid mistakes when purchasing binders and aggregates.



  1. Portland cement is the main binder. PCM400, PCM500 are less common than PCM300. The composition of the remaining components directly depends on the dosage and brand of cement.
  2. For a higher quality mixture, mixtures without additives are preferable. But, for M200, the use of binders with additives is allowed. At the same time, their content will be reflected in the marking, for example, PTSM400D0 and PTSM500D20.
  3. When purchasing cement, ask the manufacturer for a quality certificate for it. It is necessary to pay attention to the date of manufacture. This is a perishable product of construction production.
  4. A month after release, even in a closed package, it begins to slowly lose its qualities. And if it contains hard stones, even small ones, this is a low-quality product, and it is not recommended to work with it.

Crushed stone

Bulk storage of mixed grade crushed stone

Cuboid crushed stone is an ideal coarse aggregate for creating M200 concrete. The composition and proportions depend on the particle size modulus.

For the brand in question, it is necessary to take crushed stone or gravel with a grain size of 10−20. If you have the opportunity to get granite aggregate, then be sure to take advantage of this opportunity.

Cuboid crushed stone

A little trick when choosing crushed stone. The more edges there are in each pebble, the better the adhesion to the concrete body. Take a handful of crushed stone and carefully examine it; if granules with 3 edges make up approximately 10% of the taken volume, then the quality of the coarse aggregate leaves much to be desired. Of course, there are many more parameters by which its suitability for preparing a solution is determined. But this is the only one that can be determined “by eye” even by an inexperienced builder.


There are no special requirements for water. The main thing is that it does not contain chemically active or petroleum impurities.


To ensure optimal filling of the solution volume, standards recommend using sand of fraction 0.14...3.5 mm. For construction purposes, it is better to take river sand - it is smooth with a minimum number of pores and sharp edges.

To mix concrete mortar, it is necessary to use purified fine filler - inclusions of mineral and organic origin ultimately reduce the strength of structures and contribute to its destruction from the inside. For this reason, conscientious miners and suppliers of garbage sift out or wash grains of sand from impurities, and only after that deliver the material to the customer.


Tiles with plasticizer

If you want to increase ductility, strength, frost resistance, crack resistance, adhesion to reinforced frames, and impart properties to work at sub-zero temperatures, then you cannot do without special plasticizers.

Increasing workability with a plasticizer

They are dosed according to the attached instructions depending on the amount of cement. Of course, the price is high, but it is fully compensated by the high quality.

Helpful advice. Today, it is increasingly possible to find an “experienced” master builder who knows that detergents provide excellent workability. Yes, and in this he is completely right. But not every such master is aware that the chemical elements in their composition increase foaming, reduce density and, accordingly, strength and durability. Therefore, do not take risks and purchase only construction additives for M200 concrete. Proportions in buckets and per 1m3, which we will look at below.

Concrete heavy class 15 m200 technical characteristics

Construction compositions with the addition of cement are widely used in the construction of objects and structures for various purposes, therefore, technical and operational requirements for them are imposed based on the functional direction of the object under construction. To facilitate the selection of the brand and class of concrete, all mixtures were classified according to the main indicators that made it possible to identify the material as, for example, class B15 concrete, which means a strength class that replaces M200 grade concrete in the outdated nomenclature.

Characteristics and properties of concrete

The main characteristics of the M200 brand classify the composition as so-called “heavy concrete”. Concrete of this class, prepared in accordance with GOST and SNiP, is used for pouring foundations, creating monolithic structures with a frame made of reinforcement, reinforced reinforced concrete slabs, concrete sidewalks with limited surface load.

Pouring concrete with a mixer

Qualitative composition of concrete B15 according to operational and technical characteristics according to GOST:

  1. By working use: used in individual and industrial construction;
  2. By type of binder: cement concrete, silicate concrete, addition of polymers and gypsum;
  3. By filler fraction: fine- and coarse-grained;
  4. According to the properties of density and elasticity: concrete for special purposes, dense, porous.
  5. According to the time and method of maturation: autoclaved material and concrete with natural hardening.
  6. By weight: light and heavy concrete.

The composition of the building material determines the mechanical and technical characteristics of the structure. To obtain class 15 concrete, Portland cement grade M 200 and fine fillers with a granule diameter of 6-70 mm are added to the solution. To fill a large area faster and without disrupting the technological process, it is allowed to add coarse gravel or granite crushed stone with a diameter of 20 mm to 140 mm to the mixture. The main characteristic of concrete is its compressive resistance Rbn, which is indicated by the symbol “M” and subsequent numbers.

Features and advantages of class 15 concrete

Heavy construction concrete M200 has standard strength parameters. The strength and quality of concrete is determined by its maximum density characteristics four weeks after pouring. The grade b 15 concrete mixture may contain various types of crushed stone: lime, gravel or granite filler. They are allowed to be mixed with each other, and the size of the aggregate should be approximately the same.

Massive concrete structures

When working on massive concrete structures, GOST allows the addition of crushed stone and gravel aggregates with a diameter of 10 mm to 140 mm to help create the structural basis of the reinforced concrete structure. The technology for preparing a solution for a concrete mixture is as follows: building materials (sand, cement, aggregates) must be dry and sifted. First, a dry mixture is prepared in a percentage or volume ratio of 3:4:9 - cement, sand, aggregates. After mixing, four parts of water are added and the mixture is thoroughly mixed again. Plasticizers and modifiers that impart special properties to the solution are added based on the requirements for the building material. Often these are antifreeze additives, antiseptic substances, and dyes.


Construction concrete compositions with such components have a standard strength of 196 kg/cm². The composition and preparation are regulated by GOST, and the parameters and properties that class B15 of the M200 brand has are reflected in the table:

Parameter Meaning

BrandM 200
Strength200 kg/m³
Class15 MPa
Frost resistanceF 100
Moisture resistanceW 6
MobilityP 3

Concrete 15 grade 200 is used in any direction - in the residential and industrial sectors, in the construction of underground, underwater and strategic objects, in the creation of architectural structures and their elements. It is a “low” composition mixture, which means a high content of hydrophobic, fast-hardening, plasticized, sulfate-resistant cement.

The high-quality content of the solution does not include the inclusion of mineral additives, but substances with surface activity can be added to the working mixture to give the concrete greater plasticity, frost resistance, which other brands do not have, and to accelerate setting. Such additives make it possible to use concrete m200 class b15 in regions with a sharply continental climate or on objects that need to be built quickly and without technological pauses. Solution proportions


  1. Optimal ratio of production cost according to GOST and product quality;
  2. Universal characteristics, extensive areas of use, low price per cube;
  3. The M200 grade is characterized by a high level of compressive strength and frost resistance among other grades of concrete;
  4. The low thermal conductivity of the material does not require the use of additional thermal insulation;
  5. The composition quickly gains strength and density, and this affects the overall speed of construction processes;
  6. This class of concrete can safely operate in the temperature range +5/+350C. Frost-resistant substances, added in the required proportions, allow work to be carried out at sub-zero temperatures.


  1. Water resistance is less than that of other brands of building materials;
  2. Adding water does not allow for non-compliance with proportions. The volumetric weight of water should be no more than 20% of the total volumetric mass of the solution.

Scope of application

The main area of ​​application is pouring floors in industrial and individual housing construction. The structure that is unstable to mechanical loads and the low strength of class B 15 concrete, insufficient resistance to weather conditions and temperature changes, does not allow the widespread use of mixtures of a similar composition for outdoor work.

Concrete floor screed

But cement mortars with such characteristics have good plasticity indicators, and they make a reliable and abrasion-resistant floor screed. The main areas of application extend to other industries where the demand for this brand is justified:

  1. Foundations for light garden buildings;
  2. Construction of walls by pouring formwork;
  3. Sidewalks, garden paths and borders;
  4. Stairs, verandas and terraces;
  5. Production of reinforced concrete structures, columns and architectural details of building decoration;
  6. Substrate for road surfaces;
  7. Blind areas.

The quality of ready-made concrete ensures high and constant demand for several types of mixtures in construction. The solution is classified according to the types of fillers added. There are the following types of concrete mortar grade B 15:

  1. Mortar on granite crushed stone is the most common;
  2. A solution with a mixture of crushed stone and gravel. This type of concrete holds its shape well, so it is often used in pouring complex volumetric structures;
  3. The low cost of crushed limestone reveals its potential in industrial construction.

Not only the strength of the structure, but also the cost of the solution and the product itself depends on what type of filler is used in the mixture. When granite is added, the cost increases by 10 percent compared to lime or gravel infill.

How to prepare a solution with your own hands

The algorithm for preparing concrete mortar presented above also applies to preparing the mixture on your own. Using some secrets will slightly reduce the cost of the solution when preparing it yourself.

Features of preparing concrete mixture:

  1. All components are first mixed dry;
  2. The first portion of water should be no more than 70% of its total amount;
  3. After mixing the composition until a homogeneous viscous mass, you need to add the remaining water;
  4. To increase frost resistance, special plasticizers are introduced into the mixture;
  5. Crushed stone or gravel should be added to the mixture last, after the solution has set slightly.
  6. Stirring the solution during preparation should occur constantly and continuously.
  7. If it is possible to mix the solution using a concrete mixer, you need to use it - mechanization of the process will greatly simplify manual labor and the working solution will be of higher quality.

It is recommended to prepare a solution for pouring floor screed with the following proportions of components:

  1. Portland cement M 200 - 10 liters;
  2. River purified sand - 19 liters;
  3. Crushed stone or gravel - 33 liters;
  4. Water - 15 liters.

Measure the required amount of luche components by volume, not by weight, so any dry container with a multiple of the volume in liters can serve as a measure. This approach will make the preparatory process much faster and significantly simplify the preliminary work. Auxiliary additives - modifiers and plasticizers, chemical components - are added to the solution only according to the instructions, observing the proportions in relation to the volume of the working mixture.

Ready-made concrete of class B15 is a building material that is recognizable and used in all areas. This fairly strong and plastic mortar with standard frost resistance indicators allows for work on pouring floor screeds, foundations of multi-story buildings, and forming a durable base in the restoration and construction of highways. In individual construction, this concrete is used in the construction of low-rise buildings and garden buildings. The relatively low degree of load absorption has virtually no effect on the demand for M200 grade concrete in construction, since the stable physical properties and performance characteristics are well combined with the fairly low price of the solution.

Concrete heavy class B15 M200 technical specifications updated: November 23, 2016 by: Artyom

Features of application and replacement options

Due to the fact that M200 grade concrete is quite common and in demand, at times there are problems with ordering it in the required quantity due to unavailability from manufacturers. In this case, the question arises about the possible use of other analogues that are not inferior in their technical and quality indicators. Such options can safely include concrete grades M150 class B12.5 and M250 class B22.5. A lower grade is possible when working, for example, on floor screed, and a grade of a higher grade is possible for more critical objects, while the total cost of the work stage will be higher, but the difference will be insignificant.

Advice: It should be noted that in order to achieve a higher level of fluidity of the solution, you should never add water to a ready-made solution. Its excessive presence can only damage the quality of the mixture and the final strength of the work result; in this case, the grade of concrete will be reduced several times.

To increase the plasticity of the solution, experts add various additives - so-called plasticizers. Due to their chemical characteristics, the concrete solution becomes pliable and more fluid, the level of viscosity is noticeably reduced without harming its quality.

Concrete GOST 26633 2012: technical characteristics

The production and composition of heavy fine-grained concrete mixtures is regulated by state standard No. 26633 2012. Our article will tell you more about the brands of ready-made mixtures, as well as the physical properties of heavy concrete and the areas of its use.

Let's consider the composition and properties.


The finished concrete mixture has a high specific gravity, which is approximately 1800–2500 kg/m³. the composition contains a large amount of cement, coarse and fine filler and water. Other additives depend on the manufacturer, but are regulated by the instructions of GOST 26633 2012.

You can learn about the types of concrete and their use by reading this article.

The main characteristics are summarized in more detail in the table. There are five main types of concrete mixtures. The use of each of them is appropriate for its intended purpose, increasing the strength of the structure and giving it the necessary properties.

What are the proportions of concrete in buckets can be found in this article.

Brands and characteristics of ready-mixed concrete:

No.:Designation of concrete mortar:Brand of cement used:Specific gravity (kg/m³):Waterproof:Frost resistance:Mobility (affects ease of installation):Composition proportions (per 1 m³):
Cement, kg:Sand, kg:Crushed stone, kg:Water, l:
1.At 15.M 200.2400.6.200.P 2.260.900.1086.155.
2.IN 20.M 250.2390.6.200.P 3.320.860.1040.165.
3.At 22.5.M 300.2400.8.300.P 3.360.830.1040.165.
4.At 25,M 350.2395.8.300.P 4.420.795.1000.175.
5.BSG V 30.M 400.2410.10.300.P 4.470.760.1000.175.

The grade of cement plays an important role in creating high-quality heavy concrete. All possible variations are used, starting from M 100, for which the achievement of the required strength is ensured by special impurities. Concrete made using cement M 700 and higher is classified as super-heavy. But the most popular and in demand are concrete mixtures prepared using cement M 200–350.

What is the proportion of concrete for the foundation can be read from the article.

In the video - hydraulic concrete GOST 26633 2012:

Read more about the composition of heavy material

The main component is cement grade M 200 and higher. The properties of the finished mortar will depend on the quality of the cement. There are special additives that increase the strength and strength of the finished layer, but it is not recommended to use a deliberately “light” cement mixture.

What are the proportions of concrete for floor screed in a garage can be found in this article.

The coarse aggregate is usually gravel, granite, limestone or diabase, as well as other types of rock. The most suitable fraction of large elements is from 5 to 70 mm. The grade of components used must also be at least M 350 for limestone and M 450 for gravel inclusions.

Heavy concrete also contains small components: coarse and fine quartz sand. The predominance of fine-grained components is also characteristic of this type of concrete mixtures. They are called fine-grained or sand concrete. Due to their rather large specific gravity, such varieties also belong to the category of heavy concrete; technical characteristics and composition will be regulated by state standards.

You can read about the hardening time of concrete depending on temperature from the article.

Each manufacturer can use special additives at its own discretion. There is a list of the following recommended impurities for inclusion in the composition.

Additives to impart specific properties to the concrete composition:

  • Plasticizers serve to create a more plastic and manageable mass. They have a complex effect; the main criteria for the finished solution will be an increase in mobility, strength, water resistance and uniformity. Prevents the mixture from sticking to the molding elements, the appearance of cracks and shrinkage of the finished surface. Thanks to the additive, the water requirement of the solution and the consumption of dry cement are reduced without the risk of loss of quality. They are also widely used among other building materials.
  • Additives - accelerators to reduce the hardening time of the finished mixture will help you quickly obtain a high-quality coating. Typically, the concrete solution is completely ready for further use within 48 hours, depending on the area and thickness of the poured layer. The use of special chemicals speeds up this process by about 12 hours and will allow you to obtain a finished plane in a shorter time without compromising quality.
  • An antifreeze additive is used to lower the freezing point of water, making it possible to pour concrete even at a temperature of -20º C. It is available in liquid form and in dry powder.

You can read about what concrete grade B 15 is and how it is used in the article.

It is best not to carry out such work in such extreme conditions, but if necessary, you can use additional insulation, heating of reinforcement structures and this special additive.

  • A concrete additive helps improve the waterproofing of the finished layer. The great advantage of this substance will be the ability to “self-tighten” small (up to 0.4 mm thick) cracks on the surface.
  • A defoamer, in contrast to a foaming agent used to saturate the concrete solution with air bubbles, is necessary for exactly the opposite purposes. With its help, air is quickly and effectively removed from the liquid solution, and the structure becomes homogeneous and dense. For heavy concrete, this is a necessary criterion indicating its quality.

What are the characteristics of concrete 200 can be read from the article.

Thanks to the defoamer, the hardened surface will have a smooth appearance without the characteristic “craters” and pits.

The use of special additives makes the solution more convenient to use, eliminating minor shortcomings and improving its advantages. Most builders prefer to work with improved concrete. This will significantly save time and effort, as well as some building materials. Such solutions are easier to install, and the finished surface has good strength and uniformity, without visible defects and imperfections.

You can read about the composition of M 400 concrete per 1 m-2 in this article.

Application area

Heavy concrete mortars are widely used in domestic and engineering construction. It is more expedient to make all load-bearing and power elements of buildings and structures from heavy concrete. If the scope of application of light mixtures is limited to the construction of walls and ceilings, then heavy concrete accounts for the rest.

What is the composition of concrete M 200 per 1 m-2 can be read from the article.

Heavy concrete is characterized by natural shrinkage within 2–3 years after installation, so this factor must be taken into account.

For residential buildings built using heavy concrete, additional thermal insulation may also be needed, since the material itself has a high thermal conductivity.

You can learn about the proportions of grade 200 concrete from this article.

Production of reinforced concrete products, foundations of various types, hydraulic structures, floor slabs, floor screeds, concrete pad for road surfaces and production of curb stones. All this is just a short list of possibilities for using heavy concrete.

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