Cement PC 400 D20: features, scope of application and storage

The most common hydraulic binder is Portland cement. It consists of finely ground cement clinker with gypsum. The last component is added to regulate the setting time of the finished solution.

There are several varieties of Portland cement. To obtain them, the mineralogical composition is regulated and mineral additives are introduced. Each of them has its own properties, which affects the scope of application of finished products.

There are the following grades of cement into which mineral additives are added: 600, 550, 500, 400. The percentage of the added substance is indicated in the labeling with the designation D. For example, cement PC 400 D20 means that it is Portland cement grade 400, which contains 20% additives. Below - in more detail about this brand of material.

Cement grades according to GOST 31108

The new standard was developed in 2003 to harmonize the current labeling with that adopted in the EU countries.
At the moment, the latest version from 2016 is working. As usual, the previous standard has not been canceled - both work in parallel. Labeling can also be mixed

Name and material composition

In a new way, cement grades are determined by their material composition. The marking contains three Cyrillic letters - TsEM and Latin numbers behind them. The composition is encrypted in Latin numerals:

  • The abbreviation CEM I stands for Portland cement. There can be no additives in it. It consists only of ground burnt clinker and technological additives in an amount of no more than 5% by weight.
  • CEM II - Portland cement with mineral additives. The mass fraction of additives is from 6% to 35%. Based on the number of additives, they are divided into two groups: group A with a content of 6% to 20%;
  • group B indicates that additives were introduced from 21% to 35%.
  • If you see CEM III, this is Portland slag cement. This brand contains from 36% to 65% slag ground into dust. There are three subtypes based on the number of additives:
      A - from 6% to 20%;
  • B - from 21% to 35%;
  • C - from 36% to 65%.
  • Pozzolanic cement is designated CEM IV. This is a supplement of volcanic origin. It is usually produced in the places where this mineral is mined.
  • Marking of composite cement CEM V. This brand of cement may contain several types of additives: slag, ash and limestone.
  • Cement from CEM II to CEM V can have subtypes depending on the additives. They are designated by the Latin letters A, B and C. After the group designation, put a slash, followed by a letter indicating the type of additive, then, separated by a dash, the letter used to code the additive itself. For example, TsEM N/A-I. If there are several additives, their designation is indicated by a dash, and the entire group is placed in brackets: for example: CEM IV/A (P-Z-Mk).

    Additives in the composition

    Additives and the designation of concrete grades with them are in the table. As you can see, CEM I is made only from crushed clinker with a small amount (no more than 5%) of technological substances. The second group of Portland cement has the most modifications and varieties.

    Brands of Portland cement depending on additives in the composition

    Portland slag cement and lower grades of cement also have additives, but the variations are much smaller. All additives and additives in the labeling are displayed in capital letters:

    • Ш - granulated slag;
    • Mk - microsilica;
    • P - pozzolana;
    • G - gliezh;
    • Z - ash;
    • C - burnt slate;
    • And - limestone.

    Cement grades depending on the composition of additives

    Pure Portland cement - CEM I, always comes without additional components, since, by definition, it cannot have them. Let's look at a few examples of labeling of other brands of cement. If we see CEM II/V-SH. This means that we have Portland cement of the second type, that is, with additives. This is indicated by the letters that appear after the slash. The letter “B” indicates that the amount of additives is more than 21%, and the letter “W” indicates that slag was used. The inscription CEM III/C denotes Portland slag cement with the addition of burnt shale. In general, the way to decipher the markings is probably clear.

    Compressive strength class

    In the new standard, the composition must indicate the compressive strength that this brand of cement is able to provide. According to GOST, there are only three values:

    • 22.5 N;
    • 32.5 N;
    • 42.5 N;
    • 52.5 N.

    Designation and rate of strength development according to the standard for cement of different grades

    Strength is checked on days 2, 7 and 28. Almost all cements are checked 7 days after mixing, and CEM III (slag Portland cement) is checked after 2 days. Based on the hardening speed, the grade of cement can be:

    • normal-hardening - indicated by the letter N after the compressive strength class;
    • slow-hardening - M;
    • fast-hardening - B.

    Graph of cement strength gain according to the new standard in mPa

    All this information is displayed in the labeling. For example: CEM III/V-SH 32.5M. Designates Portland slag cement with type B additives - granulated slag, compressive strength 32.5 M, slow-hardening.


    What is cement made from, what is its composition? The production of this brand of cement is regulated by GOST No. 10178, approved in 1985. In 2003, the document was updated to GOST 31108, which does not completely cancel, but only supplements the provisions of the previous one.

    Manufacturing the material in accordance with the current standard allows us to obtain a product that is not inferior in quality to products manufactured in the EU and CIS countries.

    M400 is made from crushed clinker (obtained by firing limestone and clay), which is mixed with gypsum and special impurities. The M400 marking means that after hardening the solution is able to withstand loads of up to 400 kgf per cm2.


    According to the current GOST, the amount of gypsum in cement should be no more than 5% , while the volume of mineral additives can vary from 0 to 20% and be marked D0-D20.

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    The presence of additives in the composition makes the material waterproof and resistant to corrosion, thanks to which cement can be used in the manufacture of reinforced concrete structures that are not afraid of moisture.


    Labeling of cement products for different delivery methods

    It’s one thing when the cement mortar is prepared at the work site. When the raw material is imported, its brand is known, it is clear what the ratio is, and for what types of work it is used. It’s another matter when products need to be delivered to the customer. How should products be labeled?

    When shipped, cement 300-400 can be distinguished by the markings applied to the packaging or by the accompanying documents, where the corresponding mark is made. Shipment can be carried out from the manufacturer in two ways:

    By car:

    • in bulk;
    • packaged.

    By rail in special wagons – Khoprakh:

    • in bulk;
    • in packaging: carriages with access inside.

    Delivery by car

    The container in which the products are packaged must be marked with the product: M-300 or M-400 indicating the purity of the product, its use and date of manufacture. If raw materials are moved in mixers, the brand of the product is indicated in the accompanying documents. Also weight and consignee.

    Delivery by rail

    When transporting by hoppers (in bulk), a note is made in the railway waybills about the weight and marking of the goods: “Cement grade M-300.” In covered wagons, when transporting packaged goods, the railway waybills contain a corresponding mark on the number of pieces and the total weight indicating the brand of the product.

    With the development of the construction industry, ready-made mixtures of different compositions are used. New types of binding substances are emerging. The old and weak are gradually leaving the construction market. Production of M-110 and M-200 ceased. The 400 brand is gradually squeezing out the 300 brand.

    Both brands are used to prepare solutions. Used during construction work. We have already discussed how to distinguish 300 cement from 400 cement at a construction site, as well as during transportation. I would like to add that they have practically no differences. They are akin to twin brothers. Only one of them is a little older. The 400 has a larger area of ​​use. M-300 has interior decoration and exterior decoration of buildings. Even when laying bricks, if there are two types, they choose the more resistant 400th. Their main difference from each other is the degree of compression. Naturally, the 440th is higher than the 300th. Find out also why M700 cement is better than other materials by clicking on this link.

    Scope of application

    Cement PC 400 D20 is used for the preparation of cement mortars and mixtures of many brands. It is also in demand by enterprises that produce reinforced concrete structures, slabs, beams, wall panels, floors and other types of products. This material is indispensable, from laying the foundation to preparing the plaster mortar:

    1. During the construction of low-rise residential buildings.
    2. On the construction of agricultural buildings.
    3. In industrial construction.

    There is only one exception where it is not recommended to use PC 400 D20 cement. These are structures that must have high frost resistance.


    Cement production enterprises are located in almost every region of Russia. Proximity to the manufacturer will significantly reduce the costs of transporting large quantities of cement. In addition, at regional factories, various substances are added to cement that improve the physical and mechanical properties of structures, taking into account the specific weather and water conditions of the area.

    Here are some examples of businesses located in different regions:

    • Association "Yakutcement" - Republic of Sakha.
    • Podolsk cement plant - Podolsk, Moscow region.
    • Teploozersky cement plant – Jewish Autonomous Region.
    • Novotroitsk cement plant - Orenburg region, Novotroitsk.
    • Verkhnebakansky cement plant - Krasnodar region, Novorossiysk.

    There are dozens of similar enterprises. There are also large manufacturers on the market, known throughout Russia and even in Europe. For example:

    Types of cement grade 400

    Binder with strength grade M400 can be produced on the basis of different components; depending on this, the material is divided into several main groups:

    1. Portland cement (PC) is the most common type, produced on the basis of calcium silicates (alite). These are metamorphic rocks. It is characterized by medium-term hardening and high technical characteristics.
    2. Aluminous cement (GC or VGC) is produced on the basis of aluminum, calcium, iron and silicon oxides in accordance with GOST 969-91. The material is characterized by accelerated setting and hardening. Suitable for urgent construction, including in winter.
    3. Magnesia cement (MGC) is a product of grinding clinker with a high magnesium content. The hardened stone is characterized by high wear resistance and density.
    4. Pozzolanic cements (PPCs) are made from volcanic rocks that are carefully crushed to a powdery state. Suitable for production are siliceous and aluminous mineral substances, some types of slag and fly ash, which have significant viscosity.
    5. Slag Portland cement (SPC) is a binder made from clinker and blast furnace or electrothermophosphorus slag with the amount of the latter not exceeding 20%. This binder is cheaper than the classic one; it is used when it is necessary to equip structures in aggressive environments and mineralized waters.

    Why are supplements needed?

    Thanks to the introduction of mineral additives, the following characteristics of PC 400 d20 cement are significantly improved:

    1. Corrosion resistance.
    2. Waterproof.
    3. Thermal protection indicators.
    4. High strength.
    5. Operation of finished products and structures is allowed in any climatic zones.
    6. Resistance to the influence of temperatures and their fluctuations.
    7. Resists corrosive wear.

    The disadvantages of using additives include deterioration of the frost resistance of the substance. In addition, due to mineral substances, the cement mortar hardens longer than without them. But all this is offset by the fact that the use of additives reduces the amount of expensive cement clinker, making a bag of cement much cheaper. And this despite the fact that the strength characteristics of Portland cement with additives remain the same as those of the material without additives.

    Types and characteristics

    Despite the fact that GOST for construction cements, issued to replace GOST 31108-2003, provides for a new designation of grades of building mixtures, many still rely on the previous numbers and letters. Therefore, manufacturers, in an effort to facilitate consumer choice, indicate the following markings on the packaging:

    • M400 D0 - does not contain any additives and consists only of clinker. This mass is characterized by high frost resistance, average hardening speed and shrinkage deformation. As a rule, this is a mixture for general construction purposes.
    • M400 D5 - contains up to 5% additives that improve the water-repellent properties of the product and increase resistance to corrosion. Recommended for the construction of load-bearing structures and floors.
    • M400 D20 - it contains up to 20% active additives, allowing it to be used for both residential and industrial premises. This cement is used both in Russia and in Europe. It has very good frost resistance and is excellent for underwater structures as it is water resistant.

    Oddly enough, but an increase in additives in cement leads to a decrease in its cost. The most expensive brand is considered to be M400 D0, and the more budget option is M400 D20.

    There are also specific types of cement that give the product the required properties. For example, a sulfate-resistant composition that allows the use of cement products in aggressive environments and mineral waters. Products with such cement have very high resistance to aqueous environments. Such mixtures can be distinguished by the CC marking in the brand name.

    Another example is expansive cement, which is essential for repairing cracks in walls and for gluing pipes in mines and tunnels. It fills cracks and seams and contains additives that help the mixture dry to increase its volume. This restores the tightness of the product.

    Another feature is its low deformability and fire resistance. Typically, this type of mixture is used for quickly installing foundations, as well as for repairing underwater structures. For quick-drying cements, use the additional letter “B” in the marking.

    Of course, the specificity of the additive always leads to an increase in the price of cement. However, we should not forget that such additives are used in small quantities and their use is economically justified.

    The characteristics of cement are influenced by the conditions and period of its storage after production. For example, the bulk density of fresh cement depends on the degree of grinding, but on average it is 1000-1200 kg/m3. If cement is stored in conditions that do not comply with the manufacturer’s recommendations, then it cakes to a density of 1700 kg/m3, and at high humidity it can weigh up to 3000 kg per cubic meter. This can lead to premature hardening or loss of strength properties of concrete. Instead of mass for active chemical interaction, you get inert mineral chips.

    Cement is sold weighing up to 50 kg in durable paper bags. The packaging clearly indicates the brand of the mixture, recommendations for use, as well as the batch number and production date. It is the freshness of cement that is the key to the quality of future products. Therefore, you should choose packaging with the latest possible release date.

    Looking at the production date, it should be borne in mind that every 3 months cement loses about 15% of its original properties. If old cement is still used during construction, it is necessary to provide for its increased consumption in order to obtain concrete of the given strength.

    Bulk technical cement is also sold. It is more convenient to purchase for large volumes of work. Its cost is 15-20% lower than packaged. This is due to both the lack of packaging and large volumes of purchases. However, with a bulk mixture it is more difficult to track the date of manufacture, and, consequently, the quality of the starting material.

    Features when working with white cement

    White cement is an excellent material for implementing original design ideas, finishing work, pouring structures, etc. When working with white M600 cement, you need to remember some important rules that will allow you to achieve maximum results.

    Things to remember when working with white cement:

    • All tools and mechanisms must be clean, with working parts made of stainless steel.
    • To get a light solution, you need to add white fillers (or at least light ones) to the mixture - this can be transparent sand, white crushed stone. It is not recommended to exceed the proportions of regular sand due to the risk of changing the shade.
    • If white cement M600 is used to create a structure with a reinforced frame, the rods and all iron parts must be coated with an anti-corrosion compound.
    • This type can only be done with clean water, preferably soft water.

    By mixing white cement with pigment and marble and granite crushed stone, you can achieve a complete resemblance of the hardened stone to natural material. Often such solutions are used in the creation of decorative tiles, bricks, and plaster mixtures.

    M600 cement is a high-quality and quite expensive building material, the properties of which are not relevant in all areas. But in some cases, the technical characteristics of the binder help to implement the assigned tasks quickly and reliably.

    You can purchase cement in Moscow and the regions at any construction supermarket, but before choosing this material, you need to carefully calculate the loads and requirements, as well as the optimality of high costs.


    CPS is a binder based on crushed clinker with a standardized composition. There is a GOST 10178-85 standard, according to which the content of magnesium oxide and the proportions of other ingredients are selected.

    Organic minerals are used as feedstock, such as:

    1. Aliit.
    2. Alumina.
    3. Magnesite.
    4. Gypsum.

    Using firing technology, clinker is created from this raw material. The main substance is combined with mineral additives that affect the final properties of the working mixture and stone.

    Additives can also be added to the composition to increase plasticity, resistance to frost and aggressive environments. Their total concentration should not exceed 5% by weight.

    For industrial purposes, plasticized subtypes of cement are created, which are characterized by increased fluidity and guarantee improved compaction when constructing concrete structures. The mixture contains clinker and gypsum, as well as an active additive. This can be a concentrate of sulfite and alcohol, containing 0.2% of the total weight of M400 cement.

    The material differs from other varieties in its improved resistance to frost, corrosion and stress.


    Brand M400 is a general designation for a binder. A full description is given in GOST 10178-85, where the following indicators may be mentioned:

    1. PC is Portland cement based on alite clinker.
    2. 400 - marking for resistance to compression loads.
    3. D20 - characterizes the mineral content as a percentage.
    4. B - degree of hardening.
    5. PL - presence and function of additives. In this case, the mixture is plasticized.
    6. GF is a hydrophobized mixture.


    The M500 cement grade demonstrates high performance characteristics. The mixture is especially popular due to its strength, reliability and durability, as well as versatility.

    Main properties of Portland cement M500:

    • Start of setting – 45 minutes after mixing
    • Complete hardening and strength gain - within 28 days
    • Frost resistance – about 70 freeze/thaw cycles
    • Bending load – up to 6.3 MPa (63 atmospheres)
    • Grinding fineness – 92%
    • Hygroscopic expansion – maximum 10 millimeters
    • Compressive strength – 59.9 MPa (591 atmospheres)
    • The shelf life of the dry mixture is about 1 year in original, undamaged packaging (despite the fact that the packages usually indicate M500 for 12 months, after 3-6 months it gradually loses its properties)
    • Radioactivity – up to 370 BC/kg (class 1)
    • Density – up to 3200 kg/m3


    Density is an informative indicator that is responsible for the quality of the binder. It is the density that affects the reliability and strength of the hardened stone. The higher the bulk density indicator of Portland cement (PC) 500, the lower the porosity of the monolith will be and the worse it will absorb water and collapse under frost and various loads.

    The bulk density of M500 cement can vary between 1100-1600 kg/m3. In calculations, an indicator of 1300 kg/m3 is usually used. The true density of the material is 3200 kg/m3.


    Various additives are introduced into Portland 500 cement, designed to improve certain of its properties and perform other tasks.

    Main types of cement additives:

    • To regulate properties - affect strength, setting time, plasticity, water absorption.
    • Material – influence the processes of hydration and hardening. These can be active mineral additives or fillers.
    • Technological - influence the grinding process, which can in a certain way affect the characteristics of the material, but is not at all necessary.

    The volume of additives may vary, as indicated by the labeling. D0 is cement without additives, D5 or D20, for example, is cement that contains 5% and 20% of different substances, respectively. All additives are designed to improve the characteristics of the binder, to one degree or another.

    Consumption rates

    Portland cement M500 is supplied in bags of 25 kg, 50 kg (more in demand). And the question of how much binder is needed to prepare the solution is relevant for all craftsmen. Consumption rates depend on what kind of concrete needs to be prepared and why. Masonry and plaster mixtures are made from cement and sand in a ratio of 1:3, 1:2.

    As a rule, the following components are used to fill and create durable structures: clean sand (without clay, silt, debris, small crushed stone), crushed stone with frost resistance F-65 and strength minimum M1000, Portland cement M500.

    M500 for different solutions:

    • Concrete M200 – 250 kilograms
    • M250 – 300 kilograms
    • M300 – 350 kilograms
    • M350 – 400 kilograms
    • M400 – 450 kilograms

    It is almost impossible to prepare concrete with a strength of M300 or higher at home, since it requires thorough mixing, which is extremely difficult to achieve without the use of technological equipment.

    Packing and packing

    Cement is produced and supplied in any volume. Standard packaging of M500 is in bags of 25, 50 kg (you can find M500 40 kg, but less often). After production, the cement is distributed into sealed towers, where a powerful ventilation system with a low level of air humidity is installed. Here the binder can be stored for up to 14 days.

    Then the Portland cement is packaged in paper bags. The gross weight of the bag is no more than 51 kilograms. The bags must be made of several layers of polyethylene to prevent moisture from penetrating the powder. The packaging indicates the packaging date and markings with basic symbols that provide information about the material.

    Under production conditions, the M500 should only be stored in its original container and for no more than a few months. If you plan to store it for a long time, the bags are placed on special pallets and turned over every 2 months.

    Storage conditions: normal humidity level, air temperature up to +50 degrees. When in contact with air, cement absorbs moisture from it, which reduces its properties. Also, the binder loses parameters every few months, so the highest quality mortar can be obtained from fresh cement.


    The M500 cement grade demonstrates high performance characteristics. The mixture is especially popular due to its strength, reliability and durability, as well as versatility.

    Main properties of Portland cement M500:

    • Start of setting – 45 minutes after mixing
    • Complete hardening and strength gain - within 28 days
    • Frost resistance – about 70 freeze/thaw cycles
    • Bending load – up to 6.3 MPa (63 atmospheres)
    • Grinding fineness – 92%
    • Hygroscopic expansion – maximum 10 millimeters
    • Compressive strength – 59.9 MPa (591 atmospheres)
    • The shelf life of the dry mixture is about 1 year in original, undamaged packaging (despite the fact that the packages usually indicate M500 for 12 months, after 3-6 months it gradually loses its properties)
    • Radioactivity – up to 370 BC/kg (class 1)
    • Density – up to 3200 kg/m3


    Density is an informative indicator that is responsible for the quality of the binder. It is the density that affects the reliability and strength of the hardened stone. The higher the bulk density indicator of Portland cement (PC) 500, the lower the porosity of the monolith will be and the worse it will absorb water and collapse under frost and various loads.

    M500 can vary between 1100-1600 kg/m3. In calculations, an indicator of 1300 kg/m3 is usually used. The true density of the material is 3200 kg/m3.


    Various additives are introduced into Portland 500 cement, designed to improve certain of its properties and perform other tasks.

    Main types of cement additives:

    • To regulate properties - affect strength, setting time, plasticity, water absorption.
    • Material – influence the processes of hydration and hardening. These can be active mineral additives or fillers.
    • Technological - influence the grinding process, which can in a certain way affect the characteristics of the material, but is not at all necessary.

    The volume of additives may vary, as indicated by the labeling. D0 is cement without additives, D5 or D20, for example, is cement that contains 5% and 20% of different substances, respectively. All additives are designed to improve the characteristics of the binder, to one degree or another.

    Consumption rates

    Portland cement M500 is supplied in bags of 25 kg, 50 kg (more in demand). And the question of how much binder is needed to prepare the solution is relevant for all craftsmen. Consumption rates depend on what kind of concrete needs to be prepared and why. Masonry and plaster mixtures are made from cement and sand in a ratio of 1:3, 1:2.

    As a rule, the following components are used to fill and create durable structures: clean sand (without clay, silt, debris, small crushed stone), crushed stone with frost resistance F-65 and strength minimum M1000, Portland cement M500.

    M500 for different solutions:

    • Concrete M200 – 250 kilograms
    • M250 – 300 kilograms
    • M300 – 350 kilograms
    • M350 – 400 kilograms
    • M400 – 450 kilograms

    It is almost impossible to prepare concrete with a strength of M300 or higher at home, since it requires thorough mixing, which is extremely difficult to achieve without the use of technological equipment.

    Packing and packing

    Cement is produced and supplied in any volume. Standard packaging of M500 is in bags of 25, 50 kg (you can find M500 40 kg, but less often). After production, the cement is distributed into sealed towers, where a powerful ventilation system with a low level of air humidity is installed. Here the binder can be stored for up to 14 days.

    Then the Portland cement is packaged in paper bags. The gross weight of the bag is no more than 51 kilograms. The bags must be made of several layers of polyethylene to prevent moisture from penetrating the powder. The packaging indicates the packaging date and markings with basic symbols that provide information about the material.

    Under production conditions, the M500 should only be stored in its original container and for no more than a few months. If you plan to store it for a long time, the bags are placed on special pallets and turned over every 2 months.

    Storage conditions: normal humidity level, air temperature up to +50 degrees. When in contact with air, cement absorbs moisture from it, which reduces its properties. Also, the binder loses parameters every few months, so the highest quality mortar can be obtained from fresh cement.

    Purchasing material: what you need to know

    The quality of this type of material largely depends on storage conditions. Manufacturers recommend storing mixtures so that they do not get wet. A separate dry room must be allocated for this. It is best if the material is stacked on pallets, otherwise the bottom bag of cement in each stack may become damp.

    Therefore, when planning to buy a material, first of all, you need to pay attention to how long ago it was made: the longer the product has been sitting, the higher the likelihood of receiving a low-quality mixture - in just a month, if stored incorrectly, cement can lose 50% of its strength.

    What is very beneficial for consumers is that you can purchase bags of cement of 50 kg or 25. This allows you to buy exactly as much material as is needed to solve a specific construction problem and then not ensure proper storage of the remainder.

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