What does the density and weight of reinforced concrete depend on and how are they calculated?

Important characteristics of a building material are the weight and density of reinforced concrete. These parameters determine the performance qualities of the finished element or structure. A wide classification of reinforced concrete products according to these characteristics is proposed. The amount of weight and density is influenced by many factors, in particular the quantity and quality used in the initial mixture for manufacturing.

Such different weights of concrete in 1 m3: table for calculating the mass of the solution and finished structures

In the process of calculating the load-bearing capacity of structures, or directly on the construction site, there is an urgent need to find out the weight of 1m3 of reinforced concrete, for example, dismantled structures.

In general, for medium-reinforced heavy concrete, the volume of the product is determined in m3, multiplied by the density of 2.5 t/m3, and the value in tons is obtained. This is what a simplified calculation of concrete weight looks like. But this is not a universal formula, since there are a large number of varieties of this building material. Let's talk about them.

What is bulk density and where to get it

The weight of 1 m3 of a substance without voids is called its true density.

There you can find the characteristics:

The unit of measurement is the same for everyone - it is t/m3 or kg/m3. Of course, going into subtleties and relativity, they are not equal to each other. But, if we are not talking about construction in space, then to find out how much 1 m3 of concrete weighs, you can use any of these values.

Especially for rough calculations on a construction site, or large-scale collection of weight for estimates or cargo transportation.

Note: if a dimensionless value is indicated, for example, as in the passport for reinforced concrete products, then you need to look at the number of characters. That is, if it is a 3 or 4-digit number (500, or 2400 as in the picture above), the unit of measurement will be kg/m3. If the value is small and fractional (0.5 or 2.4), it is indicated in t/m3.

Weight by type of concrete

Depending on the density, the following types are distinguished:

Foundations are usually laid from heavy reinforced concrete, and aerated concrete, expanded clay concrete and other cellular and other types are increasingly used for walls. The construction of nuclear power plants and bunkers for storing nuclear waste is carried out from especially heavy concrete. And especially lightweight ones are used for thermal insulation. The volumetric weight for each type will vary greatly.

Note: Sometimes you need to find out how much a liter of concrete weighs. It's simple: you need to convert liters into cubic meters and multiply by the reference value of the volumetric mass. 1l is equal to 0.001m3. Similarly, it is calculated how much a 10 liter bucket of concrete weighs. Accordingly, 10l is 0.01 m3

Depending on the brand and type, the weight of a cubic meter can be determined from the table:

Features of foundation concrete blocks

They are used for the construction of foundations, plinths, basements, and walls of outbuildings. Their main purpose is to uniformly distribute the load on the base.

Foundation blocks are made from concrete with a density of at least 1800 kg/cm3. The grade of concrete is determined by regulatory documents, which manufacturers must strictly follow.

Blocks for foundation construction are:

  • foundation solid section (FBS);
  • foundation with cutout (FBV);
  • hollow foundation (FBP).

The type of foundation and type of products are selected taking into account the geological, hydrological and engineering-geophysical conditions of construction, and the economic component.

Concrete volume calculator

In the literature you can find data on specific gravity, depending on its type and filler:

Brand and class of concrete, what is the difference?

The grade of concrete means the compressive strength in kgf/cm², and is the main indicator of its strength. The class is more often used by professional builders.

The brand and class indicators are similar. However, the latter uses the guaranteed strength, while the brands use the average strength value. The weight of a ton of concrete is 1000 kg.

Note: class B25 means that the material will withstand a pressure of 25 MPa in 95% of cases. Which roughly corresponds to the M350 brand. The weight of 1 m3 of B25 concrete is 2502 kg.

Another way to calculate the weight of concrete is to use the concrete weight calculator on our website. It will help you quickly determine how much concrete is needed for screeding, building a house, garage or cottage. Or understand how much a ton of concrete weighs.

What does the concept mean?

The weight of a concrete block is the force with which it acts on a support or other type of fastening that prevents it from falling. It arises due to gravity and at rest is equal to the mass of the block in kg or tons.

Often in construction the concept of volumetric and specific gravity is used:

The specific gravity of the stone will depend on its fillers. Since, according to GOST 13579-78, concrete blocks are produced in various modifications, which have their own characteristics and performance quality. Externally sized blocks can have completely different weights.

Knowing the external dimensions of concrete products and their specific gravity according to GOST, it is possible to establish the standard weight.

By comparing the standard weight with the actual weight obtained at the weighing complex when weighing a vehicle with stones, it is possible to determine how much the products actually comply with GOST, which is very important, since “light” products are defective and may not withstand the building structure.

What does mass depend on?

The weight of concrete is determined by the dimensions and shape of the product, compressive strength characteristics, the specific gravity of concrete, reinforcement and filler, and the presence of auxiliary elements, for example, mounting loops.

In order to standardize the production of concrete blocks for standard construction, they are marked .

For example, FBS 24.3.6-T means a foundation block having a solid cross-section, length 2400 mm, thickness 300 mm and width 600 mm. The letter “T” is heavy concrete on crushed stone. For the foundations of residential buildings, you cannot use L/P/S modifications with light expanded clay and silicate filler.

What is the size?

The weight of concrete stones is regulated by the above-mentioned GOST and depends on the categories of products. FBS is a monolithic, solid rectangular section made of high-quality concrete, with high technological characteristics and strength.

The manufacturing process does not involve reinforcement, apart from the installation of fastening loops.

Weight of FBS depending on the compression class of concrete:

Calculation of concrete composition

Lightweight concrete

This building material has a very porous structure, or it uses cellular fillers. Lightweight concrete can contain about 600 kg of sand per 1 m3. It is most often used in the form of ready-made blocks. Weight of 1 m3 of lightweight concrete is up to 1800 kg.

A table of concrete weights depending on technical characteristics and purpose is given below.

Note: the use of lightweight concrete in construction is beneficial. They make it possible to increase acoustic and thermal characteristics, reduce construction costs and reduce the weight of the building.

Heavy concrete

These are ordinary concrete reinforced with steel rods with crushed stone and sand fillers. Heavy concrete is used for all types of construction, including transport and hydraulic engineering, construction of road and airfield pavements and foundations. The weight of a cubic meter of heavy concrete can be from 1800 to 2500 kg, and of especially heavy concrete up to 3000 kg.

Note: in the supporting sections of structures and at joints there is usually a high percentage of reinforcement (up to 10%). Accordingly, the weight of the structure in this place is greater. After all, metal is heavier than stone. In turn, the intermediate sections will have an average percentage of reinforcement (3-5%). Small (about 1%) - in unloaded areas.

Table: weight of heavy concrete:

NameUnreinforced or lightly reinforcedMedium reinforcedHeavily reinforced
Volumetric weight, t/m32,42,52,6

This building material is most often used for the construction of various basic reinforced concrete structures.

Rubble concrete

This is monolithic concrete, in which rubble stone is used as a filler - at least 40%.

It can be used for the construction of fences and various enclosures.

Note: reinforcement cannot be made in rubble concrete due to the shape of the stone, but reinforcing belts can be made. In this case, a protective concrete layer of at least 3 cm should be placed before the reinforcement.

The main advantages of such a foundation:

To determine the weight of rubble concrete, you can use the table:

Foundation materialSpecific gravity, kg/m3
Rubble stone1600-1800
Rubble concrete, brick1880-2200
Reinforced concrete2200-2500

Dry concrete

In cases where it is difficult to organize a place for storing concrete components and the passage of special equipment to a construction site, and the amount of work is expected to be small, it is more advisable to use ready-made dry concrete mixtures. It is easy to make a solution from them by simply adding a certain amount of water according to the instructions.

The weight of B15 concrete is 2432 kg. Note: the use of a ready-made solution from a dry mixture is no different from ordinary concrete. It can be used both for casting products and as monolithic concrete.

Advantages of dry concrete:

Consumption is 90-100 kg per 1 m2 with a layer thickness of 50 mm. They include Portland cement with a high strength grade (min. M400), fillers, and various additives. The manufacturer develops instructions for use for each type of concrete mixture. Learn more by watching the video in this article.

Note: the weight of dry concrete is determined by its composition, which is usually indicated on the packaging. There is a wide range of products on the market depending on the manufacturer. All of them are packaged in various containers, for example in bags. The weight of a tub of concrete should be indicated on the packaging depending on the brand and fillers.

Dry concrete mixture is suitable for individual construction and renovation. It does not require difficult conditions of transportation, storage and use and has all the useful qualities of the finished product and is not inferior to it either in strength or reliability.

Ribbed slabs

They are usually used in the construction of industrial buildings. provide high resistance to mechanical damage. The disadvantage of such products is their unattractive appearance.

Depending on the purpose, the slabs can be mounted with the ribs up or down. As a rule, the second option is common. Slabs are manufactured in accordance with GOST standards. For products with a height of 400 mm, State Standard 27215-87 applies, for prestressed products with a height of 300 mm - standard 21506-87.

Light or heavy concrete can be used to produce ribbed slabs. Products are used:

  • In unheated and heated rooms, outdoors.
  • At temperatures from -40 to +50 degrees. If additional requirements are met, the temperature range can be expanded.
  • In areas with estimated seismicity up to 9 points.
  • In gaseous, slightly, moderately or non-aggressive environments.

The classification of ribbed slabs is carried out depending on the method of support on the crossbars:

  • On shelves - 1P.
  • On the top of the beam - 2P.

At the same time, 1P slabs have 8 standard sizes, and 2P - one. The length of the products in the first case is 5.05 and 5.55, and the width varies in the range from 0.74 to 2.985 m. 2P ribbed slabs have a standard size of 5.95x1.485 meters.

Prestressed products are available in three standard sizes. They differ in shape and width. All have a standard length of 5.65 meters. Width P1 - 2.985, P2 - 1.485, P3 - 0.935 meters.

The technical regulatory documentation defines the requirements for reinforcement bars, concrete and finished products in general. In addition, possible tolerances are indicated. Manufacturers of concrete slabs must strictly comply with all requirements.

How much does reinforced concrete weigh?

These are buildings or individual finished products made of concrete with working and structural reinforcement (reinforced). They have high fire resistance and resistance to the negative effects of subzero temperatures. In them, the calculated forces from all impacts must be absorbed by concrete and working reinforcement (clause 3.8 of SP 63.13330.2012).

Based on the type of manufacturing, the structure is divided into:

Prefabricated structures

They are made from pre-prepared elements (reinforced concrete products), the installation of which is carried out on the construction site according to the project. Prefabricated concrete products include foundation blocks, piles, various slabs, and crossbars. To find out the weight of reinforced concrete structures, you need to refer to the documentation for a specific product.

Note: all concrete products manufactured at the plant are subject to marking.

Monolithic reinforced concrete structures

The peculiarity of this type of work is that the structures are made directly at the construction site by laying the mixture into formwork. This allows you to erect a building or structure of complex shape and non-standard planning solutions in the shortest possible time.

The process of creating monolithic structures includes the use of reinforcement, which serves to uniformly distribute stress and deformation.

Depending on the shape and purpose of the structure, the grade of concrete, as well as the selected reinforcement scheme, the weight of monolithic reinforced concrete will differ. The number of rods and their cross-section matter.

The amount of reinforcement in the reinforced concrete body is usually taken as a reference. Its weight is determined according to the table:

How to calculate the weight of concrete? Let's look at the example of a strip foundation made of monolithic reinforced concrete grade M350, reinforced with rods with a diameter of 12 mm.

The volume occupied by reinforcement per cubic meter of reinforced concrete is calculated by the formula:

π r 2 L = 3.14 (0.006) 2 16 = 0.0018 m3, where:

We take the data from the table presented above.

It turns out that concrete occupies 0.9982 m3.

Thus, we obtain the weight of m3 of reinforced concrete: 14.13 + 2497.50 = 2511.63 kg.

Example: it is necessary to calculate the weight of a concrete screed 5 cm thick, class B20. From the table posted earlier, we determine that the specific gravity of 1 m3 of B20 concrete is 2348 kg/m3. Room area 15 m2. We get a weight of 15 * 0.05 * 2348 = 1761 kg - the weight of the concrete slab for this room.

Prefabricated monolithic structures

They consist of precast concrete products and cast-in-place concrete, which binds the entire structure together. The main role in this technology is played by the quality of adhesion between prefabricated elements and monolithic ones. Such structures combine the advantages of prefabricated and monolithic construction.

The weight in this case will depend on the components of the prefabricated monolithic structure.

Therefore, to determine it you need to:

Note: the technology for constructing prefabricated monolithic buildings allows the use of blocks and slabs from various types of concrete, depending on the purpose. Monolithic sections are made of concrete not lower than M100 with fine-grained filler. The weight of 1 m3 of M 100 concrete is 2494 kg, and the weight of 1 m3 of B20 concrete is 2348 kg.

Types of concrete blocks

So what are concrete blocks? Concrete blocks are products made from monolithic concrete, which are used for the construction of structures of various functions.

Concrete blocks are divided into three categories: foundation, wall and partition. Foundation blocks are made in the form of a solid block with reinforcement and are used when installing the foundation, building basements and load-bearing supports.

Concrete foundation blocks have special markings that indicate the dimensions of the product.

Manufacturers offer the following range of concrete blocks:

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Wall blocks have different shapes and sizes; there are large and small concrete blocks, similar in size to bricks. To strengthen the structure, some blocks are produced already reinforced or have special recesses for laying reinforcement.

Experts recommend using solid-type blocks when working on the construction of load-bearing supports, foundations, technical and basement spaces. For the construction of building walls, it is better to give preference to hollow products.

Many manufacturers produce decorative blocks for facade cladding; they have a different color palette and texture. For example, consumers often use products that imitate torn stone.

According to GOST, standard concrete blocks have the following dimensions:

  • Height – 20 cm;
  • Width – 20 cm;
  • Length – 40 cm.

The weight of a standard shaped concrete block ranges from 16 kg to 31 kg, depending on the type of product (solid or hollow).

How to calculate the weight of a concrete slab

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Density of concrete in this calculation = 2400 kg/m3

If you need to convert m3 to kg for any material with any density, then see the universal calculator for converting m3 to kg.

The density of concrete tends to change depending on the temperature and pressure of the environment. See reference books for exact density data.

The relationship between volume and mass is determined by a simple mathematical formula:

V – volume; m – mass; p – density.

You can quickly solve this simple mathematical operation using our online program. To do this, enter the initial value in the appropriate field and click the button.

This page provides the simplest online converter of units of measurement of cubic meters of concrete to kg. With this calculator you can convert kg of concrete to m3 and vice versa in one click.

Concrete is an integral part of renovation or construction. It has high strength indicators, is easy to use and provides buildings with durability and reliability. One of the main technical characteristics is the mass of concrete in one cube. Its value makes it possible to evaluate the composition, physical and mechanical properties of the material. This value is not constant, because depending on the specifics of the work, concrete is divided into several types, which differ in the ratio of components, structure, and most importantly, in specific gravity. Before starting construction, you need to carefully calculate the materials, and the question often arises, how many kilograms are there in a cube of concrete?

Separation of concrete by specific gravity.

The classification of concrete includes 4 groups with a weight range of 1 m3 of mixture:

1. Extra light – up to 500 kg.

They are also called cellular concrete; they do not contain large fillers. This solution consists of sand and concrete, and a foaming agent is added to it. Air pores form inside the solution (the volume of which is 85%). Lightweight concrete has a very low specific gravity: less than 500 kg. This group is most often used in the production of blocks and slabs, which serve as insulation materials in structures. Online calculation of the composition of cement mortar.

2. Light – 500-1800 kg.

For this type of concrete, various porous materials are used as fillers: foamed perlite, expanded clay, waste from various industries, vermiculite. The weight of concrete is reduced due to the porosity of the material, which is why it is called light.

The weight of 1 m3 of this species ranges from 500 to 1800 kg. Sand is not used in all types of lightweight concrete, but if it must be available according to the recipe, then its mass in 1 m 3 is about 600 kg. Lightweight concrete mortars are used when pouring fences, screeds, and block products.

3. Heavy - 1800-2500 kg.

This group of concrete solutions contains heavy and coarse fillers (coarse sand, gravel, crushed stone). The weight of 1 m 3 ranges from 1800 to 2500 kg. The recipe for heavy concrete shows that it is the fillers that occupy the bulk of the mixture.

The standard recipe consists of: crushed stone or gravel - 1200-1300 kg, sand - 600-700 kg, cement - 250-450 kg, water volume - 150-200 l.

This type of concrete is considered classic (traditional), they are widely used in various construction works, for example, pouring screeds, load-bearing structures, fences.

4. Particularly heavy – 2500-3000 kg.

This type of concrete is not used in the construction of private housing construction; most often they are used in nuclear reactors as a protective structure. The mass of 1 m 3 in such concrete ranges from 2500 to 3000 kg. The bulk of them is occupied by large aggregates.

Changing the recipe of concrete mortar.

To change the mortar formulation, it is necessary to increase the amount of cement added and reduce the volume of added fillers. The solution recipe in this case may be as follows:

Cement M300 - 350 kg.

Due to the large reduction in the volume of crushed stone, the weight of concrete will decrease and the density will increase. There are no standard recipes that allow you to change the grade of cement to a lower or higher one. At home, it is very difficult to adjust a changing recipe to a new one. It is much easier to do this in a factory environment, where special laboratories do this. Therefore, it is recommended to use classic recipes that use the required components.

Calculation of the weight of concrete slabs

All construction companies face the need to find out the weight of a concrete slab or any other reinforced concrete product at one stage or another of construction. This question arises when it is necessary to transport concrete slabs, as well as directly during the construction of a building.

Concrete slabs with identical external parameters can differ significantly in their weight. The weight of the product is influenced by factors such as manufacturing technology, the composition of the concrete mixture, and what fillers were used by the manufacturer.

Features of the weight of concrete slabs

First of all, it should be noted that there are two values ​​for the weight of a reinforced concrete slab - its specific and volumetric weight.

Specific gravity of a concrete slab. Speaking of specific gravity, ideally we mean a one-component material with 100% density, with a complete absence of pores. However, concrete products are created from several components, including various fillers, which give the slab structure and heterogeneity. Therefore, the calculation of the specific gravity in this case is made by adding together the specific gravity of the individual ingredients of the mixture, including the water that took part in the preparation of concrete.

Volumetric weight of the slab. Most often, it is the volumetric weight of the product that matters, since this indicator reflects the physical properties of the concrete slab. The importance of calculated data is difficult to overestimate. So, the lower the volumetric weight of a concrete slab, the less energy required for its installation, and the lower the cost of its transportation. At the same time, the indicator should not be less than the permissible minimum value so that the slab can perform the load-bearing functions assigned to it.

How to calculate the weight of concrete slabs

You can order concrete slabs from St. Petersburg from our company by choosing the type of product that suits the characteristics of your project.

Calculating the weight of a concrete product can be done in the simplest way, by weighing a sample, for example, one cubic meter. However, in the case of a finished concrete slab, this option is not relevant, so you can find out the weight based on data on the type of concrete and the filler used.

Mandatory requirements

According to state standards, reinforced concrete slabs must contain:

  • Structural elements or embedded parts made in the form of releases of reinforcement bars. They are designed for joining with metal and reinforced concrete frame parts.
  • Through channels. They are used to pass electrical wires or other networks.
  • Mounting loops.

Standards establish standard indicators of frost resistance and water resistance of slabs, quality and strength of materials, including metal rods. There should be no concrete sagging on the embedded elements. To prevent injury, the rod outlets must be protected.

Attention is also paid to the appearance of the products. There should be no chips, cracks, or deep holes on the surface of the slab.

Density and weight

The density value of the concrete part can be determined using a simplified method. Usually, when composing a mixture, the weight of each component is specified. By adding these indicators and excluding water from the sum (it gradually evaporates when it hardens), the desired density is obtained. For approximate calculations, use reference data depending on the grade of concrete for the manufacture of reinforced concrete products. The characteristics and scope of use of classic heavy concrete are shown in the table.

Concrete, brandAverage density, kg/m3Application
M2002390Floor screed, blind areas, sidewalk paths, strip foundations for small structures, stairs, retaining walls
M2502397Monolithic foundation, blind areas, fences, stairs, non-load-bearing floors
M3002407Monolithic foundations, walls, floor slabs
M3502412All types of foundations, floor slabs, columns, beams, crossbars, pools, runways
M4002420Bridges, hydraulic structures (not used in private construction)

The reinforcement scheme also influences this. This concept includes the diameter of the reinforcing rods or wire, as well as the distance between them (pitch). The weight of the metal frame in 1 m3 of reinforced concrete products is small: this can be seen from the reference table:

Type of reinforced concrete productsRod diameter, mmReinforcing mesh cell pitch, cmTotal length of rods, m/m3Total weight of steel parts*in cubic meter of reinforced concrete, kg
Blind area of ​​the building, concrete pavement of paths820166,5
Slab and strip foundations, horizontal slabs, support beams12-16181614-25
Floors, unsupported beams (consoles)16-18134977-97
Load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls, columns14-18134859-97

*The specific gravity of reinforcing steel is 7850 kg/m3.

Knowing the density indicators of the concrete and steel parts, it is not difficult to determine the final density of the reinforced concrete structure. As an example, a calculation diagram is given for a floor made of M350 concrete with reinforcement from rods with a diameter of 18 mm. The second table takes the total length of the steel rods - 49 m.

1. The volume of reinforcement in 1 m3 of reinforced concrete is determined by the formula:

After substitution it turns out: V a = (3.14*0.018 2 /4)*49 = 0.012 m3.

2. The volume of the concrete component that contains reinforced concrete is calculated: V b = 1-V a = 1-0.012 = 0.088 m3.

3. The mass of the reinforcement is calculated as the product of its volume and the specific weight of steel: m a = 7850 * 0.012 = 94.2 kg.

4. The mass of the volume fraction of concrete is: m b = 2412 * 0.988 = 2384 kg.

5. The mass of reinforcement and concrete is summed up: 94.2 + 2384 = 2476.2 kg.

Reinforced concrete under given conditions has a density of 2476.2 kg.

Knowing how much 1 m3 of reinforced concrete weighs, the total weight of the structure is determined, breaking it down into its component elements if necessary. Such calculations must be performed during the design of a structure: the weight load is calculated to find out whether the foundation will support it.

It is advisable to calculate the specific gravity and total mass of reinforced concrete products when purchasing materials for construction work in order to include the costs of their acquisition and delivery in the overall cost estimate. When dismantling reinforced concrete structures, based on the weight of the disassembled parts of the building, the volume of work for dismantling and removal of construction waste is determined. Typically, calculations are performed by specialists from special service companies based on measurement results. Calculating the approximate weight of the garbage yourself is not difficult. The density of reinforced concrete products is conventionally taken to be 2500 kg/m3 and multiplied by the volume - the product of the measured dimensions of all components. The final tonnage is multiplied by tariffs for dismantling, loading, transportation, and disposal of the corresponding products.

Floor slabs are horizontal structures that serve as interfloor or attic partitions installed between the roof and the top floor of the house. In modern construction, they usually resort to installing concrete floors, and it does not matter at all how many levels the building has. In this article we will look at the types and sizes of floor slabs that are most often used on construction sites. These products make up the main share of products produced at concrete factories.

Types of slabs

Extensive experience in using this material in construction determines a fairly wide range of products presented. Of course, each niche has a detailed classification according to its own GOST standards. But, despite this, the production of all products can be divided into several areas.

Product classification

  • Solid or solid cast slabs are marked as PTS
    . They are monolithic structures reinforced with a steel frame. They have a high resistance, as a rule, are used in buildings with a large design load. In particular, they are widely used in industrial and multi-storey construction. But the scope of use is significantly limited by serious mass.
  • Ribbed products are marked as PTR
    . They are a monolithic slab equipped with stiffeners, which can be located in one or two directions. Most often, these structures are used to install floors or floors in industrial buildings, matting, warehouses, etc. Due to the reinforcing ribs, they have a fairly high resistance to mechanical loads.
  • In private and residential construction, the most common are hollow slabs; they are labeled as PTM. These products have oval or round voids in their design located inside the slab. Thanks to this feature, they have increased heat and sound insulation. Plus, importantly, the weight of a concrete floor slab with internal voids is significantly reduced.

Concrete products

As mentioned earlier, this type of product has been produced for quite a long time.

In the construction of the majority of currently existing high-rise and low-rise buildings, precisely such reinforced concrete products were used.

  • Almost all reinforced concrete factories produce a certain range of floor slabs. The length of the product can vary from 1600 mm to 15 m. The width of the size range is also quite large, from 600 mm to 2.4 m. The thickness of most mass-produced products is 220 mm. The weight of the concrete floor slab can be different, depending on the size, 0.5 - 4 tons.

Important: it’s better to think about what size is right for your home in advance. And immediately find out whether the concrete concrete plant closest to you produces such slabs. Because the cost of concrete floor slabs necessarily includes transportation costs. The price of the same product may vary significantly depending on the distance.

  • The sizes of concrete floor slabs have the widest range, so not in every factory you can find the size that you specifically need. Traditionally, the grade of concrete for the floor slab is M200 - M300. But for low-rise construction, you can use M150 brand products. Plus most factories can work individually, but the price will be higher.

Polystyrene concrete structures

  • Polystyrene concrete is one of the types of cellular materials. It appeared relatively recently and is a product of modern technology. This material has good strength indicators and is quite light in weight, due to which it is widely used in the construction of modern buildings with large numbers of floors.
  • In addition to uniquely high levels of sound and thermal insulation, polystyrene concrete floor slabs have a very low moisture absorption coefficient. Thanks to this, the polystyrene concrete floor slab practically does not get wet or freeze. Plus it has high adhesion and does not require additional screed or reinforced waterproofing.

Expanded clay concrete structures

Expanded clay concrete floor slabs, as well as building blocks made from this porous material, are currently particularly popular among residents of Western Europe. This is explained by the fact that this material is considered completely environmentally friendly.

It consists of cement, sand and specially fired clay.

  • Expanded clay concrete floor slabs themselves, like all porous concrete, have high heat and sound insulation. The material is quite strong in compression, but the elasticity of expanded clay concrete leaves much to be desired, so such slabs require denser reinforcement using metal beams and channels.
  • This material is often poured directly at the installation site with your own hands. To do this, the space below is hemmed with corrugated metal sheets, grades NS35, NS44 or H57. After which it is well reinforced, the formwork is set up and the solution is poured.

Foam concrete structures

Germany is considered the birthplace of this material. It appeared in the early nineties. It is made from a certain type of cement, sand and special additives.

The production principle is similar to yeast dough: all components are combined in the finished form, baking powder is added, due to which the mass “rises” and...

  • This material is valued for its lightness. But there are also disadvantages. So foam concrete floor slabs need good waterproofing. The fact is that the material is capable of strongly absorbing moisture, so in winter conditions, if the cladding is not done correctly, the blocks can freeze and collapse.
  • Blocks made of foam mass, like blocks based on expanded clay, are afraid of mechanical bending loads. For this reason, foam concrete floor slabs are most often used in low-rise construction.
  • Preparation for installation begins at the stage of wall construction. At this time, masons should place horizontal marks, which will serve as a guide for level installation of the slab.
  • If brickwork is being done, then the top row should be made using the butting method.
  • If the slabs are laid on a load-bearing partition with a thickness of at least 1.5 bricks, then it is desirable that the top be made of solid bricks.
  • It is advisable to fill the voids in the floor slabs on both sides, even while the product is located below. As a rule, voids are sealed at the factory, but it is better to check them after transportation.
  • Instructions for installing floor slabs, with all standards and tolerances, are prescribed in SNiP 2.08.01-85. But experienced builders advise resting the structure on 2 short sides, with an overhang of about 120 mm onto the wall.
  • Disputes often arise over whether it is possible to install a concrete slab supported on 3 sides, that is, 2 short sides and 1 long side. According to the same SNiP standards, this is possible, but subject to special reinforcement.

Important: it is highly undesirable to lay the structure on 2 short sides, plus a transverse support in the form of a wall in the middle. The slab can crack, unpredictably. If such a need arises, then the reinforced concrete is cut with diamond wheels, to the depth of the circle, in the middle of the transverse support. So, if the slab cracks, it will be in a safe, pre-planned place.

Mounting on porous blocks

If floor slabs are laid on expanded clay concrete blocks or other porous material, then heavy structures cannot be mounted directly on load-bearing walls; they can quickly collapse.

In this case, there are two ways to do it.

  • Firstly, if the blocks are monolithic, then formwork is installed in the area of ​​the interfloor ceiling, a reinforcement frame is laid in it and concrete or a cement-sand mixture is poured.
  • Secondly, the best and more convenient solution would be to buy special porous U-shaped blocks, which are designed for installing a reinforced structure inside them and pouring concrete. Such a belt will be less noticeable, but also strong and reliable.

Important: if the slab needs to be cut, then in addition to diamond discs, diamond drilling of holes in the concrete is used. First, a series of holes are made at intervals of about 100 mm. After that, you need to cut with a diamond disc. Next, the product is split with a crowbar and a sledgehammer; the reinforcement can be cut with a grinder or a gas cutter.

The video in this article shows a number of other useful techniques.

Instructions for using the calculator

This online calculator will help you calculate:

Step 1: First, set the dimensions of the foundation slab - its length, width and height. Next, fill in the parameters for calculating reinforcement and formwork. When calculating reinforcement, it is necessary to indicate the dimensions (length and width) of the cell that makes up one layer (row) of reinforcement, and the number of such rows (sections) in the reinforcement cage. As well as the diameter of the reinforcing bar. For formwork, indicate the dimensions of the prepared boards.

Step 2: When calculating concrete, keep in mind that the amount of cement required to make one cubic meter of concrete is different in each specific case. This depends on the brand of cement, the desired brand of concrete produced, the size and proportions of fillers. Default values ​​for the proportions and quantities of cement, sand and crushed stone are given for reference, as usually recommended by cement manufacturers. You can change these values ​​according to your requirements.

Step 3: When calculating the cost of building materials, please note that the cost of sand and crushed stone in the calculator is indicated per 1 ton. In suppliers' price lists, the price is most often announced per cubic meter. So you will have to recalculate the price per ton of sand and crushed stone yourself or check with sellers. In any case, the calculation will still help you find out the approximate costs of building materials for pouring the foundation.

When planning, do not forget about wire for tying reinforcement, nails or screws for formwork, delivery of building materials, costs for excavation and construction work.

Where to buy granite slabs

Natural stone is an expensive finishing material. It is important to choose a reliable supplier who guarantees product quality and complies with the requirements for careful transportation of granite slabs. The seller must have certificates of conformity. They also pay attention to logistics: the fewer movements and overloads that need to be made for delivery, the lower the risk of damage to the stone and the occurrence of hidden defects.

Kurty LLP offers to buy slabs from Kurty granite at competitive prices. The assortment includes coatings with heat-treated, polished, polished, sawn surfaces, and “Skala” facing stone. Products are certified. As a manufacturer, we control the slab manufacturing process from the moment the stone is extracted from the quarry to shipment to the buyer, therefore we guarantee quality.

Monolithic structures

The previous and this type of panels have the same scope of application and are installed where there is a need to create a strong structure that can withstand heavy loads. Such a partition does not contain cavities and is created directly on the construction site according to available accurate calculations, so it can take on any configuration and dimensions, limited only by the area of ​​the object being built.

In the article, we described in detail what types of floor panels there are, what standard sizes they have and where they are used most often, so you can choose the necessary products for the upcoming construction and get a strong, durable structure that can serve you for at least a century.

Concrete is an integral part of renovation or construction. It has high strength indicators, is easy to use and provides buildings with durability and reliability. One of the main technical characteristics is the mass of concrete in one cube. Its value makes it possible to evaluate the composition, physical and mechanical properties of the material. This value is not constant, because depending on the specifics of the work, concrete is divided into several types, which differ in the ratio of components, structure, and most importantly, in specific gravity. Before starting construction, you need to carefully calculate the materials, and the question often arises, how many kilograms are there in a cube of concrete?

PC hollow-core reinforced concrete panels

These are one of the most common types of products produced at concrete factories, which are equally well suited for the construction of private and multi-storey buildings. Also, multi-hollow PC products are widely used in the construction of massive industrial buildings, with their help they provide protection for heating mains.

Hollow-core floor slabs are characterized by the presence of voids

The smooth, flat surface that round-hollow reinforced concrete panels have allows for the installation of reliable floors between floors that can withstand impressive loads. This design is equipped with cavities with sections of various shapes and diameters, which are:

What determines the weight of a cubic meter of concrete?

No one will give a definite answer to this question without first asking several clarifying questions. The weight of concrete is a value that depends on a combination of indicators such as:

Depending on the above factors, the following types of concrete , differing from each other in their specific gravity, that is, the mass of a cubic meter:

Extra light

Most often these are cement mortars filled with small air bubbles or pieces of perlite, vermiculite and other light minerals. They are used as heat insulators, when sealing various seams, joints, and to eliminate cracks. They are not suitable for the manufacture of load-bearing structures. In this case, the weight of a cube of concrete does not exceed 500 kg.

Lightweight, grade M 100 or 150

The fillers in them are porous materials , for example, tuff, expanded clay or shell rock. There are types of mortars that do not contain either heavy or light stones. Their low weight is explained by the presence of pores in the cement mortar itself. These include foam and aerated concrete. A cubic meter of such mixtures can have a mass from 500 to 1800 kilograms . A significant proportion of them is occupied by sand, which can be up to 600 kg in a cube of the finished solution. Such concrete mixtures are used to make wall blocks.

Heavy, grades M 200, 250, 300

gravel or crushed stone act as fillers . They are prepared using the proportion 1:2:4:0.5 or 1:3:5:0.5, where the first number is the volumetric content of the binder component - cement, and the rest are sand, crushed stone and water, respectively.

For example, to prepare a cubic meter of such concrete mortar it will be necessary to spend from 250 to 400 kg of cement, depending on its brand, 600 - 700 kg of sand, 1200 - 1300 kg of gravel or crushed stone and fill this mixture with 170 - 200 liters of water.

Types of plates and their features

The ceiling in the structure serves to separate floors from each other horizontally, as well as living spaces from attics and basements, and to block access to communications. In addition to the separating and enclosing function, it plays a protective role, giving rigidity to structures. Production is regulated by GOST 23009-78, which also establishes a system of alphanumeric designations. Indicate the type of product, brand of solution, linear parameters and additional information. Weight is not included in the marking; it is determined to a lesser extent by the type of concrete and to a greater extent by the dimensions.

This type of ceiling has a high specific gravity, since there are no cavities inside it. Standard ones are most often cast from heavy concrete. They will be much more massive when using a high grade. The weight of floor slabs is also affected by linear dimensions. Depending on the thickness they are divided into two types:

A lightweight 120 mm slab requires heat and sound insulation. After carrying out the appropriate work, the ceiling will weigh slightly more (the weight of the product, insulation, and sound insulator is added up).

According to GOST 19570-74, solid panels for indoors can be made from autoclaved cellular concrete (strength grade 25-150, volumetric weight - 800-1200 kg/m3) and used at a humidity of no more than 75%. Length - from 0.6 to 6.0 m, width - up to 1.5 m with a thickness of 200 or 250 mm. The standard ceiling of this group, brand P60.12-3.5Ya (6x1.12x0.25 m from M35) weighs 1.1 tons.

A separate type is additional elements that allow you to assemble structures of a standard size. These reinforced concrete products are selected according to their length; it is equal to the corresponding parameter of a conventional slab (1.8-5 m). The width is small and the weight is no more than 1.5 tons.

Thanks to special technological holes, the weight load exerted by the hollow panel on the foundation and walls is less significant. Depending on the number and configuration of cells, there are three types:

Due to the holes, the working cross-sectional area, volume and weight are reduced, and the load-bearing capacity is reduced. Among the advantages, it is worth noting improved heat and sound insulation properties. A product with internal chambers is usually used to form a basement or interfloor ceiling. The weight of hollow core slabs 6 m long, depending on the strength grade of concrete, is 2.8-3 tons. To enhance the thermal insulation effect and not increase the weight too much, you can fill it with cellulose, mineral wool, or foam plastic.

They represent beams connected to each other and filled with concrete. They have a U-shaped cross-section and are characterized by high load-bearing capacity and resistance to bending stresses. Not only solid-cast ribs work on bending, but also reinforcing metal elements. Powerful reinforced concrete floors are suitable for attics, industrial buildings, especially for “hot” shops and chemical production. They are rarely used in residential buildings: in this case, the panel will have to be covered with cladding, and this requires additional costs.

The weight of a standard size slab (3x6 m) may vary. It depends on the material from which it is made:

4. Made from polystyrene concrete.

Lightweight types, manufactured directly on the construction site from a mixture of expanded polystyrene, Portland cement and quartz sand. The ceiling provides high-quality thermal insulation and fire protection, absorbs noise, and has a high frost resistance index. Throughout its entire service life, the material retains its structure unchanged. Compared to reinforced concrete, they are less durable, although with standard strength indicators of 400-500 kgf/cm2 they cope with their functions quite well.

Flooring with a polymer additive helps solve the problem of reducing the load on load-bearing walls and foundations. A cube of reinforced polystyrene concrete weighs approximately 1 ton - this is approximately 2 times less than the specific weight of classic monolithic slabs made of heavy concrete (although somewhat more than hollow ones). Polystyrene panels are useful for reconstruction and overhaul of buildings with weak foundations.

The price depends on the quality of the materials used in production and the distance of the manufacturer from the construction site. When purchasing massive products, you can try to reduce costs: find out the terms of wholesale deliveries, get acquainted with promotional and bonus programs. To save money, they buy lightweight hollow options. Prices for floors in the Moscow region.

The weight of concrete is a value that is very important both during the construction and dismantling of concrete buildings. The design features of the foundation and floors of the house will depend on it. The same indicator is used to determine the number and carrying capacity of vehicles required to remove debris when a building is destroyed. How to determine how much a cube of concrete weighs?


It must be said that the cost of hollow-core concrete floor slabs, reinforced with reinforcement, differs significantly from the price of monolithic products. Despite the fact that hollow slabs can withstand less load, they can be used in the construction of interfloor floors. Due to the voids, the load on the walls is significantly reduced. The foundation of the structure is thus under less stress.

The voids are located along the length of the concrete floor slab. However, its indicator may not always be greater than the width. For a slab supported on 4 sides, the length is considered to be the smaller dimension in plan. In other products it will be the side that does not lie on the supporting structures.

How to calculate the mass of a cubic meter of concrete

All the above parameters are regulated by SNiP standards No. II-3 , established back in 1979. This document also provides more precise values ​​for concrete using specific aggregates (all values ​​in kg/cubic meter):

You can also determine the mass of a cubic meter of ready-made concrete based on its brand. The specific gravity of concrete in kg/cubic meter is given below:

Table “Specific gravity of concrete (1m3) of various grades”

If you need data specifically for your concrete, and not average indicators, you can make the calculations yourself. To do this, you need to know the content and brand of each component of the mixture.

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