How to lay asphalt on your garden plot with your own hands?

Every owner of a plot of land sooner or later faces the issue of organizing convenient access to their territory and comfortable movement around it. For example, make a parking area in front of your house or pave paths so as not to stain your shoes with mud in rainy weather. The construction market today offers a wide range of coatings that can be used to solve any similar problem. One of these coatings is asphalt as the most popular and affordable.

In this article we have prepared recommendations for laying asphalt and applying markings.

Types of asphalt

According to the production method, asphalt is distinguished:

  • Natural. It is formed as a result of hypergenesis and oxidation of heavy oil fractions.
  • Artificial. It is obtained in a factory after mixing mineral powders, crushed stone, sand and bitumen.

Bitumen is one of the components of asphalt

Asphalt products are popular, so manufacturers are improving their composition and manufacturing methods. Thanks to this, new varieties of artificial raw materials appear.

Composition and application of hot asphalt

Consists of gravel, mineral powder, viscous bitumen and sand. During production, the components are mixed under high temperatures, and a homogeneous black mass is obtained.

It must be laid a few minutes after production, since when it cools, the level of adhesion to the surface deteriorates and a poor-quality coating is obtained.

Features of cold asphalt

It differs from other types in that it uses liquid bitumen rather than viscous one. When producing a resinous mass, components are added that slow down the hardening of bitumen.

Cold asphalt laying technology

Cast pavement composition

The composition includes the same components as hot asphalt. However, the cast one contains twice as much mineral powder and bitumen. The distinctive features of the coating are its small thickness and relief. Performance characteristics are 2–3 times higher than those of other types.

Colored asphalt

It can be classified as cold and hot asphalt, since it is produced in the same way. The composition includes colored dyes and crushed stone, which is why the resinous mass got its name.

Asphalt crumbs

There are two ways to make it: crushing and milling old layers of asphalt. The quality of the crumb depends on the cutter and the composition of the processed mixture.

How to lay asphalt

Composition and types of asphalt concrete

Asphalt concrete is an artificial material obtained by rational selection of mixture components and its compaction after laying. Depending on the incoming components, the ratio of their mass parts and physical characteristics, there are many types of asphalt, divided into brands and types.

The composition of any asphalt concrete includes:

  • mineral powders obtained by crushing rocks with a high content of carbon compounds (limestone or other fossilized organic deposits). The high content of such powders gives the material increased viscosity combined with strength. The property of such mixtures to dampen internal vibrations of structures without the formation of cracks in the coating allows the construction of road passages on road bridges. Successfully used for paving roads and sites
  • bitumen, contained in most types in small quantities (from 4 to 5%). The exception is cast mixtures containing ≥ 10% bitumen. Bitumen gives the mixture increased fluidity, facilitating its distribution over the coating area, and elasticity after compaction and hardening. The main use of cast asphalt is paving of areas with complex terrain and repairing road surfaces. Increased bitumen content is used for asphalts laid in harsh climatic zones, at low temperatures and the need to open traffic immediately after the completion of a section of road or bridge crossing;
  • sand is used in most types of asphalt concrete, the only exception being mixtures with a high gravel content. Natural sands are thoroughly cleaned, while artificial sands, obtained by crushing rocks, are immediately ready for use;
  • crushed stone or gravel, which plays the role of a protective component that forms the asphalt concrete frame to absorb significant loads.

Based on the content of fillers, the following types are distinguished:

  • A - from 50 to 60% crushed stone;
  • B - 40...50% crushed stone or gravel;
  • B - gravel or crushed stone from 30 to 40%;
  • G - sand or screenings from crushing ≤ 30%;
  • D - content of natural or artificial sands up to 70%.

Depending on the largest sizes of mineral grains in the mixture, they are divided into the following classes:

  • coarse-grained first class - ≤ 40 mm. Used for paving highways with heavy traffic of heavy-duty vehicles and other highways of different classes;
  • second class - with small grains ≤ 20 mm. Installed on pedestrian streets and squares;
  • third - sand mixtures with grains ≤ 10 mm. Small fractions of grains are in close contact, which allows you to create perfectly smooth surfaces. The main purpose is pedestrian sidewalks, garden paths, improvement of courtyard areas and sports grounds.

Based on the percentage of the listed components, GOST 9128-2009 divides asphalt mixtures into three grades with a detailed description of the required compositions, technical characteristics and areas of use. It also provides recommendations for adding various additional additives to increase hydrophobicity, frost resistance, wear resistance and flexibility of coatings.

The second brand is most widely used in asphalting roads, their repair and arrangement of private courtyards with the construction of transport entrances.

Depending on the laying temperature, asphalt mixtures are divided into 2 types:

  1. Hot, laid with a temperature of ≥ 110 degrees. The hot mixture is transported by special transport, called Kocher, or in dump trucks with a heated body. If necessary, preparation for asphalting is carried out by softening the base under the influence of high temperatures. After leveling, the mixture is rolled with rollers. The resulting durable coating is most widely used in road work and landscaping of urban and suburban areas;
  2. Cold ones, which are placed with temperatures ≥ 5 degrees. When preparing, bitumen with a reduced viscosity is used, which allows the mixture to remain in a loose state for a longer time, and after rolling it hardens faster. Most often, such asphalt concrete is used for pothole repairs, laying on sidewalks and courtyard driveways that are not subject to intense loads.

Any high-quality asphalt concrete can only be made from certified materials, therefore, when ordering, you must require quality certificates and a passport for asphalt concrete.

Advantages and disadvantages of asphalt

The material is actively used to create country paths because it has many useful qualities:

  • durability;
  • tolerance of sudden temperature changes;
  • dense coating;
  • resistance to deformation;
  • waterproof.

There are also disadvantages that appear when using asphalt on a summer cottage:

  • on hot summer days it evaporates, and harmful substances enter the human body;
  • the coating is not suitable for decorating the area, as it does not fit well into garden styles;
  • If the installation is done incorrectly, then during severe frosts it will begin to quickly collapse.

Why asphalt is the most popular surface

Asphalt pavement is very popular among private home owners. First of all, laying asphalt at home is practical and easy. There is nothing super difficult about paving your yard yourself. Secondly, asphalt is a material with unique properties and features. Thanks to them, he:

  • Not subject to deformation or damage. Repair is a rare case. If repairs are necessary, the damaged area can be easily and inexpensively repaired
  • Wear-resistant. Long lasting
  • Has excellent waterproofing
  • Resistant to temperature changes, which is important in our latitudes. Does not react to frost, heat, showers and snowfalls
  • Resistant to oils, acids and other chemicals

Road surface comparison table

Asphalt concrete pavementConcrete coveringPaving stones
Coating material compositioncrushed stone - 10 cm; asphalt - 4 cm crushed stone 10 cm; concrete with reinforcement - 10 cm sand - 10 cm; TsPS - 10 cm, tiles
Work completion time (example: area 300 sq.m.)2 days3-4 days of work; The concrete dries for 2-3 days; final strength after 28 days 7-10 days
Life time7-10 years5-7 years20-30 years
maximum permissible loadspassenger transportfreight transportpedestrian loads, occasionally passenger vehicles
Other benefitsfast and traditionalyou can do the work yourselfbeautiful, individual, environmentally friendly: convenient for repair work
Other disadvantagesevaporation of bitumen resins is possible in hot weather, not environmentally friendlydoes not tolerate temperature changes wellmore expensive than asphalt and concrete; don't like women wearing stiletto heels; requires washing
Price*200 UAH/sq.m.250 UAH/sq.m.300-400 UAH/sq.m.

*prices are indicated for the period 2016-2017.

And finally, a good argument – ​​asphalt pavement is inexpensive! Compared to tiles and paving stones.

Preparation for installation

Asphalt laying begins with preparation. It is performed in several stages.


First, markings are made and the thickness of the crushed stone cushion with asphalt coating is determined.

It is necessary to understand exactly what thickness will need to be laid.

When resurfacing the yard, it is enough to pour 10–20 cm of sand and lay a 5–7 cm layer of asphalt. When asphalting the driveway of a private house, a more durable coating is made. The thickness of the crushed stone cushion should not be less than 40 cm. The asphalt should be laid in two layers with a total thickness of 15–20 cm.

Land works

Before excavation work is carried out, the area is checked for the presence of vegetation with large roots, which needs to be removed.

In the place where the asphalt will be laid, the top layer of soil is removed with a shovel. When carrying out larger-scale work, it will not be possible to do it manually and you will have to use special equipment. Excess soil is removed so that during rains it does not wash onto the road. At the end of the process, the prepared land area is compacted with a roller.

Preparing the base

After completion of the excavation work, crushed stone is poured into several layers onto the compacted plot of land. First you need to pour larger stones, and then put smaller ones. Each layer of crushed stone has its own purpose:

  • a small stone helps to evenly distribute the asphalt layer;
  • medium promotes uniform load distribution;
  • the large one acts as drainage.

Large crushed stone is necessary for laying asphalt

When laying crushed stone, a slight slope is made towards the ground or drainage basins to allow water to drain.

The base laid with crushed stone is compacted with a roller. It should roll over the surface about five times. When paving a large yard, it is recommended to use a roller with a weight of about 3-4 tons and a built-in vibration function. This will allow for a high-quality compaction of the surface. Sometimes special equipment cannot reach some places and a vibrating plate is used instead.

Laying asphalt. How to pave the yard with your own hands.

Below is an algorithm of the required actions.

Stage one. First, excavation work is carried out, which consists of cleaning and leveling the base. To remove the top layer of soil, you can use a bulldozer or a regular shovel.

Stage two. The plan is marked out - a detailed diagram of the paths and passage for the car is drawn. In other words, the contours of the asphalt are drawn. By the way, if you are interested in asphalt paving in Moscow, we recommend following the link for detailed information. But let's return to our question.

Stage three. The mixture of gravel and sand is compacted and rolled.

Stage four. Various fences and curbs are installed.

Stage five. Asphalt is poured, after which it is compacted and rolled up.

The asphalt mass should be poured onto the prepared base in several large piles. This is necessary so that the asphalted area is distributed throughout the yard as much as possible. Then the mass is scattered with shovels and evenly distributed with a thickness of 5 cm to 10 cm. All unevenness is leveled using a mop-mop. If there are transverse slopes, asphalt rolling is performed from the bottom up. It will be much easier to enlist the support of assistants.

Note! All this must be done quickly, otherwise the mass will harden. Therefore, at least several people should be involved in the work. Also, the roller must not stop in one place, otherwise the total weight of the roll will increase.

That's all. For a more detailed introduction to the process, we recommend watching the thematic video below. Good luck!


After creating a crushed stone base, you can begin laying. For this purpose, material of different grain sizes is used. It is difficult to prepare a high-quality resinous mixture at home, so it is better to purchase it. The advantages of using a factory mixture include:

  • saving time in production;
  • use of quality material.

To lay asphalt in your yard, you need to use a fine-grain material. It is laid in one layer 5–7 cm thick.

When creating an access road, the material is laid in several layers. Fine asphalt is placed below, and coarse asphalt is placed on top. The coating is compacted with a roller and filled with bitumen to better connect the layers.

Laying asphalt mixture

It is most convenient to order ready-made asphalt mixture. Making it yourself is difficult and expensive. It is cheaper to buy from a company that specializes in the production of asphalt mixtures. It will meet all standards. There are two types of asphalt: coarse and fine grain. Coarse-grained grades are KZ-7 (ideal for paths) and KZ-10 (for driveways). Fine asphalt is poured on top of the coarse fraction. This way the coating will look perfect. Dirt will not settle in it. The asphalt mixture is delivered hot. When laying it, the temperature must be at least 105 degrees Celsius. If the asphalt is colder, then you need to spend more time compacting or rolling it.

Therefore, start laying asphalt immediately after it is delivered. If the paths are narrow, throw with a shovel. And immediately compact them with a vibrating foot. If the area is large, order an asphalt paver and an asphalt roller. The roller must move smoothly and steadily across all paving strips. If the surface is inclined, then the roller moves only from bottom to top!

Don't forget these important tips:

  • First, coarse asphalt is laid. Compact. Then – fine-grained. In fine-grained asphalt mixtures, a vibrating screed can be used. If you need little asphalt - only for paths, then take completely fine-grained asphalt. It will be denser.
  • The vibrating leg, the vibrating plate, the vibrating screed and the roller - all working surfaces should be moistened with water. Otherwise, the asphalt will quickly stick and work will stall.
  • Do not leave joining seams unrolled. They occur when passing a roller and with a large vibrating plate. Immediately tamp the seams at the junction of the strips so that they do not have time to harden.
  • 1 ton of asphalt will cover 10 sq.m. well. area. The layer will be approximately 4 cm thick.
  • Lay asphalt yourself in good weather. Not in frost or rain. Dry and sunny weather is best.

By following these simple technologies, you can install excellent asphalt at home. There is no need to hire contractors - you can do it yourself. Your asphalt will last a long time and look well-maintained and durable.

Coating repair

Over time, paved paths deteriorate. The reasons for this may be different:

  • frozen water in cracks;
  • surface deformation under the influence of high temperature;
  • heavy loads on asphalt.

Heavy load can lead to rapid destruction

It is recommended to repair the surface with cold asphalt, since it is stored longer and can be laid even in winter. During repairs, the old coating is removed and a new one is laid.

You can also use concrete screed or paving slabs instead of asphalt.

Laying asphalt with your own hands is not an easy job, which is difficult to cope with without preparation. During asphalting, all technological nuances must be observed, which determine the strength and durability of the pavement.

Stage two. preparing the base for laying asphalt concrete

The basic base of the asphalt pavement must be reliable. Therefore, we stock up on sand, crushed stone, gravel (not a rigid base for paving the site) or concrete slabs. When calculating how much it costs to paving 1 m2, take into account the consumption of the above building materials. For example, when using crushed stone of fraction 40-70, a layer 15-20 centimeters thick will need to be poured onto the access road. For a pedestrian path - 5-10 centimeters. The building material must be evenly distributed and compacted well. Next, you should prepare finer crushed stone (fraction 20-40 is quite suitable) and fine screenings. Distribute layers 10 centimeters thick evenly one after another. Pour out sand (the thickness of the flooring is 10 centimeters). Sandy flooring must be watered and compacted by hand or with a roller.

Compare how much it costs to asphalt a road and choose a company to cooperate with. You can use a search engine that has collected a large database of construction companies.

Interesting to know!

Applying markings and signs

Applying lines and marks with thermoplastic or paint will mark the asphalt surface and indicate any necessary warnings. For example, on the site in front of the house you need to mark out parking spaces for cars. Or put a warning sign about the danger for drivers. Thermoplastic is most suitable for these purposes since it is wear-resistant, has good adhesion to asphalt and has a long service life. Thermoplastic must be applied using special equipment, since it is necessary to constantly maintain a high temperature in the boiler and thoroughly mix the plastic mass.

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If it is not possible to use specialized equipment, then the following recommendations must be followed:

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  1. The asphalt surface must be dry and clean, then the plastic will adhere securely to the surface.
  2. The melting point of plastic is in the range from 140 to 180 ºС. After the plastic has melted, it must be constantly stirred to avoid the appearance of clots.
  3. To apply thermoplastic, you need to use ready-made molds that will allow the plastic mass to harden on the asphalt.
  4. The cooling time of thermoplastic is only a few minutes.

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We looked at two methods of laying asphalt, thanks to which you can obtain a high-quality and durable coating. The first method is beneficial when paving large areas. And the second is for arranging a household plot. In any case, a properly laid asphalt pavement will withstand heavy loads and will last a very long time.

Advantages of technology and material

Cold asphalt technology has become widespread due to the following advantages:

  • Year-round use. You can lay asphalt in any season, as long as the air temperature does not go beyond the range from -15 to +40°C. For all-weather material, the only limiter is precipitation (but this is undesirable for most technologies).
  • Quick readiness for use. The mixture hardens and acquires the stated characteristics in 15-20 minutes. You can almost immediately put the car on a brand new site.
  • Zero waste. If there is a remainder of the mixture that is not used for installation, it can be applied elsewhere. The old coating can be removed (milled) and reused in the road construction industry.
  • Possibility of long-term storage. Without containers, the mixture can be stored for up to 1 year. In polyethylene containers, the material retains its quality for up to two years.
  • Safety. The technology was developed to be environmentally friendly; there are no hot processes. Adhesive plasticizers are inert substances that do not emit harmful volatile compounds.

Road patching Source

  • Easy transportation. Manufacturers package the mixture in buckets (25 kg each) or bags (50 kg each). A small truck or the trunk of a car is suitable for transportation.
  • Mobility and high speed of work. The technology does not require additional operations, such as heating pits and processing edges in classic pothole repair; no need to use heavy equipment. All you need to do is clear the pits of debris. Thanks to the reduction in preparatory operations, work is carried out 1.5 times faster.

See also: Catalog of construction companies that have their own production of materials and components for the construction of houses

How to lay new asphalt on an old surface?

Renewing an old coating is easier than making a new one. If there is already asphalt at the site of the proposed paths, which has become unusable, the material can be laid on it. There is no need to completely remove the old layer for this. It is enough to clean it from dirt and dust. Before laying a new surface, the asphalt must be thoroughly dried.

A continuous layer of fresh bitumen is applied along the edges of the entire area. Then the asphalt is laid using the technology described above.

You can do your own asphalt road repair using a rubber compound. You can buy it at a hardware store; some people prefer to prepare crumb rubber themselves. The advantages of rubber material are ease of installation and a wide range of colors.

Third stage. laying asphalt pavement

Completing this stage requires preparing the asphalt concrete mixture manually or purchasing it at the factory. Let us note in advance that preparing high-quality asphalt at home is extremely difficult. Therefore the best way out. purchase the required amount of bitumen mixture from an asphalt plant or the nearest Avtodor.

The advantages of purchasing factory-made asphalt are obvious:

  • Firstly, the consumer receives a high-quality final product, saving time on the production process.
  • Secondly, for wholesale orders, a discount and free delivery directly to the site are possible.

If you decide to install the asphalt pavement yourself, it’s worth remembering. The bitumen mixture is laid at a temperature not lower than 5 C in dry weather. Otherwise, the asphalt will lose its quality and it will be impossible to level it well and compact it. There are hot asphalt and cold asphalt. Thus, hot bitumen mixture must be laid immediately after delivery to the site. The faster, the stronger the road surface will be. Cold bitumen mixture is universal, as it can be installed in any season.

Positive and negative properties

Advantages of asphalt pavement:

  • ability to tolerate temperature changes;
  • durability;
  • waterproof;
  • layer consistency density;
  • sufficient resistance to deforming influences.

Comparison of cement concrete and asphalt concrete pavement

Disadvantages of paving the yard:

  • at high air temperatures, fumes harmful to the body are released;
  • does not have special features to be used as territory design;
  • an incorrectly placed layer is quickly destroyed under the influence of frost.

Preparatory work

The primary task is to determine for what purpose the road will be used and calculate the expected load on the pavement. These indicators are important when choosing the strength grade and type of asphalt concrete, and also affect the complexity of the preparatory work.

For example, to build a new highway you will need a foundation three times thicker and stronger than for a route with little traffic flow.

Is it possible to lay asphalt on concrete? Yes, usually asphalt pavement is usually laid on prepared soil or old asphalt, but when constructing highways with heavy loads, construction technology on a concrete base is used.

Once the intended use of the future road has been determined, they move on to design. This issue is dealt with by special services whose task is to lay out the route in accordance with all existing standards.

What do you pay attention to at the design stage:

  • Location of communications (underground and above ground);
  • Location of buildings and other structures along the future route;
  • Adjacent paths, sidewalks;
  • Location of entrances and exits;
  • Intersection with other roads;
  • Sewer outlets.
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