Bitumen: types, characteristics, properties, application, marking, photo, video

Characteristics of bitumen

Bitumen is an asphalt-like material produced artificially. It is the final product of processing natural bitumen, residues after processing coal, oil, shale resins and peat extracts.

Depending on the components and characteristics, several types of bitumen are distinguished:

  • Natural bitumen is a by-product during the extraction of petroleum products from various rocks. They are characterized by high resistance to acids, alkalis, and water.
  • Construction bitumen is a product of petroleum distillation and mixing with various construction components (oil production residues, asphalt, etc.). For working with roofing materials and for high-rise work, bitumen of the BNK 45/180, BNK 45/90, BNK 90/40 or BNK 90/30 brands is usually used. They are characterized by high resistance to moisture and high temperatures. Compared to roofing bitumen, construction bitumen has greater fire resistance.

  • Road bitumen is the most popular type of bitumen. The main brands of road bitumen: BND 40/60, BND 60/90, BND 90/130, BND 130/200 and BND 200/300. It is characterized by a high penetration coefficient (penetration into the environment). Bitumen with high penetration rates are relevant for northern regions, and with lower ones - for southern regions.

The characteristics of bitumen are constantly changing and improving. So, in order to improve the qualities of this building material, various artificial additives are added to it, which specifically enhance certain characteristics. Typically, such chemical ingredients increase resistance to sudden temperature changes, cold or heat.

The main characteristics by which the quality of bitumen can be assessed:

• extensibility,

• temperature indicators for fragility,

• softening temperature indicators,

• level of penetration.

Accordingly, chemical additives for bitumen are aimed at improving these characteristics. The price of bitumen directly depends on the quality and intended use of the building material. Optimized brands that are resistant to heavy loads and have good elongation will cost more. As a rule, all the necessary indicators are reflected on the bitumen labeling.

High quality artificial bitumen asphalt

Classic asphalt mixtures and natural bitumen asphalt do not have many differences in composition, since the production principle was initially based on the clear example of the formation of natural asphalt crust. However, the existing differences in the artificially produced asphalt concrete mixture provide the material with significantly more impressive characteristics.

«Classic asphalt concrete mixture

- a road-building material, initially made by heating and mixing certain proportions of mineral materials - crushed stone (gravel), sand, mineral powder (not always) with bitumen"

This type of asphalt pavement has fairly high physical and mechanical characteristics, due to which it can be used for the complete and high-quality construction of highways and pedestrian areas.

Physical properties of bitumen:

Parameter name:Meaning:
Density, g/cm 3
(depends on temperature, pressure and chemical composition)
from 0.965 to 1.5
Density, kg/m3 (
depends on temperature, pressure and chemical composition)
from 965 to 1500
State of aggregationsolid or tar-like substance
Thermal conductivity, W/(m∙°С)0,17-0,27
Softening temperature*, оС*from 35 (malta) to infusible (kerites, anthraxolites, huminokerites)
Specific heat capacity, kJ/(kg∙K)1,591-1,968
The dielectric constant2,5-3,3
Specific electrical conductivity, Ohm-1∙cm-11∙10-14

Methods for producing bitumen

Bitumen can be natural (natural) or artificial (technical). Natural is a mineral of organic origin. It is found in especially large quantities in regions with large oil deposits.

Natural bitumen can have a solid form or a viscous consistency. It is formed during the natural oxidation and polymerization of oil, which occurs when the tightness of oil deposits is violated. Mining is carried out using different methods:

  • Cleaning mine or quarry, when the rock is extracted and used to extract bitumen using solvents or hot water to which emulsifying compounds have been added.
  • Drainage mine, which consists of extracting bitumen by gravity through an ascending drainage system consisting of drilled wells.
  • Downhole, in which bitumen is extracted from wells drilled from the surface. The method is used to develop deposits of liquid natural bitumen (bituminous oil), which lie at a depth of more than 100 m. The product recovery rate is 30%.

Quarry and mine methods have a bitumen recovery rate of 85-90%. The methods are applicable for rock deposits that have a saturation of more than 10% and a depth of 60-90 m.

Taking into account the composition of the original oil and the characteristics of its processing, bitumen is divided into different classes:

  • anthraxolites,
  • asphalts,
  • asphaltenes,
  • huminokerites,
  • keritis,
  • Malta,
  • naphthydes,
  • naphthoids,
  • ozokerites.

Particularly widespread are asphalt bitumens, which are formed in rocks with a porous structure. They are ground to a powder form, after which they are used in laying road surfaces.

Technical (artificial or synthetic) bitumen is a by-product of the distillation of oil, shale and coal. A well-known method of production is vacuum distillation of fuel oil. Depending on the oil refining method, bitumen can be:

  • Residual. Soft and fusible product.
  • Oxidative. Elastic and heat-stable bitumen.
  • Krekingov. Bitumen contains a large amount of carbenes and carboids.

When producing bitumen, special attention is paid to the paraffin content, since they negatively affect the plastic characteristics. To avoid this, the amount of paraffin components is limited to 5%.

Modern crushed stone asphalt concrete mixtures

Polymer asphalt concrete mixture

– a modification of the classic asphalt concrete mixture, made by heating and mixing mineral components (crushed stone, sand, mineral powder) with a polymer-bitumen binder, as well as special modifiers.

Features of the composition:

  • More effective polymer-bitumen binder;
  • Mandatory addition of mineral powder;
  • Modern modifiers;
  • Complete replacement of gravel with durable crushed rock.

This made it possible to significantly improve many physical and mechanical characteristics of the classic asphalt concrete mixture, as a result of which high-quality crushed stone asphalt concrete


Methods (area) of application

Bitumen is the oldest building material that was known to man back in the Neolithic era. Then it was used to make dishes, insulate rare types of wood in construction, and as a binder in mosaics made of semi-precious stones and shells.

Natural bitumen is not a commercial product. To make it this way, additional technological processes are required. After this, the material becomes suitable for use in various fields:

  • In construction. Due to its insolubility in water, the material is used in waterproofing work. In relation to buildings and structures, pipelines, foundations.
  • In road works. Bitumen is actively used in the production of asphalt concrete.
  • In roofing works. Soft roofing materials are produced from bitumen: rolled and in the form of tiles. Examples: rubemast, hydrostekloizol, roofing felt, mastic, glassine, bitumen paper, fiberglass.

When used in construction, bitumen exhibits several disadvantages: low elasticity, a tendency to dry out and high thermal sensitivity, which manifests itself as brittleness at low temperatures and softening at high temperatures. To eliminate these disadvantages, modified bitumen is used, to which modifiers are added that improve the properties of the product.

Additionally, bitumen is used as electrical insulation in the electrical industry, in the finishing of wood, leather and paper products, in the manufacture of battery mastics, in the manufacture of cable and paint products, and in precision casting.

  1. This Instruction applies in all cases where standards, technical conditions, Basic and Special Delivery Conditions or other rules binding on the parties do not establish a different procedure for the acceptance of industrial and technical products and consumer goods in terms of quality and completeness, as well as containers under products or goods .

Supply contracts may provide for the specifics of acceptance of the relevant types of products and goods <1>.

  1. In order to preserve the quality of the supplied products, create conditions for timely and correct acceptance of their quality, the association and its production unit, enterprise, organization <2> - manufacturer (sender) are obliged to ensure:

a) strict adherence to the established rules for packaging and packaging of products, labeling and sealing of individual places;

b) shipment (delivery) of products that meet the quality and completeness requirements established by standards, technical specifications, drawings, recipes, samples (standards).

Products that have not passed quality checks in accordance with the established procedure, as well as products the shipment of which was prohibited by bodies exercising control over product quality and other authorized bodies, should not be supplied;

c) clear and correct execution of documents certifying the quality and completeness of the supplied products (technical passport, certificate, quality certificate, etc.), shipping and settlement documents, compliance of the data on the quality and completeness of the product indicated in them with the actual quality and completeness of it ;

d) timely sending of documents certifying the quality and completeness of products to the recipient. These documents are sent along with the products, unless otherwise provided by the Basic and Special Conditions of Delivery, other rules binding on the parties, or the contract.

In cases provided for by standards, technical conditions, Basic and Special Conditions of Delivery, other rules and agreements binding on the parties, the manufacturer (sender) is obliged, when shipping (delivering) products in packaged or containerized places, to include in each container a document confirming the name and the quality of the products located in this container;

e) strict compliance with the rules in force in transport for the delivery of goods for transportation,

their loading and fastening, as well as special loading rules established by standards and technical conditions.

  1. When accepting cargo from transport authorities, the recipient enterprise, in accordance with the current transport rules for cargo transportation, is obliged to check whether the safety of the cargo during transportation is ensured, in particular:

a) check, in the cases provided for in these rules, the presence of seals of the sender or point of departure (station, pier, port) on vehicles (wagon, tank, barge, hold of a ship, motor van, etc.) or on the container, and the serviceability of the seals , imprints on them, the condition of the wagon, other vehicles or container, the presence of protective markings of the cargo and the serviceability of the container;

b) check the compliance of the name of the cargo and transport markings on it with the data specified in the transport document;

c) check whether the established transportation rules were observed, ensuring the protection of the cargo from damage and deterioration (stowage of cargo, temperature conditions, ice supply, etc.), delivery times, and also inspect the cargo.

In the case of receiving cargo from the transport authority without checking the number of pieces, weight and condition, its recipient, in the manner established by the rules for registering the release of cargo, is obliged to require the transport authorities to make an appropriate mark on the transport document.

  1. When accepting cargo from transport authorities, the recipient, in all cases where this is provided for by the rules in force in transport, is obliged to require the transport authority to draw up a commercial act, and when delivering cargo by road, to make a mark on the waybill or to draw up a report.

In the event of an unjustified refusal by the transport authority to draw up the above acts, the recipient is obliged, in accordance with the rules in force in transport, to appeal this refusal and accept the products in the manner prescribed by these Instructions.

  1. Products received in serviceable containers are accepted for quality and completeness, as a rule, at the warehouse of the final recipient.

Buyers - bases of sales, supply, procurement organizations, wholesale and retail trade enterprises and other buyers who re-ship products in containers or packaging of the original manufacturer (sender) must accept products for quality and completeness in cases provided for by mandatory rules or agreement, as well as upon receipt of products in damaged, open or unmarked containers, in containers with a damaged seal, or if there are signs of deterioration (leaking, broken, etc.).

The specified enterprises and organizations are obliged to store products subject to reshipment in conditions that ensure the preservation of their quality and completeness.

  1. Acceptance of products for quality and completeness is carried out at the recipient’s warehouse within the following periods:

a) for out-of-town delivery - no later than 20 days, and for perishable products - no later than 24 hours. after the products are issued by the transport authority or they arrive at the recipient’s warehouse when the products are delivered by the supplier or when the products are exported by the recipient;

b) for one-time delivery - no later than 10 days, and for perishable products - 24 hours. after the products arrive at the recipient's warehouse.

In the regions of the Far North, in remote areas and other areas of early delivery, products for industrial and technical purposes are accepted no later than 30 days, and perishable products - no later than 48 hours. after the products arrive at the recipient's warehouse. In these areas, acceptance of industrial consumer goods is carried out no later than 60 days, food products (except for perishables) - no later than 40 days, and perishable goods - no

later than 48 hours after they arrive at the recipient's warehouse.

Checking the quality and completeness of products received in containers is carried out upon opening the containers, but no later than the deadlines indicated above, unless other deadlines are provided for in the contract due to the characteristics of the supplied products (goods).

Machines, equipment, devices and other products that arrive in containers and have warranty periods of service or storage are checked for quality and completeness when the container is opened, but not later than the established warranty periods.

  1. Acceptance of products for quality and completeness at the supplier’s warehouse is carried out in cases stipulated in the contract.
  2. Trade organizations have the right, regardless of the quality check of goods carried out by them within the time limits specified in clause 6 of these Instructions, to report manufacturing defects if such defects are discovered during the preparation of goods for retail sale or during retail sale within four months after receipt of the goods.
  3. A report on hidden defects in products must be drawn up within 5 days upon discovery of the defects, but no later than four months from the date of receipt of the products at the warehouse of the recipient who discovered the hidden defects, unless other deadlines are established by the rules binding on the parties.

When hidden defects in a product can only be discovered during its processing, carried out sequentially by two or more enterprises, an act on hidden defects must be drawn up no later than four months from the date of receipt of the product by the enterprise that discovered the defects.

A report on hidden defects found in products with warranty periods of service or storage must be drawn up within 5 days upon discovery of the defects, but within the established warranty period.

If a representative of the manufacturer (sender) is called to participate in the preparation of the report, then the time required for his arrival is added to the established 5-day period.

A report on hidden defects in goods, the warranty period for which is calculated from the moment of their retail sale, can also be drawn up during the period of storage before sale, regardless of the time of receipt of the goods.

Hidden defects are those defects that could not be detected during the usual inspection for a given type of product and were identified only during processing, preparation for installation, during installation, testing, use and storage of the product.

  1. Acceptance is considered completed in a timely manner if the verification of the quality and completeness of the products is completed within the established time frame.
  2. 1 Simultaneously with the acceptance of products for quality, the completeness of the products is checked, as well as the compliance of containers, packaging, labeling with the requirements of standards, technical specifications, Special Conditions, other rules mandatory for the parties or the contract, drawings, samples (standards).
  3. The procedure for accepting products supplied in containers established by these Instructions is also applied when accepting parcels or sealed bundles (bundles) in cases where it is impossible to remove the products from the bundle (bundle) without violating the integrity of the parcel or packaging or without removing the seal.
  4. Acceptance of products is carried out by competent persons authorized by the head of the recipient enterprise or his deputy. These persons are responsible for strict adherence to product acceptance rules.

The recipient enterprise is obliged:

a) create conditions for the correct and timely acceptance of products, which would ensure their safety and prevent damage to the products, as well as mixing with other similar products;

b) monitor the serviceability of testing and measuring instruments that determine the quality of products, as well as the timeliness of their verification in the prescribed manner;

c) ensure that persons accepting products for quality and completeness are well aware of and strictly follow these Instructions, as well as the rules for accepting products for quality and completeness established by the relevant standards, technical conditions, Basic and Special Delivery Conditions, and other mandatory rules;

d) systematically monitor the work of persons entrusted with the acceptance of products in terms of quality and completeness, and prevent violations of the rules for acceptance of products.

  1. Acceptance of products in terms of quality and completeness is carried out in strict accordance with standards, technical conditions, Basic and Special Delivery Conditions, other rules binding on the parties, as well as accompanying documents certifying the quality and completeness of the supplied products (technical passport, certificate, certificate of quality, invoice - invoice, specification, etc.). The absence of the specified accompanying documents or some of them does not suspend the acceptance of products. In this case, a report is drawn up on the actual quality and completeness of the received products and the report indicates which documents are missing.
  2. Selective (partial) testing of product quality with the distribution of the results of quality testing of any part of the product to the entire batch is allowed in cases where this is provided for by standards, technical conditions, Special Delivery Conditions, other mandatory rules or an agreement.
  3. If a discrepancy is detected in the quality, completeness, labeling of received products, containers or packaging with the requirements of standards, technical specifications, drawings, samples (standards), contract or data specified in the labeling and accompanying documents certifying the quality of the products (clause 14 of this Instruction), the recipient suspends further acceptance of products and draws up a report indicating the number of products inspected and the nature of defects identified during acceptance. The recipient is obliged to ensure that products of inadequate quality or incomplete products are stored under conditions that prevent deterioration in their quality and mixing with other similar products.

The recipient is also obliged to call a representative of a non-resident manufacturer (sender) to participate in the continued acceptance of products and draw up a bilateral act, if this is provided for in the Basic and Special Conditions of Delivery, other mandatory rules or the contract.

Contracts may provide for cases when the presence of a representative of a non-resident manufacturer (sender) to participate in the acceptance of products for quality and completeness and to draw up a report is mandatory.

For a one-year delivery, calling a representative of the manufacturer (sender) and his appearance to participate in checking the quality and completeness of the product and drawing up a report are mandatory.

  1. The notice of challenge sent to the manufacturer (sender) must indicate:

a) name of the product, date and invoice number - invoice or transport document number, if the invoice has not been received by the time of the call;

b) the main deficiencies found in the product;

c) the time for which the acceptance of products for quality or completeness is scheduled (within the deadline established for acceptance);

d) quantity of products of inadequate quality or incomplete products. 18. Notification of calling a representative of the manufacturer (sender) must be

sent (transferred) to him by telegraph (telephone) no later than 24 hours, and in relation to

perishable products - immediately after detection of non-compliance with the quality, completeness, labeling of products, containers or packaging with the established requirements, unless other deadlines are established by the Basic and Special Conditions of Delivery, other rules binding on the parties or the agreement.

  1. A representative of a similar manufacturer (sender) is obliged to appear when the recipient is called no later than the next day, and for perishable products - no later than 4 hours. after receiving a call, unless it specifies a different time limit for appearance.

The non-resident manufacturer (sender) is obliged, no later than the next day after receiving the recipient’s call, to inform by telegram or telephone message whether a representative will be sent to participate in the product quality check. Failure to receive a response to the call within the specified period entitles the recipient to accept the product before the expiration of the established period for the appearance of the manufacturer's representative (sender).

A representative of a non-resident manufacturer (sender) is obliged to appear no later than three days after receiving the call, not counting the time required for travel, unless a different period is provided for in the Basic and Special Conditions of Delivery, other mandatory rules or the contract.

A representative of the manufacturer (sender) must have a certificate for the right to participate in determining the quality and completeness of the products received by the recipient.

The manufacturer (sender) may authorize an enterprise located at the place of receipt of the product to participate in the acceptance of the product by the recipient. In this case, the representative’s certificate is issued by the enterprise that issued him. The certificate must contain a reference to the document by which the manufacturer (sender) authorized the enterprise to participate in the acceptance of the product.

  1. If a representative of the manufacturer (sender) fails to appear when called by the recipient (buyer) within the prescribed period and in cases where calling a representative of a non-resident manufacturer (sender) is not mandatory, the product quality check is carried out by a representative of the relevant industry inspection for product quality, and the quality of goods is checked by an expert bureau of commodity examinations or a representative of the relevant quality inspection.

In the absence of an appropriate quality inspection or a commodity examination bureau at the location of the recipient (buyer), if they refuse to provide a representative or fail to appear when called by the recipient (buyer), an inspection is carried out:

a) with the participation of a competent representative of another enterprise (organization), designated by the head or deputy head of this enterprise (organization), or

b) with the participation of a competent representative of the public of the recipient enterprise, appointed by the head of the enterprise from among the persons approved by the decision of the factory, plant or local trade union committee of this enterprise, or

c) unilaterally by the recipient enterprise, if the manufacturer (sender) has agreed to unilateral acceptance of the product.

  1. Heads of enterprises and organizations or their deputies, at the request of the recipient enterprise, assign representatives to participate in the acceptance of products for quality and completeness.
  2. To participate in the acceptance of products, persons competent (by type of work, education, work experience) in determining the quality and completeness of products to be accepted must be identified.

Financially responsible and subordinate persons, as well as persons engaged in accounting, storage, acceptance and release of material assets, should not be singled out as representatives of the public of recipient enterprises. In particular, managers of enterprises and their deputies cannot be identified as representatives of the public of the recipient enterprise (and in cases where they are not

financially responsible persons), employees of the technical control department, accountants, commodity experts associated with the accounting, storage, release and acceptance of material assets, employees of the legal service of these enterprises, claimants.

The term of office of representatives of the public of the recipient enterprise, allocated by the factory, factory, local trade union committee for the acceptance of products for quality, can be set for the term of office of this trade union committee.

  1. The representative authorized to participate in the acceptance of products for quality and completeness is issued a one-time certificate duly executed and certified by the seal of the enterprise, signed by the head of the enterprise (organization) or his deputy.

The certificate for the right to participate in the acceptance of products for quality and completeness indicates:

date of issue of the certificate and its number;

last name, first name and patronymic, place of work and position of the person to whom the certificate was issued;

name of the enterprise to which the representative is allocated;

The representative is authorized to participate in the acceptance of which specific products.

If a representative of the public is allocated to participate in the acceptance of products (clause 20, paragraph “b” of these Instructions), then the certificate also indicates the date and number of the decision of the plant, factory or local committee by which this representative was allocated to the enterprise.

A certificate is issued for the right to participate in the acceptance of a specific batch of products. Issuance of a certificate for any period (ten days, month, etc.) is not allowed. For acceptance of products on weekends or holidays, the certificate may be

issued on the last day before the weekend or before the holiday for each day separately without indicating a specific batch of products.

A certificate issued in violation of the rules of these Instructions is invalid.

  1. Persons who are involved by the recipient enterprise to participate in the acceptance of products must be familiar with these Instructions, with the relevant standards, technical specifications, drawings, recipes, samples (standards), Basic and Special Delivery Conditions and the agreement on the basis of which the supply was made products.
  2. Persons who accept products for quality and completeness are required to strictly comply with the rules for acceptance of products and certify with their signature only those facts that were established with their participation. Recording in the act of data not directly established by the acceptance participants is prohibited.

For signing an act of acceptance of products for quality and completeness, containing data that does not correspond to reality, the persons who signed such an act bear responsibility established by law.

Representatives of other enterprises and organizations and members of the public allocated to participate in the acceptance of products do not have the right to receive remuneration from the recipient enterprise for participation in the acceptance of products.

  1. In all cases when standards, technical conditions, Basic and Special Delivery Conditions, other mandatory rules or an agreement to determine the quality of products provide for the selection of samples (samples), persons involved in the acceptance of products for quality are required to take samples (samples) of these products.

Sampling (sampling) is carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the above regulations. Selected samples (samples) are sealed or sealed and provided with labels signed by the persons participating in the selection.

  1. An act on the selection of samples (samples) is drawn up, signed by all participants.

in this persons. The act must indicate:

a) the time and place of drawing up the act, the name of the recipient of the product, the names and positions of the persons who took part in the selection of samples;

b) name of the manufacturer (sender) from whom the products were received; c) invoice number and date - invoice and waybill, according to which the

products, and the date of their receipt at the recipient's warehouse, and when delivering products by the supplier and when releasing products from the supplier's warehouse - the number and date of the invoice or invoice according to which the products were delivered;

d) the number of places and weight of products, as well as the number and numbers of places from which samples (samples) of products were taken;

e) an indication that samples (samples) were taken in the manner prescribed by the standard, technical specifications, Basic and Special Delivery Conditions, other mandatory rules and agreement, with reference to their number and date;

f) whether the selected samples (samples) are provided with labels containing data required by standards or specifications;

g) samples (samples) are sealed or sealed with whose seal or seal (imprints on seals);

h) other data that persons involved in sampling will find necessary to include in the report for a more detailed description of the samples (samples).

  1. Of the selected samples (samples), one remains with the recipient, the second is sent to the manufacturer (sender) of the product. In all cases where this is provided for by standards, technical specifications, other mandatory rules and the contract, additional samples (samples) are selected for analysis or testing in laboratories or scientific research institutes.

About the submission of samples (samples) for analysis or testing, appropriate notes are made in the act of sampling (samples).

Selected samples (samples) of products must be kept by the recipient, manufacturer (sender) until the dispute about the quality of the product is resolved, and in cases of transfer of materials about the release of substandard products to the prosecutor's office and the court - until the case is resolved in these authorities.

  1. Based on the results of product acceptance for quality and completeness with the participation of representatives specified in paragraphs. 19 and 20 of this Instruction, a report on the actual quality and completeness of the received products is drawn up.

The act must be drawn up on the day the products are accepted for quality and completeness.

This act must indicate:

a) the name of the recipient of the products and his address;

b) number and date of the act, place of acceptance of products, start and end time of acceptance of products; in cases where acceptance of products with the participation of representatives specified in paragraphs. 19 and 20 of these Instructions, was carried out in violation of the established acceptance deadlines, the report must indicate the reasons for the delay in acceptance, the time of their occurrence and elimination;

c) the names and initials of the persons who took part in the acceptance of products for quality and in drawing up the act, their place of work, their positions, the date and number of the document on the authority of the representative to participate in the inspection of products for quality and completeness, as well as an indication that that these persons are familiar with the product quality acceptance rules;

d) names and addresses of the manufacturer (sender) and supplier;

e) date and number of a telephone message or telegram about calling a representative of the manufacturer (sender) or a note that calling the manufacturer (sender) is not provided for by the Basic and Special Conditions of Delivery, other mandatory rules or the contract;

f) numbers and dates of the contract for the supply of products, invoices, waybills (bill of lading) and a document certifying the quality of the products;

g) the date of arrival of the products at the station (pier, port) of destination, the time of delivery of the cargo by the transport authority, the time of opening the wagon, container, van and other sealed vehicles, the time of delivery of the products to the recipient's warehouse;

h) the number and date of the commercial act (act issued by the road transport authority), if such an act was drawn up upon receipt of the product from the transport authority;

i) conditions for storing products in the recipient’s warehouse before drawing up the report;

j) the condition of the containers and packaging at the time of inspection of the products, the contents of the external markings of the containers and other data on the basis of which it can be concluded in whose packaging the products were presented - the manufacturer or the sender, the date of opening of the containers and packaging. Defects in labeling, containers and packaging, as well as the quantity of products to which each of the identified deficiencies relates;

k) during random inspection of products - the procedure for selecting products for random inspection, indicating the basis for the random inspection (standard, technical conditions, Special delivery conditions, other mandatory rules and agreement);

l) under whose seals (sender or transport authority) the products were shipped and received, the serviceability of the seals, the imprints on them; transport and shipping markings of places (according to documents and actually), the presence or absence of packaging labels, seals on individual places;

m) quantity (weight), full name and listing of products presented for inspection and actually inspected, highlighting rejected products that are subject to correction at the manufacturer or on site, including by replacing individual parts, as well as products whose grade does not correspond to the specified grade in a document certifying its quality. A detailed description of the identified deficiencies and their nature;

o) the grounds on which products are transferred to a lower grade, with reference to the standard, technical specifications, and other mandatory rules;

o) the quantity of incomplete products and a list of missing parts, assemblies and parts and their cost;

p) numbers of standards, technical specifications, drawings, samples (standards), according to which product quality was checked;

c) the number of the rejector of the manufacturer of the product, if such a number is indicated on the product;

r) whether samples (samples) were taken and where they were sent;

s) other data that, in the opinion of those involved in acceptance, must be indicated in the act to confirm the inadequate quality or incompleteness of the product;

t) a conclusion about the nature of the identified defects in the product and the reason for their occurrence.

  1. The act must be signed by all persons involved in checking the quality and completeness of the product. A person who does not agree with the contents of the act is obliged to sign it with a reservation about his disagreement and state his opinion.

Before the signature of the persons participating in the acceptance, the act must indicate that these persons have been warned that they are responsible for signing the act containing data that does not correspond to reality.

If there is a disagreement between the manufacturer (sender) and the recipient about the nature of the identified defects and the reasons for their occurrence, then to determine the quality of the product, the recipient is obliged to invite an expert from the bureau of commodity examinations, a representative of the relevant quality inspection or other competent organization.

  1. The act drawn up in the manner provided for in paragraph 29 of these Instructions must be accompanied by:

a) documents of the manufacturer (sender) certifying the quality and completeness of the products;

b) packaging labels from containers that indicate inadequate quality and incompleteness of products;

c) transport document (waybill, bill of lading);

d) a document certifying the authority of the representative allocated to participate in the acceptance;

d. 1) an act drawn up in accordance with clause 16 of these Instructions;

e) the act of sampling (samples) and the conclusion on the results of analysis (testing) of the selected samples (samples);

f) other documents that may indicate the reasons for damage (deterioration) in the quality of products or their incompleteness (commercial acts, for perishable goods, information on ice supply, temperature conditions, as well as a list of supply and cleaning of cars, a memo from the delivery person, if one has been drawn up, or a full-scale sheet and etc.).

  1. An act establishing inadequate quality or incompleteness of products, drawn up with the participation of representatives specified in paragraph 20, paragraphs. “a”, “b” and “c”, is approved by the head of the recipient enterprise or his deputy no later than three days after drawing up the act.

In cases where the products were accepted on a weekend or holiday, the acceptance certificate must be approved by the head of the recipient enterprise or his deputy on the first working day after the weekend or holiday.

If necessary, the head of the enterprise or his deputy sends materials to the prosecutor's office to bring to justice those persons guilty of producing substandard or incomplete products as established by law.

Acts drawn up by the Bureau of Commodity Expertise or the Product Quality Inspectorate are approved in the manner prescribed by the relevant regulations on inspections and the Bureau of Commodity Expertise.

  1. A report on hidden defects found in products is drawn up in the manner prescribed by these Instructions, unless otherwise provided by the Basic and Special Conditions of Delivery, other mandatory rules and the contract.
  2. In relation to goods, the poor quality of which is discovered by the consumer after purchasing them in stores, the recipient (buyer), instead of the act specified in paragraph 29 of these Instructions, must submit to the manufacturer (sender):

a) a consumer application for the exchange of goods and a store conclusion indicating the name of the goods, its manufacturer (sender) and supplier, the price of the goods, the nature of the defects and the reasons for their occurrence, the time of sale, exchange, repair of goods or return of their cost;

b) documents provided for by the Rules for the exchange of industrial goods purchased in a retail chain, confirming the inadequate quality of the goods;

c) a consumer’s receipt for the exchange of goods or receipt of its value.

  1. The manufacturer (sender) or recipient (buyer), if there are grounds, has the right to appeal the conclusion of the quality inspection, bureau of commodity examinations or research institute (laboratory) to their higher organization. A copy of this statement is sent to the other party. If the relevant higher organization recognizes the arguments of the manufacturer (sender) or recipient (buyer) as justified, then a re-examination is ordered in accordance with the established procedure.

A re-examination of products can also be carried out on behalf of arbitration or judicial investigative authorities.

  1. The manufacturer (sender, supplier) has the right to double-check the quality of products rejected and returned by the recipient (buyer) in the manner and in cases provided for by the Basic and Special Conditions of Delivery, other mandatory rules and the contract.
  2. Certificates of acceptance of products for quality and completeness are registered and stored in the manner established at the recipient enterprise.
  1. If the recipient (buyer) accepts products transferred to a lower grade, these products, in accordance with the acceptance certificate, are relabeled at the expense of the manufacturer (sender).

The contract must stipulate who carries out the relabeling: the manufacturer (sender) or the recipient (buyer).

  1. Excluded.
  2. A claim arising from the delivery of products that do not comply in terms of quality, completeness, container, packaging and labeling with standards, technical specifications, drawings, recipes, samples (standards) is presented by the recipient (buyer) to the manufacturer (sender, supplier) within the prescribed period.

If the manufacturer or his location is not known to the recipient (buyer), the claim in two copies is sent to the sender (supplier), who, immediately after receiving it, is obliged to send one copy to the manufacturer, notifying the recipient (buyer).

A claim for the supply of products of inadequate quality or incomplete must be accompanied by the act and documents specified in paragraphs. 31 and 34 of these Instructions, if the manufacturer (sender, supplier) does not have them, as well as documents confirming the sale of perishable products as directed by the sanitary inspection authorities, if the products have been sold by the time the claim is made.

In cases provided for by the contract, the claim must be accompanied by an act on the destruction of perishable products as directed by the sanitary inspection authorities, an act on the delivery of products for scrap and other documents on the use of products on site in accordance with their actual quality.

  1. In the event of a claim for compensation for the difference in the cost of a product (markdown) in connection with its transfer to a lower grade, the recipient is obliged to attach to the claim documents confirming the receipt of the product in the grade actually received. Trading organizations are required to submit a certificate signed by the head of the organization (or his deputy) and the chief accountant about the sale of products at the price of the grade into which they were converted, or about the revaluation made if the products have not yet been sold, as well as a certificate signed by the same officials about relabeling of products with the appropriate grade.
  2. The sender (manufacturer, supplier) informs the recipient about the results of consideration of the claim within the prescribed period.


<1> In the following, as a rule, one term is used - “products”. <2> In the following, as a rule, one term is used - “enterprise”.


Bitumen is classified according to several criteria. The first criterion is origin and composition.

  1. Natural bitumen is obtained from the extraction of petroleum minerals. Their main composition is hydrocarbons and derivatives, which are obtained through the active oxidation of petroleum substances in the bowels of the earth. Natural hydrocarbon may be solid or viscous. In its usual form, the substance is obtained in production by separating the necessary fractions.
  2. Bitumen for laying asphalt is obtained from the extraction of porous minerals located deep in the bowels of the earth's crust. The rock is crushed together with a hydrocarbon substance to produce material for road work.
  3. Construction bitumen is a synthetic product produced industrially from petroleum. The material is used for waterproofing structures and producing roofing roll materials and soft tiles. A synthetic hydrocarbon with a solid structure, for use it is melted to a liquid state, after which it again fixes its shape on the working surface.

Transportation and storage

Bitumen mixtures are stored in cylindrical vessels . The latter can be located vertically and horizontally. If the product is stored for a long time, the containers are equipped with heating systems . Preference is given to horizontal options, since here the evaporation of moisture leads to the appearance of a mass of crust on the surface, which prevents further evaporation.

If the bitumen mixture is stored motionless, its properties do not change. During circulation when supplied to the pipeline, the quality changes due to oxidation.

Bitumen is transported in special automobile and railway tanks . The material is flammable, so containers must strictly comply with GOST requirements.


The wide variety of bitumens has led to the need to divide the material into groups. This is how the construction substance labeling appeared. It includes the origin and purpose of the material, the temperature of its heating and penetration. Consider the example of BNK 90/30:

  • BNK – petroleum roofing bitumen;
  • 90 is the optimal heating temperature of a solid for melting;
  • 30 – penetration value, that is, the size of penetration of the penetrometer needle into bitumen at 25°C in mm.

General purpose petroleum bitumen

Brands of construction bitumen that are used for waterproofing structures using the coating method are BN 50/50, BN 70/30, BN 90/10. It is worth noting: the higher the numerator of the fraction designation, that is, the softening temperature, the lower the penetration.

Subtype of construction bitumen - insulating: BNI-IV-3, BNI-IV. This is how underground pipelines are treated to protect them from corrosion.

The specific gravity of bitumen is 0.95...1.50 g/cm3.

Roofing bitumen

Rolled materials (roofing felt, rubemast, euroroofing felt and others), soft shingles tiles are made from roofing bitumen of the following brands:

  • BNK 90/30 is used to cover the roof and organize the finishing layer;
  • BNK 40/180 is suitable for impregnating surfaces for waterproofing purposes;
  • BNK 45/190 serves as a material for the manufacture of roofing materials.

The melting point of bitumen in the roofing variety of material is low; it is not necessarily proportional to the hardness of the cover. For this type, the plasticity of the sheet is important, which will be provided by a canvas with a soft texture.

Road bitumen

The group of road bitumens includes several types of material by brand. Their main difference is the climate zone, because roads are important communications. Considering the regions, determine the maximum and minimum temperatures:

  • For regions with low temperatures that rarely rise above -20°C in winter, bitumen grades BND 90/130, BND 130/200, BND 200/300 are chosen.
  • For moderate winters of -20...-10°C, brands BND 60/90 and the previously listed 90/130, 130/200, 200/300 are suitable.
  • In areas with winter temperatures ranging from -10...-5°C, the road surface is laid using bitumen BND 40/60, BN 90/130, BN 130/200, BN 200/300.
  • For warm regions with an average winter temperature of +5°C, hydrocarbons of the BND 40/60, BN 90/130, BN 130/200, BN 200/300 and previously listed brands are used.

How asphalt concrete was made even better: modification of classic asphalt concrete mixtures

One of the key modifications of the classic asphalt concrete mixture was used specifically on bitumen, which made it possible to improve not only the binder component itself, but also significantly increase the overall performance characteristics of asphalt concrete.

This was also facilitated by the development of modern modifiers for asphalt concrete mixtures, which made it possible to control individual properties of the material.

“Viscous road bitumen has been modified by adding polymers, plasticizers and surfactants to create a more efficient asphalt binder.”

Polymer-bitumen binder (PBB) in asphalt concrete significantly increases the following characteristics of the mixture:

  • Adhesive properties;
  • Plasticity range;
  • Resistance to rutting;
  • Resistant to corrosion.

Due to the emergence of a new binder and improved asphalt concrete, even high-quality bituminous asphalt began to lose popularity, as it was obviously inferior in many physical and mechanical properties. At the moment, gravel bitumen asphalt is almost completely replaced by modern crushed stone asphalt concrete.

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