Insulating the foundation of a house from the outside: types of insulation and their main properties, methods and sequence | (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Every person likes to live in a warm and cozy home, but after building a new home, many may face the problem of heat loss through the walls of the house, and especially through the foundation. Few people know what materials and in what way it is necessary to insulate it in order to avoid heat loss through cold bridges. In this article we will look at why you need to insulate the foundation, what materials need to be used, and how to insulate this or that type of foundation.

Why insulate the foundation?

The first and most well-known reason why you should take a responsible approach to the issue of insulating the foundation of a house is the constant fluctuation in temperature and soil moisture . Natural phenomena provoke cracks in the foundation and its subsequent destruction.

The fact of energy saving may also seem important for a thrifty owner . a warm foundation will reduce heat leakage and save heating costs by a third.

In addition, an insulated foundation can protect :

  • living quarters from penetration of low temperatures;
  • communications from cold and moisture.

Insulating the foundation means protecting it not only from cold, but also from water .

Excess moisture can cause a lot of trouble to the foundation of the house and the house itself if the barrier is not taken care of in time.

Even based on these few examples, we can give a positive answer to the question: is it necessary to insulate the foundation?

How to insulate a wooden floor on joists?

After installing the load-bearing beams, the floor should be insulated. The use of expanded polystyrene here is undesirable, since these materials do not allow steam to pass through, which can cause water condensation to form, which will adversely affect the wood. In addition, foam plastic, for example, can be favored by rodents, which will lead to some discomfort.

Waterproofing and insulation of wooden floors with mineral wool

For a wooden floor on the joists of the first floor of a private house, it is better to use mineral wool, or rather one of its varieties. However, when laying mineral wool, you should take care of the moisture insulation of the insulation. If a hydrobarrier has already been created below (on top of the rough screed), then all that remains is to install the top layer of the hydrobarrier film.

Important! To protect mineral wool from moisture, polyethylene film is not used. You need a special film sheet that can allow steam to pass through. If you use polyethylene, condensation will form underneath it with all the ensuing consequences.

The waterproof film is laid on the joists and the insulation placed between them before installing the floor board. Adjacent strips should overlap each other by at least 10 cm. To prevent the strips from moving, they are stapled to the supporting beams.

Insulation external and internal.

Is it necessary to insulate the foundation of a house?
Insulation of the foundation from the outside is carried out before the floor is laid and the walls are erected. And you can do the internal work when it is not possible to do the external work, and if there is a basement in the house.

Both the first and second options are designed to :

  • prevent the penetration of cold into the base structure and living quarters;
  • prevent the flow of rain and melt water.

Separately, internal insulation contributes to :

  • the formation of its own microclimate in the basement, which affects the microclimate throughout the house;
  • formation of a reliable barrier to groundwater;
  • preventing the accumulation of condensation on the basement ceiling and the formation of mold.

However, when choosing a method, one nuance should be taken into account . The difference between external and internal insulation is that the first method reliably prevents the influence of seasonal temperature changes on the foundation, while the second one is weak at this point.

When insulating the foundation from the inside, you need to be prepared for the fact that temperature fluctuations during the changing seasons can be fatal for the foundation and structure.

Is it necessary to insulate the strip foundation of a house?

What are the consequences of his absence?

To avoid any questions about what will happen if you skip this stage, let’s consider the possible consequences. This is what can happen if you do not insulate the foundation of a private house:

  1. The foundation may freeze, that is, its temperature will drop to minus. It’s especially scary if groundwater is nearby. Then the concrete absorbs moisture, which freezes at sub-zero temperatures and breaks it.
  2. The base may suffer from temperature changes, which negatively affects it.
  3. If the waterproofing of the foundation is weak, then moisture will still affect it one way or another. Thermal insulation additionally prevents water penetration.

These arguments are usually enough to understand why insulating the foundation. Therefore, let's move on to the next point.

How to insulate different types of foundations?

During the period of laying the foundation of a house, the question should not even arise: is it necessary to insulate the foundation?

If you are building “to last,” then, undoubtedly, the intended service life of the building will, first of all, depend on the strength of the foundation. And also - warmth and comfort in the house.

Let's look at how to insulate various types of foundations . to protect the base from negative natural influences.

Shallow foundation.

It is used in the construction of light frame buildings and has two types: strip and tile.

The insulation is placed at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from the foundation masonry, and between them a zone of non-freezing soil is formed.

Columnar foundation.

To insulate this type of foundation, it is necessary to equip the so-called. a fence is a type of plinth, the main function of which is to protect the space between the soil and the foundation from moisture and freezing.

The collection process is labor-intensive . but during the operation of the building it will justify itself.

This is done like this:

  1. You need to dig a shallow (200-400 mm) trench.
  2. Fill the trench one third with sand or crushed stone.
  3. Attach bars with grooves (slots, slits) to the foundation pillars.
  4. Insert special thin boards into the grooves.
  5. Fill the lower part of the structure with expanded clay and your foundation will be out of danger.

Monolithic foundation.

Is it necessary to insulate the foundation of a house from the outside?
An excellent basis for compact buildings without a high base, a very popular type of foundation among domestic developers.

The technology for insulating a monolithic foundation is the most expensive, as it is produced using polyurethane foam. But, despite the high cost of such insulation, it is used with the prospect that the costs will pay off in the future.

The cost of heating a house when using this type of insulation is negligible.

Pile-vital foundation.

Buildings on such a foundation have one characteristic feature: an open space between the foundation and the ground, which always leads to significant heat losses. Insulation of the pile-vital foundation is mandatory, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable to live in the house.

  1. Grillage waterproofing.
  2. Installation of the thermal insulation layer.
  3. Finishing work on the outer layer of thermal insulation.

Foam plastic is usually used as a thermal insulation material in the process of insulating such a foundation.

No. 6. Mineral wool for basement insulation

basalt wool is usually used to insulate the foundation base . Rocks are used as raw materials, which are melted and drawn into thin threads, from which insulation is created. It is produced in rolls and slabs; you can use both: rolls allow you to get a minimum number of seams, and slabs are characterized by increased strength.


  • low thermal conductivity coefficient achieved due to the fibrous structure;
  • soundproofing;
  • fire resistance, since it is based on mineral substances;
  • high vapor permeability rates;
  • strength and resistance to mechanical damage;
  • mildew resistance;
  • high durability;
  • easy installation.

Manufacturers say that mineral wool allows water to pass through well and does not absorb it, but this is not entirely true. The material tends to accumulate moisture , which significantly reduces its thermal insulation properties, so special water-repellent substances began to be added to it. But even this does not free you from the need to install powerful waterproofing, and this is tedious, time-consuming and expensive, so mineral wool is used very rarely for basement insulation - but it is perfect for walls and balconies.

Foundation insulation scheme.

For owners of private houses used for year-round living, the question remains relevant: is it worth insulating the foundation from the inside if it is already insulated from the outside?

For a greater heat-saving effect, you can carry out double-sided insulation of the base of the house. This is usually what thrifty owners do, caring about heat in their living rooms and not wanting to overpay for heat supply.

The scheme for insulating the foundation of a heated room combines two types of insulation: horizontal and external vertical.

Is it necessary to insulate a strip foundation? Is it necessary to insulate a foundation without a basement?

A little theory

Thermal insulation of the underground part has several main goals.

Most residents of southern and central Russia build cottages on concrete foundations and are not particularly worried about this. They live for many years, quite happily and comfortably, without additional insulation of the buried part, although for most inhabitants of the northern lands this approach to business seems frivolous and wasteful. First, it’s worth understanding why people insulate their foundations.

Thermal insulation of the underground part has several main goals, the main of which is to reduce the depth of freezing and heaving of the soil adjacent to the building. This allows you to protect communications, arrange a cellar or living quarters in the basement. But the main function of thermal insulation is to protect structures during uneven heaving. The soil at one corner of the house may rise higher than at another. The foundation is deformed and cracked, which is already bad. That's why the foundation of the house is insulated. It's now much easier to talk about when not to do this. Read about why you should not insulate the foundation from the inside on the page /pochemu-ne-stoit-delat-uteplenie-fundamenta-iznutri/.

Insulating the foundation of a house without a basement - is it necessary?

Is it necessary to insulate the strip foundation of a house?

It is probably impossible to find a person who would not enjoy living in a cozy home. But after completing the construction of a home, many people have to deal with the problem of heat loss, both through the walls and through the foundation of the house. In this regard, the answer to the elementary question of whether it is necessary to insulate the foundation is obvious even if there is no base at the base. This must be done, and there are a number of good reasons for this.

No. 2. Is it necessary to insulate the basement of a house?

The peculiarity of the domestic mentality is such that you want to save on everything. Hence the popular question: is it always necessary to insulate the basement of a private house? Thermal insulation may not really be needed in the following cases:

  • if the house is intended only for summer living;
  • if the house does not have a basement, but the basement is small (0.5 m) and is arranged to avoid flooding;
  • if the house is located in an area where there is no severe winter.

In all these cases, you can get by with an insulated floor. If the climate in the region is harsh, the house is used for permanent residence, and the basement is supposed to store food, arrange a garage, boiler room or other utility rooms, then insulation is indispensable.

Materials for base insulation.

Before you start insulating a house without a basement, you should figure out which materials are most appropriate to use in a particular case. Typically used as insulation:

There are two main types of insulation: external and internal.

External insulation of the base must be completed before the floor and walls of the future house are erected. The internal option is used only if the foundation and base cannot be insulated from the outside.


From the title it is not immediately clear what we are talking about. In fact, an abbreviation of these words refers to a foundation built using this technology. Its “trick” consists of piles that expand towards the bottom, so that the soil cannot push them out when freezing or heaving. Another feature of the TISE foundation is a grillage raised above the soil by 10 - 15 cm, which allows it not to experience loads during the above-mentioned phenomena. It is this part of the base that is subject to mandatory insulation.

Carrying out work with a grillage is to some extent easier, since there is no need to dig a pit around the base. The same materials as in the previous version are suitable for insulation: polyurethane foam, EPPS, etc. The only thing is that in this case, cladding is needed, which is not necessary underground.

A separate issue concerns the gap, which we have already discussed. There is still debate on this issue. Someone suggests placing glass-magnesite sheets under the grillage and, screwing them to it, covering it with external finishing. Some people advise not to touch this gap, especially if there are floods in the area. As in any controversial cases, it makes sense to consult with specialists.

Types of foundations and specifics of their insulation.

Is it necessary to insulate the foundation of a house without a basement?
In modern construction, different types of foundations are used, some of which have a base, while others do not. Each of them uses its own insulation technology.

Insulation of the strip base.

When insulating the strip foundation of a house, work should be carried out evenly along its entire length. For this, the design requires preliminary preparation. First of all, a trench is dug around the entire perimeter of the house, the width of which is 1 m, and the depth is identical to the depth of the base. Then the structure is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and soil residues. Neglecting this procedure is strongly discouraged. Since only a cleaned surface can provide good adhesion to the material. If necessary, the surface of the foundation can be leveled using a cement screed.

Before proceeding directly to the insulation procedure, it is necessary to ensure reliable waterproofing of the base. Why this is necessary is quite obvious - so that the insulation is not exposed to water and moisture. For this purpose, the surface of the base should be thoroughly coated with mastic. Alternatively, you can use any other waterproofing material. After all the preparatory work has been completed, you can begin laying the insulation boards. It is attached with special glue. If you want to achieve the best result, it is highly recommended to lay insulation material in two layers.

The procedures described above are performed along the entire perimeter of the base.

Insulation of the columnar base.

Is it necessary to insulate the foundation of a house?
In order to insulate a column-type foundation, the first thing you need to do is make a base. Its main function is to protect the space between the base and the ground from the negative effects of moisture and freezing temperatures. To make a plinth, you will need to perform the following amount of work:

  • dig a small trench under the house with a depth of 20 to 40 cm
  • pour crushed stone or sand into the trench, the layer of which should be 5 cm less than the depth of the trench;
  • attach special bars with grooves to the pillars of the base for attaching boards to them in the future;
  • insert special beams into the grooves, on which the boards will then be attached;
  • insert the boards into the grooves around the perimeter of the base;
  • fill the lower part of the resulting structure with expanded clay.

By building such a base, you can be sure that your foundation is reliably protected from the cold.

Insulation of slab base.

Is it necessary to insulate the foundation?
Insulating the slab foundation of a house is the most expensive procedure compared to those described. Most often in this case , polyurethane foam is used to insulate the base . which is applied to the walls using a special device. It is most advisable to insulate the slab base before it is poured. To do this, a waterproofing layer is laid in a pre-dug pit (usually roofing material is used), polyurethane foam is placed, over which a screed is made. Next, reinforcement is laid and concreting is carried out.

Insulation of the pile foundation.

A pile foundation is characterized by the presence of open space between the soil and the foundation, due to which heat loss can be simply colossal. There is no need to say that such a foundation should be insulated without fail, since otherwise dampness and cold will constantly reign in the house.

Such bases are most often insulated using polystyrene foam. The insulation technique itself occurs in several stages:

  • the foundation grillage is waterproofed;
  • laying a layer of insulation;
  • carrying out finishing work.

Which insulation to choose

Mineral wool insulation for foundations is not the most suitable option: they tend to accumulate moisture, losing their thermal insulation properties, and are not sufficiently resistant to mechanical loads. Soil pressure will lead to shrinkage of the material, and the effectiveness of insulation will decrease to zero.

Insulation of the foundation with a mineral wool slab

Prices for mineral wool


But polymer insulation does not have such disadvantages and fully meets the necessary requirements.

Foundation insulation with polystyrene foam

Let's take a closer look at their characteristics.

Expanded polystyrene

High-quality insulation of the foundation helps to avoid significant heat loss

Expanded polystyrene, or polystyrene foam, is very widely used in thermal insulation. It is lightweight, its sheets have the correct shape, and therefore installation is not a problem even for a novice master. The material is available in various densities and thicknesses, and depending on this has certain areas of application. Only the densest sheets with a thickness of at least 50 mm are suitable for foundations; the rest are best used for insulating walls and partitions.

In terms of thermal conductivity, foam plastic is much more effective than wood, expanded clay, and mineral wool insulation. It almost does not absorb water, is not prone to shrinkage and deformation, and serves as an excellent sound insulator. In addition, polystyrene foam boards fully retain their properties when exposed to salt and chlorinated water, soap solutions, and weak acids. The insulation can come into contact with bitumen mastics, lime, water-soluble adhesive solutions and cement plaster.


For slab foundations, as well as deeply buried foundations, it is necessary to use polystyrene foam marked PSB-S-50, which is able to withstand heavy mechanical loads and provide reliable protection against soil swelling. For columnar and standard strip foundations, PSB-S-35 grade foam is used.


All other varieties are not suitable for foundations due to the low density and fragility of the sheets.

Density12-35 kg/m3
Operating temperature rangefrom -60°С to +80°С
Thicknessfrom 2 to 10 cm
Dimensions100x50 cm, 100x100 cm, 200x100 cm
Life time20-30 years

Properties of foam plastic

Extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam

Expanded polystyrene made by extrusion is significantly superior to polystyrene foam in all respects. It is many times stronger, absolutely moisture-proof, and has the lowest vapor permeability and thermal conductivity. Microorganisms also do not develop in it, even under conditions of prolonged exposure to dampness.

Foundation insulation with extruded polystyrene foam - EPS

EPS boards with a smaller thickness have a much greater effect. To thermally insulate the foundation in a temperate climate, an insulation thickness of 40 mm is sufficient, in northern conditions - about 60 mm (a two-layer laying of slabs with a thickness of 30 mm is recommended). For ease of installation and greater packing density, the slabs are equipped with tongue-and-groove joints.

Extruded polystyrene foam with tongue-and-groove joint

They are attached to the base using an adhesive solution and disc-shaped dowels.

Fasteners for thermal insulation

Laying of EPS slabs can be done vertically (when insulating columnar and strip foundations) and horizontally (when installing a slab foundation).

Insulated Swedish stove and water heating system

Due to its increased strength, the material perfectly tolerates the load from the concrete layer, does not flatten or shrink, unlike polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. The most popular brands of extruded polystyrene foam are Penoplex and TechnoNIKOL.

Main characteristics

Density15-36 kg/m3
Operating temperature rangefrom -50 to +75°С
Dimensions600x1200 mm, 600x2400 mm
Thickness20-100 mm
Life timemore than 40 years

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam

Sprayed thermal insulation, or PPU, is increasingly used to insulate foundations. Polyurethane foam forms a very durable seamless coating that is resistant to adverse influences. At the same time, it simultaneously performs the functions of vapor and waterproofing, which greatly simplifies the work process. Another useful property of this insulation is its high adhesion to the base. It adheres equally firmly to stone, concrete, brickwork, and wooden structures, is easily applied to hard-to-reach areas, and fills the slightest cracks.

Comparison of polyurethane foam with other insulation materials and building wall materials

Comparison of thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam with other materials

Polyurethane foam is applied in two ways - pouring and spraying. The first option is more labor-intensive and expensive, so it is rarely used when insulating private houses. The second method is actively used to insulate the entire building - from the roof to the foundation. Before application, the components are mixed in a foam generating unit with air and the finished mass is sprayed under pressure onto the working surface. Within a few seconds, the composition hardens, and upon completion of the work, you can immediately begin finishing. The only disadvantage of such insulation is that it is impossible to do without installation, and this is an additional cost.

Spray gun for applying polyurethane foam

Thermal conductivityfrom 0.019 to 0.035 W/m*K
Density30-80 kg/m3
Water absorption1-3%
Lifetime40-50 years

In addition to the described insulation materials, bulk materials, in particular expanded clay, can be used for foundations. It is environmentally friendly, inexpensive, has good thermal insulation characteristics, and is suitable for both vertical and horizontal insulation. But since expanded clay can absorb moisture, losing some of its properties, and the work process requires more effort and time, this insulation is used less and less, giving way to more modern and effective materials.

Expanded clay is rarely used for foundation insulation

Prices for expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene

Insulation of the base from the inside.

Quite often, those who are involved in building a house ask themselves why it is necessary to insulate the base from the inside if there is external insulation. There is no definite answer to this question, but if you want to ensure maximum heat conservation in your home, you should still do this.

The most commonly used materials for internal insulation are polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. The latter option is the most preferable, since it allows you to obtain a monolithic thermal insulation layer, and the material itself has a long service life.

When you need insulation of the foundation and basement outside and inside.

Is it necessary to insulate the strip foundation of a house?
An option for insulating a house without a basement along the perimeter of the installation.

The goal of any house construction is a beautiful, durable, and most importantly warm structure where you can live for a long time and comfortably. The use of which will be required in the construction of various types of technologies.

The surface of the earth tends to freeze in the winter, so it makes sense to lay insulation immediately during the construction of the supporting structure. The easiest way to insulate the foundation from the outside is to use several types of insulation that are suitable specifically for your construction option.

In what case and how to use it, it is worth understanding in advance, at the initial stage of construction. It is better to carry out the work while laying the entire foundation and concreting the blind area. This can avoid unnecessary costs in the future, for example, on the development of soil around the perimeter. Let's look at all types of available materials and insulation step by step.

The main enemy of the basement is water

In some cases, building a house with a basement with your own hands is impossible without additional measures that will protect the foundation from ground moisture.
Before starting the construction of a house, you need to do detailed geological studies with the involvement of specialists. They will allow us to identify the exact level of groundwater location, the likelihood and frequency of its rise. If the groundwater level (GWL) is located far from the surface of the earth, it is enough to provide the following types of protection from moisture:

  • vertical (coating, lining with damage protection);
  • horizontal at the level of the basement floor (closed with the vertical);
  • horizontal along the edge of the foundation.

To protect the supporting part of the building from moisture at high groundwater levels, the following measures are provided:

  • Gravity drainage is suitable for eliminating perched water in elevated areas. It is laid at the level of the sole or below and taken to the nearest body of water or to an open area.
  • Forced drainage is used if it is necessary to lower water levels for flat or low-lying areas. In this case, the system is equipped with a well with two pumps (one main and one backup in case of emergencies). A device of this type of water reduction requires constant additional costs during the operation of the house.
  • External insulation with pressure wall. It is a system of a vertical layer and a horizontal layer located in the structure of the basement or ground floor floor. The technology requires that the system be closed, that is, horizontal waterproofing is connected to vertical.

Important! The installation of drains of any type makes sense if the water rises during periods of heavy rain or flood. If the moisture level is constantly increased, the drainage system will not cope with the load.

How to choose material for insulation.

Is it necessary to insulate the foundation of a house without a basement?
Schematic illustration of insulating a house without a basement.

When starting to lay a house, its design must be calculated in detail. At this stage, the question of choosing the insulation itself arises, deciding how to insulate the foundation of the house from the outside. Depending on the design of the supporting part, the material itself is selected. If a basement is present, it can be of several types: sheet, granular, sprayed. Let’s look at which insulation option to choose in more detail.

If you have a deep foundation, you can insulate it with bulk insulation. They are inexpensive and some can be made from recycled materials. For example, waste foam concrete or aerated concrete, foam granules are an excellent option to save money and insulate concrete. In the absence of this, insulation with sheets of polystyrene foam or polystyrene is considered cost-effective.

Basic installation methods

First of all, you should divide the procedure into two main parts:

  • External insulation . The heat insulator is installed on the outer part of the tape. The process requires direct access to the surface of the base, so the best option would be to insulate it immediately during construction.
  • Internal insulation . Installation of a heat insulator from the basement side. Can be done during construction or later, although it is recommended to complete the work as early as possible. This will prevent the accumulation of moisture in the material that was absorbed when condensation settled on the surface.

In addition, there are different technologies for installing heat insulators, depending on the features and properties of each of them.

Depending on the installation method, there are heat insulators:

  • Pasting.
  • Backfill.
  • Sprayable.

The choice of the most successful option is determined by the capabilities of the owner, the construction budget, and the operating conditions of the belt.

One of the most important requirements for the material is thickness, which provides the greatest insulation effect..

In addition, it is important to consider the material’s resistance to moisture.


The use of heat insulators that are prone to absorbing or absorbing moisture is excluded, since instead of saving heat, they will contribute to wetting and destruction of the tape.

Measures to protect the basement from moisture.

Some insulation materials, such as expanded clay and aerated concrete, require preparation of laying sites. If you pour such material into your sinuses without proper preparation, it will simply absorb moisture and freeze.

Before starting the insulation process itself, you should lay a waterproofing barrier from rolled materials on the outside of the sinuses. Concrete around the perimeter, when using bulk insulation, is also treated with various mastics based on bitumen or liquid glass. Such measures will prevent the insulation from absorbing moisture from the concrete.

Expanded clay pillow.

Is it necessary to insulate the foundation of a house from the outside?
Sketch of the use of expanded clay for insulating a blind area.

Granules of ordinary expanded clay are often used as insulation, not only in their pure form, but also by introducing them directly into the concrete mixture. A lot depends on their quality; let’s take the main indicators we need.

The parameter for the general thermal conductivity of expanded clay materials differs, but the average value is 0.07 - 0.16 W/m C, where the smaller parameter exactly corresponds to its brand in terms of its density (M250). I would like to warn you right away that such material is not suitable for insulating a blind area; the constant presence of moisture will destroy the granules over time. It is perfect for keeping the basement warm.

Let's study what you need to consider when choosing expanded clay:

  1. It is necessary to take into account M 250, a rare brand, manufactured only to order. The usual density of the material is from 350 to M 600, respectively, then the coefficient is (from 0.11 to 0.14).
  2. The frost resistance of expanded clay and other porous fillers is designated by the letter F, a rather important indicator - when purchasing, make sure that the indicator is at least 15 cycles (F15), and it is better to choose a higher quality material.
  3. As for the work on the insulation itself. Having prepared 200-250 mm wide backfill openings around the perimeter and completely waterproofed them, you can fill the space.

During filling, it is necessary to compact the material layer by layer, every 30-35 cm of layer, use a tamper. This is especially true when there is a large amount of insulation, for example, around the basement.

No. 9. Insulation with warm plaster

Warm plaster is a name given to dry adhesive mixtures that have little in common with its decorative counterpart. The heat insulator may include sawdust, vermiculite or polystyrene foam.


  • solidity of thermal insulation;
  • ease of installation, because you can start applying warm plaster immediately after the preliminary primer layer has dried. If you plan to apply thermal insulation in one layer, you can even do without reinforcing mesh;
  • relatively low price.

disadvantages :

  • water absorption, so careful waterproofing is necessary;
  • it is impossible to make a layer thicker than 5 cm, otherwise you will have to apply insulation not only outside, but also inside;
  • heavy weight;
  • warm plaster cannot serve as a finishing material.

Aerated concrete crumbs.

Is it necessary to insulate the foundation of a house without a basement?
Using expanded clay concrete chips to insulate the foundation.

Here you can use different methods. Arrange filling with pieces of aerated concrete, or you can drive it through a crusher, thereby obtaining a fine-grained powder. Both are suitable.

Some characteristics are interesting when choosing this insulation method. With a density of 500 and a thickness of 350 mm, the thermal conductivity of the filler will be 0.11−0.13 W/m C, exactly like expanded clay granules. Although the pricing policy is much better. Broken blocks can be purchased at a reasonable price at any wholesale building materials base.

Advice! Aerated concrete quickly absorbs moisture; if you decide to choose this particular material, carry out all waterproofing work at a high level. During use, the material must be dry, no more than 28% humidity. Then the service life will be decent, at least 25 years.

Work with it is carried out according to the same scheme as with the previous insulation. There is no point in insulating the basement inside if you carry out complete measures outside, from the bottom point of the foundation to the top point, to the level of the concrete blind area.

Types of insulation used

Among the thermal insulation materials that meet the above requirements and have an affordable price are:

  • sprayed polyurethane foam;
  • sheet expanded polystyrene;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • expanded clay

Each of the listed types of thermal insulation has its own characteristics associated with installation technology, the effectiveness of the insulating layer and the cost of purchasing the material.

Polyurethane foam (PPU)

Of all the listed insulation materials, sprayed polyurethane foam is the most expensive and requires the use of special equipment to apply it to the surface of the material. However, it is also the most effective insulation of all existing polymer materials.

Its main feature is that the PPU coating has no connecting seams, representing a single continuous layer. This material for insulating the foundation of a house from the outside:

  • has excellent adhesion and adheres well even to dirty surfaces;
  • has one of the lowest thermal conductivity coefficients;
  • after complete hardening it becomes waterproof;
  • has good hardness combined with high ductility;
  • absolutely unattractive to rodents and insects.

The water resistance of polyurethane foam makes it possible to avoid installing a waterproofing layer. This significantly reduces the time required to insulate the foundation of a house from the outside and reduces the overall cost.

Conventional polystyrene foam boards

This material is made by heating the raw materials poured into a mold with hot steam. Under the influence of temperature, polystyrene foam granules expand, forming a porous mass that occupies the entire volume of the mold. This technology is used to make most soft foams.

PPS is supplied to the market in the form of flat slabs with interlocking grooves at all ends. This form allows for partial overlap of seams at the junction of adjacent slabs and avoids the formation of cold bridges.

The material is cheaper than polyurethane foam, but the presence of connecting joints cannot guarantee protection of the surface from moisture. Therefore, before installing the heat-insulating layer, a mandatory waterproofing device is required.

Extruded polystyrene foam

This material differs from the previous version in the manufacturing technology and quality of the slabs. Forming plates involves feeding a ready-made molten polymer mixture through a special extrusion machine. In this case, foaming of the composition occurs due to its filling with neutral or carbon dioxide. Ordinary air is not used for this, because... this will affect the fire hazard.

Extruded polystyrene foam is somewhat more expensive than usual, but thanks to this molding method, it does not have a single open pore on its smooth and even surface. This means a longer service life and increased thermal insulation properties.

Expanded clay

The main advantage of expanded clay granules is the lowest cost among all insulation materials used for foundations. In terms of other technical indicators, expanded clay, frankly speaking, is inferior to foamed polymers. The use of new modern technologies for insulating building structures has made this material in little demand; its use is now rare.

The ability of expanded clay to partially absorb water increases its thermal conductivity over time by 25-30%. Therefore, ensuring the effectiveness of the bulk thermal insulation layer requires a large thickness, and, therefore, significant consumption of material. This, in turn, leads to increased costs and, as a consequence, complete elimination of the previously mentioned main advantage of expanded clay.

Extruded materials.

Is it necessary to insulate the foundation of a house from the outside with penoplex?
The use of extruded material to insulate the base of the house along the perimeter of the surroundings.

In cold climates, when the ground freezes to 1.5 - 1.8 degrees, there is a need to insulate all the concrete around the basement, as well as make surface insulation of the entire blind area. Expanded polystyrene fits all parameters, but it is not an economical option. But the service life is more than 50 years. Its density is 35 kg. per square meter, with a thickness of 50 mm, and moisture absorption is less than 3% per cubic meter, per day. Good parameters for insulating basements, semi-basements, plinths and concrete foundation slabs. It is also suitable for insulating blind areas. Work with it is carried out as follows:

  1. Prime the surface for insulation. Allow to dry for 24 hours.
  2. Coat the walls with bitumen mastic in 1-2 layers. The mastic must dry completely.
  3. Glue the sheets (standard size 0.5 x 1 m) at intervals using high-fix adhesive. After 2-3 days, holes are drilled for the fungi (a plastic dowel with a cap), and the dowels themselves are installed. Consumption of fasteners per 1 m² 7 − 10 pcs.
  4. Cover with a layer of mastic; the option of laying a special membrane is possible. The sinuses are backfilled, with layer-by-layer compaction of the soil. The sheets are installed above the zero level of the foundation, and subsequently the blind area insulation sheets are adjacent to it. Horizontal insulation under the concrete blind area is carried out to a width of 1.2 meters.

Important: Basement ventilation is a very important factor. If it is not properly arranged, the presence of capillary moisture from inside the basement or semi-basement is inevitable. Insulation of ventilation pipes is also carried out, but with rolled materials.

Insulation with liquid polyurethane foam

To apply polyurethane foam, clean the surface from dirt and dust. The material does not require additional waterproofing. In terms of thermal insulation properties, a 50 mm polyurethane foam sheet is comparable to 1.2 m of polystyrene foam. Instant hardening in combination with the porous structure improves the performance properties of the material.


  1. Surface preparation.
  2. Mixing the solution.
  3. Spraying the wall with PPS.
  4. Finishing processing.

Among the main advantages:

  • no seams;
  • high-quality adhesion to various materials;
  • fills small cracks;
  • acts as a waterproofing agent;
  • low vapor permeability and heat conductivity;
  • durability over 40 years;
  • environmental cleanliness.

Polyurethane foam is applied in two ways - pouring and spraying

The disadvantages include the high price, the mandatory availability of equipment and the tendency to destruction under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

When the insulation of the blind area is sufficient.

There are many methods for carrying out such work; there is a more modern one. Spray liquid polystyrene directly onto the wall. If you decide to use this method, invite a company that has experience in this field. They will calculate all the insulation methods and choose the best option. They will draw up a project, find suitable material, and carry out all the necessary activities. A guarantee will be issued for all work performed.

Is it necessary to insulate the foundation of a house without a basement?

Based on experience in the middle zone, where the winter temperature (average) does not fall below 20ºC, shallow insulation of foundations is carried out to 1.2 - 1.5 meters below ground level. If you need to insulate the foundation of a house from the outside, use the option of surface insulation of the blind area.

Such measures are quite sufficient, because the temperature of the earth itself at a depth of 2.5 meters does not fall less than 8º above zero. Based on economic considerations, basement insulation at such a depth is not carried out at all.

Recommendation: A good long review article, from it you will find out whether it is necessary to insulate the foundation of a house without a basement. If you decide to insulate the foundation, be sure to take care to protect the insulation from moisture and destruction, and also make sure that there are no cold bridges. Moisture in the insulation during freezing and thawing will destroy the insulation, which will render the material unusable; it will simply stop insulating the foundation.

Requirements for insulation

The foundation of a house is regularly exposed to moisture, increased load, and temperature changes. After the onset of frost, the accumulated moisture freezes, destroying the material, and through cracks in the concrete the cold penetrates into the home. As a result, the house always has cold floors, dampness emanates from under the baseboards, and condensation or frost appears on the basement walls (in severe frosts). For thermal insulation to be effective, the insulation must have the following characteristics:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • waterproof;
  • good mechanical strength;
  • resistance to temperature changes.

The material for foundation insulation must meet a number of requirements

There are no strict requirements for the vapor permeability of the material, but insulation materials with low vapor permeability are usually used, just like the concrete foundation itself. The flammability of the material is not of great importance, because the underground part of the building is least susceptible to fire risks.

The photo shows an insulated foundation

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