7 ways to glue various materials to concrete

What glue is suitable

Before you go purchasing it, you need to study the operating conditions of the glued element:

  • degree of humidity;
  • temperature regime;
  • type of mechanical influences.

There are adhesive compositions from well-known manufacturers on the market. They have different purposes. But they must meet the requirements established by Gosstandart.

  1. Do not form a film for 20 (standard mixture) or 10 minutes (quick dry).
  2. Maintain unchanged performance properties for 1 to 4 hours.
  3. Allow minimal shrinkage after curing.

The table shows the main types of adhesives, the basic components of which are used in well-known brands.

Type of adhesive compositionCharacteristics, application
Epoxy marked ED-20Resistant to gasoline, coolants, kerosene. Retains properties in aggressive environments and temperature changes. Can be used in industry, domestic conditions, and outdoors.
CyanoacrylateVibration resistant. Has high adhesive properties. Guarantees connection strength. Dissolves in acetone. At t >100 °C it loses its conditioning properties. Polymerizes immediately.
"Liquid nails" neopreneHigh adhesion qualities. Sets quickly. No toxic ingredients. Frost-resistant and moisture-resistant.
FurylResistant to aggressive chemical elements. Reliably holds dissimilar building materials together.
"Cold welding" for metal productsProvides reliable connection. After hardening it turns into a monolithic mass. Glued products can be processed mechanically. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

How to glue concrete to concrete

There are many different mixtures that work well. Most often, cold compounds prepared on a resin basis are used for gluing. The glue, which allows concrete to be glued to concrete, is distributed in an even layer over the surface to be joined with a spatula, and the next concrete element is immediately installed on it.


Epoxy resin

Since the times of the USSR, epoxy glue has been popular. This mixture has many advantages over similar adhesives:

  1. has almost no shrinkage;
  2. can be used in damp areas;
  3. High strength, adheres well to various surfaces;
  4. Does not react to exposure to aggressive substances;
  5. After setting, it can be processed and polished, tinting is acceptable;
  6. Can be used both indoors and outdoors.

Epoxy adhesive for concrete has fewer disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the high cost of epoxy. In addition, it hardens for a long time (up to a day); low temperatures during storage are unacceptable (the glue may crystallize). But it can glue almost any material to a concrete surface.


It is created on the basis of furan resins. Furyl glue hardens when the resin is heated. Fillers (fiberglass, graphite, quartz) are added to the composition and mixtures of low viscosity are created. Advantages:

  1. Increased strength;
  2. Resistance to moisture;
  3. Resistance to aggressive chemical compounds;
  4. Able to protect structures from corrosive processes.

The parts to be glued must be dry; cover the material with hot glue in 2 layers. The glue is dried and joined, after which the joined elements are heated for 2 hours.


Acrylic composition is a technologically advanced, inexpensive and durable adhesive with increased ductility. Used to connect concrete elements of different ages. The mixture is coated with a hardened layer of concrete mortar before pouring a new portion to form a monolithic sheet.


  1. Ecologically pure;
  2. Has increased adhesion;
  3. Resistant to moisture.

Although it is a universal and practically the best concrete adhesive, acrylic compounds are almost never used for laying aerated concrete, FBS and shaped concrete elements.

Cement colloidal mixtures

These are mixtures created on the basis of clinker mixed with fine sand, synthetic resins, liquid glass and several additives. Used for connecting concrete products and creating a monolithic sheet.

These are special-purpose products, but cement mixtures are simultaneously used for gluing hydro and thermal insulation and mosaics to concrete.

Interesting! Experienced people prefer to use cement-sand mortar for this purpose. Just add a little PVA glue to it. The adhesive composition is introduced when water is poured into the concrete mixer, this improves the plasticity of the solution, significantly increases the strength and adhesive characteristics.

Surface cleaning

  1. Concrete Remove with a mechanical tool up to 3 mm of the top layer.
  2. Remove dust (industrial or household vacuum cleaner).
  3. Degrease with boiling water, an aqueous solution of trichlorethylene or any other technical liquid.
  4. Dry thoroughly.
  • Metal
      Clean off rust and dirt with a stiff brush with iron fibers.
  • Degrease with acetone, white spirit or other suitable liquid.
  • Increase the roughness with an abrasive gradient of 300-600 for light alloys or 80-150 for steel (Scotch brite sponge or grinder). Sandblasting is carried out on an industrial scale.
  • Glue preparation

    Concrete and metal are incompatible materials. Compositions based on epoxy resin will help to securely bind them together. There are one- and two-component, liquid (“Liquid nails”) and solid (“cold welding”). The preparatory stage is as follows:

    Liquid substanceSolid composition
    Measure out the portions of the composite part and hardener specified in the manufacturer's instructions. Mix. Cut off the required portion.
    Knead thoroughly in your hands until soft.

    To prevent the mass from sticking to your hands, they are moistened with water.


    For quick and reliable gluing of metals, rubber, plastics, glass, concrete and other materials, glue 188 [p.188]
    Concrete is used. For gluing metals to concrete, the most suitable adhesives are those based on epoxy resins and unsaturated polyesters—in most cases, with a high content of mineral fillers. Since it is often necessary to glue vertical surfaces, thixotropic fillers, such as fine silica gel, are added. [p.193]

        BOV-1 glue For gluing laminated plastics, wood, impact-resistant polystyrene, concrete, metal, ceramics, foam plastics, fiberglass. For glue-welded joints [p.29]

        BMK-5 adhesive is suitable for gluing metals, plastics, wood and gluing parts made of these materials to concrete, brick, asbestos cement, ceramics and other substrates. The strength of adhesive joints on glue is given in table. 2. The disadvantages of glue are [p.19]

        Adhesives based on epoxy resins ED-5 and ED-6 are widely used for gluing metals, concrete, ceramics, etc. They are successfully used in aircraft construction. [p.235]

        The phenomena of adhesion and wetting are widespread both in nature and in various sectors of the national economy. Bonding materials, applying paint and varnish and inorganic coatings, producing various materials based on binders and fillers (concrete, rubber, fiberglass, etc.), welding and soldering of metals, printing, dyeing - all these processes are associated with adhesion and wetting, which largely determine the quality of materials and products. [p.64]

        Adhesives based on both pure furan and combined resins are suitable for joining various materials. The universal adhesive BOV-1 is known, obtained from the monomer FA, styrene, epoxy resin ED-5 and a hardener - polyethylene polyamine [24]. It is suitable for gluing polystyrene and polystyrene foams based on it, fiberglass, decorative laminates, particle boards, phenolic plastics, ceramics, concrete, asbestos cement, metals, paper, wood and other materials, but is not suitable for gluing polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride. BOV-1 glue has high adhesive properties [p.605]

        Methods of preparation for gluing non-metallic surfaces depend on the properties of the materials, but in all cases, all types of contamination must be removed from the surfaces and they must be degreased. In most cases, applying glue to surfaces is done using brushes. When using viscous adhesives with large amounts of filler, spatulas are used. The amount of glue applied must be controlled, since the strength of the adhesive joint depends on the thickness of the glue layer. Depending on the properties of the glue and the material of the surfaces to be glued, the thickness of the adhesive layer is 0.05-1 mm. For example, when gluing metals or plastics, the adhesive layer must be much thinner than when gluing these materials to concrete or wood. If the adhesive layer is too thick (see Fig. 1), a significant decrease in the strength of the connection is observed. The thickness of the applied layer of glue also depends on the quality of the fit, the roughness and porosity of the surfaces being glued, the pressure during gluing, and the amount of filler in the glue. [p.25]

        Adhesive varnishes of the FL-1 and FL-4 brands are intended for anti-corrosion varnish coatings of ferrous metals, concrete, etc., as well as for the preparation of chemically resistant mastics and polymer solutions (for floors and walls in workshops with aggressive environments); they are also used for gluing metals (duralumin, steel, etc.) and non-metallic materials. [p.319]

        Adhesives are used for gluing metals, ceramics, glass, concrete and wood. Some can also glue copper, which usually corrodes. [p.121]

        Epoxy adhesives are used for gluing metals [27], glass, polar plastics, ceramics, wood, concrete, metal with glass and plastics - [p.78]

        Not only metals, but also other materials are glued together with an overlap. When testing multilayer materials, lap specimens are prepared by making transverse slits on opposite sides of the multilayer specimen (see Fig. 1.1). The same method is proposed for testing the bonding strength of metals. Metal aluminum plates with a thickness of 6.4 mm and a size of 17.8 × 2.54 mm were glued together, and then transverse cuts were made on each side so that the working area was an overlap 12.7 mm long. When testing such samples, the variation coefficient decreases. In addition to single laps, the so-called double laps are often used - samples with an overlay glued to the two halves of the sample (see Fig. 1.1). In addition to flat samples, glued materials of round cross-section are also tested for tensile shear, for example, rod-sleeve connections, connections of reinforcement (steel, fiberglass) with reinforced material - wood, concrete, etc. (Fig. 1.2). [p.8]

        Due to their remarkable properties, altins are used for coating and gluing concrete, brick, ceramics, artificial and natural marble, wood, cardboard, metal and other materials. They are widely used in civil, industrial, transport, special and hydraulic construction. Altines are indispensable for repairing brick, concrete and aerated concrete products, gluing facing ceramic tiles, marble, metal to concrete, for anti-corrosion protection of reinforcement and covering foundations. Altines are used as construction and repair materials in the creation [p.430]

        A wide range of synthetic resins and rubbers produced by the chemical industry makes it possible to obtain adhesive compositions suitable for gluing all structural building materials of wood, metals, silicate and concrete materials, fiberglass, etc. [68, 69, 70]. [p.75]

        Adhesive 88-N For gluing vulcanized rubber-based general purpose rubbers to metals, glass, rubber, concrete. For gluing thermal insulation to metals [p.87]

        Covering (lining) equipment made of carbon steel, wood and concrete with chemically resistant non-metallic materials - soft rubber, ebonite and semi-ebonite, polyisobutylene and vinyl plastic - as well as acid-resistant tiles made of ceramics, glass and carbon materials, and in general connecting parts made of non-metallic materials with parts made of metals and alloys are possible only by gluing them. [p.173]

        Vinyl plastic parts can be glued together and glued to other materials: concrete, metal, wood, etc. For gluing, perchlorovinyl glue (10-20% solution of perchlorovinyl resin in dichloroethane, methylene chloride, acetone or other solvent) or other adhesives is used based on perchlorovinyl and glyphthalic resins [186]. Bonding strength depends on the size and condition of the surfaces being bonded, the composition of the adhesive, gluing conditions, as well as the accuracy of the technology. The strength of glued joints usually exceeds the strength of welded vinyl joints. [p.398]

        Due to their remarkable properties, altins are used for coating and gluing concrete, brick, ceramics, artificial and natural marble, wood, cardboard, metal and other materials. They are widely used in civil, industrial, transport, special and hydraulic construction. Altines are indispensable for repairing brick, concrete and aerated concrete products, gluing facing ceramic tiles, marble, metal to concrete, for anti-corrosion [p.407]

        Application for the production of fiberglass plastics as a binder in the production of mineral wool, glass wool, particle boards and fibreboards, laminated plastics for ceramic press powders for coating metals, ceramics and concrete for the production of polymer cement mortars resistant to aggressive environments, chemically resistant mastics and putties, superplasticizers for concrete mixtures, polymer expanded clay concrete, perlite heat-insulating products for bonding metal with ceramics. [p.112]

        DFK glue-mask For gluing PVC tiles, linoleum on wooden and concrete bases in residential, public and industrial buildings DFK-4 glue For the production of adhesives and adhesive pastes suitable for gluing metals, wood, plastics, etc. [p.61]

        A number of latexes have a low pH value, which determines their corrosiveness. This is important when gluing metals, when connecting metal reinforcement to concrete, wood, etc. Polarization current can serve as a criterion for corrosion activity. Its value at a potential of 300 mV for steel reinforcement in polymer-cement compositions based on styrene-butadiene latex SKS-65GP-B, PVA and copolymer of vinyl chloride with vinylidene chloride VHVD-65PTs are given in Table. 3.2. Due to the fact that latex adhesives can cause corrosion upon contact with metals, it is necessary to monitor the pH of the adhesive, and, if necessary, add passive agents to the adhesive. [p.71]

        In many industries and in construction, synthetic adhesives are used to join metals, concrete and plastics. There are more than 100 different domestic adhesives, a significant part of which are intended for gluing metals. Extensive experience in gluing metals confirms the difficulty of using this method for repairing oil refinery equipment. [p.228]

        Adhesives based on both pure furan and combined resins are suitable for joining various materials. The well-known universal adhesive BOV-1 is obtained from FA monomer, styrene, ED-5 epoxy resin and a hardener - polyethylene polyamine [24]. It is suitable for gluing polystyrene and foam plastics on its core, fiberglass, decorative laminated plastics, particle boards, phenolic plastics, ceramics, concrete, asbestos cement, metals, paper, wood and other materials, but is not suitable for gluing polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride. BOV-1 glue has high adhesive properties. The bonding strength varies little within the temperature range from -60 to 250° C. Due to increased water and chemical resistance, as well as [p.580]

        It turned out to be effective to use metal bonding when repairing steel pipelines for gas and water supply without dismantling them. A method for joining light metal pipes using epoxy adhesive Araldite is described, as well as the use of adhesives for joining steel pipes. You can glue metal capsules that support electrical panels directly to stone or concrete walls without the use of special stands. It is proposed to glue metal packaging to wood in the manufacture of large-sized wooden beams. [p.291]

        If, when gluing metals, a decrease in both the adhesive and cohesive strength of the glue can be observed, then asbestos-cement compounds on EPTs-1 glue are destroyed only by asbestos-cement over several years of aging in different atmospheric conditions [39]. Similar results were obtained when testing concrete samples (concrete grade 400) after one year of exposure to the atmosphere, destruction occurs in the concrete [28, 39]. Experimental houses made of asbestos-cement panels glued with EPTs-1 glue have been in operation since 1960, and periodic inspections indicate good preservation of the adhesive joints. [p.218]

        Experimental cold-curing adhesive compositions developed by iba based on the new epoxy resin X-183/2414 and hardener X-157/2415 have high heat resistance, are resistant to aggressive environments and aging in tropical climates. Curing can occur at 5°C and high air humidity. Adhesives are recommended for gluing concrete and concrete to metal h. [p.140]

        Anti-corrosion adhesive varnishes F-10 and F-10F (TU 6-05-1092-74). They are alcohol-acetone solutions of furyl-phenol-formaldehydeacetal resin. Used for anti-corrosion varnish coatings as a binder for hot-drying lining mastics (for metal and other materials), resistant to acids and weak alkalis, mineral oils, gasoline and other solvents to obtain solutions used in the manufacture of chemically resistant seamless floors for fastening chemically resistant products (ceramic tiles, stone castings, etc.) in floors when lining equipment and various containers made of metal, concrete and reinforced concrete, operating in aggressive environments for fastening piece products in panels, walls, columns, etc. in order to protect building structures structures against corrosion for the preparation of chemically resistant plaster for the protection of building structures, equipment and various containers made of concrete, reinforced concrete and metal as an adhesive for gluing metals to each other, metals with plastics, ceramics and other non-metallic materials, as well as for gluing non-metallic materials to each other . [p.35]

        Based on polymers, it is possible to prepare various adhesives and mastics used in construction for gluing cast, layered and fibrous materials, elements of various products and structures made of wood, metal and concrete. Perchlorovinyl adhesives and polyvinyl acetate dispersion (for gluing decorative cladding materials), phenolic adhesives (for the production of particle boards), phenolic rubber adhesives (for joining fiberglass materials with metal), polyurethane and epoxy adhesives (for gluing various inorganic materials to each other and metals), urea and phenol-formaldehyde adhesives (for gluing plywood boards and building structures made of wood, metals, plastics, glass, ceramics, etc.). Of the adhesive mastics, mention should be made of bitumen, bitumen-rubber, coumarin-rubber, colloxylin, casein-cement, etc. [p.434]

        PED-B glue For gluing vinyl plastic and PVC plastic with each other, as well as with dura-lumin, stainless steel, StZ steel, concrete, plaster, brick, plaster, nylon, phenolic, etc. For gluing PVC film with sheet metal Glue PN-E [p.64]

        Adhesion is observed in a wide variety of processes in the gluing of materials, the use of paint and varnish coatings, the production of laminates, multilayer materials and rubber-fabric products when using various inorganic binders in construction, the production of reinforced cement, reinforced concrete, concrete and other filled dispersed systems when connecting metals to each other and with other materials using solders, when welding metals and applying electrolytic coatings. This list could be continued, since it is difficult to name a field of activity where one would not have to deal with adhesion, from the manufacture of shoes to the production of spacecraft, from the creation of paintings to the construction of power plants. [p.9]

        Maple of this group thanks to its good physical and mechanical properties. and technological properties and is widely used for gluing non-ferrous and ferrous metals, silicate and organocarbons. glass, leather, fabric, ceramics, concrete, wood, rubber and baked plastics. [p.365]

        Organic adhesive compositions, obtained mainly on the basis of modified phenolic and epoxy resins, provide high strength of adhesive joints at room temperature, but at sub-zero and elevated temperatures they are not effective enough. Adhesives prepared on the basis of organosilicon compounds are effective in a wide temperature range while maintaining good strength of adhesive joints. They are suitable for gluing most metals, plastics, glass, ceramics, concrete, wood and other materials. They are used to seal cracks and seams in building structures and chemical equipment. [p.265]


    How to glue metal to concrete

    Let's show it using a metal corner as an example. It must be accurately fixed vertically and lie flat against the wall. The work is performed in the following sequence:

    • Measure the required length of the corner. Cut off excess with metal scissors.
    • Treat contact areas.
    • Apply a primer consisting of epoxy resin, plasticizer (acetone) and filler (cement) to the concrete.
    • Let her grab it.
    • Using a wide brush, coat the corner to be reinforced with adhesive (layer thickness 3 mm).
    • At the corner, spread the glue in the center in a zigzag or continuous line.
    • Place the profile and adjust the accuracy of its location using the shift method.
    • Press down the element to be glued by hand. Install supports.
    • Maintain pressure for the time recommended by the manufacturer.

    It is prohibited to glue metal elements to concrete that is less than six months old.

    What glue to use to glue plastic to: plastic, metal, chipboard, tile, concrete

    The modern world is unthinkable without plastic products; the lightweight material is used everywhere: construction, decorations, furniture, dishes, decorative elements, household appliances. Polymer products do not rust, are beautiful, but not always durable. Therefore, breakage of plastic items occurs frequently; every time something is dropped, the problem arises of how to restore the broken product.

    Universal glue

    Don’t be upset - there are no eternal objects, and you shouldn’t throw away a broken thing. Today there are no problems in repairing any material, even polymer. You just need to think about how to glue your favorite thing together.

    Deciding on the material

    It turns out that there are different types of polymer, so sometimes all our attempts to glue a polymer product together do not lead to the desired result.

    It is impossible to determine the type of polymer by eye or touch, so let’s inspect our product for markings that resemble a Mobius Loop with different meanings. Types of polymer can be seen in the photo. Depending on the marking, you can choose glue today for any product. But even in the case when an advertisement invites you to purchase a universal miracle glue, you should not count on effective gluing; perhaps this is just a PR trick.

    Having “recognized” the polymer material more closely, you need to select your own solvent for its type:

    1. Brand PA66 is glued using a solvent containing formic acid.
    2. The PMMA grade requires dichloroethane.
    3. ABS - acetone glue is suitable.

    Gluing plastic surfaces

    All plastic surfaces, regardless of processing method, can be cured with epoxy adhesives at normal temperatures. All connections made using the cold method will not always be properly glued. Another thing is to glue using heating temperature; the choice of suitable glue here is very diverse. Samples BF, VS 0T will be ideal for gluing the surface of plastic to any material.

    One of the options for choosing an adhesive composition is to create glue at home. Sometimes it is easier and more profitable to make such a composition yourself, especially since for this you will need to dissolve a piece of plastic in a solvent, waiting for it to melt.

    The glue for gluing two plastic surfaces together differs from the glue for various materials. For example, when you glue paper and wood, you will have two different surfaces. Polymer is another matter - when gluing, two surfaces, dissolving, turn into one.

    Again, you need to look at the brand of polymer, for example, polystyrene polymer is treated with acetone and joined, resulting in welding.

    An effective option is glue with dichloroethane, which dissolves the plastic surface and the seam is “tight”.

    For joining plastics, you can choose the following modern means:

    1. Tensol Cement gives an excellent bond if the surfaces are clamped for 24 hours.
    2. Contact adhesive is applied to both surfaces and will perfectly bond any type of plastic.
    3. Super glue based on cyanoacrylate will glue any surface, even your fingers. If you're not careful.
    4. Epoxy resin can hold most materials together, you just need to quickly mix the catalyst with the resin. Suitable adhesives are adhesives BF-2, BF-4, 88.
    5. A glue gun is used to join plastic surfaces; its action is based on the work of thermal adhesive.

    Any surface can be glued using the following technology:

    1. We prepare the plastic by sanding its surface with sandpaper.
    2. The adhesive is squeezed onto the surface of the first piece of plastic. Also processed like the first one.
    3. Distribute the solution with a brush over the entire surface of the part.
    4. Two plastic panels are pressed against each other.
    5. In order for air bubbles to disappear, you need to move the surface a little.
    6. Place the glued surfaces under a press or simply clamp them in a vice.

    Bonding plastics to metals

    It is recommended to use the following as an adhesive for gluing polymer to metal:

    1. Polyurethane glue.
    2. Phenolic rubber.
    3. Epoxy.

    We glue plastic surfaces with building materials

    Gluing plastic products to concrete, chipboard, tiles is already a construction option. An example would be gluing plastic panels.

    Until recently, plastic panels were not glued at all, but were fixed to the frame. This method took up the area of ​​the room. Now polymer products can be glued to any surface of chipboard, tile, concrete and even iron. A special glue for panels has appeared, but it will be effective to glue plastic panels to liquid nails. Glue is applied to the surface of the panel in spots, the concrete surface is treated with a primer, and the other surface is sanded. You can install the panels according to the instructions:

    1. Level the walls, clean them from grease and dust.
    2. Treat the surface with a special primer.
    3. Open the panels in advance to allow them to rest.
    4. Measure the dimensions of the area planned for gluing.
    5. Measure the desired height on the panels, trim off the excess.
    6. Apply glue in dotted lines along the entire length.
    7. Press the panel to the surface and your wall decoration is ready.

    Gluing any shelves made of polymer, decorative elements metal, chipboard, tiles, concrete can be done using sealant, epoxy resin, adhesive compositions such as “liquid nails”.


    How to stick it on the street

    For gluing outdoors, use Cold Welding glue. Among its characteristics:

    1. Increased adhesion and moisture resistance;
    2. Minimum degree of shrinkage after drying;
    3. Lack of reaction when interacting with aggressive environments;
    4. Resistant to sudden temperature changes.

    Perform work at positive temperatures (from +5 °C to 35 °C). The activity of the epoxy components included in the “welding” is 3 minutes. During this time, you need to have time to distribute the adhesive mass over the contacting planes and carefully level it.

    Hardening time is indicated in the manufacturer's recommendations. Accurate adherence to them is the key to reliability and long service life of the connection.


    Types of compositions

    The entire variety of concrete adhesives is divided into two large categories depending on the type of surfaces being bonded:

    1. Compositions whose use is effective when working with similar building materials, for example, glass, rubber. This group also includes adhesive for cellular concrete and other block building materials. At the same time, the consumption of the product is more economical than when using ordinary cement mortar.
    2. Mixtures capable of joining different types of building materials, for example, concrete surfaces with rubber or metals.

    If we consider the composition of adhesive materials for concrete, most of them are based on cement. The best samples are based on its white version and contain additional components to increase adhesion, accelerate hardening, etc. Non-cementitious adhesives include, for example, epoxy adhesives, but they also necessarily contain a mineral filler.

    Also, materials differ in terms of further use. There is a group of products with increased resistance to extreme temperatures or excess humidity. They are indispensable for finishing swimming pools, fireplaces, baths, and installing heated floors.

    Such adhesive compositions allow high-quality work on non-ideal surfaces and eliminate potholes and cracks.

    For the steps of access stairs, which become a real skating rink in winter, brands intended for rubber and concrete are suitable. At extremely low temperatures, such products do not lose their properties. An example is Ceresit adhesives.

    Adhesive for concrete and metal, epoxy, polymer, furyl - properties, technology

    The task of any glue is to provide strong adhesion to different materials and structures. Depending on the type of surface being joined, the adhesive mixture may have different compositions and properties. And concrete adhesive is in particular demand.


    In modern construction, the technology of constructing walls from block structures is widely used. To connect them, a special adhesive base with special characteristics and structure is used. Using this composition, you can securely fasten any structure to a concrete block or glue concrete to concrete.

    The following types of adhesives are offered for sale:

    1. Dry and liquid mixture.
    2. Consistencies for old and light material.
    3. Adhesive for brick surfaces.

    Before choosing the best option, you need to familiarize yourself with the properties of each composition.

    Properties of quality material

    A high-quality adhesive for processing concrete products should have the following characteristics:

    1. Performance properties remain unchanged for 1-4 hours.
    2. The standard mixture does not form a film within 20 minutes, and the quick-drying mixture does not form a film within 10 minutes.
    3. The treated surface does not become slippery.

    The packaging with the adhesive mixture may contain the following markings:

    1. C1 (classic composition).
    2. C2 (adhesive with improved characteristics).
    3. C2S (a mixture that is not afraid of deformation).
    4. E (to be stored open).
    5. F (characterized by rapid hardening).
    6. G (has a liquid consistency).

    Types of adhesives

    There is a wide range of construction adhesives available on the market, and leading brands continue to improve their products with special properties. The most effective are universal compounds that combine well not only concrete, but also stone, plastic and glass.

    Combined solutions are capable of bonding two different surfaces:

    1. Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam.
    2. Rubber surfaces and concrete.
    3. Concrete structures with metal products.

    Epoxy adhesive

    Epoxy concrete adhesive consists of two components:

    1. Epoxy resins are a key component.
    2. Hardener - promotes increased polymerization and guarantees a strong connection using cold welding technology.

    It is capable of creating a thin coating on the concrete surface and promotes good adhesion.

    EDP ​​glue can perform the following tasks:

    1. Install a cement screed.
    2. Create a waterproofing layer between concrete blocks.
    3. Ensure reliable fixation of concrete, stone, roofing felt or wooden surfaces.
    4. Protect building materials from fungal infections.

    Epoxy adhesive can also be used to join tiles. But after processing, the seams need to be rubbed down.

    Furyl glue

    Furyl adhesives contain resins of the same name, which can instantly harden under the influence of heat.

    The advantages of such compositions include:

    1. Maximum fixation strength.
    2. Resistant to moisture.
    3. Resistance to chemical reagents.
    4. Protection against corrosive processes.

    Adhesive mixtures for blocks

    In the construction industry, the technology of arranging walls from blocks is especially popular. Such designs are characterized by low weight and ease of processing.

    And in order to build an integral structure on their basis, the following types of adhesive mixtures should be used:

    1. For expanded clay concrete blocks.
    2. For gas silicate blocks.
    3. For foam concrete blocks.

    Some builders prefer the classic version of connecting blocks - laying them on a mortar of cement and sand.

    However, this technology is much inferior to the use of modern adhesives, since they have the following advantages:

    1. Minimum consumption (for laying 1 m³ of material you will need no more than 40 kg of dry mixture).
    2. Fast setting.
    3. Improved performance properties of the finished object due to homogeneous masonry.
    4. Increased strength indicators.
    5. Resistance to negative temperatures, corrosion and other negative factors.
    6. Good sound and heat insulation.
    7. Presentable appearance.

    Adhesives that work in extreme conditions

    A separate category includes adhesive mixtures that are subject to intense overload due to temperature fluctuations or high humidity.

    They are in demand when finishing the following structures:

    1. Swimming pools and hydraulic structures on the site.
    2. Fireplaces inside the house.
    3. Warm floor design.
    4. Public baths and saunas.

    In addition to the listed objects, specialized adhesives may be required when carrying out work on the steps of access stairs, which are covered with a layer of ice during the cold season.

    Among the large range of adhesives for extreme conditions, the Ceresit mixture is especially popular.

    It contains a plasticizing additive, which expands the scope of application, allowing the adhesive to be used for:

    1. External stairs.
    2. Flooring on a terrace, balcony or other open space.
    3. Operated roofing pie.
    4. Outdoor swimming pools.
    5. External screed with heating elements.
    6. Processing of lightweight or fresh concrete.

    The advantages of Ceresit products include improved adhesive properties and low cost.

    Polymer analogues

    When figuring out how to glue concrete to concrete, it is important to familiarize yourself with the features of polymer adhesive compositions. In the domestic space, the epoxy version is in particular demand, which allows you to glue tiles, glass, porcelain, metal or stone to a concrete base.

    The curing time is determined by the specific composition and environmental conditions in which construction work is carried out. At favorable temperatures, this process takes a couple of hours.

    This polymer analogue is characterized by increased resistance to chemicals, oils and water. It also meets all environmental standards and demonstrates increased adhesive strength.

    There are two options for epoxy mixtures on sale:

    1. In the form of a viscous consistency.
    2. In the form of putty paste.

    The areas of application of polymer analogues are as follows:

    1. Restoration of damaged concrete products, treatment of seams and sealing of microcracks.
    2. Fastening anchor rods in cement.
    3. Connecting cement to wood, stone or metal structures.

    The advantages of glue with polymer additives include the following points:

    1. Almost complete absence of shrinkage after work.
    2. Possibility of use in buildings with high air humidity.
    3. Increased strength parameters and high adhesion.
    4. Ability to withstand the negative effects of aggressive environments.
    5. Easy to polish and finish.
    6. Can be used for indoor and outdoor work.

    The disadvantages of polymer compositions include:

    1. Quite a high cost of individual brands.
    2. Increased hardening time (sometimes it takes about a day to completely fix materials).
    3. Difficulty in care and storage. Epoxy glue is resistant to low temperatures. Therefore, if you store it in the cold, it may become covered with crystals and become unsuitable for further use.

    What kind of cement mortar is needed?

    Today, there are several options for solutions suitable for plastering work. Among them are solutions based on:

    It is worth saying that solutions with the first three additives can under no circumstances be used for plastering the foundation, since they are intended for interior decoration. It is important to remember that plastering the foundation of a house, or more precisely, its base, can be carried out exclusively with a cement-based mortar.

    What should be included in the solution? In this case, only plasticizers, as well as various waterproofing components, can serve as additives. Today, finding such solutions is not difficult - there are quite a lot of them in construction stores.

    It is worth saying that at first glance these solutions are practically no different from each other. However, if you look closely, you will notice a difference in the percentage of additives. This difference is very important. For example, the most plastic solution is much easier to apply and is ideal for subsequent decoration of the foundation. Mixtures with a large addition of waterproofing additives are perfect for places with high humidity.

    There is a rule that states that a cement to sand ratio of 1:5 will be acceptable for plaster. However, this rule is incorrect, since such a solution for plastering the foundation will “crumble” after some time. The optimal proportion in this case is 1:3, and it is important to remember that sand can only be used from a quarry, and sifted. The volume of water is selected individually each time. So, liquid plaster is quite suitable for the priming layer, while for the covering layer it is plastic, sour cream type.

    Characteristics that a quality composition must have

    In accordance with European quality standards, a reliable product must have the following properties:

    1. Maintains characteristics for 1-4 hours.
    2. The standard mixture should not be covered with a film for 20 minutes, quick-drying - 10 minutes.
    3. The permissible maximum surface slip after applying glue is half a millimeter; ideally, there should be no slip at all.

    In order for buyers to be able to choose the most suitable composition for use in specific conditions and for a specific purpose, manufacturers mark their products with codes:

    • G—liquid mixture;
    • T - without creeping effect;
    • F - fast-hardening agent;
    • E - allowed to be kept open;
    • C2S - resistant to deformation;
    • C2 - composition with improved characteristics;
    • C1 is a regular mixture.

    The best brands

    The construction market offers products from many domestic and foreign manufacturers. According to reviews, concrete adhesive, which is considered one of the best, is produced by Ceresit.

    Domestic brands are no less popular:

    Demanded products from foreign manufacturers:

    Advice! The leading position as a mixture used for cellular concrete is occupied by the Monolith brand.


    High efficiency of glue application is achieved by adding a special plasticizer. The products of this brand are characterized by improved adhesive properties, minimal slipping of cladding elements and an affordable price. The glue is based on white cement.

    "Ceresit 115" is recommended by the manufacturer for use at the following sites:

    • old cladding;
    • screeds outside the house with heating;
    • outdoor swimming pools;
    • roofs;
    • floor on the balcony or terrace;
    • stairs outside buildings.

    Epoxy adhesive

    In the vast expanses of the former USSR, epoxy compounds have gained the greatest popularity. This is due to the fact that they are effective when working with almost any materials:

    The epoxy resin-based composition is a waterproof, environmentally friendly mixture consisting of two components, which forms a thin layer on concrete, perfectly seals cracks and levels the surface. The action is based on adhesion, examples are “EDP”, “Claypole”, “Epoclay”.

    Scope of application of epoxy adhesive:

    • production of cement screed;
    • durable bonding of building materials surfaces;
    • waterproofing between blocks;
    • restoration of worn surfaces;
    • fixation of reinforcement anchor rods in concrete structures;
    • in rooms with high humidity - providing protection against the appearance of fungus.

    Epoxy compounds are usually sold in metal packaging. Available in the form of putty paste or flowing, viscous mixtures.

    Two-component products consist of a resin (the main adhesive) and a hardener. When they are mixed, a polymerization reaction is triggered, resulting in an exceptionally strong seam. Hardening occurs within several hours and depends on the characteristics of the specific composition, as well as air temperature.

    The connection is very resistant to oils and solvents, and allows for high-quality and durable gluing of wood to concrete, metal, and stone.

    How to glue concrete together

    At different stages of construction, it may be necessary to glue two concrete structures to each other. And since concrete is a man-made stone material, it can be joined using furyl or epoxy adhesive.

    To obtain a rigid fixation, the top layer is removed from the old surface, after which it is deep cleaned to remove all kinds of dust particles and contaminants. Next, the first layer of a substance containing an adhesive base and a hardener additive is applied. The consistency is applied using a brush or spatula, and then a concrete structure is applied to the formed layer.

    How to glue other materials to concrete

    Fastening polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, penofol and penoplex

    Materials such as polystyrene foam, expanded polystyrene, penofol and penoplex are intended for insulating the external walls of a house, therefore, in order to glue them to its concrete surface, it is necessary that the adhesive meets the following characteristics:

    • withstands temperature changes;
    • hardened quickly;
    • did not contain solvents that would dissolve the insulation surfaces;
    • glued securely;
    • was easy to use.

    Birss concrete contact consumption during house construction or renovation work can be read in the article.

    Read also about what kind of glue is needed for polystyrene foam.

    Selecting a binder for plastic, plastic and PVC panels

    For gluing plastic to the concrete surface of the ceiling, the multi-purpose “Moment Germent” is well suited, which can properly glue these two surfaces.

    Plastic is connected to concrete using conventional Titan construction adhesive, which has excellent adhesion and moisture resistance.

    Also, “Liquid Nails” are well suited for gluing plastic surfaces with cement. This glue can be purchased in the form of a dry mixture, which consists of cement and polymers.

    Kawabanga! All about plasticizers for concrete

    In construction, it would be useful to know about concrete GOST 26633 2012.

    Wood, laminate, plywood, parquet and sandwich panels


    Metal with stone

    Even such incompatible materials can be glued. A two-component epoxy composition can act as their reliable binder. It contains:

    • a mixture of epoxy resin with filler and plasticizer;
    • combination of thixotropic additive and hardener.

    In this article, you can emphasize for yourself which foundation is suitable for a house made of aerated concrete.

    To obtain glue, these two components are mixed immediately before construction work and applied to the prepared surfaces.

    Linoleum and glass with concrete

    Anyone who wants to build a house for themselves from a durable material such as concrete, it will be important to know about all the pros and cons of aerated concrete blocks.


    It will be interesting to read an article about the differences between foam concrete and aerated concrete.

    For such critical work, you can also use “KS-3” construction adhesive or “Kn-3” rubber mastic.

    Tricks of gluing with isolon and foil

    It is important to know the difference and what is better: aerated concrete or foam concrete.

    For ceramic and tiles

    Also read about what adhesive for drywall should be.

    Fastening methods

    Wood can be glued to concrete using a variety of compounds, but whether they will keep the materials securely fastened to one another is unknown. Therefore, it is best to use proven substances that have been repeatedly used by craftsmen and have shown a high level of strength and durability. The most common fastening methods are glue mounting, the use of hardware, and the selection of special installation materials.

    Application of specialized adhesives

    Special mounting adhesives are suitable for working with wooden elements that are small in weight and size. The adhesive composition can well fix plinths or baguettes, even overlays on staircase steps.

    Which adhesive is best to choose for concrete and wood:

    • Construction composition "Liquid nails"

      - an effective and inexpensive option. The material is presented in the following modifications: “Super strong”, “Express”, “Universal”, “For panels”, “Extra durable”, etc. It is worth choosing the most durable and versatile composition. The glue is safe and suitable for interior finishing work. Concrete must be cleaned and dusted. For work in cold weather, especially durable “Liquid Nails” with a gripping force of about 70 kg/m2 are chosen.

    • Glue "Moment"

      — a large selection of compositions with different performance properties and technical characteristics is presented. The Epoxylin modification is best suited for the task - a two-component composition that reliably fixes the surfaces to be bonded and can be sanded and machined without compromising the integrity of the joint. You can also use Moment Joiner - it is ideal for laying wooden flooring.

    • PVA glue

      – when choosing how to glue wood to the concrete of a house, you can choose this option. But the composition is not suitable for places where it may be exposed to high/low temperatures and moisture, as it quickly loses its properties.

    • Polyurethane glue

      – demonstrates increased adhesion when gluing hard wood. Maximum fixation occurs 20 hours after application. Not afraid of sudden temperature changes, high loads, or moisture.

    • Heat resistant glue

      – tolerates high temperatures well (does not crumble, does not dry out), is often used in carpentry.

    • Epoxy composition

      – can be used for all types of wood, leaves no marks, dries completely within 24 hours.

    • Casein adhesives

      – have characteristics similar to polyurethane glue. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the ability to change the color of the wood that it fixes.

    When choosing a glue, you should pay attention to the following important factors: type of wood (some types of glue are suitable only for working with certain species, but mostly the compositions are universal), the effect of the glue on the material (it can be transparent or leave marks on the wood), operating conditions, duration of fixation strength gain, etc.

    Polyurethane foam - an option for simple and effective gluing

    For a number of reasons, many craftsmen use polyurethane foam instead of glue. This option is also acceptable, but you need to choose high-strength foam. The solution is suitable for installing wall panels, window sills, wooden floor coverings and other elements that do not experience too much pull-out load.

    The main advantages of using polyurethane foam:

    • Relatively low cost (if we take into account the price of other adhesives).
    • High strength of fixation after complete drying of the joint.
    • Low level of thermal conductivity, which is important when finishing walls and floors.
    • Excellent soundproofing properties.
    • Hydrophobicity.
    • Resistance to various negative factors, including biological ones.
    • Simplicity and speed of installation.

    Among the disadvantages of polyurethane foam, it is worth highlighting its rather long drying time. So, after applying the composition, the part will have to be tightly fixed and held for 5 minutes so that it does not begin to move away from the concrete surface.

    It is also worth remembering that to ensure maximum contact between the foam and the surfaces to be joined, they need to be slightly moistened with water.

    Surface preparation is the key to success

    The strength of the fixation will directly depend on the quality and correct preparation of the surfaces to be joined. Regardless of what composition was chosen for connecting wood and concrete, both surfaces must be properly prepared. Both wood and concrete should be as grease-free, dust-free, and smooth as possible.

    The main problem at this stage is the porous structure of concrete, which tends to absorb the adhesive until the fixation becomes sufficient after the glue dries. To increase the reliability of adhesion, it is advisable to prepare the concrete and reduce the number of pores: it can be coated with special deep penetration primers, which impregnate the pore structure and harden in them, creating a smooth surface.

    It is usually enough to simply clean the wood from dust and residues of building materials, and keep it in the room for a certain time (so that the elements do not “lead” later). Any adhesive is used in strict accordance with the instructions.

    Useful tips

    Advice from professionals will allow you to complete the work with the highest quality possible, while ensuring a strong, durable and reliable connection of building materials:

    1. Pour the dry mixture into the water, not the other way around.
    2. Adhesives are characterized by rapid setting, so do not prepare too much of the solution at once.
    3. Clean the surface of dust and dirt before applying the mixture.
    4. When using ordinary cement mortar, add PVA glue to it, this will significantly increase the adhesive properties of the mixture, its ductility and make the connection stronger.
    5. Do not skimp when choosing the composition, since it determines how durable and strong the structure will be.

    Is it possible to glue concrete to concrete?

    In this case, simple construction adhesive will not help. You can solve the problem of how to glue parts of a concrete structure if you use a substance with a completely different structure - an adhesive composition for working with concrete. At a construction site, all parts of the structure must be securely fastened. When gluing concrete elements to a surface, the strength and safety of the entire structure depends on the quality of adhesion.

    Concrete blocks

    Different formulations are now sold on the market, in general they can be divided into:

    • dry mixes;
    • liquid formulations;
    • for lightweight concrete;
    • for brick surfaces.

    Before choosing a specific glue, study the available information about it and consult with the seller of the product.

    How to prepare a concrete surface?

    To ensure a strong and reliable connection, the concrete should be thoroughly cleaned of debris, dust, oil and similar substances. For a better effect, you can knock off the top layer. It is prohibited to carry out similar work (gluing) with concrete that is less than six months old; it may settle or be damaged. Some materials, such as plastic, drywall and metal, need to be specially washed before starting the procedure. a solution prepared from water and soda.

    It is prohibited to glue surfaces in the walls of a room without waterproofing. This way you will immediately prevent cracks from occurring. The adhesive substance is applied with a smooth spatula (as well as a brush or mop), and distributed with a serrated one. Maintain proportions when working with glue: make sure there is enough of it to complete the job; if necessary, you can mix it with a hardener. Installs directly onto the finished structure. Drying time most often depends on the type of glue. Please re-read the instructions carefully before starting work. At the final stages of construction, care should be taken to seal the room. Roofing felt can provide it. It is attached to the concrete wall with special mastic. The mastic is applied with a roller to the surface. The roofing material and mastic are heated, adhesion occurs, then glue is applied.


    Fastening rules: how to do it right?

    A well-organized process of fastening with an adhesive onto a concrete surface is a guarantee of the strength, longevity of the material and the quality of the work performed.

    In order for the concrete surface to be as amenable to adhesive as possible and firmly connected to the contacting element, it is necessary to properly prepare the site for future stages. List of necessary manipulations:

    1. Carry out the procedure for cleaning the concrete surface: remove dirt stains and dust deposits.
    2. Dry the area thoroughly.
    3. Repair external defects. Treat chipped and cracked areas with a layer of finishing putty.
    4. Remove old building elements such as paint, loose leveling agents, worn-out protective agents.
    5. Dry again.
    6. Apply an antifungal agent to the concrete.
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