Purpose and technical characteristics of Macroflex adhesive foam, rules of application

Modern construction work and renovation work cannot be imagined without the use of special materials, which until recently seemed something revolutionary and unattainable. These materials include sealants.

These rigid or elastic compounds are made on the basis of various materials and have properties that allow them to be used in a wide variety of cases and weather conditions.

The market for such sealants is growing and developing. However, despite the wide selection of these materials, there are several large manufacturers whose products are of consistently high quality and are always in high demand.

This, of course, fully applies to materials from Henkel. Any Macroflex sealant is a product created as a result of long-term painstaking work and careful research and testing.

What are the features of Makroflex sealants? What compositions are included in this line? What is their scope?

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of polyurethane foam, in principle, are all on the surface. It is difficult to imagine modern construction or renovation work without this material. First of all, this substance is simple and easy to use, while it has excellent adhesion to many building materials, which makes it universal. There is also no doubt about the filling ability of the material.

Since the pressure after expansion of the Macroflex remains minimal, the distribution of the foam occurs very carefully. In this case, losses are reduced to zero. After hardening, the foam turns into a solid building material with a cellular structure, the mechanical strength of which is high. In addition, the sealant does not conduct sound and helps retain heat.

In addition to the fact that polyurethane foam is resistant to moisture and does not age, its safety for humans is beyond doubt. The material is completely non-toxic, both in liquid and frozen form. The composition does not contain propellants that can harm human health. This material has no odor after hardening.

However, any building material may have its drawbacks. Macroflex mounting foam 750 ml, the presented technical characteristics of which are no exception. For example, it is rational to use it only for fairly impressive seams (up to 40 cm), since small defects look like more jewelry work. In addition, “Macroflex” is not frost-resistant and can be destroyed under the influence of sunlight. It is not advisable for the frozen foam to be in water, since liquid entering the pores can destroy the structure.

If you plan to use foam in an aggressive environment, then this point is also undesirable. This is due to the vulnerability of the foam structure under the influence of various destructive substances, such as hail, snow, exhaust gases, too sudden changes in temperature or pressure. At the same time, it is unacceptable to use only foam to fasten, say, a window block, since under the influence of the external environment it can slightly change its properties.


The technical characteristics of various products differ in the following indicators:

  • Makroflex sealant. Sanitary type: resists aging, is not affected by moisture, special antiseptic additives help prevent the spread of fungus and mold, operating temperature is 5–40 degrees. Universal type: work surface – glass, tile, aluminum; unaffected by ultraviolet radiation. Acrylic sealant is elastic after complete drying and is resistant to low temperatures. The neutral type is applied without pre-treatment with a primer and prevents the spread of rust. The fireproof type can withstand elevated temperatures; after drying, the surface can be painted. Bituminous is used on damp surfaces without drying, the composition does not drain. Polyurethane is chemical resistant.

Rules for using "Macroflex"

To get an ideal result, you need to apply foam only according to the technology indicated by the manufacturer.

Preparation for use

Before use, the cylinder is brought into the room and kept at room temperature for at least 12 hours. Immediately before use, shake the container for 15 seconds, then remove the protection cap and screw on the gun. In the working position, the cylinder should be positioned upside down. The release of foam is controlled by pulling the trigger of the gun.

Before starting work, prepare the base or joining surfaces. They should be clean, free of dirt, dust, and construction debris.

It is important that the base is not icy or covered with snow, while slight moisture is allowed, which even enhances adhesion

All contact surfaces adjacent to the workers are covered with film or covered with masking tape. If the substrate is not level, level concrete mortar is applied to it in advance, otherwise the strength of the masonry will decrease.

Application of Macroflex foam

Working with foam does not require any special skills or abilities. The composition only needs to be applied evenly to the base, shaking the container periodically. When building a brick or block wall, the foam is sprayed in two continuous strips up to 4 cm wide, retreating from the edge of the elements by 3-5 cm. If they are building a thin wall of 0.5-1 bricks, make only one strip in the middle.

Sheet materials are glued as follows: foam is applied to the underside of the material in spots in increments of 15 cm, moving 5 cm from the edge, then immediately connected or leaned against walls or other structures, and pressed firmly. Hold the sheets or panels for 5 minutes, then proceed to work with the next element. The seams are rubbed down 2 hours after installation is completed.

When installing window sills, apply foam cement in three strips to the fixing part of the product. Afterwards, the window sill is placed in its proper place, pressed on top with a weight, and left for an hour. To check the evenness, use a level, correcting the position of the window sill for 2-3 minutes. Steps and prefabricated stair structures are installed in a similar way. When sealing seams and holes, take into account that the foam will expand greatly in the future, so they are not filled completely.

Briefly about the Makroflex brand

Makroflex was originally a Finnish company. In 2003 joined Henkel. Henkel Makroflex is now a global supplier of polyurethane foams.

The entire range of TM Macroflex is certified by quality management in accordance with ISO9001, ISO14000, OHSAS18000 standards.

In addition to mounting foams, the range has been expanded to include a wide range of sealants and adhesives.

Every year the company develops, produces, and supplies products that meet the latest standards and consumer requirements regarding quality, ease of use, and environmental friendliness.

Makroflex: household or professional

There is an opinion that beginners should use household foam in their work. This is partly true. For work such as sealing small cracks and installing small products, household foam is used. It makes no sense to buy a professional one for this type of work. As for professional foam, it is applied to the surface using a gun, which allows you to more accurately dose the volume and control the consumption of the substance.

The main difference between household and professional foam is shrinkage

Household foam doubles in volume. As for the secondary professional expansion, it is practically absent. The shrinkage coefficient of professional foam is minimal: from 0 to 3%, which cannot be said about household foam, where the indicated figures are 5-7%. Household ones are used once, professional ones – repeatedly.

Professional foam Makroflex 750 ml is used for:

  • thermal insulation of roofs, heating networks or walls;
  • filling cavities;
  • creating partitions with soundproofing properties;
  • in fire-resistant structures, as fire protection (Makroflex FR77 fire-resistant).

It should be remembered that the substance hardens in about 24 hours. Because of this, large voids cannot be filled at one time. Use several balls.

Winter Pro

One-component professional winter foam for use at temperatures from -10 to +25 degrees. Used to insulate door and window frames, wall panels, seal gaps between sheets of thermal insulation, and fill voids around pipes. The composition has all the characteristics of Makroflex products: excellent adhesion, heat and sound insulation, ABS Technology, does not contain chlorofluorocarbon propellants.

Polyurethane foam: composition

Polyurethane foam on the market is presented in one-component and two-component mixtures. Moreover, its overwhelming share belongs to one-component sealant. GOST mounting foam, composition and technical characteristics.

The foam includes two main components - MDI and polyols. Mixed in a pressure cylinder, they turn into a one-component liquid prepolymer. When leaving the container under the action of the propellant gas (propellant), the substance enters into a polymerization reaction with water molecules present in naturally humid air.

Foaming occurs, the volume of the mass expands by 3 or more times, and the formation of a densely elastic durable substance with a porous structure - polyurethane foam. It will take approximately 24 hours for the reaction to complete and to cure completely.

In a two-component composition, an activator is added to the base (prepolymer). Being in the same cylinder, they are separated by a shutter and do not mix. When the lock is removed, activation and rapid polymerization occurs, independent of air humidity. The mass begins to harden immediately in the container. The process lasts from three to ten minutes. In this short time you need to have time to use the entire composition. It takes 4 hours for the foam filler to completely harden. Considering the need for quick, skillful manipulations, it is advisable for specialists to work with this product. Mounting foam technical characteristics and properties.

In addition to the base and a mixture of liquefied gases (propane-butane), various additives are added to the foam composition to impart certain properties (fire resistance, increased adhesion): stabilizers, plasticizers, surfactants and others.

Purpose and scope of application of foam Makroflex 750 ml

The foam container is already ready for use, so you can use it immediately after purchase. The main essence of its action is expansion and filling the entire space after application. Moreover, it can be used on any surface, since Macroflex Pro has excellent adhesion to all materials, even if they are wet. Of course, the foam yield will depend on general environmental indicators - temperature, humidity, as well as the total volume of space filled.

The most common actions for which the mounting tool is used:

  • Filling voids during construction, sealing any gaps during repairs;
  • Increasing the level of noise insulation;
  • Sealing joints between pipes and filling around the pipe space;
  • Installation and subsequent insulation of doorways, frames and window sills, wall panels;
  • Installation of roofing materials, which includes not only their joints, but also insulation.

The most successful surfaces for adhesion of Macroflex Pro foam are concrete, stone, metal and wood. However, it exhibits its properties perfectly with plastic as well as glass. The most important thing is that there is no ice on the surface, since even humidity will not be an obstacle for the sealant to demonstrate its best qualities.

In some cases, the mounting foam "Macroflex 750 ml" technical characteristics will be indispensable in everyday life, especially if repair work is planned on both a large and small scale. For example, when replacing old wooden frames with plastic windows, which is popular today, one cannot do without using just such a hermetic material. An excellent option would be to use Macroflex when sealing cracks in the walls, if any are found under the old coating.

Polyurethane foam is often used as insulation due to its impermeability. For example, it is used to insulate doorways at the entrance to a house or apartment. Due to its expansion, the foam perfectly fills all the space provided for it, provided that the appropriate environmental parameters are present (temperature, humidity, etc.).

ShakeTec Pro

All Makroflex cylinders are equipped with ShakeTec technology, but Internet users are interested in the option of professional all-season foam in a 750 ml container. Therefore, let’s consider the composition of Makroflex Original PRO all-season - pistol foam for use at ambient temperatures from -10 to +35 degrees. It is used for insulating window and door frames, filling seams and voids, creating soundproof screens and partitions.

Polyurethane foam MAKROFLEX Original professional all-season 750 ml. Photo by Maxidom


Special mention should be made of super-frost-resistant foam. Which successfully promotes its product to the Russian market, since such sealant is in demand in cold conditions. The unique characteristics of “Soudal”, with the help of which construction and installation works are carried out, replacement of windows and doors at temperatures down to minus 25 ° C.

This material is durable, resistant to stretching and compression. The adhesive properties of foam to basic materials (stone, metal, concrete and wood) even at extremely low temperatures meet European requirements. This type of sealant is fire-resistant, and in terms of other characteristics Soudal twice exceeds the requirements for similar materials that exist today.

How to calculate consumption

When gluing gypsum panels, the number of cylinders is determined by calculating their total area. The contents of one bottle are enough for 12 m². When purchasing foam for ceiling walls, take into account the dimensions of the blocks. One bottle is enough for 10 m² of brickwork if the block dimensions are 25 * 60 cm.

With the help of a high-quality gun, the contents of the cylinder are used as efficiently as possible. The consistency of the foam affects consumption; the denser it is, the more product is spent. A consumption of 125 ml/m² is considered normal.

Additional tips and tricks

The optimal temperature of the working mass inside the cylinder is 23 °C. To achieve this, it is recommended to keep it at 22-25 °C for about 12 hours before starting work. Use the product as follows:

  • shake the bottle 20 times;
  • remove the protective cover;
  • attach the gun.

During these operations, keep the cylinder upside down. When doing the main work (applying glue), hold it with the bottom up. The speed of foam release can be adjusted using standard methods using a screw on the gun and a trigger. Shake the can regularly during use.

To prevent the foam from hardening, adhere to the following rules for operating the gun:

  • do not remove it while there is foam in the container;
  • when the glue runs out, quickly disconnect the empty container, replacing it with a new one;
  • After completing the work, clean the device with a special liquid (Premium Cleaner);
  • Remove the hardened mass mechanically.

It is recommended to store cylinders with glue for no more than 15 months, maintaining a storage temperature of 5-25 °C. At the same time, place them strictly vertically, the valve should look up. When transporting, wrap the product in cloth. Transport in the trunk. Observe safety precautions when working. Do not smoke or light a fire near. It is necessary to ensure a flow of fresh air in the room. Protect the skin of your hands with gloves and your eyes with goggles. Do not inhale vapors.

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Consumer Reviews

Most craftsmen advise choosing polyurethane foam from the manufacturer Makroflex, because it has many positive customer reviews, which are based on the advantages of the mixture:

  • Reasonable price.
  • Short hardening time.
  • Practical and easy to use.
  • Large scope of application.
  • Durability and reliability.
  • Large range of products.

Like any building materials, polyurethane foam has negative reviews from customers. Mostly they come from those who used the mixture not according to the instructions, and did not follow the safety rules when using foam. You will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of polyurethane foam in the following video.


Recommendations from experts on the use of Makroflex polyurethane foam:

  • Before use, the foam must be kept at room temperature for about 12 hours, this is necessary to completely warm the mixture.
  • Installation work with Macroflex products can only be carried out after shaking the can one hundred percent so that the finished foam solution has a uniform consistency when released. During use, the can must be held upside down, regardless of how the foam is applied to the coating (manual method or using a gun).
  • Before applying the mounting solution to surfaces or coatings, they must be cleaned of dust and various contaminants. Metal coatings that are contaminated with old sealant can be easily cleaned with white spirit. Also, for better adhesion, it is recommended to moisten the surfaces with water using a special sprayer.

  • If there is a need for a break in construction work (more than 15 minutes), the channel and tube must be cleared of the foamed mixture before resuming use of the mixture.
  • Foam stains that have not yet hardened can be easily cleaned with specialized cleaning products. The frozen mixture can only be subjected to mechanical action (cutting from surfaces).
  • It is recommended to use Macroflex for filling cracks and seams ranging in size from 0.5 cm to 8 cm. In narrow cracks the mixture may not penetrate to the required depth, as a result of which voids may form. Wide seams and cracks will not be able to withstand the heavy mass of the mortar.

Safety precautions for installation work with Makroflex foam:

  • Do not allow the finished mixture to come into contact with the skin or organs of vision; severe irritation may occur. If this happens, immediately wash the composition off the skin or rinse your eyes with warm water.
  • Never remove a cartridge from a gun that is not completely used. Only an empty cylinder can be replaced.

  • Construction work with polyurethane foam is carried out only in rooms with good ventilation. When spraying the mixture, harmful substances are released that affect the respiratory system. It is recommended to use protective equipment.
  • Do not apply foam material to hot surfaces or old electrical wiring. Contact between foam and hot surfaces may result in an explosion. Unreliable wiring can cause a spark to suddenly appear, which will lead to dire consequences. Also, do not smoke near sealing solutions.

See the following video about the pros and cons of Makroflex polyurethane foam.

Adhesive cement

The name “glue-cement” may hide products of several varieties . Cement-based tile adhesive (or cement glue) in the form of a dry mixture, which is sold in bags. Dry glue, when combined with water, forms a plastic solution, characterized by high adhesion and ease of use. With the help of tile adhesive, it is possible to tiling with tiles from various materials and perform other construction and finishing work . Cement adhesive is suitable for fixing materials on horizontal and vertical surfaces. It is first necessary to clean the base from dirt and dust. The cement-based mixture hardens quickly and does not shrink, which makes it widely used in construction and finishing work in rooms of various functions. But cement adhesive requires work to prepare the mixture, so the composition should not be considered as an alternative. But polyurethane adhesive cement is produced in aerosol cans. The work is done quickly, cleanly and conveniently.


Adhesive cement is a one-component polyurethane composition , fast hardening, non-expanding, high-performance, replaces cement and cement-adhesive mixtures. Available in metal aerosol cans . Does not require time and effort to prepare the solution. Adhesive cement is characterized by its economical use, simplicity and convenience of use, high speed of work, eliminates cold bridges, application is carried out using a special gun. Resistant to moisture, mildew and aging. It is a good alternative to traditional cement masonry mortars.

MASTERTEKS PM professional mounting adhesive cement for blocks 870 ml. Photo by Maxidom


The characteristics differ depending on the manufacturer, but it is possible to note the general ones:

  • purpose - building material;
  • method of application - professional, i.e. using a pistol;
  • type according to seasonality - all-season;
  • for interior work - yes;
  • for outdoor work - yes;
  • lack of secondary expansion;
  • wide operating temperature range;
  • high adhesion to various existing building materials;
  • hardening is carried out under the influence of moisture from the air;
  • no harm to the ozone layer;
  • gray or light gray color.

For tiles and more

Adhesive cement is intended for laying partition walls made of gas and foam concrete, polystyrene concrete blocks, expanded clay concrete, tongue-and-groove and cement-fiber slabs, silicate and ceramic bricks. It is important to remember that the composition is not suitable for forming load-bearing walls. Performs gluing on concrete, wood, brick, metal, polymer artificial materials, etc., fixing cellular and heterogeneous materials, insulating panels to foundations and facades.


Adhesive cement is available under several brands . You can find products from TECHNONICOL, Kolt, Master Teks, etc. on sale. Each manufacturer offers its own recommendations for use and provides information about the main characteristics and features. The list of brands is not so extensive, so when choosing, you should pay special attention to other factors.

Criterias of choice

One of the main parameters is the characteristics of the base . Despite the possibility of successfully working with many materials, you should carefully study the instructions for use. Many manufacturers indicate types of substrates that are not recommended to work with using certain brands of adhesive cement. When choosing an adhesive, it is also necessary to take into account the parameters of the material from which the masonry is made. In addition, when choosing, you need to remember the main technical characteristics, the indicators of which differ from one manufacturer to another.

Types of foam

The manufacturing company has developed solutions that are competent in terms of technology and operation for all users. We offer to buy at a good wholesale price:

  • Makroflex Premium – premium class polyurethane foam with increased yield;
  • a wide range of professional and standard products for use for various purposes;
  • several types of special grades for use in specific situations.
Makroflex PremiumTypeCharacteristics, application
PremiumProfessional foam for a gun with increased output. Application temperature +5…+30. Used for insulating windows, doors, filling hollow spaces, sealing holes, making partitions with high sound insulation, filling air spaces around pipes, roof insulation.
Premium Pro WinterApply at t -15…+25. Leave at room temperature for about 12 hours before use.
Premium MegaParticularly high yield – 45% more than standard cylinders. Operates at temperatures +5 …+30
Premium Mega Winter ProWinter, works in the temperature range -15…+25
Premium Window Pro (All Season)
  • increased mobility - up to 25% for elongation and compression;
  • thermal insulation coefficient 0.37 W/mK;
  • sound insulation level max. 60 dB;
  • t -10…+25.

Recommended for use in areas requiring the highest quality

Macroflex pro and standardLOWEX PRO
  • sealing seams in window and door frames;
  • filling voids on any surfaces;
  • thermal insulation
PROIt has a good cellular structure and high mechanical strength. Suitable for insulating tile roofs, wall panels, sealing joints in window and door frames, etc. High adhesion, sound and heat insulation
MAKROFLEX 65 PROIncreased foam yield, for work on all surfaces at temperatures +5…+30
All-seasonDoes not lose properties when working in hot or cold conditions (up to -10)
65 PRO all-seasonSame performance with increased output
StandardThe cylinder is equipped with an applicator tube. t +5…+30. An economical solution to problems of filling voids on different surfaces. Good adhesion and mechanical strength.
Macroflex 65 standardWith increased output
Makroflex WinterStandard, with applicator
ALLSEASONAll-season, works in the temperature range -10… +25
SpecialMacroflex 2x2Works with gun and applicator tube
FR77Fire resistant: does not catch fire for 240 minutes (the specific time depends on the type of linear joints)
Construction cementServes to connect building materials and fasten them to each other. Used when installing stairs, window sills, binding building blocks, etc.
2K 8MIN2-component polyurethane foam. Accelerated polymerization process
SIBERIAN 65 PRO winterProfessional, with increased output, operates at temperatures -18…+25
Makroflex WhiteTeq (White Technology)White foam, UV resistant. Finely porous. Has high noise and heat insulation. Thermoplastic, able to compensate for movement and vibration. Shelf life 12 months. Application:
  • window, door
  • frames;
  • filling cavities;
  • filling holes left after installing pipes and insulating them;
  • processing of joints, roofing;
  • installation of wall panels;
  • fixing the roof;
  • fastening soundproofing screens.

Product range

The list of products under the Macroflex brand includes various products. As for foam, it is also produced in a whole line, which includes the following compositions:

  1. Makroflex Premium. These are premium products that are intended for professional use and are characterized by increased pressure in the cylinder (for rapid release of the substance). The convenient release form ensures highly accurate dosing with minimal material loss.
  2. Makroflex PRO 65. This line includes standard and increased volume products with an improved formula, as well as Makroflex PRO 65 “Winter” cement foam.
  3. Special mounting compounds Makroflex. This includes products such as MAKROFLEX FR77 “Fire Resistant”, 2x2 “All Season”, 2K 8MIN “Siberian”.
  4. Makroflex WhiteTeq (“White Technology”). This is a new generation of white polymer foam that contains only highly purified components. After hardening, it has a snow-white color and is highly resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

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