Grinder disc for concrete: which attachment to choose for grinding?

The grinder is a universal tool with a wide range of capabilities. To implement them, a special attachment for the grinder is required. Among its types is a diamond cup for concrete for a grinder, which is used to clean and polish floors and walls.

Description and classification

A diamond disk is a metal circle of small thickness with cutting diamond plates fixed on the edges. They are made from industrial ground diamonds, which are pressed into a metallic binder - carbide, steel or titanium. The plates are attached to the disks using silver soldering or laser welding. Modern technologies connect the cutting tool to a metal base using powder soldering. This way they last longer. Once the cutting part of the diamond blade has been sharpened, it is completely ready for use.

In order to cut reinforced concrete or concrete, a variety of equipment is used, such as stationary machines, wall chasers, gas cutters, and grinders. Different brands of circles are attached to them. Their distinctive features are:

  • Working edge configuration.
  • Composition of the binder.
  • Number of diamonds per unit area.
  • Quality indicators of diamonds.

To choose the most suitable option for you, you need to familiarize yourself with the classification.

Circles are divided into groups according to several criteria. The most important indicators are: the purpose and shape of the cutting part.

Diamond cutting discs

This group is divided into three subspecies. These include:

  1. Segmental for dry cutting. Concrete is cut dry using hand tools. For these purposes, a grinder (angle grinder) and a wall chaser are used. On the base of the segmented circle, the diamond contour is located in the form of separate sectors, and between them there are radial through grooves. During the cutting process, the plates experience heavy loads and the discs heat up. The slots are necessary to relieve stress in the cutters, remove waste, remove heat and compensate for linear expansion. This group includes diamond tools for cutting fresh concrete. The difference between such circles is that they can be used to cut material immediately after hardening. The diamond layer is usually filled directly onto the body without using a binder.
  2. Infinite (whole). There are no segments on such circles. And in order to distribute the tension, there are holes. They are used when cutting is carried out with water cooling. Wet processing is carried out on stationary equipment. Such equipment has the design ability to supply coolant.
  3. Diamond discs for reinforced concrete. These discs have a segmented design, but the teeth contain more diamonds than a conventional disc type. They are a little thicker. It is necessary to take into account the fact that reinforced concrete is very difficult to cut at home. The grinder heats up quickly, dust penetrates inside it (to prevent dust from penetrating, dust protection for the bearings and a dust-proof motor are necessary). Using a hand-held power tool, it will be possible to cut reinforced concrete no deeper than 10 centimeters in one go. After this, the equipment will turn off to cool the disk and motor.
  4. Turbo segment diamond cutting wheels. They are solid, and their cooling is carried out due to the wavy surface. Their price is higher than regular circles, but they compensate for these costs with expanded functionality and a long service life. They can even cut reinforced concrete if the diameter of the reinforcement does not exceed 10 centimeters.

Diamond grinding discs

These wheels are used to grind concrete if it is necessary to level the floor before applying a decorative coating. This process is carried out with a special grinder or grinder. Grinding wheels differ in that the cutting diamond layer is applied to a conical annular surface that protrudes along the edge. A diamond disk for mechanical floor processing is a main circle on which several grinding cups are attached, between which there are grooves for removing dust.

Why grind a concrete floor?

Recently, technologically advanced pouring and installation of a concrete floor for laying floor coverings cannot be imagined without grinding. High-quality work will make the coating practical. It will reduce the cost of money and effort on leveling the floor surface, installing parquet or laminate, and does not require periodic restoration.

The cup attachment is used for preliminary preparation of the base for laying new floor coverings

In addition, it provides the following capabilities:

  • use concrete pavement in shops and warehouses without finishing floor material;
  • will increase strength to mechanical loads and abrasion;
  • will increase the water resistance of the coating and will not allow chemicals to corrode the structure;
  • Gives a shiny look that can be used in any interior.

Attention! If a fresh coating is being sanded, then additional steps related to the removal of lime milk are not performed. When sanding an old floor, the old layer is removed.

Grinding is used to provide a flat and smooth surface for treatment with strengthening compounds or coating with paints. In this case, grinding is done on the new coating in two stages:

  1. After 3-5 days after pouring - pre-treatment.
  2. After complete hardening of the composition - final processing.

Using a tool with a special disc attachment for grinding concrete on a grinder will solve a number of problems in cleaning and eliminating minor defects:

  • Cracks.
  • Chips.
  • Surges.
  • Ripple.
  • Notches.

Sanding is used to restore the coating. Especially when leveling work is carried out on an old floor. The first step is to remove the worn layer, and then use an angle grinder. If this is not done, the strength of the leveling layer will decrease.

Various cup shapes for angle grinder equipment

An unpolished concrete floor absorbs moisture in large quantities. If the coating is located outdoors or in an unheated room, then at subzero temperatures the concrete will freeze, and the moisture in it will increase in volume, which may cause cracks.

Why are grinding discs needed?

When concrete hardens, larger components sink lower, and so-called cement laitance remains on the surface. As a result, a lot of dust forms on the hardened concrete, and the concrete surface itself, due to the large number of microcracks, resembles dried out earth. That is why grinding is needed, which eliminates all defects on the concrete base. This operation is performed with special diamond discs.

As practice shows, diamonds, compared to other materials, have higher abrasive abilities and a longer service life. The efficiency of a disk is determined by the quality and speed of processing. These parameters largely depend on the grain size of the disc. Depending on the required level of grinding, a diamond grinding disc for concrete with different concentrations of diamond chips is used.

Sometimes diamond wheels with a sprayed coating of carbide materials are called diamond.

Grinding discs with a high diamond content are used, as a rule, in the preliminary stages of concrete grinding, and with a low concentration - during polishing. For most grinding jobs, medium-concentration discs are used.

Standard sizes

Concrete grinding disc 125 is a circle of metal onto which cutting parts (segments) are soldered. To fix the diamond powder on the segments, a special binder is used - a substance that connects the individual grains together. This bond may be ceramic, metallic or organic. The main task of the bond is to hold the diamond coating, which is subject to the centrifugal force that occurs when the tool rotates. Diffusion sintering is used to connect the diamond layer to the metal body.

The drive designation contains three parameters:

  • disk diameter, mm;
  • cutting width (working fluid thickness), mm:
  • bore diameter, mm.

For example, the designation of the HILTI DC-D 125/22 UP disk is deciphered as follows: 125 is the diameter of the circle, 22 is the diameter of the mounting hole. In this case, the width of the cut is not specified. This means that it is minimal. Mentioning cutting width is usually a marketing ploy. The manufacturer wants to emphasize that his tool is wider and, therefore, stronger. But, in fact, this does not correspond to reality.

Criterias of choice

It can be quite difficult for non-professionals to choose the appropriate grinding tool for their current tasks. To correctly solve this problem, you need to take into account:

  • type of material being processed;
  • planned grinding depth;
  • parameters of the disk itself: number of segments, diameter, rotation speed.

For private construction, concrete grinding disc 125 is most often used, the price of which varies over a fairly wide range and depends mainly on the manufacturer.

Discs with a diameter of 125 are designed for the simplest and most low-power home angle grinders


Dimensions are regulated according to GOST 10110–87:

  1. The thickness of the diamond layer is 5 or 10 millimeters and is measured in the radial direction.
  2. Height. The thickness of the disc body ranges from 0.15 to 2.4 millimeters.
  3. Seat (inner diameter). The standard value varies from 12 to 76 millimeters. For cutting reinforced or ordinary concrete, a circle with a seat of 20 millimeters is more suitable than others.
  4. The outer diameter ranges from 50 to 500 millimeters. The step between adjacent cuts in the range of 50-200 millimeters is 25 millimeters, and in the range of 200-500 the step is 50 millimeters. Typically, concrete is processed with circles with a diameter of 115–500 millimeters.

The ratio of dimensions, which are approved by GOST, ensures reliability and strength.
But it is stipulated that the circles can have a height and internal diameter that are not included in the standard size range. Particularly popular these days are products with a seat size of 22.2 millimeters, as well as 25.4. There are hard and soft discs depending on the hardness of the binding material. Soft ones are intended for hard materials (reinforced concrete and concrete). They have a relatively small resource, but cutting is carried out much faster. Hard ones are intended for soft materials such as asphalt, fireclay, clinker, marble.


Approximate prices of diamond blades from different manufacturers:

Disc diameter, mmManufacturerCost, rub
115Luga Nova90-120
125Luga Nova90-195
150Luga Nova90-220
200Luga Nova280-350
230Luga Nova300-400
250Luga Nova450-800

The advantage of diamond blades is their wear resistance and strength, as well as the accuracy and high quality of the cut. When using this tool, chips and burrs do not form, even when processing such a durable and porous material as concrete.

Shape and number of segments

The quality of the work performed depends on the type and number of segments. There are cups for roughing, rough grinding and for fine polishing of surfaces. According to the shape of the cutters, the nozzles are classified into the following types:

  • With double segment
  • Square
  • Boomerang
  • Turbo
  • Typhoon

The design of each type provides for a specific arrangement of segments, which affects its operating properties.


The tool received its name due to the similarity of the shape of the diamond segments to a boomerang. The tool is used for finishing concrete grinding, since the cutters use fine-grained diamond chips. After processing, the screed becomes perfectly smooth.

The small weight of the “Boomerang” makes it easy to use; it is often installed on an angle grinder because it is light in weight. The popularity of this type of cup is due to its high productivity, which is almost twice that of other types of diamond blades. The choice of this particular tool is also influenced by its lightness and stability.


Diamond cups “Square” are used for roughening concrete surfaces. The effectiveness of the tool allows it to be used to remove large sagging and protruding seams. Diamond cutters are made in the form of squares. The increased thickness of the working segments and the large distance between them make it possible not only to level the surface with roughness, but also to remove any protruding parts on the concrete. Therefore, grinding with the “Square” attachment reduces the time for rough processing of concrete and brick coatings, extending the life of the diamond segments.

“Square” have a lot of weight, making it possible to process the material with a tool without much effort.

After passing through the diamond cup, the surface remains rough, which gives it high adhesive properties.

This is especially important for adhesion to applied coatings, especially polymer ones

Turbo and Typhoon

The diamond cutters of these attachments are located in a circle on the working surface perpendicular to the direction of rotation. The minimum distance between them creates an almost continuous ring. The appearance of “Turbo” and “Typhoon” disks resembles corrugated fabric. Many segments smoothly polish the surface, so the products are used for finishing grinding on small areas and for shaped stone processing. Using attachments, you can chamfer and form edges, as well as polish small curves on workpieces.

To perform small operations, you can purchase “Turbo” and “Typhoon” cups of small diameter – from 100 mm. The discs are characterized by wear resistance, high productivity and precision processing.

Features of grinding work

Diamond, as the hardest substance, effectively copes with the most difficult jobs of cleaning and grinding concrete screeds. To perform surface treatment, a diamond alloy cup is attached to the spindle of an angle grinder (grinder). The rotational motion that is transmitted to the disk is approximately 11,000 revolutions per minute. The high power of the tool on which the diamond concrete grinding cup is mounted also increases the productivity of the disc itself.

When working with hard surfaces, consider the following guidelines:

  • The correct choice of nozzle in accordance with its purpose will greatly facilitate the processing of concrete.
  • Before finishing grinding, rough grinding of edges and sagging is carried out to reduce the load on the disc.
  • To break in the cup, it is necessary to carefully break it in in a gentle mode during the first few meters.
  • The grinder should be held firmly with both hands to prevent impacts, especially when removing rough protruding defects.
  • During operation, the cutter is pressed against the surface, but without increased pressure.
  • Do not grind surfaces with breaks or cracks.
  • To self-clean the nozzle, effectively cool it and reduce dust formation, it is recommended to supply water to the screed being treated.
  • It is strictly not recommended to carry out work during frequent power outages or using faulty tools.

To avoid injury during work, you should use closed shoes made of thick, durable material. Compliance with these simple recommendations will ensure safety during work and extend the life of the diamond cup for construction concrete for an angle grinder.

Features and scope of application

A concrete grinding cup is a type of grinding disc that has an abrasive working surface on only one side. On the other side of the cup there is mounting hardware. The diamond coating gives the tool a rigidity several times greater than the density and rigidity of concrete. Thanks to this, grinding concrete surfaces occurs as efficiently as possible. A diamond grinding cup for concrete is used to eliminate unevenness on concrete walls, floors or to straighten corners. The type of tool and its parameters must be selected taking into account the future type of construction work.

Depending on the purpose and design, the following types of diamond cups are distinguished:

  • single row. Diamond segments on the working surface of the cup are arranged in one row;
  • double row. The working surface of this cup has two rows of diamond segments;
  • turbo. Diamond segments on the working surface of such a cup are located transverse to the direction of its rotation.

Single and double row concrete diamond cup 125 is used for rough grinding of concrete. They “rip off” concrete very powerfully, so with their help you can level the floor surface very quickly.

The size range, in addition to the diameter of 125 mm, also includes 150, 200, 230, 250 mm

Large cups are more productive, but their price is much higher. For example, a cup with a diameter of 125 in the budget version costs 200 rubles, and a diamond grinding cup for concrete 230 is no less than 500. Therefore, for home repairs, when you need to process several square meters, it is better to buy a diamond cup for concrete of small diameter.

Single-row cups have a higher grinding speed compared to double-row cups. But the double-row diamond cup for concrete tdr has a longer service life. The working segments of both single-row and double-row cups can be petal-shaped or rectangular.

For finishing, when it is necessary to achieve an almost smooth surface, it is recommended to use turbo diamond grinding cups for concrete. These cups are lightweight and provide very high quality grinding of small concrete surfaces.

Features of choosing grinding cups

The efficiency and quality of work depends on the correct choice of diamond cup. When choosing a tool, you need to consider the following points:

  • for what purpose is the tool needed? For roughing operations, a single-row concrete grinding cup 125 is suitable, and to eliminate defects in the concrete base you will need a double-row tool;
  • cup size;
  • mounting hole size. The diameter of the mounting hole must correspond to the diameter of the shaft of the grinding machine on which the selected tool will be installed;
  • cup rotation speed. The number of revolutions of the cup must match the maximum rotation speed of the grinding equipment;
  • An adapter ring should be included with the cup, which provides opportunities for using the tool on various equipment.

When working with cups, remember that diamond tools heat up at high speeds.

All of the above points are very important, since the number of work cycles and the productivity of the tool depend on them

This negatively affects the functional properties of the tool, regardless of whether diamond cups are used for grinding concrete, the price of which is high or not. Therefore, you will need water for cooling while working with these cups.

An attachment for an angle grinder in the form of grinding cups. Features of choice

When choosing a tool, consider:

  1. Type of planned work. For each operation, special attachments are most effective. Using the wrong ones slows down the work or makes the process impossible, and quality suffers.
  2. The diameter of the cup, which should correspond to the power of the grinder. For accurate sanding of small areas, small attachments are more suitable. It is faster to work with large equipment, but its price is higher.
  3. Mounting hole, which must correspond to the size of the shaft. If the tool spindle is thinner, an O-ring is used: the fit on the shaft cannot be loose.
  4. The discs are designed for a rotation speed that the grinder cannot exceed.

The diamond grinding tool is marked with a marking that reflects:

  1. external diameter;
  2. cup depth;
  3. working edge width;
  4. segment height;
  5. mounting hole size.

Numbers in millimeters indicate characteristics in the sequence given above. The spraying parameters are indicated separately: diamond content in percentage, grain size in micrometers (µm). Coarse diamond powder is suitable for roughing and rough grinding; fine diamond powder is used for polishing.

Types of milling cutters for concrete

Diamond cutters are one of the types of cutting tools that are used to process concrete surfaces using special grinding machines. This tool can be in the form of a disk or an end, cylindrical, end, or key attachment. Mills for grinding concrete are a metal body onto which diamond segments are soldered.

The cutters can have an annular, trapezoidal and triangular shape. Each form is convenient and effective to use. The choice of cutter shape depends on the type of grinding machine.

The round diamond concrete cutter is used in CO type mosaic grinders for processing hard materials such as concrete, paving slabs, marble, etc. It is recommended to use coolant when grinding with this tool.

The triangular diamond concrete cutter is used for processing medium and hard abrasive surfaces. This tool is intended for completing CO type grinding machines. When working with it, cooling is also necessary.

A trapezoidal concrete cutter is also called “Frankfurt”. Such cutters are installed on GM type mosaic grinding machines and are used for grinding concrete, marble, granite, paving slabs, and hard refractories using cooling.

As you can see, diamond grinding tools can be made in different versions, which significantly expands the choice of necessary equipment depending on the requirements of the work being carried out.

Here is a video about diamond grinding discs for concrete:

Working with a grinder on porcelain stoneware

Porcelain stoneware is a popular material in the decoration of buildings due to its high strength. The advantage of the material during its processing turns into a disadvantage. Tiles are difficult to cut and quickly wear out the tool. Cutting porcelain tiles without chipping is a real art.

We cut porcelain tiles

Of course, you can purchase an industrial tile cutter and not have any worries. This machine is called a “wet cutter” because liquid cooling is used during operation. This solution is suitable for construction teams.

Cutting porcelain tiles with water using a wet cutter

For home use, buying such equipment is too wasteful. Moreover, with due care, you can get by with a household grinder and a high-quality disc - a dry cutter.

Disc for cutting porcelain stoneware without water - dry cutter

The diamond cutting wheel for porcelain stoneware must be solid, non-segmented. Its thickness is as minimal as possible, just to ensure the strength of the disk. Some tricks from experienced professionals:

  1. The direction of movement of the grinder must coincide with the direction of rotation of the disk. Otherwise, the number of chips increases sharply.
  2. Since it is impossible to achieve a complete absence of chips, it is better to make the cut not along the marking line, but with an indentation of 1-2 millimeters. The remaining material can be removed using a stone grinding disc. If the cut is not specific, this rule can be neglected.
  3. The cut must be done in one pass. With each subsequent passage, the number and size of chips increases.

The best diamond blades for stone

It is possible to carefully cut stone without chipping only at high speed. To do this, use solid and segmented circles designed for wet or dry cutting. Natural stone is a difficult material to process, and it is worth taking a responsible approach to choosing equipment for processing it. Our team offers three models created using different technologies. The tool is distinguished by good quality of the working layer, accurate cutting and durability.

Dremel DSM540

Classic solid disc designed for cutting natural stone, clinker, ceramic tiles. Suitable for dry cutting at 20,000 rpm. It has good performance and can accurately cut stone of any hardness. Used with compact specialized saws and branded angle grinders. It has a diameter of 77 mm and a mounting hole for the shaft of 11 mm, which limits the choice of power tools.

Small sizes allow you to perform high-precision operations and make complex cuts in ceramic tiles. The wide cutting edge and even distribution of diamonds guarantee a long service life under intensive use. The circle is distinguished by its high-precision plane geometry and tight fit, earning regular positive feedback from professionals carrying out complex interior projects.


  • Increased resource;
  • Thin cut without chips;
  • Uniform wear of the cutting edge;
  • Resistance to critical temperatures.


  • Overcharge.

Practice Do it yourself 036-339

Domestic diamond disc for tiles, which is designed for classic angle grinders. Combines a good safety margin with a high cutting speed. Recommended for wet cutting: coolant provides extended service life at 12,250 rpm and reduces interruptions. The circle can be used for processing artificial and natural ornamental stone.

The small thickness of 1.9 mm helps the master make a neat cut without defects, which is especially important when adjusting the dimensions of expensive ceramics. The low price makes the equipment the best choice for domestic use. According to reviews from home craftsmen who carry out interior decoration themselves, purchasing components helped reduce repair costs.


  • Tight fit;
  • Light weight;
  • The working part is not salted;
  • Uniform diamond structure in the cutting edge.


  • Application skills required.

Di-Star 1A1R Decor Slim

Di-Star offers a solid diamond blade that can quickly cut stone, tile and porcelain stoneware. The equipment is designed for installation on an angle grinder. The super-thin diamond layer of the cutting tool has an increased service life, good wear resistance and allows you to make a neat cut.

Equipment for dry cutting at a speed of 12,000 rpm has been developed. Special holes provide effective heat dissipation, increasing the intensity of operations. Artificial diamonds are evenly distributed across the width of the cutting part, which increases the quality of cutting thick porcelain floor tiles.


  • Edge height 8 mm;
  • Smooth cut without chips;
  • Tight fit on the shaft;
  • The lightweight design reduces the load on the grinder.


  • High price.

Tool selection

When purchasing a circle for an angle grinder, many factors are taken into account that determine the final choice. Each individual case requires an individual approach. The main conditions on which the characteristics and optimal dimensions depend are:

  1. Material. Most often, ordinary concrete is processed with segment tools for dry cutting. The new concrete surface has a high level of abrasiveness. This causes rapid wear of the discs. For such work, it is better to purchase thicker discs. Old concrete is stronger than young concrete, so it is better to use options of moderate thickness. If the cement-sand mixture includes quartz sand or balsate, then the abrasiveness of the concrete goes off scale. It is better to choose options where diamond plates are soldered with silver to the base. If you need to cut reinforced concrete, granite or concrete, then a soft diamond wheel is used.
  2. Cutting method. Wet technology allows cutting reinforced concrete and concrete accurately and quickly, avoiding dust and overheating of the tool. But before purchasing solid discs, you need to make sure that the cutting equipment has a cooling system. For dry cutting, buy segmented circles.
  3. Working conditions. For home use, products with the optimal ratio of quality and price are selected. They will be able to cope with reinforced concrete and medium-reinforced concrete. If you use them periodically and avoid overloading, they will last quite a long time. Professional discs are designed for continuous use. They have increased durability and wear resistance. Distal and Bosch companies produce the best samples. Such products must be purchased strictly for their intended purpose: concrete cannot be cut with a disk on marble.
  4. Equipment and cutting depth. The deeper you need to make the cut, the larger the diameter of the circle should be. At the same time, you should not forget about the capabilities of the device. If you attach a disk that is too large, its linear speed will be very high, which will lead to rapid wear. And if you put on a small one, the car will heat up and slip. For powerful wall saws, diamond circular saws are produced, the outer diameter of which should not exceed 1200 millimeters. To work with large-sized foundation blocks and concrete elements, machines with a working diameter of 350-400 millimeters are needed.

Circles for hand-held power tools have more modest dimensions.
For cutting concrete when renovating a room, products with a diameter of 115-120 millimeters are used. To process lintels in openings, slopes and other elements, grinder discs for reinforced concrete and concrete are used, the diameter of which is 150-230 millimeters. The wall chaser works in the same way as the grinder. But the concrete is grooved with two diamond wheels. The width and depth of the cut are adjustable during operation. The diameter is selected depending on the depth of the groove. It ranges from 110-365 millimeters. Grooves for any communications can be made using dry technology, efficiently and quickly, using a powerful wall chaser and diamond wheels for reinforced concrete.

Surface preparation

Remove old coverings from the floor. Achieve as smooth a surface as possible before using an angle grinder.

Attention! If there are a large number of potholes and holes, then increase the density of the fillers.

Inspect the floor for cracks in expansion joints. If there are any, then seal and sand the problem areas. Before using the tool, check the strength of the coating on a small area.

You should know the design of the coating. If there is metal reinforcement in the top layer, then remove it with a grinder, cutting it off with a regular disk.

Principles of work performance

Each type of concrete has its own characteristics, so work always begins with an accurate determination of its characteristics. As a rule, experienced craftsmen choose special discs for plain and reinforced concrete, for fresh and old. Even inclusions in the form of basalt or quartz can tell you which disk is best if you have enough experience to understand such clues.

If possible, cutting concrete should be done wet. A thin layer of water cools the cutting wheel and tool, which extends the service life of the latter and ensures continuous operation. If there is no water nearby or there is not enough of it, cutting is done dry, but in this case you cannot rush - the work is usually carried out in several stages, allowing the unit to cool a little after each approach. To make sure that the tool and disk successfully cope with the task, the first cut is completely limited to a depth of 1 cm, after which the grinder and disk are carefully inspected for possible mechanical damage.

The sawing procedure itself is quite simple. Even with wet cutting, care should be taken to ensure respiratory protection in case something goes wrong. After this, you should clearly outline the line of the future cut, and stands on both sides, made of wooden blocks, will also help you not to go deeper into the thickness of the material than it should be during the first cut. The first incision, as already mentioned, is usually made to a depth of no more than a centimeter. When cutting wet, you should spray water onto the blade as carefully as possible; there should not be too much of it, otherwise, if it gets into the angle grinder motor, it can cause damage to the electrical unit.

When the first cut is made and the cutting disc has cooled a little, the wooden stands are removed - now you can navigate without them, using the existing cut. When cutting to a significant depth, it is advisable to break the work into several stages.

Even without knowing the exact structure of a particular concrete product, you can be sure that when going deeper into the thickness by more than 10 centimeters, the probability of encountering metal reinforcement there is almost 100%, so choose the appropriate disc.

Work as an angle grinder

From the nozzle cup, the dust goes to special dust collection equipment.
Before starting sanding, wait about two weeks for the screed to dry if you are processing a new coating. This time is necessary for the floor to gain strength. The floor contains reinforcing fillers of crushed stone, gravel and other granules, which can be torn out by the disc if they are not firmly bonded in the mortar.

After the preparatory work on the old concrete surface is completed, grinding begins. Here are recommendations for completing the stage technologically and with a high-quality finish.

  • Treat the surface with a special compound that will enter into a chemical reaction with calcium in the concrete. As a result, astringents will appear on the coating, which will hide the pores. This will increase strength and moisture resistance.
  • If you use discs with a grit of more than 400, the surface will be quite durable. This floor will withstand intense loads. To obtain a smooth surface with a characteristic shine, diamond discs with a higher density are used.
  • An angle grinder is needed in corners and hard-to-reach places.

Special attachment for equipment that allows processing areas near walls

  • To prevent concrete particles from scattering all over the place, use a special cover for grinding concrete, which will allow you to collect the waste material in a garbage bag.

It is not necessary to buy a special casing for the grinder for grinding. You can make a cover for a cup with your own hands:

When the diamond blade processing is complete, the skirting boards are installed and the final stage is carried out. To add gloss to the surface, polyurethane polishing is used. Apply with a brush or roller. But before that, clean the surface from dust. Apply varnish in several layers.

Due to the long-term use of concrete floors, cracks and various types of defects may appear on them. If such areas are detected, carry out repair work in a timely manner.

Here are some tips for eliminating local defects of various types:

  1. potholes. Cut with a diamond disc to a depth of 2 cm. Remove the damaged cut area, clean the cavity from dust and treat with a primer. A solution (preferably non-shrinkable) is poured into the cavity and leveled using the rule. The hardened section of the repaired floor is sanded.
  2. crack. A thin crack is increased in thickness with a diamond blade. After this, the work is identical to pothole repair.

Grinding concrete with a grinder can add strength and increase moisture resistance. It is easier to use impregnations over smooth coatings to strengthen and increase adhesion.

Cost and most common companies

The cost of the instrument varies widely. It depends on the following indicators:

  • Brand.
  • Size.
  • Functionality.
  • Processing quality.
  • Purpose.

By purchasing a professional diamond blade from a reputable brand, you will be sure that the equipment will not overheat throughout the entire shift. The most common brands are:

  • Intertool.
  • Matrix.
  • Distal.
  • Bosch.

The middle class wheel, which was released by Hilti, allows you to process reinforced concrete and concrete. The products of this company have high strength and wear resistance is quite reliable. The domestic brands Sparta, Tsentroinstrument, and ZUBR are of decent quality.

Cost of nozzles

Name, manufacturerType, purposeCutting methodMaximum rotation speedThickness, mmLanding diameter, mmDisc diameter, mmPrice, rubles
Special, ChinaSegmented diamond cutting discdry66002,422,23230825
Hilti DC-D122502125630
Jet Norton Granite, PolandSolid with a wavy turbine edge, cutting reinforced concrete is allowed133002,2115430
Metabo, GermanySolid diamond disc with welded diamond edgewet122002,15125425
Keos Professional, South KoreaSegmented, high tooth frequencyBoth ways3,225,42309560
Anchor Expert, RussiaTurbocharged, for cutting reinforced concretedry129002,222,23125710
Iterskolar Era, ChinaWith a turbo edge with a diamond concentration of more than 30%66002,52301140
Bosch Best for Concrete, GermanyDiamond wheel for grinding thick layers of concrete4,512511200



Types of disks, their features

The industry produces several types of diamond wheels that can be installed on an angle machine:

  • with a segmented body;
  • turbo diamond;
  • wave in a turbo-diamond case.

Diamond wheels of these types are capable of withstanding a very large technological load, designed for cutting reinforced concrete, but the cost of such attachments is the highest. They are divided into professional and household, which is typical for most construction tools. For different operating conditions, they are produced by industry in different designs.

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