How to calculate how many cubes of concrete are needed for the foundation?

Construction begins with a project. It is recommended to first sketch even small structures on paper so that you can clearly see the proportions and estimate the consumption of materials. For serious buildings, you need design and estimate documentation made by professionals, but when building a private house, cottage, fence or garage, you can get by with online calculators or ready-made solutions. The most important issue in the construction of structures is the construction of a reliable foundation, and therefore the question of how to calculate the amount of concrete for the foundation is paramount.

It is not difficult to calculate concrete for the foundation if you are certain about the size and type of structure. The type of foundation and its dimensions should be determined by an experienced builder, based on the characteristics of the building under construction, the type of soil and the depth of its freezing in the area.

Information on the purpose of the calculator.

The online calculator for a monolithic strip foundation
is designed to calculate the dimensions, formwork, quantity and diameter of reinforcement and the volume of concrete required for the construction of this type of foundation. To determine the appropriate type of foundation, be sure to contact a specialist.

All calculations are performed in accordance with SNiP 52-01-2003 “Concrete and reinforced concrete structures”, SNiP 3.03.01-87 and GOST R 52086-2003

A strip foundation is a monolithic closed reinforced concrete strip running under each load-bearing wall of a building, thereby distributing the load along the entire length of the strip. Prevents subsidence and changes in the shape of the building due to the action of soil heaving forces. The main loads are concentrated at the corners. It is the most popular type among other foundations in the construction of private houses, as it has the best ratio of cost and necessary characteristics.

There are several types of strip foundations, such as monolithic and prefabricated, shallow and deep buried. The choice depends on the characteristics of the soil, the expected load and other parameters that must be considered in each case individually. Suitable for almost all types of buildings and can be used when constructing basements and basements.

The design of the foundation must be carried out especially carefully, since if it is deformed, this will affect the entire structure, and correcting errors is a very complex and expensive procedure.

When filling out the data, pay attention to the additional information with the sign.

The following is a complete list of calculations performed with a brief description of each item. You can also ask your question using the form on the right.

Online calculator help

If you don’t want to spend hours doing calculations, you can use an online calculator found on the Internet, which will not only perform all the calculations, but also provide additional data on the amount of material for formwork and reinforcement, and the required volumes of concrete mixture components.

To perform the calculation, you will need to provide the following data to the program:

  1. Foundation type: tiled, strip, columnar, combined.
  2. Design parameters: length, width, thickness of internal and external elements, depth.
  3. Proposed brand of concrete. This data will be required to determine the number of components of the mixture.

After entering the data, the calculator will take only a few seconds to perform all calculations as accurately as possible, saving time and nerves. In addition, the likelihood of error in this case is minimal, provided that the initial values ​​were entered correctly.

The disadvantage of the online calculator is that the choice of possible foundation configurations is limited, so it is not applicable for complex structures. But if you break it down into simpler elements, the calculations can be done automatically.

General information on the calculation results.

  • The total length of the tape is the perimeter of the foundation.
  • The area of ​​the base of the tape is the area where the foundation rests on the soil. Corresponds to the dimensions of the required waterproofing.
  • External side surface area - Corresponds to the area of ​​the required insulation for the external side of the foundation.
  • Volume of concrete - The volume of concrete required to pour the entire foundation with the given parameters. Since the volume of concrete ordered may differ slightly from the actual one, as well as due to compaction during pouring, it is necessary to order with a 10% reserve.
  • Concrete weight - The approximate weight of concrete based on average density is indicated.
  • Load on the soil from the foundation - Distributed load over the entire area of ​​the support.
  • Minimum diameter of longitudinal reinforcement bars - Minimum diameter according to SP 52-101-2003, taking into account the relative content of reinforcement from the cross-sectional area of ​​the tape.
  • Minimum number of rows of reinforcement in the upper and lower chords - The minimum number of rows of longitudinal bars in each chord to prevent deformation of the tape under the influence of compression and tension forces.
  • Minimum diameter of transverse reinforcement bars (clamps) - Minimum diameter of transverse and vertical reinforcement bars (clamps) according to SP 52-101-2003.
  • Pitch of transverse reinforcement bars (clamps) - Pitch of stirrups necessary to prevent shifts of the reinforcement cage when pouring concrete.
  • The amount of overlap of reinforcement - When fastening sections of rods with an overlap.
  • Total length of reinforcement - The length of all reinforcement for tying the frame, taking into account the overlap.
  • Total reinforcement weight - The weight of the reinforcement cage.
  • Formwork board thickness - Calculated thickness of formwork boards in accordance with GOST R 52086-2003, for given foundation parameters and at a given support spacing.
  • Number of boards for formwork - The amount of material for formwork of a given size.

General calculation rules

You can calculate the volume of concrete using an online calculator or, remembering your school geometry course, do all the calculations yourself.

As initial data you can use:

  • foundation configuration;
  • its parameters: length, width, thickness, depth.

A concrete structure necessarily contains reinforcement, which also occupies a certain volume. But since it is insignificant (less than 1% of the entire foundation), this variable is usually neglected.

The resulting volume value must be increased by approximately 10%, since losses of concrete are inevitable during its transportation, preparation and pouring. In addition, the mixture thickens and decreases in volume when bayoneted as air is removed from it.

You should be careful when making calculations: as a rule, if you need to urgently order an additional portion of concrete, the costs of its preparation and delivery increase significantly.

How to calculate how many cubes of concrete are needed for a strip foundation?

The foundation is a very important and expensive element of a building. The durability and strength of a house or outbuilding depends on how correctly it is built (filled). and considering that, depending on specific conditions, the cost of a strip foundation can range from 30 to 70 percent of the construction cost, it is very important to correctly calculate how much concrete will be needed for its construction.

In this case, the following factors influence the design of the strip foundation:

  • Relief of the land plot for construction of the structure;
  • Soil type;
  • Soil freezing depth. Affects the amount of foundation heaving;
  • Height of groundwater. It also affects the amount of foundation heaving (linear movement in winter).

The calculations use the usual mathematical and geometric formulas that are taught as part of the high school curriculum.

Calculation of the volume of components

To obtain a specific concrete of the required grade, you need to know exactly how many and what components need to be prepared. Cement consists of several elements. To prepare it you need cement, sand, filler (gravel, crushed stone or other) and water. In order to improve the properties of concrete, special additives can be used.

In order to determine what needs to be prepared, you first need to determine what kind of concrete is needed for the job. In this case, it is necessary first of all to take into account the tasks for which it should be used.

You need to start by identifying the right brand. Each of them is designed to solve a specific type of problem and has the appropriate strength characteristics. For example, when building a foundation, you need to take into account its type, soil properties, the need for frost or moisture resistance and other characteristics.

The correct choice of concrete grade will ensure the durability of the building Source

Not only strength is important, but also the mobility that an already hardened mixture has.

It is not recommended to choose M100 or M200 for the foundation. Such concrete is fragile, but will be relatively cheap. M300 or M350 is perfect for use in the construction of private houses. Brand M400 can be successfully used in the construction of industrial buildings.

More durable grades are used for construction projects. Those of particular importance or those that will have to withstand difficult conditions for a long time. They are highly durable, but are expensive.

If you choose the right characteristics of the concrete used for your home. Then it will stand without the slightest damage for a long time.

There are special tables that indicate how much and what materials will be required to produce a cubic meter of concrete of a certain grade. By calculating the total amount of required material using tables, you can determine the number of required components.

To prepare high-quality concrete, you need to mix the components correctly Source

How to calculate how much concrete is needed for a strip foundation.

Strip foundations are widely used by private developers in the construction of low-rise residential buildings, bathhouses, garages, sheds, temporary buildings and other similar buildings. The popularity of strip foundations lies in the simplicity of the design and the possibility of independent calculation and construction.

How to calculate a cube of concrete for a foundation calculator.

To calculate the amount of concrete needed to pour the foundation, you will need to calculate the volume of the foundation in cubic meters. In this regard, two options are possible. The first option is that the length, width and height of the structure are the same along the entire perimeter of the “ribbon”. The second option is that the height and width of the foundation are variable.

You can calculate how many cubes of concrete are needed for the foundation according to the first option as follows.

For example, by measuring the length of the foundation “ribbon” (perimeter), width and height, you received the following initial data:

  • Foundation perimeter (L): 40 meters. Important! The perimeter is measured not along the external or internal border, but strictly along the center of the foundation trench;
  • Height(H) 1.5 meters;
  • Width(S) 0.7 meters.

We substitute the initial data into the formula for the volume of the parallelepiped V=LxHxS: V=40×1.5×0.7=42 m3. To pour a strip foundation you will need 42 cubic meters of concrete.

An example of calculating concrete for a strip foundation.

How to count cubes of concrete for the foundation of a house.
Let's say your foundation with a total length of 40 meters consists of two parts that differ in width: 10 meters of tape 0.7 meters wide and 30 meters of tape 0.5 meters wide. In this case, we use the same formula for the volume of a parallelepiped, only we make two calculations: for a “piece” of 10 meters (V1) and a “piece” of 30 meters (v2). Then we sum up the resulting volumes and get the volume of concrete to be poured (V)

  • V1=10×1.5×0.7=10.5 m3;
  • V2=30×1.5×0.5=22.5 m3;
  • V=10.5+22.5=33 cubic meters of concrete.

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How much cement will be needed?

To mix concrete for pouring a strip foundation, you need to know how many components are required: cement, sand, crushed stone and water. In general, M200 grade concrete is used for the construction of strip foundations. According to GOST, concrete M200 is mixed in the following proportions of components:

  • Cement – ​​1 part:
  • Sand – 2.8 parts;
  • Crushed stone – 4.4 parts;
  • Water – 20% of the total volume.

Assuming that: 1 m3 of concrete weighs about 1,500 kg, 1 m3 of Portland cement weighs approximately 1,300 kg, 1 m3 of crushed stone 1,450 kg, 1 m3 of sand weighs 1,700 kg, to prepare 1 cubic meter of M200 grade concrete you will need: 255 kg of cement, 1,127 kg of crushed stone, 714 kg of sand and approximately 190 liters of water.

Calculation of how much concrete is needed for the foundation.

Accordingly, for the foundation according to the first option, 42 m3 × 225 kg = 9,450 tons of cement will be needed, and for the foundation according to the second option, 33 m3 × 225 = 7,425 tons of cement. It is worth noting here that the example of how to calculate how much concrete is needed in terms of calculating the components is approximate and requires clarification in each specific case, depending on the true mass of the building materials you imported.

Preparing the base for pouring a concrete pad

Before pouring a concrete area for parking a car in the yard, the base must first be prepared: mark the boundaries of the future parking lot, as well as clean and level the surface.

The main stages of constructing a concrete platform:

  • preparation work;
  • foundation organization;
  • formwork installation;
  • reinforcement;
  • preparation of solution;
  • concreting.

How to calculate the cubic area of ​​a foundation - examples.

Today, depending on the soil on which the building is planned to be erected, three main types of primary elements are used.

How to count cubes of concrete for a foundation.

Each of the above types of foundation has its own advantages and disadvantages. This is due to the fact that each type of foundation behaves differently on different soils, depending on the number of storeys of the building being constructed.


It is a lattice monolithic slab made of reinforced concrete. It is made by pouring the entire area of ​​the future building with concrete. This type of foundation is very popular when constructing buildings on floating or loose soils.

How to calculate the foundation.

  • Ease of manufacture.
  • The ability to erect buildings on soils that have buoyancy or large subsidence.
  • Due to the need for a large amount of concrete and reinforcement, this type of foundation is expensive.
  • A very labor-intensive manufacturing process.

It is made of reinforced concrete and is laid only under the load-bearing walls of the building and between room partitions. This type of primary element is preferably used for buildings with heavy walls or ceilings. Also for buildings in which basement equipment is required.

Calculate how many cubes of concrete are needed for the foundation.

  • High strength.
  • Long service life.
  • Possibility of use for houses of different shapes.
  • Due to the need to carry out excavation work, the construction process is greatly delayed.
  • High economic costs for materials.
  • Labor-intensive process.


It is one of the most common types of bases, as it has a low manufacturing cost. As a rule, it is used on floating soils for buildings with light walls. It is made by installing reinforced concrete pillars, and the space between them is filled with earth.

How to count cubes of concrete for the foundation of a private house.

  • Does not require labor-intensive construction costs.
  • Low manufacturing cost.
  • Difficult to install.
  • Cannot be used for buildings with heavy walls.
  • Low stability on floating soils.

The main aspect of choosing a foundation is the type of soil on which the building is planned to be built. Also, the choice of the primary element depends on the type of building, its number of storeys, the weight of the walls and ceilings.

How to count without errors

To calculate the volume of concrete, you will initially need to take into account several factors:

  1. The amount of finished solution in m3 is calculated. How much of it will be obtained from a pack of dry raw materials depends on the consistency of the dilution, which must fit within the framework indicated on the package.
  2. Calculations begin after choosing the type of foundation.

The type of foundation is determined not by the wishes of the building owner, but by natural conditions and load requirements. Therefore, the type of base is chosen only after conducting research on the depth of soil freezing and its type.

For the foundation

When calculating the amount of concrete needed for the foundation, they are guided by the approved project. When calculating, both parts of the structure are taken into account - above-ground and in the ground. The cross-section of the reinforcement, if any, and the type of base are also taken into account.

The latter could be:

  • tape;
  • pile;
  • columnar with grillage;
  • in the form of a solid slab.

For tape base

The strip type of base is suitable for low buildings, outbuildings, shops and warehouses. It looks like a ribbon running under all load-bearing walls and partitions, which is why it got its name.

The volume of cement mortar for such a structure is calculated with a minimum error, since the reinforcing steel gratings do not take up much space in the structure. You will need to prepare a building plan before calculating the volume of mortar. It will not be possible to redo it after pouring the foundation.

To calculate concrete, you will need to add up the lengths of the “ribbon” along the outside, and then multiply the resulting number by the height and thickness of the future base.

If there is a risk of error in calculations for a foundation of this type, the solution is prepared “with a reserve”. The strength of the structure depends on compliance with the technology: in order for the foundation to withstand the load, it must be poured one day. Then the structure will be monolithic and reliable.

For pile type foundation

Piles are placed at the corners of the building and at the junctions of future load-bearing walls with partitions. A pile foundation is used when it is necessary to give the structure stability and prevent cracking, but at the same time to save on mortar for a monolithic slab. Before calculating the amount of solution for the piles, you need to decide on their shape. It can be rectangular or round.

To calculate the volume of concrete when installing rectangular piles, you will need to multiply the length by the width and height of the pile. Then the resulting figure is multiplied by the desired number of piles.

Calculating concrete for round piles is a little more difficult.

For calculations you will need:

  1. Calculate the cross-sectional area of ​​the pile. To do this, the number “pi” (3.14) is multiplied by the square of the radius of the supporting element.
  2. The resulting number is multiplied by the length of the support. This is the amount of concrete for one pile.
  3. The volume of cement mass for one element is multiplied by the required number of structures. The resulting figure is included in the estimate.

The error in calculating concrete for a pile foundation is minimal. This is due to the fact that there are no voids or reinforcement inside the piles.

For a columnar base with a reinforced concrete grillage

In soils prone to landslides, waterlogging, and seismic shifts, only a complex structure of piles with a grillage can be used as a foundation. Piles are installed deep into the soil to ensure the immobility of the load-bearing element, and the grillage is identical in appearance to the tape running under all load-bearing walls and partitions.

Not knowing how to calculate cubes of concrete for such a structure, builders make the mistake of taking into account only the length, width and height of most of the foundation, that is, the grillage. In such cases, the solution is not enough to cover the depth of the piles.

Correct calculations prevent the situation:

  1. Calculate the amount of mortar for supports according to the algorithm for a pile-type foundation.
  2. Determine the volume of concrete for the grillage in the same way as for a strip foundation.
  3. Add the resulting values.

If the calculations are carried out correctly, the error in them will be no more than 5%.

For a solid slab foundation

This type of foundation is used when it is necessary to build a building on soil with high humidity. The disadvantage is the inability to build a building with a basement. The advantages of a structure with such support are uniform distribution of the load over the entire area of ​​soil under the building, increased rigidity and stability.

Before calculating the cubic capacity of concrete for a slab base, you will need to determine the perimeter of the walls of the future building - the slab must protrude beyond their boundaries. Calculations are carried out using the formula “length*width*height”.

The foundation in the form of a slab is reinforced with reinforcement. Its presence leads to errors when trying to calculate the amount of solution using the “manual” method.

For building walls

The typical solution in the construction of multi-story buildings was wall panels or concrete blocks. The disadvantage of such structures is the internal voids, which do not provide normal heat and sound insulation. Such walls are fragile and are not used for modern construction, since there are other methods.

One of them is creating a wall from concrete mortar poured onto reinforcement. Calculations of the required volume of the finished mixture are carried out in the same way as planning concrete for the foundation. Only when making calculations will you need to take into account that some of the walls are not solid slabs, but U- or O-shaped structures.

In order not to count excess concrete, it is enough to subtract the product of the length and the width of the window or doorway from the product of the length by the width of the wall itself. The resulting number is multiplied by the thickness of the wall. By adding up the total volumes of concrete for all walls, the number included in the estimate is found. Deviations in calculations do not exceed 5%

The error in calculations is provided not only by concrete shrinkage, but also by wall reinforcement.

For filling the floor

Concrete screed is a mandatory structural element for most permanent buildings. It increases the load-bearing capacity of the floor, enhances noise and heat insulation. The thickness of the concrete mortar screed should be within 5-10 cm; violation of this condition will lead to cracking of the floor in the future.

Calculating the amount of concrete to fill the floor is quite simple; you need to calculate the area of ​​the room (multiply the length by the width). The resulting figure is multiplied by the thickness of the screed, this will be the number of cubic meters of concrete needed for laying.

This technology only works if the base for the screed does not have slopes or drops, which is practically never encountered in construction practice.

Therefore, before calculating the volume of the solution, you will need to determine:

  1. The highest point of the floor in the room. This is “point 0” from which the thickness of the screed layer is calculated.
  2. The difference in cm between point 0 and the lowest point of the floor in the room.
  3. When calculating, add half the height of the difference between the high and low points to the desired thickness of the screed. If the thickness of the screed at point 0 should be 5 cm, and the difference between “zero” and the deepest point is 2 cm, then in calculations the height of the screed is taken to be 6 cm.

Such calculations are inaccurate; when they are carried out, the error is up to 10-20%. This risk must be included in the estimate so that when pouring the floor there are no problems with a lack of material.

When calculating, take into account the composition of concrete and the type of screed. The roughing is done with the same mixture that is used to fill the walls and foundation. When creating a leveling layer, you will need to choose concrete without crushed stone, shell rock and other large fractions.

The influence of soil on the depth of foundation.

Ignorance of the characteristics of the soil on which it is planned to erect any building can lead to the fact that it begins to sag and collapse.

As a rule, the top layer of earth has a significant amount of organic residues, which affects its uneven subsidence and shrinkage. Consequently, such a layer of soil cannot be used as a cushion for the base.

Coarse, medium sandy and gravelly soils are best for foundations. The minimum depth for laying can be 0.5 meters. If the soil consists of fine sand or sandy loam, the groundwater level should be taken into account. Since sand, when filled with water, loses its load-bearing properties. Also, when such soil freezes, it can swell and sag unevenly.

As for clayey and sandy loam soils, they have good load-bearing properties, but when wet they begin to sag under their own weight.

In order to determine at what depth it is necessary to lay the foundation, you need to be guided by the following features.

  • The number of floors of the building, the type of its construction, the weight of the walls and ceilings.
  • The magnitude of the loads on the future foundation.
  • The depth of the primary element in neighboring buildings (if they are present).
  • Geological and hydrogeological properties of the soil on which construction is planned.
  • The base of the soil under the foundation should not be heaving.
  • The maximum depth of soil freezing in places where construction is planned.

Having all the information about the features described above, you can determine the most suitable depth for laying the foundation.

Types of foundations

The main feature by which foundations are classified is the type of structure:

  1. Tape - a strip passing under all load-bearing walls;
  2. Slab - a shallow reinforced slab under the entire area of ​​the building;
  3. Columnar - a system of point supports that distribute the weight of the structure onto the ground.

The upper plane of the structure is called the edge - it is the basis for the walls, taking the load from them. The bottom plane is called the sole, it distributes the weight onto the ground.

Factors to consider when choosing a base type:

  • complexity of the project, presence of a basement floor;
  • materials used;
  • load;
  • ground water level;
  • soil type.

Formula for calculating the cubic area of ​​the foundation.

How to calculate a cube of concrete for a foundation.
To calculate the cubic area of ​​the primary element, use the volume calculation formula. For which I use the following data:

These data are multiplied together to obtain the cubic area of ​​the base. Example WxHxD = cubic area. It is also worth remembering that concrete tends to shrink when it dries, this occurs due to the evaporation of water from it, so when calculating the cubic area it is worth taking this factor into account. The percentage by which concrete shrinks depends on the brand of concrete and you can find out this data from its specification.

Why do you need the cubic capacity of the foundation?

The volume of the supporting base is important to determine for several reasons:

  • First, the known volume of the foundation helps to accurately determine the volume of excavation work and the costs associated with this stage.
  • Secondly, based on the volume of the foundation, it is not difficult to determine the required amount of concrete mass and building materials that will be required to prepare the solution.
  • Thirdly, knowing the volume of the foundation, you can easily calculate the consumption of materials that will be required for formwork, creating a reinforcing frame and other activities.

In construction, when calculating foundation parameters, volume is taken as the basic unit, not mass, since 1 m3 of concrete mixture of different brands has different weights. To determine the cubic capacity of a complex-shaped foundation, the structure is divided into simpler shapes.

The calculation of the volume of the foundation is carried out according to a certain scheme, which depends on the type of foundation.

How to calculate.

Each type of primary element has its own way of calculating the required volume of concrete. Also, to calculate it, you need to know the type of soil and its load-bearing properties. Calculation of the volume of the underlying material for each type is carried out as follows:

  • Monolithic slab. To calculate the slab base, you need to know the area of ​​the building being erected and the thickness of the poured primary element. Having these values, it is enough to multiply them together to obtain the required number of cubes of concrete. Also, if the structure of the foundation contains stiffening ribs, it is necessary to calculate the volume of each rib and add them to the total number of cubic meters of the foundation.
  • Tape base. To calculate the volume of a strip primary element, it is enough to divide it into conditional walls. Then calculate their volume by multiplying their width by height and length. The results obtained must be summarized. In this way, it will be known how many cubic meters of concrete are needed to lay the strip foundation.
  • Columnar base. The volume of a pile element is calculated in the following way: the volume of one pile is multiplied by their number, resulting in the required amount of concrete. The only difficulty in calculating a pile foundation is calculating the volume of one column, since their shape can be either cylindrical or pentagonal. The volume of simple cylindrical shapes is calculated as follows: the area of ​​the circle (3.14*R^2, where R is the radius of the pile, half its diameter) of the base of the pillar is multiplied by its height.

Also, when calculating the volume of the primary basis, more complex calculations may arise. For example, when several types of foundation are used at one facility. In such cases, it is necessary to make a separate calculation for each type, and then summarize the results obtained.

Basics of calculation

To calculate the volume, you need to multiply the width, height and length of the figure into which the concrete will be poured. Mostly you have to work with rectangular shapes. These are reinforced concrete blocks, slabs, foundations and other structures.

Naturally, if the figure is too large, it can be divided into parts to make counting easier. Most often this has to be done when working with a foundation, since the structure is not always rectangular. For example, a house may have various protrusions and other areas that make the shape more complex.

Calculation example.

How to calculate cubes of concrete for a foundation calculator.
Let's say it is necessary to lay a strip foundation for a one-story residential building 10 meters long and 6 meters wide on a flat area. In this case, the soil is gravel and the minimum depth of the primary element can be 0.5 meters. The width of the foundation is also planned to be 0.5 meters.

Therefore, there is all the necessary data to carry out the calculation, which consists of the following steps:

  1. It is necessary to find out the total length of the foundation being laid. To do this, it is necessary to sum the length and width of the building together. Example L 10mx2 = 20m and W 6mx2 = 12 m, 20m+12 m = 32 m total base length.
  2. Having the total length of the primary element, you can calculate the cubic area by multiplying its height by its width and length. Example 0.5m x 0.5m x 32m = 8 cubic meters.

Based on the results of the example, it follows that to lay the foundation for a house measuring approximately 10 by 6 meters (since the percentage of concrete shrinkage is unknown) 8 cubic meters of concrete are needed.

If a tiled base is used for the same house, the calculation will be as follows:

  1. You need to find out the total area of ​​the foundation; to do this, multiply the length of the building by its width. Example L 10m x W 6m = 60 square meters.
  2. The resulting result of the total area of ​​the foundation must be multiplied by its thickness. Example 60 m2 x T 0.5 m = 30 cubic meters.

As can be seen from the examples, the procedure for calculating the cubic area of ​​the base does not contain anything beyond the natural, so its calculation can be carried out by any person who does not have an architectural education.

Monolithic slab foundation

This type of foundation has the simplest form, and therefore the calculation of the estimate will be very simple. As in the case of a strip project, the volume of a monolithic slab will be the required cubic capacity. To calculate it, multiply the area of ​​the designed slab by its height. Here's an example: for a house that fills a 6x6 m plot, the area of ​​the slab itself will be equal to 36 squares. The thickness of the monolithic slab must be more than 0.1 m - for example, let's take 0.3 m. Multiply 36 by 0.3 - we get 10.8 cubic meters.

If the slab is additionally reinforced with stiffeners, then when calculating, you need to know their volume in advance. To do this, multiply the cross-sectional area of ​​the rib by the total length of the reinforcing structure. The resulting number must be added to the calculated cubic capacity of concrete.

Estimated cost.

In order to calculate the estimated cost of laying a foundation, it is necessary to divide the work process into stages:

  1. Excavation. The cost of excavation work averages 150 rubles per cubic meter. That is, for a ditch 0.5 m deep and 0.5 m wide for a strip primary element for a house 10 by 6 meters, you will have to pay 1,200 rubles. Example L 10mx2 = 20m and W 6m x 2 = 12m, 20m + 12m = 32m, L 32m x W 0.5m x W 0.5 m = 8 cubic meters of land which we multiply by the cost of work 8 × 150 = 1200 rubles.
  2. Laying a sand cushion. After the pit is ready, it is necessary to make a sand cushion around the entire perimeter of the foundation 0.2 meters thick. Therefore, 32m x 0.5m x 0.2m = 3.2 cubic meters of sand. The approximate cost of sand is 600 rubles per cubic meter 600×3.2 = 1920 rubles. You also need to take into account the cost of the work, which is 100 rubles per cubic meter, which comes out to 1920+320 = 2240 rubles.
  3. Laying crushed stone base. Crushed stone for the foundation is also laid along its entire perimeter with a thickness of 0.2 meters. From previous calculations it is known that with such a thickness 3.2 cubic meters of crushed stone is needed. The cost of crushed stone with delivery is approximately 1,500 rubles, and the cost of laying it is 150 rubles per cubic meter. The result is 4980 rubles for work and crushed stone.
  4. Installation of formwork. For formwork, as a rule, they use an edged board with a thickness of at least 0.2 millimeters and a 50 x 50 mm beam for spacers. With a formwork height of 0.5 m and a board width of 30 cm and a length of 6 meters, 16 pieces will be needed. The cost of one board is approximately 200 rubles per piece, which turns out to be 3200 plus 700 rubles per beam, totaling 3900 for the formwork.
  5. Pouring concrete . As is known from previous calculations, 8 cubic meters are needed to fill the foundation. The cost of one cubic meter of concrete grade M 300 is 4,200 rubles. It turns out that the cost of concrete will be 33,600 rubles.

Having calculated the approximate cost of work and materials, we can summarize that 1200 + 2240 + 4980 + 3900 + 33600 = 45,920 rubles will be the estimated cost of the strip base.

Recommendation: Good review article. After carefully reading the article and working through it, you can easily calculate the cubes of concrete for the foundation. Pay special attention to tolerances, i.e. count the concrete with a small margin, otherwise there may not be enough. Adding concrete is always more difficult and many problems will arise.

Calculation of concrete for a columnar base

For a columnar foundation, the volume of each column is calculated and multiplied by the number.
Recessed supports at such a foundation are formed by pouring mortar into prepared deep (below the frost mark) niches. The pillars are placed around the perimeter of the building and at the junctions of the walls. In cross section they can have the shape of a square or a circle. The supports protrude 0.4-0.5 m above the ground, uniting into a common structure with a grillage.

Before calculating the cubic capacity of the foundation, you need to decide on the number of pillars, their height and cross-section parameters. In addition, the dimensions of the grillage are important (its volume is calculated according to the same scheme as that of the strip base). Then the cross-sectional area of ​​the pillar is determined in accordance with its shape (circle or quadrangle) and linear parameters (radius or side lengths). Next, you need to find the volume of supports from the expression V=n*S*l. S in this formula is the cut area of ​​the pillar, n is their number, l is the total height (composed of the outer and underground parts). To find the total volume of concrete, the cubic capacity of the grillage and pillars is added up. The resulting expression is multiplied by the reliability coefficient k=1.02.

How to make a parking lot with your own hands, step-by-step instructions

Even those who have no experience in this can make a car parking lot on their own property with their own hands. The main thing here is to know the sequence of necessary work and strictly follow it. To install a concrete parking lot you need:

  • prepare the surface;
  • install formwork;
  • strengthen the structure by reinforcement;
  • pour concrete.

Important! If cracks appear in the parking lot during use, they are rubbed down with ordinary cement mortar.

Surface preparation

Preparatory measures for organizing parking for a car in the yard include:

  • marking the boundaries of the area where concrete will be poured;
  • removal of weeds and debris;
  • preparing a pit - excavating soil at least 20 cm deep to get rid of the roots of weeds and prevent their subsequent germination;
  • installing a sand cushion of about 15 cm, which must be leveled, thoroughly compacted and slightly moistened;
  • filling a crushed stone layer of at least 10 cm, leveling and compacting;
  • geotextile flooring to prevent the pillow from spreading under the load from the solution.

Important! It is necessary to ensure that the site slopes in one direction (or two) so that water from washing the car or rain drains away.

Installation of formwork

Before pouring concrete into the future site, it is necessary to arrange removable formwork to create smooth edges. This can be done using plywood, iron, boards, curb stones or plastic, fastening the fences together. The formwork is installed before the sand cushion is filled in to prevent the solution from leaking out. To level the solution, it is recommended to use beacons with a pitch of 50 cm, which are suitable as metal pins. Notches are made on them to determine how smooth the surface is, and a cord is secured between them along the notches. The check is carried out at the building level.


To increase the strength of a concrete platform, it is necessary to perform reinforcement. The reinforcement frame is a mesh of metal rods 0.8-1 cm in diameter, fastened with wire. The reinforcement process consists of laying the frame on a layer of sand and crushed stone.

Filling the parking lot

The prepared concrete solution is poured onto the site and carefully leveled along the beacons. You can level the composition with any flat strip or special tool. Filling is done in one go, so when mixing, you need to make a volume that will be used up immediately.

Important! Do not pour the solution when the outside temperature is below 5°C.

How to determine the thickness of the fill layer?

To properly fill the courtyard in front of the building, you first need to understand the thickness of the coating being performed.

The height of the fill layer is selected taking into account the purposes for which the site will be used:

  • For a patio or walkway, you can limit yourself to a layer of 5–7 cm.
  • If the area will be used for children's games or as a walking area, it is enough to pour concrete to a height of 8 cm.
  • When constructing a platform in a garage or when using the surface as parking for a car, the thickness of the concrete base must be at least 10 cm.
  • The construction of a site for commercial purposes, for the movement of forklifts and freight vehicles, requires a layer thickness of 15 cm.

Additionally, it will be necessary to reinforce the concrete, which will ensure its higher strength and longer service life.

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