How to correctly calculate cement consumption per 1 m3 of concrete, how many bags are needed, calculation

The main component of any concrete is cement. All technical characteristics of concrete depend on its quantity and quality; moreover, it is the most expensive component of concrete. It is for these reasons that it is important to know how much cement is required per 1 cubic meter of concrete in order to get a good ratio of price and quality of the resulting product.

We have prepared a detailed description of cement consumption per 1 cubic meter of concrete, depending on its brand and area of ​​application. The main data is presented in tables, so even a novice builder can handle the material calculations.

Types of cement

Cements are classified into grades based on strength. In addition, depending on the chemical composition, several types of cement are distinguished:

  1. Rapid-hardening Portland cements (RPC). This Portland cement contains certain mineral additives that contribute to an intensive increase in strength in the initial period of hardening. Therefore, for such cement, the calculated strength is indicated at the age of not only 28, but also 3 days.
  2. Sulfate-resistant Portland cement. By reducing the amount of aluminates in clinker, resistance to sulfates is achieved. Varieties are available with and without the addition of active mineral compounds.
  3. Cement with the addition of surfactants. Allows you to obtain more mobile concrete mixtures.
  4. White Portland cements.
  5. Pozzolanic Portland cements. They contain additives of sedimentary origin in an amount of 20-30%, due to which they have increased sulfate resistance and stability in fresh water. Concrete based on pozzolanic cement hardens very quickly at elevated temperatures, and when autoclaved it reaches its design strength in 6-8 hours.
  6. Slag cements. This group includes slag Portland cement (blast furnace slag is added to the clinker in an amount from 21 to 60%) and lime-slag Portland cement (furnace slag and lime are added to the clinker). Slag cements are characterized by a slow increase in strength compared to Portland cement.
  7. Aluminous cements. Clinker is rich in alumina and calcium oxide, which leads to the production of cement, the concrete from which quickly sets and hardens. Unlike Portland cement, aluminous cements do not contain gypsum or mineral additives.
  8. Expanding cements. As a result of the addition of expanding additives, cements are obtained, the solution of which increases the volume.

Dependence of cement powder consumption on related factors

You should know how many bags of cement are in one cube of concrete, focusing not only on mathematics and practical methods close to the “by eye” method. This depends on the following factors:

  • the desired brand and how quickly the mixture should set;
  • plasticity and mobility of the mixture;
  • type of other fillers used during mixing.

In fact, you will need to evaluate all the materials included in the mixture. In this case, it will be clear how much concrete can be obtained from the existing powder material or how much cement a cube of concrete will contain after mixing.

A bag as a measure

To simplify calculations, buy building material in 50 kg bags.

It is better to buy building material in bags packaged in 50 kg bags. This will make your calculations easier. For example, to make M100 cement, you will need 166 kg, or 3 bags plus 16 kg. And for the M150 brand you will need 205 kg or 4 bags and another 5 kg.

Using a bag as a kind of measuring device is cost-effective and very convenient. For example, some builders make a solution as follows: 1 bag of cement hardener, 5 bags of crushed stone and 3 bags of sand. The result is a high-quality solution.

From mathematics lessons we know that 1 cube contains 1,000,000 cm³. Therefore, in one part there are 111,111 cm³, while in 1 cm³ there are 3 g of cement, so the consumption per cube of concrete is 333,333 g or 333 kg.

  • brand M-450 – 469 kg;
  • brand M-400 – 417 kg;
  • brand M-300 – 319 kg;
  • brand M-250 – 300 kg;
  • brand M-200 – 241 kg;
  • brand M-150 – 205 kg;
  • brand M-100 – 166 kg.

Norm of cement input per cubic meter of concrete.

When making concrete mortar, grade 400 cement is mainly used as a binder. When using a lower grade, its quantity is increased. So, for example, when using the M-300 grade, the amount of cement should be increased by 30%.

To make a concrete mixture, the water must be absolutely clean, without any admixture of oil or other foreign elements. It is quite difficult to determine the required amount of water in advance, because the moisture content of sand and crushed stone, as well as the moisture requirement of cement, matters here. The required volume of water is determined already in the process of mixing the concrete mixture. To obtain medium-plastic concrete with 20 mm crushed stone particles, 205 liters of water will be required.

To produce high-quality concrete, it is necessary that the components (sand and crushed stone) are clean and the cement is fresh. It is advisable to rinse the crushed stone from particles of earth and clay, and thoroughly sift the sand using an inclined mesh with cells no larger than 1x1 cm; it is better to rinse it if possible.

It is better to use clean, coarse sand for concrete, without unnecessary inclusions of clay, silt and organic particles. To prevent foreign particles from getting into the solution, it is advisable to sift the sand in advance. The strength of the concrete solution depends on how clean the sand is. The ingress of dirty sand entails an increase in cement consumption (about 10-20% from the standard norm).

It is better to take fine aggregate (crushed stone) (with a fraction of 5-20 mm). Good results are obtained by using crushed stone from natural rocks, crushed or small river gravel.

Now we know how much cement is needed to prepare 1 cubic meter of concrete. When calculating the amount of building materials, the main thing to remember is that the higher the planned load, the higher the grade of cement required.

Ivan, in this case you need to start from a 10 liter bucket. Fill a full bucket with sand and add 1/3 of cement, mix everything - 10 liters. or.

October 16, 2015

How is ready-mixed concrete calculated for 1 square meter of screed 5 cm thick? How much sand and cement will this require? So as not to buy too much. Want.

October 12, 2015

For different brands of concrete, if measured by volume, then only the ratio of sand and crushed stone to cement changes, and water is always taken exactly half of the volume of cement.

October 20, 2015

Ivan, in this case you need to start from a 10 liter bucket. Fill a full bucket with sand and add 1/3 of cement, mix everything - 10 liters. or.

October 16, 2015

How is ready-mixed concrete calculated for 1 square meter of screed 5 cm thick? How much sand and cement will this require? So as not to buy too much. Want.

October 12, 2015

For different brands of concrete, if measured by volume, then only the ratio of sand and crushed stone to cement changes, and water is always taken exactly half of the volume of cement.

A few additions: 1. If you need to perform high-quality waterproofing with liquid rubber, it is advisable to use geotextiles over the entire surface. Consumption.

September 23, 2015

How and with what to make the upper border of the foundation cladding (natural stone, flagstone)?

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The basic method for calculating the required amount of sand concrete mortar

Professional and private builders are able to calculate how much sand concrete is needed for 1 cubic meter of concrete. After all, such building material is one of the most important components at various stages of repair. The costs of building materials depend on the quality of raw materials. The sand concrete mixture includes the following components:

  • a special chemical substance that has high strength and astringent properties - first grade Portland cement;
  • sand with a fraction size of no more than 3 millimeters;
  • plasticizers, which have the properties of increasing moisture resistance and strength of building materials;
  • In order to improve the properties, granite powder is added to the solution.

How many bags of sand concrete are in 1m3? The mixtures are sold in prepackaged packages weighing 25, 40 and 50 kg. This building material is a type of heavy concrete, for this reason the mass of one m3 is approximately 2.4 tons. Using special calculations, when the consumption of sand concrete is 20 kg per 1 square meter, with a layer thickness of 1 cm, then the quantity is calculated using the following formula:

  • the volume of a forty kilogram bag is divided by 20 kg, resulting in 2 cm. In order to process 100 cm/2 cm of area, 50 bags will be needed;
  • if the volume is 50 kg, then in order to treat an area of ​​1 m2 you will need 40 packages.

Before determining the required amount of sand concrete per 1 m3 of solution, it is recommended to take into account the condition of the surface layer, the required mixture proportions and the thickness of the coating.

It is recommended to determine this using the following parameters: 1 m3 of sand concrete has a weight of 2400 kg, which must be divided by the package weight of 40 kilograms. The total is:

  • 0.010 cubic meters in a 25 kg sand concrete bag;
  • 0.017 cubic meters in a 40 kg sand concrete bag;
  • 0.021 m3 per 50 kg package.

General information

This type of foundation will be most suitable for houses whose walls are made of brick, stone or concrete, as well as for structures using heavy floors. Installation work will require a large amount of building materials, so if you do not want to seriously spend money in the future, very carefully calculate the volume of concrete for a strip foundation.

Otherwise, it may simply not be enough, and additional delivery can seriously increase the final estimate. Therefore, the calculation must be as accurate as possible; this will save not only time, but also money.

Calculator for calculating the amount of concrete for a strip foundation on the website

Geometric dimensions and depth

Before starting construction work, it is necessary to draw up a project plan. For such work, it is best to use the services of qualified specialists. Otherwise, you will have to do the calculation of the amount of concrete for a strip foundation, drawings and graphs yourself, which, without special preparation, significantly increases the likelihood of error.

What dimensions do you need to know to calculate?

Even before the first stage of construction, you should already clearly know the nature and sequence of all work, as well as the required amount of materials for their implementation.

In order to calculate concrete for a strip foundation you will need:

  • roulette;
  • calculator;
  • pen or pencil;
  • notebook or notepad.

Bookmark conditions

One of the most important characteristics of this type of foundation is its depth. Its correct determination is influenced by many factors, including the composition of the soil and the depth of its freezing.

For example, if it is clayey on a construction site, the depth of its freezing will be quite large, which implies a deeper laying. (See also the article Concrete grinding: features.)

But, this also leads to high costs for:

  • digging a pit;
  • greater consumption of concrete and reinforcing materials.

However, it will not be possible to do without such work; remember, if the foundation is installed at a shallower depth, its strength will not be sufficient.

Using special equipment to drill holes


I would like to note that such a base is quite durable and also has several other advantages over other types. For example, the filling process is easy and quick, so you can do it yourself. Also quite simple is the calculation of concrete for a strip foundation, for which we only need to know the height and width of the future foundation.

Convenience of calculation is possible due to the rectangular shape of such an object. As a result, the area is very easy to obtain; the instructions recommend multiplying the length by the width.

Another important condition that is recommended to be observed is that the width of the base must be at least 2 times less than the height. The total length of the base includes the outer perimeter of the building, as well as the sum of the lengths of all partitions located in the room

Here it is worth paying attention to one important detail - if the interior partition is not load-bearing, you can lay a lighter base under it. This will also help reduce the final cost estimate, since the price of high-quality concrete is quite high. Correct calculation of the amount of concrete is impossible without determining the volume of the base

To do this, you need to multiply the total length of the tape and its cross-sectional area

Correct calculation of the amount of concrete is impossible without determining the volume of the base. To do this, you need to multiply the total length of the tape and its cross-sectional area.

When calculating the volume for pouring, the above-ground and underground parts of the base should be taken into account

Additional recommendations

Once you have decided how much cement is needed for 1 cube of mortar, you can begin to prepare the necessary equipment and materials. Filling should be carried out in the warm season. However, if there is a need to carry out manipulations at sub-zero temperatures, then special substances can be added that help concrete gain strength under difficult conditions.

However, the master must be aware that in weather conditions characterized by sub-zero temperatures, work will be difficult. You will have to heat the water, which will prevent the mixture from freezing. If ice is allowed to form, this may cause an increase in the volume of the solution, which, in turn, can lead to destruction of the structure from the inside.

An elementary formula of proportions or how to calculate cement consumption

So, the easiest way to calculate cement consumption is using the standard formula, applicable to all brands: 1/3/5, where the first indicator is the number of parts of cement, the second is the number of parts of sand, the third is the number of parts of crushed stone. Can be measured using various containers, such as buckets.

And water is added in the amount necessary to mix the solution of appropriate thickness. However, not everything is so simple; the calculation of cement consumption for the foundation also depends on the strength of the final material. To simplify the problem, based on the strength grade of concrete, we will calculate not the proportions of this or that cement, but the grade of cement itself at the above-mentioned proportions.

To do this, the load per square centimeter of the foundation is multiplied by 2. This is the value of the required brand. Those. with a load of 200 kg per 1 cm2, the cement consumption rates will be as follows: M400 cement in proportions 1/3/5.

It should be noted that ideally for permanent buildings concrete should be used that can withstand at least 200 kg per cm2. This applies to both monolithic and strip foundations for low-rise buildings

Violating the rules and lowering the grade of concrete can lead to dire consequences, so it is very important to follow the established standards during the construction of the foundation

M150 concrete, obtained by mixing M300 cement, crushed stone and sand in the specified proportions, can only be used in foundations for small outbuildings, paths, and fences. It is also advisable to use 200 grade concrete for small buildings; M250 and M300 are also excellent for low-rise construction. In order to make a foundation with your own hands, this is enough.


Low-rise buildings and structures (up to three floors) require a good foundation. Of course, it depends both on the territorial location and on the upcoming structural load. Since foundations with poured concrete are strip foundations, we can assume that this will be used in the middle zone, not in earthquake-prone areas, since the use of such foundations is prohibited in such areas.

If the pressure per centimeter of the grillage base is more than 400 kg, then a concrete grade of at least M350 is selected with the proportions cement (1), sand (1), crushed stone (2.5), water (0.5).

If the parameters of the future load are unknown, and the customer also has no idea about this, it is better to play it safe and make heavier concrete M450 with the proportions: cement (1), sand (1), crushed stone or other backfill (2), water (0.5) . Such foundations are much more expensive than their less strong counterparts, at least three to four times, judging by the M200, so it is also worth carrying out an economic calculation and the feasibility of pouring heavier concrete.

Making concrete with your own hands

The main tool for preparing concrete is a concrete mixer, as well as a shovel and bucket. You also need several buckets and a wheelbarrow (stretcher). But if a concrete mixer is not available, then you can prepare a solution using improvised means. To do this, you will need some kind of wooden box, a plastic bath, although a metal one will do. In addition, two shovels, a couple of buckets. Of course, it is advisable to take a wheelbarrow. Other tools include a tamper, level, tape measure and meter, and don’t forget about the rules.

Set aside only a bucket and a shovel for cement; they should not get wet. Although you can also use a regular paint knife, making a cut in the bag and pouring the cement directly into the container. For sand and crushed stone, we will also set aside a set of shovels and buckets, which should not come into contact with the cement. After preparation, you can begin making cement, carefully measuring out the required amount with buckets.

After receiving the cement mortar, you need to add crushed stone and sand, then mix thoroughly until a homogeneous layer appears. The easiest way to mix is ​​to dig under the solution and then use vertical movements from above to “divide” the solution.

This allows you to mix almost all the components, lifting from the bottom what does not react well. Then make a “pyramid” of arbitrary angles, shapes and make a depression in the center half the thickness of the dry mixture. After this, add the required amount of water and start mixing in exactly the same way as the dry solution. After complete mixing and dissolution of water, repeat the procedure with the “pyramid”. And so on until the entire solution is saturated with water and becomes concrete. The lifespan of such concrete is about two hours, so it must be worked with immediately after preparation.

How much concrete is needed for a foundation?

The prepared structure is filled with concrete mixture, and its quantity is determined in cubic meters.

To calculate the volume of concrete for constructing a foundation, it is first checked for the ability to bear the design load, taking into account the characteristics of the soil at the construction site. To bring the designed base into compliance with the specified parameters and to comply with standards, its geometric dimensions (depth, width) and reinforcement pattern are changed. The resulting dimensions are substituted into the calculation formulas and the number of cubes of concrete needed is calculated.


When calculating concrete for a strip foundation, the following parameters are required: the length of the strip, its width and height. The height is taken to be the distance from the sole to the edge. Usually the edge is located 50-60 cm above the ground surface.

If the depth of the base (the part located underground) is 160 cm and the size of its part above the ground is 60 cm, the result will be 220 cm. The depth of laying a monolithic strip base is determined depending on the properties of the soil and the type of concrete.

The width of the tape depends on the weight of the building, the thickness of the walls and the soil. In accordance with the load, the required number of longitudinal reinforcement rods of the required diameter is installed in the belt structure, and the pitch and diameter of the clamps are determined.

The length of the tape is the sum of the lengths of all external and internal load-bearing walls of the house. For a cottage measuring 8x10 m with an internal load-bearing wall 10 m long, it will be 46 meters:

(10 m + 10 m + 8 m + 8 m = 36 m) + (10 m) = 46 meters.

Concrete consumption for the base of such a house with a tape width of 0.5 m and a height of 2.2 m:

46 (L) x 0.5 (W) x 2.2 (H) = 50.6 cubic meters.


To calculate the cubic capacity of concrete for this type of foundation, the total volume of the slab is determined. This will be the desired value and is equal to the product of the area of ​​the slab base and its thickness.

The area of ​​a cottage 8x10 meters is 80 sq.m. For example, the thickness of the slab is 25 cm. Thus, the mixture consumption will be:

(80 sq.m) x (thickness: 0.25 m) = 20 cubic meters.

When making calculations, it is important to take into account the weight of the building. For heavy loads, you need to either increase the thickness of the slab or add stiffeners. They are made on load-bearing walls (including

h. on internal ones), or form square cells ranging in size from 1.5 m to 2 m - this depends on the operating conditions. In the second case, the slab has increased rigidity and strength

They are made on load-bearing walls (including internal ones), or they are formed into square cells ranging in size from 1.5 m to 2 m - this depends on the operating conditions. In the second case, the slab has increased rigidity and strength.

The filling of the stiffener structure will be an additional value that is added to the total flow rate and is determined as follows:

(cross-sectional area of ​​the stiffener) x (total length of the ribs).


It consists of pillars located at a certain pitch under the support points. To calculate concrete for such a foundation, determine the values ​​for one support and multiply by their number.

The volume of one column, since it is essentially a cylinder, corresponds to the product of the cross-sectional area and the length.

Let the diameter of the pillar be 40 cm. S = ¼πd² = ¼ x 3.14 x 0.4² = 0.13 sq.m. With a height of 2.2 m, the required value: 0.29 m³.

To finally determine the consumption of concrete mixture for a columnar base, multiply the resulting value by the number of columns.

The results obtained, despite the simplicity of the formulas, are quite accurate. This will help you avoid unnecessary costs and order or prepare the optimal amount of concrete for pouring the foundation. However, during preparatory excavation work, transportation and unloading, soil shrinkage, etc., an additional increase in the final figure by 3-10% is possible.

Correct proportions of solution

The amount of cement powder per cubic meter depends on the planned brand.

  • For masonry work, heavy lime and clay compositions are used, containing about 420 kg of cement and 1.1 cubic meters of sand.
  • For finishing activities, solutions with the same amount of sand and 710 kg of cement are used.
  • The plaster mixture consists of 0.78 cubic meters of sand, 310 kg of cement. Lime is suitable as a filler.

In domestic construction the following is most often used:

  • M200 (class B15). Characterized by high compressive strength. They fill areas, paths, and bases for curbs. About 240 kg of Portland cement is required per 1 m3.
  • Concrete M250. For large-sized and low-rise buildings.
  • M300. For monolithic foundations, construction of walls and floors. When mixing 1 cubic meter you will need 319 kg of cement.

Maintaining the correct proportions of the solution is the main condition for obtaining quality products. The accuracy of the laying must meet the following requirements: cement is calculated up to 1 kg, crushed stone - up to 5 kg.

When water is added, the volume of the mixture decreases significantly. Therefore, the quantity must be multiplied by a factor of 1.3.

1. Concrete for the foundation.

For pouring, a solution is made with proportions of 1: 3: 5, where 1 is cement, 3 is sand, 5 is crushed stone. The amount of water is 2 times less than the total volume of the mixture. At first glance, everything is simple. But even with such calculations, it is necessary to take into account the required reliability, on which the quality of the cement will depend. The minimum grade used to prepare concrete for the foundation is M300. To make the right choice, find out the likely load per 1 cm2 of the canvas and double the result. The resulting value will be the required brand.

In order to calculate the total amount of mortar for the foundation you need:

  • Multiply the length, width and thickness of the base. For example, it will be 20 cubic meters.
  • Knowing that the optimal volume of cement powder per 1 cubic meter is 380 kg, you need 20 m3 x 380 x 1.3 = 9880 kg.

2. For the construction of walls.

The proportions of the mortar for the masonry depend on the expected loads. For example, the strength of the mixture for a load-bearing wall should be higher than for an interior partition. On average, this ratio is 1:4, where one bag of Portland cement corresponds to four bags of sand. It is not difficult to calculate the cement consumption for building walls. For 1 cubic meter of a solid brick wall it takes about 0.2-0.3 cubic meters, that is, 100 kg of pure cement powder.

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How to calculate the consumption of Portland cement per 1 m3?

It is better to calculate components in parts (proportions). For example, in the formula 1:5, the first number indicates the amount of cement. It should be understood that as the complexity of construction work increases, it is not the proportions that change, but the brand of Portland cement. The uniform standard states that a cubic meter of masonry “takes” 8 bags of cement and 32 bags of sand (each 50 kg). That is, the ratio of components is 1:4.

You can find out how much cement and sand you need per cube of concrete yourself or using ready-made data:

Ratio C(M400):P:Sch, kg

Volume of concrete from 10 kg, cube

1. Do not mix a lot of solution at one time. Small portions will help achieve the right result with minimal losses.

2. The quality of the mixture will be higher if you use different fractions of crushed stone.

3. Sand grain size should be in the range of 1.1-3.5 mm.

4. It is not recommended to use clay as an additive, which negatively affects strength.

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Component Requirements

Main components of concrete mixture.

It is important to understand what values ​​of concrete properties and what grade of concrete are required. Therefore, the components of the concrete composition must meet certain requirements to obtain an artificial stone that has the specified quality parameters. When selecting, you should consider:

  • for cements - setting time interval, volume (weight), activity;
  • for sand - purity, humidity, size and shape of fractions, volume (weight), voidness;
  • for crushed stone - size and shape of grain fractions (concentration of lamellar and needle-shaped forms), weight (volume), strength, moisture absorption, cleanliness;
  • for water - purity, volume.

These parameters form the final brand indicators of concrete characteristics, as well as equally important intermediate indicators of properties - workability and density of the solution

Inattention to the initial quality of crushed stone, cement, water and sand leads to a shortage of brand values, for example, the strength of structures

The most important parameters are the freshness of the cement and brand characteristics (for example, strength, frost resistance, etc.). The higher the numerical value of the brand, the higher the characteristics. The crushed stone for the mixture is not taken all in a row, but the required fractions (40 - 70, 20 - 40 mm and 5 - 20 mm).

For the filler, the large irregularity of grain shapes and surface roughness (limestone, crushed granite) are important. If gravel grinding with round grains is used, the strength is reduced. The filler should be removed from dust and dirt by washing. This requirement also applies to sand. It, as a sedimentary rock, should consist only of grains up to 0.3 cm in size and should not contain clay impurities.

To clean, the sand mixture should be washed with water. Sand is prepared by sequential sifting through meshes with cells of 0.25, 0.12 cm and 0.315 mm. The last fractions that pass the sieve become fillers

It is also important whether dry or wet sand is used. The moisture in it distorts the actual proportional relationship with other components

The correct water-cement ratio ensures the required duration and intensity of the solution hydration reactions. The optimal amount of water is 40% of the weight of dry cement. Increasing its volume delaminates the mixture, contributing to a lack of strength; insufficient volume stops hardening. The solution should be thick, but not hard, workable, but not leaking through the seams of the formwork. The building materials market also offers the use of ready-made sand and gravel compositions (SGS), obtained by mining gravel and sand.

The river mixture of fillers contains less clay and dust than that mined in quarries. Additional enrichment of such a mixture with sand forms a completely finished composition. However, you should know that the proportion of sand in it should be 30% or higher (gravel up to 70%). Ignorance of the actual content may lead to a distortion of the correct ratio of components.

Advice from the experts

Experienced builders advise preparing a small amount of concrete at home in order to experimentally determine the required density. In addition, a feature of mortar materials is that they set very quickly, so a large volume of the mixture may simply not have time to be worked out.

When mixing the concrete composition, the volume of the mixture decreases noticeably. About 0.7 m³ of the finished solution will come out of a cube of dry components. Therefore, to prepare 1 m³ of concrete mass, you need to use dry ingredients in larger quantities.

To prevent the formation of technological voids in the finished construction elements after hardening, gravel of various calibers should be used. The normal size of sand grains that enter the solution is considered to be particles of 3.5 mm. In addition, the sand should not contain clay impurities, which could cause the mixture to lose its strength.

Make sure that the water for pouring the screed is clean and does not contain foreign matter (silt, algae, dirt). The plasticity index of concrete and its strength after hardening depend on the amount of water. Remember that it is much easier to add water than bulk ingredients, so add the liquid gradually. The smaller the size of the solution ingredients, the greater the water consumption in each cube of the mixture.

What determines the quality of the resulting foundation?

The most important thing is the quality of the cement; a competent approach to calculations is no less important. When replacing components, be sure to carry out new calculations, otherwise there can be no talk about the durability of the base. The proportions must be strictly observed, because excess cement in the solution will have an extremely negative effect on its properties: the foundation will begin to crack, and all the work will go down the drain.

We must not forget about plasticizers, the exact amount of which is also important in calculations. If we are talking about the cold season, then the solution will also need antifreeze additives. How to calculate cement for the foundation? You can trust online calculators, but in this case the calculations will not be accurate

It’s better to approach the matter more thoroughly, arm yourself with a pen and paper, but first watch also the videos that are presented in a large assortment on the RuNet

How to calculate cement for the foundation? You can trust online calculators, but in this case the calculations will not be accurate. It is better to approach the matter more thoroughly, arm yourself with a pen and paper, but first watch also the videos that are presented in a large assortment on the RuNet.

Online calculators: the smart one won't get ahead

The easiest way to calculate cement is to trust the software. With its help, you can not only draw a design for a future facility, but also calculate the required building material. These online calculators are attractive because the procedure is accessible to everyone: in order to determine the required numbers, you only need to enter some data. In this case it is the following:

  • brands of concrete and cement;
  • foundation dimensions;
  • number of reinforcement belts.

You won’t have to wait long for the result; it will be issued almost instantly. But we also need to tell you about a couple of fly in the ointment that lie in wait for you in this easy activity. There will be problems with accuracy, since the programs determine only the approximate amount of necessary materials, and for private construction, which requires a lot of money for just one foundation (sometimes up to 30% of all costs), this is an unaffordable luxury.

Calculation of concrete mixture composition

In order to independently prepare exactly the amount of concrete that is necessary for pouring a specific foundation, you should remember that when calculating the composition of a concrete mixture, there are no trifles. A high-quality solution in the required volume can be obtained by observing three factors:

  • water to cement ratio
  • characteristics of aggregates (sand, crushed stone)
  • grades of cement.

For example, you need to prepare concrete grade M250 from Portland cement M400. According to Table 1, the water-cement ratio in this case should be equal to 0.57. This table shows the coefficients for a solution that is prepared on the basis of aggregates with a maximum particle size modulus of 2.5, that is, its components (sand and crushed stone) have medium-sized grains.

When preparing a concrete mixture without adding crushed stone, the water/cement ratio indicated in the table should be reduced by 0.1. In the example under consideration, the water-cement ratio will become equal to 0.47. In other words, if to prepare a mortar with sand and crushed stone (W/C = 0.57) for every 10 kg of cement you need to take 10 × 0.57 = 5.7 liters of water, then in a solution without crushed stone (W/C = 0 .47) – only 4.7 liters.

How many bags of dry mixture (25 kg) are needed to get 1 cube of solution?

1 cube of ordinary sand-cement mixture, in the form of a ready-made mortar, weighs approximately 2 tons (M150).. A bag - 0.025 tons.. It turns out.. with a very rough calculation, per cube of mortar, by weight, you need 80 bags of the mixture.. By in fact, it may be a little less, since water also participates in the solution.. not enough, but it still participates there.. For others, depending on the density or brand of mixtures, the amount will be different..
A lot. Calculations can be found on the internet.

48 bagsoffffff. Okay, I'll tell you the secret of counting. A 50 kg bag of cement holds 3.5 buckets of 12 liters each, which is 42 liters, which means we have 25 kg or 21 liters in the bag. Next 1000/21=47.6 bags. Considering that cement is heavier than sand, the calculation may be inaccurate and more mixture will be required. It’s better to take a bag of the intended mixture and measure its specific volume.

what brand of solution? m-200 – 400 kg of cement per 1 m cube of solution

Concrete grades for various purposes

Concrete for large volumes of work should be mixed in a concrete mixer

For a foundation, supporting structure or insulated interior partition, different materials are required. Moreover, they differ in many parameters: resistance to frost, density, resistance to bending load.

According to strength, that is, according to the maximum load-bearing load, the following brands are distinguished:

  • M-100 – for auxiliary procedures, for example, for laying a pillow under the foundation;
  • M-150 – for screeding and filling the floor;
  • M-200 - for the construction of foundations, blind areas, garage floors;
  • M-250 and M-300 - for pouring monolithic foundations, stairs, fences and ceilings;
  • M-350 – for the construction of heavy slabs, floors, foundations, columns, pool bowls;
  • M-400 – for the construction of bridges, cash vaults, dams;
  • M-450, M-500, M-550 - for the construction of dams, dams, subways;
  • M-600 – for the construction of the most loaded and critical structures operating in aggressive environments.

What guides you when calculating cement for concrete?

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Concrete grades by density

An equally important parameter is the average density of the mortar. The indicator determines the thermal conductivity of the stone, weight, and resistance to stress. The following brands are distinguished:

  • D500 – porous concrete, used for thermal insulation and construction of partitions;
  • D500-D1800 – structural and thermal insulation material, used for buildings with light loads;
  • D1800-D2200 – standard option for the construction of residential multi-storey buildings and foundations;
  • D2200 – D2500 – the filler is granite and limestone, such heavy material is taken for the construction of load-bearing supports;
  • D2500 and higher – iron filings and magnetite are used for filling; This material is used for the construction of special objects, for example, gas stations.

What determines cement consumption?

Cement or Portland cement is the main binding component. Strength characteristics depend on it. The higher the grade of the substance, the more durable the material is obtained. At the same time, the higher the grade, the less binder needs to be added.

Cement consumption per 1 m³ of concrete also depends on the production time. The fresher the binder, the better it exhibits its qualities. The material is never purchased in advance, since as it approaches the end of its shelf life, its grade decreases and more of it will be needed to produce 1 cubic meter.

The proportion of cement also depends on the purpose of the material. In order for the structure to harden as quickly as possible, its content is increased.

Proportions of cement, water, sand when mixing the solution

Technical specifications or GOST do not regulate the norms of cement and sand in mortar. Even in production, each specific batch has individual indicators. At home, you have to prepare the solution “by eye”.

The correct ratio of cement, sand and water is determined through tests and tests.

  • Consistency is one of the main visual indicators. The “correct” concrete is held on the surface of the trowel, slowly flowing off it. Most often, this structure is called creamy. If the composition flows from a shovel or trowel, all components must be added to the solution in proportion to reduce the amount of water.
  • A sign of excess water is a glossy shine of the mixture, peeling, cracking. The cause is most often sand, whose moisture content was not taken into account in the calculations. Correct the error in the same way - add ingredients. It's a good idea to add plasticizers.
  • If concrete cracks when standing, this is a symptom of lack of water. The liquid is added in small portions and mixed.
  • Loose solution, low viscosity at normal density - excess sand. You need to add cement and water to the solution.

What to consider when calculating

To calculate how many bags of cement are in a cube of concrete, you need to take into account the following parameters:

  • design strength of concrete;
  • ;
  • packaging size;
  • aggregate fraction;
  • proportion of components.

The composition for preparing the concrete mixture is regulated by Building Codes and Rules 5.01.23-83. The document indicates the recommended grades of Portland cement to obtain a monolith with the required characteristics.

For individual construction, concrete is used:

  • M100 - for installing cushions under foundations,
  • M150 - pouring paths, blind areas, floor screeds, bases for sheds, garages, gazebos, installing curbs, fence posts;
  • M200 - production of monolithic foundations, lintels, floor slabs, columns and walls.

In accordance with the brand of the monolith, the consumption of the binder is normalized.

Cement brand

The main characteristic that needs to be taken into account when purchasing is the brand of cement. It determines the strength characteristics of the binder component. The higher it is, the less consumption of this material.

In individual construction, the most used are PC grades 350-500.

Areas of application of Portland cement:

  • M200, M300 - finishing work;
  • M400, M500 - monolithic foundations, walls and other building structures.

You need to pay attention to freshness - strength decreases with long-term storage. According to GOST rules, the shelf life of PC is 1 year from the date of manufacture


depends on the size of the coarse aggregate - crushed stone, gravel and fine - sand. The standards provide for the use of increasing and decreasing coefficients when fraction sizes deviate upward or downward.

If the size of the crushed stone is less than 20 mm, the amount of binder is increased by 10%, otherwise it is reduced by 5-10%.

The sand fineness modulus is taken into account:

  • if it does not exceed 1.5, the PC consumption is increased by 12%;
  • up to 2 - by 5%.

We calculate the components for one batch of concrete

Let's assume that you have at your disposal a construction concrete mixer with a useful volume of 500 liters. How many materials are needed to prepare one batch of concrete in this case? Let's use previously obtained data on the production consumption of materials to obtain one cubic meter of concrete mixture:

368 kg of cement, 195 liters of water, 785 kg of sand, 993.6 kg of crushed stone

Additional data are: volumetric weight of sand, crushed stone and cement - 1600 kg/m3, 1500 kg/m3, 1300 kg/m3, respectively.

First, we determine the concrete yield coefficient: 1/((368/1300)+0.195+(785/1600)+(993.6/1500))=0.613 Next, we calculate the consumption of each component per batch, starting from the available capacity of the concrete mixer drum (500 l). Cement consumption will be: 500×0.613×368/1000=112.8 kg Water consumption: 500×0.613×195/1000=59.8 kg Sand consumption: 500×0.613×785/1000=240.6 kg Crushed stone consumption: 500 ×0.613×993.6/1000=304.5 kg

The calculations presented in the article are tied to specific materials and working conditions. We have tried to outline the very principle of determining the percentage composition of components for preparing a concrete mixture with the required characteristics. In one of the following articles we will talk about how to calculate reinforcement for a foundation, which is no less important than calculating concrete.

Calculation of the number of components for making a solution

To produce the required amount of mixture for pouring the foundation, it is necessary to make a competent calculation. To do this, you should multiply the values ​​that determine the thickness, length and width of the future foundation among themselves. Knowing the proportions required for the production of an M300 concrete mixture, the required amount of cement can be found by multiplying the resulting volume by the amount of cement powder included in 1 m3 of concrete mortar.

For example, you need to find out how much cement is needed to build a strip foundation with a volume of 10 m3:

10 cubic meters x 380 kg x 1.3 = 4940 kg.

When calculating the materials required for the construction of the foundation, you should remember that it must be done correctly. Refusal from a concrete mixture produced in a factory will require a lot of effort to ensure that the material you make with your own hands is of similar quality. In addition, correct calculation will allow you to complete the work on time. At the same time, the likelihood of saving money during work increases significantly.

Features of cement consumption in various cases

Although the use of concrete in construction is very common, it is nevertheless mainly used to create a foundation, when installing screeds, for masonry or when working with plaster. In each case, cement consumption has its own characteristics.


This structure must be strong enough to support the weight of the house for many years. In this case, it is necessary to take into account how large the house is being built. For the foundation of a one-story building, the requirements will be less than for an apartment building.

In order to understand what consumption of materials per 1 m3 of concrete needs to be prepared to complete the work, you first need to decide what grade of concrete is needed to create the foundation.

For a one-story building, you can use M100.

Construction sandSource

If a private house must have two floors or more, then in this case it is necessary to use M150. Multi-storey buildings or other types of massive buildings should use concrete grade M200 or higher for the foundation. At the same time, for a small wooden structure, a structure made from M50 will be strong enough.

Then you need to select the appropriate brand of cement from which the concrete will be made. For this purpose, M300, M350 or M400 are often used.

The following is the composition of the mixture for the cases under consideration. In this case, for one cubic meter the following amount of cement will be required:

  • M500 concrete can be made using 380 kg of M400 cement.
  • For M100, 214 kg of M300 is enough.
  • M200 concrete can be made from 286 kg of M400 cement.
  • If you use M500 cement, it is enough to take 382 kg to obtain M300 concrete.

If the weight of cement is considered one part, then to prepare the concrete mixture you will need 2-4 parts of sand and 3 of crushed stone.

Working with cementSource

For masonry

A brick wall requires a mortar, which is made using cement. In this case, it is customary to use a quarter of the volume of cement and three quarters of sand per cubic meter. Taking into account the density of the components, their weight can be determined. The consumption of cement will be 325 kg, and sand – 1200 kg.

If you calculate the amount of cement per cubic meter of masonry, then you will need to take into account its thickness. So, for example, for a wall one and a half bricks thick, you will need to prepare 0.234 cubic meters of mortar. For preparation you will need 325 * 0.234 = 76 kg of cement.


In this case, a proportion of 1:3 is applied. Thus, to prepare 1 cubic meter of concrete, you will need a third of cement and two-thirds of a cubic meter of sand.

Concrete screedSource

Before work, you need to determine how much volume the screed will take up. To do this, the area it occupies must be multiplied by the thickness of the layer. In this case, M400 cement is used. Taking into account its density and how many liters are in a cube of concrete, the weight of a third of a cubic meter will be 410 kg. This value is multiplied by the volume of the screed, expressed in cubic meters.

Number of PCB bags for brickwork and calculations on a calculator

Laying a brick wall should be done using a mixture with a grade corresponding to the brick. This structure is as durable and uniform as possible. In general, M100-M200 is used for masonry.

So it is necessary to take into account the quality and strength of the material (both the mixture and the brick). Using basic standards, approximately 250 kg of M100 mixture should be used per 1 m3 of wall.

If you prepare the solution yourself, then the proportion should be 1 to 4. Liquid should be added to the CPS, which is usually half the total weight of the mixture.

Of course, the laying of a wall greatly depends on the thickness of the seams; as the space between the bricks expands, the amount of mortar per 1 m3 also increases. The thickness of the walls also plays an important role, so for facing bricks laid in 1 layer, significantly less cement is required than for load-bearing walls of 2-4 bricks.

Calculation for masonry

Regulatory documents contain detailed recommendations and the relationship between wall thickness and the amount of mortar used.

Examples are presented based on ordinary bricks and the required quantity per 1 m3:

  • wall 12cm - 420 bricks and 0.19 m3 of mortar;
  • wall 25cm – 400 bricks and 0.22 m3 of mortar;
  • wall 38cm – 395 bricks and 0.234 m3 of mortar;
  • wall 51cm – 394 bricks and 0.24 m3 of mortar;
  • wall 64cm - 392 bricks and 0.245 m3 of mortar.

Video description

This video shows how to calculate the amount of mixture for a screed:

The amount of sand is determined in a similar way. Two-thirds of a cubic meter, taking into account its density, will be 576 kg. To obtain the required amount of material, you need to multiply this value by the volume of the screed.


When making it, a proportion of 1:4 is used. A cubic meter should contain a quarter of the volume of cement and three quarters of sand. To carry out calculations, you need to calculate the volume of plaster and determine how much cement and sand it should contain.

Concrete plasterSource

When performing construction work, it is necessary to determine the required amount of cement. This will help not only to use high-quality concrete in your work, but also to save money on purchasing building materials. Cement costs depend on its brand and what kind of concrete will be needed for the job.

Purchase of the required volume of powder and necessary building materials

The Group meets all consumer and technical requirements in its activities. Having looked at the calculation schemes and recommendations within the article, you can know what proportion of cement powder is in the mixture used when installing walls or pouring the foundation when a house is being built. Then go to the “Contacts” section to order high-quality building materials from the best manufacturers.

Having calculated how much powder building material is needed, leave a request or call (feedback works) to discuss the details of the purchase. Competent managers will answer any of your questions. In our activities, we fulfill our obligations and also unconditionally respect the rights of our clients. A detailed site map and product catalog will help you find out what of our products you can get for construction.

Thus, when working with AlfaCem, you will not only be able to buy the best building materials, but also easily take advantage of professional advice on how much cement 1 cubic meter of the mixture contains, provided that it is carried out under different initial parameters. We wish you success!

We determine how much cement, sand, crushed stone and water are in a cube of concrete.

4 June, 2013 - 12:35 Concrete is one of the most popular materials in construction. Such popularity of concrete is explained by its excellent properties: compressive strength, ease of molding and laying, waterproofness, water resistance, and low price.

To make concrete, cement, water and so-called aggregates are used, which can be large (crushed stone) or small (sand). Builders often face the question of how to mix concrete correctly. It is at this stage that you usually need to decide how much cement is in a cube of concrete.

Today, there are a large number of grades of concrete that differ in their composition, or more precisely, in the volumetric or mass ratio of the components included in its composition. For example, to create 1 cubic meter of concrete grade 100 requires 200 kg of cement, to create 1 cubic meter of concrete grade 400 requires 360 kg of cement.

There are special tables from which you can understand not only how much cement per cube of concrete is required, but also the percentage of other concrete components in the finished composition.

So, for example, for the most popular concrete grade 300, it is necessary to mix 382 kg of M400 cement, 705 kg of sand, 1080 kg of crushed stone and 220 liters of water. For grade 100 concrete you will need 214 kg of cement (M400), 870 kg of sand, 1080 kg of crushed stone and 210 liters of water.

In general terms, you can determine how much sand is in a cube of concrete using the following scheme:

For 1 volume fraction of cement in concrete grade 100 there are 4.1 fractions of sand and 6.1 fractions of crushed stone; for concrete grade 150, the ratio of cement (M400), sand and crushed stone is 1 to 3.2 and to 5.0; for concrete M200 - 1 to 2.5 and to 4.2; for M250 – 1 to 1.9 and to 3.4 (cement: sand: crushed stone); for 300 1 to 1.7 and to 3,”; for 340 1 to 1.1 and to 2.4.

Table 1. Proportions of cement, sand and crushed stone by concrete grade

Concrete gradeproportions cement: sand: crushed stone
cement grade 400cement grade 500
1001,0 : 4,1 : 6,11,0 : 5,3 : 7,1
1501,0 : 3,2 : 5,01,0 : 4,0 : 5,8
2001,0 : 2,5 : 4,21,0 : 3,2 : 4,9
2501,0 : 1,9 : 3,41,0 : 2,4 : 3,9
3001,0 : 1,7 : 3,21,0 : 2,2 : 3,7
4001,0 : 1,1 : 2,41,0 : 1,4 : 2,8
4501,0 : 1,0 : 2,21,0 : 1,2 : 2,5

Knowing these proportions, you can not only easily find out, for example, how much crushed stone is in a cube of concrete, but also mix absolutely any amount of high-quality concrete without much difficulty.

Table 2. Relationships between classes and grades of concrete by strength.

BrandClassStrength, kg/cm2
M-150AT 10131,0

It is important to note that the grade of cement used to make concrete will determine its physical and mechanical properties. So, if instead of M400 cement you add M500 cement, the grade of concrete will increase (say, instead of 200 it will become 350). In order to get good concrete, you should choose crushed stone, the grade of which will exceed the grade of concrete that we want to get by 2 times

In order to get good concrete, you should choose crushed stone, the grade of which will exceed the grade of concrete that we want to get by 2 times.

How much solution will be produced from 50 kg of cement?

Cement mortar is a material for construction, which in total consists of the following elements:

  • cement of different brands, like a base that connects other elements;
  • Al2O3 and Fe2O3 are fillers. Depending on the purpose of the solution, they can be river, quarry, or alluvial;

Gravel and crushed stone
H2O is like a solvent.

In this case, depending on the purpose, a different ratio of ingredients should be taken as a basis. For example, to prepare a solution that will be used as a base for floor screed, the following proportions are used:

  • M 400 or 500, weighing fifty kilograms;
  • three bags of Al2O3 and Fe2O3 (one hundred and fifty kilograms);
  • H2O – half of the amount of cement used.

Without a doubt, the prescribed indicators are relative, and if we take the practical side as a basis, they must be adjusted. This will depend on the required brand of mortar, which corresponds to GOST standards, class of cement, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 indicators and other components.

The “other components” include the use of additives - substances that are added to the composition of polymer materials. The latter have a great impact on the proportions and other ratios of the components that make up the solution.

If it happens that repair work will be carried out on a private property, the prescribed indicators will be enough to implement everything from a practical point of view.

Another popular type of mortar is a material used to seal cracks and uneven areas on the wall. For this case, the solution should be mixed in proportions of fifty to fifty. Only water and cement without filler (Al2O3 and Fe2O3) are used. In this case, 0.1 m3 of ready-made solution is obtained from a bag of cement.

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