How many kilograms of cement are in a 10 and 12 liter bucket?

About concrete.SU / Information / Cement In the production of concrete and mortar, automated installations for mixing components are used. Each type of component, before entering the concrete mixer, is dosed in kilograms. Material consumption standards are drawn up by the production technologist, which are then used by the BRU operator.

If you decide to purchase ready-mixed concrete from a manufacturer, you don’t have to worry about the quality of the material. A responsible company produces products in accordance with GOST requirements, confirming them with quality certificates. But, if for a number of reasons you decide to replace the concrete mixture yourself using a compact concrete mixer, then you will be interested to know how many kg of cement, sand, and coarse aggregate are in the bucket .

Bulk density of cement

To find out the mass of a material, in our case cement, in a certain container, you need to know its bulk density. This indicator can be found in the quality certificate, or it is written on the bag of cement.

Calculating how much cement is in a 10 liter bucket is quite simple. You need to take the average bulk density and multiply it by the volume of the vessel. It is generally accepted that the average bulk density of cement is 1300 kg/cm3.

Now we can calmly make the calculation.

1300*10=13 kg.

That’s exactly how much, that is, 13 kilograms, a cement volume of 10 liters weighs.

Composition of concrete for a foundation per 1 cubic meter

As for other components, it is more convenient to measure them in liters and use ordinary buckets for this, since using larger containers is quite difficult - they will weigh very, very much.

Experienced builders, who have become skilled at dosing components, even use a shovel - with its help, the work is carried out even faster, but it is important to very carefully monitor the quantity of each part in order to avoid violations, because this will lead to a weakening of the solution. Let's look at the ratio of parts using the example of the most popular and sought-after brand M using cement M. So, we figured out how many buckets are in a cube of concrete - if you use a container with a capacity of 10 liters, then exactly the buckets will make up a cube of mortar.

Average bulk density of different components and materials

Unfortunately, the bulk density cannot always be found on the packaging. And if you need to find out this property for several components, you will have to search for a long time on the Internet. For convenience, we provide a list of the most popular components and materials with their bulk density.

  • Cement (in a loose state) - 1100-1200 kg/m3;
  • Cement (in a compacted state) - 1500-1600 kg/m3;
  • Cement (average value) - 1300 kg/m3;
  • Sand (average value) - 1400 kg/m3;
  • Crushed stone (slag) - 800 kg/m3;
  • Gravel (fine) - 1700 kg/m3.

It is worth remembering that the bulk densities presented above are average. They are taken based on statistical averages. There may be special cases in which the bulk density will differ significantly.

How to determine the mass of building materials if there are no scales

Often in individual construction there is a need to find out a lot of building materials, but there are no scales at hand. In this case, you can independently determine the weight of these building materials, knowing their volume. To do this, you need to use the information below.

The most common “volume standard” is a bucket with a volume of 10 liters (which is 0.01 m3) or 1 cubic meter.

Knowing how much a bucket or 1 cubic meter weighs of the one whose weight we want to know (the mass of building material with a volume of 10 liters or 1 cubic meter), we can determine the mass depending on the total volume. To do this, the number of buckets (cubes) must be multiplied by the mass of the material placed in one bucket (one cube).

Data on the weight of building materials with a volume of 1 bucket and 1 cubic meter are given below. For ease of use, the tables are divided by topic: “Wood and timber”, “Wall materials and concrete”, “Bulk building materials”, “Liquid building materials and mortars”.

The unit of data in the tables is kilograms.


Wood and wood weight

Name of wood How much does a bucket weigh, kg

(weight of building material placed in one 10-liter bucket, kg)

How much does 1 cube weigh, kg


Dry birch 600-700
Freshly cut birch 880-1000
Birch impregnated 700
Dry beech 600-700
Freshly cut beech 970-1000
Beech impregnated 700
Lining (wooden slats) 600
Dry elm 700
Freshly cut elm 1000
Gorbyl 600-700
Dry oak 700-800
Freshly cut oak 1000-1030
Dry spruce 450-500
Freshly cut spruce 800-850
Dry cedar 450-500
Freshly cut cedar 850-880
Dry maple 700
Freshly cut maple 1000
Beech parquet staves 550
Tree bark 2,7-3,6 270-360
Oak bark 5-6 500-600
Round semi-dry softwood timber 650-700
Round, raw softwood timber 750
Round sawn semi-dry softwood timber 600
Dry linden 450-500
Freshly cut linden 790-800
Dry alder 500
Freshly cut alder 800
Oak sawdust 1,6 160
Spruce sawdust 1 100
Pine sawdust 1,5 150
Dry aspen 500-510
Raw aspen 600
Freshly cut fir 830-850
Dry fir 470-500
Dry sycamore 580
Freshly cut sycamore 850
Straw cutting 1,2-1,5 120-150
Pine is dry 400-600
Freshly cut pine 850-900
Dry poplar 500
Freshly cut poplar 800
Dry apple tree 670
Freshly cut apple tree 975
Dry ash 700-750
Freshly cut ash 925-1000


Weight of wall materials and concrete

Name of building material How much does a bucket weigh, kg

(weight of building material placed in one 10-liter bucket, kg)

How much does 1 cube weigh, kg


Asbestos concrete 21 2100
Lightweight concrete based on granulated slag 11-12 1100-1200
Lightweight concrete on expanded clay 5-18 500-1800
Lightweight concrete with coke 12 1200
Lightweight concrete made from boiler slag 13,5-14,5 1350-1450
Lightweight concrete on pumice crushed stone 8-14 800-1400
Large-porous concrete, sandless, acid-resistant 21,5-25 2150-2500
Large-porous sandless fire-resistant concrete 14,5-17,5 1450-1750
Plain concrete on gravel or crushed stone 22-25 2200-2500
Regular concrete on sandstone 21-25 2100-2500
Aerated cement dry thermal insulating concrete 400-700
Dry cement aerated structural concrete 1100-1200
Porous clay brick 1100
Semi-dry pressed clay brick 1800-2000
Clay brick of plastic pressing 1700-1900
Clay iron ore brick 1800
Semi-dry pressed hollow clay brick 1400-1500
Clay hollow brick of plastic pressing 1250-1450
Rubble concrete masonry 2200-2300
Rubble masonry made of soft limestone 1970-2000
Rubble masonry made of dense limestone 2200-2300
Sandstone rubble masonry 2200-2300
Clay brick masonry with cement mortar 1600-1900
Fireclay brick masonry 1800-2000
Porous brick masonry 1100-1500
Hollow brick masonry 1000-1450
Sand-lime brick masonry 1800-1900
Sandstone 2200-2700
Adobe 1200-1500


Weight of bulk building materials

Name of building material How much does a bucket weigh, kg

(weight of building material placed in one 10-liter bucket, kg)

How much does 1 cube weigh, kg


Asbestos in backfill 3-8 300-800
Bulk steel bolts 14,3-16,7 1430-1670
Nails 7,7-11 770-1100
Pebbles 18-19 1800-1900
Ground construction gypsum in a loose state 6,5-11 650-1100
Ground construction gypsum in a compacted state 12,5-14,5 1250-1450
Dry clay powder 9 900
Clay in the form of dough of medium plasticity 14,5 1450
Fireclay clay 18 1800
Gravel 18-20 1800-2000
Crushed granite (crumbs) 12 1200
Granite in pieces 15 1500
Soil in embankments 16-18 1600-1800
The soil is silty, dry 16 1600
Muddy wet soil 17 1700
Expanded clay backfill 5-9 500-900
Pumice and tuff backfill 4-6 400-600
Filling with small construction waste 11 1100
Sand backfill made of hydrophobic sand 15 1500
Peat backfill 1,5 150
Slag backfill 7-10 700-1000
The earth is dry in a dense body 13-15 1300-1500
Earth of natural moisture in a dense body 16-18 1600-1800
Dry soil in a dump 12 1200
Dry ash 4-6 400-600
Ash wet 7-9 700-900
Slaked lime (fluff) in a loose state 4,5-5,5 450-550
Slaked lime (fluff) in a shaken state 6-8 600-800
Slaked lime in dough 12-14 1200-1400
Ground quicklime in a loose state 7-8 700-800
Ground quicklime, shaken 11-12 1100-1200
Quicklime lump 7-13 700-1300
Expanded clay 2,5-12 250-1200
Mountain sand 15-16 1500-1600
Ground quartz sand 14,5 1450
Fine wet sand 19-21 1900-2100
Fine dry sand 14-16,5 1400-1650
Perlite sand 0,5-2,5 50-250
Wet river sand 19-21 1900-2100
Dry river sand 14-16,5 1400-1650
Slag sand 8-9 800-900
Lump sulfur 19,6-20,7 1960-2070
Sulfur powder 7,8 780
Aluminous cement in a loose state 10-13,5 1000-1350
Aluminous cement in a compacted state 16-19 1600-1900
Portland cement (Portland cement) 10-15 1000-1500
Portland slag cement 11-12,5 1100-1250
Crushed granite dry 17-18 1700-1800
Crushed limestone 13-16 1300-1600
Crushed brick 12-15 1200-1500
Crushed tuff stone 7-10 700-1000


Weight of liquid building materials, mortars and lubricants

Name of building material How much does a bucket weigh, kg

(weight of building material placed in one 10-liter bucket, kg)

How much does 1 cube weigh, kg


Asphalt mastic 11 1100
Asphalt mass 11-15 1100-1500
Petrol 4,5-7 450-700
Liquid bitumen 10,8-11 1080-1100
Bitumen mastics 13,5-18,9 1350-1890
Tar 9,3-10 930-1000
Nitroglyphthalic furniture varnish No. 754 9,2 920
Varnish PL-2 10,9 1090
Heald varnish 9,1 910
Varnish FKF 9,53 953
Varnish FL-6 8,82 882
Varnish 458, 15% 12,4 1240
Varnish 411, 15% 12,55 1255
Ordinary machine oil 9,1 905-910
Aviation machine oil MK-22 9 900-902
Automotive machine oil AK-10, AK-15 9,3 930
Solar oil 8,8-9 880-895
Natural drying oil 9,4 940
Gypsum mortar without filler 12-13 1200-1300
Clay mortar 18-20,4 1800-2040
Fresh lime mortar 16,4-19,4 1640-1940
Cement mortar 21 2100
Clay sawdust lubricant 8-1,2 800-1200
Clay-sand lubricant 16-19 1600-1900
Clay-straw lubricant 8-10 800-1000
White Spirit 7,8 776

Below is a video from which you will learn how to distinguish good cement from bad:

Mass in different volumes

Usually a simple bucket is used for measurement, and only then they take on concrete mixers and other tools. Not everyone may have a bucket with a volume of exactly 10 liters on hand. Don’t be afraid, because as it turned out earlier, calculating the mass is quite simple.

So, you can calculate how many kilograms of cement are in a 12 liter bucket.

To do this, let’s go back to the average bulk density of cement and calculate everything.

1300*12=15.6 kg.

To avoid getting lost in all these calculations, a list can again come in handy.

  • Cement (in a loose state) - 11-12 kg;
  • Cement (compacted) - 15-16 kg;
  • Cement (average value) - 13 kg;
  • Sand (average) - 14 kg;
  • Crushed stone (slag) - 8 kg;
  • Gravel (fine) - 17 kg.

All data on the mass of components are calculated for a 10-liter bucket, since this is the most standard volume.

Thus, calculating the mass of the required material or component in a bucket is quite simple. To do this, you only need to know the bulk density and have a little understanding of mathematics.


Example of calculating cement per bucket

For example, you need to produce 100 liters of M200 concrete mix. Most often, the following material consumption is used: Portland cement M400 - 26-30 kg, medium sand - 70-80 kg; coarse aggregate – 100-120 kg. The amount of water depends on the degree of moisture of the inert materials: the damper the bulk material, the less water is required.

First of all, mix all the dry ingredients. After dry kneading, water is gradually added. If concreting occurs at low temperatures, then the water should be warm. It is also advisable to use an anti-frost additive for concrete, which requires 2-3 percent of the amount of cement. The additive is pre-diluted in warm water. After adding it, the concrete mixture must be thoroughly mixed until it is homogeneous.

The consistency of the concrete mixture should not be too liquid or dry. If you take part of the material in your palm and squeeze it, then when you unclench your hand, the mixture should not remain a dense piece, and at the same time it should not spread too much across the palm.

History of water

The question of how much a liter of water weighs in kilograms was answered differently at different times. So, back in 1793, the current unit of liquid measurement was adopted - the liter. And the French did it. It was only in 1879 that the International Committee of Weights and Measures decided to equate a measure of one liter to one cubic decimeter.

Already in the 20th century (1901), experts confirmed the equality of 1 liter of water to one kilogram of the same liquid. But, only if the temperature remains at 3.98 degrees Celsius and the atmospheric pressure remains at 1 atmosphere. Under these conditions, the cubic decimeter equivalent was slightly different. So, 1 liter of water already weighed 1.00002 cubic decimeters.

To avoid confusion in these measures, in 1964 the International Committee again equalized the measures of liter and cubic decimeter. To maintain this balance, it is important that the water is clean, without additives. Ordinary drinking water contains minor impurities of salts, which affect its weight and measurement.

Weight of different types of compounds

It has long been known how much liters of paint of one type or another weigh. But it is necessary to take into account that the error of the measurements can vary up to 5% in different directions. For everyday purposes, such errors are quite appropriate and will not cause much harm. For professional calculations, laboratories or technological process debugging, the weight of the composition is calculated using special equipment, which produces the result with the minimum permissible error.

On video: choosing paint for walls.

Let's consider how many kg are in a liter of different paint mixtures:

  • Pentaphthalic mixture for external painting of surfaces has about 0.9-0.93 kilograms in one liter.

  • Acrylic paint in 1 liter contains 1.5 kg of solution.

  • A liter of water-based paint contains about 1.35 kg.

  • A liter of Tikkuril paint contains 1.45 kg of material.

  • 1 liter of primer paint weighs 1.5 kg.

  • One liter of dulux paint weighs about 1.33 kg.

  • The silicone mixture contains 1.4 kg in a liter container.

  • The silicate solution weighs 1.37 kg in a standard container.

When purchasing, it is recommended to always pay attention to the label with the material. It may contain information on the weight or volume of the product, and in rare cases, density. If there is not enough information on the density of the purchased composition, it can be found on the manufacturer’s website.

To summarize, information on the displacement or weight of the composition is quite useful and can be used to save money or facilitate the cladding process. It is better to carry out all calculations yourself to be sure that the results are correct.

What affects water weight?

From physics lessons we know that there are some differences between mass and volume. Mass measures the size of an inert body, and it is determined in kilograms. Water, as a liquid, is measured in volumes. To determine how many kilograms are in one liter of water, you need to take into account some factors. The mass of water is affected by the following indicators:

  • Pressure (atmospheric);
  • Temperature;
  • Physical state of the liquid;
  • Type of water (with salt, fresh);
  • Type of hydrogen isotope.

With different states of aggregation, the density of water changes. Thus, the maximum density is observed at the moment the liquid freezes. If the air temperature is positive, the amount of liquid begins to increase and it becomes light. Therefore, ice always floats on the surface and does not sink. Therefore, in the table we can highlight the following indicators of the weight of water depending on the state of aggregation:

State of aggregation1 liter1 cup (250 ml)1 bucket (12 l)1 cubic meter
Liquid998.6 g249.7 g11.99 kg998.6 kg
Solid (in the form of snow)52 - 420 g15 - 112 g1.3 - 5.3 kg102 – 420 kg
Solid (in the form of ice)917 g230 g11.5 kg917 kg

The mass of salt water increases slightly. So, 1 liter of salty liquid weighs 1 kilogram and 24 grams. It also affects atmospheric pressure.

Calculation of paint weight

To find out how much weight there is in a liter of material, you will have to take a physics course. There is a density formula that takes into account volume and mass:


Here m represents mass, V is volume, p is density. Typically the density does not exceed 1.2-1.6. It is always indicated on the packaging of the paint and varnish material in the “technical characteristics” section. By converting the formula to m = V x p, taking the density and volume indicators (1 liter or other figure), you can easily calculate how many kilograms this jar weighs.

Since the density of paint is always greater than that of water-based liquids, the weight of a standard can will be higher than 1 kg - usually 1.08-1.44 kg. You can then use this information to determine the overall severity of the required dye.

A few words about strength

In recent years, cement has been used in grades M400 and no lower, despite the fact that it is more expensive. The usual argument is that manufacturers claim greater strength than it actually is. Maybe so, but keep in mind that the manufacturer guarantees the declared strength for 2-3 months from the date of production. So when purchasing, pay attention to the “freshness” of the binder. During storage, the strength of cement decreases, noticeably:

  • after 3 months it becomes 20% lower;
  • after 6 months of storage it decreases by 30%;
  • after a year the strength drop is 50%.

How many kilograms are in 1 liter of water?

If we take into account all the indicators and external factors, it is fashionable to calculate the weight of the liquid in 1 kg. How many kilograms are in 5 liters of water? So, at a room temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, and an atmospheric pressure of 760 millimeters of mercury, the mass will be as follows:

  • 1 liter = 1 kilogram;
  • 5 liters = 5 kilograms;
  • 10 liters = 10 kilograms.

In the case of other temperature “plus” values, the mass of 1 liter of water will be 998.6 grams. Liquid from the tap is also different from pure distilled liquid. To identify the mass of tap water, you need to determine what impurities are present in it. Based on chemical indicators, the weight of the liquid will be calculated using a special formula.

How many buckets in a bag of cement 50 (25) kg - calculation method

Every master should know how many buckets there are in a 50 kg bag of cement, since correct calculations allow you to avoid unnecessary financial costs for building materials or a lack of dry mixture in the midst of work. Standard cement packaging is made in the form of paper/plastic bags packed in 25 and 50 kilograms (bags of 20, 30, 35, 40, 42, 45 kg are rare).

Manufacturers claim that this packaging option is the most optimal choice in terms of the efficiency of loading and unloading operations, transportation, and consumption. At the same time, the weight of dry cement is indicated on the packaging, but the volume of the bag may be completely different. Despite this, in calculations and recipes for a solution, the volume expressed in liters or buckets is often indicated.

Volume is used as the main indicator when calculating the required amount of water for mixing concrete mortar. The production of concrete in a factory does not require knowledge of such subtleties, since everything is measured automatically and there is no need to convert weight to volume and vice versa. But when mixing concrete with your own hands, knowing how much cement goes into a bucket and how many bags of the mixture you need to purchase is very useful.

When mixing concrete with your own hands, use a sheet of iron or a concrete mixer; measure all components (cement, sand, crushed stone, water, plasticizers) in buckets. An example of a mortar recipe for plaster: part cement, 3 parts sand, add water.

Yes, you need to take a bucket of cement and 3 buckets of sand, if the volume is larger, multiply by the required amount. And knowing how many kilograms of cement are in a bucket is necessary for at least an approximate calculation of the consumption of building materials.

Sale of cement in a retail network. Package

Construction cement is sold in specialized hypermarkets, retail stores, and small building materials stores. Cement is packed in bags made of thick paper in several layers. This is explained by the fact that cement quickly absorbs moisture, thereby losing activity, i.e. simply loses its usefulness. On the bags, in addition to the brand, the weight is indicated in kilograms.

Manufacturers offer several types of packaging: 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 kg. For concrete work on foundations or for masonry mortar, cement in 50 kg bags is usually chosen.

Recommendations for choosing a mixture

When choosing a material, pay attention to the following:

  • Review the manufacturer's information.
  • Give preference to domestically produced compounds.
  • Examine the packaging container, which indicates the bulk density of the cement.
  • Focus on the markings, which increase in strength.
  • Analyze the costs that are not worth saving on. You can purchase a low-quality product, and as a result get a structure with insufficient strength.

Bulk density of cement

To determine how many kg of cement are in a 10 or 12 liter bucket, you must first find out the bulk density of the material. Usually the parameter is indicated in the quality certificate or in the instructions on the bag itself. Knowing the bulk density, it is not difficult to perform calculations.

Factors affecting the bulk density of cement:

  • The shelf life of the powder - the material only from the factory shows a value of 1100 kg/m3. During the grinding process, the particles of the material receive a static charge of the same sign, and therefore repel one another. The voids are immediately filled with air. But during transportation and storage, the static charge disappears, the cement becomes denser and the indicator can even increase to 1600 kg/m3.
  • Features of production technology - this factor determines the size of air voids, the size of powder fractions, etc.
  • The composition of the material is limestone, slag, microsilica, etc. They reduce the cost of cement, but also the density (and strength at the same time). Only Portland cement does not contain mineral additives, and in this case the bulk density is equal to an average of 1300 kilograms per cubic meter.

Weight, volume and proportions of cement for mortars

When mixing cement mortar, it is inconvenient to use the GOST recipe, where the components are indicated in a proportional ratio to each other. It is more convenient to use the usual measures: bags or kilograms. Then the solution recipe becomes simple and understandable, and by mixing all the components you can obtain a material with the specified technical characteristics.

How many kg of cement are in one bag or cubic meter? What volume does 1 bag of dry cement take? These questions are relevant when calculating building materials, when choosing, since packaging varies, and also when selecting transport for delivery. Each brand of dry cement has its own weight, which means the ratio of components when mixing cement-sand mortar will be different.

What determines the weight of cement?

The specific gravity of a building material according to SNiP II-3-79 is a physical quantity that shows the ratio of the weight of the material to the volume it occupies. Dry cement takes up significantly less space than cement mortar, so one kilogram of cement binder will yield several kg of cement-sand mixture.

The specific gravity of cement depends on many factors:

  • brand and composition;
  • degree of grinding of components;
  • production method;
  • storage duration.

The weight of fresh cement powder (subject to storage temperature and humidity conditions) is 1200 kg/m3. This is a minimum indicator due to the fact that the particles of freshly ground material have positive and negative electrical charges. Due to the difference in charges, the particles repel each other, the density of the powder decreases, and therefore the weight indicators decrease.

Subsequently, the cement powder is packaged, transported, and stored. Electrical charges disappear, the air involved in production escapes, and the density of the material increases. Builders say: cement cakes. On average, the weight of one cubic meter of binder six months after release with proper storage is 1550 kg.

If storage conditions are violated, the material can absorb moisture, which leads to an increase in density and, accordingly, weight. The finer the powder is, the more water it absorbs and the greater its mass. Considering that high grades of cement have fine grinding, the higher the grade, the more demanding the material is in terms of storage conditions. Depending on the brand, one cubic meter (m3) of cement can produce a weighing difference of up to 400 kg/m3. That is why when preparing a solution, not only weight, but also brand is taken into account. For example, for the M200 grade the cement/sand ratio will be 1 to 3, and when using the M400 grade it will be 1 to 2.2.

For rough calculations, builders use an average of 1300 kg/m3. Based on this, it can be calculated that a standard 50 kg bag contains approximately 0.04 m3 of dry binder. This parameter is crucial when ordering transport for the delivery of building materials, since the capacity of the car or trunk volume is always calculated in m3 or liters.

Proportions of cement mortars

The weight of a bag of cement is indicated on the container, but manufacturers are silent about the density. Moreover, the density of the powder can vary even within the same brand by up to 50%, depending on the conditions and duration of storage. To prepare a cement-sand mortar or concrete mixture, you need to learn how to convert one value into another.

To mix concrete based on Portland cement M500, the proportion of components according to GOST 27006-2019 will be as follows:

  • 1 part binder;
  • 2 parts fine filler;
  • 4 parts coarse aggregate.

From the recipe ratio it is easy to determine the volume of each component. To do this, you need to divide the total volume of the solution by the number of parts. For example, if you need 1 m3 of mixture, then one part is 1/7 = 0.142 m3. That is, 1 part of any of the components is equal to this indicator. Considering that the cement density is 1300 kg/m3, the recipe in the usual kilograms will look like this:

  • 184 kg of binder or 3.68 bags of 50 kg;
  • 213 kg of fine filler;
  • 197 kg of coarse aggregate (gravel).

If another large aggregate is used, then the weight of the last component will be different: granite - 192 kg, limestone - 183 kg, rubble - 213 kg, basalt - 241 kg.

To calculate the number of bags of cement, you need to divide the resulting weight by the number of kilograms in the bag. For example, to mix 1 cubic meter of concrete you will need 4 bags of 50 kg or 8 bags of 25 kg.

Where can I get recipes for concrete mixtures and CPS to create proportions of components and calculations? The recipe for each type of solution is calculated individually, but always taking into account GOST 27006-2019. The recipe must be such as to ensure the preparation of a solution with the specified technical characteristics.

The main types of solutions are prepared according to the following recipe with a cement/sand/crushed stone ratio:

  1. Concrete M100 - 1/4.5/7 on Portland cement M400 or 1/5.8/8 on Portland cement M500.
  2. Concrete M250 - 1/2/4 on Portland cement M400 or 1/2.5/4.5 on Portland cement M500. — 1/2.3/7 on Portland cement M400 or 1/1.5/3.2 on Portland cement M500.

This recipe can be used for the production of ready-mixed concrete used in the construction of houses, pouring foundations and bowls of swimming pools, sidewalk paths, making curb stones, and bored piles.

How much does 1 cube of ready-made solution weigh?

The weight of one cubic meter of finished mortar is important when transporting it or supplying it to a height, when choosing the carrying capacity of a car or the performance of a concrete pump. The weight of liquid concrete and cement-sand mortar depends on the density of the components included in its composition and the proportion in which they were used. When using heavy coarse aggregates, such as granite, basalt, magnetite, the weight of 1 m3 of concrete mixture can differ by 2-3 times from the weight of a solution mixed with gravel.

The average weight of 1 cubic meter of concrete mixture according to GOST 7473-2010, mixed with granite aggregate, depending on the brand and strength class, will be as follows:

  • M100 (B7.5) - 2494 kg;
  • M200 (B15) - 2432 kg;
  • M250 (B20) - 2348 kg;
  • M300 (B22.5) - 2389 kg;
  • M350 (B25) - 2502 kg;
  • M400 (B30) - 2376 kg; - 2980 kg.

Weight of 1 m3 of concrete mortar mixed with other aggregates according to SNiP II-3-79:

  • reinforced concrete - 2500 kg;
  • tuff concrete - 1200. 1400 kg;
  • pumice concrete - 800. 1600 kg;
  • on volcanic slag - 800.1600 kg;
  • expanded clay foam concrete - 500. 1800 kg;
  • shungizite concrete - 100. 1400 kg;
  • perlite concrete - 600. 1200 kg;
  • thermosite concrete - 1000. 1800 kg;
  • on granulated blast furnace slag - 1200 kg;
  • vermiculite concrete - 800.1000 kg;
  • gas, foam concrete, foam silicate - 300. 1100 kg.

The weight of 1 cube of mortar according to SNiP II-3-79 is:

  • cement-sand (CPS) - 1800 kg;
  • cement-sand-lime - 1700 kg;
  • lime-sand - 1600 kg;
  • cement-slag - 1400 kg;
  • gypsum - 1000 kg.

Calculation of cement for transportation

When transporting bags of cement or bulk powder, it is important to know how much material will fit in a particular machine. For example, to transport 10 m3 of cement, you will need two KAMAZ trucks with a carrying capacity of 7 tons or one 15-ton truck.

Equally important is the transportation of materials directly to the construction site. In the absence of a concrete pump, materials for mixing the solution are usually supplied in buckets. One cubic meter of dry cement is 84 10-liter buckets or 50 20-liter buckets.

To calculate how many bags can be carried in the trunk of a car, you need to know the volume of 1 bag and the capacity of the trunk. The specific density of dry cement powder is the weight of 1 m3 of material. The average density is 1300 kg/m3. To determine the volume of cement in a 50-kg bag, you need to solve the proportion:

50 kg - X%, hence X = 3.85%. This is exactly the percentage of 1 cubic meter contained in the bag. We take the resulting percentage of a cubic meter and get the value in usual cubic meters - 0.0385 m3 or 38.5 liters. Knowing the volume of the car trunk, you can calculate how many bags can theoretically be loaded there. Precisely theoretically, because in real conditions it is necessary to take into account the carrying capacity of the vehicle and the method of laying bags of cement.

Cement packaging

Manufacturers pack cement in bags of 5, 10, 25 and 50 kg, giving the buyer the opportunity to choose the most convenient and economical option. If, when calculating the proportion, it turned out that for construction and installation work you need 5.2 bags of cement of 50 kg, then it is advisable to buy 5 bags of 50 and one of 10 kg. When making calculations, do not forget about technological losses and add 5-7% to any result obtained.

How much does a bucket of concrete and cement-sand mortar weigh, with and without a bucket?

A regular bucket, or a construction one, haven’t decided what to wear yet.

First you need to decide on the size of the bucket and its volume.

Next, decide on the concrete itself, the brand of concrete, its density, aggregates can be different (expanded clay, crushed stone, etc.), this affects the weight of the concrete and the weight of the cement-sand mortar (sand density, its fraction, all this is taken into account).

Then decide on the material for making the bucket, for example, a galvanized metal bucket (empty) weighs more than a plastic bucket.

Moreover, the weight can be different even for buckets of the same volume and the same material, because the wall thickness of the bucket is different.

And plus the filling of the bucket with solutions can be different.

That is, we can only talk about approximate figures.

So an empty galvanized bucket for 12 liters weighs 1 kg, for 15 liters 1.35 kg, for 9 liters 950 grams, etc.

Here is a table (dimensions and weight of a galvanized bucket) for your reference.

Let’s take “round” numbers as a guide; a bucket weighs (galvanized) 1 kg, with a volume of 10 liters.

If concrete has a density of 2500 kg/m3 (this is the average density), then a 10-liter bucket will weigh 25 kg, without a bucket, this volume of concrete weighs 24 kg (25 - 1 = 24).

Cement-sand mortar (if in general) is slightly lighter than concrete (there is no heavy filler, crushed stone, for example).

Weight with container of a 10-liter bucket is 21 kg, without a bucket 20 kg.

A regular bucket, or a construction one, haven’t decided what to wear yet.

A better construction bucket is made of rubber-plastic, it is stronger and more durable even than a galvanized one and at the same time weighs less.

Mass of cement mortar

A solution of cement and sand in a volume of one cubic meter weighs about 1800 (kg).

Possible weight of cement mortar:

Technical conditions and standards GOST 28013-98 regulate the parameters, characteristics, and quality requirements for mortars.

Weight of 1 (m3) cement mortar of different types:

  • Cement-sand mortar - about 1800 (kg);
  • Cement-slag solution - about 1400 (kg);
  • Cement-perlite mortar – about 1000 (kg);
  • Complex mortar (sand, lime, cement) - about 1700 (kg).

The indicated mass values ​​are approximate, since the ratio of the components of the solution may be different, in addition, different types of sand can be used depending on the density of the grains.

Important: according to average density, solutions are divided into heavy (volume weight more than 1500 (kg/m3) and light (volume weight less than 1500 (kg/m3).

Mass in different volumes

As a rule, ordinary buckets are used in the process of preparing concrete mortar. Therefore, it becomes most relevant to determine how many kilograms of cement are in a 10-liter bucket (or 12-liter). But if there are no buckets at hand, and the proportions are indicated in this particular container, you can perform the calculation, ignoring the container, and simply determining the kilograms and starting from the mass in the bag.

To find out how many buckets there are in 1 bag of cement, simply divide the mass of the bag by the mass of the dry component that fits in the bucket (the average is 13 kg, which means cement in a 50 kg bag: 50 kg / 13 = 3.84 buckets).

Method for calculating the number of liters of cement for a 50 kg bag

Cement is a fairly loose mixture, so its density may change over time. Thus, the density of cement is in the range from 1100 to 1600 kg/m3. To simplify calculations, they usually take the figure of 1300 kg/m3. This means that 1,300 kilograms of powder can be placed in one cubic container (1000 liters).

This means that one liter contains 1300 / 1000 = 1.3 kilograms of cement. Next, we calculate how many liters of cement a 50 kg bag contains: 50 / 1.3 = 38.46 = 38.5 liters of cement a standard bag weighing 50 kilograms holds. Accordingly, a 25 kg bag contains 38.46 / 2 (or 25 / 1.3) = 19.23 = 19.5 liters of cement. A 40 kg bag contains 40 / 1.3 = 30.77 = 31 liters.

In the same way, you can calculate the volume of any bag.

Number of buckets of cement for bags of 20, 25 and 50 kg

To determine the number of buckets in various cement delivery containers, you can perform simple calculations. Here you need to take the above values.

How many 10-liter buckets of cement in bags - calculation:

  • The density of cement is 1300 kg/m3 (g/cm3).
  • Determination of the weight of cement in one 10-liter bucket is 1300 grams (as much is contained in one liter) x 10 liters = 13 kilograms of cement in one 10-liter bucket.
  • A 20 kg bag contains 20 / 13 = 1.53 buckets of cement.
  • A bag weighing 25 kilograms contains 1.92 buckets.
  • A 50 kg bag contains 3.84 buckets of cement.

How many 12-liter buckets are in bags - calculation:

  • In one bucket – 1300 x 12 = 15.6 kg of cement.
  • In a bag of 20 kg - 20 / 15.6 = 1.28.
  • In a bag of 25 kg - 1.6.
  • 50 kg bag – 3.2.

So how much material is there in question?

High-quality, freshly produced cement GOST 31108 is a matter with a fairly loose structure that consists of a number of small particles; they look like dust. Microscopic air particles can be found in between.

Cement in a loosened state is characterized by a bulk density in the range of 1100-1600 kg/m3. This indicator becomes the basis for the percentage of cement in the prepared mixture, which will ultimately affect the strength of the solid solution.

To simplify the calculations, the bulk density is taken as one thousand three hundred kg/m3, respectively, in a fifty-kilogram container the identical mass of cement is 42 liters.

If we take this indicator as a basis, it will not be difficult to calculate the number of buckets of bags of cement. If we take into account the different indicators of capacitive volumes that will be used for measurements, the indicators for a 50-kilogram bag will be as follows:

  • 10 liter capacity – 4.2 buckets;
  • 12 liter capacity – 3.5 buckets;
  • capacity for 16 liters - 2.6 buckets.

Recommendations for choosing a mixture

When choosing a material, pay attention to the following:

  • Review the manufacturer's information.
  • Give preference to domestically produced compounds.
  • Examine the packaging container, which indicates the bulk density of the cement.
  • Focus on the markings, which increase in strength.
  • Analyze the costs that are not worth saving on. You can purchase a low-quality product, and as a result get a structure with insufficient strength.

How many kilograms are in a liter of earth

Mass is a characteristic of a body, which is a measure of gravitational interaction with other bodies.

Volume is a quantitative characteristic of the space occupied by a body, structure or substance.

Density is a physical quantity defined as the ratio of body mass to body volume.

The relationship between liters and kilograms of earth is determined by a simple mathematical formula:

V—volume; m—mass; p—density.

In the calculation, the density of the earth was taken = 1500 kg/m3.

The density of the earth can change depending on temperature and pressure. You can find the exact value of earth density in reference books.

See also the universal program for converting liters to kg for any substance depending on its density.

If you need to convert m3 to tons, then see the program for converting tons to m3.

If you need to convert kg to m3, then see the program for converting kg to m3.

Question: How many kg are in a liter of earth?

Answer: 1 kg of earth is equal to 0.667 liters.

Question: How many liters are in a kilogram of soil?

Answer: 1 liter of earth is equal to 1.5 kilograms (kg).

You can quickly solve this simple mathematical operation using our online program. To do this, enter the initial value in the appropriate field and click the button.

This page presents the simplest program for converting kilograms of soil into liters. With this online calculator you can convert liters of soil to kg and back in one click.

Weight of a liter of cement

Among the various brands of cement used on construction sites, the most popular is M400, one liter of which weighs 1.1 (kg).

Weight of a liter of cement of different brands:

  • M100 – 0.7 (kg), M150 – 0.9 (kg), M200 – 0.9 (kg), M300 – 1.1 (kg), M400 – 1.1 (kg), M500 – 1.1 (kg).

The weight of cement directly depends on its brand; the greater the load per square centimeter that the cement can withstand (the number in the marking), the heavier it will be.

Important: the weight of one liter of rarely used cement M600 (military construction, seismic instability zones) is 1.1 (kg).

Bucket capacity

The volume of products is determined depending on the volume that a given container holds. We are talking not only about water, because the volume of any materials and substances is measured in liters. Since this container is often used to carry water, the cubic capacity is most often measured using water.

Liters and kilograms are not the same thing. Although 1 liter of water contains approximately 1 kg, the same cannot be said about cement mixture, sand or any other material.


A standard metal product, which is often used by housewives, has a declared limit of 10 liters. This volume will only be correct when the product is filled to the mark at the top. If you fill the container completely, then there will be about 12 liters inside this container. It is customary to measure how many liters are in a bucket to the existing marks.

Metal containers come in different sizes. The information described above concerned standard buckets sold in hardware stores (or construction stores) and used on the farm. The industry produces metal containers of various cubic capacities. Metal products often have a cubic capacity from 1 liter to 25. If the product required for measurement has a non-standard volume, it is recommended to additionally measure specific data before indicating it so that the result is accurate.

What types of buckets are there?

The capacity of buckets for potato tubers in bulk is always regulated in liters, as is logical to expect from the manufacturer, but not in kilograms that the bucket can hold. Household buckets come in different standard sizes: three, five, ten, twelve liters. There are buckets of 9 and 15 liters.

When answering the question, how many kilograms of potatoes are in a 10-liter bucket, you should take into account the material from which it is made. When using an enamel bucket, the weight of the empty container is added to the weight of the potatoes - about 2 kg. And the weight of potatoes poured into a galvanized bucket with a capacity of 10 liters increases by approximately 1 kg.

Naturally, the displacement of buckets cannot be used for weighing potato tubers in an embankment. After all, the displacement of a container has no connection with the volumetric weight of its contents, and even more so with the actual weight of the potato tubers placed in the bucket. Buckets are universal containers. You can place in bulk completely different substances, products, cereals, grains, fruits, vegetables, root vegetables, including potato tubers.

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