Concrete class for compressive strength B3.5 GOST

  • 1 Composition
  • 2 Technical specifications
  • 3 Applications
  • 4 Consumption of components per 1 cubic meter of concrete

Concrete M450 class b35 is not in great demand in the construction industry, so it is produced extremely rarely. This solution is not used in home construction because it sets quickly and is expensive. This happens because the composition contains too much cement, which increases the cost of concrete. Granite, which is quite expensive, can also play a role, but thanks to it you can get high-quality and durable material.

Composition and proportions

For class B35 concrete, according to GOST 7473-2010, only high quality components are suitable:

  • Portland cement only grades M500, M550 and M600;
  • pure river sand without clay particles;
  • crushed stone only granite with a fraction of 5-20 mm;
  • water that does not contain salt, oil and petroleum industry products.

Proportions are strictly observed. The slightest discrepancy will make the mixture unsuitable for use.

Share of cementSand fractionCrushed stone share

Prices for delivery of concrete M450

Delivery cost from 245 RUR/m3. Concrete is delivered by mixers from 6 to 9 m3

DistancePrice per cubeABS 6 m3ABS 7 m3ABS 8 m3ABS 9 m3
up to 5 km245 ₽1 470 ₽1 715 ₽1 960 ₽2 205 ₽
up to 10 km335 ₽2 010 ₽2 345 ₽2 680 ₽3 015 ₽
up to 15 km365 ₽2 190 ₽2 555 ₽2 920 ₽3 285 ₽
up to 20 km410 ₽2 460 ₽2 870 ₽3 280 ₽3 690 ₽
up to 25 km475 ₽2 850 ₽3 325 ₽3 800 ₽4 275 ₽
up to 30 km540 ₽3 240 ₽3 780 ₽4 320 ₽4 860 ₽
up to 35 km595 ₽3 570 ₽4 165 ₽4 760 ₽5 355 ₽
up to 40 km655 ₽3 930 ₽4 585 ₽5 240 ₽5 895 ₽
Order For exact delivery costs please call:

Production technology

The specific purpose of class B35 concrete makes it unclaimed in private construction. And contractors have to submit bids for concrete plants. The number of enterprises producing building mixtures of this class is limited.

In the factory, the components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. After this, the solution must reach the pouring site immediately to avoid delamination of the components.

Heavy types of concrete should be placed in thin layers of 15-20 cm in a mold or formwork. For better filling, manual and automated vibration is used.

To increase the setting time of concrete, chemical additives are added to the water before mixing the solution.

A poured concrete surface requires constant maintenance. Moisture should not evaporate quickly and the structure should be covered with a thick film to minimize losses.

Strengthening process

Chemical reactions to bind all components of the mixture begin immediately after mixing begins. The process of gaining strength in the final product occurs in waves, and over time the rate decreases:

  • poured concrete gains up to 60% hardness within the first 5 days;
  • the concrete mixture hardens by 70% after 10 days from the date of filling the form;
  • the finished product hardens completely 28 days after concreting.

To increase the strength indicators, the concrete surface is covered with a film for a month to increase the hydration period. At temperatures exceeding 25 °C, the concrete layer should be watered with water to ensure smooth progress of strength gain.

Concrete M450 (B 35)

produces concrete mixtures of various classes and brands with delivery throughout Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region. To purchase M450 concrete, call from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (7 days a week). Our specialists will advise you free of charge. To help you navigate the features of M450 concrete, we have prepared this article.

An important characteristic of any structure is its reliability. To ensure the strength and durability of a building, it is necessary to carefully select materials for construction. Concrete is the optimal material at the moment. Let's consider Concrete grade M450. It has high strength, which allows it to become a raw material for the manufacture of very durable elements with a long service life.

What is the strength of M450 concrete?

Concrete grade 450 is a fairly abstract concept for the average person. In addition to this term, you can also find the phrase “brand strength”. This value shows the maximum weight the structure will be able to withstand after gaining strength. To determine the brand, laboratory tests are carried out 28 days after pouring. During these 4 weeks, an average temperature of +20 degrees Celsius should be maintained.

Concrete M 450 has a compressive strength of 450 kgf/cm2 (kilogram-force per square centimeter). This is quite a large value for private construction. It is important to note that when the outside temperature is below +20°C, it will take more time to gain strength. At temperatures below 0°C, the process slows down so much that additional heating is required for normal hardening.

Brand strength is not the final characteristic of concrete. After pouring, hardening continues for several months. That is why in tables showing the dependence of hardening time on temperature, you can find strength values ​​of more than 100%.

Concrete grade M450 and class B35 - what is the difference?

Before you buy M450 concrete, it is worth finding out what the compressive strength class is. The concrete class is designated by the letter B. The difference from the brand is that the strength value is given not in kgf/cm2, but in MPa, which are units of pressure.

Concrete grade 450 corresponds to class B35 in terms of technical characteristics. These materials are interchangeable. The only difference is that the designations are made according to regulatory documents developed at different times.

Technical characteristics of concrete b35

In addition to the grade of concrete for compression, there are several other important properties that need to be taken into account when choosing products:

  • Frost resistance - shows how many years a structure can last outdoors under conditions of changing seasons from cold to warm (for outdoor structures it is selected within F50 - F150); the standard indicator for this brand of concrete is F200.
  • Moisture resistance - under normal operating conditions, W4 or W6 is selected; for parts of the building exposed to moisture, it is worth choosing higher values; the standard indicator for this brand of concrete is W8.
  • Mobility - depends on the method of feeding the concrete mixture into the formwork (mold); for a concrete pump, the requirements are as follows: the concrete must have a mobility of at least P4.

A competent choice of concrete grade for all main indicators is the key to the reliability of the future structure.

Density of heavy concrete M450

The material in question refers to heavy concrete. Concrete B35 has a high density, on average 2.4 tons per cubic meter. The exact value depends on the bulk density of the aggregates. The crushed stone in its composition has a strong influence on the density of M450 concrete.

Application of concrete M 450

High density and strength characteristics allow B35 concrete to become an ideal raw material for creating the following types of structures:

  • foundations for heavy and multi-story buildings;
  • floors with sufficiently large spans and loads;
  • special structures;
  • bridge supports (columns).

B35 concrete should be used for critical elements of buildings and structures that experience heavy loads.

Concrete composition m 450 (b 35) per 1 m3

To ensure a high quality concrete mixture, the following factors affecting it must be taken into account:

  • quality of raw materials used for mixing concrete m 450 (in 35);
  • maintaining the proportions of the components;
  • compliance with technology in the production of concrete mixture.

That is why higher quality and strict compliance of B35 concrete with the characteristics can only be ensured in a factory environment with special equipment.

When considering the quality of materials used, it is important to know the following:

  • Cement grade M500 is used in the production of concrete. This material is characterized by high strength. During storage, all conditions are strictly observed, so the likelihood of adding damp cement to the mixture is minimized.
  • Adding river sand to the composition instead of cheaper quarry sand allows you to avoid harmful impurities getting into the material. The sand is additionally screened from silt, dust and clay, which are dangerous because they lead to high shrinkage of concrete during the hardening process.
  • Strong crushed stone (1200 kg/cm2) is used as coarse aggregate. The strength of the entire concrete largely depends on the strength of this component. The crushed stone size is selected in strict accordance with regulatory documents (usually a fraction of 5–20 mm).
  • Water is needed in order to obtain a mixture of all these components. It is not allowed to contain impurities in the liquid that are hazardous to both human health and the quality of the material. To prepare concrete M 450, only purified water is used.

In addition to the main components, the composition of concrete B35 (m450) includes special additives or modifiers. These substances include:

  • frost-resistant additives;
  • plasticizers, which reduce the likelihood of cracks appearing on the surface and increase plasticity when laying in formwork;
  • hardening accelerators or retarders (the need for their use depends on the required setting time).
Where to buy concrete B 35 with delivery at a low price per m3?

It is important that the material production plant uses only high-quality raw materials. This is especially true for such high brands as M450 (B35). If you need to order concrete M 450 (B 35) in Rostov-on-Don, then you should contact.

If you choose concrete from Rostov-on-Don, produced strictly in accordance with GOST 26633–2012, you don’t have to worry about the quality of the main components, modifiers and the concrete itself. In addition, we will offer timely and accurate delivery of the ordered concrete. Call the phone number provided.

Properties and characteristics

Class B35 concrete must have the following technical characteristics:

  • compressive strength – 458.4 kgf/cm2;
  • density – 2000-2800 kg/m3. Such a large weight is explained by the presence of granite in the final product;
  • frost resistance – F200-F400. A higher value is achieved through the use of antifreeze. The structure behaves well in harsh regions with cold climates and does not collapse for a long time;
  • waterproof rating – W10-W14. The dense composition prevents moisture from entering and is suitable for structures exposed to water;
  • The mobility of the mixture is average – P3-P5.


  • Concrete does not allow moisture to pass through and is not subject to corrosion;
  • allows the construction of high-strength structures.


  • High price;
  • sets quickly;
  • without chemical additives it exfoliates and hardens quickly;
  • narrow scope.

Concrete mixture of light strength class B3.5, grade M50

Concrete mixture grade M50
belongs to the category of lightweight mortars.
This is also evidenced by the lowest strength class - B3.5
. The proportions of the binder component in the material are low, which is why it is unable to withstand heavy loads. However, M50 concrete remains in demand on construction sites, as it can be useful for various preparatory work.

Ready solution that meets GOST 28013-98

, can not be ordered from every factory. One of the few producers of this mixture is the RBU network in the Moscow region. Concrete class B3.5 is shipped in strict compliance with the declared volume, and is also accompanied by an official quality certificate.

Areas and features of application

Concrete class B35 is suitable only for the construction of structures subject to considerable loads and with high waterproofing ability:

  • large-scale hydraulic structures - dams, dams, aqueducts, reservoirs, underground wells;
  • pouring load-bearing supports of bridges passing through water barriers;
  • concreting the walls of sewer tunnels;
  • pouring of industrial workshop sites;
  • covering runways at airfields;
  • construction of protective walls against tsunamis and tidal waves in the seas and oceans;
  • construction of military facilities - bomb shelters, test sites, bunkers;
  • construction of buildings in places with increased seismic activity.

Class B35 concrete is very durable, but is not widely used due to its specific properties and high price.

Where is lightweight concrete mix M50 used?

The technical characteristics of the finished solution limit the range of tasks for which it would be suitable. This material may be useful in the following operations:

  • plastering of premises;
  • sealing cracks, small holes and openings with their subsequent sealing;
  • soil stabilization before laying floors or pouring the main foundation;
  • organizing a base for a parking lot or sidewalk;
  • construction of borders, as well as pillows under them;
  • formation of a lightly loaded screed;
  • concreting fences or pillars;
  • installation of rough foundations in swimming pool bowls.

The list of acceptable operations may expand depending on the requirements for the strength and moisture resistance of the structures being created.

Calculate the required volume of BSG concrete and reinforcement for your facility

Strip foundation calculator

Slab foundation calculator
How to place an order:

  • You can place an order in any way convenient for you on the website or in person at the company’s office. On the official website, select the product you are interested in and leave a request. By contacting the sales department, you can get any information about the product from our managers.
  • Discuss the details of the order. Experts will help with calculations of the required volume (m3), and advise on the advantages and features of this class of concrete.
  • After clarification of all working issues (delivery, availability of a machine or additional equipment, approximate prices), the delivery time for the solution is agreed upon. The buyer will need to select a suitable payment method.
  • After concluding (signing) the contract, we immediately begin production of the concrete mixture and organize delivery of the solution to the construction site.

The deal is considered closed only after the concrete has been shipped and delivered to the site. The buyer checks compliance with all terms of the contract and signs documents confirming the completion of the order.

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