GOST 8717.0-84 Reinforced concrete and concrete steps. Specifications

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  • / Installation of concrete stairs and size of steps according to GOST 8717.1-84

We have previously considered the provisions of GOST 231202016 “Flying stairs, platforms and steel fences”, which replaced GOST 9818-85. They discuss the general requirements for flights of stairs, but there is another regulatory act, the name of which speaks for itself. We are talking about GOST 8717.1-84 “Reinforced concrete and concrete steps. Designs and Dimensions" is a very important document, especially considering that the installation of concrete stairs is now more often chosen than the installation of stepped structures made of other materials. This is primarily due to the unique characteristics of reinforced concrete.


1.1. Steps, depending on their shape and location in the flight of stairs, are divided into the following types:

LS - main;

LSV - upper frieze;

LSP - platform liner;

LSN - lower frieze;

LSS - flat for through marches.

Layout diagrams of steps in a flight of stairs are given in the reference appendix.

1.2. The shape and dimensions of the steps, as well as their material consumption indicators, must correspond to those indicated in the drawing. 1, 2 and in table. 1.

1.3. The steps are made of reinforced concrete.

The main steps (LS type) with a length of up to 1500 mm inclusive for stairs arranged on a solid base are made of concrete.

- “tail”

The size in brackets refers to steps for stairs with a slope of 1:1.5.

Crap. 1

1.4. Reinforced concrete steps are intended for use in stairs with a calculated short-term load (without taking into account their own weight) up to 6 kPa (600 kgf/m2).

1.5. The steps are made with embedded products for fastening the fences.

Steps can be manufactured with sockets (instead of embedded products) for fastening fences, if this is indicated in the order for the manufacture of steps.

In flat steps (LSS type), embedded products are installed for fastening to stringers with a width of at least 155 mm and no more than 180 mm, while the axes of symmetry of the embedded products of steps and stringers must coincide.

It is allowed to install additional embedded products in the steps in accordance with the design of a specific building or structure.

1.6. Steps, if necessary, are made in two versions: right and left - for stairs with rise, respectively, counterclockwise and clockwise.

Stages of standard sizes LSS12 and LSS15

Crap. 2

1.7. The steps are made with mounting loops.

The manufacture of steps without mounting loops and the use of gripping devices for lifting them is permitted by agreement between the manufacturer, the consumer and the design organization - the author of the building or structure project.

1.8. Steps made of heavy concrete and dense silicate concrete are made with or without a decorative structural layer of concrete on the upper front surface.

Steps made of lightweight concrete must have a top layer of heavy concrete with a thickness of at least 15 mm or a decorative structural layer or a coating of abrasion-resistant synthetic materials.

1.9. The decorative structural layer of the steps must have a thickness of at least 15 mm and be made of heavy concrete or dense silicate concrete.

Table 1

OKP code Stage brand Main dimensions of the step, mm Consumption of materials Reference mass of stage), kg
l h b Concrete, m3 Steel, kg
57 4613 0044 LS11-B 1050 145 330 0,046 0,28

57 4613 0058 LS11-LB 87
57 4613 0072 LS11-SB 85
57 4613 0045 LS12-B 1200 0,053 0,28

57 4613 0059 LS12-LB 100
57 4613 0073 LS12-SB 98
57 4613 0046 LS14-B 1350 0,060 0,28

57 4613 0060 LS14-LB 114
57 4613 0074 LS14-SB 111
57 4613 0047 LS15-B 1500 0,066 0,28

57 4613 0061 LS15-LB 125
57 4613 0075 LS15-SB 122
57 4613 0048 LS9.17-B 900 168 290 0,040 0,28

57 4613 0062 LS9.17-LB 76
57 4613 0076 LS9.17-SB 74
57 4613 0049 LS11.17-B 1050 0,046 0,28

57 4613 0063 LS11.17-LB 87
57 4613 0077 LS11.17-SB 85
57 4613 0050 LS12.17-B 1200 0,053 0,28

57 4613 0064 LS12.17-LB 100
57 4613 0078 LS12.17-SB 98
57 4613 0051 LS11-B-1 1050 145 330 0,046 0,65


57 4613 0065 LS11-LB-1 88
57 4613 0079 LS11-SB-1
57 4613 0052 LS12-B-1 1200 0,053 0,65


57 4613 0066 LS12-LB-1 101
57 4613 0080 LS12-SB-1 98
57 4613 0053 LS14-B-1 1350 0,060 1,07


57 4613 0067 LS14-LB-1 115
57 4613 0081 LS14-SB-1 111
57 4613 0054 LS15-B-1 1500 0,066 1,07


57 4613 0068 LS15-LB-1 126
57 4613 0082 LS15-SB-1 122
57 4613 0055 LS9.17-B-1 900 168 290 0,040 0,65


57 4613 0069 LS9.17-LB-1 46
57 4613 0083 LS9.17-SB-1 74
57 4613 0056 LS11.17-B-1 1050 0,046 0,65


57 4613 0070 LS11.17-LB-1 88
57 4613 0084 LS11.17-SB-1 85
57 4613 0057 LS12.17-B-1 1200 0,053 0,65


57 4613 0071 LS12.17-LB-1 102
57 4613 0085 LS12.17-SB-1 98
58 9121 3290 LS11 1050 145 330 0,046 0,65


58 9121 3360 LS11-SH
58 9122 0574 LS11-L 88
58 9122 0511 LS11-L-SH
58 9124 0035 LS11-S 85
58 9124 0073 LS11-S-Sh
58 9121 3291 LS12 1200 0,053 0,69


58 9121 3361 LS12-SH
58 9122 0575 LS12-L 101
58 9122 0512 LS12-L-SH
58 9124 0002 LS12-S 98
58 9124 0074 LS12-S-Sh
58 9121 3292 LS14 1350 0,060 0,75


58 9121 3362 LS14-SH
58 9122 0576 LS14-L 115
58 9122 0513 LS14-L-SH
58 9124 0003 LS14-S 111
58 9124 0075 LS14-S-Sh
58 9121 3293 LS15 1500 0,066 0,80


58 9121 3339 LS15-G
58 9121 3363 LS15-SH
58 9122 0577 LS15-L 125
58 9122 0529 LS15-L-G
58 9122 0514 LS15-L-SH
58 9124 0004 LS15-S 122
58 9124 0052 LS15-S-G
58 9124 0076 LS15-S-Sh
58 9121 3294 LS17 1650 0,072 0,86


58 9121 3340 LS17-G
58 9121 3364 LS17-SH
58 9122 0578 LS17-L 137
58 9122 0530 LS17-L-G
58 9122 0515 LS17-L-SH
58 9124 0005 LS17-S 133
58 9124 0053 LS17-S-G
58 9124 0077 LS17-S-Sh
58 9121 3295 LS23 2250 0,100 1,74


58 9121 3341 LS23-G
58 9121 3365 LS23-SH
58 9122 0579 LS23-L 191
58 9122 0531 LS23-L-G
58 9122 0516 LS23-L-SH
58 9124 0006 LS23-S 185
58 9124 0054 LS23-S-G
58 9124 0078 LS23-S-Sh
58 9121 3296 LS9.17 900 168 290 0,040 0,60


58 9122 0580 LS9.17-L 76
58 9124 0007 LS9.17-S 74
58 9121 3396 LS11.17 1050 0,046 0,65


58 9122 0581 LS11.17-L 88
58 9124 0008 LS11.17-S 85
58 9121 3397 LS12.17 1200 0,053 0,69


58 9122 0582 LS12.17-L 101
58 9124 0009 LS12.17-S 98
58 9121 3315 LS11-1 1050 145 330 0,046 1,02


58 9121 3378 LS11-1SH
58 9122 0550 LS11-L-1 88
58 9122 0601 LS11-L-1SH
58 9124 0028

58 9124 0091



58 9121 3316 LS12-1 1200 0,053 1,06


58 9121 3379 LS12-1Sh
58 9122 0551 LS12-L-1 101
58 9122 0602 LS12-L-1SH
58 9124 0029 LS12-S-1 98
58 9124 0092 LS12-S-1SH
58 9121 3317 LS14-1 1350 0,060 1,54


58 9121 3380 LS14-1SH
58 9122 0552 LS14-L-1 115
58 9122 0603 LS14-L-1SH
58 9124 0030 LS14-S-1 112
58 9124 0093 LS14-S-1SH
58 9121 3318 LS15-1 1500 0,066 1,59


58 9121 3351 LS15-1G
58 9121 3381 LS15-1Sh
58 9122 0553 LS15-L-1 126
58 9122 0541 LS15-L-1G
58 9122 0604 LS15-L-1SH
58 9124 0031 LS15-S-1 123
58 9124 0064 LS15-S-1G
58 9124 0094 LS15-S-1SH
58 9121 3319 LS17-1 1650 0,072 1,65


58 9121 3352 LS17-1G
58 9121 3382 LS17-1Sh
58 9122 0554 LS17-L-1 138
58 9122 0542 LS17-L-1G
58 9122 0605 LS17-L-1SH
58 9124 0032 LS17-S-1 135
58 9124 0065 LS17-S-1G
58 9124 0095 LS17-S-1SH
58 9121 3320 LS23-1 2250 0,100 2,53


58 9121 3353 LS23-1G
58 9121 3383 LS23-1Sh
58 9122 0555 LS23-L-1 192
58 9122 0543 LS23-L-1G
58 9122 0606 LS23-L-1SH
58 9124 0033 LS23-S-1 186
58 9124 0066 LS23-S-1G
58 9124 0096 LS23-S-1SH
58 9121 3321 LS9.17-1 900 168 290 0,040 0,97


58 9122 0556 LS9.17-L-1 77
58 9124 0034 LS9.17-S-1 75
58 9121 3322 LS11.17-1 1050 0,046 1,02


58 9122 0557 LS11.17-L-1 88
58 9124 0035 LS11.17-S-1 85
58 9121 3323 LS12.17-1 1200 0,053 1,06


58 9122 0558 LS12.17-L-1 101
58 9124 0036 LS12.17-S-1 98
58 9121 3297 LSV11 1160 145 260 0,036 0,76


58 9121 3366 LSV11-SH
58 9122 0583 LSV11-L 69
58 9122 0517 LSV11-L-SH
58 9124 0010 LSV11-S 67
58 9124 0079 LSV11-S-Sh
58 9121 3298 LSV12 1310 0,041 0,82


58 9121 3367 LSV12-SH
58 9122 0584 LSV12-L 78
58 9122 0518 LSV12-L-SH
58 9124 0011 LSV12-S 76
58 9124 0080 LSV12-S-Sh
58 9121 3299 LSV14 1460 0,046 0,89


58 9121 3368 LSV14-SH
58 9122 0585 LSV14-L 88
58 9122 0519 LSV14-L-SH
58 9124 0012 LSV14-S 86
58 9124 0081 LSV14-S-Sh
58 9121 3300 LSV15 1610 0,050 0,94


58 9121 3342 LSV15-G
58 9121 3369 LSV15-SH
58 9122 0586 LSV15-L 96
58 9122 0532 LSV15-L-G
58 9122 0520 LSV15-L-Sh
58 9124 0013 LSV15-S 93
58 9124 0055 LSV15-S-G
58 9124 0082 LSV15-S-Sh
58 9121 3301 LSV17 1760 0,055 1,00


58 9121 3343 LSV17-G
58 9121 3370 LSV17-SH
58 9122 0587 LSV17-L 105
58 9122 0533 LSV17-L-G
58 9122 0521 LSV17-L-SH
58 9124 0014 LSV17-S 102
58 9124 0056 LSV17-S-G
58 9124 0083 LSV17-S-Sh
58 9121 3302 LSV23 2360 0,074 1,26


58 9121 3344 LSV23-G
58 9121 3371 LSV23-SH
58 9122 0588 LSV23-L 141
58 9122 0534 LSV23-L-G
58 9122 0522 LSV23-L-Sh
58 9124 0015 LSV23-S 137
58 9124 0057 LSV23-S-G
58 9124 0084 LSV23-S-Sh
58 9121 3303 LSV9.17 1010 168 0,035 0,68


58 9122 0589 LSV9.17-L 67
58 9124 0016 LSV9.17-S 65
58 9121 3304 LSV11.17 1160 0,040 0,76


58 9122 0590 LSV11.17-L 76
58 9124 0017 LSV11.17-S 74
58 9121 3305 LSV12.17 1310 0,045 0,82


58 9122 0591 LSV12.17-L 86
58 9124 0018 LSV12.17-S 83
58 9121 3324 LSP11 1050 145 260 0,031 3,67


58 9121 3384 LSP11-SH
58 9122 0559 LSP11-L 62
58 9122 0607 LSP11-L-Sh
58 9124 0037 LSP11-S 60
58 9124 0097 LSP11-S-Sh
58 9121 3325

58 9121 3385



1200 0,035 3,71


58 9122 0560 LSP12-L 70
58 9122 0608 LSP12-L-Sh
58 9124 0038 LSP12-S 68
58 9124 0098 LSP12-S-Sh
58 9121 3326 LSP14 1350 0,040 3,79


58 9121 3386 LSP14-SH
58 9122 0561 LSP14-L 79
58 9122 0609 LSP14-L-Sh
58 9124 0039 LSP14-S 77
58 9124 0099 LSP14-S-Sh
58 9121 3327 LSP15 1500 0,044 3,86


58 9121 3354 LSP15-G
58 9121 3387 LSP15-Sh
58 9122 0562 LSP15-L 87
58 9122 0544 LSP15-L-G
58 9122 0610 LSP15-L-Sh
58 9124 0040 LSP15-S 85
58 9124 0067 LSP15-S-G
58 9124 0100 LSP15-S-Sh
58 9121 3328 LSP17 1650 0,048 3,91


58 9121 3355 LSP17-G
58 9121 3388 LSP17-Sh
58 9122 0563 LSP17-L 95
58 9122 0545 LSP17-L-G
58 9122 0611 LSP17-L-Sh
58 9124 0041 LSP17-S 92
58 9124 0068 LSP17-S-G
58 9124 0101 LSP17-S-Sh
58 9121 3329 LSP23 2250 0,066 5,64


58 9121 3356 LSP23-G
58 9121 3389 LSP23-SH
58 9122 0564 LSP23-L 130
58 9122 0546 LSP23-L-G
58 9122 0612 LSP23-L-Sh
58 9124 0042 LSP23-S 126
58 9124 0069 LSP23-S-G
58 9124 0102 LSP23-S-Sh
58 9121 3330 LSP9.17 900 168 0,030 3,60


58 9122 0565 LSP9.17-L 60
58 9124 0043 LSP9.17-S 58
58 9121 3331 LSP11.17 1050 0,034 3,67


58 9122 0566 LSP11.17-L 68
58 9124 0044 LSP11.17-S 66
58 9121 3332 LSP12.17 1200 0,039 3,71


58 9122 0567 LSP12.17-L 77
58 9124 0045 LSP12.17-S 75
58 9121 3306 LSN11 1050 125 290 0,024 0,76


58 9121 3372 LSN11-SH
58 9122 0592 LSN11-L 46
58 9122 0523 LSN11-L-Sh
58 9124 0019 LSN11-S 45
58 9124 0085 LSN11-S-Sh
58 9121 3307 LSN12 1200 0,027 0,80


58 9121 3373 LSN12-SH
58 9122 0593 LSN12-L 52
58 9122 0524 LSN12-L-Sh
58 9124 0020 LSN12-S 50
58 9124 0086 LSN12-S-Sh
58 9121 3308 LSN14 1350 0,031 0,89


58 9121 3374 LSN14-SH
58 9122 0594 LSN14-L 60
58 9122 0525 LSN14-L-Sh
58 9124 0021 LSN14-S 58
58 9124 0087 LSN14-S-Sh
58 9121 3309 LSN15 1500 0,034 0,96


58 9121 3345 LSN15-G
58 9121 3375 LSN15-SH
58 9122 0595 LSN15-L 65
58 9122 0535 LSN15-L-G
58 9122 0526 LSN15-L-Sh
58 9124 0022 LSN15-S 64
58 9124 0058 LSN15-S-G
58 9124 0088 LSN15-S-Sh
58 9121 3310 LSN17 1650 0,038 1,02


58 9121 3346 LSN17-G
58 9121 3376 LSN17-SH
58 9122 0596 LSN17-L 73
58 9122 0536 LSN17-L-G
58 9122 0527 LSN17-L-Sh
58 9124 0023 LSN17-S 71
58 9124 0059 LSN17-S-G
58 9124 0089 LSN17-S-Sh
58 9121 3311 LSN23 2250 0,051 1,29


58 9121 3347 LSN23-G
58 9121 3377 LSN23-SH
58 9122 0597 LSN23-L 98
58 9122 0537 LSN23-L-G
58 9122 0528 LSN23-L-Sh
58 9124 0024 LSN23-S 95
58 9124 0060 LSN23-S-G
58 9124 0090 LSN23-S-Sh
58 9121 3312 LSN9.14 900 143 0,022 0,69


58 9122 0598 LSN9.14-L 42
58 9124 0025 LSN9.14-S 41
58 9121 3313 LSN11.14 1050 0,025 0,76


58 9122 0599 LSN11.14-L 48
58 9124 0026 LSN11.14-S 47
58 9121 3314 LSN12.14 1200 0,029 0,80


58 9122 0600 LSN12.14-L 56
58 9124 0027 LSN12.14-S 54
58 9121 3333 LSS12 1180 100 330 0,034 4,08


58 9121 3348 LSS12-G
58 9121 3393 LSS-12-SH
58 9122 0568 LSS12-L 68
58 9122 0538 LSS12-L-G
58 9122 0616 LSS12-L-Sh
58 9124 0046 LSS12-S 57
58 9124 0061

58 9124 0106



58 9121 3334 LSS15 1500 0,043 4,60


58 9121 3349 LSS15-G
58 9121 3394 LSS15-SH
58 9122 0569 LSS15-L 86
58 9122 0539 LSS15-L-G
58 9122 0617 LSS15-L-Sh
58 9124 0047 LSS15-S 84
58 9124 0062 LSS15-S-G
58 9124 0107 LSS15-S-Sh
58 9121 3336 LSS12-1 1180 0,034 5,62


58 9121 3357 LSS12-1G
58 9121 3390 LSS12-1SH
58 9122 0571 LSS12-L-1 70
58 9122 0547 LSS12-L-1G
58 9122 0613 LSS12-L-1SH
58 9124 0049 LSS12-S-1 68
58 9124 0070 LSS12-S-1G
58 9124 0103 LSS12-S-1SH
58 9121 3337 LSS15-1 1500 0,043 6,14


58 9121 3358 LSS15-1G
58 9121 3391 LSS15-1Sh
58 9122 0572 LSS15-L-1 87
58 9122 0548 LSS15-L-1G
58 9122 0614 LSS15-L-1SH
58 9124 0050 LSS15-S-1 85
58 9124 0071 LSS15-S-1G
58 9124 0104 LSS15-S-1SH
58 9121 3335 LSS24 2380 0,074 7,92


58 9121 3350 LSS24-G
58 9121 3395 LSS24-SH
58 9122 0570 LSS24-L 148
58 9122 0540 LSS24-L-G
58 9122 0618 LSS24-L-Sh
58 9124 0048 LSS24-S 144
58 9124 0063 LSS24-S-G
58 9124 0108 LSS24-S-Sh
58 9121 3338 LSS24-1 9,46


58 9121 3359 LSS24-1G
58 9121 3392 LSS24-1Sh
58 9122 0573 LSS24-L-1 150
58 9122 0549 LSS24-L-1G
58 9122 0615 LSS24-L-1SH
58 9124 0051 LSS24-S-1 145
58 9124 0072 LSS24-S-1G
58 9124 0105 LSS24-S-1SH


. The brands of steps in the table are given without indicating the version of the steps (clause 1.6).

. Steps with a height of 125 and 145 mm are intended for stairs with a slope of 1:2, and steps with a height of 143 and 168 mm are intended for stairs with a slope of 1:1.5 (for basements, attics and other service stairs).

. Steel consumption is indicated: in the numerator - for a step with mounting loops, in the denominator - for a step without mounting loops.

In the case of installing nests in the steps (instead of embedded products) for fastening fences or installing additional embedded products (clause 1.5), the steel consumption per step is indicated in the table. , should be changed accordingly.

. The weight of the steps is given for steps made of heavy concrete with an average density of 2400 kg/m3, for steps made of lightweight concrete and dense silicate concrete - 1800 kg/m3.

. It is allowed to manufacture steps with dimensions different from those indicated in the table. , on existing equipment before January 1, 1988

1.10. Depending on the finishing of the upper front surfaces, the steps are manufactured in the following types:

with a smooth concrete surface using ordinary cement;

with a smooth surface of a decorative structural layer on white or colored cement;

with a polished mosaic surface of a decorative structural layer of concrete on regular, white or colored cement and on crushed marble.

The visible bottom and end surfaces of the steps are intended for painting.

1.11. To increase wear resistance and reduce the slipperiness of steps, it is allowed to install separate inserts made of friction and abrasion-resistant materials in the form of strips embedded in the step during its molding.

1.12. The designs of steps, as well as reinforcement and embedded products for them, are given in GOST 8717.1-84.

1.13. Steps should be marked with marks in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23009-78.

The step brand consists of alphanumeric groups separated by hyphens.

The first group contains the designation of the type of step and overall dimensions (the values ​​of which are rounded to a whole number): the length of the step or the width of the flight of stairs (for steps of the LSV type), and steps with a height of 168 or 143 mm and their height in centimeters.

In the second group indicate:

for steps made of lightweight concrete and dense silicate concrete - the type of concrete, designated by capital letters L and S, respectively;

for concrete main steps (type LS) - capital letter B.

In the third group (or in the second group if the designations of the stage characteristics given in this brand group are absent) indicate:

the presence of embedded products or nests in the step (clause 1.5), indicated by Arabic numerals: 1 - for steps with embedded products in accordance with GOST 8717.1-84; 2, 3, etc. - for steps with additional embedded products or sockets in accordance with the design documentation of a specific building or structure;

the left version of the step (clause 1.6), denoted by the lowercase letter “l”;

type of finishing of the upper front surface of the step (with the exception of the smooth surface of concrete on ordinary cement, which is not indicated in the brand), denoted by the capital letter G for a smooth surface of the decorative structural layer of concrete on white or colored cement, Ш - for a polished mosaic surface;

additional characteristics that ensure the durability of the steps under operating conditions. For example: M - for steps used in areas with a design outdoor temperature below minus 40 ° C; for steps used in conditions of exposure to aggressive environments - characteristics of the degree of concrete density. (For example, P - high density).

An example of a symbol (brand) for a LS type step, 1500 mm long, 145 mm high, made of heavy concrete, with embedded products for fastening the fence, with a smooth surface of a decorative structural layer of concrete on white cement, intended for stairs with a clockwise rise:

LS 15-1Gl

The same, LS type steps 1200 mm long, 168 mm high, made of heavy concrete, with a smooth upper front surface of concrete on ordinary cement:


The same, LSV type steps 1310 mm long (designed for marches 1200 mm wide), 145 mm high, made of lightweight concrete, with a polished mosaic surface of a decorative structural layer of concrete on colored cement and crushed marble:



2.1. The steps should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard and technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner, according to the drawings given in GOST 8717.1-84.

2.2. The steps must meet the requirements of GOST 13015.0-83:

according to factory readiness;

in terms of strength and crack resistance;

according to the actual strength of concrete (at design age and tempering age);

on frost resistance, water resistance and abrasion of concrete;

to the quality of materials used to prepare concrete;

to concrete, as well as to materials for preparing concrete steps used under conditions of exposure to aggressive environments;

to the quality of reinforcement and embedded products and their position in the steps;

to steel grades for reinforcing and embedded products, including for mounting hinges;

by deviation of the thickness of the protective layer of concrete;

on the use of molds for the manufacture of steps.

2.3. Steps should be made of concrete of the compressive strength class:

B25 - steps for external stairs of buildings and structures, as well as steps made of heavy concrete or dense silicate concrete, intended for internal stairs of residential buildings up to 5 floors high;

B15 - steps for other buildings and structures.

The top concrete layer of steps made of lightweight concrete, as well as the decorative structural layer of steps should be made of heavy concrete or dense silicate concrete of compressive strength class B25.

The type of concrete and its compressive strength class must correspond to those specified in the order for the manufacture of steps.

2.4. The coefficient of variation in the compressive strength of concrete in a batch for steps of the highest quality category should not be more than:

9% - for heavy and light concrete;

10% - for dense silicate concrete.

2.5. The value of the standardized tempering strength of concrete steps as a percentage of the concrete class for compressive strength should be taken equal to:

70 - for steps made of heavy or light concrete;

100 - for steps made of dense silicate concrete.

When delivering steps in the cold season, it is allowed to increase the value of the standardized tempering strength of concrete, but not more than 85% of the compressive strength class. The value of the standardized tempering strength of concrete should be taken according to the design documentation for a specific building or structure in accordance with the requirements of GOST 13015.0-83.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.6. The average density of lightweight concrete and dense silicate concrete (in a dried to constant weight state) should not be less than 1800 kg/m3.

2.7. The abrasion of the decorative structural layer of concrete on crushed marble should not exceed 1.8 g/cm2.

The abrasion of the decorative structural layer of concrete steps of the highest quality category should not exceed 1.6 g/cm2.

2.8. The shape and dimensions of welded reinforcing mesh and embedded products and their position in the steps must comply with those established in GOST 8717.1-84.

The shape and dimensions of additional embedded products (clause 1.5) and their position in the steps must correspond to those specified in the design documentation of the building or structure.

2.9. Reinforcing steels must meet the requirements of state standards:

rod reinforcing steel classes A-I and A-III - GOST 5781-82;

reinforcing wire class VR-I - GOST 6727-80.

2.10. Reinforcement in steps made of dense silicate concrete intended for use in rooms with a relative humidity of internal air above 60% or in unheated buildings (structures) and outdoors in normal and humid humidity zones should be protected from corrosion. The method of protecting the reinforcement must comply with that established by the design documentation (in accordance with the requirements of SN 165-76) and specified in the order for the manufacture of steps.

2.11. The open surfaces of steel embedded products must have an anti-corrosion coating, the type and technical characteristics of which must correspond to those established by the design of the building or structure in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.03.11-85 and specified in the order for the manufacture of steps.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.12. The values ​​of actual deviations of the geometric parameters of the steps should not exceed the limits specified in the table. 2.

table 2

Type of deviation of the geometric parameter Geometric parameter Prev. off, mm
Deviation from linear size Step length ±5
Step height ±2
Step width ±3
Position of embedded products:
in the plane of the step 5
from the plane of the step 2
Deviation from straightness Straightness of the actual surface profile of the step in any section per 1 m of the step length 2

2.13. Categories of concrete step surfaces:

front polished mosaic - A0 or A1;

facial smooth - A1 or A2;

front, intended for painting - A3;

non-facial, not visible under operating conditions - A7.

Requirements for the quality of surfaces and the appearance of steps are in accordance with GOST 13015.0-83 and this standard.

2.13.1. The upper front surface of the steps of the batch must have the same color and tone.

The surface of the mosaic decorative structural layer must have a uniform (or as specified in the design documentation and order) distribution of marble crushed stone. In the first case, areas without marble crushed stone with an area of ​​more than 3 cm2 are not allowed.

2.13.2. Cracks in concrete are not allowed on the surfaces of the steps, with the exception of shrinkage and other local surface technological cracks with a width of no more than 0.1 mm on the bottom and end surfaces of the steps.

2.13.3. Steps of the highest quality category must have a polished mosaic or smooth top surface of category A1.

Short description

Solid flights of stairs and precast concrete elements are made from light or heavy medium-density cement composite. Corrugated metal rods and steel wire are used for the reinforcing frame.

Structurally finished products are represented by a load-bearing base and steps. At large facilities, marches with one or two adjacent platforms are used. In the absence of the latter, special frieze elements (steps) are provided in the end part. They are needed for fastening individual elements of a flight of stairs.

Physical parameters

The dimensions of reinforced concrete staircases are standardized, which simplifies the work of designers. All parameters are calculated based on the human factor: average step, height, reach.

The table shows the basic indicators for each structural element:

steps● quantity: from 3 to 18 pcs.;
● height: 150-160 mm;

● width; from 28 to 32 cm;

● overhanging the previous one - up to 50 mm.

March● width of the evacuation route from 0.9 m;
● length - over 2 m.
Double flight staircase● height: 2.7, 2.8, 3 and 3.3 m.
Tilt angle● production - 45-70 degrees;
● residential sector - 25-40 degrees;

● ramps - 30 degrees.

Area● length between straight marches: 60-62 cm;
● length on turning spans - 1 m.

The weight of a reinforced concrete flight of stairs depends on the physical parameters of the finished product and the design of the span:

  • platforms, half-courts, friezes;
  • type of support base for steps;
  • the presence or absence of treads (overlay element for mechanical protection of the step).

Weight of flights of stairs 9,11,12 steps

There is a dependence on the brand of concrete used to form a reinforced monolith. On average, to determine the weight of a reinforced concrete flight of stairs (for example, 9 steps), a mass of 95 kg is considered. Here we take into account a sample with a width of 33 cm, a height of 14.5 cm, and a length of 0.9 m. That is, the entire product will weigh almost 850 kg.

Let's calculate the weight of a flight of reinforced concrete stairs for 11 steps, if the size of each is as follows: 100 * 33 * 14.5 cm. Here the weight will average about 104 kg. We get a product weighing 1145 kg.

Standard indicators also include:

  • LS-11 (105*33*14.5 cm) - 115 kg;
  • LS-12 (120*33*14.5 cm) - 133 kg;
  • LS-14 (135*33*14.5 cm) - 150 kg.

Based on ready-made data, it is possible to make preliminary calculations of the weight for the required reinforced concrete flight of stairs. Thus, 12 stages corresponding to the listed samples can have a total mass of 1380, 1596 kg or 1.8 tons.


3.1. Acceptance of steps should be carried out in batches in accordance with the requirements of GOST 13015.1-81 and this standard.

3.2. Acceptance of steps in terms of their strength and crack resistance, frost resistance, water resistance and abrasion of concrete should be carried out based on the results of periodic tests.

3.3. Acceptance of steps in terms of strength (class of compressive strength, tempering strength) and average density of concrete, compliance of reinforcement and embedded products with the requirements of GOST 8717.1-84, strength of welded joints, accuracy of geometric parameters, thickness of the protective layer of concrete to the reinforcement, opening width of shrinkage cracks , categories of concrete surfaces should be made based on the results of acceptance tests and inspections.

3.3.1. In cases where the inspection determines that the actual tempering strength of the concrete is lower than the required tempering strength, the steps should be delivered to the consumer after the concrete reaches a strength corresponding to the class of concrete in terms of compressive strength.

3.3.2. When accepting steps based on the accuracy of geometric parameters, the opening width of shrinkage cracks, and the category of concrete surface, selective single-stage control should be used.

Why choose concrete for the installation of stairs?

Installation of stairs is a very important task, given the importance of stepped structures designed to ensure safe movement on inclined surfaces. This is especially important when arranging the entrance area, where the reliability of the structure and the safety of people depend on the correct installation of the porch. Various options are considered as source material:

  • tree;
  • rolled metal;
  • brick and other piece materials;
  • artificial and natural stone;
  • reinforced concrete.

Each of the listed materials is good in its own way, especially if its installation was carried out in compliance with the requirements of GOST and SP, where the Code of Rules SP 59.13330.2016 “Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility” deserves special attention. This document addresses, among other things, the safety requirements for stairs intended for the movement of disabled people. However, they also have their shortcomings. So, wood is not the best solution for the street, metal stairs are noisy, and granite and marble are expensive.

The ideal solution seems to be the installation of concrete stairs. It is durable, water- and frost-resistant, and also plastic, which is important from a design point of view. The reliability of the structure depends on the composition of the reinforced concrete and the skill of the installers, and the safety of people on the accuracy of the calculations and the correct choice of the size of the steps. That is why we decided to consider the provisions of GOST 8717.1-84.


5.1. Marking of steps - according to GOST 13015.2-81. Markings and signs should be applied to the non-facing surfaces of steps.

It is allowed, by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer and the design organization - the author of the project for a specific building or structure, instead of marks, to apply their abbreviated symbols adopted in the design documentation to the steps.

5.2. Requirements for the document on the quality of steps supplied to the consumer are in accordance with GOST 13015.3-81.

5.3. The steps should be transported and stored in accordance with the requirements of GOST 13015.4-84 of this standard.

5.3.1. Steps should be transported and stored in containers or bags.

It is allowed to store steps and transport them without the use of containers. In this case, the steps should be stacked close to one another. Pads under the bottom row of steps and spacers between the rows must be laid at a distance of 200 mm from the ends or in the locations of the mounting loops. The number of rows of steps in a stack should not exceed five.

5.3.2. When transporting, steps should be laid in correct rows with the longitudinal axis in the direction of vehicle movement.

5.3.3. Load slings and other load-handling devices used for loading, unloading and storing steps must have a soft coating in the places where they come into contact with the steps.

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