How and from what to make a vibrator at home

DIY vibrator from a hammer drill

It is much easier to make such a device from a hammer drill. And for this you will only need: the tool itself, a piece of iron rod and a thick round plate.

The power of the tool must be at least 1.5 kW. Then it will not overheat during operation for a long time. The length of the bending rod should be such that it rests against the bottom of the formwork, where the concrete solution is poured.

  1. We process one side of the nozzle for the tail part, which can be clamped into the hammer drill chuck. And to the second we weld a metal plate about 50–70 mm in diameter.

2. Such a pike device will ensure the combined effect of vibration of the working part of the tool with an impact moment on the formwork itself, without its destruction. In the process of vibration of the formwork walls, the efficiency of removing air masses from the cement mortar increases significantly. Such work is carried out using the “bayonet with rebound” method over the entire surface of the structure element being compacted. Each formwork point can be processed within 3 minutes. A deep vibrator made from a perforator is excellent for construction work in impact mode if it affects the formwork elements from the outside.

When using a deep-hole vibrator based on a hammer drill, the concrete mixture is distributed as evenly as possible


In order to fill a monolithic base or process a large volume of solution, it is recommended to use flat equipment. In order to be able to perform such work, it is important to have a high-power hammer drill, as well as a steel frame on which it will be mounted. We must not forget about preparing a special platform made of stainless metal.

A vibrator made by yourself, of course, cannot be used during large construction projects, but in private or personal use it is quite possible. The financial savings are absolutely obvious.

Step by step work

Manual machines for compacting concrete mixture: a – vibrator with a flexible shaft; b – vibrating mace; c – packet vibrator; g – surface vibrator; d – vibrator rearrangement diagram.

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Take a stainless steel tube, it will act as a nozzle. Stainless steel is practically the only metal that is suitable in this case, since concrete is an aggressive environment, so it is worth choosing this material. Order a steel rod from a turner; it is to this rod that you will later attach the rotational movement of the drill. Weld a piece of a second, rectangular rod to this rod; its task will be to create vibration.

During rotation, this piece will create resistance and try to move the entire structure in the opposite direction, which will naturally create vibration. A hole must be drilled at one end of the rod; it must be through, and the drive will be attached to it. Take two bearings and use them to secure the prepared part inside the tube so that it can rotate freely, but there is no doubt about the strength of the fastening.

In order to increase the service life of the manufactured mechanism, it is necessary to very reliably protect the bearings from dust and dirt, not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Please note that by choosing bearings of poor quality, you will significantly reduce their service life, so you should give preference only to high quality.

Scheme of a hand-held vibrator for concrete.

The next step will be cutting off one side of the tube rod with an outlet equal to approximately 0.5-1 cm. Now you need to completely close the rotating path of the vibrator with a bushing. The bushing must be very strong, which will again increase the service life of the device.

A waterproofing flexible hose with internal reinforcement can also be replaced with a flexible plastic tube with an internal rod, which must also be flexible. Using the selected material (hose or plastic tube), make an eccentric shaft that will connect the drill and the manufactured attachment and will provide vibration.

The basis for the movement of the mechanism will be an internal shaft with an eccentric, and the drill will transmit rotation to it. The vibration of the outer tube will be ensured by shifting the center of gravity of the inner steel rod. This is exactly how the device will function. The tip of the rod will be held in place by a bushing, which, on the one hand, rests against the bearing, and on the other, it will be fixed to the outer casing of the drive.

Deep vibrator: description, scope of application, device

Deep vibrators for cement mortar are specific equipment for construction work related to the compaction of various structures made of concrete or reinforced concrete. Such devices significantly improve the quality of the mortar, facilitate the construction of monolithic structures, and reduce running costs and the construction time of the building.

Device Description

When pouring concrete into a foundation, regardless of the method chosen, it is saturated with a large amount of air and this process is further enhanced if the solution is dry enough. There are many voids left inside the base, which significantly affect the strength characteristics of the foundation and its service life. Previously, they used the manual “bayonet” method, but it was not effective enough. An electric vibrator creates high-frequency vibrations that help the cement mixture “get rid” of excess air and moisture.

A deep vibrator helps remove excess air and moisture from the concrete solution

Concrete acquires a uniform consistency, fluidity, and completely fills the entire form, preventing the formation of voids that affect the strength characteristics of the entire building structure in the future.

The principle of operation of the vibrator is to destroy the adhesion between the smallest elements of the concrete solution, during which voids and air bubbles are completely removed.

But do not forget about the inevitable shrinkage of concrete during its hardening, which can lead to the appearance of cracks that are dangerous to the structure.

Even low-quality concrete, after treatment with a vibrator, acquires the required degree of density and fluidity.

The concrete vibrator can be equipped with attachments of various diameters

Vibrators based on the vibration transmission method can be:

  • deep - to create a compaction of the solution, the working part of the device is lowered into concrete poured from a concrete mixer into the formwork;
  • Vibrating presses - used for constructing floors and interior ceilings;
  • Vibrating presses for external work - installed on the formwork of reinforced concrete structures of vertical structures.

    According to the method of vibration transmission, vibrators are deep, external and surface

Scope of application of the deep vibrator

Such devices are used in various fields of construction for installation, casting and construction of concrete and reinforced concrete structures. It is also used to fill strip, columnar, pile, screw, slab, shallow foundations, as well as monolithic columns and floor slabs.

During operation, the deep vibrator should not touch either the formwork or the reinforcement cage

Device design

The deep vibrator has three main parts in its design:

  • a drive that drives the vibration device;
  • flexible shaft with protective pad made of durable rubber;
  • the tip, which is a vibrating mace.

The vibrator works in this way: the vibrating attachment creates certain vibrations in the liquid concrete solution. The mass flows smoothly over the established shape, creating a homogeneous monolithic surface. Thanks to the forward movements of the device, air bubbles disappear and voids filled with water are removed. As a result, the degree of frost resistance and water resistance of the entire structure increases. The adhesion of metal reinforcement to hardened concrete improves.

Vibrator characteristics:

  1. The vibrator electric motor can have a power of 1 kW or more with single or three-phase power.
  2. The bendable transfer shaft varies in length from 1 to 7 meters.
  3. The ends are provided with durable rubber elements between the motor mount and the vibrating tip.
  4. The working vibration part of the device can have a cylindrical shape or taper downward. The first is used with standard solution density, and the second with increased density.
  5. The tool may include several vibrating attachments, clubs Ø 25–80 mm and two or three bayonets.
  6. The design of the device consists of a housing made of a piece of stainless pipe, in which a metal shaft with a displaced center of gravity is mounted on roller-type bearings. During rotation, the device creates vibration vibrations of the required frequency, which depends on the speed of the motor.
  7. Immersion vibrators make from 10,000 to 20,000 rpm.
  8. The shaft is protected on top by a waterproof film made of polymer material.

The low weight of the vibrator allows one person to operate it. But if the shaft is more than one and a half meters long, then two craftsmen are involved in the work.

The diameter of the mace tip is selected depending on the density of reinforcement laying

Advantages of deep vibrators:

  1. Capable of compacting concrete that contains a large percentage of water. This allows you to increase the strength of the solution, increase its water resistance and resistance to negative temperatures.
  2. They improve the adhesion of concrete to reinforcement and ensure a tight fit around the seams.
  3. The classic instrument produces vibration vibrations with a frequency of 12 to 20 thousand rpm.
  4. Portable portable vibrators have a flexible shaft and a commutator electric drive. They have a low price, but a minimum resource to ensure a large volume of work.
  5. High-frequency vibrators are the most productive and produce special vibration vibrations.

Which extender is better, factory or homemade?

Homemade extenders are significantly inferior to their factory counterparts

To better understand which device is better, you should compare the advantages and disadvantages of home-made and factory designs. Naturally, these data are averaged, and therefore they are relative.

CriterionFactory deviceDo-it-yourself extender made at home
DimensionsErgonomic shape and compactnessBulky design
Quality of materialsHypoallergenic, medicalUnknown, may use toxic materials
ComplianceProducts have passed certain clinical tests and have certificates of quality and complianceAbsent
Side effectsNot identifiedOften
PriceFrom 1500 rubles and depends on the equipment of the deviceOften low, determined by the quality of components

As can be seen from the table, most homemade extenders are significantly inferior to their factory counterparts. At the same time, the cost of a budget model of a factory device is not high.

Durable copy

Products made of ceramics and plasticine are fragile and short-lived. Therefore, it is better to choose other materials. For example, if you need to make an “eternal” vibrator, what can you replace the body with? A good option is wood. You can cut a penis of any thickness and height from it. It is important to polish it thoroughly with sandpaper to remove any splinters. Don't forget to make room inside for the motor and batteries. Afterwards the product can be painted and varnished. The hole for the parts can be closed with sealant. What else could a vibrator be like instead of wood? The answer is simple: any durable material - clay or metal.

A more difficult option is to collect some materials and make a store copy. For example, you can use liquid silicone. It is used for the construction of aquariums. You can use a condom, elastic tube or metal pipe, hose, etc. as a mold. The motor can be pulled out of an old toy. It will need to be placed inside the “mold” together with the batteries and filled with silicone. All that remains is to wait for the silicone to dry, and the device can be safely used.

Typical mistakes in the manufacture of extenders

A homemade extender is much heavier than a factory one

Many men who decide to make such a device with their own hands subsequently find themselves disappointed in their homemade designs and purchase factory-made analogues. Why is this happening? This is due to errors made during manufacturing. Most often we are talking about the following:

  1. Errors. The factory extender is the product of careful calculations and numerous tests. In everyday conditions, without the proper knowledge and equipment, it is impossible to develop a truly high-quality design. At the same time, most home craftsmen do not even think about the nuances of making such products. But here you need to take into account both the pressing force of the head and the degree of tension of the device, choosing the most suitable materials for it.
  2. Use of low-quality materials. The majority of extenders for enlarging the male organ are made with your own hands using improvised means that have little to do with the medical field. Most often, these are construction fittings, which are heavy, bulky and absolutely not intended for contact with the body. It is poor quality materials that are the most common cause of itching, redness and soreness.
  3. Considerable weight. As a rule, a home-made extender is a heavy structure, the appearance of which indicates a carpentry purpose rather than being used as a penis enlarger. Most often, after just a few days of wearing such products, the discomfort becomes unbearable, and the man has to stop using such a device.

An extender for penis enlargement is not a complex design. However, its production requires compliance with a number of nuances, which is almost impossible to repeat in everyday conditions. Therefore, you should think several times about the advisability of making such structures yourself, and if a man nevertheless decides to take such a step, then he needs to approach the matter with the utmost seriousness.

How can you replace a vibrator at home? Available materials

If a woman wants to independently explore the facets of her sexuality, intimate toys will help discover erogenous zones. And vibrators serve precisely to achieve orgasm. Can be used as improvised means. contents of the refrigerator.

For example, bananas. Before use, rinse it thoroughly in warm water, put a condom on top and turn on an erotic movie. Using a banana for deep penetration can help you achieve orgasm.

Items in the bathroom can also help in finding the answer to the question of what can replace a vibrator. Take a close look at the shelves. If you have an electric toothbrush, it can easily replace a sex object. Since it has several switching speeds, it can easily be used for vaginal sex and clitoral stimulation, as well as for massage of erogenous zones.

Remaking a rotary hammer

If you have a hammer drill with a power of at least 1.5 kW, then it can be converted into a concrete vibrator; you will use this device in impact mode. For the attachment you will need a peak, which will need to rest very tightly on the formwork. Experienced builders advise using a steel washer for better contact between the formwork and the peak.

Remaking a hammer drill is the easiest and fastest way to get a concrete vibrator. The only faster way is to create a mini-vibrator, again from a hammer drill.

Diagram of an electromagnetic vibrator: 1 – armature; 2 – core; 3 – coil; 4 – spring; 5 – base.

Mini vibrator for concrete. If the depth is shallow, you can create a mini-vibrator by simply welding an additional nozzle so that the length matches the depth of the foundation. By making such a device, you can process a fairly large area of ​​the poured foundation.

Creating a vibrator for concrete from a conventional drill. Any drill with sufficient power will do. After all, its main task is to create vibration movements, thanks to which the device will remove air bubbles from the concrete. Therefore, what kind of drill you have does not matter, as long as it works. So, to create a device that will replace a store-bought concrete vibrator, you will need the following tools.

When should you not use the device?

There are certain diseases for which it is prohibited to use a vibrating massager.

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  1. Prostatitis in acute form, when the temperature rises, intoxication appears.
  2. Prostate cancer.
  3. Diseases that provoke the appearance of stones in the prostate. As a result, the outlet may become blocked.
  4. Problems with urination.
  5. The appearance of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system.
  6. Haemorrhoids.
  7. Severe stage of adenoma.

How to make an extender for penis enlargement with your own hands

When making your own analogue, you must rely on the designs of factory extenders

At the moment, there are a number of ways to make an extender with your own hands, but you should remember the main rule: you should always take the factory design as a basis. Factory extenders have undergone thorough research and, when used correctly, are not capable of harming the human body. Therefore, it is their design that should be relied upon when making your own analogue.

You can make any of the described devices at home. The manufacturing process is described in more detail below.

Strap and loop extenders

These designs can be combined into one group, since they are practically no different from each other. The difference in this case is only in the material of the retainer. Such devices are made from improvised materials, and they differ significantly from factory ones. The main design elements of a mechanical extender are:

  • head clamp;
  • a thrust ring adjacent to the pubic area;
  • spacer mechanism.

Before making an extender with your own hands at home, you need to select the following materials:

Two movable rods (you can use metal knitting needles or dies). Fixation loop. For this element, you should find some very soft material, since the retainer will be in direct contact with the delicate skin of the head. If you couldn’t find the right material, you will have to provide a soft gasket under the loop

This is very important, otherwise injury may occur. For the thrust ring, you should choose plastic or a piece of thick cardboard. This design should have a larger diameter than the genital organ.

For the extender, it is necessary to choose hypoallergenic materials, since it will be in contact with the skin for a long time. The device is assembled in accordance with the appearance of its factory version: a thrust ring is installed on one side, and a fixing loop is installed on the other. Movable rods of the spacer mechanism are placed between them.

If you experience any itching or discomfort while wearing it, you should stop using the homemade device and consult a doctor immediately.

Terms of use

Whatever option you choose, the main thing is safety. Before using the resulting sex toy, you must be absolutely sure that it will not cause irreparable harm to the body. Make sure that there are no unnecessary cracks or other external defects on the phallus. Cleanliness of the device is extremely important. If real dildos come with special disinfectants, then with homemade ones everything is a little more complicated.

Wood and silicone can be cleaned with warm water, but clay or plasticine should not come into contact with liquid for obvious reasons, although a condom can handle this problem quite well. Be sure to store the device in a cool and clean place where dust does not reach. Remember that the motor inside runs on electricity, so never use the device in the shower or bath.

Selecting a suitable replacement

If replacing a vibrator is a one-time measure, you can use a lot of available tools that can satisfy a woman’s desire.

Without even straining your imagination, you can build a satisfaction tool with your own hands:

  • Toothbrush with a rotating head. The effect of its use will be maximum only if optimal efforts are made. Do not overdo it and try to immediately start using the tool for other purposes. First you need to slightly excite yourself with your fingers.
  • Shower. Using a shower tap for self-satisfaction is a fairly popular and effective technique. A strong stream of water perfectly massages the clitoris. The woman experiences pleasure almost from the very beginning of masturbation. In addition, the temperature and water pressure can always be changed.
  • Mobile phone. One proven method is a mobile phone placed in a condom. Standard for all models and interesting in intimate terms is the vibration alert function. If you call from another phone and leave the device turned on in the vagina, you can experience sensations similar to the operation of a vibrator. However, to do this, you need to choose a phone of the “right” size. This is about the question of what can replace a deep vibrator.
  • Vacuum cleaner. Using different attachments, you can experiment with this technique. By sucking the clitoris in this way, you can get unforgettable pleasure.
  • A massager with a vibrating effect helps. The use of such a tool is quite suitable for self-gratification purposes. Performing a vibrating function, the massager is able to arouse a woman well. When thinking about how to replace a vibrator for the clitoris, you can safely turn to this option.
  • You can use a deodorant that has a rotating head - a ball. A used and washed bottle can also be used for this purpose. In this case, you can squat or wriggle smoothly, bending and unbending. In the process you can get interesting sensations.

Using these available means, a woman can get quite strong pleasure. Such methods of self-satisfaction help to get rid of sexual tension, restore psychological balance and “put your thoughts in order.” Now, knowing how you can quickly replace a vibrator at home, you can start experimenting.

  • If a man is on a long business trip, he should go to the bathroom and see what kind of razor he uses. A device with vibration is ideal. All you have to do is remove the head with the blades and start massaging the intimate area. It is important not to forget about the condom.
  • When you have time for creative experiments, you can make a dildo from a wax candle. It needs to be heated and then allowed to cool slightly (without waiting for it to harden). Now is the time to use your imagination and creativity.


In general, a penny simulator of female reproductive organs made from kitchen sponges can also be classified as elementary, but it would be a sin not to mention it on this list. In addition, unlike a number of more complex models, this one has a temperature control option.

WHAT YOU NEED: two large sponges, a glass or Pringles can, lubricant, a condom

We take sponges, soak them in warm water (if we expect reciprocity from our partner, of course), and squeeze them out. Between them, as a kind of sandwich filling, we place a condom so that the entire open end sticks out. We put the sandwich into a glass (preferably a plastic one, we are for safe sex) with the open end of the condom facing out and pull the edges of the rubber product over the edges of the glass. Pour lubricant into the resulting cozy hole.

How to safely use a massager for men?

It is necessary to use a massager that you made yourself in the same way as one that is sold in a pharmacy. To prevent the sculpted device from causing damage to the rectum, a condom is used. With the help of such a contraceptive, a man protects himself from harmful microorganisms.

Doctors advise using a special condom, which is designed for diagnosis using ultrasound. It is smoother, has no wrinkles and grease. In this way you can protect yourself from allergies and irritation.

Women's dumbbells for intimate gymnastics

And as a bonus to our selection, we offer one more thing that combines business with pleasure: dumbbells for Kegel exercises. Invite your loved one to do intimate gymnastics “with weights” - it’s good for health, and you can diversify the sensations. Dumbbells are elastic ellipsoids made of medical silicone, which compress when the intimate muscles are tense and return to their original shape when relaxed. Dumbbell dimensions: 9.5x3.7x4 cm.

Cost: $2 – 4

Where to buy:

Another bonus for caring for the gift you chose for your loved one:

Intimate antiseptic gel

And this is the very product that can and should be used to treat intimate toys after use. It can also be used on the skin - for intimate hygiene while traveling (or when you don’t have the strength to run to the bathroom). But please note - the product is only suitable for healthy skin, whose integrity is not compromised, and is not permissible for use on mucous membranes, in areas of irritation or inflammation, in the presence of scratches or other damage to the skin.

If you're unlucky, the product may cause allergies. Also, the gel will not provide protection against pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases - just hygiene for you and your toys. Store in the refrigerator, but out of reach of children.

Where to buy:

Price: $9.

In general, when purchasing your first vibrator (even if not for yourself, but for your loved one), it would be nice to at least in general terms imagine the entire range and capabilities of gadgets of this kind.

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