Concrete substitute - a new material in construction and repair

Every owner of a country house or cottage must inevitably be faced with work related to the installation and fastening of columnar foundations for gazebos and other light buildings, or supports for fences and fences. For a long time, the only available material that was ideal for these purposes was self-produced or ordered concrete, with all its inherent disadvantages.

Concrete substitute - getting acquainted with new building materials

However, progress does not stand still, and today individual developers are offered a completely different option, which in many cases will be even much more reliable than the “classic” cement-sand-crushed stone mixture. This is a so-called concrete substitute - an innovative composite material that many simply know nothing about. With the proposed publication we will try to at least partially fill this “lack of information”.

What is a concrete substitute?

These are special composite formulations that include two components for mixing with each other, or single-component products. This material is considered innovative, therefore it is represented on the market by only a few brands.

Composite composition for concrete replacement

The finished mixture for pouring is formed by combining the filler and hardener, after which the composition is applied to the surface, expands in volume and quickly hardens. As a result of polymerization, it forms a homogeneous, monolithic structure, which is superior in technical characteristics to any cement mortar.


Although this material may be expensive for some buyers, it has many proven advantages over the use of conventional concrete. Buyers noted that work with its use goes quickly, the working surface is almost clean. There is no need to select the correct proportions or apply physical labor to knead the mass - everything is offered ready-made. This is simply an irreplaceable material if you plan to install playgrounds for children, fences and gazebos.

Application area

The composite is used where pouring traditional concrete solutions is difficult. It is usually used in hard-to-reach areas, in mountains, forest areas, although it is suitable for absolutely any climatic conditions. Most often, supporting structures and individual elements (horizontal and vertical) are prepared using concrete substitutes. The material is used for fastening, repair, installation, restoration:

  • fencing made of wood, metal, concrete, brick,
  • columns, gazebos, lanterns, terraces,
  • children's playgrounds and attractions,
  • road structures - signs, indicators, barriers,
  • parking,
  • water and gas supply lines,
  • masts, flagpoles.


Based on the nature of the effect on the concrete mixture, the following types of chemicals are distinguished:

  1. Additives that do not change the properties of cement paste components.

    Such agents increase the solubility of ingredients and reduce the crystallization temperature of water.

  2. Hydration activators.

    The additive is mixed with cement. The silicate components of the building material are destroyed. Cement dissolves faster in water, reducing its crystallization temperature.

  3. Cement hydration accelerators, the principle of operation of which is based on exchange reactions.

    Promote the formation of gels and calcium hydroxides, which causes water to begin to freeze at a lower temperature.

  4. Additives that generate heat when cement is dissolved.

Relevance of use

To achieve a stable position of the pillars when installing the fence, they have to be buried in the ground and filled with concrete. For this purpose, a hole is dug, a pillar is placed, after which the gap is filled with liquid concrete (cement-sand) mass. This solution hardens quite quickly and securely anchors the posts in the soil. However, the cement mixture gains its final strength only after a month, and during this period the final installation of the fence cannot be carried out.

Concrete mixtures are difficult to prepare. The work site becomes very dirty, and it is better to mix cement and sand in a concrete mixer. It is possible to make only a small portion by hand, but mixing it thoroughly is still problematic. Concrete substitutes are rapidly replacing traditional mortars for the following reasons:

  • the area is kept clean,
  • the finished mixture starts without much effort,
  • the stability of the supports will be higher.

When to accelerate hardening

The processes of setting and strengthening require acceleration:

  • If necessary, carry out construction work in winter to reduce the cost of heating the concrete.
  • When early stripping is needed.
  • If necessary, continue construction earlier than after 28 days.
  • For the production of a large number of small concrete products (production of paving stones, paving slabs).
  • To optimize strength.

Advantages and disadvantages of composite material

Using composites is much more profitable and effective than concrete, since they have a number of advantages:

  1. Speed. When using substitutes, the total time required to complete all work is reduced by 80%. After pouring, the product becomes durable in just 5 minutes; finished structures can be used in a couple of hours.
  2. Purity. There will be no need to do “general” cleaning on the site, which is especially important for forest areas, parks, and recreation areas.
  3. Low labor intensity. To fill, you do not need to hire a team of workers, and the simplicity of the process allows you to do it yourself. It is almost impossible to change the proportions of the components - everything is already measured and packaged in convenient packages.

  1. Strength. After polymerization, mixtures based on composites become much more resistant to damaging factors than concrete solutions.
  2. Environmental friendliness. The compositions do not contain harmful components; they are completely safe for people and the environment. In addition, composites do not damage metal or wood, and do not cause rotting or corrosion.

Concrete substitutes can be used even at sub-zero temperatures (down to –25 degrees), which can be important under certain climatic conditions in the region. The only disadvantage worth mentioning is the higher price than cement, but it is compensated by savings on labor costs and payment for the work of a team of hired builders. High temperatures negatively affect the strength of the solution, so overheating during its manufacture must be avoided.

Advantages of composite

Concrete proportions: what is included in the composition of concrete and calculation of components for the solution

The two-component composition has many advantages, the main ones of which are:

  • Increased rates of installation of supporting structures, allowing for an 80% reduction in installation time compared to labor-intensive and time-consuming concrete work.
    The composition acquires operational strength 5 minutes after pouring. It is worth remembering that using substitutes can be quite expensive.
  • Maintaining cleanliness in the event area, which is important for landscaped areas of residential buildings, roads, parks, and recreation areas. After completion of the activities, there is no need to restore order at the work site.
  • There is no need to involve a significant number of construction personnel for installation work.
  • Increased strength of support fixation, which is guaranteed by the technology of using two-component composites. The strength characteristics of the concrete substitute, confirmed by operating experience, significantly exceed the strength of concrete mixtures, the recipe of which is not always followed.
  • Ease of performing work for which formwork, special tools and additional devices are not used.
  • Significant savings in financial resources associated with the installation of supports by a limited number of workers. The increased costs of purchasing a substitute are fully offset by the reduction in labor costs for workers performing construction activities in a limited time.
  • Convenient packaging that allows components to be delivered using any type of transport.
  • Highly environmentally friendly composition due to the absence of harmful effects on the environment and human health.
  • Possibility of using a substitute at negative temperatures, the value of which is up to -25 degrees Celsius.
  • There is no influence of the composite mixture on the wooden bases of the racks and metal supports, which are not subject to rotting and corrosion.

The described material has unique characteristics that allow it to harden in just 5 minutes

Technology of working with material

Using the composition is not difficult even for beginners. The work is done in this way:

  • dig holes of the required size (slightly larger than the diameter of the support),
  • prepare the components of the solution, open the packages (if it is frosty outside, they must first be kept for 2 hours at room temperature or heated to +25 degrees directly at the place of work),
  • combine the ingredients according to the instructions in a clean plastic container, beat them with a drill with a mixing attachment for 45 seconds, no more,
  • at one time it is worth preparing no more than 4 liters of solution, which is enough for 8 medium-sized holes,
  • install the column in the hole, align it vertically, fill it with solution,
  • after 4-5 minutes the product will increase in volume like polyurethane foam,
  • if necessary, remove excess composite or add it,
  • after 5 minutes you can stop holding the support, and after 2-3 hours you can start using it.

If the product is sold in a single-component form, it does not need to be mixed, but can be poured into the wells directly from the package. Polymerization will occur due to contact with air. On average, a package weighing 1100 g replaces 50 kg of dry cement.

What determines the rate of hardening?

Factors influencing the rate of hardening:

  • strength class (grade) of cement, if the regulatory document provides for division by strength classes (grades) in accordance with GOST 31108-2003 “General construction cements. Technical specifications" (old designation - cement grade (M)); 5.4.3 Marking must be clear and contain:
  • water cement ratio;
  • temperature at which solidification occurs;
  • air humidity;
  • presence of heat and humidity treatment;
  • special additives.

Popular brands

Concrete substitutes Hilst, Fast 2K, Quikset, which are considered the most effective, are on sale.


This brand appeared on the market recently, but managed to occupy a leading position. There are three options for concrete substitutes on sale (depending on packaging), and all of them are well suited for strengthening vertical supports, pouring medium-heavy and light buildings, and laying pipelines:

  1. HILST Standard. Suitable for installing posts, includes 2 packs of 500 ml of each component. One bottle is larger in size - you can mix the components in it.
  2. HILST Professional. The package contains 2 canisters of 5 liters each. Mixing will have to be done in a separate container. The funds will be enough to install a long fence and a pile field.
  3. HILST Expert. Includes two 20-liter buckets, designed for solving difficult tasks - pouring heavily loaded poles, power lines, strengthening foundations.

Concrete substitute HILST Expert

Compositions of this brand must be kneaded for 30 seconds, since then a chemical reaction begins, and after 3 minutes the composition reaches full expansion. For the final strength gain, the concrete substitute needs only 3 hours. The finished coating can withstand loads up to 660 kPa.

Fast 2k

This composite is produced by the Canadian brand CHEMQUE and is intended for quick and reliable installation of supports, fence posts, and other vertical structures. The product is available in 1.1 kg bags, replacing two bags of plain cement.

Fast2K mixture

The composite is a two-component polyurethane mixture with hydrophobic properties. Protective gloves are included with the package. Before mixing, the dividing bar is removed, the liquids are combined, and shaken for 30 seconds by turning the bag over. Afterwards, a corner is cut off from the packaging, and the mass can be poured into holes or other types of holes to fix the structure. After 5 minutes the product is 50% cured, after 20 minutes it is 100% cured. Afterwards, you can begin the final installation - hanging the gate, installing the trim, etc.


The QUIKSET concrete substitute is used as an alternative to concrete mixture when installing various types of structures at a depth of 60-150 cm. It contains modern materials based on polymer resins, which are characterized by a high curing speed. The product should be mixed for no more than 20 seconds, and after pouring it gains strength within an hour. This composite material is sold in packages of 300, 700, 1000 ml.

Polymer mounting compound Quikset Pro q1000

Concrete substitutes are fundamentally new compounds that greatly facilitate the process of installing fences, fences and other lightweight structures. For a small price, you can do all the work yourself, without unnecessary labor costs and the purchase of special equipment, so the benefit for the user is obvious.

How does it work?

The essence of the fixation technology using this system is as follows. In one way or another, a hole is drilled (dug) in the ground, which is slightly larger than the diameter or dimensions of the support.

The support is installed in the hole and adjusted in height and verticality. In a plastic container, using an electric drill and a mixer attachment, mix the two components. Already during the mixing process, a chemical reaction begins - the mixture collapses in volume. Therefore, immediately after mixing, holding the column in a vertical position, you should pour it into the space between the soil and the support.

An hour after pouring, the support can be loaded with standard elements (signs, fence sections, etc.). In this case, you should know and take into account the following features of the use of Hilst: components “A” and “B” should be mixed for no more than 30 seconds, an active chemical reaction and active expansion will begin after 45 seconds, complete expansion will occur after 180 seconds, and after 5 minutes the composition will gain 80% strength. 100% strength is achieved three hours after mixing begins.

In this case, the compressive strength will be 660 kPa (true for Hilst Standard packaging for individual use).


By visiting the store, you can find out that manufacturers offer for sale three types of the described material, each of which is intended for a specific amount of work. For example, “Hilst-standard” will cost approximately 750 rubles. per package, but the Hilst professional concrete substitute costs 6,500 rubles. for 10 liters. You can purchase another variety, which is known as Hilst expert; for 40 liters of this composition you will have to pay 24,000 rubles. The first type listed is used in private construction; other types of composite composition are used by companies engaged in the construction of large projects. Due to lower consumption, the described substitute is economical, which allows it to be one step ahead compared to cement mortar.

Product cost

Manufacturers offer three types of packaging with this material, each of which is intended for a specific amount of work:

  • Hilst Standard - about 750 rubles per package;
  • Hilst Professional – 6,500 rubles per 10 liters;
  • Hilst Expert - costs about 24,000 rubles for 40 liters.

The first is used mainly in private construction. Numerous reviews have been left about him on the forums. Other types of composite composition are intended for companies involved in the construction of large objects. It is also worth noting the fact that due to lower consumption, the Hilst substitute is a more economical option in contrast to sand-cement mortar.

Customer Reviews

If we compare reviews from consumers who use concrete and its improved analogue when installing support pillars, we can conclude that the second option is not only more profitable due to lower costs, but also convenient to use. Here are just a few reviews about the substitute.

“I have my own plot outside the city. Once upon a time there was an old fence left over from the previous owners, and I decided to replace it with a new fence. At first I was going to use concreting to install supporting elements, but then I accidentally learned about the Hilst mixture from friends. I decided to buy it, and now I don’t regret it at all. As a result, all the work was completed in just one day. Quickly and firmly installed more than 20 supports. It turned out even cheaper than if I had used standard concrete.”

Nikolay Vavilov, Astrakhan.

“I recently purchased a summer cottage, but it was not possible to repair the fence during the warm season. We only got around to it in late autumn, when there were slight frosts outside. I started looking for options for installing metal rods on the Internet and came across reviews about the Hilst system. I decided to try it and was not disappointed. It was minus five outside and it was impossible to make concrete. But the Hilst mortar did its job perfectly, I recommend it to everyone!”

Vladimir, St. Petersburg.

“I decided to put a small summer gazebo on my site. Everything is paved with tiles, so I was afraid to make a sand-cement mixture to fill the supports. With such work there is inevitably a lot of dirt and dust, but the installation system using Hilst products left my site in a perfectly clean condition, while the shrinkage of four pillars in the ground took only twenty minutes. It turns out profitable, fast and clean, I’m happy!”

Nikolay, Orenburg.

“Last summer I decided to install a slide for my children. In order not to suffer with concrete mortar, I bought a Hilst substitute, since my neighbor, who is also my best friend, recommended it to me. Not only did the mixture cost me only 830 rubles, but I also built the slide in just a day. The kids have been riding for over a year now, and the whole structure is strong and reliable.”

Konstantin Ovchinnikov, Ufa.

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