Concrete substitute HILST: instructions, advantages and disadvantages

The cost of concrete makes many private builders think about using substitutes for this material. The modern market is constantly updated with new developments that help make work easier, improving the quality of the houses being built. Among these new products we can highlight a concrete substitute, which is produced under the Hilst brand. During its existence, it managed to gain popularity and received positive reviews from customers. It is used for fastening vertical supports, as well as horizontal bases. In the first case, we are talking about poles that are used to install fences, as well as signs and indicators. In the case of horizontal foundations, we can talk about elements of water supply systems.

The concrete substitute allows for reliable installation of the described structures in places where the use of traditional concrete may be difficult. Such cases extend to the taiga, permafrost areas, as well as mountainous areas.

Concrete substitute HILST for installation of all types of supports

The HILST “concreting” system is the most modern technology for the rapid installation of any supporting structures.
The HILST concrete substitute is used for fixing both vertical supports, such as fence posts, signs, road signs, barriers, canopies, pergolas, etc., and horizontal support structures, for example, to support water and gas pipes.

The HILST installation system is the simplest, most reliable and cheapest technology for installing any type of supports in the permafrost zone, in the mountains, in the taiga, that is, where installation in a standard way (using concrete) is difficult.

Advantages of HILST concrete substitute over concrete

  1. HILST gains strength in 5 minutes (maximum strength after approximately 1 hour). Concrete at least 24 hours. This significantly reduces installation time.
  2. Less effort during installation. HILST concrete substitute is required 40 times less (in terms of volume and weight).
  3. Cheaper and easier delivery to the installation site, especially important for hard-to-reach places (swampy areas, mountains or forests).
  4. A 2 times smaller hole diameter is required when installing poles. Because It is almost impossible to fill a small hole with a pillar with high-quality concrete.
  5. There is no dirt left at the installation site after all work is completed.
  6. Concrete is hygroscopic and absorbs moisture, so wooden and concrete pillars inevitably rot. In addition, concrete is an alkali, which significantly accelerates the process of corrosion and rotting of pillars. The closed porous structure of HILST does not absorb moisture and prevents rotting and corrosion of poles.
  7. HILST concrete substitute holds the post more firmly than concrete. During the foaming reaction, the HILST system fills ALL available space in the hole, which is impossible to achieve with concrete.
  8. It is possible to carry out work at negative temperatures down to -25 degrees C.
  9. The concrete substitute is environmentally friendly and harmless (although the same can be said about concrete).

What it is?

The hilst concrete substitute is a ready-to-use special composition consisting of two independent components, packaged in containers of 0.5, 5 and 20 liters. Preparation for using a two-component composition consists of mixing the required amount of two solutions.

Numerous reviews from professionals confirm the ease of use and the availability of modern technology designed for quick installation of support elements.

Description and features

The exact chemical composition is a trade secret. The material itself is two-component and is supplied in separate containers. When mixed, a violent chemical reaction occurs, the concrete substitute forms an abundant fine-grained foam, which expands, fills all small holes and hardens.

Use does not require the use of additional materials such as sand, screenings, crushed stone or cement. This alternative to concrete is convenient in cases where it is necessary to carry out small work in remote or hard-to-reach places.

This video demonstrates the work of different brands of concrete substitutes:

Concrete substitute Hilst Professional (For large volumes)

Fence on a plot of 12 acres in a day - this is real. Fast. Easily. No dirt or debris. HILST. Installation of pillars using HILST concrete substitute The HILST system is a revolutionary solution in the construction of traditional structures. Its main use is to fill the bases of pillars, ensuring their stability and durability of the structure.

HILST is made on the basis of composite materials, it is two-component, and in order to start working, you need to mix the active components. This does not require water, which facilitates installation; the connection is made immediately before pouring into the hole.

Installation specialists note the following advantages of this material:

  • High hardening speed - this requires almost 10 times less time than concrete.
  • Ease of use - you just need to mix the contents of two containers without measuring volumes or assessing the thickness of the mixture.
  • High strength due to ideal permeability into the soil. By filling a hole with a post with the mixture, the consumer receives the semblance of a powerful root system of a tree, since HILST fills all the voids and capillaries of the soil. This design reliably holds the base of the fence post in the ground, giving it stability in the most unfavorable conditions.
  • Economical. One kilogram of HILST can replace 40 kg of ASG and concrete. This makes it especially convenient to use this material in places remote from civilization and highways: there is no need to either provide access to a concrete mixer or look for a generator to connect the mixer.
  • Minimum physical effort. There is no need to carry heavy bags of cement if the future fence is being built in a place completely inaccessible to transport. And concrete, as a rule, is compacted in one place and then manually pulled around the site.
  • Maximum efficiency. For example, an undeniable advantage is that in this case there is no need to dig wide holes; their diameter should be only slightly larger than the diameter of the pillar (exceeding it by only 2-3 centimeters) - just enough to pour the finished mixture into it, which you won’t have to compact or distribute.
  • Purity. There may be some left over (or not enough), and mixing the dry mixture requires space and containers. To move concrete, you need to walk to the hole several times (trampling the ground). HILST mixed, poured, and disposed of the container.


The cost of concrete should also interest you if you intend to carry out construction work. For a cubic meter of this material you will have to pay 2800 rubles. Before starting manipulations, you can make a comparison, which will allow you to understand which material will be more profitable to use. It is worth remembering that using substitutes can be quite expensive. As practice shows, benefits are observed only when the use of analogues makes it possible to achieve those properties of the concrete mixture that are necessary when carrying out certain work. If you want to use concrete analogues to reduce financial costs, then you shouldn’t count on it too much, since these substances can be compared in cost to cement, and in some cases they are even more expensive, which is not profitable.

Advantages and disadvantages of composite material

Trying to understand what a concrete substitute is, what the features and properties of the composition are, you must first study its pros and cons. Despite the fact that the material is produced by different manufacturers, in general their characteristics are similar.

  • High speed of installation - reduction of installation time by 80% compared to using conventional concrete. And the material becomes durable within 5 minutes after pouring the support.
  • Simplicity and cleanliness of installation - by the master himself, in the area.
  • There is no need to attract additional labor, special equipment, use a large number of tools and devices, or deliver building materials (crushed stone, sand, cement, water) to the site.
  • The strength indicator is higher than that of traditional concrete.
  • The opportunity to significantly save on time, finances, labor, etc.
  • Delivery in convenient containers, thanks to which the material can be delivered to the site in any available way.

Main advantages

If it is necessary to build fences or install supports, there is a need to firmly fix pipes or poles in the soil. For this purpose, the technology that is most often used to this day is the installation of elements using ordinary concrete. In this case, a hole is dug into which a support is installed, and the resulting hollow space is filled with a sand-cement mixture. This technique has proven itself quite well, but it has many disadvantages, among the main ones is the long period of hardening of the solution. In order to wait for strength, approximately 28 days should pass. Among other things, such work on mixing the sand-cement mixture is labor-intensive and results in a large amount of dirt and dust. In order to mitigate the disadvantages of this method, you should pay attention to a concrete substitute. This system allows you to install support posts and rods in the shortest possible time without unnecessary dust and dirt. As for the strength of the structure, it will be even higher than what can be achieved when using concrete.

Methods without concreting

If the site has stable soil and you plan to install a lightweight fence, then these methods are quite suitable.

Use supports made of beech, oak or coniferous wood. The posts need to be treated in advance to ensure that the fence lasts a long time.

A profile pipe is suitable for a polycarbonate or metal fence. It is best to use pipes with a rectangular cross-section. If you want to save money, round pipes are also suitable.

Use pegs and rope to mark the perimeter of the fence.

How can concrete be replaced: manufacturers of the material and brands of their compositions

Among the manufacturers of such composite building materials, the most famous in Russia are Hilst and Fast 2k . Quikset is a little less popular , but this is not a reason to ignore it, and therefore it is worth considering these compositions in more detail. Along the way, let’s get acquainted with the opinion of consumers, which is expressed in reviews collected on the Internet.

The most popular manufacturer of concrete substitute presented on the Russian market PHOTO:

Concrete substitute "Hills": prices, characteristics, brands of compositions

This material is considered the most popular in Russia. There are 3 main brands of Hilst concrete substitute: Standart, Profi and Expert. In fact, these are completely identical materials, differing only in volume, which is 1, 10 and 40 liters, respectively.

The composition must be mixed for 30 seconds, and after 45 seconds, the chemical reaction begins. The material reaches full expansion after 3 minutes, after which it begins to harden. After 5 minutes, 80% strength is achieved. It will take 3 hours for the Hilst concrete substitute to gain 100% strength. In compression, such a composition can withstand a load of 660 kPa. For lightweight structures, this strength is quite enough.

Average volume, costing about 6,500 rubles PHOTO: estate71.rf

“Expert” for those who need large volumes PHOTO:

The average cost of Hills concrete substitute as of July 2019 is:

  • Hilst Standard - 750 rubles;
  • Hilst Profi - 6500 rubles;
  • Hilst Expert - 24,000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of Hilst concrete substitute based on user reviews

Having read many reviews about the Hills concrete substitute, we could not find a single mention of the disadvantages of this mixture, except for a slightly inflated cost. However, this can also be argued, because such a composition is expanding very much. For example, “Standard” with a volume of 1 liter can replace 40 kg of dry construction mixture.

It’s quite interesting to watch how the concrete substitute expands. PHOTO:

But users talk a lot about the advantages. Among them are not only the possibility of pouring at negative (down to -25ºС) temperatures and a high hardening rate, but also dielectric properties, ease of installation, excellent hydrophobic properties and a high level of adhesion.

Performance characteristics and price of concrete substitute "Fast 2k"

The main difference between the Fast 2k concrete substitute, judging by the reviews, is that mixing the components does not require the use of a mixer. The components of the mixture are in special bags, between which there is a partition. After removing the special plate that compresses the packages with active substances and prevents their contact, all that remains is to shake the mixture, stirring it for 30 seconds, after which, open the package and pour the contents into the wells.

The performance characteristics of the Fast 2k concrete substitute are slightly better than the previous composition. A fully expanded composition from 1 liter occupies a volume of 20 liters, the compressive strength will be 680 kPa, and 100% drying occurs within 2 hours.

Package of concrete substitute "Fast Two Key" 770 ml PHOTO:

Prices for concrete substitute Fast 2k

This composition is less popular. Finding it even online is more difficult than Hills, but if you want, you can do anything. On average, as of July 2022, the cost of 1 kg of Fast 2k concrete substitute is 700 rubles. Of course, with bulk purchases it will decrease.

Consumer reviews about the concrete substitute "Fast Two Key"

Among the many positive reviews on forums discussing concrete substitutes, the editors of our magazine managed to find a few negative ones, but they cannot be called objective. The fact is that all such posts show non-compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions, which leads to the absence of the expected result.

If we talk about percentages, then positive reviews account for about 95% of those we found. Here's one of many.

Review of the concrete substitute "Fast 2k":

More details on Otzovik:

Concrete substitute “Quikset”: Russian-made installation compound

If we compare the characteristics, this concrete substitute is in no way inferior to Canadian-made Fast Two Key. There is also no difference in mixing these compounds. The cost, again as of July 2022, is (per package):

  • 300 ml – 250 rubles;
  • 700 ml – 300 rubles;
  • 1000 ml – 350 rubles.

And if the Russian concrete substitute is not inferior to the foreign one, is there any point in overpaying?

Quikset concrete substitute. Russia keeps up with foreign manufacturers PHOTO:

Popular brands

Concrete substitutes Hilst, Fast 2K, Quikset, which are considered the most effective, are on sale.


This brand appeared on the market recently, but managed to occupy a leading position. There are three options for concrete substitutes on sale (depending on packaging), and all of them are well suited for strengthening vertical supports, pouring medium-heavy and light buildings, and laying pipelines:

  1. HILST Standard. Suitable for installing posts, includes 2 packs of 500 ml of each component. One bottle is larger in size - you can mix the components in it.
  2. HILST Professional. The package contains 2 canisters of 5 liters each. Mixing will have to be done in a separate container. The funds will be enough to install a long fence and a pile field.
  3. HILST Expert. Includes two 20-liter buckets, designed for solving difficult tasks - pouring heavily loaded poles, power lines, strengthening foundations.

Concrete substitute HILST Expert

Compositions of this brand must be kneaded for 30 seconds, since then a chemical reaction begins, and after 3 minutes the composition reaches full expansion. For the final strength gain, the concrete substitute needs only 3 hours. The finished coating can withstand loads up to 660 kPa.

Fast 2k

This composite is produced by the Canadian brand CHEMQUE and is intended for quick and reliable installation of supports, fence posts, and other vertical structures. The product is available in 1.1 kg bags, replacing two bags of plain cement.

Fast2K mixture

The composite is a two-component polyurethane mixture with hydrophobic properties. Protective gloves are included with the package. Before mixing, the dividing bar is removed, the liquids are combined, and shaken for 30 seconds by turning the bag over. Afterwards, a corner is cut off from the packaging, and the mass can be poured into holes or other types of holes to fix the structure. After 5 minutes the product is 50% cured, after 20 minutes it is 100% cured. Afterwards, you can begin the final installation - hanging the gate, installing the trim, etc.


The QUIKSET concrete substitute is used as an alternative to concrete mixture when installing various types of structures at a depth of 60-150 cm. It contains modern materials based on polymer resins, which are characterized by a high curing speed. The product should be mixed for no more than 20 seconds, and after pouring it gains strength within an hour. This composite material is sold in packages of 300, 700, 1000 ml.

Polymer mounting compound Quikset Pro q1000

Concrete substitutes are fundamentally new compounds that greatly facilitate the process of installing fences, fences and other lightweight structures. For a small price, you can do all the work yourself, without unnecessary labor costs and the purchase of special equipment, so the benefit for the user is obvious.

Technology of working with material

Using the composition is not difficult even for beginners. The work is done in this way:

  • dig holes of the required size (slightly larger than the diameter of the support);
  • prepare the components of the solution, open the packages (if it is frosty outside, they must first be kept for 2 hours at room temperature or heated to +25 degrees directly at the place of work);
  • combine the ingredients according to the instructions in a clean plastic container, beat them with a drill with a mixing attachment for 45 seconds, no more;
  • at one time it is worth preparing no more than 4 liters of solution, which is enough for 8 medium-sized holes;
  • install the column in the hole, align it vertically, fill it with solution;
  • after 4-5 minutes the product will increase in volume like polyurethane foam;
  • if necessary, remove excess composite or add it;
  • after 5 minutes you can stop holding the support, and after 2-3 hours you can start using it.

If the product is sold in a single-component form, it does not need to be mixed, but can be poured into the wells directly from the package. Polymerization will occur due to contact with air. On average, a package weighing 1100 g replaces 50 kg of dry cement.

Application specifics

The hilst concrete substitute makes it possible to obtain a durable composite mass by mixing two ingredients that are included in the kit. Manufacturers of concrete substitutes offer components in various packaging, depending on the volume of work performed. The algorithm for fixing the supporting structure is extremely simple:

  • prepare a pit whose dimensions are slightly larger than the diameter of the support;
  • lower the support into the prepared cavity;
  • thoroughly mix the ingredients in a plastic container, using, if possible, a drill with a special attachment;
  • Fill the hole with the resulting solution, ensuring that the support remains stationary and in working position.

During the process of mixing the ingredients, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which the volume of the mass increases significantly, filling the receiving space, penetrating into the soil cavities. The main task of the builder is to ensure the immobility of the support post, the installation time of which does not exceed 5 minutes.

Further measures to use the support and attach various elements to it can be carried out 60 minutes after the moment of pouring. During the specified period, the substitute will acquire operational characteristics.

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