Weight of aerated block 600x300x300: what it depends on and how to calculate correctly

In order to reduce the load on the foundation of buildings, lightweight building materials are increasingly being used, for example, gas blocks 600x300x200. They are in demand in low-rise construction, industrial buildings, warehouses, utility rooms for the installation of enclosing structures and insulation. Let's figure out how to correctly calculate the weight of a 600x300x200 gas block, what its weight depends on, and what is required to increase the strength of structures.

Aerated concrete blocks Source tildacdn.com

What is a gas block, and how to distinguish it from a gas silicate block and a foam block

In practice, very often even experienced builders confuse gas blocks with gas silicate blocks and foam blocks. Meanwhile, these materials are similar only in that they all weigh little in comparison with ordinary heavy concrete, but they differ greatly in manufacturing technology, external features and physical and mechanical characteristics.

Aerated concrete blocks and gas silicate blocks are types of cellular concrete. The first of them are made from Portland cement using a special gas-forming substance. Gas silicate blocks are produced from a lime-silicon mixture. In this case, the proportion of cement is negligible or is not used at all.

For both materials, the gas-forming substance is aluminum powder.

On a note! The weight of a gas silicate block 600x300x200 coincides with the weight of a gas block of similar sizes. Externally, they are not difficult to distinguish. Aerated blocks without autoclave treatment are featureless gray in color. Treated blocks and gas silicate are white.

Aerated concrete and gas silicate Source kamedom.ru
Foam blocks also refer to products made from cellular concrete. But to obtain a porous structure, a foaming agent is added to the solution. At the same time, the hollow cells in foam blocks occupy more volume than those of aerated concrete and gas silicate, therefore, in most cases, foam blocks have a lighter weight and low thermal conductivity. Due to the closed nature of the cavities, this material also has great moisture resistance.

Advantages of aerated concrete

Unlike foam concrete, the pores in aerated concrete are evenly spaced. Gas cavities occupy most of the total volume of the product, and help improve the thermal insulation properties. This property of the material allows you to create a comfortable indoor microclimate: in summer, buildings made of aerated concrete are cool, in winter – warm. Other advantages of gas blocks include:

  • good sound insulation (using a gas block helps reduce noise by half or more);
  • high fire resistance (various types of aerated concrete have the first and second degrees of fire resistance);
  • frost resistance - more than 100 cycles;
  • ecological purity of natural resources - Portland cement, sand, lime and water;
  • resistance to rotting and mold formation;
  • high surface quality and more accurate dimensions compared to foam blocks;
  • significant acceleration of the masonry process (blocks even with the smallest dimensions significantly exceed bricks in volume).

Dimensions of aerated concrete blocks Source beton-house.com
See also: Catalog of house projects made from aerated concrete blocks

Taken together with its low weight and flexibility in processing, these advantages speak in favor of aerated block over brick and concrete. In addition, a significant reduction in loads will save on the building foundation.

Pros and cons of gas blocks

In addition to their relatively low weight, gas blocks have a lot of other advantages - although, of course, there are also certain disadvantages. Therefore, to begin with, we will tell you what this wall material is.

Positive traits

Aerated concrete has an impressive list of advantages. It looks something like this:

  • Thermal conductivity. The lower this figure, the better for the walls. For aerated concrete it also depends on density. Moreover, the relationship is direct: the more pores in a material, the better a heat insulator it is. In terms of this characteristic, aerated concrete is similar to wood (0.1-0.14 W/m*°C). This is a good alternative for those regions where lumber is imported and expensive, or is not used due to unfavorable climatic conditions.
  • Heat capacity. Under the condition of normal humidity of aerated concrete, its heat capacity is 1.10 kJ/kg. This is exactly how much heat is required to heat the masonry by 1 degree. This is slightly more than ceramic brick with its 0.84 kJ/kg, but much less than other types of concrete. That is, aerated concrete walls warm up quickly enough, and then, in the absence of cold bridges in the form of thick mortar joints or reinforced concrete lintels, they retain heat for a long time.
  • Heat transfer. Despite the fact that the heat capacity of aerated concrete is slightly lower than that of brick, it resists heat transfer twice as well: 2.67 m²*°C/W versus 1.09 m²*°C/W.
  • Environmental friendliness. As in the case of thermal conductivity, aerated concrete is also close to wood in terms of environmental friendliness. People are mainly concerned about background radiation, which for some building materials (for example, those containing clay) is twice the norm. With an acceptable value of 370 Bq/kg, for aerated concrete this figure is slightly higher than 50 Bq/kg.
  • Minimum deviations in the geometry of autoclave blocks (only 1-3 mm). This is a very significant advantage, which allows you to make thin seams when laying - and, accordingly, reduce heat loss through them.
  • Laying speed. In the time it takes to build 1 m² of brick wall, you can lay out all 4 m² of aerated concrete, thanks to its enlarged format and light weight.
  • The material is non-flammable. Loss of load-bearing capacity during a fire occurs only after 240 minutes.
  • The material is easy to process mechanically. In the absence of power tools, you can successfully get by with mechanical ones, which is what private developers use.

Despite the fact that aerated concrete has thermal insulation qualities similar to wood, a cubic meter costs five times less than a cubic meter of lumber. It wins in terms of price and in terms of bricks - even ordinary ones, not to mention facing ones.

Disadvantages and ways to eliminate them

The main disadvantage is the fairly high coefficient of water absorption (up to 25% of the total mass), due to the large number of evenly distributed open pores. When moistened, it not only increases its weight, but also increases its thermal insulation coefficient, which makes the walls colder.

Of course, during operation, aerated concrete does not come into direct contact with water. Even if a bathhouse is built from it, the walls are carefully insulated. External finishing is also always provided. But in heated buildings there are also vapors, there is no escape from them - no matter how you isolate them, some will still penetrate into the structures.

Expert opinion Vitaly Kudryashov builder, aspiring author

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Note: This is one of the important moments that requires special attention. To avoid dampening the walls, you need to use the most airtight materials for finishing from the inside, and the most vapor-permeable ones from the outside. Or, the facade finishing should be mounted on the frame, and a ventilated gap should be provided under it.

Along with thermal conductivity, as density decreases, strength also decreases. Unfortunately, there is nothing good about this. The compressive strength class of structural and thermal insulating aerated concrete is B2-B5. The same expanded clay concrete has a minimum of B15 - three times more. For this reason, the use of aerated blocks as a material for load-bearing walls is limited to low-rise construction. In high-rise buildings it is used only for filling the spans of reinforced concrete frames.

Cracking. Concrete in general is a capricious material in terms of the appearance of cracks. And the lower its density and strength, the greater the likelihood of cracks forming. To avoid their appearance in the case of aerated concrete, you need to:

  • Make the foundation as rigid as possible, ideally monolithic reinforced concrete.
  • Carefully calculate the loads from floors and roofs, and provide monolithic ring belts for their support.
  • Reinforce the masonry not only in all places subject to increased loads (the first row, under openings, under lintels, on gables), but also in every fourth row - if not with rod reinforcement, then with masonry mesh.

Expert opinion Vitaly Kudryashov builder, aspiring author

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The frost resistance of aerated concrete is quite low, according to the domestic standard - within F15-F35. This indicator depends on the density, but it is much more influenced by the moisture content of the material. If the walls are finished correctly and secondary moistening by condensation does not occur, then, in fact, there is nothing to freeze. Therefore, the service life of the building will depend on how correctly the insulation and finishing of the walls are done.

Finishing. You need to select materials for the design of an aerated concrete facade with an eye to their vapor permeability and installation method.

  • Only materials with a higher vapor permeability coefficient than aerated concrete can be applied directly to the masonry (using the adhesive method).
  • Basically, it is plaster with perlite or foam glass filler, and mineral wool is used as insulation.
  • Dense materials such as concrete or polymer panels, ceramic tiles must be mounted on a sheathing with a ventilated gap.
  • The same applies to brick cladding - the only difference is that it rests not on the frame, but on the foundation.

Expert opinion Vitaly Kudryashov builder, aspiring author

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It is generally undesirable to use polymer insulation on the outside of gas-block walls, since they are practically impenetrable to steam. But if you still use it, you must wait up to 6 months until the initial moisture content of the masonry decreases from 12% to the standard 6%.

Weak resistance to pullout forces. The lower the density of the material, the weaker the strength characteristics. Therefore, installing fasteners for heavy objects poses a certain problem. Ordinary dowel-nails do not hold well in cellular concrete; more expensive special fasteners are needed. When designing a curtain wall, the project usually includes blocks with a density of at least 600 kg/m³, strength class B3.5-B5.

The disadvantage of aerated concrete is considered to be weak adhesion, but by and large, it is also characteristic of other types of concrete. However, if notches are simply made on the surface of heavy concrete with a bush hammer, then in the case of aerated concrete this cannot be done, so as not to provoke the appearance of microcracks. To improve adhesion, it is necessary to apply primer with a coarse filler such as concrete contact under the plaster. There are special compositions for cellular concrete on sale.

What determines the weight of a gas block 600x300x200

The weight of an aerated block can have different values ​​depending on density, porosity and humidity. The calculation uses data on the average density of cellular concrete. This parameter is determined for three porosity values: 0%, 20% and 50%.


Density reflects the physical and chemical characteristics of the substance, depends on the porosity of aerated concrete and is indicated in the marking of the blocks. The unit of measurement for density is kg/m³. For products with given dimensions, the weight of an aerated block depends entirely on its brand.

The density of an aerated block can be determined visually Source m-strana.ru

Many Internet resources indicate that the weight of a gas silicate block or aerated block is directly related to density and reflects its value. In other words, the digital value in the marking is equivalent to the mass of 1 m³ of aerated concrete. For example, the weight of 1 m³ of D100 brand gas block is 100 kg.

In fact, this is not entirely true. The mass of aerated concrete of a particular brand also depends on porosity. For example, the weight of a D500 gas block with porosity:

  • 0% equals 23.4 kg;
  • 20% – 18.72 kg;
  • 50% – 11.7 kg.

At the same time, the average density at zero porosity for cellular concrete grade D500 is 650 kg/m³, and for aerated concrete D600 – 770 kg/m³. In general, the weight of aerated concrete is much lighter than the weight of heavy concrete, which is 2500 kg/m³.

In the following table you can see how much an aerated block weighs, depending on density, as well as the number of blocks of different overall dimensions per 1 m³:

Weight of 1 m³ of aerated blocks depending on density Source kladka-info.ru

Mass calculation

To calculate the mass of a block of a given size, use the following formula: M=VP, where V is the volume in m³, and P is the density indicator in kg/m³. The dimensions of the finished product can be found on the packaging. The most popular products are those with dimensions of 600x300x200 mm, so you can take these values ​​as an illustrative example.

For ease of calculation, it is recommended to convert millimeters to meters - 0.6x0.3x0.2 m. The next step is to find the volume of 1 block. To do this, the size values ​​are multiplied by each other: 0.6*0.3*0.2=0.036 m³. Now you can find out how many units of product are included in 1 m³.

To find out how much a gas block weighs, you need to determine the density of a cubic meter of material. Manufacturers place the value in the labeling after the letter D. For example, take a product with a value of 800 kg/m³. To calculate the mass of 1 product, use the formula: 800 * 0.036 = 28.8 kg.

To check the correctness of the calculations, you can calculate the number of blocks per 1 m³. This is done as follows: 1/0.036 = 27.78 pcs. Then multiply the quantity by mass: 27.78 * 28.8 = 800.06 kg/m³. If the value matches the marking, the calculation was made without errors.

How much does a block of a given size weigh?

As mentioned above, the weight of a concrete block depends on its density and size. To calculate the weight of 1 product, you need to divide the density (grade) of the material by the number of pieces per 1 cubic meter. m.

For example, 1 block with dimensions 600x250x100 mm with a density of 500 kg/m³ will have a mass of 9.8 kg. Gas block weight 1 pc. with an indicator of 600 kg/m³ it will be already 11.7 kg. To lay the foundation and erect external walls of buildings, large products with a linear dimension of 600×400×300 mm are often used. The weight of a unit of D500 brand product is 36 kg. When changing dimensions to 600x400x250 mm, the block will become 3 kg lighter.

Pallet weight with blocks

Aerated concrete products are available for walls and partitions. The main differences are size and weight. The standard is a block with dimensions of 600x300x200 mm. According to GOST, the length of concrete “bricks” cannot exceed 60 cm. Therefore, if you encounter products with dimensions of 625x250x100 mm, you should carefully study the composition and characteristics. There is a possibility that the manufacturer offers gas silicate material that differs in weight and composition.

To determine the weight of a pallet, you also need to know the dimensions of 1 block. For example, a pallet holds 1.15 cubic meters. m of standard blocks 600×300×200 mm D600. Its weight will be: 600*1.15=685 kg.

How much does a cube of gas silicate weigh and determination of real density

Gas silicate blocks are a type of aerated concrete products that have increased thermal insulation properties. Gas silicate is produced from concrete, lime and aluminum powder. Foam blocks of the D600-D700 brand are used for the construction of load-bearing walls of buildings up to 5 floors high. Two-story houses or partitions in high-rise buildings are built from grade D500. Blocks with a density of D400 and D350 are used as insulation or to create internal partitions.

In terms of weight, gas silicate will be heavier than aerated concrete. This is explained by the fact that the moisture absorption of the material is 10-15% greater, therefore the mass of the freshly made block will be higher. When calculating, you need to take into account the density of the products, size and percentage of water absorption.

For example, a unit of product made from aerated silicate mortar brand D500 with linear dimensions of 20x30x60 cm will weigh 22 kg, while the mass of aerated concrete with the same parameters will be 18 kg.

Types of aerated concrete by purpose

The brand of aerated concrete determines its intended use. The higher the density of the gas block, the stronger it is. There are 3 classes of aerated concrete according to their intended purpose, depending on its brand:

  • thermal insulation – up to D500;
  • structural and thermal insulation – D500-D900;
  • structural – over D900.

Important! Density also affects the thermal insulation properties of aerated concrete. The lower the density and, therefore, the higher the porosity, the better the thermal insulation qualities. For example, buildings made of structural aerated concrete blocks require additional thermal insulation.

Comparison of the thermal conductivity of aerated concrete with other materials Source stroyfora.ru

Physical and technical characteristics of aerated concrete

Like any other material, aerated concrete has a set of physical and technical characteristics determined by state standards.

Vitaly Kudryashov

Builder Author of the portal full-houses.ru

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Let us immediately clarify that we are talking about synthetic concrete, the hardening of which occurs in autoclaves, where it is processed under a pressure of 1.3 MPa with hot steam.

With this exposure, full strength gains occur within a few hours (rather than 28 days).

The molecular changes that occur during autoclaving strengthen the structure of concrete, which gives it a great advantage over non-autoclaved aerated concrete. At the same density, the strength class of AGB is two orders of magnitude higher. At the same time, it is practically not subject to shrinkage, which makes it possible to obtain products with more accurate geometry, and can be used for the construction of walls with a thermal insulation density of 300-500 kg/m3. Due to the lower thermal conductivity coefficient, such blocks allow the construction of walls with a high ability to resist heat transfer.

Density is a fundamental characteristic, since thermal conductivity, vapor permeability, and weight depend on it. For clarity, let’s present a table of characteristics indicated in GOST 31359. The values ​​here are the minimum acceptable: they may vary among different manufacturers, but always only on the side of improvement:

CharacteristicsBrands of aerated concrete blocks by density
Strength classAccording to GOST: B0.75 Actually: B1.5-B2According to GOST: B1.5 Actually: B2.5According to GOST: B2.5 Actually: B3.5According to GOST: B3.5 Actually: B5
Thermal conductivity (W/m*S)0,0720,0960,120,14
Vapor permeability (mg/m*h*Pa)0,260,230,20,16
Frost resistance (cycles)According to GOST 15-100 In fact 75-150According to GOST 15-100 In fact 75-150According to GOST 15-100 In fact 75-150According to GOST 15-100 In fact 75-150
Shrinkage for concrete on sand (mm/m)According to GOST 0.5 In fact 0.24According to GOST 0.5 In fact 0.19According to GOST 0.5 In fact 0.12According to GOST 0.5 In fact 0.12

Why do you need to know the weight of a gas block?

Before we begin to directly calculate the weight of aerated concrete 1 m³, let’s ask ourselves why we need to know this. Here is a brief summary of why knowledge of this parameter is important:

  1. To calculate the load on the foundation.
  2. To calculate the required number of aerated concrete blocks.
  3. To calculate the number of gas blocks when loading onto a vehicle (how many gas blocks are in the pallet).

Packaging of aerated blocks on pallets Source i9.photo.2gis.com

How to correctly determine the weight of a block

At the initial stage of construction, after approval of the project, calculations of the amount of required material are carried out. To avoid mistakes, you need to know how much each unit of gas-filled module weighs. Calculations can be made independently using special formulas. You can make the task easier by using the certificates that manufacturers provide with their products. As a rule, they indicate the density of the gas block cube, according to which, knowing the geometric dimensions, the weight is calculated, for example:

  • With a density of 400 kilograms per cubic meter, the weight of a 600x300x200 gas block is 18 kilograms.
  • At a density of 500, the weight of a block of similar geometry increases to 23 kilograms.
  • Increasing the density to 600, accordingly, entails a change in the weight of a product measuring 600x300x200 to 28 kg.

Parameters (size, weight, volume, quantity) of aerated concrete blocks D400

Having basic skills in using a calculator, you can independently calculate the weight of a gas block of 600x300x250, 600x300x100 and other sizes that differ in geometric dimensions. To do this, determine the volume of the element by multiplying the length, width and height. Then, multiplying the resulting value by the declared density, you will get the calculated weight.

Compare the obtained value with the value indicated in the accompanying documentation so as not to fall into the trap of unscrupulous manufacturers. There is information that some enterprises, in pursuit of profit, use industrial waste as fillers, which worsens the quality of their products. This will definitely show up when checking your weight.

Examples of calculating the weight of a gas block 600x300x200

If the dimensions and brand of the gas block are known in advance, then calculating its weight is not difficult and is carried out using the formula m = V * p , where:

m – block weight, kg;

V – product volume, m³;

p – density, kg/m³.

For example, let’s calculate the weight of a 600x400x250 D400 gas block. Since we know the density of the product - p = 400 kg/m³, we calculate its volume:

V = 600 * 400 * 250 = 60000000 mm³ = 0.06 m³.

Then the weight of one block is equal to:

m = 0.06 * 400 = 24 kg.

As can be seen from the calculation results, blocks with such dimensions weigh a lot. When laying a wall, it will not be easy for one mason to cope with them. Therefore, most builders prefer a silicate block whose dimensions are smaller, for example, 600x300x200. The weight of such a product, all other calculation conditions being equal, will be equal to: 0.6 * 0.3 * 0.2 * 400 = 14.4 kg . Note that in all these calculations the moisture content of aerated concrete is not taken into account.


The main influence on the mass of the material is the density of the elements of its structure. It is known that aerated concrete is a lightweight concrete - its mass per m3 can vary from 500 to 1800 kg. It all depends on the level of compaction and the intensity of exposure to gases - the higher it is, the larger the air voids will be in the structure of the finished product.

It is worth considering that the weight of structural gas blocks will be much higher than that of thermal insulation blocks.

To better determine the weight of aerated concrete products and to be able to calculate how much material will be used for a house, finished blocks are marked. To indicate density, the letter D is used, followed by its value in kg per m3. The labeling process is strictly regulated by GOST and if the manufacturer provides certificates of conformity, then the data can be safely used for calculations.

Number of gas blocks per 1 m³

Also of interest are such parameters of aerated blocks as the volume of a unit of product, the number of blocks per 1 m³, in one pallet. This data is necessary to determine the required amount of transport when delivering blocks to their destination. Below are the calculated data for aerated concrete blocks of grade D400.

Design parameters of aerated concrete D400 Source obustroeno.com


As for humidity, this indicator affects mass in a similar way. The higher the percentage of moisture, the greater the mass of the material.

According to the production technology, autoclaved aerated concrete is subjected to long-term exposure in a saturated steam environment under high pressure. Products leaving the conveyor contain 25-30% moisture.

The release humidity of aerated concrete is 25-30%, which increases the weight of the blocks by 1.25-1.3 times compared to the dried material. However, within 3 years, if the construction was carried out taking into account the requirements for protecting enclosing structures from waterlogging, the material dries and acquires an operational equilibrium moisture content of less than 5%. Moreover, most of the moisture is lost in the first year of operation.

Briefly about the main thing

Blocks made of aerated concrete and gas silicate are a common alternative to ordinary bricks. One of the advantages is the relatively low weight of these materials, which reduces the load on the foundation and speeds up the laying process. They are durable, good heat-insulating and sound-proofing material.

The range of these materials is quite wide, they differ in density, purpose and other parameters, there is plenty to choose from.

Knowing how to calculate the weight of an aerated block, you can easily determine the load on the foundation and calculate the number of blocks required for construction.

What is a gas block

Aerated concrete is a lightweight building material consisting of many cells distributed throughout the entire volume of the block. Consists of several components:

  • Cement.
  • Quartz sand.
  • Water.
  • Special gas generators.

In some cases it contains impurities of lime, gypsum, industrial waste, for example, ash or slag from metallurgical production.

It is made by mixing the components, pouring into molds, where the mixture “swells,” releases hydrogen, and forms numerous air pores. After preliminary hardening, it is removed from the molds, cut to the required size and placed in an autoclave oven. Here it is treated with water steam or dried in specialized, heated drying chambers.

Advantages of gas silicate bricks

For the manufacture of this building material, only environmentally friendly components are used that do not harm human health. In terms of safety level, the gas silicate block is in second place, after wood. Bricks produced by using an autoclave are not susceptible to rotting, mold and mildew. It is noteworthy that rats and mice are indifferent to this material.

The high level of fire safety also makes gas silicate brick masonry popular in the field of construction work. The material simply does not burn; in addition, it is used to create barriers to the possible occurrence of an open fire.

The porous structure of the material prevents the spread of noise. Also, experts note the extreme ease of processing blocks. For work, you can use ordinary carpentry tools.

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Pallet weight with blocks

This characteristic will be useful when planning the delivery of material to the site. Each truck has limits on its load capacity and the volume of goods it can carry.

Let's say visually it seems to you that 10 pallets will fit into the truck. But the driver, having found out the mass of the pallet, will say that he can only take 8 pallets. And he will be right, since the carrying capacity of the vehicle should not be exceeded.

Determining the mass of a pallet with aerated concrete is easy. Knowing the number of units of material in a pallet and the weight of one gas block, multiply these values.

By the way, many sellers release material from the warehouse in whole pallets. And in the price list they indicate the density and volume of the pallet. We already know that the density of the blocks corresponds to the mass of one cubic meter. Accordingly, multiplying the density by the volume we get the desired weight of the pallet.

For example, as can be seen from the proposed price list, the volume of a pallet with blocks of 600x200x300 mm is 1.8 m3. Let's calculate the mass of the pallet for density D400.

m = V*p = 1.8 m3* 400 kg/m3 = 720 kg If we transport aerated concrete from the factory, we will make an adjustment for humidity: 720 kg * 1.25 = 900 kg.

Calculation of the amount of material in 1m3

The calculation is carried out in two steps:

    Initially, the seller will find out the geometric dimensions of a specific wall material and calculate its volume. We have already calculated this parameter for a 200x300x600 block; based on the previous example, it is equal to 0.036 m3. Next, you need to divide the total volume (in our case, 1 m3) by the volume of this block. The result is 27,778 pieces.

This characteristic is usually indicated in the price list.

In the design documentation for the construction of a house, the calculation indicates the volume of required material, which is obtained by multiplying the area of ​​the walls, taking into account openings for windows and doors, by the thickness of the walls.

By calculating the amount of material per cubic meter and multiplying it by the total volume, we can find out the required number of blocks to build our house.

By the way, you should remember when calculating that jumpers are made above the windows. And these areas should not be taken into account. But take care of choosing and purchasing material for jumpers.

General information about gas silicate bricks

What is gas silicate brick? Simply put, it is a type of cellular concrete. At the end, the finished blocks had a porous structure, but had the strength of concrete. It was the pores in the material that ensured the light weight of the block. To achieve this effect, back in the 19th century, the blood of a pig or bull was added to the concrete solution. By reacting with other elements of the solution, the protein created foam.

In the 30s of the twentieth century, the Soviet builder M.N. Bryushkov noticed that soap root is capable of giving concrete mortar the ability to create foam. By mixing this plant into the solution, an increase in the volume of the composition was obtained due to the formation of bubbles. And even after hardening, this structure was preserved. But the main role in the creation of porous concrete was played by the Swedish architect Albert Erickson. It was he who developed the technology for manufacturing the material by mixing chemical elements that contributed to the formation of gas. Then he received a patent for his development. Still, the fact of manufacturing modern gas silicate bricks is interesting, because over time the technology has definitely changed, due to the fact that technological progress does not stand still.

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Today, the manufacturing technology of gas silicate bricks involves the use of such components as:

  • Portland cement of the highest quality, containing calcium silicate 50% and tricalcium aluminate, no more than 6%;

  • sand according to GOST 8736-77 with an admixture of silt and clay no more than 2%, quartz no more than 85%;
  • clean water according to GOST 23732-79;
  • calcium boiling lime according to GOST 9179-77, no worse than third grade. The composition should be extinguished within a period of 5 – 15 minutes, with no more than 2% burnout. The composition of magnesium oxide and calcium oxide is at least 70%;
  • aluminum powder PAP-1, PAP-2 – forms gas;
  • Surfactants and sulfanol C.

Gas silicate brick, in turn, is produced in two types

  • Non-autoclave.
  • Autoclave.

The difference between them lies in the production process. Autoclaved gas silicate has high shrinkage rates during the drying process. In addition, its durability level is very high. The use of an autoclave for the production of bricks of this type is characterized by high energy and technological costs. The final cost of the product is quite high. The products are dried at a temperature of 175ºС, at a pressure level of 0.8 - 1.2 MPa. Taking this into account, only large factories and enterprises can produce autoclaved aerated silicate bricks.

Non-autoclaved aerated silicate bricks are produced using a simplified technology that does not require large financial investments. But, unfortunately, the quality of such products is significantly inferior to autoclave ones. The prepared gas silicate mixture is left to harden naturally, without outside influence.

How much does a cube of aerated concrete weigh and determination of real density

At the beginning of the article, the very first table shows these values ​​without any calculation. The weight of a cubic meter of gas silicate material corresponds to the density indicated in the marking (D400, D500, etc.).

However, situations are different.

You may want to check whether the factory gas silicate meets the stated characteristics. Or you were short on a pallet of blocks, but your neighbor had some left over. At the same time, your neighbor does not remember the characteristics of his aerated concrete.

Once we know the real mass, we can calculate the real density.

In this case, we will need to weigh 1 block and calculate using the inverse formula p=m/V. Where:

    m - weight (kg) - you need to find scales and weigh 1 block; V - volume (m3) - we calculated it above; p - density (kg/m3).

Don't forget to adjust for humidity.

All about the weight of gas silicate blocks

Gas silicate blocks are often used in construction. They come in 600X300X200 and 200X300X600, 600X200X300 and 600X300X250, 600X400X250 and other sizes. You should know the weight of one block of gas silicate and a cube of this gas silicate, as well as a list of significant factors.

How much do different blocks weigh?

Gas silicate block structures are used very widely in construction, reconstruction and repair of buildings. Although this material successfully competes with brick and traditional concrete in terms of density, the mass of products made from it is very relevant. Knowledge of weight properties is useful:

  • when calculating foundations;
  • when determining the characteristics of floors;
  • in preparation for storing blocks in warehouses and directly at construction sites;
  • for proper transportation planning, selection of appropriate transport and packaging.

In some cases, a gas silicate block 600X300X100 is found. It is used due to its increased thermal insulation and sound insulation qualities. When using grade 500 concrete, the load-bearing characteristics will be sufficient for low-rise and high-rise construction. The mass of one block will be 15 kg.

Therefore, lifting it yourself will not be particularly difficult.

With a size of 250X300X600, the weight of one building element will be equal to 36 kg. Theoretically, you can lift such a product with your own hands. But it will be more correct and accurate to lay it with an assistant. The descriptions note the significant load-bearing capacity of the material. It can be used as a thermal barrier.

The block 300 by 200, or, in more detail, 600X300X200, is very popular; in other versions, 200X300X600 or 600X200X300. Its density refers to grades 500-700. These are the products that are used in construction work. Weaker grades are needed only for insulation work.

100X250X600 (aka 600X250X100) is also a common building material. A standard cargo pallet can hold 120 of these blocks. There are 6.67 products per 1 m2. The weight of 1 structure is 10.5 kg, so it is quite easy to use.

Another popular solution is 600X400X250, or otherwise 250X400X600. This is an excellent option for low-rise construction and for a room divider. Comparative lightness is achieved due to the cellular structure. The usual frost resistance is 100 cycles, that is, the material can be guaranteed to be used for 30-40 years. Weight norm - 14.4 kg.

Parts measuring 600x300x250 can also be made from gas silicate. This is a good wall material with a unit weight of 22.5 kg. Compression strength category from B2.5 to B3.5. There are 22.2 units per 1 m3. The main purpose is capital construction.

Weight 1 pc. gas silicate 625Х300Х250 is equal to 28 kg 130 g. Wall panels of this type are produced with a density of D500. Among others, they are produced at the Kostroma plant. Basic production standards are set in GOST 2007.

Cold resistance level - F35.

Gas block 625X300X200 is quite acceptable for single-layer masonry. It is unacceptable to use smaller blocks for this purpose. Gross indicator - 30 kg. Designs are suitable:

  • for houses;
  • in country house construction;
  • in garage construction.

Silicate 600Х400Х200 is non-toxic. Its frost resistance is sometimes F75. This is typical for Termocube products. Weight – 30 kg. Compressive strength – B3.5.

In the Ytong line of silicate building parts, the 625X400X250 block stands out. In its production, they are guided by GOST 31360, adopted in 2007. One block pulls 43 kg 800 g. Traditionally, the density of the material is D500, the frost resistance of the product is F100. And this is what the table of specific gravity by mass of gas silicate blocks looks like (for grade D500).

Estimated dry weight, kg

But not everything is as simple as it seems. Builders and repairmen do not always focus only on the mass of 1 unit of products. Sometimes the weight of the gas silicate cube is much more important for them. The fact is that it is volume that they focus on when dealing with storage and transportation. The capacity of warehouses, individual storage positions, trucks and wagons is measured in cubic meters.

To calculate what the mass of 1 m3 will be, you must first determine how many blocks fall into this value. Let us analyze the indicators of gas silicate elements 25X40X62.5 cm. Having multiplied all these parameters successively, we see that the result is 0.0625 m3. It is not difficult to now estimate that there should be 16 blocks per 1 m3. Further calculation, if you know how much 1 copy weighs, is not difficult.

If you take a pack of gas silicate measuring 62.5x25x20 cm, then it usually contains 64 pieces of such products. But the container volume is 2 m3, and this circumstance is very important for correct calculation during transportation. Calculating the actual mass of the pack is not difficult. You just need to pay attention to the volumetric weight of the finished product.

And you don’t even need to recognize it - it’s already included in the brand name after the letter D.

Influencing factors

The weight of gas silicate blocks is a variable quantity, depending not only on the dimensions of the product, as is often (and erroneously) thought. First of all, the density of the solid part of the product is of great importance. The moisture content of the gas silicate will also have to be taken into account. The density level is indicated in the labeling of the supplied product. It is usually measured in kg per m3.

Density grades are designated as DXXX, where XXX is the desired value. There is nothing complicated here; the specific gravity of mass-produced blocks can be 300 or 400 kg. For denser products this figure reaches 500 or even 600 kg. The effect of humidity is also predictable - the more water a sample absorbs, the heavier it becomes, and the porosity of the building blocks only increases the severity of this process.

Moisture saturation is associated with the peculiarities of production technology. Aerated concrete produced in autoclaves inevitably absorbs water. After all, it is always kept in saturated steam, and even under significant pressure. Therefore, at the time of packaging and sending to the manufacturer, the silicate block contains at least 25% water, and sometimes this figure reaches 30%. Accordingly, the release weight also exceeds that declared by the manufacturer.

Provided proper installation and proper operation, humidity will be reduced to approximately 5% over several years.

Calculation features

The determination of mass is based on the size of the structure and its specific density. Let there be a gas silicate block measuring 60x30x20 cm. And let the density correspond to the D400 brand. The technique is as follows:

  • multiply all sides of the block (it is advisable to take them in millimeter terms);
  • obtain a millimeter volume of the structure;
  • convert this figure to cubic meters (in this case it turns out to be 0.036 m3);
  • multiply the resulting number by the weight index of the brand and end up with a mass of 14.4 kg.

But there is another subtlety that is often overlooked. Basically, calculating the gravity of silicate assemblies is needed to determine the load on the foundation. In this case, humidity can be neglected, since during normal operation it will still return to normal quite quickly. This will happen by the time the roof is installed and window and door openings are installed. However, we must remember that at first gas silicate is still quite heavy, and you will have to build a house or other structure together with helpers.

The calculation cannot ignore water saturation when it comes to storage or transportation. Sometimes this even leads to very unpleasant incidents. For example, if a dry building element pulls 21 kg, this does not mean that such properties will always be preserved. With sufficient hydration, the weight can easily increase to 23 kg. Therefore, we have to work extremely carefully and carefully.

We must remember that the lighter the material is initially, the more it “drinks” from the atmosphere, and the more significant the weight gain turns out to be.

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