Article reading time: 15 minutes Author of the article: Foam blocks and aerated concrete are popular wall materials,
When the time comes to choose a building material, it is necessary to study all its characteristics and properties in advance.
The partition is a non-primary wall in the building, so its thickness is thinner.
How to correctly calculate the cost of a house made of aerated concrete Foundation Boxes: walls (with aerated concrete reinforcement) and
Oriented strand boards (OSB, OSB or OSB), invented in Canada during the era of mass frame construction
How many bricks are there in a square meter? Construction always begins with the acquisition of the necessary materials. For
The first question that comes to mind after deciding to build your home is:
Hello, friends! Nowadays, aerated concrete is one of the most popular building materials. Although he appeared completely
Building materials such as concrete and foam plastic have opposite characteristics, but this does not interfere
Axton sand concrete is a dry building mixture intended for the production of concrete. The standard composition includes