Dimensions concrete blocks 400x200x200

Types of foundation structures for industrial and residential buildings include prefabricated strip foundations, for the construction of which concrete blocks of 400x200x200 mm are used, the so-called FBS - wall foundation blocks. These monolithic reinforced concrete building products can withstand almost any load from the weight of the object, therefore they are used as a foundation for heavy multi-story buildings built on dense soil with a low level of groundwater and the same deep freezing point of the soil.

Types and sizes of blocks Monolithic foundation concrete blocks 400x200x200 are lowered onto a sand-crushed stone cushion of tape, which plays the role of a shock absorber and desiccant, the bottom, side and horizontal seams are filled with cement-sand mortar, and the result is a powerful monolithic reinforced concrete foundation.

Types of FBS blocks

The blocks are marked with an alphanumeric code, the decoding of which allows you to find out the size and weight of the product, as well as its functional purpose. The types of FBS grades are shown in the table below:

FGlass foundation blocks for columns
FLFBS reinforced concrete blocks used as a cushion for the foundation strip
FBSConstruction products for the arrangement of zero cycles, underground and basement premises
BFStrip concrete block. Designed for the construction of load-bearing walls
FRWall blocks made of heavy concrete
FBPHollow concrete blocks

Tape blocks made of concrete
But after the symbolic designations there are numbers, and their interpretation is as follows:

  1. The first digit indicates the length of the block;
  2. The second number is the width of the product;
  3. The third number indicates the height.

Both the wholesale and retail prices of blocks are determined depending on the dimensions of the products and the composition of the fillers, the region of manufacture, as well as transport and other logistics costs.

Installation of a prefabricated strip base made of blocks

First, an installation diagram is drawn up, and the following operations are carried out according to it: assembling the cast-offs, knocking out the end walls along the axes using a construction cord, knocking out the longitudinal walls, attaching the mooring cord and marking the main axis of the foundation.

Installation of strip prefabricated block foundation - layer options

In more detail, the construction process looks like this:

  1. A tight cord or thin steel wire is pulled over the cast-off so that the strip base can be broken down along it;
  1. A solid block is installed at each corner of the base;
  2. Departing from them 1.5-2 cm, beacon FBS are installed;
  3. A cord (wire) is stretched between the corner and lighthouse products, intermediate blocks are installed along it, it is allowed to use hollow products measuring 200x200x400 mm;
  4. Each block after installation in place must be aligned horizontally and vertically.

For the installation of the zero cycle, the same techniques are used as for assembling any prefabricated base, with one difference - it is allowed to use used FBS products. It is impossible to install large blocks manually; you will have to rent a crane or use a construction winch, but if you use a 400x200x200 mm block to build the foundation of a private house, then you can install the base yourself, which will make the process much cheaper.

Installation of a block foundation using a truck crane

Even when renting a truck crane to install the foundation of a private house, the work will be much less, since the size of an industrial and private project is not comparable. Therefore, the extension of the crane boom will be enough to avoid moving from place to place, but to collect the tape from one cleared area on the construction site. But to be on the safe side, the site layout plan must be suitable for the construction of multi-storey and large facilities.

To save budget, the zero level can be achieved using not blocks, but natural stone, lightweight concrete blocks or bricks. cellular concrete. For example, when constructing light buildings such as a wooden garden house, bathhouse, summer kitchen, garage or greenhouse for the zero cycle, you can take foundation blocks measuring 200 x 200 x 400 mm.

From small blocks you can build supports for a columnar foundation for weak, heaving and waterlogged (peaty or swampy) soils. To construct such a structure, the blocks are buried in the ground below its freezing level, and the supports are connected using a reinforced concrete grillage, steel or wooden beams.

Concrete blocks for columnar foundation

How to stock and store concrete building blocks

  1. FBS is laid next to the pit in four rows up to 2.5 meters high;
  2. The distance to the edges of the pit is 1 meter;
  3. If FBS are stored near the road, then there should be ≥ 1 meter to the road;
  4. The side of the block on which its marking is indicated must be positioned towards the aisle or driveway.

When choosing the standard size of block concrete products, you must take into account the following parameters: dimensions, weight, load (bearing) capacity. In individual construction, smaller blocks are used than in the industrial process - usually the blocks measure 400 x 200 x 200 mm and weigh no more than 32 kg. Physical and operational characteristics, composition and proportions of aggregates determine the scope of application of the products - base, foundation, load-bearing walls or partitions.

Competitive advantages of blocks

The quality of any concrete products is determined by increased requirements for their strength and reliability, especially if they are intended for the foundation of houses and buildings. In this they are not inferior to self-leveling foundations, and in a number of characteristics they even surpass them. It is a well-known fact that block foundations:

  • are installed faster;
  • have greater seismic resistance;
  • do not require serious mechanization of work;
  • ensure clarity of the geometric parameters of the structure;
  • help save time, concrete and connecting materials.

All of the above leads to optimization of the most important component of any construction - the cost item. So, using a 400x400x200 foundation block, the price of which depends on the class and manufacturing technology, you will make the construction more profitable.

Main characteristics of foundation blocks

The main components for making concrete are Portland cement, purified or river sand, and clean water. Bulk materials are mixed in a ratio of 1:3, mixed with water and compacted under a vibropress. The main varieties are hollow and solid products. In addition to the main components, granulated expanded clay or other types of cellular concrete, as well as crushed stone, gravel, slag, etc. can be added to the concrete mixture. The smaller the concrete block, the less third-party fillers are added to it, which reduce its strength properties

Storage of concrete blocks

According to the quality of surface treatment, blocks can be polished, smooth, corrugated and with a chipped texture. The quality of the surface depends on the quality of the mold into which the solution is poured, and if the height difference on the surface of the block is more than 8 m, the product is rejected. In mass production of products, only one or two sides can be processed, which can be painted with inorganic paints. Such blocks are used for the front masonry of facades. For the construction of foundations, so-called ordinary blocks are used, which, in turn, are divided into foundation, wall and partition products.

Qualitative characteristics, the parameters of which are taken into account in construction first of all:

1. The density of products should be in the range of 1350-2250 kg/m3;

2. Strength – within 75-250 kg/cm2;

3. Frost resistance – F50;

4. Dimensions that affect the scope of application of products. The most common and universal blocks have dimensions of 400 x 200 x 200 mm;

5. Weight – 16-32 kg;

6. thermal conductivity – 0.50–1.15 W/m∙°С;

7. Void area in the product ≤ 50%.

Hollow expanded clay concrete blocks

Application area

The production of concrete hollow products is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 6133-99, which allows through or hidden gaps to be left in the material. Such FBS, when cracks are detected, cannot be used for the construction of a foundation - they are used for the construction of walls and partitions. Blocks with voids and dimensions up to 400 x 200 x 200 mm are most often used in low-rise construction - both for the construction of load-bearing and internal unloaded walls, and in the construction of internal partitions. Hollow products are allowed to be used on heaving and soft soils.

Block sizes according to GOST

To build a block base or load-bearing walls, it is necessary to take solid concrete blocks; the strength grade of the product must be at least M100. Voids are allowed only as technological recesses for gripping the product. In addition to the foundation structure, solid products are allowed to be used in the construction of support columns, rooms with high humidity (basement, swimming pool) and basement rooms. If it is necessary to use FBS specifically for these purposes, you should carefully check their compliance with the declared characteristics, since the service life of the structure will depend on the quality of the blocks.

Using FBS

Approximate cost of blocks 40 x 20 x 20 cm in prices at the end of 2017 in the Moscow region:

Product nameWhere is the block product used?Strength, kg/cm2Weight, kgCost of one unit, rub.
Sand cement block with voidsLow-rise and individual construction100,020,055,0
Expanded clay porous block16,0
Front block for facade claddingExternal walls without decorative finishing20,065,0
Solid foundation blockFoundation, support columns, basements and plinth elements for low-rise construction projects150,030,075,0

Blocks with the characteristics described above are optimally suited for building foundations with your own hands, without renting special equipment or hiring additional labor. The light weight and acceptable dimensions of the products make it possible not only to carry out masonry in hard-to-reach areas of the structure, but also to significantly speed up the construction process of the facility, since technologically the volume of work on constructing the foundation takes up to 30% of the overall construction process. Also, when working with foundation blocks, there is no need to assemble and disassemble the formwork, and the construction of upper floors can be carried out both in summer and winter, without waiting for the concrete to set and gain initial strength.

Technologies that determine block properties

Modern concrete blocks 400x400x200, the price of which remains more affordable than traditional building materials - stone, wood, brick - find a wide variety of applications.

In addition to the already mentioned foundation laying, walls are built from them, floors are erected, basements and ground floors are equipped with them, swimming pools and other artificial reservoirs are laid out. Naturally, a concrete block 400x400x200 can have different properties. They are determined by the manufacturing technology of the product and the materials included in its composition.

The general positive qualities include the environmental friendliness of most modern technologies for the production of these durable building materials. For example, the French hypervibrocompression technique provides that a concrete block 200x400x400, the price of which falls into the medium category, consists of cement, pure sand, quartzite and water - without any chemical additions.

Reliable connection - real compression - of all particles is ensured by the technology itself of the strongest vibration under pressure. This gives concrete the strength of stone. Moreover, the block becomes denser and heavier, since it contains more concrete than similar products created using other technologies, which means it almost does not absorb moisture, has greater frost resistance and is an excellent material for the foundation.

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