How and with what to paint asphalt correctly: choosing mixtures

“Wet asphalt” – what kind of color is this?

We all know what the color of an asphalt road looks like after rain. Dark gray, almost black, it is at the same time strict and elegant, simple and rich. In beauty and sophistication it is close to anthracite. Not as gloomy as black, and much more interesting than classic gray. Therefore, more and more fashion designers, designers and makeup artists are choosing “wet asphalt”. Color is becoming in demand both in fashion clothing collections and in interior design.

Car color black

As in the world of high fashion, black is considered the most stylish color in the world of the automotive industry. It is he who best presents this miracle of engineering and design, emphasizing its class and appearance.

The black color of a car is associated with elegance, status, and wealth. However, it is not recommended to paint small cars this color, as it visually makes the car smaller.

The more expensive the car, the more important it is to have a discreet and unobtrusive color that will not draw attention to itself. This is the law of the world of expensive things. Achromatic colors are the best choice. Black of them is the most expressive. The clearest silhouette, the most expressive lines - thanks to the black color.

Matt black car color

Associations that the color black evokes: solid, expensive, powerful. This color is a standard, neutral color, so you won't get tired of it even after years.

    Not youthful, joyless, devoid of individuality. Demanding about cleanliness and generally the most impractical color. Hardly visible on the highway from afar. Increased body heating on sunny days. Very bad for a small car. Visually reduces its size even more. Evokes associations with company cars. Aggressive.

This is due to the fact that the “dusty” color of dirt on a black car makes it look more unkempt than the dark, dirty shade on a white car.

Comparison of dirty black and white cars

What does it go with?

So, what tones are best to combine “wet asphalt” with? The color becomes very expressive in combination with clean, cool shades. For a casual or business look, combinations of gray with blue, mint, soft purple, and light pink are suitable.

Considering that this shade refers to a purely business style, it is not entirely appropriate to use bright elements. In addition, it is not recommended to make designs or decorate your nails with decorative stones. This will ruin the image of a business woman. It is worth remembering that “wet asphalt” is a strict color, so it is better not to make bold experiments.

It has long been known that when making any purchase, a person is guided more by emotions than by reason. “I want this car, wet asphalt color, period!” The fact remains that, according to a study conducted by the DuPont concern, 40% of buyers are ready to abandon one brand in favor of another if it is painted in the color the buyer likes. As they say, demand creates supply.

Of course, fashion also influences color solutions. For example, today the overwhelming majority of consumers do not prefer a car painted in a single color, but rather one whose paintwork has some kind of “special effect,” even if it is not pronounced. For example, a metallic effect.

Today you will find out

Red color

It is a mistake to believe that this color speaks exclusively of the desire to be the most noticeable, of aggressiveness and temperament. Many shades (cherry, red-orange, burgundy) are so rich and dignified that they would be appropriate on F-Class models.

Various shades of red in cars

    Excellent visibility on the road. Is a classic. It is familiar to others and will not shock like pink or light green. Democratic, suitable for both women and men.

The peculiarity of red lies in the optical illusion of this color: visually it seems that the red car is moving faster than it actually is, and that it is closer than it actually is.

Winged metal... in paint!

Remember the legendary phrase attributed to Ford Sr.: “You can have a car in any color, as long as that color is black”? In those distant times, there were simply no other materials other than black oil paints and varnishes suitable for painting car bodies.

Later, when production of the white pigment titanium dioxide began, automakers were able to create various new shades. The addition of this pigment to the paints of that time made it possible to expand the color range of bodies, and the hegemony of black in the automotive world came to an end.

Another technological revolution in the history of automotive paints was made by aluminum. Unfortunately, history has not preserved the name of the person who first proposed adding particles of this metal to paints. It's a pity. After all, it is thanks to him that car owners today can drive cars painted in the fashionable metallic color, and car sellers can charge additional interest for this paint.

How metallics work

The principle of “work” of paints with a “metallic” effect is based on the reflection of light. Aluminum plates distributed in the paint layer act as a kind of micromirrors that reflect the light falling on them, which gives the coating the effect of a characteristic sparkling shine.

Do you remember how in childhood, taking a mirror in our hands, we played with sunbeams, pointing them at each other’s eyes? A similar effect is achieved in metallics.

In addition to spectacular pigments, these paints also contain “ordinary” color pigments that provide the coating with a particular color. But unlike single-color paints, which use light- impervious pigments, in metallics it is necessary to use a different type of pigments - light-permeable ones . Aluminum plates are distributed throughout the paint, in the pigment medium, which means that only transparent pigments will allow light rays to “get through” to these plates and be reflected from them.

Thus, the principle of “working” of metallics comes down to the following: light rays, hitting the paintwork, pass through translucent color pigments, resulting in the formation of rays with a certain color (wavelength). Then these rays hit the aluminum particles, are reflected from them and either pass through the translucent color pigment again, or immediately go out. Thanks to this, we not only see the coating in color (for example, green), but also observe a special sparkling effect.

The principle of “working” of metallics: the light flux passes through translucent color pigments, is reflected from aluminum particles and comes out

"Metallic" under a microscope. Thanks to aluminum particles, we see not only a certain color of the coating, but also a special, sparkling effect

From bicycles to cars

The first metallized enamels we saw were not on car bodies. “Vogli” and “Victory” in those days were painted in simple colors - white, dirty gray, beige... But the bicycle frames of the Kharkov plant sparkled with aluminum sparkles, reflecting light from the depths of the enamel film. These metallics were single coats.

The first generation metallics are single-layer. Aluminum particles are contained throughout the enamel thickness of 50 microns

From the point of view of effectiveness, such paints were quite interesting at that time, but their resistance to external influences was extremely low. Over time, such enamel became very worn out, aluminum particles oxidized and eroded, as a result of which the car acquired a dull whitish tint. To avoid such consequences, a two-layer system was developed: with a transparent varnish applied over the paint.

Modern two-stage “metallic”: a clear varnish is applied over the base enamel

The two-layer coating turned out to be not only more durable and durable (the colored enamel underneath the varnish layer does not wear off and fades more slowly), but also more effective (the varnish acts as a kind of magnifying glass, enhancing the optical effect), and has become widely used for painting car bodies.

General requirements for asphalt paints

Asphalt paint is manufactured taking into account the basic requirements for it:

  • speed of application to the surface;
  • to reduce the inconvenience from road work to a minimum, the drying speed of the compounds is on average from 30 to 60 minutes at a temperature of +20°C;
  • resistance to precipitation (rain, snow);
  • tolerance to exposure to UV rays from the sun;
  • resistance to sudden fluctuations in air temperature;
  • ability to withstand the effects of fuels and lubricants, auto chemicals.

Flop effect

So, the main feature of metallics is the manifestation of an element of metallic shine on the paintwork. But the “effectiveness” of these paints does not end there.

If you look at a metallic-painted car from different angles, you can clearly see that this shine is not constant - its intensity either decreases or increases. Indeed, any “metallic” looks different depending on the viewing angle: at some point the coating glows brightly, sparkles, and then gradually darkens as the viewing angle changes (for example, when a car turns). These changes, from light to dark and back again, are called the flop effect.

Let's try to figure out why this happens.

As we have already said, the surface of a metal pigment plays the role of a mirror that reflects light rays incident on it according to the laws of geometric optics (the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence). And if the aluminum particles are located in the paint layer as needed, that is, parallel to the surface, then when viewed from the front, the paint is perceived as lighter, since in this case we see more light reflected by the grain.

If you look at the surface from the side, at an acute angle, the intensity of the reflected light decreases greatly and the paint is perceived as darker. In this case, reflection from color pigments predominates.

Colored asphalt. FAQ.

1. What is colored asphalt? Colored asphalt concrete mixture? Colored asphalt concrete mixture is a mixture of mineral filler (crushed stone/sand, mineral powder) with organic filler (colorless binder/petroleum polymer resins), produced depending on the choice of technology using a hot or cold method.

Colored asphalt (asphalt concrete) is a ready-to-use colored coating with specified technical and operational characteristics of various thicknesses (depending on the degree of load, see below).

2. What is the difference between colored asphalt and ordinary black and gray pavement? Colored asphalt differs from ordinary asphalt only in that instead of black bitumen, high-quality European colorless binder Recofal is used, which can be painted in almost any color simply by adding the desired pigment.

This is what granules with colorless binder look like

This is what color pigment looks like

3. What types of colored coatings are there? In our projects, we decided to divide all types of colored coatings into 2 categories. We called the first “hot technology” . We include colored asphalt concrete mixtures prepared directly at an asphalt concrete plant at a temperature of 160°C-185°C. The finished roadway coating, made using this technology, has a thickness of 3 cm and is designed for high-intensity loads from both passenger cars and trucks.

To make it clear to you, below is a video with an example of laying colored asphalt using hot technology

We call the second type of colored coatings “cold technology” (or thin-layer coating/treatment) and it is designed for low loads, which are more often found on sidewalks and bike paths. This coating can be completed without the use of asphalt concrete plants and heavy equipment. The mixture is prepared at ambient temperature directly on site. Thickness ranges from 1 to 3 mm.

This is already an example of using “ cold technology ”:

Conclusion: if the thickness of the coating according to the project is calculated in centimeters, and freight transport will pass over the coating, then it is necessary to consider “hot technology” .

4. How thick are the colored coatings? Colored coatings made using “hot technology” range from 3 to 6 cm.

“Cold” - from 1 to 3 mm.

5. What color coating technologies do you use? Our company installs colored surfaces using “cold technology” - sidewalks, bicycle paths. That is, coatings with low-intensity load. For the installation of surfaces with high-intensity loads (roadways), we only sell colorless binders and advise on the intricacies of working and laying colored hot mix asphalt concrete.

6. What is the difference between these two technologies? How to choose the optimal color coating technology for me? In this article, we looked at how to make the right choice in favor of the technology that is right for you.

7. What is colorless binder? Granular colorless binder is the basic binder component in the production of colored asphalt. Typically supplied in pellet form, but can also be supplied in barrels or briquettes. To put it very simply, it is colorless bitumen for the production of asphalt concrete mixtures of a given shade. More details can be found at the link.

8. What is color pigment used for? Color pigment is needed to give the asphalt concrete mixture a given shade. It is this that gives the colorless binder/bitumen its final shade.

9. What is the consumption of colorless binder per 1 ton of mixture? The amount of colorless binder is determined based on the recipe for the asphalt concrete mixture. It completely replaces ordinary bitumen in the same quantity. Depending on the type of mixture, it can vary from 50 kg (Type B) to 70 kg (Type D). A more accurate dosage is determined during laboratory tests of molded samples.

10. What is the consumption of color pigment per 1 ton of mixture? Per 1 square meter? The consumption of colored pigment ranges from 15% to 20% of the weight of colorless binder. The exact quantity is determined visually in the customer’s laboratory after molding the cylinder samples.

11. The thickness of the color coating using “cold technology” is only 1-2 mm. Why so few? Won't it fall apart? No. It won't fall apart. The strength characteristics of petroleum polymer resin coatings (subject to all rules) have proven themselves a long time ago and are beyond doubt. Moreover, we are ready to come to you and lay a trial section of 2 m2 (free of charge) so that you can evaluate the quality and, if possible, try to “destroy” it :)

12. How much does 1 kg of colorless binder for “hot technology” ? The cost of colorless binder in rubles constantly changes following the euro exchange rate, so we indicate all prices in European currency. The cost of 1 kg is affected by the total volume of your work. You can find out more about our prices here.

13. How much does 1 m2 of color coating made using “cold technology” cost? Our prices start from 1000 rubles. for 1 m2 of coverage. This price includes the cost of work including all materials. More details on what this price consists of can be found here.

14. Is it possible to increase the layer thickness using “cold technology”? How much more will it cost? The thickness of the layer can be increased if the customer wishes. All this is discussed separately and depends on the color, design complexity of the coating pattern, and additional difficulties during preparation. From our practice, this increases the cost by 300-500 rubles per 1 m2.

15. What components do you use to create a color coating using “cold technology”? The laid color mixture consists of colored quartz sands of a given shade, binder road resin (SDS-1), liquid aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons in accordance with the specifications.

16. Why is the cost of production and installation of “hot technology” several times more expensive than “cold” technology? The production of colored asphalt using “hot technology” uses the production facilities of the asphalt plant, including dump trucks for delivery, asphalt pavers for leveling and a squad of rollers for compaction. The thickness of the asphalt concrete pavement laid using this technology is tens of times greater than the thickness of the pavement made using the “cold” method; for this, large volumes of mineral components (crushed stone/sand, mineral powder) are used compared to a thin-layer pavement. And most importantly, the main component for the production of hot colored asphalt concrete mixture (colorless binder Rekofal) is produced in Europe. Its high quality is assessed in European currency, and the high exchange rate difference between the euro and the ruble plays a significant role in the high cost of “hot technology” .

17. How much does 1 kg of color pigment cost? It all depends on the type of pigment, its color fastness to ultraviolet light and the country of origin. Our prices start from 280 rubles/kg and go up to 800 rubles/kg.

18. What types of color pigments are there? Granular, powder.

19. How many shades can you offer? You can see all the shades on this page according to the provided RAL.

20. Have there been cases in your practice when the desired color was not available? At the moment, such cases have not yet been encountered.

21. Are you involved in the production and laying of colored asphalt concrete mixtures yourself? When it comes to covering sidewalks and bike paths, we do it ourselves.

If this is a roadway with daily loads from cars and trucks, we subcontract such work to a specialized company, or, if you have an asphalt concrete plant, we sell you materials for production and advise you on the intricacies of the production and installation process.

To put it very simply, we only produce coatings up to 3 mm thick in-house.

22. Can we somehow reduce the cost of materials/work? Yes, sure. You can always reduce the cost of materials and work.

To reduce the cost of work using “hot technology” , you need to know the following: 1) The larger volume of material you order, the greater the discount you receive.

2) The customer always has the choice of the coloring pigment and its percentage. The price of pigment can vary over a wide range (from 280 rubles/kg to 800 rubles/kg). For large volumes of work, savings can be significant and amount to millions of rubles.

To reduce the cost of work using “cold technology” (thin-layer coating), you can: 1) The rule: the greater the volume of work, the lower the cost of an individual square meter has not been canceled and it works exactly the same for thin-layer coatings. 2) Perform part of the preparatory work to remove dust and cover nearby objects, buildings/structures, as well as the surrounding landscape. In some cases, you could save up to 100 rubles per square meter of coverage.

23. Can we carry out this work ourselves? If yes, what is needed for this? If your budget is very limited, then this technology allows you to install a colored thin-layer coating on your own. In this case, we will simply sell you all the necessary materials and teach you the intricacies of the work. In this situation, you will save a significant budget.

24. Do you perform complex designs on asphalt? Yes. We are ready to complete drawings of the highest degree of complexity. Only you must remember that the budget for such types of work increases significantly and is negotiated separately.

25. Is the old asphalt concrete pavement suitable for installing a new colored coating on it using “cold technology”? For a more accurate assessment, visual and, in some cases, tactile contact is required. In our practice, we have worked at such facilities many times.

26. Do you carry out work on concrete surfaces? It all depends on the quality of the laid cement concrete pavement. Since the quality of work in our country has recently left much to be desired, in our practice we have begun to refuse to work with this type of coating.

27. What are the deadlines for completing work using “cold technology”? The duration of work using this technology can vary significantly and depend on: - weather conditions (all work is carried out only in dry weather, provided that the coating is not moistened and the ambient temperature should not exceed 0°C); — degree of complexity of the design of the laid surface (geometry, number of colors); - number of layers to be laid.

28. To produce colored asphalt, do you need special asphalt plants and related equipment? Any asphalt concrete plant (stationary, mobile) is suitable for the production of hot colored asphalt concrete mixture. No additional hardware installation required. The technology for producing colored mixtures differs only in a slightly longer mixing cycle and the replacement of ordinary black bitumen with colorless bitumen with the addition of the required color pigment.

29. How to prepare colored abs in the laboratory? This issue is discussed in more detail in this article.

30. Why is it so difficult to choose a color for “hot technology”? The main filler when preparing asphalt concrete mixtures is crushed stone. A lot depends on its quality, color and uniformity. Asphalt concrete plants operate on different types of crushed stone. From batch to batch, whatever: from machine to machine, the color may change. In such cases, there is no need to talk about the uniformity of complex shades at all.

31. Can I produce colored asphalt without colorless binder using regular black bitumen (BND) with the addition of only colored pigment? Yes. You can. But you must understand that the consumption of pigment in this case will be increased (30% of the mass of the binder), the color of the future coating will be noticeably duller, and this option is not suitable for all shades.

32. What weather is the work performed in? For “hot technology”, the finished mixture is laid on a previously dust-free surface, at an outside temperature of at least +5°C in spring and +10°C in autumn. That is, the technology for laying colored asphalt concrete mixture is no different from the usual Type A, or SMA.

For “cold technology”, all work is carried out only in dry weather, provided that the coating is not moistened and the ambient temperature does not fall below 0°C.

33. How long does the original color tone last? The color shade lasts for 2-3 months and then begins to fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, dust and dirt, just like regular asphalt (the bitumen film wears out over time and the coating becomes dull after just a few months). The rate of fading is affected by the quality of the color pigment used. Coatings made with organic pigments look brighter and are pleasing to the eye longer (their cost is an order of magnitude higher). Timely weekly dust removal of such coatings allows you to enjoy the original color scheme longer.

34. Are there any specifics regarding the maintenance of colored coatings in winter? For colored coatings made using “hot technology” there are no specific content requirements. For thin-layer coatings - refusal of hard mechanical cleaning (crowbar, blade of snow removal equipment).

35. How long have you been installing colored coatings? Since 2014.

36. Where can I visually see your objects? These are objects on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region, both private and municipal.

37. What warranty period do you provide? We provide an 18-month guarantee for all types of work performed by our specialists.

38. What is the average service life of colored coatings (from your experience)? 5 years.

road technologies, colored coating, colored asphalt, colored coatings

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Cornflakes and... a silver dollar!

To accurately select paint for the desired “metallic” effect, any color matching system includes several types of silver, differing both in the shape and size of the particles, and in the degree of shine of an individual particle.

Based on their shape, particles are divided into two main groups: particles of irregular and regular shape. The former are usually called “cornflake”, the latter – “silver dollar”.

Aluminum particles of irregular and regular shape. The former are usually called "corn flakes", the latter - "silver dollar"

Irregular silver is most often used in older plating formulas. When examined under a microscope, it is clear that these particles actually resemble corn flakes in appearance and have ragged edges. Back in the early days of the metallic era, aluminum was ground up and added to paint without any further processing. Such components scatter light quite strongly and look dull in paint.

The silver dollar particles appear more uniform and do not have jagged edges - this is a result of additional processing of aluminum at the factory. Such particles are like small polished metal mirrors, they reflect light much better, and are a striking example of technological progress in the production of automotive paints.

The difference between different types of silver is clearly visible when comparing old and new cars. For example, if we compare basically the same colors of cars, say, 1975 and 2005, we will see an interesting difference: on an old car the color is more gray and nondescript, while a “fresh” car looks much more elegant and attractive. The “new” paint reflects light better, has more shine and sparkle.

Paint on asphalt

Asphalt as a finishing layer for the road needs protection. For these purposes, 2 types of protective coating are used:

  1. Paint – protects from external influences, increases the impact resistance of the asphalt surface.
  2. Impregnation – to restore and strengthen the old coating.

Rubber paint

The material resembles homogeneous linoleum. Ingredients: modified polyacrylic, super-strong latex, plasticizer additives, fine-grained marble, elements responsible for the strength of the coating, developed by the military-industrial complex. The dye forms a durable and particularly strong coating. Painting asphalt with this material has its advantages:

  • the coating is easy to care for;
  • CM is easy to apply due to its elasticity;
  • adhesion strength;
  • operational period – 20 years;
  • high resistance to water, auto chemicals, and aggressive agents;

Due to its harmlessness, rubber paint is used on the territory of children's institutions.

When applying 3 layers, the consumption rate is 400 g/m2.

Enamel Politaks 77PU 2XTP

Polyurethane dye is used to treat asphalt. An elastic film of increased strength and resistance to chemical influences is formed. Two-component enamel protects against fuels and lubricants, auto chemicals, alkalis and salt components.

Advantages of using Polytax 77PU polyurethane paint:

  • the material is easy to work with;
  • high degree of abrasion;
  • the coating is easy to clean;
  • tolerance to any chemicals.

The paint, with its protective properties, enhances and strengthens the asphalt coating, making it durable, smooth, without deformation or cracks, and able to withstand temperatures from -60°C to +120°C.

Acrylic coating – Acrilet 147

The water-based colored acrylic composition ACRILET 147 is widely used. Developed by the manufacturer for painting the finishing layer of the road. The service life while maintaining the high strength of the coating is 5 years.

On the Russian market, KM is found in containers of 25 kg. Average material consumption is 1.5 kg/m2. With the acrylic composition ACRILET 147 there is something to paint the asphalt in the yard. The pigment of the desired color is selected from the RAL catalog. The coating is tinted with it. The yard area can be covered with an asphalt surface of any color or divided into multi-colored zones. It is applied without seams.


Special requirements are imposed on the asphalt surface on sports grounds. When looking for something to paint asphalt in such places, it is recommended to pay attention to the dye based on synthetic resins STAR ASPHALT RESINPAV. The KM is ready for use immediately. It is possible to choose any color for painting. The coating becomes elastic when compressed and becomes soft when walked on. These are the properties that are needed on a sports field. CM is easily applied with a brush or roller. The average consumption rate is from 1.5 to 2.5 kg/m2.

Interesting video on the topic:

KM Elakor

To create a high-quality durable coating in the form of an elastic film with high chemical resistance, KM Elakor-PU Enamel-2K is used.

With the help of this dye, the room can be transferred to flammability group G1 at the request of the fire safety regulations. It satisfies the requirements for equipment of premises and sanitary standards. For example, a food warehouse cannot have an asphalt floor. If a polymer dye is applied, then the standards will be met. KM can also be applied outdoors. Advertising with paints

The use of paint to apply advertising to asphalt is compared to a breakthrough in the promotional industry. But for this you need material that can withstand the scorching sun and rain. We need a special CM with increased resistance to natural factors. Manufacturers have developed spray paint for asphalt with different effects.

  • The inscription written with metallic paint is preserved for a long time. The pigment used is non-ferrous metal: chrome, silver, gold, bronze.
  • To attract the client's attention, luminescent paint is needed. The material absorbs sunlight, which allows it to glow in the dark.
  • Advertising will be bright and juicy if fluorescent paint is used. CM with increased light reflection.

Painting a car in wet asphalt

A car is judged not only by its technical characteristics. The color of the car directly affects its appearance. The wet asphalt paint color is suitable for almost any make of car and looks very beautiful. Although such a car does not stand out much on the road, its appearance will never go unnoticed among pedestrians and drivers. This color of the vehicle is perfect for a practical person and will not require frequent car maintenance.

Painting a car in wet asphalt color is also possible during the repair process. The online store "Avtopalyar+" offers all the necessary means for restoring the paint layer of a car. High-quality acrylic car enamels, paints for wheels and bumpers will help you quickly get your vehicle in order. It is wet asphalt that is closest to gray tones; the color of a car in such shades is practically free of flaws.

White car color

White car color is the most common

White is the most popular color according to statistics.

    Does not lose freshness with slight contamination. Neutral, suitable for everyone, regardless of gender, status, car class and model. Bright, juicy, catchy, effective. Economical to paint. Suitable for small cars. Well visible on the road. Reflects the sun's rays, good for hot climates. Doesn't get boring.
    Hard to see in the snow. Any scratches, chips, or blisters are noticeable immediately and spoil the overall appearance of the car much more than in other colors. It is difficult to restore and restore the coating. It is difficult to get the tone - there are a lot of shades of white, and paying for the work or finding skilled colorists to mix colors is an additional expense.

Left - white gloss, right - white pearl

What are the benefits of painting a car on wet asphalt?

Over time, a car's paintwork becomes dull and scuffs and chips appear. The car color wet asphalt has neutral tones and is great for body repairs. On such a car, even road dust will not be too noticeable. The practicality of painting a car in wet asphalt can be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • the car does not stand out too much on the road;
  • cracks and chips are noticeable only upon detailed inspection;
  • dust on the road will not spoil the appearance of the car;
  • the gray tint easily overpowers lighter colors when painting a car.

Features of laying and composition of painted asphalt

In practice, colored asphalt is laid in almost the same way as regular asphalt, but the component composition differs in the presence of pigment and type, binder, mineral filler and other elements. When producing asphalt, the most important task is the choice of binder, since the saturation of the color layer depends on this. Classic petroleum bitumen has a dark structure, but it is not suitable for multi-colored asphalt. In this case, it is customary to use clarified petroleum bitumen or organic binders.

Color pigment for laying asphalt pavement can be either organic or inorganic. The latter are cheaper, so they are more common. Organic additives are considered less reliable because they have lower performance characteristics (including durability and resistance to wear). Among the inorganic pigments, oxides of iron, chromium, lead, zinc, cobalt, as well as lead and orange crowns are distinguished. Sometimes ferrous metallurgy waste is also used. Any selected pigments are used in powder form.

Mineral filler. It is recommended to use light mineral additives (light-colored limestone, white sand and others), or marble chips, crushed red granite, brick and quartzite crushed stone layers. You should take a responsible approach to the choice of color, since with wear and tear the gray stone base becomes noticeable, due to which the original color ceases to be uniform. If the stone material is similar in pigment shade, the asphalt remains uniform even after several years. This is especially true for compacting asphalt concrete, in which the amount of binder is minimal. Asphalt concrete mixtures with an increased proportion of binder remain the least capricious regarding the shade of mineral material.

We have extensive experience in laying colored asphalt of various shades (red, blue, green), ensuring the durability and durability of the coating. To contact specialists of ODO "Avtodorremont" use the contact phone numbers. A visit to take measurements and prepare an estimate is free of charge. Short order fulfillment times, any volumes, competitive prices and quality guarantee!

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Choosing Neutral Colors

Creating shades of gray became possible not so long ago. This color quickly became popular among car owners. Color 626 wet asphalt is a business style. Its discreet shades show the practicality of the car owner. Although such a strict color goes well with blue and light green, it looks better without any inclusions. Cool tones do not cause eye strain and are perfect for any vehicle.

The color of a car, wet asphalt, also has some disadvantages. In the dark, such a car is difficult to see on the road, which can cause an accident. The richness of shades makes gray a popular color among car owners. Among such halftones, wet asphalt is the most popular. Its uniqueness ensures that the car will look great and evoke admiration for its strict form. Despite the apparent conservatism, this color is chosen much more often than others.

Beige car color

Beige is the most practical among all other colors . It is similar to the color of road dust, which, on the one hand, may not be very attractive in appearance, but, on the other hand, provides maximum unpretentiousness, since the dirt merges with the car and it does not have to be washed often. Especially in dry weather.

Beige color is the most unpretentious and practical. Contaminants merge with it, due to which you can avoid washing the car for a long time.

The beige color has essentially one minus:

    On the road, cars can look dirty and inconspicuous.

Creamy and ivory colors are quite complex. They are characterized by nobility and sophistication, but they are much more demanding.

Ivory car

    Cars can look dirty and inconspicuous (just like the color beige). They require maintenance and repair - eliminating scratches, damage, and dirt will be even more expensive in terms of money, complexity, and time.

Car paint wet asphalt

offers the best paints for auto body repair. The strict color of wet asphalt will make the appearance of the car more perfect. We sell enamels, varnishes, putties and other auto chemicals. Painting a car with our materials will allow you to achieve quality comparable only to a factory assembly line. We sell paints and varnishes in various tones and choosing the right one will not cause any difficulties. It’s quite easy to make your car look perfect if you buy everything you need for body repairs from us.

Yellow and brown colors

Yellow is a complex but promising color. If we are talking about metallic shades (Golden Star, Golden Niva, Melon), then this is the choice of elegant people with delicate taste. It looks rich. Like any light color it will require care. The bright yellow gloss has the self-explanatory name “Taxi Yellow”.

Various shades of yellow in cars. Bright colors look nicer, but are strongly associated with taxis.

Many shades of yellow (mustard, greenish-yellow) may not evoke pleasant associations for everyone (for example, with the color of pea soup), but if the car model is not banal, they will be a highlight and a great way to attract attention.

Khaki shades are difficult for urban conditions and passenger cars, but they give jeeps and tall cars a certain severity and are associated with outdoor trips, hunting and fishing.

A khaki color car is best suited for SUVs. It is chosen mainly by lovers of off-road travel, fishermen and hunters.

Brown colors add a retro accent; they must be carefully selected to match the character of the model. For example, brown will decorate the Jaguar XJ sedan. Rarely suitable for class A or B cars.

Brown color suits business class cars. It looks worse on class A and B cars.

Blue and cyan colors

Blue is popular. Depending on the shade, it can carry different symbolic meaning.

  • Atlantic (purple-blue) – casual,
  • Diplomat (blue) – solid and at the same time not heavy,
  • Lapis lazuli (light blue) – expensive, impressive,
  • St. Tropez is sporty.

Various shades of blue in cars. This color is associated with calm, rest, and relaxation.

    Reliability, thoroughness. Versatility. Forms the image of the owner as a serious, intelligent person. It is not for nothing that the color is considered one of the most popular for uniforms. Practical and non-staining.

Blue car color

Metallic makes any color more suitable for cars - a color with a silver tint is brighter, lighter, shinier, and therefore more visible on the road. Metallic has significantly expanded the modern palette of convenient car colors. Now you can use dull, complex shades of blue and green that would look pale and dirty without the addition of metallic particles. Today they look stylish and sophisticated. Premium models are often decorated as they evoke associations with precious metals and stones.

Preparation of the mixture in industrial conditions

Equipment cleaning

It is important to clean the mixer by loading it with 1-2 batches of heated crushed stone. The rest of the equipment must be cleaned of residual bitumen manually, otherwise it will contaminate the binder. The result is an unpredictable result. The properties of the mixture can change greatly. Please note: you cannot clean the equipment with diesel fuel or gasoline.

Mixing process

As soon as the heated crushed stone gets into the mixer, you need to add pigment there. If you don't have an automatic dispenser, weigh the pigment yourself and manually load it into the equipment. We recommend mixing the components for 8-10 seconds. This time is enough for the pigment granules to melt and be evenly distributed between the mineral material. Then add the binder and mix the components for 28-35 seconds.

Transportation of the finished mixture

To prevent the mixture from having time to cool during its delivery to its destination, the truck body is covered with a tarpaulin. In addition, the inside of the body is coated with anti-adhesive additives or vegetable oils. This way it is possible to avoid strong adhesion of the mixture to the walls of the body.

Car color green

Despite the fact that this color is the richest in shades (there are 376 shades in the Panton palette versus 116 red or 180 blue), until recently it was rarely used for painting cars.

    Merges with nature. Poorly visible on the highway. The green car was visually perceived to be further away than it actually was. However, the active spread of the metallic effect has somewhat mitigated this problem.

Various shades of green in cars

Why is orange a rare color and is it possible to make a ladybug out of a car?

The orange color is bright, noticeable on the road, and quite practical. Why is it so rarely chosen? First, the color evokes associations with road and construction equipment, which greatly enhances the impression of a passenger car. Second: orange is a sporty color. Until recently, it did not fit well with a business image.

Until recently, orange colors in cars were not used, but they are gradually gaining their audience

A second life for color has become possible with fashionable modern effects such as chrome plating, liquid rubber coating, chameleon. Any of these treatments instantly make the orange color more expensive.

For those who are looking for a balance between energy and earthiness, terracotta shades are suitable. An excellent solution for modern everyday B-class models. It is noteworthy that one of these shades has the paradoxical name Apathy (silver-orange).

Car color "Apathy"

Relaxed, dynamic, active, modern - if you want to achieve this effect, then bright carrot tones are a good choice.

The desire for originality can lead not only to the search for an unusual color, but also a pattern. For example, is it possible to repaint a car with a bee, ladybug, or zebra pattern? The owner is a gentleman, but there may be problems with registering such a car with the traffic police.

Painted cars are striking in their originality, but problems may arise with them when registering with the traffic police

Pink car color

An interesting fact - the Italian company Lamborgini categorically does not paint its cars pink! Although there are many who want to buy the legendary car in this color. Why did management take such a tough position? As one of the regional directors explained, this does not correspond to the spirit of the brand. "Ferrarri is not a Pokemon!" Only branded red, as well as silver, white and black. This does not prevent buyers from repainting their cars pink themselves. However, the firmness of the concern's management in this matter inspires respect and forces us to take a more attentive approach to the philosophy of color.

Pink is one of those shades that, despite being bright and expressive, is a must-have choice. The color is not masculine, and even if the owner is a woman, it is questionable. They see it as cheap “glamour”, a hint of “pop”.

Pink is a very dubious color for a car, associated with cheap glamor and pop.

The only exceptions are delicate and elegant light metallic pink shades, such as Almond. Associated with the color rose gold, it makes no less a worthy impression than gold, white or silver. Deep dark fuchsia can look original and appropriate.

The safest car colors

An analysis carried out by one of the insurance companies of the Russian Federation showed that cars of natural natural shades are least likely to get into unpleasant situations:

Obviously, the safest colors are not banal and those that, according to color psychology, indicate calmness, balance and the ability to keep your feet firmly on the ground. The safest is orange. Although this should not be surprising, because this color is used for construction equipment precisely because it is a signal color.

The presence of green and brown in the rankings of the safest is questionable at first glance - these colors are not among the brightest. But if we turn to the psychological characteristics of color, then this is expected - both of them speak of stability, sobriety, the ability to clearly assess the situation, and at the same time they give cheerfulness, in contrast to cold blue-blue shades, which have a soporific effect.

Most often, insurance cases occurred among owners of black and silver cars. Such colors are difficult to distinguish at those moments when drivers are most vulnerable - early morning, twilight. 65% of accidents (maximum) occur among owners of red cars, but this is not about the color, but about the psychological characteristics of those who choose such a provocative color. As a rule, these are young drivers who do not have much experience on the road. White is a prosperous color, although it is at increased risk on the other hand: it is white cars that are most often stolen.

Silver and gray car colors

Silver was and remains popular. It ranks second in prevalence, after white. If you study the catalogs of the latest luxury cars, you will find that the compilers prefer to display the product in silver-gray no less often than in black.

Silver and gray colors in cars are quite popular and practical

    Practical. Dust and dirt are almost invisible. Universal, suitable for everyone. A huge number of diverse shades: from the color of wet asphalt to aluminum. Quite clearly visible on the highway both day and night. Worse than red, but better than black. Great for hot climates.

The downside is that gray is the least noticeable on the road. At dusk, without headlights, a car of this color is almost impossible to see, so it is not recommended to leave a gray car on the roadway overnight.


A difficult choice both for interior solutions and for the car. This is due to the peculiarities of the human eye’s perception of the spectrum segment between blue and red.

Various shades of purple in cars. This color is quite difficult to perceive, so you should be careful on the road in a purple car.

Purple tones symbolize mysticism and mystery for good reason - they are elusive and look faded on the road. The only exceptions would be tones such as Moulin Rouge (bright purple) or Lilac (light purple).

The range of modern purple shades for cars is represented by metallic shades. The pearlescent tint emphasizes the lines of the car and makes the muted color more expressive.

The benefits of purple depend on the shade. The most easy to care for and representative are dark and medium gray-violet, blue-violet. The colors of lilac and lavender are the choice for compact women's cars.

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