Can asphalt be laid over concrete, or should the base be replaced?

This coating is the most popular and has a long service life. This is an excellent method for repairing and constructing road surfaces. It consists of two technological options - manual and using special equipment. The first option is preferred if the amount of work is insignificant. Crushed stone is laid in the base; it is allowed to replace it with a concrete layer. This type of asphalt is considered the most durable and durable, and is highly resistant to weather conditions. So, is it possible to lay asphalt over concrete? Let's try to figure this issue out together.

Is it possible to lay asphalt on an existing concrete or asphalt surface?

In this article we will look at all stages of the asphalt paving process and the necessary GOST standards that must be observed.

Technological standards for laying asphalt.

We can read the entire process and its detailed description in various SNiPs; the technology and all the subtleties that we need to take into account are described there in detail. In addition, we can highlight the necessary information in numerous collections of regulations, both technical and legal. In addition, these sources contain concepts about the quality control method. If we follow all the instructions, we will get road surfaces that can withstand significant loads and a large number of passing cars. In addition, such a road will not be afraid of weather changes, high humidity and temperature changes. A coating made according to all standards will last a long time.

Basic technology for laying asphalt on roads.

When starting the process of laying asphalt, the easiest way is to divide it into several stages:

  • It is necessary to carry out preparatory work;
  • Afterwards we apply a supporting layer, which consists of sand or crushed stone;
  • Let's start laying the coating;
  • Upon completion of laying, we must compact the canvas with special rollers, each of which must compact in turn and in its own clear sequence.

Applying asphalt to existing asphalt.

A controversial question that needs to be answered is: is it possible to apply asphalt to an existing road? In this paragraph we will answer it in detail. First, we need to look at the level of wear on the surface and assess how difficult a new installation will be. If we are guided by GOST standards, then we can repair minor damage using the pitting method. In such cases we use cold bitumen.

When we understand that we are talking about large-scale work, then it is advisable to use cold milling. This technique involves several stages:

  • We remove the top layer;
  • We lay down a new layer.

Work of this format requires certain weather conditions. In accordance with GOST standards, dry weather is required, without precipitation. The ambient temperature is from +10 C, the base temperature is from +5 C, and, in addition, you need to control the degree of air humidity.

Methods for asphalt restoration.

When we need to make major road repairs, we use “restoration” of the roadway. When we work using this method, we distinguish the following stages:

  • We clean the old coating with a sprinkler;
  • After this, we plan a layer of crushed stone with a grader;
  • Compacting a layer of crushed stone
  • We lay and compact a fresh layer of hot asphalt using a roller;
  • As the final stage, it is necessary to go through the seams and joints with the old asphalt with hot bitumen.

If we see that the road surface is in acceptable condition or has a uniform degree of wear, we carry out additional expansion of the road surface. This procedure is carried out by applying fresh asphalt to the old layer.

Possibility of laying asphalt on concrete.

If we have a concrete base, then we use a concrete base as a replacement for the crushed stone layer. If the road is made using this method, it will last longer and have additional wear resistance.

Among the advantages of asphalt concrete, we would especially like to highlight:

  • High resistance to loads;
  • A surface that is smooth, but does not have a sliding effect;
  • High degree of contact and reliable adhesion to vehicle wheels.

Also, we would like to emphasize that such a coating on a concrete base is excellent for applying markings that are planned for a long time.

Preliminary stage of work

Before carrying out the main work, you should prepare the surface. We will do this in several stages:

  • Cleaning concrete
  • Filling the holes
  • Spill bitumen emulsion

Asphalt concrete mixtures used in paving. Materials for paving on a concrete base.

What is asphalt concrete? This mixture is the result of mixing different types of bitumen. Among them are bitumen with admixtures of sand, gravel and crushed stone.

For the bottom layer, coarse-grained porous or dense asphalt concrete is used.

For the upper layers of the road, fine-grained dense asphalt concrete of types A, B, on granite, gabbro, as well as crushed stone-mastic mixture (ShchMA-15, ShchMA-20) is used.

For sidewalk coverings and courtyard areas, fine sand-based asphalt is used, the so-called “sandstone” - fine-grained dense asphalt concrete type G.

Covering technology.

We know that the main criterion for a high-quality coating that is wear-resistant and will last a long time is the continuity of the process and the minimum time for work. To achieve these conditions, we need to ensure, as far as possible, a uniform and continuous supply of the material itself. Also, we need to observe the temperature regime. According to GOST, the bitumen mixture should not cool below 105 °C.

Laying is carried out using asphalt pavers with the slab width required for the optimal penetration width. The asphalt concrete layer must be compacted by rollers of different types: smooth drum, combined, with pneumatic wheels, oscillators.

A team of road workers should have good modern tools at their disposal, including titanium drags/rakes/trowels, and in no case made of wood or magnesium.

To summarize, we would like to note that laying a new coating on existing asphalt is quite possible if the appropriate technology is followed.

Technical standards and requirements

As one would expect, the most important thing when laying any type of asphalt, even the one that is to be considered today, namely asphalt concrete, is the understanding of the technology and compliance with standards and SNIPs. In addition, carrying out such work requires the builder to have specific skills, knowledge and experience.

Before carrying out repairs, be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules, guidelines and GOSTs proposed for performing such work. But, keep in mind that you need to study not only generally accepted GOSTs, but also CMEA standardization. It contains information about the parameters of specific roads, technological and operational requirements for them. You must understand that ignoring the prescribed norms and rules is fraught with the fact that the laid asphalt or the prepared base will become covered with cracks after some time, and unevenness and pits will begin to form on the surface.

I would also like to remind you of the main theses of the technological process:

  1. In the case of an extensive amount of work, an exclusively automated method should be used, that is, including the use of special machines and equipment.
  2. In cases where, on the contrary, the amount of work is small, it is advisable to use the manual laying method; this applies, for example, to small sidewalks.

Materials for laying asphalt on concrete

Asphalt concrete is created by mixing various grades of road bitumen, sand, gravel and crushed stone. This mixing occurs at high temperature and pressure in special furnaces. The resulting mixture is divided into different grades, depending on the size of the resulting grains. To improve contact and increase the adhesion of organic and inorganic components that make up asphalt concrete, the technology involves the addition of special active solutions. And in order to improve its strength and resistance to deformation, modifying additives are introduced into asphalt.

The service life of access roads depends on the base

Unfortunately, when asphalt is poured over concrete that rests on an unstable foundation, the pavement becomes more susceptible to stress. In addition, expansion joints in concrete contribute to the formation of cracks in asphalt. In extreme cases, shifts in the ground can completely fracture the surface.

Asphalt driveways last longer and look better when they are built from the ground up. Your new paved driveway will have a properly stable base and will therefore require less maintenance, helping you save money.

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Laying asphalt concrete on old concrete or asphalt

Asphalt concrete can be placed on old asphalt pavement. This solution allows you to replace the laying of the base, which is associated with unnecessary costs.

Then you should take bitumen and heat it. After the mixture has warmed up, further manipulations can begin. Bitumen is poured from all sides of the coating and carefully spread. At the final stage of work, a bitumen strip should be obtained, the width of which is about 50 cm.

Similar strips need to be made throughout the entire coating. After passing this stage, installation continues using classical technology.

Asphalt restoration

When overhauling roads, a technological technique is used - “restoration” of the road surface. The procedure consists of:

  • from cleaning the old coating with a watering machine;
  • laying crushed stone with a grader;
  • cleaning and heating the edges of the coating;
  • laying and compacting the fresh layer with a roller.

The final stage of work is impregnation of seams and joints with bitumen.

If the road surface is in acceptable condition and wear is uniform, repair companies also “build up” the road surface by laying fresh asphalt on top of the cleaned old layer.

Is it possible to lay asphalt in the rain?

The fundamental difference between asphalt and concrete

The distinctive features of a concrete base from asphalt are:

  • increased strength;
  • high cost of work on creating concrete pavement;
  • minimal time costs for construction work;
  • smooth surface of the resulting concrete coating;
  • good adhesion of the road surface to car wheels (especially when using dense asphalt concrete);
  • the road layer has increased resistance to temperature changes;
  • the coating can withstand significant dynamic loads;
  • possibility of recycling (asphalt can be laid over the old surface, and the worn-out layer of asphalt concrete can be recycled and subsequently used in road construction work).

Laying features

The technological process, when compared with other road surfaces, has its own advantages:

  • hardening occurs quickly, which significantly reduces repair or construction time;
  • the coating can withstand heavy loads;

  • the asphalt surface is smooth and non-slip;
  • reliable grip is obtained with car tires;
  • marking paint is easy to apply and lasts a long time;
  • the coating is easy to clean and wash;
  • Repair work is easy to carry out.

The peculiarity of the conditions of this technology is the implementation of all types of work as quickly as possible, the timely creation of a concrete base for the asphalt surface.

The ideal option is when only the prepared solution is used immediately.

Another important difference is that asphalt concrete can be used again. The top layer that has become unusable is removed and sent for recycling. There it is melted down and used as an additive to the new mixture. The question is often asked: is it possible to lay recycled asphalt on concrete? Quite. This will not deteriorate the quality of the coating.

By the way, modern technologies allow such work to be performed directly at the repair site. The removed asphalt is fed into a special machine, melted and mixed with future asphalt concrete. Such mechanisms save time and fuel required to transport old asphalt to the plant and transport new material.

SNIP requirements

Construction codes and regulations for road surfaces and sidewalks are considered regulatory documentation that must be strictly observed. It has already been said that one of the important conditions is the temperature regime:

  • work on laying asphalt on concrete is carried out in the autumn-spring period, when the air temperature is between five degrees Celsius;
  • all activities are carried out during the rainy season;
  • It is also possible to lay a layer of asphalt on concrete using a cold method. But this method is used only for repair work with small volumes.

How to care for asphalt concrete pavement

We found out whether it is possible to lay asphalt on concrete. Now it won’t hurt to find out what kind of care he needs. If you need the coating to last a long time and not need repairs, follow certain care tips.

Heavy vehicles are prohibited from driving on this road, especially those on tracks. The tracks will leave damage, which will subsequently cause the destruction of the asphalt layer. Such a ban is especially important in hot weather, when the asphalt becomes softer and reacts sharply to the negative impact of vehicles. When cracks and other defects appear on the surface, they must be repaired as quickly as possible to prevent the road surface from deteriorating further.

Coating materials

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of materials. After all, the economic side of the technological process primarily depends on their choice. It is important to know that it is not always wise to save on materials.

The market offers customers a huge assortment. Nowadays you can easily purchase a solution that can strengthen the soil well, which will affect its durability and strength. The consumer will be able to use the road surface for a longer time. Thanks to its special composition, the solution glues soil particles together, and this makes the soil strong and like stone.

Before pouring the concrete solution onto the soil, it is important to carry out some preliminary manipulations:

  • Plants must be removed from the top layer of soil, and the soil must be compacted using a roller. It is better to use a roller that weighs at least 1.5 tons. The soil surface must be extremely smooth, the permissible maximum error of the slope angle is no more than 3 centimeters for every three meters.
  • It is recommended to treat the soil with specialized sterilization solutions; this is necessary in order to prevent the germination of grass, weeds and flowers.
  • Before laying the concrete solution, it is imperative to first lay the drainage layer. The drainage layer is made of crushed stone and quarry sand; it is important that there are several such layers and the width of each of them is not less than 10 centimeters. Crushed stone drainage must be thoroughly compacted. To improve shrinkage, it is recommended to water the base with water. It is necessary that the sand is compacted by at least 90%.

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Technological standards

Asphalt laying technology

The technology for laying asphalt is set out in SNiPs, collections of technical and legal regulations containing a detailed description of the work process and control methods.

Accurate adherence to the recommendations of SNiP allows you to create road surfaces that can withstand the loads of vehicles, changes in humidity and temperature for a long time.

Advantages of laying asphalt on concrete

Concrete foundation in the form of concrete slabs has a number of undeniable advantages over other types of foundation:

• The high strength of concrete slabs allows you to increase the service life of the road or territory. In addition, such a base can easily withstand high loads when using the road with heavy equipment.

• Concrete slabs are not subject to rapid wear and mechanical damage.

• The surface of asphalt laid on a concrete base is smoother, more even and less slippery, which increases traction between the road and vehicles.

• Road markings last much longer on the road surface, which is created by asphalting a concrete base.

As we can see from the points above, it makes sense to cover a concrete base with asphalt because of its properties and advantages, however, it is worth considering that old concrete slabs can be laid using outdated technologies and are not suitable for laying asphalt due to the difference in slab heights and damage and unreliability of the soil under the base, which leads to the expansion of the space between the joints of the slabs and the subsequent destruction of the asphalt surface above the slabs. In this case, there is a need to dismantle and lay a new concrete base.

All these types of work are performed by our specialists with extensive work experience and appropriate education. Our company has been laying asphalt on concrete bases for more than ten years. We also provide demolition and installation services for new concrete foundations.

Preparing a concrete base from scratch

If there is an old concrete base on the site that requires dismantling and replacement, then it is dismantled using heavy equipment. After this, specialists begin the process of designing and laying a new concrete base. To do this, standard work steps typical for laying a foundation are performed:

1. Preparing the area for pouring concrete. To do this, remove all debris, plants and tree roots that could in the future rear up and destroy the base and asphalt surface of the road. The top layer of soil is also removed if it is determined to be unreliable and requires removal and compaction.

Laying and compaction conditions

Is it possible to lay asphalt on a concrete base? Quite if you strictly follow all the features of the technological process. When the concrete mass is made or delivered, you should immediately begin laying the coating, laying everything sequentially.

It is not recommended to hesitate, as this is the main condition of GOST.

When significant work volumes have to be completed, it is recommended to use road construction equipment - automatic pavers and rollers. But when arranging sidewalk paths, mops and ordinary shovels will be enough. After all, not every time there is an opportunity for compaction with a roller, even when the areas are small. In such cases, it is recommended to use vibrating plates.

When installation is carried out in a personal yard, there is no need for the services of design specialists. But the coating layers must have the specified dimensions:

  • about 4 cm - sidewalks;
  • from 5 cm – entrances.

The correctness of actions based on the opinion “is it possible to lay asphalt on a concrete base” implies compliance with technology.

It is very important that the base is prepared and well compacted.

The temperature conditions observed during installation will ensure excellent compaction of the created coating. The fact is that the lower the temperature, the more difficult it is to compact the solution.

It is allowed to use old asphalt pavement as a base. This option is allowed instead of creating a new layer with additional monetary costs. First, you should thoroughly clean the existing road surface from dirt accumulations and products of destruction of the asphalt layer. When starting the next stage, it is necessary that the base is as clean as possible. Existing cracks are cleaned, widened and deepened.

Now bitumen is taken, heated up, poured over the entire road surface, smeared to form a strip half a meter wide, the edges of which are well coated.

Coating materials

Installation of asphalt on a concrete base.

The choice of material for laying asphalt can greatly affect the cost of the entire process. But it is worth noting that saving on material is not always good.

There are modern building mixtures that can significantly strengthen the soil, which will increase wear resistance and significantly increase the service life of the asphalt pavement.

Due to the components from which such materials are produced, the mixture reliably glues soil particles together, making the soil hard with a rocky structure.

Before pouring the concrete mixture onto the ground, you need to perform several steps:

  1. The entire vegetation layer is removed from the soil surface, and the soil is compacted with a roller weighing 1.5-2 tons. The soil surface should be fairly level, with a maximum slope error of 2.5 cm for every 3 meters.
  2. It is advisable to treat the soil with special sterilizing agents to prevent the germination of any plants.
  3. Under the concrete, it is mandatory to lay a drainage layer of sand and crushed stone, each of which must be at least 10 cm thick. The cushion of sand and crushed stone is also carefully compacted. For better shrinkage, you can spill the base with water over its entire area. It is important to achieve 95% sand compaction.

Approximate cost of work

Asphalt laying activities begin with cleaning the base and applying an emulsion composition. To coordinate the cost of one square meter, you should make calculations for at least two layers. One of them is coarse-grained, the thickness of which reaches four to five centimeters, the second, applied on top, is fine-grained, with the same thickness parameters. Parking lots for vehicles are arranged according to this principle. In this case, the approximate price will be equal (in rubles):

  • mastic pouring - from 20;
  • coarse asphalt – from 400;
  • fine-grained composition – from 400;
  • concrete base - from 600 (with a layer thickness of ten centimeters).

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