Zabudova gas silicate blocks. We will deliver to Minsk and throughout the Republic of Belarus.

This is a building material for constructing walls. You can read how to use it correctly in the article about laying blocks with glue. The basis for the production of gas silicate blocks is aerated concrete.

Aerated concrete is an artificial stone with gas bubbles (pores) evenly distributed throughout the volume. Its main components are cement, quartz sand and gas-forming agents, however, some manufacturers of gas silicate blocks can add lime, gypsum and even production waste (ash, slag). Various aluminum powders and pastes act as gas generators. In a simplified version, the production process proceeds as follows: all components are mixed, water is added, and the finished mixture is poured into a mold. Further, during the reaction of the blowing agent with water, gas is released and the mixture foams and rises. After initial hardening, aerated concrete is cut into products of the required shape. They are then treated with steam in an autoclave or dried by electric heating. Depending on this, they are autoclaved and non-autoclaved. Aerated concrete is one of the varieties of cellular concrete; their names are presented in the table for your reference.

Table 1. Basic types of cellular concrete

abbreviationSilica componentBlowing agent
On cement binder
Aerated concreteSandGas generator
Gas-ash concreteAsh TPP—»—
Foam concreteSandFoaming agent
Foam ash concreteAsh TPP—»—
On lime (silicate) binder
Gas silicateSandGas generator
Foam silicate—»—Foaming agent
Gas ash silicateAsh TPPGas generator
Foamed ash silicate—»—Foaming agent
Gas silicalciteSandGas generator
On a mixed (lime-cement) binder
Gas silicate concreteSandGas generator
Foam silicate concrete—»—Foaming agent
Gas silicate concreteAsh TPPGas generator
Foamed ash silicate concrete—»—Foaming agent
On slag binder
Gas-slag concreteSandGas generator
Foam slag concrete—»—Foaming agent
Gas-slag-ash-concreteAsh TPPGas generator
Foam slag concrete—»—Foaming agent
On shale ash (highly basic) binder
Gas shale and ash concreteSandGas generator
Foam slate and concrete—»—Foaming agent

Cellular concrete according to its intended purpose in accordance with GOST 25485-89 “Cellular concrete. Technical specifications" are classified into:

  • structural (1000-1200 kg/m3);
  • structural and thermal insulation (500-900 kg/m3);
  • thermal insulation (300-500 kg/m3).

Structural aerated concrete has a high density and, accordingly, high load-bearing capacity. Whereas, thermal insulation blocks, due to their lower density, have high thermal insulation and lower load-bearing capacity.

Zabudova tiles

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Properties of gas silicate blocks

As a building material, they are very popular in private housing construction due to the combination of their positive qualities, with a relatively small number of negative ones:

Advantages of gas silicate blocks:

  • low specific gravity;
  • low thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • relatively low cost;
  • high construction speed;
  • good soundproofing qualities;
  • good machinability;
  • vapor permeability;
  • fire safety;
  • sufficient strength for low-rise construction.

Disadvantages of gas silicate blocks:

  • low bending strength;
  • high hygroscopicity (ability to absorb water).

The advantages are clear, but the disadvantages require some measures in the process of building a house. To prevent cracking of walls made of this material, the foundation of the house must be of high quality; it is advisable to use a monolithic strip or slab foundation. You can reinforce the masonry and be sure to make concrete reinforced belts under any types of floors (even under wooden floors) and rafter system.

Do not confuse autoclaved gas silicate blocks with foam concrete. The latter is often produced in small enterprises, so the geometry and strength of the material suffers. Houses made of aerated concrete, made using modern equipment, have been built throughout Europe since the middle of the last century. Manufacturers such as Aeroc and H+H have already opened factories in the north-west of Russia, but delivery to the regions will be expensive. And the Belarusian one has an official store in Smolensk: the prices for aerated concrete are encouraging, as is the wide range of sizes and shapes.

Features and Specifications

Zabudov OJSC produces gas silicate blocks using Hebel equipment. This is a well-known company that has now merged with another construction giant - Ytong. The range includes not only standard wall blocks, but also floor slabs, staircase elements, and reinforced lintels.

In order for pores to form in aerated concrete, aluminum powder or paste is added to it. In addition to it, the composition includes cement, fine quartz sand, water, lime or gypsum, which is why the material is white. After mixing all the components, the gas silicate blocks are placed in an autoclave oven, where a chemical reaction occurs at a temperature of +180° and high pressure. The result is a durable and lightweight material. When it cools, it is cut using special equipment, so the edges fit perfectly together. This is important when laying, as glue consumption is reduced.

Zabudov's product range includes:

  • wall blocks,
  • reinforced timber lintels,
  • spoon blocks for jumpers,
  • arched lintels,
  • stair steps.

The strength class varies from B1 (D350), such aerated concrete is suitable for constructing non-load-bearing structures, to B3.5 (D700) - it can be used together with heavy concrete. The choice of block sizes is surprising. The standard length is 625 mm, there is also an option of 599 mm. The height is 250 mm, and the width varies from 50 to 500 mm. Aerated concrete of other shapes is also available in several versions.

Advantages of Zabudov aerated concrete:

  • The speed of construction using gas silicate blocks is 8 times faster than when working with brick.
  • High strength.
  • Fire safety.
  • Thin seam due to excellent geometry.
  • Durability. Aerated concrete houses built in Europe have stood unchanged for several decades.
  • Savings on insulation and utility bills. The presence of air in wall and insulation materials allows heat to be retained.
  • Environmental friendliness. Only natural materials are used to produce blocks.
  • Favorable price compared to brick and wood.
  • Ease. No special equipment is required for the work, plus savings on the foundation.
  • Large selection of sizes.


ViewBlock sizesStrength classDensityFrost resistancePrice per cubic meter
Wall block625x250x50‒500B1‒B1.5D400F25‒D352 990
625x250x50‒500B1.5‒B2.5D500F25‒D353 090
Reinforced lintels1090‒2240x250x100‒400B3.5D700F35‒F5012500 ‒ 15000
U-blocks625x250x200‒400B3.5D700F35‒F5010000 ‒ 12000
Arched lintels1090‒1990х250х200‒400B3.5D700F35‒F5012000 ‒ 14000
steps1100х150‒175х300‒375B3.5D700F35‒F5013 300
Floor slabs2380‒5980x250x600B3.5D700F35‒F5011 200

In addition to the Smolensk branch, you can buy blocks with delivery to the site in Murmansk and in Staroselye, 20 km from Bryansk. There are many positive reviews and reviews, because in Belarus there is still strict quality control of products, and in addition, low prices compared to European and Russian goods.

Dimensions of gas silicate blocks

Depending on the permissible deviations in size and the presence of damage, gas silicate blocks are divided into three accuracy categories:

  1. For dry laying and with glue . For the first category of accuracy, deviations in dimensions in height, length and thickness are allowed no more than 1.5 mm, deviations from the rectangularity and straightness of edges and edges are no more than 2 mm, corners are not more than 2 and edges are not more than 5 mm deep.
  2. For laying with glue . Blocks of the second category of accuracy are allowed deviations in dimensions in height, length and thickness of no more than 2 mm, deviations from the rectangularity and straightness of edges and edges - no more than 3 mm, broken corners - no more than 2 and edges with a depth of no more than 5 mm.
  3. For laying on mortar. For the 3rd category of accuracy, deviations in dimensions in height, length and thickness are allowed no more than 3 mm, deviations from the rectangularity and straightness of edges and edges are no more than 4 mm, corners are not more than 2 and edges are not more than 10 mm deep.

Standard dimensions of gas silicate blocks range from: length - 600 - 625 mm, height - 200 - 250 mm, and width - 100 - 400 mm. However, they may vary depending on the accuracy category. Also, many manufacturers can meet the customer halfway and produce them in the required sizes. The dimensions of cellular concrete blocks from some manufacturers are shown in the following table:

Types and features of gas silicate blocks

Today in construction they use blocks made of foam concrete and aerated concrete. The former have a less dense porous structure. They are made from a mixture of sand and cement using a special foaming agent. For the second, the structure is not obtained through the use of a foaming agent - mainly due to the reaction of lime on aluminum.

Aerated concrete blocks are stronger than foam concrete blocks, with a more regular geometry, since they are processed in an autoclave. They are suitable for more critical structures. Blocks made of cellular foam concrete are not used to build load-bearing walls of high-rise buildings. They have lower water absorption, so they tolerate seasonal temperature changes better. In addition, foam concrete blocks are cheaper and due to this, this material is chosen more often for small private buildings than more reliable and more expensive aerated concrete blocks.

Table 2. Dimensions of gas silicate blocks

Product nameHeight H (mm)Width B (mm)Length L (mm)Density (kg/m3)
Dimensions of blocks of JSC "Zabudova"
Rectangular wall blocks25050625(599)300 — 500
100 — 500599600 — 700
Wall blocks with tongue-and-groove system250100599350 — 500
Tray blocks for lintels250200625500
Dimensions of blocks of JSC Krasnoselskstroymaterialy
Product nameHeight H (mm)Width B (mm)Length L (mm)Density (kg/m3)
Rectangular wall blocks200(250)100600(625)400 — 600
Wall blocks with tongue-and-groove system200600(625)400 — 600
Pocket Grip Blocks200 (250)200600 (625)400 — 600
Wall blocks with pocket grip and tongue-and-groove system200(250)200600(625)400-600
Dimensions of blocks of JSC "Grodno KSM"
Product nameHeight H (mm)Width B (mm)Length L (mm)Density (kg/m3)
Rectangular cellular concrete blocks199 200 299 250 (order) 500 (order)300615400 — 700
100 (order)
120 (order)
150 (order)
200 (order)
250 (order)

There are many horror myths about gas silicate blocks circulating on the Internet. They say they are radioactive, require a reinforced foundation, and attract moisture. These are nothing more than fairy tales from unscrupulous competitors producing other building materials. The quality level of aerated concrete blocks, as well as other building materials, depends more on the integrity of the manufacturer, and not on the technology itself.

If the foundation of the house is done correctly, with the correct foundation depth, horizontal waterproofing of the walls is done correctly, and the walls of the house themselves are protected from precipitation, then troubles will bypass you, and the house made of gas silicate blocks will be warm and cozy.

Gas silicate blocks pros and cons


  • loading/unloading gas silicate blocks can be done by one person, since the blocks are light in weight;
  • due to the large number of voids, the material has excellent sound-absorbing properties;
  • the block can be given the required shape and size (an ordinary hacksaw is sufficient);
  • houses made from gas silicate blocks are energy efficient and heat saving; the material has fairly low thermal conductivity;
  • higher speed of construction of walls and partitions, due to the large size of the standard block compared to 1NF bricks;
  • in terms of fire safety, gas silicate belongs to group G1 (group of low-flammable materials);
  • the cost of the material is significantly lower than analogues.


  • gas silicate does not burn, but the material is destroyed on a physical level at temperatures above 700 degrees Celsius. If the fire temperature exceeds this temperature, then restoration of the structure is almost impossible;
  • High degree of water absorption. When the temperature drops below zero, when moisture enters the blocks, the water in the voids turns into ice and destroys the block.
  • Walls and partitions made from blocks are “breathable” and have a high vapor permeability

How much does one pallet of blocks cost?

Gas silicate blocks

"Minsk KSI" Density D500. Category 1 for glue. delivery is paid separately. from 117 RUR/m3
200-250-625in a pallet
1.75 m3, 56 pcs.
117 r/m3
300-250-625in a pallet
1.875 m3, 60 pcs.
117 r/m3
400-250-625in a pallet
1.5 m3, 24 pcs.
117 r/m3
150-250-625in a pallet
1.875 m3, 120 pcs.
117 r/m3
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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