Concrete cutting equipment - selection and use

The most effective concrete cutting and drilling equipment that can be used to process concrete structures is a diamond drilling and cutting machine. It is also used during concrete sampling, rock sampling and other construction work.

In the photo - how to cut concrete

How and with what to cut a brick

During the construction process, very often there is a need to use not entire brick blocks, but only their parts. The river process is used for this. You can’t do without it when it comes to preparing door and window openings. What equipment is used to cut holes in a brick wall or individual blocks?

Types of instruments

brick cutting tool

The following equipment can be used to cut bricks:

  • Bulgarian;
  • petrol cutter;
  • stone cutting machine;
  • laser equipment;

For home use, when you need to cut several blocks, a grinder is quite suitable. If we are talking about large-scale production, in this case stone-cutting machines are used. There is also often a need for redevelopment of premises, displacement of door and window openings, and demolition of partitions.

The question arises - how to cut a brick wall? A gas cutter and laser equipment are suitable for such work.

Work as an angle grinder

cutting bricks with a grinder

This tool is used not only in everyday life, but also by builders in small-scale production. This choice is due to profitability, that is, there is no need to purchase special machines if they are not 100% used.

To carry out the work you will need the following tools and equipment:

  • Bulgarian;
  • cutting wheels;
  • roulette;
  • ruler;
  • chalk;

Selecting cutting wheels

cutting wheels for grinders

In order to completely cut through a brick block, you need to choose circles with a diameter of 230 mm, and for finishing the surface, a size of 125 mm is better. Discs are divided into several categories. For stone work, two types are produced:

  1. Abrasive. Such discs are subject to rapid grinding, so the maximum depth of cut can only be made with them at the initial stage. High-quality replacement wheels are made with double reinforcement along the edge measuring 3 mm. An undoubted advantage is the low cost, but working with such parts is dangerous because they can be deformed and destroyed during the cutting process.
  2. Diamond. This is a more expensive option, but diamond-coated wheels will ensure a long service life and safe work. Also, such a disk retains its original dimensions and does not wear off.

diamond edge grinder wheel

Diamond cutting of openings in a brick wall is especially useful. The abrasive option is not suitable for such work. Diamond blades are divided into three subtypes, depending on the edge parameters. It happens:

  • solid;
  • segmental;
  • turbocharged;

Solid edge. Such disks have the following advantages:

  • low cost compared to other options;
  • provide an even and correct cut;

But their use is associated with a short service life and overheating of the working surface.

segmented edge of the grinder circle

Segmented edge. It consists of separate sections that are separated from each other by radial cuts. This subtype of disc is most used because the segmented edge allows ventilation of the cutting area. This condition does not cause overheating of the working surface. A limitation in use is wet cutting of brick walls, because waste will stick to the segments and reduce the quality of cutting.

Turbocharged edge. These discs are suitable for any type of stone. Their efficiency is ensured by the serrated edge. The spirally arranged teeth allow for good removal of both dry and wet waste. Of the subtypes discussed above, discs with a turbocharged edge have the highest rigidity and strength.

Technological cutting process

the process of cutting bricks with a grinder

It can be divided into two main stages:

  1. Marking.
  2. Cutting a block with a grinder.

Each process has its own characteristics that must be taken into account in order to obtain an even cut with the correct shape and size.

Marking. It is done using a ruler. The required dimensions are applied to the surface of the block. But cutting along the drawn dimension lines is not recommended. Many construction cutters, including grinders, have such a thing as backlash in the cutting element. If you cut exactly along the marked line, you will end up with a piece of brick that will not fit the required dimensions, but will be shorter.

To avoid such inaccuracies, it is necessary to make a margin of 1-2 mm for the tool backlash. You can immediately draw a dimension line taking into account this error or deviate from the exact size during the cutting process.

Cutting process. Working with an angle grinder is not particularly difficult, but it does require certain skills. If you are using this tool for the first time, then you should practice on rough material, because you are unlikely to be able to create a beautiful edge with inexperienced hands. The direction can also be centered using a shallow cut made according to the markings.

Key points when working with an angle grinder:

  1. It is advisable to carry out the cutting process outside the room, because a lot of dust is generated.
  2. The tool must be kept in a strictly perpendicular position while cutting the block.

Important point! Place a block of wood or another stone under the brick block you are cutting. After cutting the brick, the disk will enter the material of the same density, which will significantly reduce its service life.

  1. Do not apply pressure to the grinder during the cutting process; work must be carried out under the tool’s own weight.
  2. If the diameter of the circle is not enough to completely separate the block, then it is necessary to make cuts along the entire perimeter. Then the excess is beaten off with milk and the cutting plane is leveled.

We offer you to watch a video on cutting bricks with a grinder:

Using a petrol cutter

cutting with a gas cutter

This tool has a powerful gasoline engine that allows you to cut stone blocks of any thickness.

With a petrol cutter you can cut not only piece products, but also saw a brick wall.

The shape of the tool resembles a grinder, only in larger sizes. Diamond-coated discs or chains are used as the cutting element for gas cutters. The increased power of the cutter allows it to withstand heavy loads.

work with the disc is carried out using the same technology as when using an angle grinder. And replacing it with a chain ensures that the tool can cut any wall thickness.

The advantage of gas cutters is their compactness compared to stone cutting machines. The carver can perform work in cramped conditions. Diamond cutting of brick walls is carried out without the formation of dust, because the equipment is equipped with a water supply to the cutting site.

Diamond cutting of brick walls ensures that an opening is perfectly smooth and accurate in size. The price per linear meter ranges from 900–1800 rubles, with a wall thickness of 10–20 cm.

Cutting bricks with a gas cutter video:

cutting bricks on the wall

Carrying out work on a stone cutting machine

Using installations in isolated cases is too expensive. They are used only mainly for large-scale construction. The equipment for cutting stones consists of the following components:

  • metal frame;
  • drive unit;
  • cutting block with diamond disc;
  • water supply system to the cutting area;
  • design of fastening and positioning of blocks;

The operating principle of all stone-cutting machines is the same and has the following sequence:

  • performing markings;
  • fixing the stone in the required position;
  • moving the cutting head to the working position;
  • starting and setting the required number of revolutions;
  • turning on the water supply;
  • smooth movement of the cutting element along the marked cutting line;
  • after completion of work, the installation is turned off and the head is removed;

During the cutting process, certain safety requirements must be observed:

  1. use only types of disks regulated by the manufacturer;
  2. the connection to the electrical network must be grounded;
  3. be sure to use personal protective equipment when working;

Advantages of stone cutting machines:

  • high performance;
  • quality cut;
  • elimination of dust due to the water supply system;
  • safe work;

All the advantageous qualities of stone-cutting machines are overshadowed by only one factor - their high cost.

The process of cutting bricks on a machine video:

Laser equipment

laser cutting machine

Previously, complexes for cutting concrete and brick walls were characterized by their bulkiness, and performing work directly on the construction site was not possible. Today, mobile laser systems have been developed that can be moved by any vehicle.

The basis of laser equipment is gas-discharge lasers. This technology is used not only in construction.

Laser cutting of an opening in a brick wall is a very expensive process, so the following factors are taken into account when it is necessary:

  • type of brick or brand of concrete;
  • difficulty in making a cut line;
  • thickness of the cut structure;
  • presence of reinforcement in the wall;
  • accessibility to a source of electricity;
  • availability of water communications on the territory;

The volume and nature of the production cycle is also taken into account and it is determined whether laser cutting of a brick wall is relevant in a particular case. Prices for such work range from 12,000 rubles per 1 m².

The choice of tools for cutting brick blocks and masonry depends on their profitability. You should not purchase expensive equipment for home purposes, which will only be used a few times, and the rest of the time it will gather dust in the closet. For one-time work, it is better to use the services of specialists.

More on the topic:

  • Maximum brick wall thickness - dimensions

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Drilling holes

Diamond drilling equipment or a wire saw make it possible to make holes of various diameters (25-1200 mm) in monolithic concrete. If the latter lies in the range of 20-502 mm, the depth to which it is drilled can reach several meters. For circular cutting, diamond segments soldered onto the crown are used.

Tip: after using this equipment, you can really save on further hole processing.

Plasma cutting of concrete

Home page » Plasma cutting technology » Plasma cutting of concrete

Cutting high-strength materials (concrete, stone, reinforced concrete, metals, etc.) using plasma technology was invented and patented quite a long time ago (late last century), but equipment based on this principle began to be used only recently.

The principle of plasma cutting is based on the penetration of dense materials due to exposure to high temperature, which is formed using a compressed plasma arc and the rapid removal of a molten medium by a jet of hot plasma. In the operation of plasma equipment, two cutting schemes can be used: plasma-arc cutting (the scheme is used for conductive materials) and plasma jet (can be used for all materials). For plasma cutting of concrete, the second scheme is used.

Some features of plasma cutting of concrete

  • Plasma cutting of concrete occurs as a result of inert gases acquiring electrical conductivity properties and converting them into plasma. As is known, plasma is an ionized gas heated to ultra-high temperatures, which is formed, in the case of plasma cutting, when a cutting tool is connected to an electrical source. The tool is a plasma torch - a special technical device that generates plasma by compressing an electric arc and feeding plasma-generating gas into it.
  • This technology is becoming increasingly popular in industrial materials processing. Its main difference from oxygen lance cutting is that the material being cut in a molten state is removed from the cut furrow at a temperature of more than 6000 degrees. The powder lance used in plasma cutting increases the heating of the material to 10,000-25,000 degrees.
  • The set of specialized equipment for plasma cutting of concrete should contain gas cylinders with dosing reducers, a mobile transformer with a control device, a grounding electrical cable and a cutting hose fitting. Such equipment is intended for cutting concrete and reinforced concrete up to 100 mm thick. A significant disadvantage of plasma cutting of concrete is the complexity of the work process, small cutting depth, significant size of plasma installations and the need to attract highly qualified personnel.

Artistic laser cutting of metal according to an individual sketch

Our company provides artistic laser cutting of metal services for individuals, designers and organizations.
We work with orders of any volume and announce realistic deadlines within which we can complete your product. In addition to cutting, there is the possibility of bending, welding and powder painting. Unlike many companies that require a prepared drawing from the customer, we work on the principle “Imagine, we will do.”

More and more people want individuality and originality when decorating an apartment or country house.

  • Stamped interior solutions presented in stores are not original and do not correspond to your worldview?
  • Do you want to decorate a wall, facade or fence with your own design?
  • Do you need an alternative to purchased forged elements?
  • Tired of primitive iron squiggles in the nearest construction hypermarket?
  • Do you want to make your own, unique metal art object?

In these, as well as any other situations that require an individual approach to artistic metal processing, we offer our services for laser cutting of metal according to your sketches.

Cost of diamond cutting of concrete and brick

Concrete opening thickness, cmPrice, opening

13-14from 12000
16-18from 15000
19-20from 17000
21-22from 19000
24-25from 22000
26-30from 26000

The price is indicated for a standard opening 210x90cm.

Floors (Cutting with a joint cutter)

Floor thickness, cmPrice, lm


The minimum order cost for cutting floors using a joint cutter is from 30,000 rubles.

Requires 380V electricity.

Ceilings and walls (Cutting with hand cutters and wall sawing system)

Concrete thickness, cmPrice, lm


Minimum order value 7000 rub.


Brick wall thickness, cmPrice, lm


Minimum order value 7000 rub.

Diamond wire

Construction typePrice, m2 cut

Reinforced concrete12000

1 m2 of cut = length of cut * depth of cut.

The minimum order value is 50,000 rubles.

Stone cutting

Stone thickness, cmPrice, lm


Minimum order value 7000 rub.

How to order artistic metal cutting according to your own drawing or design?

Laser cutting of metal, and especially cutting of artistic objects or silhouettes, is not an easy task and requires certain skills in preparing drawings and knowledge of the features of the equipment on which the metal will be cut.

Therefore, we do not require prepared files from the customer, but prefer to prepare them ourselves, taking into account all the nuances. However, certain information will still be required from you. Let's look at examples of how you can cut silhouettes from metal to order.

Send a drawing for laser cutting.

You need to cut out a silhouette, for example, a horse. We go to the Yandex or Google search engine and type “horse silhouette” in the search bar

Open the “Pictures” section, select the appropriate silhouette and send it to us by email. Informing the dimensions of the silhouette and the thickness of the metal.

Also, you can send any photo or image from your phone, tablet or computer. We will prepare a layout and send it to you for approval.

Create a silhouette for cutting on a given topic.

For example, it is necessary to make decorative panels for a summer kitchen in a summer cottage.

Theme: Nature, Water, Forest.

In this case, our designers will create an original layout on the specified topic.

The result of our designer's work.

Finalization of the finished silhouette or drawing for laser cutting.

If you have a ready-made drawing or sketch for laser cutting, our designers can refine it by adding additional elements, changing dimensions, increasing or, conversely, decreasing the detail of the drawing.

How to cut openings in concrete walls? Review of methods and prices

More recently, redevelopment of an apartment became a real “headache” not only for its owners, but also for all residents of the house - the roar of a sledgehammer breaking through a wall eloquently testified to a major overhaul.

Diamond technology is considered the most popular and most frequently used at the moment.

Diamond cutting of concrete is carried out using:

  • Bulgarians;
  • circular saw;
  • seam cutter;
  • wall saw machine.

The main element of all of these tools is a disk, the surface of which is covered with diamond chips, ensuring its wear resistance. Diamond cutting of doorways in concrete walls is one of the most popular operations when renovating an apartment. The technology is also used for other work: it is easy and quick to dismantle worn-out interior elements of a room; if necessary, concrete drilling is also possible.

What affects the cost?

The cost depends on:

  • volume and urgency of work;
  • type of material (its mechanical strength and abrasive ability);
  • shape and size of the opening, wall thickness;
  • type of equipment used.

For example, a machine will cost slightly more than a hand tool because it consumes electricity. But cutting occurs practically without dust (the technology involves the use of water). If quartz or basalt fillers were used in the production of concrete, diamond discs wear out quickly - this factor will affect the price.

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