DIY sawdust concrete house in 2 months

Sawdust concrete used in the construction of houses is usually called a type of wood concrete. The building material was created quite a long time ago, but real popularity has only come to it now. Sawdust concrete is a type of wood concrete, a building material made from sawdust and shaving residues, cement, chalk, sand, clay, etc. Sawdust concrete was first used more than half a century ago, but it became truly popular against the backdrop of the construction boom of the 2000s. The material is especially widely used in the construction of country houses and utility rooms.

The peculiarity of sawdust concrete is that anyone can work with it. Even people without serious construction experience can build a barn or country house using concrete blocks from sawdust. Working with the material does not require special knowledge, skills, or the use of complex tools and equipment.

Sawdust concrete has many advantages, but the main one is the highest level of heat capacity. By building an external wall 300 mm thick, you can be sure that the house will be warm. However, experts still recommend using a profile with a thickness of 400-500 mm.

Sawdust concrete is a fairly durable material with good resistance to mechanical stress. The strength of sawdust concrete allows the construction of buildings with a height of 2 and even 3 floors.

When building houses, two main methods are used:

  • production of sawdust concrete blocks and construction of a building using the block method;
  • application of monolithic construction techniques using different types of formwork.

Both methods involve preparing a concrete-sawdust mixture using the same technology.


DIY sawdust concrete house

Composition and proportions of sawdust concrete: features of preparing a concrete mixture with your own hands

You can not only purchase sawdust concrete blocks, but also make them yourself; for this you will need:

  • organic filler such as sawdust or shavings;
  • alumina sulfate or lime;
  • Portland cement M300;
  • water;
  • mineral additives, namely: liquid glass, calcium chloride, sodium sulfate and ammonia acid.

Sawdust concrete can be distinguished by composition, preparation technology, content of mineral additives and binders. In order to increase strength, sand is most often used.

The production of sawdust concrete is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • pre-measured proportions of sand, cement, lime and filler are mixed;
  • All prepared mineral supplements must be dissolved in a container of water;
  • the solution that was obtained must be added to the prepared dry mixture;
  • the entire composition is thoroughly mixed.

Please note that the prepared components should not crumble in your hand. If this does happen, you need to add binders to it and mix everything thoroughly again. Hardening and hardening of the prepared blocks occurs slowly; in order for them to gain their strength, several months must pass.

As a rule, stones of a wide variety of sizes can be made from this material. To do this, you need to have special forms that have a removable bottom. Then the prepared mixture is poured into them in layers and constantly compacted; after finishing the work, everything must be left until it hardens completely. Next, the blocks will need to be removed and sent to a place where sunlight and moisture do not reach, where they will finally harden and gain the necessary strength.

In order to make high-quality sawdust concrete, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. Sawdust is added to the water only after the binders and dry sand have been thoroughly mixed. Moreover, water is poured only in small portions from an irrigation funnel with small holes.
  2. The main thing in adding water is its quantity, since if there is a shortage of it, the material will be spoiled. And if there is an excessive amount, drying and hardening will not proceed as expected.
  3. Then you need to check the quality of the substance. If everything was done correctly, then when squeezed in the palm of your hand, the material will not fall apart and will give off a slight moisture.
  4. After the block has completely hardened, its surface should be well rubbed on all sides with cement or gypsum. The formwork can be removed after 5 days have passed.
  5. In order to increase the service life of walls made of this material, you can replace the plaster with brick cladding.

In order to properly prepare sawdust concrete, the proportions must be observed according to the recipe. All ingredients can be purchased at any construction store. The basis is chips, shavings, sawdust or any waste from woodworking enterprises. In order to prepare M20 stones, you need to take 200 kg of cement, 50 kg of clay or lime, 500 kg of sand and 200 kg of sawdust.

To make blocks, the wood components must be sifted and, if necessary, further crushed. For sifting you will need a sieve with 10x10 mm cells. Then the prepared ingredients need to be soaked in salts to remove the adverse effects of the sugary substances that make up the wood filler on the cement stone.

It is best to mix sawdust concrete, the proportions of which have been observed correctly, in a concrete mixer or any other similar mixer, since it is quite difficult to do this by hand. The wood filler is mixed together with cement and sand, then lime (clay) dough is added and everything is thoroughly mixed again. Then you need to pour in water in small portions. Then mix the resulting mass thoroughly.

In order to determine whether the mixture is ready or not, you need to squeeze it in your hand. The mixture can be considered ready in the form of an elastic lump without excess moisture. The prepared mass must be laid out in molds and thoroughly compacted so that excess air is completely released. This all needs to be done quickly enough, since after 1.5 hours the mixture will already set.

There are no strict requirements for the sizes and shapes of the prepared blocks. The width is most often determined by the size of the wall, and the height remains a multiple of several rows of bricks (taking into account the mortar between them). This will become especially convenient if at the end the brick lining is applied to the sawdust concrete. Reviews from builders indicate that there is no need to make very large blocks, as they will take too long to dry, and the deformation during shrinkage will be significant.

For small blocks, it is best to use molds that can hold 4 to 9 stones. For their manufacture, boards 30 mm thick are most often used, then they are covered with tin, plastic film, plastic, linoleum or other material, the adhesion of which to cement will be insignificant.

A house made of sawdust concrete will have good sound-proofing and heat-insulating qualities according to all sanitary and hygienic indicators. Due to the presence of a large number of air pores inside this material, the walls will firmly retain heat and guarantee natural ventilation of the rooms, thereby maintaining optimal humidity.

Sawdust concrete makes it quite inexpensive to build a house (the price of the material was discussed above). In addition, the blocks, in addition to what can be purchased at any hardware store, are easy to make yourself. You need to know that this material must be prepared in advance for installation if you did it yourself. To do this, it should be dried for several months.

Recently, private construction has become popular; blocks of various sizes are used, depending on needs. Walls made from such raw materials will be quite strong, light and have low thermal conductivity. If they are built correctly, they will last a very long time.

As we said above, sawdust concrete has increased moisture capacity. Therefore, after construction, the walls must be plastered, but this is best done after complete shrinkage (this process will take approximately 8 months).

A bathhouse made of sawdust concrete, like a house, must be very durable, so the walls must be reinforced with wooden slats or brushwood, which is first cleared of bark. The prepared reinforcement is laid every 40 cm in several rows. In this case, great attention must be paid to the corners and junctions of the walls.

A large number of craftsmen use sawdust concrete for their work. Reviews from builders about this material are very good and will be useful if you are planning to make it yourself. In order to produce high-quality blocks, it is necessary to take into account a number of recommendations:

  • for thorough drying, gaps must be left between them;
  • before pouring the material into molds, they are placed on pallets and sprinkled with a thin layer of sawdust;
  • the mixture must be well compacted; for this purpose, builders often use a hand tamper;
  • It is better to dry the prepared blocks in drafts, this will reduce the hardening time;
  • We must not forget that it may rain, if there is no canopy, you should prepare polyethylene in order to have time to cover the material in case of bad weather.

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To find out how durable the material is, you can conduct a test. To do this, the prepared block is dropped from a height of 1 m; if it remains intact, it means it is of good quality.

You can build houses from sawdust concrete using two technologies - from blocks or from monolithic material. Each of these methods has pros and cons.

Buildings constructed from blocks:

  • A block house can be built gradually, without much haste.
  • The walls being erected can be of any kind; moreover, this method does not require formwork.
  • This material easily tolerates long-term storage.
  • It will not be possible to build houses from sawdust concrete quickly. After all, a large number of products cannot be used immediately - after laying each row, you need to wait some time until the seams dry out and gain strength.

Buildings erected from a monolith:

  • A house made of monoliths has better thermal insulation.
    The pouring of the monolith is carried out in a short time and at a time, since the joints can be fragile if carried out at different periods.
  • Since formwork is required for construction, it will be difficult to give a special shape to the walls. However, when creating a rectangular box at home, installation occurs in record time.
  • If construction work is not coming soon, then the components for the solution should not be purchased in advance. You can’t do this, because cement can petrify due to the influence of humidity, and sawdust can rot.
  • The formwork is filled with mortar in just one day. It is also possible that the work will be completed faster, but the main influence on the speed is the preparation of the mixture.

In fact, both methods have their advantages. But most often, experts recommend using the second option of building a house. After all, in this technology there are no seams in the walls, and this improves the thermal insulation of the building.

To build a house from sawdust concrete with your own hands, you need to take into account a lot of nuances. The first of them is that the thickness of the walls depends on the average winter temperature outside. If it is necessary to make the walls more durable, the thickness of the seams can be reinforced using a special mesh. The durability of house walls can be increased by finishing with clinker or plaster.

Before you start building a house, you should take care of installing communications and openings for them. You need to make holes for chimneys and ventilation in advance. It is impossible to install walls made of damp material; the products must be dry. The technology for installing walls with sawdust concrete is absolute, identical to installation technologies from similar materials.

Which is better: monolith or blocks?

The plastic solution fits well, so it can be used to create walls from fragment blocks, and for an all-concrete structure. But which way is better? When choosing a construction technology, it is necessary to take into account a variety of factors, because each has both pros and cons.

First of all, let's look at the aesthetic side. Buildings made of blocks look much more interesting than monolithic ones. The fact is that the monolith requires movement of the formwork and it will not be possible to create absolutely even horizontal lines. The blocks can be used to build smooth and beautiful walls. The only exception is permanent formwork made of polystyrene foam. The use of such formwork is the key to building a beautiful house.

In addition, sawdust concrete blocks are more convenient to install. The builder simply assembles them like a constructor. Manufacturing a monolithic structure is a complex technological process that requires certain skills and knowledge.

The disadvantage of blocks is the complexity and duration of their creation. It takes much longer to create sawdust concrete blocks than when making blocks from concrete or slag. Unlike other building materials, sawdust concrete takes months to achieve the required strength. The standard drying time for blocks is 3.5 months.

If you decide to build a building from sawdust concrete blocks of your own making, the building material will have to be prepared in advance.

The voids will provide additional thermal insulation to the blocks. In addition, this will reduce the amount of material spent on the manufacture of each specific block.

In monolithic construction, the use of sawdust concrete has one serious problem: the formwork will have to be constantly moved, since the mass hardens quite quickly and after that its movement becomes problematic.

The key disadvantage of both block and monolithic construction methods using oplico concrete is that the material is hygroscopic and strongly absorbs water. The external walls will have to be carefully finished, completely protecting the sawdust concrete base from moisture. During construction, blocks or mortar for the monolith must be kept under an awning, protected from rain.


People's Builder Andryukha: House made of sawdust concrete

Useful tips for making blocks

Building a house from sawdust concrete is not at all difficult. Therefore, you can cope with such work with your own efforts, but you still must have some minimal knowledge in construction. It is allowed to erect a building from such a product, the height of which will not exceed 3 floors, and the wall thickness will not exceed 30 centimeters. The strength of the walls is very high.

As evidence of the advantages of the characteristics of such a material, we can make the following list of advantages:

  • Environmentally friendly. It is known that with minimal use of cement mixture, the structure will have higher strength. However, cement can be used in such a material, because the main component is sawdust. It is also worth knowing that sawdust concrete walls are breathable. This ability makes it possible for an ideal ratio of thermal conductivity and humidity inside the building, and also promotes air microcirculation. An additional bonus will be the prospect of not having to worry about fungus or mold in the house.
  • Low cost. Quite often, the main component of a given building material can be obtained free of charge or very cheaply. From this it becomes clear that the costs will only relate to the acquisition of the fastening component.
  • Environmental friendliness of the material.
    Economical foundation. This happens due to the fact that the box has a small mass. The mass of sawdust concrete is approximately several times less than that of blocks made of plain concrete. And at the same time, houses made from such a product can withstand loads well, and their strength is not inferior to other building materials.
  • Ease of manufacturing building material. These products for the construction of buildings can be easily made with your own hands, and the strength will be high.
  • Excellent thermal insulation qualities. Thanks to its special structure, sawdust concrete does an excellent job of thermal insulation of constructed buildings.

To find out the required amount of this building material, you just need to do some calculations. A similar calculation can be analyzed using the example of a 9x14 dwelling with a height of 3 meters.

  • To find out the length of the walls, you need to add: 9 9 14 14 = 46 meters.
  • Next, you need to find out the area of ​​the walls; to do this, you need to multiply the length by the height: 46*3=138 m2.
  • The number of blocks that fit in 1 m2 depends on how wide the wall is. If the wall thickness is 39 centimeters, then approximately 25 blocks will fit.
  • If the width of the masonry is 0.39 meters, then only 138 * 25 = 3450 blocks are needed.

These calculations are approximate, because the area of ​​​​doors and windows was not excluded from the length of the walls. This must be taken into account when making calculations.

Monolithic construction provides the following advantages compared to the construction of houses from blocks:

  • there is no need to make blocks;
  • it is possible to build walls of any shape (up to roof slopes);
  • There are no cold bridges in the walls through the cement mortar joints.

The disadvantage is the increased consumption of materials for formwork.

Two layers of roofing felt waterproofing are laid on top of the foundations. With a low base, two to three rows of brickwork are made. Install the formwork. The material for formwork can be lumber, moisture-resistant plywood or steel sheet. When using wooden formwork, its internal surfaces are covered with polyethylene.

The height of the shields should be in the range of 40 - 60 cm. When pouring the first layers on the sides of the foundations, stakes are driven into the soil opposite each other to the entire height of the walls. The panels are wedged between the side surfaces of the foundation (wall) and the stakes and connected to each other by pieces of bars. The stakes located on different sides of the wall are tied together with wire.

After pouring, the bars remain in the walls. They are used for fastening panels when rearranging the formwork, and after completion of construction - for fastening the sheathing under the cladding.

The prepared sawdust concrete is poured into layers 10–15 cm high and compacted thoroughly. Raise the wall 20–30 cm at a time, after which they take a break for 5–7 days. During the setting period, the concrete must be protected from sunlight and rain. Every 40 cm, the walls are reinforced with longitudinally spaced wooden slats or steel mesh. At the corners of the building, reinforcement elements are connected to each other.

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After the walls are poured, a belt of timber is placed on top of them, which serves as a support for the roof elements. Walls need to be protected from moisture. To do this, the roof is made with wide overhangs, and the facades are faced in any way. Finishing work is carried out after the building has settled (after 1 - 2 months).

When these measures are carried out, monolithic houses made of sawdust concrete serve for many years. They do not require insulation even in the far north. A 40 cm thick wall made of this material protects against frost of -35 degrees.

Sawdust concrete is a universal material. You can use it to build not only a house, but also a garage, a bathhouse, a fence and much more. The construction process is stage-by-stage. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the material itself, for which the sawdust is double sifted. If you plan to build a bathhouse, sauna or other room with high humidity, the material is additionally treated with a special mineralizer to give it greater strength.

In order for sawdust concrete to become as strong as possible, it requires 4 to 5 months of hardening in warm and humid conditions. But it is not necessary to wait until the material is completely dry. For example, blocks can be laid out after only 4-5 days of drying, and the next layer of material for monolithic walls can be poured into the formwork after 2 days.

Due to the fact that the material is not moisture resistant, after completion of construction the walls of the house must be plastered. This is best done after 6-8 months, after the walls have completely shrunk and dried. The roof overhang should not be less than 60 cm, in order to avoid direct precipitation on the walls.

To give the walls extra rigidity, they can be reinforced with wooden slats or brushwood cleared of bark. They need to be placed in 2 rows, each time making intervals of 40 cm. The corners and junctions of the walls must be processed with special care. Window frames and doorways are located at a distance of 1.5 m from the corners.

Due to the unsightly appearance of sawdust concrete, houses made from it from the outside do not look very aesthetically pleasing, so additional cladding of the building would be very appropriate.

Production of sawdust concrete

There are monolithic and block technologies for building houses from sawdust concrete. In the first case, the solution is poured into formwork made from lumber, in the second, blocks are made in molds from which the walls are laid. In both cases, the recipe for making concrete is the same.

Wood concrete recipes

The mixture for preparing one cube of solution consists of the following components:

  • cement
  • slaked lime;
  • sand;
  • sawdust;
  • calcium chloride or liquid glass - 8 kg/m3;
  • water; 8 - 20% volume.

Depending on the brand of concrete, the components are mixed in the following volumetric proportions:

  • M5 - 0:1:0:2;
  • M10 - 1:2:1:8;
  • M15 - 1:1,2:1,2:5;
  • M25 - 1:1:1,2:4.

Grades M5 - M10 can be used for insulation of buildings, M15 - M20 - for the construction of walls. As strength increases, the thermal insulation properties of the material deteriorate.

Cement and sand are traditional components of mortars. When mixed with water, they are firmly connected and serve as the basis of the wall material. Sawdust acts as a filler. Their use can significantly reduce the weight of the blocks.

Lime is rarely used in cement mortars, but in this case its inclusion in the mixture is quite justified. She:

  • increases the plasticity of the material, so blocks (walls) do not crack;
  • kills harmful microorganisms, prevents the appearance of fungus and mold;
  • improves the hygroscopic characteristics of the material.

Calcium chloride and liquid glass promote the mineralization of sawdust and accelerate the hardening of concrete. The strength of sawdust concrete and the workability of the mixture depend on the amount of water. To select the optimal composition, you should make a control batch. If there is little water, the concrete cube will crack when pressed; if there is too much water, water will be squeezed out of it.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of sawdust concrete provides the following advantages:

  • reducing the load on foundations;
  • improved thermal insulation;
  • reduction in construction costs;
  • frost resistance and non-combustibility of walls;
  • resistance to microorganisms;
  • good sound insulation;
  • possibility of covering walls with any materials.

The building material has the following disadvantages:

  • low load-bearing capacity;
  • high water absorption;
  • the need for wall cladding;
  • shrinkage of the material.

Monolithic house

Today, rapid construction is considered very fashionable and convenient. Craftsmen often use monolithic sawdust concrete. To build this type, it is necessary to lay two layers of roofing felt waterproofing on top of the foundation. In the case of a low base, you need to make several rows of brickwork. Then the formwork is installed, the material for which can be steel sheets, lumber, or moisture-resistant plywood.

The height of the installed panels should be approximately 60 cm. At the moment of pouring the first layers, stakes are driven into the soil from the side of the foundation to the full height of the walls. The selected material for the shields is wedged between the side surfaces of the foundation, and then the stakes are combined with each other in pieces of bars, and those located on opposite sides of the wall are pulled together using wire.

At the end of the pouring, the pegs should remain in the walls, then they will be used to fasten the panels during the rearrangement of the formwork, and after private construction is completed, to secure the sheathing during cladding.

The prepared mixture for sawdust concrete is poured in layers whose height does not exceed 15 cm, and then carefully compacted. At one time the wall can be raised only 20-30 cm, after which you need to take a break for 5-7 days. Every 40 cm it must be reinforced longitudinally using wooden slats or steel mesh.

After the pouring is completed, a belt of timber is laid on top, which will subsequently serve as a support for the roof elements. It is very important to protect new walls from moisture. To achieve this, the future roof is made with wide overhangs, and the façade is clad.

Building a house will not be very expensive. The price of sawdust concrete is quite acceptable for the average resident of our country. The building will serve for many years, its walls, built from this material, will not require insulation, and 40 cm masonry will provide protection from frost even at -35 degrees.

The best choice when building such houses is a strip foundation.

Construction features and pitfalls

Sawdust concrete is a rather specific material, so when building a house from it, you must follow certain rules and act in full accordance with the recommendations of experienced builders. Even a slight deviation from the recipe or violation of the specifics of construction work can reduce the quality of the final structure.

On forums on the Internet you can often find discussions about whether sawdust concrete can be used to build a foundation. The answer is clear: of course not! The base is made of concrete, stone, brick. There are also metal pile foundations.

In general terms, building a house from sawdust concrete has the following features:

  • The foundation must be raised above the ground in such a way that water contained in the soil does not reach the walls of the building; Foundation waterproofing should be carried out responsibly.
  • A prerequisite for building a high-quality house made of sawdust concrete is the reinforcement of corners; It wouldn’t hurt to reinforce the walls as well. The best option is to install protective “casings” made of concrete or wood in the corners of the house.
  • The openings of doors and windows must not be left open: they must be enclosed in a reinforcement frame, with lintels placed on top.
  • If external walls are erected using a frameless method, an upper frame in the form of a monolithic concrete belt with the addition of metal reinforcement is required. The belt will relieve the roof load on the sawdust concrete structure. If a frame construction method is used, then sawdust concrete acts as a filler between the posts. In this case, it is necessary to construct a harness from timber.
  • The roof of the house made of sawdust concrete also has its own characteristics. The overhangs should be wide: this is necessary to protect the walls from moisture. It is very important to build a well-thought-out drainage system with water flowing into a reliable drainage or storm drain. Water should not be allowed to collect under the walls of the house.
  • Sawdust-based concrete structures require strong external protection. The hygroscopicity of building materials can cause serious problems, so the top coating must be continuous and completely waterproof.

Watch the video: how to rearrange the formwork. A house looms!


There are various types of building materials that are used for the construction of houses, among them sawdust concrete is especially distinguished, which has its own unique advantages:

  • this raw material can be classified as lightweight concrete;
  • the material has fairly good thermal insulation properties;
  • a wall made of such blocks 40 cm in thickness can easily be compared with a brick wall 1 m thick in terms of its thermal conductivity;
  • sound insulation rates are significantly higher than those of standard concrete;
  • this material is frost-resistant, fire-resistant and vapor permeable (it can withstand temperatures of 1100-1200 degrees for about 2.5 hours), which is why it is classified as a low-flammable substance;
  • ecologically pure;
  • Among all types of lightweight concrete, it has the lowest thermal conductivity.

Sawdust concrete has all these positive qualities. Reviews from builders indicate that this material also has disadvantages, which include hygroscopicity. Its water absorption ranges from 8 to 12%. But this shortcoming can be smoothed out. External walls must be lined with bricks or the façade must be finished in another way, thereby protecting the walls from excess moisture.

Before producing sawdust concrete, the chips must be treated with water-repellent compounds, which will reduce hygroscopicity.

It is important that this material is easy to machine, so there will not be much waste left during the construction of the walls.

Building a house from blocks

If a house made of sawdust concrete blocks is built according to all GOST rules, it will have excellent heat and sound protection. The material contains many air bubbles that retain heat, allow air to pass through, and regulate humidity. In terms of their technical indicators, houses made of sawdust concrete are close to houses made of timber or logs.

Construction falls into the budget category (we talked about material prices above). You can make blocks yourself, but it is better, of course, to purchase ready-made ones. Sawdust concrete of different brands is sold in all construction stores.

If you choose to make blocks yourself, the material must be prepared for work in advance. The basis of this preparation is drying. Drying sawdust concrete takes a long time and carefully.

In private construction, blocks of various sizes are used. The walls are light, thermally insulated and quite durable. If all technologies are followed, a sawdust concrete structure will last for many decades.

Despite the fact that the blocks are similar in structure to bricks and do not seem hygroscopic, it is necessary to take into account: the material is afraid of moisture. The walls must be plastered. These works are carried out after the final shrinkage of the house, that is, 7-8 months after completion of construction.

If you decide to build a bathhouse from sawdust concrete, the walls need to be waterproofed especially carefully, paying maximum attention to the corners and joints.


Cost of materials for sawdust concrete


Nikolay, 50 years old:

In 2012, I built a one-story sawdust concrete house on my property. Living in it is a pleasure. The air in the house is amazing, full of woody smells. It's very nice to be in your own home. The house is dry, warm, comfortable.

Samir, 48 years old:

I work as an engineer and private construction technologies interest me very much. As for sawdust concrete, it, of course, cannot be called an impeccable material, but the advantages, in my opinion, compensate for the disadvantages. A nice bonus for the builder is thermal insulation. The construction does not require additional expenses for heat retention.

Alexander Sergeevich, 68 years old:

I had to live in a variety of houses. Made of brick, cinder blocks, in panel high-rise buildings. But the best sensations came from living in a village house, made of ordinary sanded logs. In such houses the air seems cleaner. Recently, a neighbor invited me to his house made of sawdust concrete, and it seemed to me that I had returned to my childhood, to my village. From the outside it seems to be a modern, beautiful house, but inside there is an amazing feeling that you are in wooden chambers.

Leonid, 35 years old:

I advise everyone who decides to build a house from sawdust concrete to pay maximum attention to moisture protection. Without moisture protection, your building can become dangerous to live in. Sawdust absorbs water, swells, and then anything can happen. It is also necessary to take into account the shrinkage of the building: it is approximately the same as that of a house made of laminated veneer lumber.



  • intended for laying internal and external walls;
  • partition parts are used only for the construction of partitions.

2. Shape:

  • hollow - have through holes that are formed during the manufacturing process (this is done in order to give the block the necessary performance characteristics);
  • solid - partition or wall parts that do not have internal voids.

3. Dimensions:

  • in accordance with the above GOST, bricks for laying walls can be of the following sizes: 288x138x138 mm, 288x288x138 mm, 290x190x188 mm, 390x190x188 mm, 90x190x188 mm and 190x190x188 mm;
  • dimensions of the partition parts: 390x90x188 mm, 590x90x188 mm and 190x90x188 mm.

It is also possible to produce blocks and other required sizes.

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Here I didn’t consider everything as meticulously as with the roof of my house, where in the estimate you can see everything from start to finish, down to every screw and nail. I have already mentioned the cost of basic materials in the text of the article. And based on the final amount, I will say that I had a budget of 25,000 rubles. on the floors, but even there are still 2 tr left. (i.e. this is all together with delivery). Floor area - 31.4 sq. m. (minus the foundation tape, it protrudes by 30 cm.)

Wooden stone, or stone wood, as sawdust concrete is called, is also a fairly cheap material. Sawdust concrete, the price of which is low, is considered the most affordable when compared with other materials. For example, one wall block, which has dimensions of 390x190x188 mm, made from sand and screenings, costs approximately 23 rubles on the market. A stone that has the same dimensions, but is already made of sawdust concrete, will cost 3-4 rubles less, and at the same time it is lighter and warmer.

By the way, it can replace 7 bricks (the cost of one is 5-7 rubles). It is easy to calculate that a wall made of a mixture of sawdust and concrete will cost 2.5 times less than a brick one. In other words, to build a house box 8 by 8 meters, you will need 20,000 bricks, the owner will have to pay 140 thousand rubles only for stones, pay the same amount to craftsmen for masonry, and 40,000 rubles for sand and cement. If you use sawdust concrete, the price of such a building will vary from 100 to 150 thousand rubles. Agree, tangible benefits.

Let’s compare sawdust concrete with other materials: the price per cube of brick will be 3 times higher than the cost of a cube of cinder block, 2 times higher than the cost of a cube of natural stone, and 1.5 times higher than the cost of a cinder block.

Cost of construction from sawdust concrete

Sawdust concrete is sometimes called “wooden stone”. Of all the building materials available, it is the cheapest and most accessible. So, blocks for a wall measuring 390x190x188 mm will cost about 230 rubles. One sawdust concrete stone replaces 7 bricks (the cost of each brick is about 6 rubles).

To build a box of a house 8x8 m, you will need 20 thousand bricks: this is about 120 thousand rubles. In addition, you will have to purchase cement for 30-40 thousand rubles. A similar building made of sawdust concrete will cost about 100-120 thousand rubles. excluding cement. The savings are significant.

Watch the video: materials costs


The foundation is at least 50 cm above the soil surface. 2). 50 cm brick step. Due to the low weight of this product, it is possible to install a shallow foundation. Installation is possible on any type of soil, with the only exception being heaving soil.

As a foundation for a building made of sawdust concrete, a strip plinth or bored piles would be an excellent option. The thickness of the tape is approximately 50 centimeters, and the installation depth is 100 centimeters. The brickwork is 50 centimeters high. This will be a kind of foundation for the house, and will also create protection for the walls from melted snow.

Waterproofing in such houses is a mandatory process. To perform such work, bituminous material, such as roofing felt, is required. The foundation is insulated and covered with sand over a length of 50 centimeters to 100 centimeters. Thanks to this process, the base will not have contact with the soil.

Selection of masonry mortar

Most often, a special type of glue or cement mortar is used as a masonry mortar. The advantages of cement mortar include the ability to correct imperfect volumes of blocks. However, the disadvantage is the occurrence of so-called cold bridges. Also, when choosing such a mixture, the blocks must be wetted.

You can also mount walls using special glue. It contains special additive components that prevent heat loss through the seams. The maximum permissible seam width is reported by the manufacturer on the back of the package, but most often the width is approximately 0.6 centimeters. Such a solution will be an ideal choice when the product has an ideal shape.


Recently, very often in construction such inexpensive and high-quality material as sawdust concrete is used. Reviews from builders who often work with it confirm its main advantages. These include:

  • Environmental Safety. This material is made only from natural ingredients (sand, sawdust, cement), which ensures its high environmental friendliness.
  • In terms of vapor permeability and sound absorption, it can be compared with wood.
  • It fully complies with established sanitary and hygienic standards.
  • Due to the low thermal conductivity of the material and the voids that are in it, a house made of sawdust concrete will be quite warm.
  • The low specific weight allows you to reduce the cost of transportation and foundation construction.
  • Ease of processing greatly simplifies construction. Such blocks can be sawed, drilled very easily, and it will not be difficult to drive a nail into a sawdust concrete wall in the future.
  • The material has high bending and tensile strength.

Despite all the advantages, you can also hear negative reviews about this material from builders. The disadvantages include the following:

  • Relatively high degree of moisture absorption, which requires additional moisture protection measures.
  • There is a need to increase the cement content in the block when constructing multiple floors. This can lead to higher costs, deterioration in the quality of thermal insulation and increased requirements for the strength of the foundation.
  • There is a relatively high degree of shrinkage, which complicates finishing work.

Pros and cons of sawdust concrete

Sawdust concrete is a rather unusual building material with many advantages. However, it also has disadvantages, and they are no less than the advantages. Everyone has to decide what is more important independently and taking into account the specific construction situation.

First, let's talk about the advantages. The key advantage of the material is its low cost. A wall made of sawdust concrete will cost much less than one made of brick or cinder blocks. Laying sawdust concrete blocks is as simple as laying other piece building materials.

Another serious advantage of sawdust concrete is the ability to use it not only for the construction of block walls, but also for the construction of monoliths. A house made of this material is close in its microclimate to a wooden frame - it is, as they say, breathable. In the summer, it is cool in a house made of sawdust concrete, and warm in the cold of winter. Sawdust “delays” sounds, providing excellent sound insulation.

As for the disadvantages, the main and most serious is the increased hygroscopicity of the material. Sawdust easily absorbs water, so the walls will have to be insulated. The material is not distinguished by its high strength: the maximum number of floors in houses made of sawdust concrete is 3. The durability of the walls also leaves much to be desired, especially in comparison with walls made of brick, concrete, and cinder blocks. Strong hygroscopicity leads to the need for complex and quite expensive finishing, which is also a big disadvantage.

When working with sawdust concrete, certain points must be taken into account, and even a slight deviation from the technology will lead to operational problems.

Sawdust concrete belongs to the category of universal materials. The initial consistency is quite liquid, so it can be used to form blocks of any shape or construct monoliths. This versatility allows builders to save a lot of money.

Watch the video online: block test


The technology for constructing walls is practically no different from building with aerated concrete or foam concrete.

The installation of walls from such products is similar to the construction technology from other popular materials. Construction occurs from the corners of the building. It is recommended to install the first row using a cement mixture. Then the material is laid on other corners. During the laying process, be sure to check the evenness using a level.

If during the laying process it becomes clear that a smaller block is needed to complete the row, then the sawdust concrete can be cut to the required size. During the calculation, it is necessary to take into account the width of the seam. The levelness check is carried out after installation of each product. If necessary, the width of the mixture increases. The mixture is applied using a special spatula.

Each row is installed simultaneously with the dressing. Vertical seams during laying should not coincide. If you need to give strength to the walls, then reinforcement is performed. Reinforcement is done using a special mesh, every 3 rows. It is necessary to install lintels over openings of various types. Channels or wooden beams are used as jumpers.

The Mauerlat is installed in the last row. It is secured using special metal brackets. After this, floor beams and roof sheathing are mounted on top. All components that are made of wood must be impregnated with a special antiseptic.


Finishing the house with brick.
The special structure of the product requires both external and internal finishing. Since a house made of such material does not have shrinkage characteristics, finishing can be done immediately.

External finishing includes plaster. First the plastering work is done, and then the walls are puttyed. Wall cladding can also be done using siding, brick, lining and other materials. In case of unevenness on the wall, wood lathing is first done.

Interior finishing includes plastering using perlite mortar. This solution also has good thermal conductivity. In addition to this cladding, you can wallpaper or paint it.

Tags: filler, sawdust, wall

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