How much does it cost to concrete 1 square meter of site?

Car parking areas in a country house or garden area are a convenient all-season place to park your car. A platform made of monolithic concrete is considered the most durable and reliable option. A concrete slab can serve as a base for paving slabs in areas of high loads or be an independent structure. When constructing a site for a car, compliance with the work technology and proper justification of the technical solution are important. That is why it is worth ordering concreting of a parking lot from professionals.

The Zemlyochist company offers turnkey concreting services for courtyards of private houses and car parks, of any design from the simplest forms to the most non-standard solutions, depending on the taste and capabilities of the customer.

The cost of constructing a concrete platform for a car

The price of work per m2 consists of preparing the base (reinforcement of the foundation) and pouring concrete.

It is extremely important to decide for what purposes a concrete platform is needed and to choose the right design. Thus, parking for a passenger car will be easier and cheaper than parking for a future garage. The main parameters for determining the cost are the thickness of the layers of sand, crushed stone and concrete itself, as well as the reinforcement scheme. Our engineer can help with the choice, who visits the site for consultation and measurements. The table below shows the prices for work on constructing a typical concrete parking lot for a suburban area with an area of ​​50 square meters or more. m.:

Types of work when constructing a concrete parking lotUnitsPrices for work, rub.
Geodetic markings and elevation measurementssq. m 200
Laying geotextilessq. m 50
Sand filling in a layer of 15 cm with compactionsq. m 580
Filling of crushed stone with a layer of 15 cm with compactionsq. m 580
Installation of formworkp.m.300
Film layingsq. m 20
Reinforcement with mesh knitted from reinforcement A500 d10 mmsq. m 500
Manually moving concrete around the areacube m 1 500
Acceptance of concrete in a layer of 15 cm with compactionsq. m 975
Smoothing concretesq. m 50
Protecting concrete from drying outsq. m 50

The cost of concreting sites and parking lots depends on the volume and complexity of the work, the thickness of all base layers (sand, crushed stone, concrete). You will make the right choice if you immediately entrust our managers to make a preliminary calculation of the cost of concreting per m2. An accurate calculation can only be obtained after individual measurements directly on site. Note that the cost per square meter of concreting the site increases if the work is carried out in the cold season. Since there is a need to heat the concrete.

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Concrete platform for a car up to 1.5 tons of gross weight


  • geodetic markings and elevation measurements;
  • laying of geotextiles;
  • sand filling with layer-by-layer compaction;
  • filling a layer of crushed stone with compaction;
  • welded mesh reinforcement;
  • laying a film to eliminate leakage of cement laitance;
  • installation of formwork and beacons;
  • pouring 20 cm thick monolithic concrete with compaction;
  • final smoothing of concrete;
  • application of dispersion to protect against shrinkage cracks.

Required materials (paid separately):

  • sand, 10 cm
  • crushed stone, 10 cm
  • geotextile (clip)
  • road mesh 4*50*50mm
  • Polyethylene film 200 microns (clip)
  • Concrete M300, 10 cm
  • Protective dispersion for fresh concrete

4,266 RUR/m2 Order a service

Concrete platform for a crossover car


  • geodetic markings and elevation measurements;
  • laying of geotextiles;
  • sand filling with layer-by-layer compaction;
  • filling a layer of crushed stone with compaction;
  • layout of reinforcement and mesh knitting;
  • laying a film to eliminate leakage of cement laitance;
  • installation of formwork and beacons;
  • pouring 20 cm thick monolithic concrete with compaction;
  • final smoothing of concrete;
  • application of dispersion to protect against shrinkage cracks.

Required materials (paid separately):

  • sand, 15 cm
  • crushed stone, 15 cm
  • geotextile (clip)
  • reinforcement AIII, 10 mm (1 layer)
  • Polyethylene film 200 microns (clip)
  • Concrete M300, 15 cm
  • Protective dispersion for fresh concrete

RUB 5,831/m2 Order a service

Concrete platform for a truck


  • geodetic markings and elevation measurements;
  • laying of geotextiles;
  • sand filling with layer-by-layer compaction;
  • filling a layer of crushed stone with compaction;
  • layout of reinforcement and mesh knitting;
  • laying a film to eliminate leakage of cement laitance;
  • installation of formwork and beacons;
  • pouring 20 cm thick monolithic concrete with compaction;
  • final smoothing of concrete;
  • application of dispersion to protect against shrinkage cracks.

Required materials (paid separately):

  • sand, 20 cm
  • crushed stone, 20 cm
  • geotextile (clip)
  • reinforcement AIII, 10 mm (1 layer)
  • Polyethylene film 200 microns (clip)
  • Concrete M300, 20 cm
  • Protective dispersion for fresh concrete

8,414 RUR/m2 Order a service

Service characteristics

Concreting a site is work during which part of the soil is removed, formwork is made and concrete mixture is poured.

Concreting may be required in the following cases:

  • To create parking for a car.
  • To create a floor in the garage.
  • To organize a blind area around the house.
  • To create the foundation of a house, a fence.
  • For equipping a pedestrian area.

Concreting is carried out in a number of stages:

  1. Stage one is preparatory . Drainage is carried out using sand and gravel. If necessary, the top layer of soil is removed. The formwork is being constructed. The bottom of the site is covered with geotextiles. The concrete mixture is being prepared.
  2. Stage two - filling . The concrete solution is poured and leveled with a shovel.
  3. The third stage is drying . The concrete is given time to harden.

Before and after parking arrangement

We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of the options for concrete parking lots that we have successfully implemented.

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Technology for parking at the dacha

When pouring a concrete pad under a car or concreting a private yard, adherence to technology is extremely important. The work is divided into two stages and each of them is monitored.

Stage 1. Foundation for concrete parking:

  • excavation, leveling the bottom of the trench. If the site must have a slope, then it is set already at this stage;
  • laying geotextiles to separate bedrock and foundation materials;
  • sand filling with layer-by-layer compaction;
  • filling a layer of crushed stone with compaction.

Control of the evenness and slopes of the base is carried out during the work and is finally checked before the second stage.

Stage 2. Construction of a concrete slab for the site:

  • laying a film to eliminate leakage of cement laitance. If the budget allows, the film can be replaced with lean concrete B 7.5 (concrete footing);
  • layout of reinforcement and mesh knitting. Usually, for parking under a car, concrete reinforcement is arranged with a cell of 20 by 20 cm from AIII reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm;
  • installation of formwork from 150x40 mm boards with stops every meter;
  • installation of beacons made of reinforcement or a special rail form.

Before accepting concrete, the reinforcement and evenness of the formwork are checked;

  • acceptance of concrete, distribution by area;
  • stretching concrete using a rule, compaction with a vibrating screed or deep vibrator;
  • grouting with concrete finishing machines with the addition of cement (iron plating);
  • covering with film or applying a protective compound to prevent concrete from drying out.

Pricing factors

The following factors influence the cost of work:

  • The need to clear and level the site.
  • The need for reinforcement.
  • Concrete area.
  • Number of people in the team.
  • Availability of specialized equipment.
  • Level and prestige of the company.
  • The company's pricing policy.
  • Time of year the service is provided.
  • Urgency of work completion.
  • Difficulty in order fulfillment.
  • Region of service provision.
  • The need to treat the concrete surface (grinding, impregnation).

The larger the area, the more time, effort and materials workers spend, the more expensive their services will be. The more complex the work, the more expensive it will be. Urgent orders are sold at a higher price than regular orders. Additional work is paid separately. The more prestigious the company, the higher the prices for its services.

Secrets of concreting a car park

Secret No. 1. To maintain the integrity of the site, it is important to maintain a protective layer of concrete under the reinforcement of at least 3 cm. For this, it is optimal to use special supports for the reinforcement. It is not recommended to place pieces of boards because they will rot. And placing the mesh on pebbles or pieces of insulation is extremely unreliable - the reinforcement often moves under the weight of the concrete.

Secret No. 2. If there is no additional coating on the concrete (for example, paving slabs), it is recommended to grout with the addition of cement. This process is called ironing. It allows you to get a very durable concrete surface without pores, which extends the service life of the site. This technology is used to construct parking lots in shopping centers and parking lots. Our company is the first in the suburban landscaping market in the Moscow region to use professional-level concrete finishing machines and dry topping mixtures for reinforcement.

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Types of services

Concreting can take place:

  1. With manual mixing of the solution.
  2. Using a concrete mixer.

According to the performer, the work can be:

  • Independent.
  • Professional, performed by a private team of workers or specialists from a construction company.

According to the terms of implementation, the order can be:

  1. Ordinary.
  2. Urgent.

The purposes of concreting can be:

  • To create a platform for the car.
  • To create a blind area around the house.
  • To create the foundation of a building.
  • For the equipment of a pedestrian road.

Depending on the layer, concreting can be:

  • 5 cm.
  • 10 cm or more.

Timeframe for concrete work

Concreting of sites can be carried out almost all year round if the technology is followed: add anti-frost additives and warm up the concrete in winter, cover and moisten it in extreme heat. But if possible, it is better to install a parking lot during the warm period, when the air temperature is in the range from +5 to +25 degrees.

Moreover, it doesn’t take that long to pour a concrete pad. According to our experience, a parking space up to 30 square meters in size. m can be completed turnkey in 3 days.

Frequently asked questions about concrete parking lots

1) What brand of concrete will it be?


Concrete grade M300 is used to fill the car parking area.

2) How to make a concrete platform durable?


In order for a concrete parking lot to last for a long time, it is recommended to “ironize” it, that is, treat it with concrete finishing machines and rub dry cement into the top layer of the site.

3) Is it worth doing double reinforcement of the slab?


The bottom layer of reinforcement absorbs the tensile load from vehicle wheels and is always needed. The top layer of reinforcement can only be justified when constructing a capital structure such as a garage in a parking lot, that is, when the slab will be used as a foundation.

4) Is it possible to do without concrete when constructing a parking lot?


Yes, you can. For example, lay paving slabs on a sand and gravel base. And this will be a reliable solution for parking vehicles weighing up to 3.5 tons. If heavier vehicles are planned to enter, a rigid concrete base is required.

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