How much does it cost to build a house in 2020-2021. frame, brick, timber and ceramic block (specific prices and estimates)

Today foam blocks are gaining more and more popularity. And this is natural, because they have qualities that positively influence the choice of this particular material.

They are often confused with gas blocks, but these are two completely different materials. The first one is softer than the second one, but it is more moisture resistant and the price is lower. Therefore, for the construction of houses they are purchased more often than gas blocks.

Construction of the “box”

The “box” is usually understood as the frame of a building without additional insulation, finishing, wiring and pipes. The cost of its construction depends on the chosen material:

  • The cheapest option is to build a frame or frame-panel type house - from 11,000 rubles/m2;
  • Construction of a “box” of a wooden house will cost from 13,000 rubles/m2;
  • The construction of a house frame from foam concrete will cost from 14,000 rubles/m2;
  • Buildings using the Izodom technology are offered from 15,000 rubles/m2;
  • To build a brick wall frame will cost at least 18,000 rubles/m2.

Now we multiply this price by the estimated area. Thus, the cost of constructing a “box” of a country house or cottage with an area of ​​100 m2 will average 1.5 - 2 million rubles.

We will look at the features of these materials in more detail at the end of this article.

Projects of houses made of ceramic blocks

  • 5 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms
  • 249² Total area
  • 14 x 11m Construction area
  • 3 rooms
  • 1 bathroom
  • 122² Total area
  • 12 x 9m Construction area
  • 6 rooms
  • 1 bathroom
  • 179² Total area
  • 11 x 12m Construction area
  • 3 rooms
  • 1 bathroom
  • 136² Total area
  • 2 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms
  • 108² Total area
  • 10 x 7m Construction area
  • 6 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms
  • 232² Total area
  • 10 x 11m Construction area
  • 5 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms
  • 185.4² Total area
  • 11 x 11m Construction area
  • 5 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms
  • 181.6² Total area
  • 9 x 12m Construction area
  • 5 rooms
  • 3 bathrooms
  • 212² Total area
  • 12 x 11m Construction area
  • 5 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms
  • 150² Total area
  • 10 x 8m Construction area
  • 8 rooms
  • 3 bathrooms
  • 310² Total area
  • 15 x 15m Construction area
  • 4 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms
  • 176.6² Total area
  • 11 x 9m Construction area
  • 6 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms
  • 300² Total area
  • 19 x 11m Construction area
  • 5 rooms
  • 3 bathrooms
  • 237² Total area
  • 12 x 14m Construction area
  • 4 rooms
  • 1 bathroom
  • 83² Total area
  • 6 x 9m Construction area
  • 8 rooms
  • 3 bathrooms
  • 240² Total area
  • 12 x 10m Construction area
  • 6 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms
  • 220² Total area
  • 11 x 11m Construction area
  • 2 rooms
  • 1 bathroom
  • 63² Total area
  • 6 x 7m Construction area
  • 3 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms
  • 101² Total area
  • 10 x 6m Construction area
  • 5 rooms
  • 2 bathrooms
  • 145² Total area
  • 11 x 16m Construction area

Pros of a house with an area of ​​100 m2

1. The smaller the cottage, the cheaper it is. Considering the constant rise in prices for building materials, engineering equipment and installation work, a small house may be the best option for a family with an average income who dreams of living in the countryside.

By the way, the cost of a hundred-meter house with a plot near Moscow, as a rule, is close to the cost of a two-room apartment on the periphery of the capital or a small three-ruble ruble in the nearest castle. In fact, this is a real alternative to urban housing, only with a larger area and an optimal layout for a particular family. Well, with numerous bonuses - clean air, your own landscaped area where there is a place for games and barbecues, always free parking, the absence of neighbors stomping and drilling into the walls, etc.

2. Any house requires operating costs and periodic repairs, but in the case of a compact cottage the costs will be significantly less than in the case of a mansion.

3. Small houses are built faster. Specific terms depend on construction technology, number of storeys and other factors. A solid house made of aerated concrete can be erected in 2-3 months.

4. A compact house is an excellent solution for small areas. Even a one-story cottage with an area of ​​100 m2 can be placed on 6 acres without any problems. If you want the site to be more spacious, then build a two-story building.

5. It is cheaper to heat a small house in winter, especially if there is no main gas in the village and you have to choose expensive energy sources

Please note: energy prices are constantly rising, and the smaller the building area, the more money will remain in your family budget, instead of “flying down the drain”

6. A small house is easier to clean. Imagine how much time you spend cleaning your city apartment. Now imagine how long it will take you to vacuum and wash the floors in a country house, which is much larger than an apartment. Moreover, cleaning a cottage with an area of, for example, 150 m2 will have to spend 1.5 times more time than cleaning a hundred-meter one.

Roofing a house made of aerated concrete

Depending on the angle of the roof slope, the roof area will be from 120 to 150 m2.

Rafter system – 100 t.r.

Roofing material – 70-200 t.r.

Roof insulation with mineral wool – 20 – 50 t.r.

The rafter system includes: mauerlat, rafter beams, rafters, counter-lattice, sheathing.

Roofing materials include: waterproofing, vapor-permeable membrane, and the roof itself, including flashings, ridge and other drainage elements. Roofing materials can be slate, ondulin, metal tiles, flexible tiles, ceramic tiles.

Since the main heat loss occurs on the roof, its insulation with mineral wool is simply necessary. The required insulation thickness is 10-20 cm.

Square of Rockwool stone wool, 100 mm thick. will cost 120 rubles.

150 squares of cotton wool will cost from 20 to 40 tr. depending on thickness.

House for year-round use with a full second floor

Cost of a house in the “thermal circuit” option523 thousand rubles. (6.0 thousand per sq. m.)
Cost of a turnkey house893 thousand rubles.
External dimensions of the house8x6 m
Room area87 sq. m (without veranda)
Duration of construction4 weeks
Purpose of the houseHouse for year-round use
Used materialsTimber 150×150 natural humidity, metal tiles, plastic windows, entrance safe door.
Heating system
Foundation typePile-screw
Contractor organizationAlmaz-2000

A house with a full second floor. The log house is made of planed milled timber. The owner will not have to spend money on finishing the walls. Natural moisture timber 150×150 mm is laid in a “warm corner” - this prevents heat loss. The beams are connected to each other by wooden dowels, and a jute-flax tape seal is laid between the crowns. The house is designed for year-round use - the floors and ceilings are insulated with 150 mm mineral wool slabs, plus two layers of waterproofing. The floors and ceilings are covered with tongue and groove boards. This eliminates gaps.

On the ground floor there is a boiler room, a kitchen, a guest room and a bathroom. On the second floor there are two bedrooms. The house was delivered turnkey, so the windows and doors were mounted in a special sliding frame. Thanks to expansion gaps, the shrinkage of the house does not affect them in any way. This house can comfortably accommodate a family of 5 people.

Features of building a house of 100 sq. m

If you think that you will save a lot on building a house, you are mistaken. There will be savings, but not as significant as it seems at first glance. And it’s not just about money: the timing can be the same. Much depends on the technologies used in construction. If you want to build a house of 100 sq. m using traditional technologies - with a monolithic strip foundation, brick walls, metal tiles, you will spend at least six months. Judge for yourself:

  • About a week - for all preparations for construction.
  • Two days to make formwork and pour the foundation.
  • 30-40 days for the foundation to harden.
  • Up to 2-3 months for the construction of walls.
  • A week to make blood.
  • A week to install windows and doors.
  • A month for interior finishing: plaster and screed.
  • The remaining time is for decorative finishing.

Additionally, you will have to connect and install water and electricity supply systems, heating, sewerage, and ventilation. Each of these stages will cost money. It is better if you save up an amount that will be enough for all the work - right up to the finishing touches.

Other materials: calculation

So, the calculation of the cost of the box is completed, now you can start calculating the costs of other elements.

Estimate for building materials

Even experienced builders will not be able to calculate how much money can be spent on, so we will proceed from approximate data, namely, we multiply the number of windows and doors by the average cost of materials.

If the work is carried out independently, this amount will be final. If you order services from construction organizations, you will need to add the cost of installation services.

Now you need to calculate the cost of floor coverings. If you want to end up with a durable building, then it is best to use monolithic concrete slabs for floors (in the case of building a two-story house).

If the building is one-story, you can use wood for the ceiling. Here it is worth paying attention to the need for wood processing, because its durability directly depends on the quality of the material.

Floor coverings for a one-story house will cost approximately 5-10 thousand rubles (depending on the region), while the construction of a two-story house can cost from 10 to 50 thousand rubles.

On average, to build a box at home you will need 100 bags of cement. The price of one bag ranges from 200 to 300 rubles. Total cost – 30,000 rubles. maximum.

Tip: it is better to use sifted sand for the solution. A ton of such material will cost 3,000 rubles.

Dependence of timing on materials and construction technology

The time frame for constructing a country house depends on the choice of material and construction method.

You can build a house from:

  • bricks;
  • aerated concrete;
  • foam concrete;
  • wood (timber, logs, carriage).

Each of these types of materials, due to its individual characteristics and characteristics, has its own safe construction period. Here one should not neglect building codes and technical standards.

In addition, each material requires a special approach. For example, laying brick is a more labor-intensive process than laying foam concrete blocks. And a wooden frame made from logs is built more slowly than a building made from timber.

The time frame for constructing a country house also depends on the method of constructing the box. In addition to the traditional method, boxes are used in country house construction:

  • panel;
  • frame;
  • modular;

When constructing panel boxes, finished products in the form of panels, made of composite wood panels with glue, are assembled into one whole. Then they strengthen it. Then ready-made partitions for the interior walls are also installed. They are also strengthened. All that remains is to build the top and cover it, and then carry out communications and do finishing work.

When a frame object is built, first a frame is created from boards and logs on a finished base. Rafters for the roof are being installed. Then this frame is sheathed with thermal insulation fragments. At the end the top is completed.

Frame and panel buildings are somewhat similar in their design. Both initially have a frame. However, other construction methods are coming onto the market. For example, a modular house assembled from wooden panels, insulated with composite compounds.

A frame or modular house can be built very quickly - literally in 2-3 months, if you do not do the basics. A building with a foundation, of course, takes longer to build.

Types of garage blocks

Foam concrete garage

There are three main types of foam concrete blocks, based on density:

Cinder block garage

Cinder blocks are divided into two types:

  • hollow (12-14 kg);
  • full-bodied (15-28 kg).

Garage made of expanded clay concrete blocks

The technology for manufacturing expanded clay concrete blocks is similar to the production of foam concrete, but the composition necessarily contains expanded clay. Thanks to him, expanded clay concrete blocks are light and very porous. Such blocks have good thermal insulation and are almost eternal.

Expanded clay concrete blocks come in three types:

  • thermal insulation;
  • structural and thermal insulation;
  • constructive.

Garage made of aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete buildings are durable and economical. However, they require mandatory reinforcement in order to prevent cracking during shrinkage.

Garage made of gas silicate blocks

What to choose?

All of the listed types of foam blocks have no fundamental differences. They differ in the subtleties of production and price. Therefore, the choice is yours based on your financial capabilities and personal preferences.

Cinder block, like foam concrete, requires further external finishing, which will protect the material from moisture and wind. Aerated concrete and gas silicate are more resistant to weather conditions, but as a rule, they are still plastered.

Pre-construction and design

Do you need a project? At the stage of planning partitions, you can save on materials, so competent drawings are a necessity. Depending on the area and complexity, design costs from 40,000 rubles.

Build it yourself or hire workers? According to various estimates, the cost of the work takes up 25-35% of the total amount. If you have the skills and time, you can save money and not use hired force, but the construction time usually increases.

When answering the question of how much it will cost to build a house from scratch, two approaches are used: the price per square meter or the full cost of the foundation and the “box” - a house without interior decoration.

Comparative characteristics of foam concrete and other building materials

OptionsCeramic brickCeramic blockSilicate brickGas blockFoam block
Dimensions, cm25/12/6,538/25/2425/12/6,520/30/6020/30/60
Wall weight, kg/m21200 — 1800600 — 8001450 — 2000100- 900100 — 900
Density, kg/m 31500 — 1750700 — 9001700 — 1950300 — 1200300 — 1200
Water absorption,%1212 — 14162014
Thermal conductivity, W/M*k0,4 — 0,70,1 — 0,20,8 — 1,10,1 — 0,40,1 — 0,4
Frost resistance, cycle2550253535
Ultimate compressive strength, MPa2,5 — 255 — 300,5 — 250,25 — 12,5
Consumption, pcs./m 3400 — 50034 — 45400 — 50021 — 2721 — 27
Price, $/m 363 — 11262 — 9017 — 9060 — 9449 — 68
  • What is the difference between aerated concrete or foam concrete - comparison of advantages and disadvantages

Kawabanga! How to choose a foundation made of expanded clay concrete blocks

Wooden house turnkey and shrinkable

The company's catalog presents a wide selection of standard projects of different number of floors, layouts and designs. The indicated prices assume construction of a house for shrinkage. The price includes the following services:

  • Change and modification of the standard project;
  • Production of logs for the project;
  • Assembly and installation of a wall kit on the customer’s land plot;
  • Treating the log house with an antiseptic and bitumen varnish;
  • Subfloor of the first and second floors;
  • Rough roofing (truss structure, sheathing and temporary covering with roofing felt);
  • Inter-crown insulation with jute;
  • Complete set of fasteners;
  • Work on loading and unloading logs.

If you are planning construction with a foundation, finished roofing and finishing, the price will approximately double. For each project, the company's catalog indicates the cost of installing the foundation and roof. In addition, you can calculate the price depending on the type and diameter of the log. Let's look at the popular projects of “MariSrub” and find out how much it costs to shrink a wooden house, a building with a roof and a foundation.

Foundations: cost of construction and installation work

How much it costs to build a house from scratch also depends on the foundation used. To build a brick house, any type of foundation can be used. The feasibility of constructing a particular type of foundation is determined by the calculated design loads, the depth of groundwater and the type of soil.

Pile foundations

Piles can be used: bored, bored with casing, driven, pressed, screw:

  • Bored piles: the cost depends on the reinforcement scheme, depth, diameter, required upper elevation, total volume of work and ranges from 1900 to 3800 rubles/m³
  • Drilling with casing: the cost of work starts from 4,500 rubles/m³
  • The cost of driving depends on the size of the pile in cross-section and length, the cost of work starts from 500 rubles per m.p.
  • The cost of pressing piles depends on the cross-section, length of the pile and the soil of the site: from 1000 rubles per m.p.
  • The cost of screwing piles depends on the diameter, length of the pile and ground conditions from 350 rubles per m².

Piles can be driven using special equipment or manuallySource

Poured concrete foundations

  1. Monolithic strip reinforced foundation - grillage. The cost of a monolithic reinforced concrete foundation includes reinforcement and formwork work: from 2100 to 4200 rubles/m³
  2. The price of installing FBS blocks or FL slabs of a prefabricated strip foundation depends on the size of the slabs or blocks and varies from 850 to 1300 rubles per piece.
  3. The cost of installing a slab monolithic foundation varies with changes in the reinforcement scheme, depending on the height difference and the shape of the slabs: from 2000 to 4000 rubles/m³
  4. Prices for installing a columnar monolithic foundation vary from the type of reinforcement, the number of steps, the depth of the base, the number of embedded parts: from 2800 to 5500 rubles/m³.

If we calculate the construction of a foundation for a house with an area of ​​200 m² of square section, then, taking into account the freezing depth for the middle zone, the installation of a strip monolithic reinforced foundation will cost:

  • Minimum: 175 thousand rubles excluding the cost of materials.
  • Maximum: 350 thousand rubles. also without material costs.

Pouring a strip foundationSource

Everything important about foam blocks

Let's figure out what a foam block is, how this material is created and what positive and negative characteristics it has.

Standard foam block

Foam block is a building material that looks like a cut (or molded) block filled with liquid concrete mixture. The mixture itself consists of water, sand, foaming agent and cement. For higher strength, fibers, hardeners, and various plasticizers are used.

Foam concrete itself is universal, so the construction of houses from foam blocks is far from its only purpose. Foam blocks are also used for the reconstruction of houses, for the construction of partitions between walls, for insulation of attics, roofs, etc.

In addition, foam concrete is used to fill the space between walls and lay floors; in a word, foam concrete has a very wide range of applications.

The optimal size of foam block for building a house

To determine the optimal size of the foam block, you should understand for what construction purposes it will be used. So, for a standard wall block, the following height-depth-length ratio is preferable: 30x20x60, for installing partitions - 30x10x60. Load-bearing external walls require more massive materials - 20x40x60 (Dimensions are given in centimeters).

The best foam blocks for building a house

When choosing a foam block, you should take into account other nuances that will determine which type of material is suitable for construction:

  • the function of the walls (only load-bearing or will they simultaneously perform a heat-protective function?);
  • using a solution composition for adhesion (when working with special glue, only threaded blocks are used);
  • the number of people carrying out the masonry (it is impossible for 1-2 workers to handle large-format blocks to complete this work).

Experts recommend building houses from foam blocks using materials from one manufacturer. Moreover, it is advisable to make a purchase for the entire batch at once due to the possible differences that arise in the properties of products of the same brand.

Foam block construction process

On a note! In terms of cost, the best option is to use foam blocks of the D600 brand, which are perfect for building a two-story house and will reduce heating costs by 20%.

How much does it cost to build a block house?

Block houses have a number of advantages over another very popular brick option in Russia. Blocks are warmer than bricks, and fewer of them are required, so a lightweight foundation is sufficient for the house itself (~300 thousand rubles for a house with an area of ​​100 square meters). Insulation will cost approximately 200 thousand rubles for the entire house of this size.

As a rule, a block house is built from one block in width, insulated with mineral wool and lined with brick, decorative stone, or simply plastered over the sheathing. Blocks require less skill in laying than bricks. The process goes faster, so the work of builders per cubic meter is much cheaper.

A house with an area of ​​100 square meters requires approximately 35 cubic meters of aerated concrete blocks, including block gables. At the same time, the usual market price of blocks is only 3,500 rubles per cubic meter. So, the cost of the block and its masonry is 7,000 rubles per cubic meter, or 245 thousand rubles for the entire house.

So, a figurative cost estimate looks something like this:

  • lightweight foundation - 300 thousand rubles;
  • insulation with mineral wool - 200 thousand rubles;
  • reinforced concrete floors (two floors) - 300 thousand rubles;
  • aerated concrete blocks - 122.5 thousand rubles;
  • masonry work - 122.5 thousand rubles;
  • plaster on the lathing - about 150 thousand rubles.

Thus, the price of an “open box” made of an aerated concrete block of 100 square meters is about 1.4 million rubles.

Comparison of blocks used for the construction of walls

The most significant characteristics are as follows:

  • Strength;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Fire safety;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Thermal conductivity and degree of need for insulation;
  • Vapor and air permeability;
  • Shrinkage;
  • The need for masonry reinforcement;
  • Requirements for the type of foundation;
  • Type of floors and the need for an armored belt;
  • The need for external finishing materials;
  • Cost of blocks;
  • Cost of masonry.

Basic data on building materials is given in the table:

Block typeDensity, kg/m 3Mass in the wallWater absorption,%Thermal conductivity, t/M*kFrost resistanceStrength
Gas block300 — 1200100 — 90020 — 250,1 — 0,4350,5 — 25
Foam block300 — 1200100 — 90010 — 160,1 — 0,4350,25 — 12,5
Expanded clay concrete block300 — 1500900 — 1000500,15 — 0,4525 — 7550- 150
Arbolite blocks500 — 900300 — 70075 — 850,2 — 0,32520 — 50
Ceramic block700 — 900600 — 80012 — 150,1 — 0,2502,5 — 25


Frost resistance


Thermal conductivity

Moisture absorption


Foundation type

Masonry reinforcement

When laying walls, mesh reinforcement is done using all types of blocks, an armored belt is poured under the ceiling along the entire perimeter, and standard factory lintels or cast concrete are poured over window and door openings.

Construction speed

Construction from blocks compared to brick is faster, even taking into account the time spent on additional operations in the form of masonry reinforcement.

Exterior finishing

Expanded clay concrete and ceramic blocks harmonize best with brick facades and plaster; they are most consistent with these materials both in terms of physical and chemical characteristics and technology of application.

Construction cost

Gas block 96%

Foam block 93%

Expanded clay concrete 83%

Arbolit 80%

Ceramic block 80%

Obviously, the use of blocks is beneficial in any case - in addition to winning money, they provide a double advantage in construction time, which also results in significant cost savings.

Preparation of the land plot

Purchasing a plot of land is a rather complicated procedure for an unprepared person. But only after going through the entire process of registration, receiving a certificate of ownership, cadastral number, permission to use the site for individual housing construction, can you begin to build a house.

You should not start by leveling the surface of the site or cutting down trees for the construction site of the house. A house begins with a project, and a specialist designer always takes into account in his work such subtleties as the terrain or the preservation of trees and shrubs. And, most likely, construction and even preparatory work before the development of a construction project will turn out to be wasted costs.

The terrain of the site quite strongly influences the cost of preparatory work. Source

Our advantages

  • Architects and designers of the Monolit-domstroy company will develop an individual house project free of charge, taking into account your wishes and requirements.
  • The work is carried out by specialized teams with whom we have been cooperating for many years. We do not have unverified people.
  • Constant technical monitoring of construction progress. You will be provided with a work progress report and photo materials.
  • The price of a monolithic house will remain unchanged during construction
  • Built houses are guaranteed for 10 years.
  • We build not only monolithic frame boxes of buildings, we build from monoliths on a turnkey basis.

Single-story vs. two-story

A one-story building with an area of ​​100 m2 has relatively small dimensions (as an option - 12 x 8.5, 10 x 10 m), which means that it is quite possible to build just such a house on a plot of 6 acres. One-story has a number of advantages over two-story:

· It is safer and more comfortable to live in because there are no stairs. This is especially true if children and elderly people live in the house.

· With the same living area, a one-story apartment has more useful space. Again, thanks to the absence of stairs, the opening for which takes up 5-10 m2, and the inevitable hall or corridor on the top floor “eats” about another 10 m2.

· One-story is cheaper to build. You save on materials and work, because it has a smaller wall area, it does not need an interfloor ceiling and stairs.

Cost of ceramic blocks

Ceramic blocks are sold individually. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to calculate the required quantity, focusing on the house plan.

The average cost of a ceramic block is about 110 rubles per piece. One cubic meter contains approximately 40 pieces.

To summarize, it is worth noting that the ceramic block has positive reviews for quality, the only problem is the rather high price. But taking into account all its properties, this material wins and therefore is gaining popularity in construction.

Pros and cons of panel houses

There are several serious advantages of such construction:

  • Lightweight foundation. For a frame-panel structure, a strip foundation is sufficient, since the house is very light. This significantly saves money during the construction phase.
  • Fast construction. A frame house can be built in a few months, or a maximum of six months. And this is along with pouring the foundation and waiting for materials from the factory. This technology is considered one of the fastest in terms of construction time.
  • No shrinkage. The building does not sag, so cracks do not form in the walls. You can immediately do the interior decoration of the house.
  • Frame panels are relatively cheap.
  • There is no need to use heavy equipment to construct any elements of the house.
  • All materials are environmentally friendly and safe for the health of residents.
  • Inside the frame walls you can hide various communications, making the appearance of the premises more attractive.

The prevalence of frame-panel technologies in regions with different climates is extremely high. But frame houses also have disadvantages that should also be remembered:

  • Shorter service life. If stone and brick houses can last several hundred years, then frame buildings can last 50-70 years, after which serious repairs will be required. If construction technology is violated or untested materials are used, the service life may be halved.
  • Lack of opportunity to build a high-rise building. Frame houses are usually built on one or two floors.

Of course, it is possible to build larger-scale structures, but then it is necessary to install a more reliable foundation and buy expensive building materials. In this case, the construction can no longer be considered budget-friendly.

Stages of building a garage with your own hands

After the preparatory work and the purchase of materials, you can proceed directly to the construction of the garage. This work is carried out in several stages, each of which is undoubtedly important. We will tell you a little about the key points and features of each stage.

1. Marking the territory.

The markings must be done very accurately. Use pegs and twine. You must realistically imagine your future garage. Watch the angle between the threads: it should be exactly 90°.

Kawabanga! Concrete m450; composition and scope of application of the material

2. Laying the foundation.

Considering the lightness of the material for the walls, there is no need to do a deep and labor-intensive foundation laying. But here it is worth taking into account the characteristics of the terrain and soil. If there are no complicating circumstances, then a foundation of 0.5-0.8 m will be sufficient.

3. Laying walls.

4. Installation of gates and installation of reinforcing beams.

Installing a gate is not the easiest task. The simplest solution would be a regular swing gate with hinges. It is better to mount the box into the wall, so the structure will be more stable.

To make the gate more reliable, a beam is installed above it from the inside. The beam should be slightly longer than the opening on both sides.

5. Roofing work.

6. Gender

When the garage is almost ready, it's time to tackle the flooring. The best option is concrete screed. This coating is quite strong and durable. In addition, it does not require special care or further improvement.

How much money will it take to build a house from scratch?

However, building a house from scratch costs a lot of money. The cost of the building will depend on what material the home will be built from.

From foam blocks

Every year the construction of budget houses from foam blocks is gaining popularity. It is much more profitable to build from this material than, for example, from brick or wooden beams. In addition, the foam block is reliable, so houses made from it are durable and strong. The main issue is the cost of a finished house made of foam blocks.

To do this, you need to decide on the number of floors, the type of foundation, and the size of the building. Then, knowing the price of one block, you can calculate the cost of the future building as a whole. At the same time, the price of the blocks will depend on the region where the building materials will be purchased.

From timber

The cost of a house made of timber directly depends on the area of ​​the building, the type of foundation and the final finishing work. Today, there are three options for timber on the building materials market:

  1. Regular (section 150x150 or 150x200 mm), used for the construction of external walls.
    Due to external insulation, the house will cost almost the same as an uninsulated building built from profiled timber.
  2. Profiled timber (more expensive than regular timber).
  3. Glued laminated timber is one of the most expensive materials, made from several layers of wood.
    However, due to the glue used to make this material, the environmental friendliness of housing is reduced.

In order to build a house from timber as quickly as possible and at a good price, you need to contact the appropriate construction company that is engaged in the construction of buildings from lumber. Such companies independently harvest wood, process it and deliver it directly to the customer. As a result, thanks to an integrated approach, it is possible to significantly reduce costs at each stage of construction.

Made of brick

At all times, brick buildings were considered reliable in operation and beautiful to look at. However, accurate brick laying will require an experienced specialist, so the cost of building a cottage will be much higher than the price of a house made of timber or foam blocks.

Here you should also add the cost of insulation (mineral wool) and other finishing materials, roofing, the brick itself, as well as the design of the facade, interior spaces and the price of the work itself.

When choosing material for your future cottage, you should remember that your own home is the standard for a comfortable and prosperous life, as well as a guarantee of health and longevity.

Construction of houses from foam blocks is a new direction in country house construction

The construction of houses from foam blocks has been popular for many years, especially in European countries. And today it is confidently gaining a leading position in the Russian Federation.

The complex construction of turnkey foam block houses can be implemented very quickly. In addition, rooms made of this material retain heat well and are much cheaper than similar projects made from natural materials (brick, stone, wood, etc.). And this despite the fact that subsequently the construction of houses from foam blocks allows you to also boldly experiment with architectural forms - perform facade work to suit every taste, produce interior cladding of various textures, etc.

Thus, building houses from foam blocks makes it possible to obtain a durable, aesthetically interesting result in the shortest possible time and at an affordable price.

European project of a house made of foam blocks

How much does it cost to build a brick house?

A brick house - this is it, an unattainable dish for the people of Russia. But even this seemingly unattainable dream may turn out to be quite real, since approximate calculations for building a house please the eye with a low figure.

To convince ordinary people of this, we should give an example of a calculation for the construction of a standard one-story house measuring 81 square meters. m (9x9 m):

1. For such a house you need a good strip foundation with reinforcement. The required volume of concrete for the foundation is about 55 cubic meters. m.

If the foundation must be 1.6 m deep, then 4 horizontal rows of reinforcement are required. Based on general calculations, together with formwork and work on the foundation, about 250 thousand rubles are required.

2. Next comes brickwork - this is the most expensive stage, both physically and financially. If the house has 81 sq. m, which means that one floor will require about 9 thousand bricks.

In Moscow, high-quality bricks can be purchased for 12 rubles apiece. As a result, it will take only 108 thousand rubles to purchase a brick.

But this is not the only material - you will need cement and sand, water. Additional materials cost about 25 thousand rubles.

A construction company requires up to 1,500 rubles per 1 sq.m. for laying a wall with 1 brick. m. House of 81 sq. m. m is about 100 sq. m when calculating a ceiling height of 2.7 m.

It turns out that the construction company will have to pay about 150 thousand rubles for the work - this is only the external walls of the house. As a result, brickwork can require up to 500 thousand rubles, including sealing seams and laying out door and window openings.

3. Roof - for a house of 81 square meters. m requires a gable roof, the area of ​​which is about 125 sq. m. m.

This requires:

  • wooden materials worth 9 thousand rubles (plus supports worth 4 thousand rubles),
  • covering with tiles (for example) of 80 sheets and the amount of 36 thousand rubles,
  • insulation 145 sq. m of mineral wool worth 4 thousand rubles,
  • other fittings in the form of ridges and drainage systems worth over 70 thousand rubles.

The amount of materials can reach 150 thousand rubles. If we talk about construction work, then for the installation of the rafter system you will have to pay about 70 thousand rubles, and the installation of the roof - about 60 thousand rubles.

The cost of installing the roof also takes into account the installation of the ridge and other work, which will also require up to 50 thousand rubles from the client.

As a result, installation of the roof with construction work costs 330 thousand rubles.

It turns out that the cost of building a brick house without interior decoration is 1 million 80 thousand rubles. Interior decoration is still a minimum of 700 thousand rubles. The final minimum cost of building a brick house is 1 million 800 thousand rubles.

Since brick houses are about aesthetics, quality, and durability, the presented cost does not turn out to be so inflated. The only unpleasant point is the cost of land plots in Moscow and the immediate Moscow region.

Estimate for the construction of walls and roof frames

It is worth considering one more nuance. If you decide that the house will be one-story, with an ordinary non-residential attic, then at this stage everything is going correctly.

Well, if you want the building to have an attic, you should think about strengthening the foundation, since arranging an attic floor means increasing the load on the foundation.

In addition, to finish the attic, additional materials will be required that will provide the house with the necessary protection from the cold (thermal insulation).

You should also take into account the height of the ceilings in the house and the overall height of the building as a whole. The optimal ceiling height is 3 meters.

With these parameters, each floor of a house with an area of ​​10x10 m will require, on average, 28 cubic meters.

Thus, the cost of one floor of a building without finishing and without installing windows and doors will be about 100,000 rubles.

The type of roof, its shape and roofing materials are a purely individual question. Here everyone chooses what they like best: straight, broken, triangular or trapezoidal.

The material is also chosen at will: ondulin, metal tiles, etc. One way or another, according to average calculations, the construction of a roof frame is always equal to approximately 5% of the cost of building a box.

Cost of building a foam block house: estimate

Do you want to build a house of 100 sq. m? Choose your layout carefully!

100 square meters is quite a bit for a private home. This area can easily fit on one floor. Three-room apartments in business class buildings have similar sizes. And this is a kitchen, two bedrooms and a living room with an entrance hall. So, maybe it’s worth investing a little more and expanding the area to 150 square meters? Alas, this is not always possible. And, in general, a small house has its advantages:

  • It is cheaper to heat a small house in winter. You don’t have to spend 2-3 thousand rubles on gas and look for ways to save. It’s easier to insulate it: a small building has fewer weak points. Maintenance of such a house also requires less cost and time.
  • You are free to choose the layout that suits you and your family. Three or four people can live comfortably on 100 square meters, so that each family member has their own room. If you divide the area into 4 living rooms and several common rooms, they will turn out to be small. But it will be comfortable.
  • Even a small house is a separate building, the owner of which receives more benefits than the tenant. In addition to the living space, you will have your own attic (which can be converted into a storage room), and a garage is possible - either separate or attached. There is also a parking lot, a playground and a picnic area, a flower garden and even a vegetable garden. Here you can set up a greenhouse and cut fresh herbs for the table all year round. What can we say about the terrace and greenhouse?
  • A small house can be expanded over time by making an extension.

If you decide to build a house of 100 sq. m, try to think through the layout as much as possible. It determines how comfortable your life will be at first and in the future: despite a lot of additional solutions (attic, basements, outbuildings), you will spend most of your time in the living space. The layout depends on your needs, the number and composition of your family. If you have children or are planning to have them, proceed from the setup - each child has a separate room

It is important. Even same-sex children find it difficult to find a common language when living in the same room

Let the size of the rooms be very small. It is important that everyone has personal space and a separate entrance. You must have your own bedroom. There is no point in dedicating space in the living room and sacrificing peace during the holidays. Even a small bedroom will provide comfort. But there’s no point in trying to separate out a living room, a separate kitchen and a corridor. Combine them into one room - as is usually done in studios. Let it be a kind of hall with a bar counter, behind which there will be a kitchen. In this hall there will be a staircase to the attic or second floor, doors to the rooms of the owners and children, and also an exit to the basement and a back entrance, if you need it. Also, when building a house with an area of ​​100 square meters. m. We recommend making combined bathrooms with built-in equipment. This reduces space without compromising comfort. You can create another layout option, but you don’t have that much choice. The main thing is to create a personal space for each family member and a single room for meetings, meals and celebrations. However, if you have come to the conclusion that such a house is too small for your family, we recommend that you carefully study the construction of houses from 150 sq. m.

Cottage with a bay window - almost a tower

Cost of a house in the “thermal circuit” option1.16 million rubles. (12.1 thousand per sq. m.)
Cost of a house with rough finishing without networks
External dimensions of the house8.4×7.5 m
Room area96 sq. m
Duration of construction1.5 months (for shrinkage)
Purpose of the houseFor permanent residence
Used materialsTimber 150×150 of natural humidity, Monterrey metal tiles, Izospan AM waterproofing membrane (for attic floors), jute felt (Indian jute).
Heating systemGas boiler room, radiators
Foundation typePile-screw
Contractor organizationLLC "EkaTerem"

The house was built according to the standard design N-56, developed by the designers of EkaTerem LLC. On the first floor of the house there are: a vestibule, an entrance hall, a boiler room, a living room and a bathroom, on the second there is a staircase hall and three rooms. Photos of the house are missing most of the windows. They will be cut through after shrinkage.

The cost of the screw foundation was 162 thousand rubles. The cost of a “shrinkable” box is 815 thousand rubles. This price included: a log house with gables, floor joists and floor beams (100×200 mm) and a roof with hydro-wind protection. To bring the building to the state of “thermal contour”, in a relatively inexpensive version, you will need to invest about 180 thousand more. Including 100 thousand for insulation of the ground floor floor, ceilings and attic roof, plus 80 thousand for windows and the front door.

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What does the price of a turnkey house project consist of?

The main factor that influences the choice of home is the design and price. So, let's figure out what the cost of a cottage consists of, and how to choose the right project for building a house.

Before starting design, we recommend determining the budget for future construction. For the convenience of our customers, we have posted projects on this page indicating their cost

Please note that the project card does not indicate the price of the house on a turnkey basis, but only for the construction of the building frame. Each card also says what specific equipment is included in the indicated price.

The approximate cost of building a box is 50% of the price of a turnkey cottage, but to find out the exact price of a turnkey house whose design you like, please call us or use the house construction cost calculator on the website. You need to start work only when both the project and the cost meet your requirements and capabilities.

The second factor influencing the cost is the chosen technology and basic building materials. The website presents in detail the technologies and building materials used by our company. According to our designers, the minimum construction cost is for a monolithic frame house, and the highest is if built from ceramic blocks. When analyzing and comparing projects and prices of houses, remember that all houses presented on this page can be built using any technology. You can combine the house design you like with a price that matches the chosen technology.

The third factor influencing the price of a turnkey project is the cost of finishing materials. If the cost of rough materials does not differ significantly, then prices for tiles, parquet and wallpaper may differ several times. Therefore, when concluding a contract, the costs of decorative materials and finishing coatings are not taken into account. In addition, at the initial stage, it is almost impossible for customers to determine exactly what finishing materials they want to use. There is no need to rush in this matter. After the building box is built, you will see it from the inside with your own eyes, evaluate the layout and lighting of the rooms, much will become clearer and it will be much easier to make a decision on the interior design and finishing materials.

In conclusion, let me draw your attention to two points

  • In a complete house, the project is turnkey and the price of the work is always more favorable than during staged construction. Overhead and organizational costs are reduced and, in addition, in this case we will provide you with a special discount. In addition to money, you save time and nerves. You do not need to negotiate with numerous contractors, coordinate their work and spend a lot of time purchasing construction materials. We will do everything, you just have to watch how quickly and smoothly your estate is built.
  • The final price of a turnkey cottage is significantly higher than that of a box. When you decide to build a house, plan a budget for the full cost of the house. There is nothing worse when construction is frozen and the house remains unfinished for many years.

We invite you to a free consultation at our office. Finding us is not difficult at all. On the website you will find the address and directions. If it is not convenient for you to go to our office, then we can schedule a meeting at your site or in the center of Moscow. At the meeting, we will talk in detail about the construction technologies used, discuss their pros and cons, and select a house design for you, the price of which will suit you. If none of the presented options suits you, our architects and designers will develop an individual project for you.

Waiting for you!

How much does it cost to build a house from foam blocks?

In the last few years, houses made of foam blocks have begun to spread; builders themselves are actively introducing them, stipulating the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of the financial plan.

But when making the appropriate calculations, it becomes clear that foam blocks are not such an economical material, since the cost of a turnkey house is made up of the following points:

  • Architectural plan of the project and its approval by government agencies. You can carry out documentary confirmation yourself, which will significantly save money. Collecting documents, approving the project and obtaining a construction permit will require from the owners of the future building from 25 thousand rubles (excluding the cost of the agents’ work).
  • Next, they begin to pour the foundation, and in the story with foam blocks you can save a little. Due to the low mass of the basic material, a conventional lightweight foundation with reinforcement is suitable for a one-story house. The average cost of purchasing composite components for concrete varies from 180 to 220 thousand rubles - depending on the area of ​​the future building.
  • Laying out a plinth made of foam blocks requires 5-6 rows of standard blocks. This is approximately 70-80 thousand rubles.
  • Next, the walls are laid, which, depending on the house, can require up to 150 thousand rubles - this is approximately 13-14 rows of foam blocks.
  • Roofing frame – fixed cost of 5% of the total work estimate. In this case, it is about 50 thousand rubles. The roof covering can vary, so its cost is much more difficult to determine. For example, if you cover a roof with tiles, you will need to purchase material in the amount of 35 to 100 thousand rubles - it all depends on the cost of a sheet of tiles and the area of ​​the house.

Based on the results presented above, it turns out that the construction of a one-story house made of foam blocks will require no more than 700 thousand rubles. For Moscow and the Moscow region, and for Russia as a whole, this amount is not exorbitant and unattainable.

But the calculations presented take into account only the construction of the house itself, without communications and other equipment.

It is not rational to take the presented expenses into account, since each owner of a future home weighs his needs against his material income, as a result of which internal communications and finishing can be done for either 500 thousand rubles or 1.5 million rubles. The minimum cost of construction of the entire house is 1.5 million rubles.

Construction from foam blocks

First you need to calculate the required number of blocks. We carry out the calculation in the same way as we calculated aerated concrete blocks.

The foam block is also supplied in m³, so we multiply the area of ​​the walls by the thickness of the block. We get the required number of cubic meters.

Construction of a house begins with the foundation. Foam blocks weigh less than brick, so the foundation can be made less powerful.

But this does not mean that you can save a lot on pouring the foundation (it’s better not to save in this matter!), but still huge costs will not be required.

The optimal option is tape, it’s easy to do and you can save money. For example, take the reinforcement for the frame with a smaller thickness.

After the foundation has gained strength, we begin laying. To do this, we lay waterproofing between the base and the masonry to prevent moisture from entering. You can use regular roofing felt.

First we lay the blocks in the corners. Having chosen the highest angle, apply glue to the block and foundation. Starting the laying from the highest corner, then level the remaining corners.

Having pulled the cord over the corners, we lay the first row. If it turns out that the whole block does not fit to complete the row, saw off part of the block, apply glue on both sides and, tapping with a mallet, install it between the blocks.

Laying must be carried out at a level both horizontally and vertically. We control using a level (horizontal) and a stretched cord (vertical).

It is better to immediately smooth out uneven areas with a drywall plane. Use a brush to remove any accumulated dust and small fragments. To prevent the walls from cracking during shrinkage, they must be reinforced.

The reinforcement is laid around the entire perimeter in the prepared groove. Using a special wall chaser or an ordinary grinder, cut out a groove measuring 4 x 4 cm. Fill the groove, cleared of dust and debris, with glue and place the reinforcement there.

Reinforcement with a diameter of 8 mm is laid between the first and second rows, then every four to five rows. Floor levels and support areas of window openings and lintels are reinforced in the same way.

When cutting the groove, you should retreat from the outer edge of the foam block at least 6 cm. A metal corner is installed above the window and door openings on both sides, the width of the shelf is from 50 to 100 mm (depending on the width of the opening).

We cut a groove in the wall, coat it with glue, and install the metal corner flush. The length of the corner must be at least 500 mm longer than the opening above which it is installed. To obtain foam blocks of the required size, they are cut with a foam concrete hacksaw that has a large tooth.

Sockets for switches and electrical sockets can be easily drilled with a drill with a nozzle of the required diameter. Upon completion of the masonry, it is necessary to make an armored belt of concrete for subsequent installation of the roof.

When the masonry is finished, the house must be improved, both from the outside and from the inside. For interior decoration, drywall, eurolining boards, decorative plaster and other finishing materials are suitable. For exterior finishing - vinyl siding.

We calculate the cost

More and more people are choosing foam blocks for construction. But even at the initial stage of construction, the question arises: “Will such a pleasure be too expensive?” or - What amount should I start from?

Therefore, let's calculate together how much it will cost to build a box. For the calculation, let’s take, for example, a house with the following dimensions: width 8 m, length 10 m, height 3 m. I would like to make a reservation right away that we will only calculate the walls - the main one and the outer one.

You can calculate the cost of everything else (roof, foundation, etc.) using the construction calculator, which is located on the right side of the site. So, let's begin.

  • First of all, we calculate the length along the perimeter: 10 + 10 + 7.40 + 7.40 = 34 m 80 cm (rounded to 35 m).

The question may arise: Where did the numbers come from - 7, 40 m? Everything is simple here, since the size is 8 x 10, and we stacked two walls of 10 m each, then, accordingly, from 8 m we need to subtract the width of the block - 30 cm.

It comes out from two walls - 60 cm. 8 - 0.6 = 7.40 m. The length along the perimeter became known - 35 m (34.8 m).

  • We count the walls: 35 m × 3 m = 105 m². Where 35 is the length of all walls, and 3 m is their height.

Now we subtract window and door openings from the resulting area, but here everything is individual, since everyone makes different numbers of windows and doors. To make it more convenient, let’s take the area of ​​the openings, for example, 10 m². 105 - 10 = 95 m².

This is already a clean area without windows and doors. The next step is to calculate how much material is needed per square meter. But first you need to find out the area of ​​one foam block. To do this, multiply its length by its width: 0.6 x 0.2 = 0.12 m².

  • It turns out that for 1 m² you will need: 1 ÷ 0.12 = 8.3 pcs.
  • Next, we calculate how many blocks are needed for the construction of external walls: 95 x 8.3 = 788.5 blocks.

Now the main wall: length - 9.40, height 3 m.

  • 9.40 x 3 = 28.2 m². - main wall.
  • We subtract the doorways, for example 5 m² = 23.2 sq. m.
  • 23.2 x 8.3 = 192.5 pcs.

We add everything up 788.5 + 192.5 = 981 pcs. As a result, we see that for a house 10 x 8 m, you will need 981 foam blocks.

The average cost of foam blocks is around 3,000 rubles per 1 m³. In 1 m³ - 27.7 pcs. Thus, 981 pieces is ± 35 cubic meters. meters.

Now 35 x 3,000 = 105,000 rubles will have to be allocated for the construction of walls.

It seems to me that it is not very expensive, but to you? And also, if a construction company is involved in the construction, then add the cost of the work.

That's basically all, we calculated the cost of a house made of foam blocks. This calculation is, of course, approximate; more accurate calculations are made for each case individually.

And you can save a lot on construction, proven in practice. As you can see, building with foam concrete is not a difficult task.

Watch the video: Technology of building a house from foam blocks:

DIY aerated concrete house

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DIY wooden house

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  1. Victoria:
    12/18/2013 at 19:09

    Good evening! I want to build a house from 6x8 foam blocks. Help me calculate how much all this will cost me))))

  2. Pavel:

    12/18/2013 at 20:00

    Victoria. In order to calculate how much it will cost to build such a house, the size of the house alone is not enough.

    You need to know the thickness of the walls, what the partitions will be made of, how many windows and doors there will be, their sizes.

    And also know the prices of the material in your region. If you emailed me all the dimensions (ideally a house plan or drawing), I could calculate it for you.

  3. Alexander:

    02/28/2014 at 20:59

    Good evening! I want to build a house from 7x8 foam blocks. Can you help me calculate how much it will cost me? Give me Mile, I'll send you the plan?

  4. Pavel:

    02/28/2014 at 21:57

    Hello Alexander.

    I replied to you by email.

  5. radical:

    03/15/2014 at 21:03

    Hello! The desire to build a house is always there, but there is no possibility of a lack of funds to build a new house. What is cheaper to build a house from? What materials should you start with?

  6. Pavel:

    03/15/2014 at 21:23

    Hello Radik.

    The cheapest is considered to be a frame panel house.

    In second place is a house made of SIP panels (frame-panel).

    Well, the third place is occupied by a house made of aerated concrete blocks.

  7. Vitaly:

    04/08/2014 at 13:21

    Hello! Thank you! I learned a lot of useful information from you. Question: Do you provide services for project design? There are plans, I can do everything myself, but it is necessary for registration so that everything is official.

  8. Pavel:

    04/08/2014 at 14:15

    Hello Vitaly.

    Unfortunately, I don't design projects.

  9. Hope:

    05/28/2014 at 23:44

    Good evening! Vadim, if it’s not difficult for you, could you help me with the calculations for a house (I want to build it from aerated concrete or foam board), two floors, house dimensions 10 by 10, made of more or less high-quality but not expensive materials (4 large windows and a couple of small ones) (like in apartments)….the exact amount is not needed, just approximate…And another question, what is the average price for the foundation and roof (how much will it cost)? Is it really possible to install a box for 1 mil?

  10. Pavel:

    05/29/2014 at 09:58

    Hello Nadezhda.

    As a rough estimate, a house frame made of foam blocks or aerated concrete can be installed within 1 million.

    I did some calculations and it turned out that it would cost about 300,000 rubles (plus or minus) for the walls. Strip foundation (below the freezing level) within 50,000 rubles (also +-). Gable roof - 30,000 rubles. But this is only for the material and is not accurate. Add here the cost of work. You won't build it yourself, will you? Therefore, the amount for the material can be safely multiplied by 2. Because payment for the work costs the same as the material. Although, if the construction is carried out by one company or team, you can get a good discount for a large amount of work. Something like that. Good luck with the construction.

    PS My name is Pavel.

  11. Tatiana 84:

    08/13/2014 at 04:15

    Hello Pavel! Thank you very much for the very useful information on the site. I’m very interested in the question: which floor covering materials are more reliable for a house made of foam blocks. Thank you!

  12. Pavel:

    08/13/2014 at 07:39

    Hello Tatiana. When choosing a floor for a house made of foam blocks, you need to take into account many different parameters: the strength of the material, its cost, the need to use equipment and workers. Wooden floors are most often used. Here you will need to make an armored belt along the top of the walls and treat all wooden structures with special means. Well, the most reliable is a monolithic floor or iron-concrete floor slabs. True, these are the most expensive options, and also labor-intensive. Not only additional workers will be required, but also special specialists. technique.

  13. Alkusander:

    09/03/2014 at 15:10

    Hello, can you tell me the calculation for a foam block 10x9x2.9, wood floor, tape foundation, base 2 layers of brick.

  14. Eugene:

    01/19/2015 at 10:05

    Good afternoon, can you tell me whether it is possible to use foam concrete as the foundation of a future house if we fill the walls of the basement with a monolith?

  15. Pavel:

    01/19/2015 at 13:43

    Hello Evgeniy. Foam concrete is a porous material that works more as insulation rather than a structural material. In addition, it will absorb moisture from the soil. Therefore, foam concrete is not suitable for foundations.

  16. Gulnaz Toleukhanovna:

    01/30/2015 at 12:12

    Good afternoon To build a 4-room + kitchen house, size 9*8 or 10*7, how many foam blocks are needed with size 60*30*20? can you do the math for me too? Thanks in advance!

  17. Pavel:

    01/30/2015 at 13:00

    Hello Gulnaz Toleukhanovna. To build a 9*8 or 10*7 house you will need 1031 foam blocks. This does not include window and door openings. It’s better for you to calculate the openings yourself, it will be more accurate. It’s just that now everyone makes their window sizes individually. Multiply the height of each window by the width and by 8.3 (the number of blocks per 1 square meter). For example, the height of the windows is 1.4 m, there are 4 windows in total: 1.4 x 4 = 5.6 m (window height). Same with width.

  18. Mark:

    03/11/2015 at 12:47

    Good afternoon Pavel! I am very interested in the question of building a house, I am interested in several points: 1) for the construction of a two-story house from foam blocks, is it possible to use reinforced concrete floors, is this too much load on the walls and will they crack? 2) Is it better to use a monolith as a foundation, or can you use blocks? 3) can the basement also consist of foam blocks or is there only brick? Or can you also use reinforced concrete blocks as the walls of the basement? If possible, please send your answer by email, I will be grateful.

  19. Svetlana:

    04/08/2015 at 12:20

    Useful information for developers! All processes are described in an accessible and detailed manner. It is clear even to readers far from construction. I recommend!

  20. Tatiana:

    04/16/2015 at 06:43

    Hello. We want to build a house 18*9.5, 3m high. Please help me calculate. Made of gas blocks (600*300*250 - external and load-bearing walls), Windows size (1.2*1.2) - quantity 9 pcs. Doors 900*2100 - 7 pcs., 800*2100 - 1 pc., 1500*2100 - 1 pc. Interior walls are gas blocks 600*100*250. Windows in the garage 0.6*1.20 - 4 pcs. The garage door is 3 m wide and 2.5 m high. The price for 1 cubic meter in our region is 3,200 rubles. please write a response by e-mail,

  21. Pavel:

    04/17/2015 at 16:25

    Tatyana replied to you by e-mail.

  22. Albert:

    04/25/2015 at 05:57

    Hello! The plans include the construction of a building made of cinder blocks, about 10 × 12 m, 3 m high, door 1000 × 2100-1 pc., gate 2500 × 2500-1 pc., windows 1200 × 1200-2 pcs. The price of a cinder block is 200×200×400-45 rubles. Thank you in advance!

  23. Pavel:

    04/25/2015 at 08:20

    Hello Albert. The construction of such a building will require about 1,150 cinder blocks. Which, at a price of 45 rubles per cinder block, will leave 51,638 rubles.

  24. Bolat:

    05/18/2015 at 10:13

    Hello, Pavel! What is the minimum (!) time required to build such a house? If you involve a team of builders. Is it theoretically possible to do it in 3 days? )))

  25. Pavel:

    05/18/2015 at 14:34

    Hello Bolat. Not even theoretically possible. Together with my sister’s husband, we built our uncle a house 8 by 12 m (a box with capital) in 5 days. And this takes into account that there was no water or electricity on the site. The solution was mixed by hand. and for water we went on a Volga. So if the brigade does not consist of only slackers, then in three days it will cope without much effort.

  26. Yana:

    05/19/2015 at 10:54

    Hello Pavel! We have a log house and we need to add a room and a firebox to it. 2 windows 1.2*1.2; two doors 800*2100. Please calculate! house 35 sq.

  27. Pavel:

    05/19/2015 at 12:46

    Hello Yana. For that. to calculate the required number of foam blocks for you need to know the thickness, length and height of the walls. If you write down these dimensions, I can calculate for you.

  28. Andrey:

    06/03/2015 at 13:11

    Good afternoon, can you tell me if it is possible to make a monolithic slab for the floors from the first to the second floor? block density 800 using microfiber in the block, wall thickness 300mm. foundation 10*10 with two load-bearing partitions. seismic belt 15-20cm. Thank you

  29. Pavel:

    06/03/2015 at 15:45

    Hello Andrei. For a house made of foam blocks, you can use any interfloor ceiling. More details here

  30. Daria:

    06/20/2015 at 14:10

    Good afternoon, Pavel. I really need help, really, really, I can’t handle the calculations myself. Please, help! I want to build a shelter for dogs, because there is land and there are dogs, and it all needs to be combined under one roof. I need a one-story building with a total area of ​​150 square meters, rectangular. So that it can winter normally (taking into account the fact that we will install a stove or provide heating). With windows, but without fanaticism - I assume they will be small. How can I calculate the cost of everything? I would be sooo grateful for your answer!!

  31. Pavel:

    06/20/2015 at 14:20

    Hello Daria. To calculate, you need to know the length, width and height of the walls, the number and size of doors and windows, and the number of partitions. Cost of material in your region. You can also use the calculator, which is located on the right side of the site.

  32. Snezhana:

    04/10/2016 at 16:04

    Hello! Please tell me how much foam block is needed for a two-story house 6*8? Thanks in advance!

  33. Pavel:

    04/10/2016 at 16:53

    Hello Snezhana. In order to calculate the amount of material for building a house, you need to know: the height of each floor, the number of windows and doors, what the partitions will be made of (as well as their number and thickness), the thickness of the walls...

  34. Construction 2001 Kharkov:

    04/25/2017 at 21:38

    It is immediately clear that the author of this article is a true professional in his field! Keep it up, colleague!

  35. Zinaida:

    01/18/2018 at 22:45

    I would like to know whether a house made of foam blocks will be cold in winter and hot in summer?

  36. Love:

    01/31/2018 at 15:07

    Hello, house 10*12 can you calculate how much the cost of foam block will be for such a house, one-story, thank you

  37. Benjamin:

    05/20/2018 at 15:22

    Paul. Good afternoon, please tell me what can be used to build a house cheaper - foam block or gas block or something else?? 10*10 is approximately 2'70 high and how much will the material cost?

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