Liquid glass with cement: proportions for preparing the solution

Liquid glass is a silicate solution that is used in construction work as a binder. The liquid is thick and grayish-yellow in color. The main advantage of this solution is that it is fire resistant and also has a high level of waterproofing.

Another advantage is that the liquid has adhesive properties. Thanks to liquid glass, concrete becomes acid-resistant. When exposed to liquid glass, concrete hardens faster and acquires heat-resistant properties.

A solution obtained from water mixed with glue and sodium is liquid glass.

There are two types of liquid glass:

  • potassium,
  • sodium

The sodium type of liquid glass can be combined with other compositions. This type is also used for treating basement walls. This solution is also widely used for forming foundation waterproofing.

The potassium type of liquid glass is good because, due to its high level of crystallization, it is resistant to damage. Since this type of solution is well used for treating floors and walls. Therefore, this type is ideal for use in houses built of wood.

The process of preparing concrete with liquid glass has its own rules. You need to know that preparation is a very serious procedure and if you do not follow the rules, this will entail a decrease in the strength of the building.

It is important to know that in the process of preparing concrete with liquid glass, you need to use a certain dose of ingredients, as well as follow the mixing technology.

There is siliceous concrete, which is produced in finished form, that is, it can be used immediately. It is very difficult to prepare such material at home. Therefore, some builders impregnate concrete with liquid glass at home.

It is possible to prepare such a mixture in high quality, but this requires following certain rules:

  1. In order to obtain the quality of the manufactured product as in production, it is necessary to correctly distribute the amount of ingredients. In production, 72 liters of glass are used for 1 cubic meter of concrete. And in the process of preparing it yourself, you need to use 1 liter of the mixture for 10 liters of concrete.
  2. To prepare the solution you will need: liquid glass, water, dry concrete mixture, and glue. The first thing you need to do is mix liquid glass with water, then dilute the glue. After all this has been done, it needs to be mixed with the concrete mixture. The resulting mixture must be applied within 6 minutes and no more. After 6-7 minutes, the solution hardens, and if you did not have time to apply it, then it will no longer be useful.

Liquid glass is widely used for waterproofing. Liquid glass is applied in two layers, due to which a protective film is formed. Applying part of the solution to the surface into the smallest cracks and pores, filling them, creates protection. Due to the fact that the substance grows into cracks, this solution is used as waterproofing.

Features of liquid glass

As we know, features and qualities are valued in any building material. Liquid glass has many special properties that are necessary and important in the use of construction work. As has already been noted, this material is widely used as waterproofing.

It is known that due to weather conditions, that is, their changes can negatively affect the foundation. Changes in temperature, and changes in humidity.

Liquid glass is a material that has the properties of preventing moisture from entering the foundation. Moisture ingress and impact on the foundation negatively affects the building.

Weather conditions can negatively affect the foundation and lead to damage.

In order to avoid this, it is recommended to use liquid glass since it is this material that gets into the smallest gaps and forms waterproofing. Liquid glass is widely popular in the construction of swimming pools.

Since the construction of a swimming pool has a very high level of humidity, liquid glass is used during construction to form a waterproofing layer that prevents the entry and influence of moisture.

Pros and cons of using liquid glass

Liquid glass as a material for construction has many advantages:

  • Experts advise using liquid glass on mineral surfaces. After all, liquid glass has a very high level of adhesion. This material is a leader in quality and grip.
  • Another advantage is that liquid glass tends to form a barrier that prevents moisture from getting inside the foundation. This is a very important feature, because moisture can cause damage to the building.
  • Also, unlike many other materials, there are no problems when working with liquid glass, because this material is easy to use. Moreover, the material is much more profitable compared to other materials. This material is used in small quantities, which saves on material costs.
  • Also, compared to other similar solutions, the price of liquid glass is optimal and profitable.

There are probably no ideal materials.

Liquid glass, like other materials, has disadvantages:

  • The disadvantage of this solution is that it needs to be used only on a foundation whose surface allows this. Only surfaces that are accessible can be treated.
  • Another disadvantage is that liquid glass requires the use of other special materials to improve and protect the layers that are waterproofing.
  • Another disadvantage of this solution is that not everyone is able to waterproof the foundation. The process of waterproofing a foundation is very complex, since the solution quickly crystallizes. Crystallization of the solution complicates the work; a person without special skills may make mistakes that will lead to damage to the entire building. Based on this, we understand that such work requires a professional.

Proportions of components when using liquid glass

The silicate solution sold in stores has a small amount of water, which makes it too thick. Many builders prepare silicate mortar with their own hands at home. When preparing such a solution, builders mixed conventional and purchased components.

During the mixing process, builders adjust the dose of added water. For each type of work, a solution with certain doses of products is prepared. For example, to prepare a mortar that will be used in construction work, it must contain cement, sand, and other compounds.

The main thing for each type of work is to choose the right amount of water, because there are times when a thick solution is needed. But there are also cases in which it must be liquid, it all depends on the type of work.

Liquid glass and cement. Proportions

In order to mix, you need to know the exact proportions of the material. To prepare a solution for the surface from the soil, it is necessary to use cement and liquid glass. This requires water and cement, they must be mixed and liquid glass must be added regularly.

To prepare a solution that will be used for exterior work or fire protection, use 4 parts of sand. It is required that liquid glass occupies 1.5 parts. Cement should also occupy 1.5 parts. Add water in the same amount as for preparing a solution for the ground surface.

Also, to prepare a solution for waterproofing, you need to have 1 liter of liquid glass and 8 liters of cement mortar. In order to waterproof a basement or well, the same amount is required, but you also need to use sand. Experts advise spreading liquid glass on it before applying the solution to the surface.

In order to prepare a solution for filling cracks, you need to take 3 shares of sand, and 1 share of cement and sand. All this must be mixed with water in an amount of 25% by weight of sodium silicate. Then you need to pour liquid glass into the mixture, stirring evenly.

Proportions. Cement - sand - liquid glass

When using sand to add to liquid glass, you need to know the required proportions. For each type of work there are certain proportions. For example, to prepare the mixture that will be used, 1 kg of sand is required for fire protection.

If the solution is needed for work that involves waterproofing a well, then it is necessary to use liquid glass and sand in equal quantities. After the solution has been prepared, it must be applied to the walls of the well.

To prepare a solution that will be used to coat the outside and serve as fire protection, you will need sand. The amount of sand should occupy 1 part of the entire solution.

Areas of application

Liquid glass is used in three areas:

  1. Waterproofing of floors and walls of underground structures: well, swimming pool, basement, etc.
  2. As an additive when preparing plaster for facades and rooms with high humidity, such as a swimming pool or well. But it should be borne in mind that such a solution hardens very quickly and must be produced immediately. But such walls do not require additional waterproofing.
  3. Liquid glass can also be used as a modifier additive for concrete, after which it becomes a heavy-duty monolith with water-repellent characteristics. In this case, you must strictly adhere to the proportions (depending on the brand of cement), otherwise you can change the quality of the concrete so much that it itself will become as fragile as glass.

For paint

Liquid glass in construction is included in various impregnations and additives to enhance the strength of the structure, its resistance to abrasion and the destructive effects of various aggressive chemicals. The presence of this component in paints makes it possible to increase the degree of resistance of painted surfaces to high temperatures and corrosion. Paint with the addition of liquid glass is safely used for rooms with a large number of people; thanks to the additive in the form of sodium silicate, it becomes resistant to abrasion and does not fade.

Do-it-yourself waterproofing solution preparation technology

Many builders and repairmen prepare waterproofing solutions with their own hands. The procedure for preparing this solution is simple and quite profitable.

To prepare the solution you must have:

  • liquid glass,
  • concrete mortar,
  • sand mortar,
  • quartz sand.

Each of the listed materials requires its own dose:

  • The amount of liquid glass should be 1.5 kg per 1 liter.
  • The concrete solution should be 2.5 kg per 1 liter.
  • The sand solution should be 2.7 kg per 1 liter.
  • Quartz solution is used for compacted and loose sand.
  • The amount of such solution for compacted sand should be 1.7 kg per 1 liter.
  • For loose sand, you will need a solution amount of 1.5 kg per 1 liter.

The resulting mixture is used both for insulating floors and walls. Experts advise that before applying the solution to the surface, it needs to be filled with a layer of liquid glass. Pouring an additional layer before application increases the strength of the waterproofing.

Painting works

Silicate paints can be purchased ready-made and used immediately. But you can also mix it yourself by purchasing the necessary components. If the surface has already been painted, it must be thoroughly cleaned of old paint.

Due to the fact that potassium silicate is used in the creation of such paints, the mixture itself and the paint form a durable structure. Due to the fact that the color range has a high level of alkalinity, many pigments are destroyed. Therefore, the color range is low.

Exterior works

It is known that exterior work includes plastering walls. Wall plaster is used to protect against moisture. Waterproof plaster is used for the walls.

Another advantage of this plaster is that it prevents cracks that appear during the winter period, because at this time the walls freeze and thaw.

You can also prepare this plaster with your own hands; for this you will need: sand, cement and liquid glass.

All these materials must be added in a ratio of 1:2:5. Before applying the plaster, you can apply one layer of silicate, as when creating waterproofing.


As a rule, priming is used for two types of work: for simple screed and for laying tiles. For simple priming of the screed, it is necessary to use liquid glass and cement in an even amount. If tiles will be laid on the screeds, then priming with a solution of liquid glass is required.

For such work, waterproof cement is required. Also, in addition to waterproof cement, silicate solutions can be used to waterproof joints.

Surface impregnation

Impregnation is necessary to protect the material. Impregnation of wooden elements with liquid glass is popular. Liquid glass can prevent the appearance of fungi and mold on wood. Also, impregnation of wood with liquid glass makes it fire resistant.

Wooden material can also be impregnated by completely immersing it in liquid glass, this gives strength. This procedure is only possible for small materials.

How to use liquid glass for repair work - filling cracks, crevices and voids?

Liquid glass is ideal for filling cracks and voids. After all, liquid glass is able to penetrate into the very depths of cracks, forming a dense waterproofing.

For mixing, you need to use cement, liquid glass and sand. The resulting solution is very thick, which prevents it from leaking. Also, due to the silicate, the solution hardens very quickly and sets firmly.

Methods of applying material

When working with liquid materials, it is necessary to use means of physical protection for the worker, for which they use protective suits and protective masks. Contact of the solution with the eyes can cause significant harm to health.

It is recommended to apply liquid glass with your own hands using a roller or brush. The final rise of the solution occurs within about half an hour, then the next layer is applied.

Repair mortars containing cement are applied with a spatula, but when performing work, one must not forget about the immediate setting of the mixture (usually within half an hour), so the volume of a single batch must be accurately calculated.

Waterproofing with liquid glass

Waterproofing mixtures using JS make it possible to treat any structures, including concrete and wood, in established areas with humidity exceeding the norm.


To protect the foundation from destruction in a humid environment, it is necessary to apply liquid glass for concrete. The instructions for use indicate that for maximum protection this operation should be performed twice. After application, the layer must dry completely, then apply the next one. After the concrete base is impregnated with glass, the insulation is reinforced with other technical materials.

To eliminate cracks and mask the joining seams, prepare a repair composition in the following ratio: cement - 1 kg, water 750 ml, ZhS - 50 grams. To ensure better protection of the concrete base, it is recommended to use ZhS in the form of an additive in a volume of 5% of the total mass of the mixture.

swimming pool

To eliminate leaks in the bathtub of a structure, it is necessary to treat the surface of the concrete. The solution is evenly applied to the walls and floor of the structure. After one layer has dried, apply the next one. To reliably protect the structure, it is recommended to impregnate it three times.

From exposure to groundwater

Special concrete, which contains LC, can limit the flow of groundwater.


This important structure in the house and protecting it from leaks is the main condition for maintaining a favorable climate in the apartment and in the interior. Typically, owners are faced with the problem of cracks and poor waterproofing of joints. To get rid of the problem you will need:

  1. Clean cracks and seams from foreign objects and dust;
  2. Prepare a repair mixture in the following ratio: cement – ​​20 parts, liquid glass – 1 part. Maximum plasticity of the mixture should be achieved, for which its consistency is controlled by the volume of water;
  3. Cracks are sealed with a repair compound;
  4. Level the repair site by plastering it with the same mixture;
  5. The repair area is coated with water using a brush;
  6. After 24 hours, a layer of GS is applied.

When performing waterproofing work, it is necessary to remember the chemical reactions that occur with mixtures in which liquid iron is present. Due to the rapid hardening of the solution, in order to save material, it is recommended to prepare small volumes for work.

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