Features and application of Portland cement with slag, reviews from specialists and private builders

Cement with slag is a type of “binder”, an analogue of general construction Portland cement with special properties. This “binder” is manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST 10178-85 “Portland cement and Portland slag cement”, and is characterized by the presence in its composition of finely ground waste from the metallurgical industry - blast furnace or electrothermophosphorus slag.

Preparation of concrete with slag

The main components of slag cement are the slag itself, clinker and gypsum in different proportions. The optimal ratio is indicated in documents and certificates; the process of preparing the mixture is identical to working with ordinary cement.

Composition of mixtures for preparing slag concrete

To get medium-grade slag concrete, it is enough to take 4-5 parts of a fractional mixture of slag, 2 parts each of sand and cement. You can reduce the cost of the solution by mixing cement and lime in a 3:1 ratio.

How to cook

A few hours before the intended mixing of the solution, it is advisable to moisten the slag with water to increase the service life of the concrete. Then all the components are mixed in the required proportions, gently stirred until smooth. The finished mass is used within an hour and a half.

Slag cement is a durable and highly effective mixture that is often used in a variety of repair and construction work. The proportions of the constituent materials can be changed to obtain the desired properties and characteristics.


According to reviews and recommendations from professionals and private builders, slag-alkaline concrete has a well-chosen composition that allows the construction of reliable and durable structures. Many craftsmen note that the solution has reasonable prices and convenient packaging; it is quite easy to work with it. The goods are easy to deliver to the construction site and unload. The material fully complies with quality standards, for this reason the structures are durable and strong.

Lightweight concrete made from a mixture of cement, sand and slag has only positive characteristics. In addition to reasonable price and ease of use, the building material has high density of finished structures, water resistance, and frost resistance.

Slag cement is a highly effective and durable mixture that is widely used in the construction industry. Depending on the needs, you can change the proportions of the components in the cement mixture in order to achieve the best result and quality.


Scope of application and properties of slag

Speaking about what slag is, it is worth mentioning the scope of application of this material. Most often, granulated slag of different diameters is used in construction:

  • Larger granules are used in the production of cinder blocks, which are characterized by wear resistance, lighter weight and increased heat and moisture insulation. Large granulated slag is also used in the construction of foundations (as a substrate), strengthening embankments, and processing the edges of reservoirs.
  • From slag of a finer fraction, you can make an additive for concrete or asphalt.
  • Dust and the finest particles are used as additives in the production of paving slabs and mineral wool.
  • Crumbs are added to construction mixtures to increase the strength characteristics of the compositions. The crumbs are also used to fill voids in walls.

In terms of color, recycled materials can be very different, ranging from rich black to white. Often there are materials of pearlescent or lilac hue.

The density of slag varies depending on the components included in its composition.

OxideDensity, g/cm3

Accordingly, if we measure this indicator in “cubes”, then these values ​​will range from 800 to 3,200 kg per cubic meter.

The specific gravity of the raw material (that is, the mass of its substance) ranges from 2.5 to 3.6 g/cm3. Natural stones have approximately the same characteristics. However, it is worth considering that the specific gravity of the slag may differ depending on the type of raw material:

  • For slag concrete this figure will be about 2-2.4 t/m3.
  • The specific gravity of lump slag ranges from 2.1 to 2.8 t/m3.
  • If recyclable materials are used in the form of crushed stone, then the weight of the material will be the smallest from 1.05 to 1.6 t/m3.

In addition, the properties of secondary raw materials are determined by its type. Today in metallurgy there are four main types of slag: black, non-ferrous, fuel and chemical.

Fast-hardening Portland slag cement

Fast-hardening Portland slag cement contains less than 50% slag and is crushed finer than usual.  

Rapid-hardening Portland slag cement differs from ordinary Portland slag cement by a more intensive increase in strength during the initial hardening period, since after three days its strength reaches 250 kg/cm1 or more.  

Quick-hardening Portland slag cement is intended for all general construction work, as well as for the manufacture of prefabricated reinforced concrete parts and structures using steaming; It is not permitted to use quick-hardening Portland slag cement for hydraulic structures in an area of ​​variable water level.  

Fast-hardening Portland slag cement is produced by joint grinding of at least 50% high-alite clinker, 5% gypsum and 30 - 50% slag to a fineness corresponding to a specific surface of 4000 - 4500 cm2 / g. In terms of hardening speed, strength indicators and frost resistance, it is close to ordinary Portland cement.  

Quick-hardening Portland slag cement is mainly intended for the production of monolithic, as well as prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures with increased initial strength, as well as for prefabricated structures manufactured using heat and humidity treatment.  

Fast-hardening Portland slag cement M400 must have a compressive strength of at least 20 MPa and a bending strength of at least 3-5 MPa at three days of age.  

Fast-hardening Portland slag cement is produced by finer grinding of the usual raw material mixture (up to 4000 - 5000 cm2 / g), using two-stage grinding: first, clinker is crushed, and then clinker powder, slag and gypsum.  

Rapid-hardening Portland slag cement is produced by co-grinding Portland cement clinker of a standardized mineral composition with gypsum and granulated blast furnace slag.  

Rapid-hardening Portland slag cement (GOST 10178 - 76) has a more intense increase in strength during the initial hardening period than conventional Portland slag cement. The amount of granulated blast furnace slag in it should be no less than 30 and no more than 50% of the mass of cement.  

Rapid-hardening Portland slag cement contains less than 50% slag and is ground finer than usual.  

Rapid-hardening Portland slag cement is used for the preparation of prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures and parts with increased initial strength, as well as for the production of monolithic products.  

Rapid-hardening Portland slag cement differs from ordinary Portland slag cement by a more intensive increase in strength during the initial hardening period, since after three days its strength reaches 250 kg/cm and more.  

Quick-hardening Portland slag cement is intended for all general construction work, as well as for the manufacture of prefabricated reinforced concrete parts and structures using steaming; It is not permitted to use quick-hardening Portland slag cement for hydraulic structures in an area of ​​variable water level.  

Quick-hardening Portland slag cement is used for the manufacture of prefabricated and monolithic structures with increased initial strength.  

Features of the production of quick-hardening Portland slag cement include: the use of active alithoaluminate cement clinker, a reduced amount of slag introduced into the cement mixture compared to the usual (according to SNiP IB.  

Description of cement CEM I 42.5N

Cement is one of the most popular materials in the construction market. It is a binding powder for the preparation of mortar and various products. In its production, clinker, gypsum, limestone and various mineral additives are used. The technical characteristics of cement powder depend on the characteristics of the composition and percentage of certain components.

Today, one of the most popular of all building materials is Portland cement. It has unique characteristics and has a wide range of applications. This type of mixture is used to prepare special solutions for repair and restoration work, for the production of mixtures for brickwork, and for the production of reinforced concrete products. Portland cement is used in all areas of construction: from civil to aviation.

What is cement marking?

There are several brands of cement, according to which the material differs in compressive strength, setting time, frost resistance, etc. The marking is indicated on the product packaging, and it can be difficult to decipher (at least for a beginner). Due to the difference in existing standards, one of which is used by one or another manufacturer, confusion may arise. Let's figure it out together!

In our country there are 3 types of cement markings:

  • GOST 10178 (1985);
  • GOST 31108 (2003);
  • European standard EN 197-1.

Thus, bags of cement may contain a designation according to both the new and the old standard.

Differences in markings of old and new GOSTs

According to the old GOST, the letter M and the number following it denoted compressive strength, that is, the ultimate strength of the product, expressed in kg, after which it begins to collapse. For example, the M500 cement grade means that the material can withstand up to 500 kg of load per 1 cm2. Cement M was produced in a standard range from 100 to 700 kg per cm2.

Granular slag

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Slag production and types of slag

Slag is a non-metallic multicomponent melt that covers the surface of liquid metals during metallurgical processes, such as: smelting of feedstock, processing of molten intermediate product and refining of the liquid melt. At the end of metallurgical processes, the slag has a hardened stone-like or glassy state, also called an “alloy of oxides of variable composition.” In metallurgical production, slags appear accompanied by the process of ore reduction and extraction from it of the so-called waste rock, fluxes and coke ash during their chemical interaction with carbonate rocks. The main components of the slag are: acidic oxides SiO2 and TiO2, basic oxides CaO, FeO, MgO, neutral oxides Al2O3, ZnO. Thus, depending on the quantitative predominance of basic or neutral oxides, slags are divided into basic and acidic.

Division of slag depending on the type of production

Ferrous metallurgy slags:

— Blast furnace, which can be non-granular, granular, pumice.

Non-ferrous metallurgy slags

— Copper, nickel, aluminum (secondary), others.

Chemical industry slags

— Electrothermobasic

Ferrous metallurgy slag: blast furnace and steel foundry

In construction, the use of blast furnace slags obtained during the production of cast iron predominates.

Non-granulated blast furnace slag is produced by air cooling of the slag, followed by crushing and screening. The use of such slag is mainly observed in road construction as a replacement for crushed stone, as an additional filler in asphalt and concrete, in agriculture for soil deoxidation, and also as an iron-containing material for secondary smelting in blast furnaces. Non-granulated blast furnace slag does not have hydraulic properties.

Granulated blast furnace slag is obtained during the smelting of cast iron by rapid cooling with water in a granulating plant. Granulated blast furnace slag is used primarily as an active mineral additive to cement.

Slag pumice is called cast acidic slag. To create it, a specific cooling mode is required. There are no astringent properties. It is used as insulation (bedding under the floors of the first floor of houses), soundproofing material, necessary in the production of lightweight concrete and products made from it (cinder blocks).

Fig1. Ferrous metallurgy slag

The main useful characteristics of blast furnace slag are its basicity, resistance to grinding, reactivity, chemical composition and its stability. The density of slag is 2.7-3 g/cm3 (2700kg/m3-3000kg/m3), bulk density is 1.3-1.5 g/cm3 (1300kg/m3-1500kg/m3). The hydraulic properties of granulated blast furnace slag are determined by the value of the quality coefficient (K).

Depending on the quality factor and chemical composition, granulated blast furnace slags are divided into three grades:

% Al2O3
(not less)
% MgO
% TiO2
% MnO
I grade8,015,04,02,01,65
II grade7,515,04,03,01,45
III gradeup to 7.215,04,04,01,20

Non-ferrous metallurgy slags

In construction and the production of building materials, non-ferrous metallurgical slags from the production of copper and nickel are of interest. Copper smelter waste slags are black in color and do not decompose. The density of such slag slags is 3300-3800 kg/m3, water absorption is 0.1-0.6%, compressive strength is 120-300 MPa.

Nickel slags have the same high physical and mechanical properties as copper slags. They are classified as acidic in chemical composition. They have a glassy phase, but despite this they have practically no hydraulic activity. The use of non-ferrous metallurgy slags is currently not large; they find a place for use in the production of cement and in the production of mineral wool and cast products.

Fig2. Non-ferrous metallurgy slag

Electrothermophosphorus granulated slags

They are waste from the production of phosphorus using the electrothermal sublimation method. They are obtained by rapid cooling of the silicate melt formed in electric furnaces when melting a charge of phosphorus ore, quartzite and coke.

Fig3. Electrothermophosphorus granulated slag

Price: 14560.0 rub for 20t

Price: 8400.0 rub for 10t.

Price: 12320.0 rubles for 15t.


According to GOST 1017-85, Portland slag cement includes the following components and technical conditions:

  1. Clinker should contain no more than 5-6% magnesium, since this element can reduce the quality characteristics of concrete.
  2. Slag in granules obtained by blast furnace or electrothermometamorphic methods - approximately 20-80% (depending on what characteristics are needed).
  3. Minerals of gypsum origin are pure gypsum, extracted naturally with the addition of phosphorus and fluorine, but not more than 5 percent of the total volume of clinker.

ShPC is divided into two types - normal-hardening and rapid-hardening. Special additives are added to the second material, which are accelerators of mineral and volcanic origin - ash, pumice. Slag concrete has the following proportions: 4-5 parts slag, 2 parts cement, 2 parts sand. The strength of such products is achieved within 1-2 weeks.

Concrete based on metallurgical slag does not tolerate temperature changes, so the material will harden for a long time in cool conditions. To speed up the process, special additives are used or the structure is treated with heat using thermal pads or electrically heated formwork. When exposed to high temperatures, concrete will gain strength in 28 days. The binder has the following qualities:

  • if the composition includes a large amount of slag, the longer the concrete mixture will harden and the less heat will be released during hydration;
  • slag cements shrink in the same way as Portland cement;
  • heat resistance of ShPC is from 600 to 800 degrees C;
  • cement on slag in the absence of active substances and dense molecular consistency after hardening will not react with water. This material is indispensable for the construction of structures in wet conditions.

Portland cement and Portland slag cement have the following differences:

  1. The cost of Portland cement is much higher than the usual ShPC mixture.
  2. Portland cement becomes strong faster, and concrete with slag after 21 days.
  3. The Portland cement composition does not contain slag; it contains clinker and a certain mineral composition with special accelerator additives.
  4. ShPC has a less pronounced exothermic reaction during the hardening process; the concrete mixture hardly heats up, this in turn brings difficulties at temperatures below +4 degrees C.
  5. Portland slag cement has a lower density and weight of finished structures.


When considering cement with slag, you need to carefully study all the nuances and features. Despite the large number of advantages, the main advantage of Portland slag cement is its lower cost, all other things being equal. Granulated blast furnace slag, which appears as waste from ferrous metal smelting, exhibits all the same properties as ordinary cement. At the same time, it also suggests some positive properties.

  • Lower price subject to the same parameters and strength characteristics.
  • A small density and specific gravity do not exert significant pressure on the foundation and ceilings.
  • Excellent heat resistance of the material - the heating range reaches +800 degrees.
  • Corrosion resistance at a high level.
  • High hardening speed.
  • Increased frost resistance when using steaming technology for reinforced concrete products.
  • Relatively low heat release temperature.
  • Excellent resistance of the monolith to sulfate and fresh waters and other aggressive environments.

Production technology

Such material is produced using blast furnace slag, which is a secondary product of metallurgical production. The class of this material is determined by the quality of the starting materials clinker and blast furnace slag. Clinker acts as a slag activator in the composition of slag cement.

The production technology is based on the principle of drying slag in dryers until a moisture content of no more than 1% is obtained. Then the clinker, slag and gypsum are loaded into the hopper of a cement mill and crushed to a homogeneous fine powder.

The class of slag cement also depends on the type of slag used: it can be basic, acidic, granulated and non-granulated slag. Of particular importance in determining strength is not the physical structure, but the chemical composition. The rule for choosing raw materials is based on this pattern. On the economic side, preference should be given to granular types, due to the fact that the use of non-granular masses complicates the production process. The resulting cement with slag hardens more slowly than usual, because the slag content in it varies between 20-80% of the total mass.

When making Portland cement, a sieve with large (40x40 mm) and small (5x5 mm) cells is used.

Portland slag cement is made using two types of sieves: with small (5x5 mm) and large (40x40 mm) cells.

  1. When using material for external walls, combine large and small slag in a ratio of 7:3.
  2. For interior walls, the proportion is 4 parts small grains and 6 parts large grains.
  3. To increase the strength of the material, replace a fifth of the finest fraction with ordinary sand and exclude the largest slag grains from the composition.
  4. Thanks to the use of combinations of 2 binding components (cement and lime, cement and clay), it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of the material. The most optimal proportions are: lime - no more than 1/3 and cement - no less than 2/3 of the total volume.

Clay and lime can not only reduce the cost, but also make the walls warmer and drier. Lime Portland cement based on slag, the binder composition of which includes 2/3 clay and 1/3 lime, hardens longer than cement, but subsequently shows higher strength indicators.

Composition of possible slag concrete mixtures

Cinder concrete classVolume composition (in parts)Volume weight
Cement 400SandLime or clayCoarse slagFine slag


The main advantage of Portland slag cement is its low cost when compared with Portland cement. The most pronounced positive qualities of ShPC:

  1. The low specific gravity and density of the finished products do not create much pressure on the foundation and floors.
  2. The material is heat-resistant, the heating range can be 600-800 degrees C.
  3. This class of cement is most suitable for constructing structures in humid conditions. For example, Portland cement M 400 with slag contains from 21-35% granulated blast furnace material.

Slag solution ratio

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Ferrous metallurgy slag (blast furnace)

There are 3 types of raw materials of this type:

  • Granulated blast furnace slag, which is obtained by cooling cast iron during its smelting. As a rule, the resulting granulated slag is used as a substitute for more expensive mineral additives.
  • Blast furnace slag is not granular type. It is extracted through the process of air cooling of metallurgical waste, its crushing and subsequent screening. The resulting material is most often used as a filler for asphalt concrete in the construction of road surfaces. In addition, non-granulated raw materials have found application in the agricultural field, where waste is used to deoxidize the earth.
  • Slag pumice is different in that it does not have astringent properties. Therefore, this raw material is often used as insulation, soundproofing material and in the production of cinder blocks and other products made from porous and lightweight concrete.

If we talk about the properties of blast furnace slag, it is characterized by high resistance to grinding, reactivity and stability. Based on their hydraulic properties, granulated slag comes in three grades:

  • 1st grade. In such material, the allowed content of aluminum oxide is not less than 8%, magnesium is not more than 15%, titanium is not more than 4% and manganese is not more than 2%.
  • 2nd grade. Aluminum oxide – 7.5%, magnesium – 15%, titanium – 4%, manganese – 3%.
  • 3rd grade. Aluminum oxide - no more than 7.2%, magnesium - 15%, titanium - 4%, manganese - 4%.

Features of mixtures for domestic use

But first, it would be advisable to consider the features of such concrete that are most appropriate for individual cases of its use.

Table of setting times for cement with different types of slag.

  1. As a rule, the features of the mixture produced for exterior and interior decoration differ. If you are going to make a solution based on slag and cement, which you will use to finish the internal surfaces, then you should give preference to coarse-grained slag, of which you need to take about 6 parts. The remaining 4 parts are fine-grained granular slag. Any cement can be used for concrete. For finishing the external facade of a building, it is customary to use the following proportions: approximately 3 parts of fine-grained slag and 7 parts of coarse-grained slag. Cement must be of better quality so that it has sufficient resistance to external atmospheric influences.
  2. If you need to make a high-quality pour and have enough time left, then you should give preference to non-granulated slag. This mixture will harden noticeably slower, but the result will be a much better coating. After all, cracks will not form on it for a long time, the appearance of which is observed after 1-2 years on a poured cement floor.
  3. To finish the outer part of a protruding foundation (basement), experts recommend using cement with granulated slag. Moreover, the larger the surface to be finished, the more granules in the slag can be used. And vice versa.

Construction of a cinder block wall.

So, these were the main features of the use of slag and cement in ordinary domestic construction. By following these simple rules, you can achieve a high-quality finish and not regret anything in the future.

At the same time, you have an excellent opportunity to make, at least insignificant, but still save money through a clear choice of specific proportions.

Sebryakovsky cement plant

USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 on the territory of Europe and Asia) USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 on the territory of Europe and Asia)
→ Our homeland Our homeland Volgograd region Volgograd region Mikhailovka

Rogachev Sergey Petrovich (General Director)

JSC Sebryakovsky Cement Plant (Sebryakovcement)

- a Russian and then Russian cement industry enterprise in the town of Mikhailovka, Volgograd region, located next to the Sebryakovo railway station.

The decree on the construction of the plant was adopted in 1946, construction began in March 1949 and ended in December 1953, when the plant was put into operation [2]. In 1956, 4 drying drums measuring 2.2 × 15.4 m, 3 cement mills measuring 2.6 × 13 m were installed and a fourth rotary kiln was put into operation. In 1957, it was named after S. Yu. Yudin, the former Minister of the Construction Materials Industry of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 in Europe and Asia)

. The plant's products were Portland slag cement grade 300 (M300) and Portland cement grades 400 (M400) and 500 (M500). In the 1960s, the scale of production was expanded: three new technological lines with new equipment at that time were put into operation at the plant. In 1960, the enterprise became known as an enterprise of communist labor [3], in 1966 it was awarded the Order of Lenin, in 1968 the seventh technological line and the 5th rotating kiln were launched. In 1972, the plant introduced an automatic control system (ACS) developed specifically for it, called “Cement-1”.

In Russian times, the plant was a large factory enterprise, one of the main factories in the cement industry not only in the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 in Europe and Asia)

, and throughout the CMEA, was distinguished by the highest level of automation and mechanization of production and significant rates of development: if in 1954 the plant produced 600 thousand tons of cement per year, then as of 1974 it was already 2930 thousand tons, and the annual productivity reached 2300 tons for 1 worker.

Slag concrete: how to make it yourself

Slag concrete mixtures are deservedly popular not only in industrial, but also in private low-rise construction. This is due to the characteristics of this material. Slag added to concrete is obtained as a secondary material in the metallurgical industry.

For a long time, granular material was considered simply waste, but world practice has proven its feasibility for use in construction. Slag concrete is lighter than sand and gravel and is distinguished by its durability, resistance to temperature fluctuations, and sound insulation properties.

It is the metallurgical material mixed with cement that has the greatest strength. Lime, gypsum or even clay can also act as a binding agent. Two types of granulated slag are actively used:

  • with small grains (0.5-1.5 mm) – the result is fairly heavy, high-strength concrete with good thermal conductivity;
  • with large grains (20-30 mm) - concrete is lighter, provides good thermal insulation, but is slightly less durable.

It is not recommended to use varieties larger than 6 mm, since the durability of such concrete will be unsatisfactory. It is preferable to replace finer fractions with sand. Slag for construction must be as clean as possible, without admixtures of clay, soil, or organic elements.

Considering the properties of concrete with different fractions, to create external walls, large and small grains are often mixed in a ratio of 7:3, respectively. For internal partitions, you can take one more fine slag. If you want to get the most durable mixture after hardening, it is advisable to completely remove the 12 mm fraction and replace 20% of the finest slag with sand.

How to prepare cinder concrete

Before starting to prepare the mixture (about a few hours), it is necessary to moisten the slag with water to improve the durability of the future concrete. Next, you need to mix the components in one of the above proportions and mix well. After adding water, the solution should be kneaded until smooth. To obtain an average grade of concrete, you can use 4-5 parts of slag (fractional mixture), 2 parts of cement and 2 parts of sand.

It is advisable to use the finished mass within an hour, the maximum processing time is 1.5 hours. A cheaper solution can be made by mixing cement with lime in a 3:1 ratio. The walls of the house can be erected using the cast-in-place method (monolithic structure) or from prepared cinder blocks.

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