Beton-House com Website about concrete: construction, characteristics, design. We combine the experience of professionals and private craftsmen
Specialists, chemists and technologists are constantly developing more advanced, specialized additives for concrete. But several
The fact that brick is one of the most common and basic materials in construction,
An armored belt is a reinforced concrete structure that is designed to strengthen the walls of a house. This is necessary for protection
At the planning stage of the foundation for a building, recently they are increasingly giving preference to
Home |Construction |How to make a pillow for the foundation with your own hands? Date: June 13, 2017 Comments:
The presence of a well, sewerage, drainage basin or laying of cables are integral components of the arrangement of the territory of a private farm.
Supply of ready-mixed concrete to the laying site Why M200 concrete is so good, what are its characteristics?
An armored belt is a reinforced concrete structure that is designed to strengthen the walls of a house. This is necessary for protection
Hydraulic concrete is a heavy building material with increased resistance to external factors. His