How to properly break down a concrete wall in an apartment

Dismantling concrete structures is one of the most common types of dismantling work. Since most modern buildings and structures, which are required to have a large margin of safety, are built from concrete, there are many ways to quickly demolish these structures.

We offer you a full catalog of services for the dismantling of concrete structures: from preparing a work plan to removing waste. From us you can order the demolition of concrete structures of any type and size.


Removing a load-bearing wall can be a great way to change the look of your space and increase space.
However, at the very beginning of the renovation process, consult with the building designer or demolition specialist about the feasibility of removing the wall. Also, obtain all necessary permits, if necessary, before starting work.

Work, for example, cutting an opening for a door or removing part of a load-bearing wall, involves examining the condition of the structure with the issuance of a technical report and a reconstruction project agreed upon by the author of the building. A project for dismantling a load-bearing wall can also be ordered from any design organization with subsequent approval from the housing inspection.

When changing the design of a load-bearing wall, it is necessary to install reinforcements to maintain the spatial rigidity of the structure. In other words, the removal of wall fragments must be compensated by metal reinforcement.

Load-bearing walls “support” the weight of the walls and ceilings located above them and redistribute the load on the foundation. Frivolous dismantling of a load-bearing wall can provoke cracking of walls and ceilings, up to the collapse of a floor or even an entire building.

Is it possible to dismantle walls with your own hands? It is possible if the walls and partitions being removed are non-load-bearing. As for load-bearing walls, experience, professional tools and knowledge of dismantling technology are required. Work on dismantling load-bearing walls is carried out by specialized companies that have the necessary permits for such work (SRO permit).

Prices: Diamond cutting (diamond blade)

Thickness of structures (cm.)BrickConcreteMonolithAsphalt
Up to 12400700900500

We will dismantle monolithic walls and cut out concrete from the reinforcement frame in Moscow and the Moscow region quickly and efficiently, because for this we have everything necessary - an experienced team of qualified builders and modern equipment. By collaborating with MskDemontazh, you can be completely confident in an excellent result. To find out how much concrete cutting or any other structure dismantling service costs, simply visit a special section of our website or contact a professional consultant by phone. We will be happy to answer all your questions and help you make the right choice. The MskDemontazh company has a special discount system, which directly depends on the volume of the order.


Brick walls are often structural, or in other words, load-bearing elements of a building or home.

If you want to make an opening in the wall or dismantle brick walls, then in this case a certain metal reinforcement must be made in the form of a beam to maintain the integrity of the brickwork.

Brick is a particularly strong building material; dismantling requires special diamond equipment and a good understanding of the dismantling process to do the job correctly and safely.

To find out the cost of dismantling brick walls, you should contact the construction department (a company specializing in the demolition of building structures).

In addition, you should obtain advice regarding building codes or safety considerations before you begin remodeling your walls.

Stages of work

Initially, it is necessary to properly prepare for the destruction of an unnecessary structure. The preparation process is quite labor-intensive and consists of the following sequential actions:

    Installation of equipment and crumbling of concrete.

The first step is to study the site where dismantling is planned.

  • Next, you should discuss all the nuances of the work.
  • All communications, if any, are turned off.
  • The entrance to the facility is being prepared, as well as a free area for the delivered special equipment.
  • Then this equipment is installed directly at the site of future work.
  • Next comes the process of dismantling concrete structures. Various coverings are removed, the monolithic structure crumbles.
  • Upon completion of work, the area should be cleaned. The dismantled pieces are calibrated, loaded into prepared transport, and taken away.


Concrete walls include: walls made of monolithic reinforced concrete; walls made of prefabricated reinforced concrete panels (panel houses); walls made of concrete blocks (FBS blocks); concrete partitions.

Non-load-bearing (self-supporting) concrete walls and partitions, if you have experience and knowledge, can be dismantled without the approval and involvement of specialized demolition companies.

Dismantling of concrete walls, which are load-bearing, is possible after going through the approval procedure at MOSZHILINSPEKTSIYA and receiving a project for dismantling work. Proper dismantling, followed by strengthening of the walls, is the key to the safety of your home.

Our company offers competent dismantling of concrete walls - we have sufficient experience and the necessary diamond equipment for sawing and dismantling concrete walls of almost any design and thickness. We work with legal and private clients.

Dismantling of concrete walls, which are load-bearing, is possible after going through the approval procedure at MOSZHILINSPEKTSIYA and receiving a project for dismantling work. Proper dismantling, followed by strengthening of the walls, is the key to the safety of your home.

Our company offers competent dismantling of concrete walls - we have sufficient experience and the necessary diamond equipment for sawing and dismantling concrete walls of almost any design and thickness. We work with legal and private clients.

↑ Safety measures when installing a concrete floor.

When dismantling a concrete floor, it is necessary to carefully protect the respiratory system from penetration of construction dust. Protective masks, respirators, as well as helmets and earmuffs for head protection can be used.

Concrete dust, sand, mineral wool, fiberboard residues are materials that you may encounter when removing the floor. Therefore, it is worth preparing for this process in advance by providing options for cleaning the elements of the old structure.

Eliminating the old concrete floor will allow you to prepare as efficiently as possible for the installation of a new one, level the surface and implement the most interesting ideas for transforming the interior of your premises.

A concrete screed with elements of destruction is unlikely to be able to cope with the load that a new floor covering will give it, and therefore needs to be replaced.

  • It is best to trust dismantling to specialists in the field of construction who have the necessary experience and skills in this field. They will destroy your old floor without negative consequences for the room or damage to your health. In addition, all work will be carried out in a historically tight time frame in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. Using a professional tool will simplify the task, and you will be able to admire the result of the work performed and begin decorating your floor.


Dismantling interior walls in an apartment is a difficult task. This may be necessary if you want to remove a wall or it has become old; if you want to install a new wall or a wall of a different structure. For dismantling, it is better to invite specially trained demolition specialists with special equipment.

But if you want to save money, or if you feel confident in your abilities and want to dismantle the walls in the apartment yourself, exercise extreme caution when performing such work. Remember - poor-quality dismantling can result in too high a price.

Advice from experienced professionals

  • Carrying out dismantling work that requires the use of impact devices is a very expensive service, since these devices negatively affect human health.
  • Dismantling work is always accompanied by the appearance of dust and debris. Therefore, you need to worry about transport for waste disposal in advance.
  • It is not recommended to carry out dismantling work yourself without special skills and knowledge, as you can not only harm the entire structure of the structure, but also your health.
  • During work, do not neglect protective equipment. Be sure to wear a helmet, respiratory mask, special glasses, and headphones. Because the work ahead is dusty, noisy, and quite dangerous.
  • For a qualified builder, dismantling various floor coverings will not be difficult, but for those who have not previously encountered this type of repair work, it is better to familiarize themselves with certain conditions and stock up on the necessary tools.

    Methods of demolition and scrapping

    All of the above options for breaking concrete can be impact or non-impact.

    When using impact methods, mechanical effects are exerted on concrete masses:

    • destruction of reinforced concrete structures by technological explosions;
    • using excavators and hydraulic engineering;
    • manual dismantling using crowbars, jackhammers, hammer drills.

    Impact-free technology for concrete destruction involves the use of non-mechanical influences, incl. chemical reagents:

    • ultrasonic waves;
    • corrosive chemical compounds.

    To perform dismantling work more efficiently and with high quality, several options for dismantling reinforced concrete structures are simultaneously used.

    Manual disassembly

    To perform small amounts of work related to concrete breaking, the manual method is used. It is also necessary to make do only with the help of workers if it is impossible to deliver technical means to the reinforced concrete structure. This is a rather labor-intensive procedure that requires the mandatory use of personal protective equipment.

    Working with a jackhammer requires the operator to have physical strength and skills in handling tools.

    Diamond cutting

    One of the most popular technologies for breaking concrete masses is diamond cutting, which provides the ability to dismantle the hardest concrete masses. Cutting is performed using a special diamond disc or drill.

    Advantages of the technology:

    • minimal dust formation;
    • accuracy of work;
    • no vibration.

    Diamond cutting is used for fragmentary and complete dismantling of reinforced concrete structures.

    Electric arc

    The technology for dismantling concrete with an electric arc, which melts the composite, is distinguished by the highest quality of dismantling.

    Hydraulic engineering and excavator

    If it is necessary to dismantle the foundation or low-rise building, it is recommended to use an excavator or hydraulic equipment.

    The main advantage of using an excavator: after destroying the structure with a bucket, it immediately loads the destroyed concrete onto trucks for removal. This allows you to reduce the cost of dismantling work.

    In Moscow, excavators are effectively used, which are additionally equipped with a hydraulic hammer. This tool is located near the bucket and is powered by a hydraulic system. It helps to dismantle monolithic structures and underground communications made of concrete.


    The most environmentally friendly way to dismantle concrete buildings using hydraulic robots. This technique can perform work all day long without interruption, removing up to 2.5 cubic meters per hour. m of reinforced concrete masses. And to control and maintain the hydraulic robot, only 2 people are needed.


    The technology for dismantling a monolith using explosions can only be used if there are no residential buildings or other buildings in use nearby.

    Features of blasting operations:

    • availability of special permission;
    • accurate calculation of the amount of explosives and the correct selection of sites for laying them;
    • there must be a work plan taking into account safety precautions.

    This is the most expensive method, which is most often used to destroy monolithic concrete structures. Its main advantages: minimal time to complete the work; after the explosion, the old structure turns into small construction chips, which makes it easier to remove it from the territory.

    Cost of dismantling work

    Floor dismantling, price RUB. per m 2
    Removing a wooden floor from boards180
    Dismantling a concrete floor (diamond cutting) costs lessfrom 1000
    Dismantling or knocking down concrete floor screed up to 3 cm.300
    Dismantling or knocking down concrete floor screed from 3 cm.400
    Removing parquet flooring110
    Dismantling parquet boards80
    Removing linoleum or carpet one layer at a time70
    Removing birch plywood or hardboard 0.3 mm per layer80
    Knocking tar or glue off the screedfrom 400

    What you should know when remodeling an apartment

    Before renovating an apartment, it is important to familiarize yourself with a number of rules that limit the transfer or demolition of partitions. So, the kitchen should not become part of the living space. This part of the apartment cannot be combined with living space. Hot and cold water risers are also not allowed to be moved. Before thinking about redevelopment, you should take into account that the apartment should not have rooms smaller than 8 square meters without natural light.

    If the owner wants to move the bathroom, it should be taken into account that its new location should not be above the kitchen or living space of the neighbors below. The bathroom can only be expanded by:

    • pantry;
    • corridor;
    • hallway

    If it is necessary to demolish a load-bearing concrete wall, a dismantling method must be selected. Everything will depend on whether further major renovations are planned for the apartment. For example, a jackhammer contributes to the formation of a large amount of dust, which will be almost impossible to get rid of without subsequent repairs.

    Demolition of monolithic walls in domestic conditions is often carried out using a grinder with a diamond wheel. In this case, pieces of walls must be cut out in stages. It is necessary to move forward, starting from the ceiling, making sure that the monolith does not fall to the floor in large pieces, as this may cause a violation of the integrity of the ceiling.

    The redevelopment rules state: working with ventilation ducts without obtaining special permits is prohibited. It is impossible to carry out actions to dismantle or reduce boxes. It is impossible to move the entrance to the bathroom so that it comes from the kitchen and living room.

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