Cutting concrete without dust: how to cut with a grinder with your own hands, tool

Cutting concrete without dust is practically impossible, since in the process of sawing and processing stone one way or another a lot of dust appears, the volume of which can only be reduced. But it is also advisable to do this, since too much dust during the work process causes many troubles: it spoils the tool and dulls the parts, settles in the lungs and on all surfaces in the room.

With the use of modern equipment, sawing concrete has become easier - there are special cutting tools and consumables for them. The devices can be manual or stationary, powered by electricity or other sources. As a rule, all tools for cutting concrete are equipped with diamond parts - chains, discs, crowns, brazed tips, etc.

Is there a technology for cutting concrete without noise and dust?

When thinking about how to cut concrete, you need to take care of reducing the amount of dust that inevitably appears during the work process. In certain cases, nothing can be done and you have to work in difficult conditions, but in others it is quite possible to remove dust. The main thing is not to violate safety requirements and use proven methods.

Concrete cutting is a targeted mechanical impact on a monolith using rotating parts of a tool. Cutting is not accompanied by impact noise, but always involves noise from the electric motor driving the tool and the operation of its moving parts, which cut a groove in the stone or cut reinforcement, cut into pieces, etc.

Different methods are used for cutting concrete - manual, machine, wet and dry. The first two are determined by the type of tool chosen; the wet method involves the action of water on the cutting part and on the concrete surface itself; the dry method does not use water supply. Regardless of the cutting method chosen, the amount of dust accompanying the process is always quite large.

The most common methods for cutting concrete are:

  • Diamond cutting of partitions and walls with hand tools (grinder and others).
  • Diamond cutting using a stationary wall saw.
  • Diamond cutting with seam cutters.
  • Used for cutting rope.

When using a hand tool (most often a grinder), you can connect a construction vacuum cleaner to it, which will suck in almost all the dust that appears during the cutting process. If there is no way to connect the tool to a vacuum cleaner, you can do everything yourself.

What you will need to create an adapter for a construction vacuum cleaner:

  • Sewage outlet made of polypropylene with a diameter of 50 millimeters, at 45 degrees.
  • Reinforced tape (more reliable).
  • High quality masking tape.

The process of creating a vacuum cleaner attachment for dust removal:

  • Place the grinder as stably as possible on the table or floor so that it lies upside down parallel to the plane of the base.
  • Take the outlet with pliers or a clamp, turn on the grinder and “cut” the pipe along the body, 3 centimeters under the tool casing.
  • Using reinforced tape, tape the outlet very tightly and tightly to the body of the angle grinder, going slightly into the saw blade (a few centimeters). The fixation of the pipe must be reliable so that it is attached motionlessly.
  • Cover the open side of the casing with masking tape, thus connecting it to the outlet. Then you can connect a construction vacuum cleaner and remove dust while working.

During the sawing process, the disk must be brought to the concrete surface from the motor side (preferably closer to the nozzle) so that dust can be removed through a vacuum cleaner. It is better to saw objects with the engine forward.

This system does not imply any design changes in the tool, but before using it, it is advisable to consult with a representative of the manufacturer about the possibility of making modifications.

Cutting concrete with hand tools

Due to the strength of the material, not any hand tool is suitable for working with it. Most often, an angle grinder (also called an angle grinder or grinder) is used for these purposes. For cutting concrete, a special attachment is used in the form of a diamond wheel, which can be solid, segmented, or combined.

Types of diamond wheels for grinders that can be used to cut concrete:

  • Solid

    – made with a continuous diamond cutting edge, due to which there are no chips in the work. The nozzle periodically heats up, so it requires constant cooling with a stream of water.

  • Segmented disk

    – solid base, segmented edge. The circle is inexpensive, but wears out quickly from durable materials. Suitable for dry cutting only.

  • Combined

    (aka turbo-diamond) disc - considered universal, capable of withstanding maximum loads, it can even cut reinforced concrete.

Nozzles are selected in accordance with the material that is planned to be cut, as well as taking into account the type of work and conditions. Reinforced concrete with recesses larger than 10 centimeters is cut only with high-strength discs (turbocharged). All disk segments are attached to the blade by laser welding or silver solder. The first can only be used when cutting using the dry method, the second - wet.

The wheel must be made with an internal diameter corresponding to the diameter of the angle grinder. The rotation speed of the disk is also important - it is desirable that it be higher than that of the grinder. Depending on the type of cutting chosen and the correct selection of tools, the amount of dust generated during the work may vary.

So, if you cut concrete for a long time with an insufficiently strong and ineffective tool with attachments, there will be a lot of dust, but the result is minimal. You can reduce the amount of dust using the wet cutting method - water prevents the tool from overheating and prevents the appearance of dust. This makes it possible to speed up work and increase the life of the diamond bit.

The water supply can be organized in different ways - from spraying the concrete periodically with a spray bottle while performing work to attaching a hose to the tool so that the liquid flows onto the disk in a continuous stream.

If there is no running water in the work area, you can come up with some kind of container for water or attract a worker who will water the cut area and the disk. This must be done so that water does not get on the instrument itself.

Features of cutting concrete with a grinder:

  • No or minimal water consumption.
  • Energy consumption is low.
  • If the wet cutting method is chosen and the angle grinder is powered, the site must have access to 220 V and water.
  • This method is relevant for cutting lightly reinforced load-bearing walls and partitions with a thickness of 7-40 centimeters.

A convenient nozzle is made from an ordinary plastic canister. You will also need a cutter, a container of the required size, the neck of which will fit in diameter with the vacuum cleaner hose.

Next, you need to make mounting holes on both sides to make it possible to easily change the direction of rotation of the disk. A slot of a suitable size is made to fit the circle, and another hole is cut to mount the cutter. Carefully connect the hose to the neck of the canister, then secure it with an adapter ring with a clamp. The grinder is sent into the casing, all elements are securely connected. The hole that is not in use is covered with a lid.

To make the cut even, you first need to apply markings, then wooden blocks are attached along the line. After this, you need to make a shallow incision up to 1 centimeter, remove the limiters, and continue working. All manipulations must be performed exclusively in a respirator, safety glasses, gloves, and special clothing.

Cutting concrete with wall saws

Wall saws are used for cutting concrete on a larger scale and for complex jobs. It generates less dust than an angle grinder, productivity and efficiency are much higher.

Features of cutting a concrete monolith with a wall cutting tool:

  • Diamond cutting of this type is characterized by a large cutting depth, therefore it is used for industrial cutting of hatches/openings and other elements with heavy reinforcement in partitions, walls, and floor slabs. The work is completed in the shortest possible time.
  • To implement the task, it is necessary to provide free one-way access of 30-35 centimeters.
  • A lot of water is required for cooling (up to 15 liters per minute), so it must be possible to replenish supplies.
  • Waste water can be collected with a standard vacuum cleaner.
  • To operate the equipment, you need an alternating current network with a power of 32A and a voltage of 380V.

Cutting concrete with joint cutters

Joint cutters are also quite often used for tasks of this kind. There are some features that it is advisable to study.

Key features of cutting concrete with a joint cutter:

  • Typically, one of two types of productive equipment is used - gasoline or electric. The latter option requires a connection to the network; gasoline units can be used anywhere (in the field, in open areas, to create expansion joints in the road surface, etc.).
  • It is necessary to provide cooling water under high pressure, which will eliminate the risk of overheating and reduce the volume of dust.
  • For gasoline devices, it is important to provide the possibility of supply and exhaust ventilation if work is carried out indoors.
  • Electrical equipment will require a 380V AC connection.

Cutting concrete with ropes

This method is used less frequently than all of the above, but is also relevant when performing certain work.

How to cut concrete using special ropes:

  • To accomplish the task, a special rope and diamond bits, as well as a drive, are used. You can cut any structures without restrictions on thickness (including columns, for example).
  • For optimal operation of the equipment, it is necessary to provide a supply of cold water under high pressure and a network voltage of 380V.
  • The cost of work may vary and depends on the following factors: type of material, type and size of the opening, thickness of the structure.
  • When using this method, a minimum amount of dust appears, and little noise is also created.
  • Rope cutting allows you to quickly cut openings of any configuration with perfectly smooth edges, even where access is limited.

Safety precautions

Concrete dust is extremely harmful to humans, therefore it is necessary to work with an angle grinder while wearing a respirator. It will be needed both for dry cutting and wet cutting. In both cases, tiny fragments of cement mortar are scattered throughout the room and penetrate into the lungs. In turn, this leads to the development of diseases such as cancer or silicosis.

In addition, canned glasses are used to protect the eyes, and special headphones will protect you from the noise produced by power tools.

And finally, don’t forget about gloves - the grinder is a very dangerous device. Losing vigilance even for a second can result in very serious injuries.

It is important to know

Modern manufacturers offer a variety of equipment models, so finding a specific model of equipment in Moscow and the regions will not be difficult (as well as companies or specialists who will quickly and efficiently complete the work). But you need to remember some nuances.

Things to remember when cutting concrete:

  • Wall saws are not used in multi-storey panel buildings due to the risk of flooding the lower floors with water. The machine is also not suitable for working in confined spaces and when it is necessary to perform small volumes of cutting.
  • To reduce noise, you can cut openings in parts (at least 6 parts). The price of the work in this case increases and depends on the number of pieces cut out.
  • All holes/openings in load-bearing structures are made only by certified companies and in strict accordance with the rules.
  • Legalization of hatches/openings in load-bearing walls requires contacting government agencies with a full package of documents.

Cutting concrete without dust is a difficult task, which can only be partially realized. It is very difficult to completely get rid of dust, but its amount can be significantly reduced through the correct choice of equipment and attachments, cutting method, as well as the use of a construction vacuum cleaner and the creation of special devices for collecting dust.

Deep cuts

In situations where you need to make an opening in a concrete wall, the cut depth is usually more than 10 centimeters. The grinder will no longer help here. It is more advisable to use circular saws specifically designed for such work. They are hydraulic or electric.

They are equipped with discs of large diameters - from 350 millimeters to 400. They are capable of penetrating concrete to a depth of 160 mm. Of course, few people have a tool of this type on their farm, because it is very expensive, and besides, the need for it in everyday life arises infrequently. Therefore, the easiest way is to rent it for the duration of the work. Now in any city in Russia there are rental points for construction tools.

Features of working with the tool

In order to make the most of the working life of an expensive diamond tool, you need to adhere to important rules for its operation:

  • cutting reinforced concrete should be done in successive shallow passes;
  • the first pass is performed to a depth not exceeding 10 mm;
  • the depth of each subsequent cut should not exceed 15 mm.

Before starting work, you need to accurately determine the brand of concrete and its frame, since each material requires different types of diamond cutting tools. If the concrete is reinforced with steel rods and the thickness of the part to be cut exceeds 100 mm, a special disk must be used.

It is also taken into account whether the concrete mass is fresh or old to be cut, because over time the properties of this material change. Old concrete is always stronger than fresh concrete; cutting it requires more expensive tools. The larger the cutting wheel's heavy-duty filler, the slower the cutting needs to be.

Which attachments are better?

To be able to drill a concrete wall with a drill, you must first select suitable attachments. They must match the design exactly.

The following types are suitable for work:

  • Impact-type toothed crowns. They do the drilling function. To work with concrete, it is better to purchase varieties of teeth soldered separately. Because they are made of strong metal alloys.
  • Diamond crowns. This type is suitable for hammerless drilling. Such nozzles are more improved, so you can get a finished hole in concrete much faster and easier. These crowns have special shaped cutouts and an abrasive structure on the edge. All that remains is to select the required length of the nozzle. For personal use, varieties with a diameter of up to 120 mm are usually used.
  • Standard CS:GO bits with a cutting edge coated with diamond particles. The attachments are used when working with stone, rigid walls, concrete slabs and external walls of buildings.
  • Drills for concrete. Perfectly suitable for drilling walls without reinforcement. Otherwise, they may break.
  • Before installing all attachments, you need to check the wall for the presence of cables and wires, as well as fittings (if there is a device for detecting metal). This will help protect the wall from major damage and the tool from breakage.

    Household diamond wheels

    For home purposes, a grinder disc for concrete is also often used, which can be used to cut very hard materials, ranging from ordinary bricks to ceramics and concrete tiles. But they are not very suitable for cutting granite, marble or carving a reinforced concrete base. In addition, tools for household purposes wear out so quickly that they are not used for professional purposes.

    Such household diamond blades as “Zubr”, “Sparta”, “Tsentroinstrument” have optimal ratios in the price-quality segment. The external coating on them meets high requirements; with irregular use, they last quite a long time.

    It is very important to use diamond wheels in accordance with their intended purpose; they should not be used to cut metal or concrete without proper cooling. To ensure that cutting wheels do not overheat and serve reliably, it is necessary to limit the duration of their switching cycles.

    How to grind with a grinder

    We must not forget that sanding always involves a lot of dust. When preparing for sanding, don't forget about yourself! A protective mask and respirator are the best assistants when grinding. You can also find an option where the mask is combined with a good respirator.

    The respirator filter will clog very quickly, so you need to prepare several pieces at once for prompt replacement. Only after thorough preparatory work can you begin sanding.

    Sanding wood + (Video)

    Wood is a unique material. It can be sanded quite well by hand, but with a grinder you can achieve very good results. Some snobs claim that you can’t grind with a grinder at all, but this is due to ignorance and inability.

    The main secret is that the grinder is used at minimum speed. If the grinder has a speed switch, then there will be no problems. At high speeds, the sandpaper will become clogged with wood very quickly and very tightly. In this mode, it will not be enough for even five minutes of work. The optimal speed is no more than 6000 rpm.

    Another secret is not to sand the entire area of ​​the wheel. If you sand the entire surface, circular marks will remain on the wood. To ensure that there are no sandpaper marks left at all or that they are minimal, you need to sand only with the upper sector of the wheel. The movements of the machine should be along the grain of the wood.

    Using this method you can get excellent results when sanding lining. The board becomes smooth and does not retain tool marks. Just don’t get carried away and change the sanding pads on the wheel in time.

    The frame is polished in a similar way. Here it is desirable that the support plate is thin around the edge. With such a plate it will be easier to sand narrow junctions of logs. Otherwise, this work will have to be completed with a chisel.

    We work on concrete + (Video)

    If you were unable to purchase a branded protective boot with a nozzle for a vacuum cleaner, then you can make it yourself. To do this, take a used putty or glue bucket with a diameter slightly larger than the circle of the grinder. We cut off the bottom part at a height slightly higher than the assembled sanding part.

    We cut a hole in the bottom for installation on the gearbox and a hole for the plastic plumbing corner outlet. Now we connect the vacuum cleaner hose to the nozzle and work quietly.

    The grinding wheel must be designed for stone processing. It is preferable to grind concrete and concrete surfaces using the entire surface of the wheel. This will save processing time and level the surface well.

    When grinding a concrete floor, you must constantly control the plane using a construction ruler, because due to the different densities of concrete, indentations can be made. To process the joints between concrete pours, it will be sufficient to achieve one level combination.

    It is good to grind concrete floors and surfaces with a Matrix diamond grinding cup. If the grinder is 150 mm, then the cup is 125 mm.

    Grinding metal surfaces + (Video)

    The metal is polished to different requirements. Most often, the metal is ground for painting or for further polishing. The main tool is a support cup with replaceable sanding pads. The selection of sandpaper depends on the degree of processing and the condition of the metal.

    When sanding, you only need to work with part of the disc. There should be no untreated areas left on the surface.

    It is advisable to coat the treated surfaces of ordinary steel with a primer. Moisture in the air can very quickly coat the metal and cause rust.

    Tool functionality

    Depending on the purpose, the disc for the grinder for concrete is made whole or divided into separate segments. Dividing the working surface into segments helps to increase the cooling intensity of the tool during operation. The cutting edge itself can be made from diamond chips of different grain sizes with different connecting elements. The technology of making the cutting layer also plays a role.

    Methods of technological fastening of cutting segments to a steel base, as well as the corresponding functional purpose of the disks:

    • soldering with silver solder, the tools are used when cutting concrete in a wet environment, due to which their surface quickly cools and does not peel off from the base;
    • laser welding, which makes it possible to obtain highly reliable cutting wheels that can be used when cutting reinforced concrete structures, marble, granite without moisture;
    • thermal spraying using a binding agent or geometric closure, which makes it possible to use circles for wet and dry cutting of concrete.

    Depending on the dimensions of the concrete products to be cut and what models of grinders will be used, diamond discs are manufactured by industry in various diameters.

    When might cutting or sawing be required?

    Concrete blocks come in standard sizes and the building materials market rarely focuses on selling anything non-standard.

    During the construction process, the master understands that he needs to find a block that could complete the masonry in a certain place, and standard material will not work here. In such a situation, you have to resort to cutting the block concrete material.

    If concrete blocks of non-standard size are needed in large quantities, then it is better to cast them yourself using homemade molds. You can also order non-standard blocks from the manufacturer, but this will cost more.

    Often, a builder may need half or a quarter of a whole concrete block. Then you need to make a cut.

    Similar situations often occur when pouring a strip foundation, when all the blocks must be the same size, and when completing its arrangement, several elements are missing. The same situation can arise when constructing a building according to an established design, when the thickness of the walls is already clearly defined and it is impossible to deviate from the values.

    Often, when laying corners, it is not possible to fit the concrete block correctly and gaps remain between the stones. Many builders fill them with fragments of material, which is also not entirely true. In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to the tools and methods by which you can quickly and easily cut concrete block material.

    Decor of concrete stone

    If you need to decorate concrete, how to cut it? There are 2 technological types of equipment:

    • Water cutting is carried out by a machine that supplies a stream of water with (or without) abrasive under high pressure. The result is an even contour of the given pattern. The method is used on computer-controlled automated machines.
    • Laser gas-discharge installations are rarely used due to their high cost and relatively recent appearance. Today, it is used to make decorative stone elements for various purposes. In general, a laser is capable of cutting any volume of concrete, but due to the high cost of the process, the method is used only in cases of extreme necessity.


    Let us briefly repeat which cutting method to use for certain purposes:

    1. Wall sawing machine - making openings, separating thick vertical structures;
    2. Rolled cutting - cutting of individual structures that can be covered with a rope with an abrasive, for dismantling work;
    3. The seam cutter is used in road construction and for processing horizontal concrete surfaces;
    4. The diamond drilling unit is designed for drilling holes in walls and ceilings;
    5. Water and laser beams are used in extreme cases to treat concrete. The laser can also be used for sawing horizontal and vertical structures.

    Let us repeat: the choice of equipment is influenced by the age of the concrete, composition and quality. By combining all the selection factors into a single whole and analyzing the situation, you can easily select the right tool.

    • Wall kit
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