Concrete mixer: choosing the best concrete mixer by drive type

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Choosing a concrete mixer

An electric concrete mixer has long become an integral part of any construction site. Moreover, not only among professional builders, but also in private households.

Unfortunately, not all builders, by conviction or necessity, know how to choose this mechanism correctly. Sometimes you can find very large or, on the contrary, very small concrete mixers at your dacha, which either run idle or very quickly fail due to overload.

In this regard, we decided to look into the question: how to choose the right concrete mixer, and what to pay special attention to before purchasing?

  • Connection diagrams for concrete mixer motors
      Connecting single-phase concrete mixer motors
  • Connecting three-phase concrete mixer motors
  • Conclusion
  • Electric concrete mixer: recommendations for selection and operation

    At any construction site, one of the main mechanisms is a concrete mixer . This is an integral part of the successful and efficient work of both professionals and amateurs who are just starting to engage in construction on their own. It is the volume of work performed that must be taken into account when purchasing a concrete mixer. Information on how to choose the right tool is contained in this article.

    An electric concrete mixer is one of the main mechanisms at any construction site.

    Concrete mixer: a machine that facilitates the construction process

    A concrete mixer, or concrete mixer, is a special machine for construction work, which is designed for mixing concrete and other solutions used for pouring the foundation, making screeds or brickwork. The device will also be a good help in the process of gluing tiles and when performing other types of construction work.

    A concrete mixer is a device for mixing concrete and other solutions.

    Externally, a concrete mixer is an open container into the middle of which the components of concrete are poured, that is, cement, sand and water. A component such as gravel may also be present. The machine prepares the solution by stirring. Then it is poured into a separate container using a special mechanism.

    The device greatly facilitates, optimizes and speeds up the work process on the construction site. Of course, you can order the solution or prepare it in a trough, stirring with a shovel, but it’s much easier to pour in the ingredients and just press the button. At the same time, not everyone knows which concrete mixer to choose. As a result, during the construction of a small house you can find bulky equipment running idle, or small concrete mixers on huge sites.

    There is a wide range of such products on the modern market. At the same time, the models are distinguished by their long service life, ergonomic devices and ease of use. Having decided on the required volume, power and other parameters, you can easily choose the best option.

    First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the variety of types of concrete mixers. Devices are classified according to the following criteria:

    • according to the operating principle;
    • drive type;
    • tank capacity;
    • power;
    • type of food.

    Concrete mixers are classified according to their operating principle, drive type and tank capacity.
    On a note! The gravity concrete mixer is equipped with special emptying mechanisms, which allows you to simply and quickly remove the solution. In addition, the price of such mixers is significantly lower than the cost of forced-type machines, which mix the solution with fine components more efficiently.

    Areas of use of concrete mixers

    With the help of concrete mixers, you can prepare a variety of types of solutions, which are used during a variety of repair and construction work.

    Forced concrete mixer can be used:

    • For preparing concrete of all grades
    • In the process of preparing a solution with high fire-resistant characteristics for the construction of stove and fireplace structures
    • For mixing simple solutions for interior and exterior finishing work, various adhesive compositions
    • For effective mixing of components that strengthen concrete structures
    • In the preparation of solutions used in the field of metallurgy, casting, chemical production

    Regardless of the density of the prepared solution, a forced-type concrete mixer copes well with both very thick and liquid mixtures.

    Classification of concrete mixers: photos of different types of machines

    Before choosing a concrete mixer, you need to get at least a general idea of ​​the variety of devices. In the last century, a huge number of products were invented for a variety of purposes. The most popular are mobile mechanisms with a small capacity - up to 300 liters.

    The main feature that underlies the classification of devices is the principle of operation. This group includes two types of concrete mixers:

    • forced type;
    • gravitational type.

    Forced action devices are equipped with a stationary drum and a mechanism operating on the principle of a mixer. Thus, the ingredients are mixed in the drum. It should be noted that, despite the high-quality preparation of the solution, there are a number of disadvantages, among which are the following:

    The operating principle of concrete mixers can be forced or gravitational.

    • the difficulty of removing the resulting mixture, although some manufacturers have found a way out of this situation by equipping the concrete mixer with a mechanism for unloading the solution;
    • the size of the fractions to be mixed is small, so gravel cannot be added to such devices, and especially large pieces of crushed stone can even damage the machine.

    Considering the listed disadvantages, it would be more correct to call this type of concrete mixers mortar mixers.

    The gravity concrete mixer is perhaps the most popular among its “brothers”. Consider the design of a concrete mixer. It is a drum that rotates around its own axis, resulting in a high-quality finished mixture. To avoid the influence of the solution on centrifugal forces, the drum is equipped with special blades. According to reviews, a concrete mixer with a gravity mechanism mixes much worse, but construction components of various sizes can be added to such a device.

    Mixing options

    In the simplest case, you can “quickly” prepare a solution without auxiliary devices. The solution is poured into any container and mixed with an ordinary shovel while gradually adding water. In some cases, with a small volume of solution, you can do without a container entirely and prepare the mixture on a hard, flat surface. It is ineffective, tedious and poor quality as the mixture dries out quickly.

    Sometimes they use a drill with a special mixing attachment and mix the solution in a bucket in a circular motion. In this case, a power tool that is not designed for such loads quickly breaks down, and the mixture is not completely mixed. Dry voids usually remain in areas near the edges.

    Therefore, it is advisable to assemble a simple homemade concrete mixer.

    There are three ways to mix concrete mortar:

    • Gravitational.
    • Vibrating.
    • Combined.

    Choosing the best concrete mixer by drive type: electric, gasoline and diesel devices

    Depending on the type of drive, concrete mixers are divided into:

    • to electric;
    • gasoline;
    • diesel

    Depending on the type of drive, concrete mixers are divided into electric, gasoline and diesel.
    The most popular among this group are electric concrete mixers. In addition, they are less expensive. Such devices are equipped with an electric motor and can be connected to a 220 or 360 V power supply. This factor must be taken into account if only a 220 V power supply is available. The motor on such machines usually has a power of up to 1 kW, which is especially beneficial in terms of electricity consumption.

    Gasoline driven concrete mixers are equipped with an internal combustion engine. As a rule, this is a two-stroke engine, and before refueling, engine oil must be added to the fuel. Such a device will be required if you have to work on construction without access to the power grid. First, the gasoline engine is started, then mixing is performed. It is problematic to work with such a machine indoors, as toxic exhaust gases will be released.

    On a note! In terms of savings, electric concrete mixers are the most profitable, since gasoline and diesel fuel are much more expensive than electricity. In addition, the electric concrete mixer does not emit smoke, so it can be installed indoors.

    A concrete mixer with a diesel engine is more economical in terms of fuel consumption compared to a gasoline mechanism. It should be noted that it is problematic to start a diesel engine in the cold, which precludes the operation of such a device in winter. In addition, equipment with a diesel engine weighs significantly more than a concrete mixer with a small electric motor.

    The most popular are electric concrete mixers.

    The simplest manual concrete mixer

    The diagram shows just the simplest gravity concrete mixer. And you can even mix a “dry” solution for floor screed in it without any problems. It’s not difficult to do it yourself; you can even simplify and reduce the cost of the design. For example, do not make holes in a milk can that is still strong, but use leaky milk. If someone has the skills of simple welding, he will be able to weld the fistula and secure the lid in a special way: thread a piece of pipe (or a stick of the required diameter) into the handle and pull it tightly to the handles of the tub with a rope or a thicker rubber cord.

    And then turned trunnions will not be required. The boil-off can simply be welded. If you have to work with aluminum, you will need to weld 2 rods 6-8 mm thick, and attach the tub to them with bolts. In this case, you can even do without couplings and bearings - it’s enough to cut U-shaped recesses in the bed posts, and the axle will simply lie in them. As a result, a cheap homemade concrete mixer will, of course, work jerkily and squeak, but you can be sure that the mix will be of high quality.

    As for the shortcomings, in addition to creaking and twitching, there is one more: the severity of rotation and, as a result, the low kneading speed. On average, it takes from 5 to 15 minutes to prepare a portion of the solution (depending on the viscosity of the composition). For a mechanism, this, of course, takes a long time, but in comparison with manual “shovel” kneading, productivity immediately triples. Therefore, for an independent one-time construction project, such a simple concrete mixer is just the thing.

    Electric concrete mixer: gravity type mechanism design

    Having decided on the type of device (gravity-type electric concrete mixer), you can proceed to choosing a specific concrete mixer model. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to some parameters.

    Construction of a concrete mixer. Here you should consider the ease of use and the ability of the device to perform certain tasks. The volume of the tank plays a decisive role. The choice depends on the amount of solution. A concrete mixer with a capacity of up to 100 liters is suitable for small construction sites, for example, when you need to pour the foundation with a concrete mixer yourself or if you need to build a gazebo. To build a house, you should choose mechanisms with a capacity of 100 to 150 liters, which are designed to prepare 60 or even 100 liters of solution at a time. Products with a tank volume of over 150 liters are professional machines.

    The type of electric drive, which determines both the design itself and the type of electric motor installed on the concrete mixer. There are gear and girth drives.

    The gearbox for the concrete mixer is located at the bottom of the product along with the engine, which from below ensures the rotation of the drum itself. Such devices are reliable, but they must be handled very carefully, since their cost significantly exceeds the price of crown equipment.

    The drive type of the concrete mixer can be geared or crown driven.

    The principle of operation of a crown concrete mixer is that, through a belt drive, the engine drives the crown, which rotates the drum itself. In such mechanisms, the belt drive quite often breaks, the crown fails, and other malfunctions may also occur. It should be noted that spare parts for such concrete mixers are inexpensive and you can replace them yourself.

    Instructions: homemade concrete mixer with a washing machine engine

    There are two types of concrete mixers:

    1. Mechanical. The container is driven by force. This is almost the same as mixing concrete in a regular container. How much effort and time will it take you to work with a manual drive? Therefore, it is better to go with the next option.
    2. Electric. The tank is driven by an electric motor.

    The manufacturing technology of a concrete mixer is quite simple. But before you get started, think about whether you can connect the engine yourself? If the answer is yes, then prepare everything you need.


    • A 200-liter barrel from an old washing machine (preferably top-loading). This volume is enough to mix the optimal amount of concrete for work.
    • Electric motor (power 200 W).
    • Pulley, drive belt, washing machine switch.
    • To make the base you need a metal corner measuring 50x50.
    • Wheels. Two wheels can be taken from an old stroller, wheelbarrow, or cart.
    • As an axis you will need a strong metal rod of 4.5 cm.
    • Gearbox.
    • Fittings.
    • Metal strip.
    • Ball bearings.
    • The wire.
    • Washers and bolts.


    • Bulgarian.
    • Hacksaw for metal.
    • Drill.
    • Soldering iron.
    • Welding with electrodes.

    Why is it profitable to make a concrete mixer from an old washing machine? Because the tank of the machine is quite suitable for mixing the solution, its drain hole can be closed. The motors of old washing machines are quite durable and reliable.

    The integrated use of all elements protects the engine from foreign objects during operation. This will save you from having to do protection.

    Step-by-step execution of work

    Before you start, you can prepare drawings to help you assemble the structure. One of the drawings is shown below:

    Make a frame (base)

    This is an important point, since the entire structure will rest on the frame. The base must be strong and stable.

    • From the prepared 50x50 corners, cut two pieces of 60 cm and four pieces of 80 cm. A piece of 60 cm serves as the basis for the support triangle, pieces of 80 cm are its edges. Fold and weld the triangles. Place them opposite each other.
    • Now weld two 50 cm corners to the edges of the triangles. This creates a stable structure.
    • Two nuts need to be welded to the tops of the triangles. The diameter of their hole must be larger than a pipe with a diameter of 30 mm. Then this pipe needs to be pulled through the holes of the nuts and the ends are pressed in. The pipe should rotate freely, but not jump out of place.
    • Make the top part. Take two corners 1.4 m long and three 40 cm long. Place those 1.4 meters long opposite each other. Place the rest crosswise at an equal distance, like a ladder. Weld the parts together.
    • Weld the bases of the finished structure to the movable pipe. It must be placed across the pipe in the center.


    Attach the wheels to the base of the frame with reinforcement.

    Now it's the tank's turn. Remove the activator from the tank and close the drain hole. Install a shaft or axle of the appropriate size in place of the activator. Make homemade blades from a strip of metal that will mix concrete. They can be further tightened using pliers. Weld the blades onto a metal strip and attach them to the shaft.

    To install a large barrel with your own hands, place it on the ladder of the frame. Make sure that most of it is in contact with the corner. Weld the barrel to the base for a secure installation. In this case, the bottom of the tank should face the tops of the triangles.

    Motor connection

    The motor is connected to the back of the tank. To do this, drill two holes in the corners. You will also notice holes on the motor body, attach them to the corners and secure with bolts and nuts.

    To prevent the engine from breaking due to bad weather, make a casing from a car inner tube. Provide holes on the sides to prevent overheating.

    All that remains is to connect the motor to the mains voltage and check the operation of the homemade concrete mixer. The convenience of this design is that the ladder tilts like a swing. Therefore, the prepared solution can be easily poured by tilting the tank.

    Knowing how to make a concrete mixer from improvised materials, you can save a lot and acquire your own equipment. Act consistently and everything will work out.

    Engine for a concrete mixer: power and operating mode

    Gravity-type concrete mixers are usually equipped with an asynchronous electric motor with a squirrel-cage rotor, which provides the necessary torque. Many criteria depend on the type of transmission.

    On a note! In a concrete mixer with a volume of 130 liters, you cannot prepare 130 liters of solution at a time: the maximum amount is 100 liters. This is explained by the fact that the filling of the tank with solution should not exceed 85%.

    In a belt driven concrete mixer, starting the engine is simplified due to the slipping of the belts. For a concrete mixer equipped with a toothed belt drive, the starting process is much more complicated. The most difficult start-up is typical for geared concrete mixers.

    An asynchronous electric motor is most often installed on electric concrete mixers.

    When choosing engine power, these features must be taken into account. For mechanisms with a belt drive and a volume of up to 100 liters, a 500 W motor is suitable. Concrete mixers with a capacity of up to 150 liters are equipped with a 700 W motor. Larger devices must be equipped with an electric motor with a power of 1000 watts or more.

    The power supply also plays a big role in choosing a concrete mixer. Devices that are connected to a three-phase network can withstand overloads much better and are characterized by excellent starting torque. Therefore, almost all concrete mixers with a volume of over 250 liters are equipped with a three-phase motor.

    Motor power is an important, but not the main condition for the successful operation of the tool. For example, if an electric concrete mixer is equipped with a non-original engine or is made by hand, then you need to pay attention to its operating mode.

    Most concrete mixers with a capacity of over 250 liters are equipped with a three-phase motor.

    The main part of the engines is designed for long-term operation (S1). At the same time, such a load is unacceptable for a concrete mixer operating in “ragged” mode. You should pay attention to a product that can withstand multiple starts (S4). Devices of this type are specially designed for repeated, but not prolonged starts with phases: operation - cooling.

    Which concrete mixer crown is more reliable?

    If you are rating concrete mixers based on reliability, then, firstly, you need to pay attention to the material from which the crown is made. It is he who is responsible for the service life of the concrete mixer.

    Cast iron

    Most mid-price concrete mixers are equipped with a cast iron crown. The cast iron crown is easy to manufacture: the cast iron melt is poured into a mold, after solidification the workpiece requires minimal processing. The inexpensive cost of the material and the simple method of manufacturing parts create a relatively low cost of the finished ring and drive gear. This is the main advantage of a cast iron product.

    There are several disadvantages:

    • Cast iron is a brittle material; under mechanical stress, the part can break;
    • With repeated use, the teeth wear out;
    • During operation, the heavy cast iron crown makes a lot of noise.

    Having compared the pros and cons, we can conclude that a concrete mixer with a cast iron crown is worth buying for occasional use with small and medium loads.


    Steel is a very strong and reliable material that does not wear out as quickly as cast iron and does not burst when dropped or hit. By the way, the steel crown makes much less noise during operation. However, it costs an order of magnitude more than cast iron. This is due to the manufacturing process of the part. First, the hot metal composition is poured into the mold and cooled. After extraction, it is finished using special equipment (grinded and sharpened). In addition, the steel is subjected to hardening. All these processes increase the cost of the part, but at the same time contribute to its strength and reliability.

    It is advisable to buy a device with a steel crown for daily long-term construction work carried out both outdoors and indoors.


    The plastic crown is the cheapest of these. It does not require large financial and production costs during production. Another advantage of the plastic crown is its silent operation and its light weight. The disadvantages include the rapid wear of the teeth, which are worn out by friction with the gear.

    You can buy a device of this type for carrying out small work at home. But even in this case, you are not protected from the need to quickly replace the crown.

    Connection diagrams for concrete mixer motors: recommendations

    After the unit has been selected, questions arise about how to use the concrete mixer, how to connect it correctly, taking into account the number of drives. In this case, you must first understand the electrical circuit of the engine. Most concrete mixers are equipped with two types of motors - single-phase or three-phase. Of course, their connection diagrams differ from each other. Moreover, they also have different connection options, taking into account local conditions and the requirements for a particular engine.

    The connection of a single-phase concrete mixer motor is special in the sense that it has only one working winding, which is laid in the stator in a certain order. After applying voltage to this winding, nothing will happen - the engine will make a “mooing” sound, heat up, but will not rotate. This is due to the fact that the motor requires an initial moment of inertia. Thus, if you give the engine rotor a good push, it will begin to rotate and gradually gain the required speed.

    On a note! Before connecting a 4-wire motor, you need to understand the motor windings. There are two windings, which means there must be 4 ends. In addition, the electrical circuit of the concrete mixer assumes the presence of a capacitor of a specific capacity. It is needed so that the angle between the phases that are connected to the working and starting windings is different - preferably 90 degrees.

    It is quite problematic to carry out such an algorithm of actions every time, especially if the engine has a drive mechanism. In addition, it is not always possible to give it the necessary inertia. Therefore, it is worth considering a connection diagram for a single-phase motor with a small starting winding. When voltage is applied to it, the motor begins to spin. After it has reached rated speed, the winding must be turned off.

    Connection diagram for the electric motor of the “Brigadier” concrete mixer.

    Spare parts for concrete mixers: categories and features of choice

    Spare parts for concrete mixers are parts of the mechanism that play the role of consumable elements in it, which wear out during use of the tool and require frequent replacement. The main spare parts are ripple belts for a concrete mixer with a drive, as well as drive gears and start buttons for the device.

    During operation, parts such as drive gears, cast iron gears, V-shaped, toothed and ridge belts wear out much faster. The listed parts must be kept in stock so that work does not stop at the most inopportune moment. The motor and gearbox for the concrete mixer deserve special attention. Gears, as well as the upper and lower supports of the equipment, called flanges, fail a little less often, but must be replaced.

    Typically, the manufacturer provides a one-month warranty on spare parts for concrete mixers from the date of purchase, provided that the rules for their installation and operation are followed. It should be noted that electrical connectors are not included in the list of spare parts for concrete mixers.

    The most popular spare parts are ribbed belts, drive gears and start buttons.

    How to properly repair a concrete mixer with your own hands

    Despite the degree of quality of the product, sooner or later a question arises regarding the repair of a concrete mixer. In this case, the breakdown may have different prerequisites and nature due to the fact that significant loads are placed on this mechanism. The main reasons for the failure of a concrete mixer are its improper operation and storage.

    To repair a concrete mixer with your own hands, you need to have minimal knowledge about this type of equipment and an understanding of its structure. If in doubt, it is better to turn to professionals. When you have confidence in your own abilities, you can start working by first preparing the necessary tools.

    The list of devices includes:

    • three-jaw puller;
    • bearing puller;
    • vice;
    • hammer;
    • pliers;
    • chisel;
    • screwdrivers;
    • a set of keys.

    Then you need to understand the reason for the breakdown of the concrete mixer. There may be several of them:

    • loading the device beyond the norm;
    • The drum is not cleaned on time;
    • the rules and conditions for storing the instrument are not observed.

    On a note! You can avoid or delay concrete mixer repairs by following certain requirements. To do this, you must always clean the bowl and mechanism after work, observe the proportions of concrete for the concrete mixer and not overload the device with an excessive amount of solution, and also store the tool in proper conditions.

    Repairing a concrete mixer is not a difficult task; you can do it yourself.

    Replacing consumables such as belts, drive gears and start buttons are the most common types of DIY concrete mixer repairs. Bearings and gears are replaced much less frequently, since their service life is much longer.

    Instructions: homemade concrete mixer with a washing machine engine

    There are two types of concrete mixers:

    1. Mechanical. The container is driven by force. This is almost the same as mixing concrete in a regular container. How much effort and time will it take you to work with a manual drive? Therefore, it is better to go with the next option.
    2. Electric. The tank is driven by an electric motor.

    The manufacturing technology of a concrete mixer is quite simple. But before you get started, think about whether you can connect the engine yourself? If the answer is yes, then prepare everything you need.


    • A 200-liter barrel from an old washing machine (preferably top-loading). This volume is enough to mix the optimal amount of concrete for work.
    • Electric motor (power 200 W).
    • Pulley, drive belt, washing machine switch.
    • To make the base you need a metal corner measuring 50x50.
    • Wheels. Two wheels can be taken from an old stroller, wheelbarrow, or cart.
    • As an axis you will need a strong metal rod of 4.5 cm.
    • Gearbox.
    • Fittings.
    • Metal strip.
    • Ball bearings.
    • The wire.
    • Washers and bolts.


    • Bulgarian.
    • Hacksaw for metal.
    • Drill.
    • Soldering iron.
    • Welding with electrodes.

    Why is it profitable to make a concrete mixer from an old washing machine? Because the tank of the machine is quite suitable for mixing the solution, its drain hole can be closed. The motors of old washing machines are quite durable and reliable.

    The integrated use of all elements protects the engine from foreign objects during operation. This will save you from having to do protection.

    Step-by-step execution of work

    Before you start, you can prepare drawings to help you assemble the structure. One of the drawings is shown below:

    Make a frame (base)

    This is an important point, since the entire structure will rest on the frame. The base must be strong and stable.

    • From the prepared 50x50 corners, cut two pieces of 60 cm and four pieces of 80 cm. A piece of 60 cm serves as the basis for the support triangle, pieces of 80 cm are its edges. Fold and weld the triangles. Place them opposite each other.
    • Now weld two 50 cm corners to the edges of the triangles. This creates a stable structure.
    • Two nuts need to be welded to the tops of the triangles. The diameter of their hole must be larger than a pipe with a diameter of 30 mm. Then this pipe needs to be pulled through the holes of the nuts and the ends are pressed in. The pipe should rotate freely, but not jump out of place.
    • Make the top part. Take two corners 1.4 m long and three 40 cm long. Place those 1.4 meters long opposite each other. Place the rest crosswise at an equal distance, like a ladder. Weld the parts together.
    • Weld the bases of the finished structure to the movable pipe. It must be placed across the pipe in the center.


    Attach the wheels to the base of the frame with reinforcement.

    Now it's the tank's turn. Remove the activator from the tank and close the drain hole. Install a shaft or axle of the appropriate size in place of the activator. Make homemade blades from a strip of metal that will mix concrete. They can be further tightened using pliers. Weld the blades onto a metal strip and attach them to the shaft.

    To install a large barrel with your own hands, place it on the ladder of the frame. Make sure that most of it is in contact with the corner. Weld the barrel to the base for a secure installation. In this case, the bottom of the tank should face the tops of the triangles.

    How to properly mix concrete in a concrete mixer

    There are various ways to prepare the solution in a concrete mixer. They depend on the design of the device and the principle of operation.

    In gravitational machines, the process of combining all components of the mixture is carried out by turning the container with the solution from top to bottom or along the axis. Mixing occurs under the influence of gravity. A similar result can be obtained even if a manual concrete mixer is used. However, large volumes of mortar cannot be achieved in this way, so this option is recommended exclusively for private construction.

    The forced-mechanical method is similar to the gravitational method: it also allows you to achieve a high degree of homogeneity of the solution. The mixing mechanism includes a horizontal or inclined type tub into which the mixer is immersed. Such a container can rotate on its own without a mixer; instead, mixing is carried out by the blades that are located inside the tub.

    Methods for preparing a solution in a concrete mixer depend on the design and operating principle of the device.

    The forced vibration method assumes the presence of a stationary container. For mixing, a mixer is used, which produces compression waves, which contributes to effective mixing and compaction of the mixture. It should be noted that this method is energy-intensive, since preparing 20 liters of solution will require a vibration drive with a power of 1.3 kW.

    The combined gravitational-mechanical method is a combination of all of the above methods. Knowing how to properly load a concrete mixer, you can make this tool yourself.

    Features of the device and operation

    Equipment for the production of concrete is equipped with certain mechanisms and parts, the set of which is standard. All of them must be indicated in the drawings, must be of good quality, correctly assembled and connected.

    Complete set of forced action concrete mixer:

    • Electric motor that rotates the blades
    • A cylindrical or conical bulb is a container in which concrete components are mixed
    • Paddles – wrap the mixture
    • Fixed drum-axle
    • Special shaft for blades
    • A lid or hatch on the container - allows you to avoid leakage of the solution when wrapping, prolongs the hardening time of unused concrete

    The principle of operation of a forced-action concrete mixer is simple - all the ingredients for mixing concrete are poured into a bulb container. The unit is connected to the electrical network, the electric motor is started (usually by pressing a button). During operation, the blades rotate evenly and mix the solution of the desired consistency. The whole process can be done with just one hand.

    How to make a concrete mixer with your own hands: brief manufacturing instructions

    Considering how much a concrete mixer costs, many consider it advisable to make the tool themselves. To do this, it is enough to purchase the necessary materials and acquire certain skills. Homemade concrete mixers have different designs depending on the operating principles listed above. They are manual, vibrating, and also containing an electric drive.

    You can make a simple manual concrete mixer with your own hands. The drawings are available on the Internet. The manufacturing process consists of the following stages:

    Homemade concrete mixers can have very different designs.

    1. Take an old brew or can, first checking the container for integrity.
    2. Insert a piece of pipe into the handle of the can and secure it to the tank with a rope or rubber band.
    3. Weld the vessel to the axle. If an aluminum container is used, then handles made of metal strips approximately 1 cm thick are attached to it using screws.
    4. A hole in the shape of the letter “U” is cut in the frame for the purpose of laying the axes and attaching the bearings.

    On a note! A vertical manual concrete mixer prepares the mixture much faster, but a horizontal loading device produces a better quality solution.

    If the can is supposed to be positioned horizontally, then a hatch must be made on the side for loading, and the container must be secured to an axis. You can use steel pipes for support. This design rotates slowly, so the period of mixing the solution can take approximately 20 minutes. At the same time, the productivity of such a concrete mixer is several times higher than that of a machine whose operating principle is based on the “scoop” method. An electric motor with a power of 2.5 kW can be connected to this design, taking into account that the tank volume is 50 liters.


    A factory-made or home-made concrete mixer consists of three main components: a tub in which the solution is mixed, a frame for attaching the components, and a drive - manual or electric (in some cases, motors from a moped or scooter are used).
    In the video, a homemade tub for combined mixing of the solution is installed on a T-16 tractor:

    Tub for solution

    Firstly, you need to think about its size, given that it will be loaded at 30-40%. This is no longer possible, as the solution will splash out and mix poorly.

    Secondly, attention should be paid to the shape - it should be pear-shaped. From above, so that water and solution do not splash out, from below, so that concrete particles do not get clogged in the corners between the wall and the bottom

    An almost finished tub is a plastic barrel of the required size - in addition to the fact that it fits the shape, its weight will be an additional advantage.

    Alternatively, a concrete mixer can be made from a washing machine - if you have an old Soviet round “washing machine” lying around in the attic, then remove the laundry tank, which is specially designed to allow liquid to spin inside it. The bottom is strengthened, the top is narrowed and the tank is ready.

    If there is nothing suitable, then a pear for a concrete mixer can be made from a steel sheet with a cross-section of 2-3 mm. For the bottom, you should take thicker metal - about 5 mm - it will bear the main load from the drive.

    With a diameter of 500 mm and a height of 400, a compact tub is obtained, in which, however, 30 liters of solution can be prepared at a time.

    The following drawings will tell you more about the design:

    You can make a high-quality pear for a concrete mixer without using blades. In the diagram shown, instead of them, mortar dividers made of 16 mm reinforcing rod are welded inside the container, which further strengthen the structure. This design is an excellent mixer for wood concrete.

    Attachment to the shaft occurs through a hub from a car wheel, which is welded or screwed to the bottom. If there are no car parts lying around in the garage, then the fasteners will have to be made manually according to the drawing.

    Support frame

    There can be a variety of variations in its design - there is complete freedom of action, the main rule of its manufacture is that it securely holds all components and provides free access for loading and unloading concrete.

    The main differences in engineering lie in the method of pouring the finished solution, for which the tub itself is made movable, or the entire frame is designed in a certain way.

    For a tub made of steel sheet, the optimal frame is one that allows it to tilt. The container itself is connected to the gearbox drive (15), to which the force comes from the engine (17) through the coupling (16).

    All this is mounted on a subframe (18) and rotated on a hinge (14). For different types of solutions, the working slope of the tub can be adjusted, for which an eye (22) is welded to the subframe, through which a sector (10) passes, held in the desired position by a pin (23).

    The sector needs at least three basic provisions:

    50% slope – for heavy solutions.

    A slope of 30% is for light mixtures (for example, plaster).

    Horizontal position to rinse the container.

    Electric motor and gearbox

    These parts are rarely purchased separately - it’s easiest to use what you have on hand. The electric motor is suitable from a washing machine, the electrical circuit is from there, and the gearboxes are assembled from bicycle wheels, belt or chain drives. The closest thing to the factory design is a flywheel welded to the bottom, which spins from the “native” Benedix car starter mounted on the shaft.

    All calculations are made based on the following considerations:

    • The engine power is selected according to the ratio of 20 watts per liter of solution.
    • The number of revolutions produced by the gearbox for the tub should be in the range of 30-50 per minute. A smaller amount will increase the mixing time, and a larger amount will splash the solution or generally cause centrifugal forces, due to which mixing will not occur.

    How to make a concrete mixer from a 200 liter barrel with your own hands

    You can also make a concrete mixer with your own hands from a 200-liter barrel, either manually or electrically. If we are talking about a manual device, then the container is simply placed on a shaft that rotates by means of handles attached to the ends. For greater mixing efficiency, it is necessary to weld partitions with a height of 10 to 15 cm in the middle of the barrel along and across.

    For mobility, concrete mixers made from a 200-liter barrel are mounted on a frame with wheels.

    The mobility of the device allows you to install the stands on a wheelbarrow or frame with wheels. The barrel must close tightly, since it is supposed to be horizontal. Flanges with bearings are attached to both sides, to which the shaft is welded.

    To make it convenient to load the components and pour out the solution, in the process of making a concrete mixer with your own hands, you need to make a hole from a barrel where the hinges are welded and a manhole cover with an airtight layer is put on. To ensure the static nature of the product, the shaft is secured with racks. To avoid distortions, the supports are buried in the ground, and handles are attached to the container.

    You can make a do-it-yourself concrete mixer from a 200-liter barrel using a different method, but the same drawing. The main differences between the two options are the use of a motor, which is fixed through a pulley on one side of the barrel, as well as the vertical position of the device. A homemade vertical concrete mixer is mounted on a rotating frame with an installed motor, and rollers are attached to the barrel to spin it on the shaft. To facilitate rotation, handles or a steering wheel are attached to the container.

    Electric motor assembly

    To make a concrete mixer with an electric motor, a single-phase motor is suitable.

    If you have motors from old washing machines at home, you can use them as an electric motor for a concrete mixer. The average rotation speed should be 20 - 30 rpm.

    The engine from gasoline motorcycles will also work. It will be convenient because it is not dependent on electricity.

    The shaft must rotate through bearings. The solution is used in a maximum of 7 buckets.

    Be smart, consider your own preferences, and you will achieve the desired result and ease of use.

    Electric concrete mixer: prices and popular models

    When it comes to value for money, you should trust trusted manufacturers. In this list, Lebedyan concrete mixers occupy a special position, differing from competitors in a number of characteristics that satisfy user requirements. The Lebedinsky plant specializes in the production of SBR concrete mixers and similar machines, which makes it possible to obtain more reliable and high-quality products.

    For large volumes of work, it is better to purchase concrete mixers from trusted manufacturers.

    The product line includes both manual equipment and electric concrete mixers, which are characterized by a long service life. A special category consists of professional machines with large capacities.

    On a note! If we are talking about private housing construction or low-rise construction, then you can choose Profmash concrete mixers. This company specializes in the production of small devices.

    A concrete mixer is a convenient piece of equipment that is used to prepare various types of solutions, from tile adhesive to concrete for garden paths. The modern market offers a wide range of these mechanisms, which are characterized by durability and ease of operation. You can also make a concrete mixer yourself. To do this, you need to study the structure of the device, purchase the necessary materials and tools.

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