Expert advice on how to carefully and effectively clean old tiles from grout

The wonderful impression of a newly completed renovation can fade if traces of building materials remain on the surface of the new coatings. One of the most common problems in this area is the presence of cement or adhesive mixture residues on facing tiles or porcelain stoneware. This is almost always associated with the process of mixing solutions in a room with existing tiles, which can be avoided if this procedure is done in another place. But it happens that pieces of cement mortar remain after plastering or other processes that had to be performed next to the tiles. Whatever the reasons, there will be nothing else left in this situation but to clean the tiles from cement by all possible means.

How to remove using folk remedies?

You can get rid of the solution using folk recipes. The #1 remedy for removing dried glue is baking soda.

It is applied as follows:

  1. 0.5 liters of warm water is poured into the basin.
  2. Pour 100 g of soda into it and stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Using a sponge, apply the solution to the tiles.
  4. Leave for 30-60 minutes.
  5. Remove the softened composition. To remove it, you can use a brush with medium-hard bristles.

If the solution is difficult to remove, baking soda can be replaced with caustic soda.
However, you need to use it carefully, performing the work only with gloves so as not to damage the skin of your hands. To prepare 0.5 liters of cleaning product, 50 g of caustic soda is enough.

You can remove the solution from the tiles using vinegar with a concentration of 9%. The acid acts as a solvent, breaking down the molecules of the adhesive base.

Mode of application:

  • 1.5 liters of warm water is poured into the basin;
  • add ½ cup of vinegar to it;
  • treat the tiles with the solution and leave for 30 minutes;
  • use a brush to remove the solution; if it is poorly cleaned, increase the exposure time by 3 times.

You can solve the problem using bleach. In liquid form, it can dissolve any adhesive composition.

Use it as follows:

  1. Dilute bleach with water in equal proportions.
  2. Apply the liquid with a sponge to the side of the tile that needs cleaning.
  3. Leave to act for 20 minutes.
  4. Remove the solution with a brush.

Citric acid will help cope with a thin solution.
Mode of application:

  • pour 0.5 liters of water into a basin;
  • add 2 sachets of citric acid weighing 25 g each;
  • stir the powder until completely dissolved;
  • the liquid is applied to the tile using a sponge;
  • leave for 30 minutes, rinse with clean water.

You can get rid of grout on tiles using Coca-Cola. This drink is widely used to combat rust, but it also easily breaks down the adhesive base.

Mode of application:

  1. Pour Cola into a basin; there is no need to release gases.
  2. Immerse the bar in the drink.
  3. Leave for 2 hours.
  4. Clean the product with a brush.
  5. Rinse with clean water.

Coca-Cola has the property of coloring light-colored products. Therefore, if it is used to clean light-colored tiles, the element is not immersed in the drink, but rather applied to areas that need treatment.

Often the old solution holds firmly, so it is not always possible to remove it in one procedure. It may take several soaking cycles to get rid of it without a trace.

Precautionary measures

The chemical components included in many of the described products require compliance with safety measures. It is necessary to provide protection for the technician with goggles, a respirator, and protective gloves. If the manufacturer has indicated the necessary treatment indoors, then high-quality ventilation is created. It is better to clean the outside of the building.

It is necessary to provide protection for the technician with goggles, a respirator, and protective gloves.

It is quite possible to re-glue old tiles, the main thing is to carefully remove them from the base so as not to break them. And then remove the adhesive layer, which is securely attached to the surface. For this purpose, a variety of means are used, most often accompanied by a combination of mechanical cleaning. Everyone chooses the appropriate option for themselves, but it is important not to forget about precautions.

How to remove with special compounds?

You can remove grout from old tiles using store-bought products. Their use greatly facilitates the work, as they contain components designed to combat complex contaminants. The following compositions will help cope with the solution:


Liquid for removing cement and lime residues. The solvent is intended for treating tiles from:

  • plaster mixtures,
  • joint grout,
  • cement and glue.

This universal composition is based on acids and nonionic surfactants. It is applied to the surface to be treated for several minutes, the softened composition is removed with a brush and washed with plenty of water. Price 310 rubles. Read reviews here, here and here.

Premium House

Gel for removing cement and adhesive residues. The liquid is suitable for treating any surface . The gel has a high concentration, so before applying it to the tiles it must be diluted with water (1 cap per 1 liter of water). The composition is based on functional additives. Price 210 rubles. Read reviews here.


Cleaner for removing cement mortar. The liquid has an acid base , due to which it effectively dissolves cement, lime and other building compounds. The remover is highly concentrated, so it is not used for treating marble surfaces. Price 530 rubles.

Before using the solvent for the first time, you need to study the information on the label. Violating the manufacturer's instructions is unacceptable.

Types of cement contamination

The most important factor influencing the difficulty of removing cement stains from tiles and other surfaces is the age of such stains. He can be

  • up to one day;
  • up to three weeks;
  • more than a month.

The sooner you start dealing with stuck cement, the more effective and simpler the process will be. But it happens when the owner gets the room with stains on the tiles. How to clean cement from tiles in this case?

Mechanical methods

You can get rid of grout on tiles by mechanical cleaning. To do this, use sandpaper, a construction float or a grinder. Depending on the chosen tool, the way it is used differs.

Select sandpaper of medium grit. Use it as follows:

  1. Nail or glue the sheet to a wooden block. This will make it easier to hold in your hand.
  2. Fix the tile so that it does not move or fall from the surface.
  3. Clean the glue with sandpaper.
  4. Shake off the dry cleaned solution and rinse the tiles with clean water.

You can remove the grout from the tiles using a float. This tool has a convenient design, since in addition to the working surface with a rough base, it is equipped with a holder that fits comfortably in the hand.


  • fix the tiles;
  • apply a grater to it and press lightly;
  • holding the hand in one position, they begin to systematically work the surface;
  • First, remove the solution by pointing the tool up and down, and finish cleaning with circular movements.

You can speed up the cleaning process if you use a grinder. To remove the solution, use a scrubbing brush :

  1. Install the attachment on the tool and plug it into the network.
  2. Fix the tile.
  3. Walk over the layer of solution, completely cleaning it.

During the work, you need to ensure that the tile layer along with the adhesive base is not removed.
In addition to specialized tools, you can try to remove the solution using pumice .
It is used if you need to clean several elements. Pumice is not suitable for large-scale work, since the process of its use is associated with significant physical and time costs. This video will show you how to remove old glue from tiles:

How to clean cement from paving slabs? - fast decision

Washing out a cement stain from the surface of paving slabs is quite a difficult task and at the same time very troublesome. The complexity of this procedure lies in the volume of work performed, as well as in the material itself - hardened cement can eat into the surface of absolutely any component incredibly strongly.

To clean cement from paving slabs, first remove all contaminants from the area - a collection of loose materials. Cement stains most often occur during the installation of curbs - when installed on a base that is made of cement mortar. The splashes may not be immediately absorbed into the surface of the tiles being laid, and you may be able to remove them in the simplest way - with powerful water pressure, for example, with a mini-wash.

Important! Ideally, absolutely any unnecessary trace of the repair procedure should be immediately removed from the surface. If this does not work out, working with frozen stains must be done carefully to avoid various scratches on the working surface.

What not to do and why?

When carrying out work, you should not make the following mistakes:

  1. Under no circumstances should acidic products be mixed with chlorine. This combination will result in the release of caustic fumes that can cause poisoning.
  2. It is prohibited to use a percussion tool to remove the mortar. Tile is a fragile building material; applying force will cause it to crack.
  3. Do not use caustic compounds on tiles without prior testing. An aggressive environment can cause its destruction, as a result of which the entire batch will have to be disposed of.
  4. It is unacceptable for aggressive components to come into contact with the glazed surface of the tile.
  5. Tools (grinder, metal brushes, sandpaper) are not used to remove the solution from the outside of the product, as this will lead to scratches and chips. It is also not recommended to use a metal spatula.

Cleaning cement from tiles

  • Basic methods
  • Fighting frozen mortar

After completing a long renovation, it’s so nice to be in a perfectly clean apartment.

But even such a joyful moment can be ruined, for example, if there are stains or cement residues on the surface of the tile that can spoil such beauty. However, you shouldn’t worry too much, because today there is a special modern tool for removing cement mortar residues.

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After laying the tiles and grouting the joints, the appearance of the room and the tiles fades slightly; stains and cement residues remain on the surface of the tiles. However, don’t worry, a special modern product will easily remove cement residues.

Helpful information

Tips for removing mortar from old tiles and ceramic tiles:

  1. Mechanical processing always produces a lot of dust. Therefore, you need to protect your respiratory organs and eyes. To do this, use construction glasses and a respirator.

  2. If your skin comes into contact with chemicals, wear rubber gloves.
  3. If the solution has firmly adhered to the surface and cannot be removed by conventional means, use hydrochloric acid. This is an aggressive composition that must be handled with caution. Acid is sprayed onto the contaminated area, left for 12 hours, after which cleaning begins.
  4. Before using tools for mechanical removal of the adhesive mixture, it is recommended to soak the tiles in plain water overnight. During this time, it will become softer and easier to remove.

Cleaning methods depending on the type of solution

After laying the tiles, there is adhesive left on it that needs to be cleaned

Before scrubbing cement off tiles, you need to find out what type it is.

Only a specialist can determine the composition by eye. But if the owner of the apartment did the laying, it will be easier.

There are several common mixtures for installing tiles:

  • Polymer. When fresh, it has a gel structure, is characterized by high viscosity and rapid hardening. The acrylic base can be easily softened with special solvents.
  • Cement. It takes a long time to set, but connects the surfaces tightly. It is very difficult to remove - you cannot do without mechanical methods.
  • Epoxy. Durable base with maximum drying time. Acid thinners will be required to dissolve the resins. However, such compositions are used very rarely.
  • Plaster. The properties are similar to cement mortar.
  • Sand-cement. The easiest mixture to process, as it is highly brittle.

When fresh, these products can be easily removed with solvents. But if they dry out, you will need additional tools.

Types of removing cement-sand composition from tiles

Based on the type of funds used, they are divided into:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • combined option for removing glue.

Classification is carried out according to the intensity of exposure. But a clear division is not expected; the result is important.

Fresh cement composition

The best cleaning results are achieved if dirt is removed from the tiles immediately. After completing a certain stage of construction work, you need to immediately clean the surface. You can simply rinse the area with water. Although minimal traces of glue and cement will remain after poor-quality washing, they will not be able to achieve maximum hardness. They can be removed again without much difficulty.

Removing hardened glue using improvised tools

Glue that has already dried can be removed from the tile surface very poorly, but it can still be removed without the use of expensive chemicals. To do this you will need the following equipment:

  • plastic or rubber spatula. Such materials will not harm the surface of the tile;
  • hard sponge;
  • microfiber cloth;
  • water.

To begin with, you should soften the stain by pouring plenty of water. A special glue solvent will also work.

Try removing hardened glue with a rubber spatula, stiff sponge or microfiber cloth.

The soaked mass of glue can be cleaned well; if only the top layer is removed, the procedure is repeated. Thus, it is recommended to scrape off the glue with a sponge, pumice stone or sandpaper, but you must be careful not to damage the surface of the tile. After removing the glue, a microfiber cloth or sponge will give the tile a decent appearance.

You can use a non-metallic spatula to work on a dry surface, holding it at an angle of 90 degrees, gradually chipping away the glue.

To wipe off dry glue, you can use a construction float. You need to hold it at an angle and work diagonally on the tile, without any effort, otherwise the glue may scratch the surface. Damaged tiles are less resistant to stains and their cleaning becomes more difficult.

There is often glue left in the seams between the tiles; a special jointing knife will help remove it. It’s even easier to do this with a drill, onto which a round attachment similar to a metal brush is attached. This makes cleaning more careful without damaging the edges. The grout area is deepened. A rag with a hard texture, such as burlap, will help remove glue deposits.

Removing glue using household products

If it is not possible to use chemicals, remove dried glue using other means.


Chloride compounds are aggressive substances that cope with any pollution.

Chlorine will help to thoroughly clean tiles from glue and old mortar. Dilute the substance with water and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray the liquid onto contaminated areas. After some time, wash off the residue with a damp cloth and enjoy the new tiles in your kitchen or bathroom.

Abrasive substances eat into solid particles, which allows you to get rid of dirt on household surfaces, but often lead to roughness and deformation of things. Proper cleaning depends on the material (aluminum, ceramics) and technique of performing the procedure, the percentage of water and chemical liquids.


A sponge is soaked in vinegar and the surface of the walls is generously moistened. Such manipulations should be performed with gloves. After the chemical reaction occurs and the contamination softens, it is removed with a small spatula or a hard brush. If the degree of contamination is high, the solution is made more concentrated.

Hydrochloric acid

Hydrochloric acid helps to get rid of even hardened glue, as it has the ability to dissolve the most durable substances. You can buy it at any hardware store; it is part of many household chemicals.

To prepare the cleaning solution you will need 1 liter of water and 50 ml of hydrochloric acid. Mode of application:

  1. Apply the solution to the contaminated area.
  2. Leave for 20 minutes to absorb.
  3. Clean problem areas with the hard side of a foam sponge.
  4. Rinse off any remaining product with water.

Hydrochloric acid is a potent substance, so when working with it you must follow safety precautions. Hands are protected with rubber gloves, a mask and construction glasses are put on the face.

Sugar solution

Gluing tiles is difficult, cleaning the consequences of repairs is even more difficult. A regular rag dampened with water wipes away fresh dirt. Advanced cases require more radical methods. Try making a sugar infusion at home. Heat the water, add a few tablespoons of sugar. Blot paper towels with this solution. Place them on the tiles. Change towels regularly to keep them from drying out.

The procedure takes a couple of hours, is inexpensive, and gives amazing results. Finally, wipe the surface with a damp sponge, rinse additionally with water, and dry.

Coca-Cola or Sprite are suitable as sweet water.


The drink can be used as a leavening agent. Place the bar in a container with Cola and pour boiling water to the very top. Leave for several hours, which will cause the glue to soften. Afterwards, the solution must be scraped off and the tiles must be placed back into the liquid. Repeat the procedure until the glue is completely removed.

This option is more suitable for cleaning unused tiles that have accidentally become dirty. It should be thoroughly dried before gluing.

Thanks to the aggressive substances that make up chlorine, it copes well with all types of pollution. To remove tile adhesive, it should be diluted with water and, using a spray bottle, sprayed onto the desired areas. Wash off after it eats away the solution.


Ammonia will help deal with mold-infested areas of tiles. This product is used after the main washing of the tiles as a final treatment. It is necessary to use ammonia in diluted form: per liter of water - 2 tbsp. l.

Steam cleaner

This is an excellent device that can quickly and effectively clean off adhesive thanks to a powerful jet of hot steam, which is supplied under strong pressure. It is important that it is not difficult to remove dirt using this device, even in hard-to-reach corners.

Areas of use

Most often, cement solvent is required when splashes appear on the floor after plastering walls or ceilings with cement plaster. In addition, the product will be needed to clean the formwork that was used to fill the foundation or other street structures. After installing blocks, bricks, stone and performing plastering work, the tools remain dirty, and they can also be wiped off by washing off the cement.

Other applications of concrete solvent:

  • removing the old plaster layer or screed that cannot be removed by conventional methods;
  • removal of efflorescence, lime and cement from walls and other surfaces;
  • cleaning of concrete mixers, hopper buckets, power tools;
  • cleaning bricks or tiles;
  • wetting concrete joints when dismantling brick walls to facilitate work.

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