Business plan for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks: an overview of ways to implement the idea of ​​​​producing products

The production of expanded clay concrete blocks is based on mixing building materials such as cement, water, expanded clay and enriched quartz or expanded clay sand. The technological part of production is almost identical to the method of creating cinder blocks. Even their appearance is similar. The production itself is nothing complicated with relatively small investments. This is the primary factor in choosing this type of business in the construction segment.

Before you start planning your own business for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks, you should calculate the cost and draw up an initial plan of action. Determine for yourself sales channels for finished products - wholesale or retail. The most frequent consumers of this type of product are:

  • enterprises whose main activity is performing any types of construction work;
  • firms producing goods on an industrial scale;
  • Personal farming and agricultural education;
  • Private retail buyers.

Based on the information above, the sale of finished products can be carried out through one of two channels:

  1. Through intermediary companies - construction wholesale and retail stores and bases.
  2. Focus on direct sales from the manufacturer and production of expanded clay concrete blocks for individual orders.

You can’t do such a business without a marketing program. This issue is resolved by providing information about the enterprise in the media, holding advertising campaigns, and participating in exhibitions.

An important factor in the production of building materials is the seasonality of their consumption. The most active sales of expanded clay and concrete blocks are recorded from the beginning of spring to late autumn. But a high-quality product of relatively low cost will be in demand by consumers all year round.

How to accurately select equipment for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks

Suitable equipment for the production of blocks directly depends on the technology for manufacturing this type of building material. The process of preparing a mixture for forming concrete expanded clay blocks from water, cement, expanded clay and sand is simple, the main thing is to strictly follow the rules of GOST and TU. The ratios of each component are recorded there. The slightest deviations can greatly affect the quality of the finished building material. It happens that a special glue is added to the mixture. This makes the surface of the block smoother. It is recommended to use cement M400 or M500.

The next stage is molding. The finished mixture is filled into standard forms for this type of product, after which the products are pressed and dried. Drying process – 24 hours. And the production time for 1 block is no more than 7 days. Finished products are stored and await the day of shipment to the future buyer.

Indispensable equipment when running a business for the production of building blocks are a pressing vibration installation, a vibrating table and a concrete mixer. On the modern market you can find a manufacturer of brick making machines whose products will satisfy you in all respects. Not only the pricing policy is taken into account, but also the productivity of the machine. Any aspiring businessman wants his business to grow and develop. In this case, it is better to immediately select equipment with a high degree of productivity, producing up to 1000 expanded clay blocks per standard working day.

To successfully use and maintain such a brick making machine, two pairs of working hands are enough. The size of the machine, weighing about 600 kg, is relatively small - 1.8 x 2.5 meters. An advantage for the development of future business will undoubtedly be that such an installation can produce not only expanded clay products, but concrete and cinder blocks. In addition to the press and installation for mixing concrete, a vibrating table, with a total cost of about 190 thousand rubles, you cannot do without molding pallets. Their cost varies from 3,500 rubles per unit of goods.

Producing blocks on an average scale will require installing a line. It is usually immediately equipped with all the necessary installations and equipment. This approach will allow us to produce up to 12 cubic meters of finished goods per work shift. But there are some nuances here too. To accommodate such an installation, the industrial workshop premises must be at least 100 square meters, with a wall height of 6 meters. Just one worker is enough to start the line. The price range of the finished line starts from 1.5 million rubles.

To save money, when starting a business for the production of concrete blocks, it is not necessary to purchase such a line assembled. All its main parts - a concrete mixer, a pressing vibrating unit, a vibrating table, pallets, a hydraulic station and a molding kit can be assembled separately. It will cost you about 300 thousand rubles. Only in this case you will have to spend money on labor costs. After all, 3 or more people will be required to service such a “homemade” line. The production area must be at least 70 square meters.

No matter how you build your business, production workshops must be heated, with level floors and good ventilation. The presence of isolated premises for storing and drying finished products is welcome. But if there are none, an outdoor area under a canopy will also do.


The room must be selected to accommodate equipment of the appropriate dimensions. Its minimum area is 70 square meters. The ceiling height should reach 6 meters. To install equipment and ensure its full functioning, the floors must be level. All equipment runs on electricity. It is also necessary to ensure high-quality lighting, which will provide an objective assessment of the situation by workers during the performance of production tasks.

Technological production line

The room must be heated and ventilated. It must have sewer and water supplies. When choosing a rental property, from several options, you should give preference to a room that is initially divided into several zones. Some of them may even be located outdoors under a canopy. They can be used for drying and storage.

Technical characteristics of expanded clay concrete blocks

The construction of residential buildings and industrial premises from expanded clay concrete blocks is quite popular in the modern world. This trend is explained by the low cost and wide range of useful properties of the building material. Structures made from such blocks are characterized by ease of construction and low heat loss.

There are several main technical characteristics of expanded clay concrete blocks:

  • The weight of the block, compared to standard bricks, is much less. Depending on this, the load on the foundation is reduced by 2.5 times.
  • Quick and easy to use, which guarantees savings on construction labor costs.
  • Very low heat loss. Having erected a structure from expanded clay concrete, you will not need to spend additional money on the purchase of insulating materials.
  • Durable moisture- and frost-resistant blocks do not allow chemicals to penetrate into the building.
  • Expanded clay concrete blocks are a breathable, environmentally friendly building material.
  • Wide scope of application.
  • Very durable building material. Withstands loads up to 37 thousand kg.
  • There are practically no voids inside the block. If we take 500 kg per cube, it will give the same volumetric weight.
  • The shapes and sizes of the blocks will satisfy every buyer. Products can be produced with varying numbers of internal voids, which directly increases the usefulness of such building materials. The heat capacity increases.
  • Expanded clay concrete blocks can be made with grooves or ridges. This contributes to more successful joining of products during laying and, as a result, better thermal insulation.
  • Molds for expanded clay blocks have the following parameters: width from 70 to 495 mm, height - 190 or 240 mm, length from 120 to 450 mm. It is possible to produce U-shaped blocks used for laying monolithic lintels.
  • When producing concrete blocks, their load-bearing capacity is taken into account. Such products will allow you to build a high-rise building with strong walls.
  • The material is resistant to cracks and tears.
  • Shrinkage of the finished product is almost zero.

The beneficial properties of expanded clay concrete blocks greatly expand the scope of their application. They are used to build cold buildings in which heating is not expected, for example, warehouses. This material is especially valuable for its moisture resistance. This allows it to be widely used for construction in regions with a sharp continental climate.

Why expanded clay block is in demand among consumers

First, let's figure out why expanded clay concrete block is popular among developers:

  1. Indicators of density and strength allow the products to be used in various fields. The least dense material is used for thermal insulation, and the more durable one is used for the construction of load-bearing structures.

On a note! Expanded clay concrete is the only representative of the group of lightweight concrete that can be used in the construction of building foundations. Foundation blocks are made from it.

FBS, photo

  1. At high densities, a reduced thermal conductivity coefficient is maintained, which means that the future building will be capable of heat conservation.

Thermal conductivity of expanded clay block in comparison with competitive materials

  1. The environmental friendliness of the material leaves no doubt, and further, when considering the production technology, we will finally be convinced of this.

Composition of expanded clay block

  1. In accordance with GOST, expanded clay block does not burn; moreover, it is heat-resistant.

Expanded clay concrete - fire resistant

  1. Large dimensions allow buildings to be erected as quickly as possible. For comparison, one block of expanded clay concrete is equal in size to 12-14 bricks.

Product dimensions are large

  1. The weight of the products is small, which means a reduction in the load on the foundation and significant savings during its construction. After all, to build a house made of expanded clay concrete, a reinforced foundation is not required if the structure is low-rise and not heavy.

Weight of different types of products

Note! This fact does not apply to the case when the house is planned to be faced, for example, with ceramic bricks. It will not be possible to use a lightweight foundation, since the products are heavy.

  1. The low price of the material adds to its advantages.

Low cost of production

  1. An equally significant advantage is the ability to make it yourself. The production of expanded clay concrete is a simple process and is accessible to everyone.
  2. Fixing any hardware is not a problem when building from expanded clay blocks. It is not necessary to purchase specialized fasteners.
  3. It is also worth noting the frost resistance grades of the products and their durability.

Required conditions for organizing this production

First of all, in order to open the production of concrete blocks, you should register yourself as a legal entity, for example, a Limited Liability Company (LLC), an individual entrepreneur (IP) or a business without the formation of a legal entity (PBOYUL) and register your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in the tax office of your home city . One of the optimal taxation systems for such enterprises is the simplified taxation system or simply “simplified tax system”. The income tax, minus the money spent, in this case will be 15%. Thus, you save on salaries for full-time employees, because all tax papers and declarations under the simplified taxation system can be filled out yourself. As a last resort, look on the Internet.

According to OKVED, business is classified as follows:

  • 23.6 – “Production of products from concrete, cement and gypsum.”
  • 23.61 – “Production of concrete products for use in construction.”

What to produce

Despite the wide application possibilities of the building material, it is most often used for the construction of wall structures.

Blocks marked 300, 400 and 500 are suitable for these purposes. However, material models with such parameters must have high strength characteristics. Only with this approach to business can you count on the demand for the results of your work.

It is not difficult to achieve a high rating in the market of building material manufacturers. It is enough not to skimp on raw materials and follow the technological process regulations. This approach to business will allow you to seamlessly sell any model of expanded clay blocks. Having realized that the supplier offers only high-quality products, its consumers will turn to him. The building materials market is characterized by a shortage of quality products, since in order to reduce their costs, many entrepreneurs engage in hack work, so it is difficult to find a bona fide manufacturer.

Marketing planning

To successfully launch the production of building blocks, it is necessary to draw up a marketing plan. This involves solving the following problems:

  1. Search for potential clients. These could be construction companies in need of a constant supply of building materials, shops or wholesale centers, private consumers with individual orders. This activity is carried out through cold and warm calls, issuing commercial offers to companies operating in the region where your production is located. Then you can enter the national or global market with your business.
  2. Carrying out advertising campaigns, placing advertisements in the media, on radio, television or on paper. Participation in construction exhibitions and tenders.
  3. Opening an online store. Create a small, but capacious and well-positioned page on the Internet. On the website, present the entire range of manufactured goods in the best color. The ability to purchase and pay for products through the website significantly expands the sales area of ​​finished products. Moreover, the costs of developing and maintaining a small website will not bother you.
  4. Development of partnerships. Give a small discount to several construction stores; in return, they may give you the opportunity to place their advertising materials and will recommend your product.
  5. Placement of advertising stands and banners at construction markets or wholesale centers.

Focusing on the above recommendations and gradually establishing partnerships, successful sales of expanded clay concrete blocks are guaranteed. And this will soon bring you about 390 thousand rubles of net income per month or about 5 million rubles per year. This is possible with the production of 10,000 blocks per month and its retail price is about 40 rubles.

Scope of application

Most builders consider expanded clay concrete blocks to be an advantageous option for the construction of low-rise buildings. It is also successfully used by developers of multi-storey buildings built without the use of a frame foundation. The material is well suited for installing ceilings over rooms that are not heated. It is also used in mines, for power transmission towers and bridge roadway equipment. The search for clients who are ready to purchase building materials should be sought taking into account the scope of its application.

Buyers can be private individuals - land owners, farms, professional developers, owners of wholesale warehouses, retail construction stores and even government utilities. Therefore, the advertising campaign must be targeted at the identified target audience.

Production planning

To start a business, the availability of production premises will be paramount. You can build them yourself or rent them. To organize a small production, 70-90 square meters will be enough, where all the required equipment and warehouses will be located. Equip your workshops with a water supply, heating and good ventilation system. And most importantly, check that the electrical wiring is in good condition and that the voltage is sufficient. After all, for the successful operation of production units, 220 V will not be enough; a three-phase connection from 380 V is required. In accordance with all norms and regulations, the production workshop should be equipped with fire and security alarms.

Production cannot be done without hired personnel and labor. The business of manufacturing expanded clay concrete blocks will not function without line workers, loaders, helpers and a production controller. The salary for each position is determined personally by the entrepreneur, and on average ranges from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. The work schedule is shifts, with working hours ranging from 8 to 12 hours, with rare night exits.

Promotion methods

To ensure high sales figures, it is recommended to develop an online store with offers to purchase building materials from the manufacturer. Its service should provide an option for placing an order online.

Production flow diagram

You should not neglect standard types of advertising in the form of real and virtual advertisements placed in specially designated places and on specialized portals. Advertising on banners located along the route can be effective.

Risky situations

Any business is subject to unexpected risk situations. For an organization producing building blocks, they will be as follows:

  • Possibility of increasing utility costs due to an increase in tariffs of gas, electricity and water supply companies.
  • The development of any business follows a broken line. Therefore, both an increase and a sudden decrease in demand for finished products is possible.
  • Entering the regional market of similar goods, but at a lower cost.
  • Unhealthy competition.

Despite the profitability and simplicity of the business of producing expanded clay concrete blocks, a new individual entrepreneur, like any other, should learn to navigate between the risks and negative factors of the modern building materials market. He who is warned is not defeated. Try to calculate all risk situations in advance. This skill will take your ship to a new level and give you the opportunity to develop successfully.

general information

A distinctive feature of expanded clay concrete blocks is their environmental friendliness, which is due to the use of only natural products in the production of the material. When purchasing consumables to support the production process, the entrepreneur needs to ensure that the raw materials are extracted from clean deposits, which will prevent the inclusion of radionuclides in its composition.

If low-quality raw materials are used, finished blocks can become a source of radon emissions, which is dangerous to human health. When block buyers discover this fact, the entrepreneur’s rating will drop sharply, which will cause his business to become unprofitable. To prevent such negative events, a business representative must require certificates for raw materials and do not forget to check them with radiation measuring equipment.

Calculation of cost and net profit

What the future businessman is primarily interested in is the profitability of the enterprise for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks. Such data can be obtained by conducting financial planning. Start-up costs for organizing production are:

  1. Payment of fees for business registration.
  2. Renting or constructing a building.
  3. Equipment for production workshops and warehouses.
  4. Purchase of raw materials.
  5. Workers' wages minus mandatory tax and insurance contributions.

Cost items for commissioning production will total about 600 thousand rubles. When the plant operates 8 hours a day and a five-day work week, it is possible to produce up to 15,000 expanded clay concrete blocks per month.

The cost of one unit of such products is approximately 18 rubles, and its retail price is about 40 rubles. If the situation develops in this way, you will receive 100,000 monthly profit. The expanded clay concrete block production business is famous for its high profitability of about 30%. Considering that the one-time costs of opening production amounted to 600,000 rubles, then in 6-8 months you will fully recoup your expenses and begin to make a net profit. Forecasters call a figure equal to 1.5 million rubles - this is the annual revenue of such enterprises.

Ingredients for expanded clay products

To produce expanded clay blocks yourself, you need:

  • Water;
  • Sand;
  • Expanded clay gravel;
  • Cement.

When preparing blocks yourself, you should pay special attention to the sand: it should be fine and clean, without unnecessary impurities.

It is best to buy cement in specialized construction stores. The water must also be clean.

Attention! For better plasticity, add one part of dishwashing detergent or washing powder.


The production of expanded clay blocks is a promising direction, relevant for opening their own business for a person who has decided to engage in entrepreneurial activity for the first time. If the project is implemented correctly, it will not encounter surprises, since all operations are predictable and can be planned. Another bonus in the activity may be minimal competition in this market segment, since not many people know about the unique building material. For the same reason, to promote it, you will need to launch a powerful advertising campaign, with the help of which the entrepreneur will have the opportunity to announce his product and position it as the best offer among a number of similar ones.

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