Is it necessary to sprinkle cement on asphalt after laying it?

Should I sprinkle cement on asphalt after laying it?

Among the “innovators and improvers” of construction technologies, in particular laying asphalt, there is an opinion that if freshly laid asphalt is sprinkled with cement, the so-called “ironization” of the surface will occur, similar to a freshly laid concrete pavement.

The top layer of asphalt will gain increased strength and wear resistance. It is possible to sprinkle asphalt with cement, but not for reinforcement, but so that the still hot particles of the material do not stick to the wheels of vehicles and the feet of pedestrians. A similar technology is used for “pothole” repair of asphalt concrete pavements and allows the replacement of expensive cement with inexpensive sand or granite dust.

Sometimes, by sprinkling low-quality asphalt with cement, unscrupulous workers try to hide the defective coating (lack of a “binder” - bitumen mastic).

It takes about (no more than one year) such a coating; cement does not prolong it, and in principle cannot prolong it. To understand the complete senselessness of “ironizing” asphalt with cement, let’s consider the technology and physical meaning of surface hardening of concrete.

What is concrete reinforcement

Since the concrete base is exposed to mechanical, chemical and physical damage every day, as it is affected by constant temperature changes (severe frost or sultry heat), rain, direct sunlight and other external factors. Under the influence of the environment, concrete begins to peel, delaminate or crack. For obvious reasons, you want to avoid this. Usually, the ironing method is used for this.

This procedure improves the properties of the concrete structure: hardness, strength, waterproofing characteristics. To do this, you need to apply a special dry powder or cement to the base, and then smooth it into the body of the structure.

To reinforce concrete, solutions and mixtures are applied in a thin layer to its surface.

To reduce dust accumulation on the floor and increase moisture resistance, various mixtures are used. The main thing is that they contain sodium aluminate, as well as a component such as “liquid glass”. For increased hardness, the composition should also contain granite/quartz filler or corundum. Reinforced polymer coatings will make the floor invulnerable to negative influences. To improve certain characteristics, you need to additionally use various additives.

Their composition coincides with the composition of concrete. One difference is that the former contain active chemical impurities that positively affect strength. These chemical components are absolutely safe because... their activation decreases sharply after application and is equal to zero after complete drying.

Hardeners for concrete, both dry and liquid, cope with the assigned tasks

If you want to reinforce an initially incorrectly made concrete screed, you can extend its service life, but not for a very long time.

Repair of concrete and asphalt paths

There are various combinations of materials available for hard surfaces of walkways, patios and driveways, most of which require repair or maintenance from time to time. Methods for such repairs depend on the types of these materials.

Good maintenance of paths, courtyards and entrances is a task that concerns not only their appearance. If the destruction of road surfaces is not stopped in time, they can become dangerous for pedestrians, especially in wet weather.

Damage to concrete pavements

Concrete is a popular material for paving construction because it is relatively cheap and easy to install. However, the concrete surface may develop cracks, gouges, and its outer edges may crumble.

Before any repairs to concrete walkways are undertaken, the surface of the walkway must be thoroughly cleaned. The best way is to use a washing machine, which directs a stream of pressurized water onto the surface, removing moss, biological sediment, dirt and small exfoliated concrete fractions.

To remove all dirt and moss from the damaged surface of the path, wash it with a power washer. Place a formwork board over the damaged edge of the path and drive stakes deep enough to hold it in place.

Using a chisel, chisel out any loose pieces of concrete that are in the damaged area of ​​the pavement until you reach the monolith.

Small holes and cracks can be repaired with putty for exterior use, quick-drying cement or mortar prepared with the addition of fine, sifted rather than loose construction sand.

However, in order for the solution to adhere well to the surfaces being repaired, you will still have to deepen the pothole up to 2 centimeters and widen the cracks.

Pour some water into a bucket and mix the repair solution. To apply the solution exactly to the damaged edges of the path, use a plaster trowel.

Any restoration of the edges of concrete pavements involves the construction of formwork that will hold the mortar until it completely hardens. Installing formwork from durable boards is quite simple. To hold these boards tightly against the concrete edge you are repairing, secure them securely with wooden stakes by driving them into the ground.

Fill the damaged area of ​​the coating with concrete (if you apply a layer of PVA glue to the surface before this, it will enhance the adhesion of the solution) and level it with a plaster float. Before the concrete has fully hardened, use a stiff brush to make furrows into the surface, as a smooth surface is dangerous in wet weather.

As soon as the solution hardens, immediately remove the formwork.

When the time comes, remove the formwork and remove any uneven areas using a grater and a piece of burlap.

As well as sweeping a concrete walkway, there are many ways to make the surface more attractive and less slippery. Incorporating small stones into the top layer of a concrete path is one of them; You can also finish this surface with a trowel or roll a heavy metal pipe over it.

Repair of asphalt pavements

Asphalt (tar concrete) is a cost-effective and practical material for creating hard surfaces. If the asphalt is laid correctly, the path or drive can last a long time.

At its core, it is the same material that is used to build roads - small pebbles mixed with liquid bitumen.

However, on a personal plot, the asphalt layer of many paths and drives may have been poorly made or simply began to deteriorate.

If weeds grow through the asphalt surface, this means that an insufficiently thick layer of asphalt was laid, and the only correct solution in this case would be to roll a second, professionally prepared layer on top of the existing coating. The construction of a completely asphalted drive - a surface on which it is necessary to lay hot asphalt - is not a job for solo amateurs. However, minor damage to its surface can be easily repaired with your own hands.

Brush damaged areas of your walkway or driveway until the work surface is clean.

Using a construction trowel, place a portion of asphalt on the damaged surface, then with the same trowel (or shovel) press the asphalt into the pothole.

Compact the asphalt with a wooden tamper or use a garden roller to roll it over the surface.

The very first step to repairing your driveway is thorough sweeping. Pay special attention to areas of proposed repair. If the areas of asphalt adjacent to the damaged area are deformed, then you can give them the proper appearance: heat them with a construction hairdryer and fill the dents with asphalt, compacting it with a wooden tamper.

Questions and answers

Q: Are additional operations necessary with cold asphalt before laying?

A: The mixture is ready to use. The product is as simplified as possible for the consumer and belongs to the category of “ready-made building mixtures”. The contents of the bag must be kneaded, poured into the prepared place, filled evenly into the space and compacted thoroughly. In winter and autumn, at lower temperatures, cold asphalt becomes coarser and harder, so the bags must be placed overnight in a warm room (above > 16 °C) so that it becomes mobile.

Q: What is the scope of application?

A: Pothole repair of roads, repair of cut out rectangular sections (road maps), repair of trenches, repair around manholes and water intake grates, repair of road surface joints, repair of roadways in parking lots, local areas, gas stations, etc.

Q: What is the material consumption per 1m2

A: For 1 m2 with a layer of 5 cm, the consumption is 95 kg +/- 5%. Consumption depends on the surface of the base (smooth or winding).

Q: What is the recommended layer, minimum layer and maximum layer of material?

A: Recommended layer: 5cm. This thickness will allow you to better cope with loads.

Minimum layer: from 3cm. Provided the base is cleaned and solid.

Maximum layer of material: up to 10 cm. In this case, it is recommended to lay asphalt in layers or add crushed stone to the base to save material.

Q: Is additional work required on the area to be repaired before installation?

A: It is necessary to dedust the area as much as possible and trim the edges. If necessary, the edges and base can be treated with bitumen emulsion or bitumen primer.

Q: Why is bitumen emulsion treatment necessary?

A: There are microcracks along the edge of the pit that are not visible to the naked eye. And it often happens when the patch remains in place after repair, but the edges of the main coating around it begin to collapse. Therefore, to increase the service life of the site, it is advisable to trim the edges and treat them with bitumen cationic emulsion EKSh (cationic bitumen emulsion) or EKShM (cationic bitumen emulsion modified). As an alternative to emulsion, a bitumen primer is used, which has a longer shelf life of up to 6 months. Bitumen emulsion can be used at positive temperatures.

Q: When can the repaired area be opened to traffic?

A: The movement opens instantly. And active vehicle traffic will quickly lead to hardening of the area. Please note that the “pneumatic wheel load” contributes to the recruitment, and not the load of loaders and special equipment with solid rubber wheels and weighing 3-5 tons.

Q: How can I compact it?

A: A hand tamper, vibrating plate, or something that can be used to create a dense, even surface. For areas larger than 1 m², it is advisable to use a vibrating plate. An important condition is the initial compaction, since during it the first adhesion of the stone material to each other and to the surface occurs.

Q: How long does it take to harden?

A: This characteristic is better viewed from a different perspective. Traffic along the repaired area opens instantly, but takes on a solid form gradually, depending on the intensity of traffic and weather conditions. Therefore, the range remains quite wide, but the area can be used regardless of the hardness gain. With heavy traffic, the area can harden in two weeks, and with low traffic it can take up to a month. In the absence of movement or critically high temperatures (more than 30 °C), the period may be extended. Cold asphalt is a special modified composition that remains in a homogeneous state until vehicular traffic begins on the site (pneumatic load on the wheels). Cold asphalt (bitumen) gains strength properties when compressed, so the movement of cars along the repaired area helps to strengthen them.

Q: Is there a need for extra material above the surface of the base coating?

Oh yeah. After uniform distribution, cold asphalt shrinks, which is a consequence of the viscosity of bitumen. Therefore, for every 5 cm of thickness, it is recommended to leave an excess of 1 cm above the surface for subsequent compaction, so that in the future the area will be flush with the main coating. After manual compaction without the use of a vibratory roller or vibratory rammer, slight shrinkage may also occur (on average about 5mm). But all this makes it possible for cold asphalt to fill the space as much as possible, which is not always possible when repairing with hot asphalt (since sometimes the asphalt reaches the repair point when it has cooled down or is poorly rolled out with a roller).

Q: I laid cold asphalt in the summer. And in the sun the first time it is slightly pressed if you press on one point. This is fine?

A: These are the characteristics of the behavior of cold asphalt in hot temperatures. And at low temperatures it becomes harder. Any cold asphalt behaves this way to varying degrees. And even hot asphalt heated in the sun (especially freshly laid), when pressed with a hard object, the bitumen can be pressed or pulled apart. This behavior of cold asphalt is not a disadvantage, but is a consequence of the long-term storage properties of the material, otherwise it would not have been possible to package it. Moreover, this phenomenon is temporary, which usually occurs the first time after installation. But the presence of soft bitumen makes it better to withstand “freeze-defrost” cycles in winter. And bitumen modifiers increase bitumen adhesion and allow the repaired area to stay in place, which is the main purpose of the product. Unfortunately, cold asphalt does not have adhesive properties and it is not worth checking every day whether it has hardened. It will perform its ultimate task of fixing the pothole. With time and traffic, the asphalt will gain strength. It is also possible that there is little traffic in your repair area, which slows down the hardening time (since hardening is 90% dependent on the intensity of compression of the bitumen). After laying in the summer, we recommend sprinkling the asphalt with sand (or cement) to reduce contact with the sun's rays.

Q: Is it possible to use cold asphalt after rain?

A: One of the main advantages of ROCKPHALT cold asphalt is the ability to install on wet surfaces, which hot asphalt does not have. Bitumen modifiers do not allow moisture to affect the bitumen and push it out, bonding the stone materials to each other. But for better adhesion to the surface, it is necessary to carefully sweep the dirt and water out of the hole, and then compact the asphalt concrete.

Q: It is necessary to repair the trench after laying communications. Are there any special features with this type of repair?

A: Trenches are always difficult areas to restore the road surface (for any asphalt), as there is a large shrinkage effect. When laying trenches and other areas where the crushed stone cushion is missing or has been destroyed, it is necessary to perform compaction at all stages of laying. First, pour sand and water to compact it (soil is more difficult to shrink). Then make a crushed stone cushion of 15-20 cm crushed stone. And at the end, a layer of asphalt with a margin of 1-2 cm. If the area sank due to poor compaction, then after a few days you can make another layer of asphalt.

Q: What is the best way to compact cold asphalt?

A: When laying asphalt, it is recommended to use a vibratory plate or vibratory roller to ensure uniform shrinkage of the material. But this does not exclude the possibility of using manual tamping. It’s just that in this case it is necessary to carry out shrinkage more carefully and tightly.

Q: I used the required volume and have half a bag left. Can it be stored further?

Oh yeah. The remaining volume can be used another time before the expiration date. Unlike hot asphalt, it will not harden. Close in the package and place in a warehouse (garage) until next use. It is necessary to avoid direct exposure to sunlight and dust.

Q: This is the first time we encounter cold asphalt. We pressed the bag and expected it to be softer.

A: The building material is new to the consumer and expectations sometimes differ from actual properties. This is normal behavior of cold asphalt. The “hardness effect” creates caking of the material. Moreover, the composition can change mobility when the ambient temperature changes: in winter it is harder, in summer in the sun it is softer. Modified bitumen gives asphalt these properties. After heating and kneading, the material becomes mobile again.

Q: How durable is cold asphalt repair?

A: The product provides a long-lasting result and, if installed correctly, the repaired area can last for several years. But do not forget about different operating conditions, aggressive environments and shock loads. Cold asphalt is a product that is designed to repair potholes and prevent further damage. It makes it possible to fix the problem yourself, but like any other pothole repair, the service life cannot be compared with monolithic laying of the roadway. It is worth separating the service life after laying a new road, repairing a road surface with a short service life or an old road surface that crumbles from time and wear. Before repairs, we advise you to properly assess the area and refrain from repairs if shock loads are present.

Q: What are the important criteria to follow when installing?

A: — When repairing a road surface, asphalt must be laid on an area with a solid base and the presence of walls on all sides.

- You can’t make a deal on the ground or sand. — We advise you to take general care and thoroughly clean the road around the area being repaired. Dirt and rocks scattered along the road can damage the repaired area. — If the hole is located in a place where the road deepens and there is a constant accumulation of puddles, then a water hammer may occur in this place, which can reduce the service life of the area. — Along the edge of almost every hole (in old asphalt) there are microcracks that are invisible to the eye, so we advise you to trim the edges, and for a better repair, treat the hole with bitumen emulsion (primer). — The product is not intended for repairing pedestrian areas, since without vehicular traffic the area hardens for quite a long time. Sometimes expectations differ from actual properties. Ultimately, the area will harden, but the period may not live up to expectations and the consumer assumes all risks of improper use. — Cold asphalt can be destroyed by impact loads, like any other asphalt, so we advise you to properly evaluate the area before repairing. — If the asphalt concrete is contained in a pothole with flat walls, then it is advisable to cut the edges to an angle of 90 degrees so that the mixture has support when loaded from above. — If the thickness of the section exceeds 5 cm, then it is necessary to lay it in layers. — In the modern world, pothole repair of road surfaces is considered appropriate when the amount of damage on the road does not exceed 30%. Do not try to restore completely destroyed road surfaces with cold asphalt. And evaluate the areas correctly, because there are such difficulties where asphalt that is not hot or cold will not last long - a major repair or complete reconstruction is needed.

Cold asphalt ROCKPHALT is the only way to repair the road surface yourself and prevent its further destruction. It is easy to use and allows you to carry out work all year round.

ROCKPHALT is an industry standard of European quality with a Ukrainian price!


It is recommended to lay asphalt in the absence of rain and at an air temperature of at least 10°C, so that the mixture does not cool down. If for some reason the installation is carried out in winter, an “iron” must first be passed through the area - a special machine that will dry and warm up the base.

Dump trucks deliver ready-made asphalt concrete mixture to the site. Asphalt pavers distribute it over the territory, and rollers, rammers and vibrating plates compact it.

The asphalt must be laid so that it is at the same level with the surrounding surface. Its thickness depends on the planned operating conditions. For example, in the adjacent areas of residential high-rise buildings, a layer of asphalt of approximately 4-5 cm is appropriate. If intensive use of the territory, truck traffic, etc. are planned, asphalt should be laid in two layers - from coarse-grained and fine-grained asphalt concrete, each layer of 4-5 cm. To achieve the best durability of the coating, you can lay a third layer.

To ensure adhesion of the bottom layer of asphalt to the top, old and new layers, a binding material is used - bitumen. It is poured over the laid layer of asphalt before laying a new one.

The surface is leveled using special machines - road rollers and vibrating plates. Rollers weighing 6-10 tons or more are used to compact the base and asphalt concrete pavement, which is designed for heavy loads. Rollers weighing 2-4 tons are used to compact asphalt designed for moderate loads. Vibrating plates and vibrating rammers are used in hard-to-reach places. To ensure better compaction, the base is moistened using watering machines.

Asphalt concrete, or asphalt, is a multi-component mixture of bitumen, sand, gravel or crushed stone. To improve its technical characteristics or to reduce cost, its composition may include additional fillers such as cement, crumb rubber, mineral and polymer additives.

The reliability of asphalt pavement depends on the use of high-quality components in the mixture, their uniform mixing, and maintaining temperature conditions during production and storage. In addition, the planned location for laying the asphalt pavement should be as close as possible to the place of its production, so that the time for transporting the material is as minimal as possible.


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Instructions for laying cold polymer asphalt

(cold asphalt concrete mixture).

1. The mixture can be laid in any weather.

2. In the cold season, before laying, the mixture must be placed in a warm room for thermal stabilization for 1-2 days. After making sure that the mixture has become mobile (thawed), it must be thoroughly mixed until smooth.

3. The damaged area is prepared in the order described below.

— potholes are cut off along the contour, removing destroyed or weakened parts. Several small potholes located close to each other are combined into one common map. The repair area should be no more than 5 m2. — it is necessary to cut off all the edges of the pothole strictly vertically in order to ensure the support of the plastic asphalt mass and to prevent its sagging before hardening. In winter, potholes are cleared of snow and ice before repairs.

— Road milling machines are also used to cut potholes.

— the pothole must be clean and dry.

After cutting off the edges of the excavation, unlike traditional patching technology, it does not need to be treated with a binder, since the additional film of bitumen prevents reliable adhesion of the old asphalt to the cold mixture, and an excess amount of bitumen slows down the hardening time of the mixture.

4. The preparatory pothole is filled with the mixture. The mixture is placed in the pothole taking into account the compaction coefficient, which is taken to be 1.5-1.6. The mixture is laid 2-3 cm (large fraction 5-10) and 3-4 cm (fine fraction 0-5) above the surface of the existing coating with a pothole depth of 5 cm.

The recommended thickness of the mixture layer is from 3 to 5 cm. The material is laid in only one layer. If the excavation depth is greater, the mixture is laid in layers or the excavation is first filled with crushed stone of a fraction (5-20 mm) of grade no lower than 600 with compaction to K = 0.95-0.98, achieving the same depth of the repaired area (3-5 cm). After this, they begin to lay the mixture from the edges of the pothole to the center.

5. The mixture is compacted using vibrating rammers in the same order.

6. After compaction, the filled pothole is sprinkled with granite dust or cement (dry sand can be used) to avoid the binder being carried away by the wheels of vehicles before it sets completely.

Main types of defects

Asphalt concrete damage is of the following types:

  • Break. It consists of slots in the asphalt area where the flow of vehicles passes. If cracks are not patched in time, they can increase in size and turn into a large-diameter breach.
  • Expiration of service life. Destructions associated with prolonged use of the road surface, which has not been repaired, affect the thickness of the asphalt concrete layer.
  • Reducing the strength of asphalt concrete. As a result of heavy loads from heavy trucks, subsidence of the canvas occurs and destruction of the top layer of the coating in the form of unevenness, potholes and ruts.
  • Potholes. Destructions in the form of potholes are depressions with a sharp break in the edge, which occur due to improper laying of asphalt concrete using low-quality materials.
  • Peeling. The formation of peeling on the road surface due to the separation of coating particles from the top layer. Formed due to constant variable effects of frost and thaw on the road surface.
  • Climate impacts. During the period of melting snow masses, a large amount of liquid is formed, which can destroy the road surface, which entails a decrease in the strength characteristics of asphalt concrete.
  • Chipping. This type of damage occurs as a result of improper laying or repair of the roadway, namely work in precipitation or sub-zero temperatures.
  • Cracks. Cracks form on the road surface as a result of a sharp change in temperature.
  • Drawdown. Subsidence occurs due to poor quality materials chosen for laying the roadbed, as well as as a result of insufficient compaction of the asphalt mixture or soil.

It's warm - the asphalt has melted

“The roads abroad are as expensive as butter. But we have a hole in the pothole, materials are stolen and they don’t know how to make them, there is no quality, they don’t follow the technology,” - here is a brief and censored retelling of the endless conversations scolding our roads. Well, how not to scold? Every spring, people in orange vests begin to annoy motorists in the capital. Because of them there are traffic jams, and the next year the same thing happens again: potholes and repairs.

I'm tired of swearing, I'll go lay the asphalt myself. Having put it on (this organization monitors the condition of the streets in Moscow), I set off with the team for pothole repairs. If it's a mess, I'll notice it.


Nikoloyamskaya street, house 19. The asphalt in front of the building has noticeably sagged and cracked. There is no pothole capable of breaking through a car’s suspension yet, but it will appear soon. In order not to let things go to waste, we begin repairs.

The patch on the road (scientifically called a map) should have smooth edges; for this, the asphalt is first cut out. My partner Misha is carrying a huge circular saw from the car - it cuts asphalt to any depth.

“I myself saw how a road hole was filled with asphalt without any saw. It turns out that the workers did it wrong?

“It turns out,” my boss Maxim Mikhailov answers. — If you notice such hackwork, you need to complain to the inspectors (see “KP Help”). But this is an exception. The patches on the roads are clearly visible, and they are always rectangular, the way they should be.


It takes about ten minutes to mark the boundaries of the future patch. Next we begin to chip away the top layer of asphalt.

For the first time in my life I picked up a jackhammer. But things went easily - the main thing was to push harder. Then the asphalt literally crumbles. One thing is bad, the vibration is such that your teeth start to tap dance.

-Where do the holes come from? Many people are sure that the road workers’ slapdash work is to blame for everything, I ask my boss.

“It’s not true,” says Mikhailov. — A lot depends on the weather. In 2005, at first everything was flooded, then a sharp frost hit, and then a thaw came. The water literally tore the asphalt. So they called us from Germany, asking how we were coping here! It turned out they had exactly the same thing. Let's go further - many streets in the center were built with light Soviet trucks in mind. Now the equipment is noticeably heavier, it needs to be overhauled. But you can’t do this everywhere right away. According to the “My Street” program, two layers of asphalt are replaced (with normal repairs one), this is expensive, difficult and slow. If you start major renovations throughout the city, people won’t even come to the store, everything will be dug up. Let's not forget about underground pipes. It only takes one leak for the soil to wash away and the road to subside. There are potholes everywhere—look at the streets of New York, they are full of potholes.

— Are there more or fewer potholes in Moscow?

- Definitely less. In recent years, we have been better monitoring the quality of asphalt materials that are brought to the plant. Crushed stone, bitumen, and sand are checked. Previously there was no such control. The asphalt seems to remain the same, but its quality is higher.

Why do some people sprinkle cement on freshly laid asphalt?

I saw this picture: neighbors were laying asphalt and the neighbor sprinkled it with cement and then rolled it, why, what will it do.

Freshly laid asphalt is sticky and takes a very long time to set. Treatment with cement allows you to quickly obtain a coating on which you can walk without getting your shoes dirty or leaving marks. The surface layer becomes durable much faster.

I would like to note right away that sprinkling asphalt with cement is not a mandatory technological process (operation).

If you read GOST R 54401-2011,

But sometimes users mistakenly, by analogy with concrete, assume that they are performing a so-called “ironization” process, that is, the top layer of asphalt will become more durable if cement is used.

This is not entirely true; cement is sprinkled on the asphalt not for “reinforcement,” but so that the top layer of not yet completely hardened, but already compacted asphalt does not stick to the soles of shoes or to car wheels.

And by the way, cement is expensive; for these purposes you can use either gravel dust or even fine sand.

And most often, backfilling is done when patching roads, and not when laying asphalt completely.

Sometimes, with the same backfill, unscrupulous organizations, when laying asphalt, hide the poor quality of the material (asphalt), or the outright theft of the binding material, that is, bitumen mastic.

Backfilling asphalt with cement is simply a waste of money; cement does not improve the quality of the surface and does not extend the service life of the asphalt surface.

When laying asphalt, you need to focus on regulatory documents that describe everything, the composition of asphalt and the correct technology for laying it.

There is not a word about sprinkling the top layer of asphalt with cement.

All types of asphalt are cheap and indispensable road surfaces

It is impossible to imagine the construction of roads and landscaping without the use of asphalt. Every day the number of highways is growing, new microdistricts are appearing that need to be improved. Therefore, the demand for asphalt is constantly growing.

Description of the material, its types and brands

Asphalt is a stable material for creating smooth roads. Cars move along them silently, produce less harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and consume much less fuel. Asphalt is made from bitumen, stones, sand, gravel and other fillers. There are many types of asphalt.


Cold asphalt is used as an all-weather mixture, mainly for road repairs. Working with it is simplified as much as possible. All dirt is removed from the old coating, the edges of the pit are framed, and the cold mixture is poured into the pit. After which it is compacted and sprinkled with cement dust or sand in order to avoid sticking when the first cars pass. All work is done manually.

Advantages of cold asphalt:

  1. Road repairs can be carried out at low temperatures.
  2. Has a long shelf life.
  3. No special mechanisms are needed for repairs.
  4. It has high adhesion, waterproofing properties, and increased stability.

Cold asphalt is stored and transported in special bags or cardboard container barrels. It is completely ready to use, without preheating or preparation.

In the video - cold asphalt:


Hot asphalt is a traditional and still very common paving technology that requires compaction equipment. Hot asphalt mixture is prepared from stones, the content of which reaches 95%, sand or gravel.

Do-it-yourself asphalt laying

In your home or country house, asphalt pavements are suitable for constructing sidewalks and creating paths; they are used to make blind areas. In addition, this material can be used to create roofing coverings.

The paths are laid in stages:

  1. Preliminarily remove debris and remove soil to a depth of 30 cm;
  2. After this, curbs are installed , serving not only as decoration, but also as walls for bitumen;
  3. Next, arrange a pillow. A layer of crushed stone is poured to a depth of 15 cm, then it is compacted, a layer of fine crushed stone is filled in and rolled again. The sand is poured last, in a layer of 5 cm. The prepared pillow must be thoroughly shed with water and then rolled with a hand roller;
  4. Hot asphalt must be spread evenly over the area of ​​the path. After that, the unevenness is leveled with a motor mop, while simultaneously filling the resulting depressions with new portions of asphalt. Since the material cools quickly, it is better to do the work with 1-2 assistants;
  5. After the asphalt has been laid and leveled , you need to compact it with a hand roller. Before work, the roller needs to be lubricated with diesel fuel; this will help create an even and smooth coating (the asphalt will stick to a dry roller). It is advisable to coat all tools used during work with diesel fuel.

Blind area device

Blind area level

The height of the base depends on the type of material from which the blind area is made. If it is gravel or crushed stone, it is enough to raise the plinth to a height of 30 cm. If it is a hard and flat surface (for example, concrete or paving slabs), the height of the plinth must be increased to 50 cm.

Blind area width

The width of the blind area is set depending on the type of soil and the extension of the eaves of the roof. On ordinary soils, the width is taken to be 20 cm wider than the cornice (but not less than 60 cm), so that water flowing from the roof does not erode the soil and stagnate under the house. On subsiding soils, 20-30 cm beyond the border of the slopes of trenches or pits excavated under the foundation, but not less than 90 cm.

Slope of the blind area

For cobblestone and crushed stone blind areas, the transverse slope from the axis of the house is taken within 5-10% (5-10 cm per 1 m of width). For concrete and asphalt 3-5%. Moreover, the steeper the slope, the better the water is drained and the more inconvenient the blind area becomes as a walking path around the house.

The gap between the wall and the blind area

When constructing a blind area, you should remember the gap between it and the wall. Its purpose is to protect against damage and destruction of the waterproofing of basement walls. If there is no gap, then the blind area made of paving stones or slabs will put pressure on the wall under the influence of frost, and as a result of walking on it, it will settle and damage the insulation on the outer surface of the foundation wall. The facing material may also be damaged, for example, the tiles on the base may crumble.

To prevent this, it is necessary to leave an expansion joint 1-2 cm thick and fill it with sand, extruded polystyrene foam or sealant.

Drainage around the blind area

Only a blind area of ​​3 meters or more in width can guarantee complete drainage of water from the foundation and its “dry mode”, which, of course, is not always realistic, so it is worth using additional protection - a storm drain and drainage system.

For rigid blind areas such as concrete and slabs, surface linear drainage is suitable - a drainage groove or gutter along the outer line of the blind area made of stone, concrete, plastic or asbestos-cement pipes, sawn in half lengthwise. And don't forget about their deviations!

Ready-made drainage elements equipped with upper protective grilles (plastic or polymer concrete) are good. Ready-made drainage trays with a drainage pipe and an upper grid, adapted for installation in the prepared plane of the foundation blind area.

Blind area made of paving slabs (paving stones)

One of the most commonly used materials for blind areas is concrete paving stones . It is resistant to frost and temperature changes. Paving stones are available in different colors and shapes: rectangle, square, hexagon, wave, etc. The edges of the paving stones can be smooth or chamfered, which significantly reduces the risk of chipping the edges. Paving stones are produced with a thickness of 4-10 cm, a width of 6-20 cm and a length of 10-28 cm. For the construction of a blind area, elements with a thickness of 4-6 cm are most often used.

Stone paving stones are a natural material and, compared to concrete, do not have such a variety of shapes. Usually this is a cube or parallelepiped made of gray, red or yellow granite, as well as black basalt. Of course, it costs much more than its concrete counterparts.

Laying the blind area

Before starting work on constructing a blind area around the building, all work that could lead to damage to the blind area must be completed, namely:

  • the roof, eaves overhangs and canopies over the entrances were installed;
  • metal-coated window openings;
  • All drainpipe fastenings and fire escapes have been installed.

Pegs are driven into the corners of the building, on which the height of the junction of the blind area and the plinth is marked, and according to these marks, the cord is secured along the entire perimeter of the building. A second line of pegs is installed along the outer edge of the blind area. They mark the height of the outer edge of the future concrete covering of the blind area.

To drain rainwater, the blind area is made with a slope (at the base the coating thickness is 15 cm, and at the opposite edge 10 cm). The transverse slope from the base of the building is 5% (5 cm per 1.0 m width) .

First of all, it is necessary to determine the width of the blind area, which depends not only on the wishes of the customers. This parameter is largely determined by the type of soil and the width of the eaves of the roof. On ordinary soils, the blind area should be 20 cm wider than the eaves overhang (its minimum width is 60 cm). If the building is built on subsiding soils, the width of the blind area should be at least 90 cm. Sometimes it is made 1.0 m wide or more - in this case, the blind area, as a rule, serves as a path around the house.

The construction of the blind area begins with removing vegetation around the house and removing the plant layer to a depth of 15 cm . Carefully remove any remaining roots so that later sprouts that emerge do not destroy the coating.

Along the stretched twine, which marks the longitudinal line of the edges of the blind area, a rectangular trench (trough) is manually torn off to construct the base for the blind area. The bottom of the trough is compacted .

Why was crushed stone poured onto the asphalt?

Many motorists are dissatisfied with the fact that on Engels Street, Boytsov 9th Division and along Kulakov Avenue they began to lay a layer of crushed stone on top of fresh asphalt. Why this is necessary was explained to us by the Committee for the Construction and Operation of Roads in the Kursk Region.

Officials promise that now the asphalt will last longer

It turns out that this surface treatment has been used for quite some time. The machine pours emulsion onto the asphalt, and pours fine crushed stone on top. Because of this, the adhesion of the car’s wheels to the road surface is significantly improved. Of course, the service life of asphalt also increases. The routes from the meat processing plant to the traffic police post, and from the traffic police post to Kurchatov are also processed in a similar way.

“The trouble is,” the committee staff noted, “that many drivers do not comply with the speed limit.” During the work, we put up a sign “Speed ​​limit to 40 km/h”, and motorists ignore it. So rubble flies from under the wheels, threatening to break the windshield of the car following. This, however, is only possible during renovation work. On that section of the road where the crushed stone has already been rolled, no matter what speed the car is going, stones do not fly out.

Road workers hid defective asphalt pavement under cement

New technologies were mastered by workers repairing the road on Kosmodemyanskaya Street. They laid asphalt in the courtyard of house No. 1 and sprinkled cement on top.

“With a shovel - bang! And then they dispersed them with a broom. I asked the workers: “Are you covering up for marriage?”, and they answered: “Yes.” Look at the asphalt - just crushed stone! All the flowers are covered with dust, but they don’t care,” said local resident Viktor Dmitrievich. The man’s words were confirmed by other townspeople.

“The dust was higher than the trees. At first I didn’t understand where it came from, and then I saw how the workers threw cement here with a shovel, and then swept it away with brooms,” recalls Lyubov Nikolaevna.

Viktor Dmitrievich found a section of new pavement in the yard that had not been covered with cement. Here you can clearly see how large granules fall out of the coating.

“In a year there will be nothing left of this asphalt - it will crumble,” Viktor Dmitrievich is sure.

At the same time, road workers did not completely asphalt the area. There wasn't enough material for everything. People ask inspectors to come to them and check the quality of the road surface.

Technology for strengthening the surface layer of concrete

Ironing (strengthening) with cement is used exclusively by private developers and repairmen. At this point in time, there are more effective and easy-to-use industrial strengthening additives on sale. Nevertheless, the “old” technology of cement hardening is in demand and is in demand.

  • The freshly poured, compacted and leveled concrete surface is sprinkled evenly over the entire area with Portland cement grade M400 or M500. The layer thickness is several millimeters;
  • If necessary (very “dry” concrete), the surface is carefully sprayed with water until the cement is completely wetted;
  • Using a spatula or a construction trowel, rub the cement into the concrete in a circular motion;
  • Cover the surface with plastic wrap for 72 hours until completely set.

Ironclad couplers

Can someone clearly explain what this procedure is, how it is done and why it is needed at all?
Masters online: 36 Orders per week: 1,473 Offers per day: 754

Sprinkling clean cement onto the wet screed. It is done by eye. What is it for? The answer to the question is to iron it out!

What is the question actually about?

Ironing should only be done on FRESHLY LAID CONCRETE OR CEMENT SCREAD. for yesterday as well as for the day before yesterday it is USELESS. EFFECT is not the same... .GOST prohibits fastening or ironing ties intended for laying coverings. When a concrete base is laid, the coarse aggregate - crushed stone and sand - sinks down, and the fine aggregate - cement laitance and water rises to the top. This process is especially noticeable if the screed vibrates. But even basic leveling with a lathe causes similar processes. As a result, the surface layer of concrete becomes depleted of coarse aggregate. In addition, a lot of water accumulates in the uppermost layer and the most important postulate of concrete science - optimization of the ratio between cement and water, the so-called W / C, is reduced to absolutely unacceptable values. All this leads to the fact that the topmost layer, the one most loaded in operation, turns out to be the least durable. It collapses, crumbles and becomes dusty. The disease can be treated quite simply - you need to sprinkle freshly laid concrete, which has not yet set, with cement and level the surface again with a trowel or lath. This technological process of adjusting the water-cement ratio in the surface layer of concrete by sprinkling with cement is called ironing. As a result, the floors are durable and dust-free. Of course, ironing an already hardened concrete coating is pointless. . The mixture for ironing is a powder based on high-quality Portland cement, high-hardness fillers (corundum or quartz, granite fillers), modifying additives

This is yesterday - ironclad. Nowadays they make self-leveling floors.

Ironing is certainly done approximately 5-8 hours after screeding. But now there are quite a lot of methods and materials to avoid old technologies in order to achieve a good, durable result.

if there is a Master, then there’s no point in interfering.

They would have reduced their ambition. Is this master the one who arrived yesterday from Moldova (Ukraine, Uzbekistan, etc.), and today he created a team of fellow villagers who had previously twisted the tails of bulls? There are 80% of these in Moscow, read what questions customers ask on the forum, after the work has been done, read the reviews, and it’s not up to you to decide whether to screw yourself or stupidly trust the “masters”.

We don’t know what this procedure is, how it is done and what this survey is for.

Laying technology

  1. First of all, prepare the base for the asphalt chips. The area is leveled, large debris is removed: cobblestones and scrap metal. It is quite possible to skip this point if the terrain conditions are acceptable for this purpose.
  2. Variably, the surface is primed using a bitumen emulsion of asphalt chips for better adhesion in the future. Its consumption is about one liter per sq.m.;
  3. Laying crumbs on the surface, compacting the laid layer. This can be done either with specialized equipment or independently. It is worth remembering that the compaction coefficient of asphalt crumbs, depending on the composition, reaches a value of 2 units, which means that when rolling, the thickness can be reduced by up to two times and be sure to include this factor in the calculations!
  4. Impregnation of bitumen emulsion of asphalt crumbs. This will further strengthen it and increase its service life. Consumption is about 0.5 liters per m2.

Laying asphalt chips with your own hands is not too different from the technology described above. The only difference is that you will have to lay it out yourself using shovels, and roll it away with cars. Difficulties may arise with how to melt asphalt crumbs: without the use of technology, this is not only labor-intensive, but also flammable. You can melt the crumbs over an open fire in a metal container of sufficient size. Be sure to have a fire extinguisher with you to put out a possible fire!

DIY instructions for repairing asphalt in the yard

A smooth and high-quality road surface that provides reliable grip on the car’s wheels is the key to calm and safe movement on the vehicle. Due to the active use of the roadway, it is necessary to regularly repair and update it.
Today, the most popular type of road repair is pothole repair. This method of repair is less expensive than any other, and it is carried out much faster. In this case, an important requirement is to comply with the correct technology for performing pothole repairs, since the quality of the work performed entirely depends on this.

How to prevent road damage?

Preventing destruction of asphalt concrete pavements includes comprehensive measures to eliminate problem areas of the route. Timely detection of damage will prevent further formation of potholes and fractures and improve the strength characteristics of the asphalt pavement.

Damage control methods help maintain the desired transport and operational parameters of the route, preserve the integrity of the structure and coating, and also increase the service life of the automotive surface. These methods include:

  • Using the latest materials, equipment and technology for laying asphalt on highways. Polymer mixtures are used, which are added to the solution at the stage of its manufacture, which are necessary to increase heat resistance in the hot season, when the coating is exposed to direct sunlight and high temperatures. Polymers in the asphalt mixture reduce the formation of cracks during low air temperatures and prevent the formation of potholes during the use of the route.
  • In the process of constructing a road surface, you must adhere to all the rules and requirements for installing a highway: thoroughly compact the soil and asphalt mixture, add a binder component - bitumen - to the solution in the required proportions to ensure the necessary adhesion and improve the roughness of the coating.
  • To avoid road damage, it is important to carry out repairs not only when necessary, but also for preventive purposes. Failure to carry out work in a timely manner worsens the condition of the road surface and leads to increased costs for bringing automobile pavements to a standard condition. Delayed repair of the road surface leads to the use of more reinforced thick layers of road surface and higher costs for repairing the road surface.

How to iron concrete

Sometimes another stage is added to the technology of pouring concrete screed, which is called ironing. Essentially, this is the strengthening of the top layer of the screed using cement or special polymer impregnations, which are applied to the surface of the concrete structure. In this way, the plane becomes moisture-resistant, durable and with a high degree of abrasion protection. That is, the process of operation increases, the concrete does not delaminate and does not become cracked. The hardening process itself is simple, but before you reinforce concrete with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with all the impregnations and methods of applying them.

Cement has always been used as a material for iron. They simply sprinkled it on freshly poured concrete and rubbed it in with a trowel. After drying, the surface became smooth and durable. But this technology had one significant drawback - the weak bond of cement to concrete. As a result of the loads acting on the base, the iron layer gradually peeled off. Therefore, polymer-based compositions were developed, which are used today to strengthen the top layer of concrete structures.

What is reinforced concrete

Concrete mortar is a mixture of several ingredients, of which the fillers have a large mass. It is they who gradually sink down during the drying process of concrete, thereby leaving the upper layers without their presence. But it is the fillers that give the mixture its special strength.

That is, it turns out that the top layer is just cement with a small amount of sand and small crushed stone. The strength of such a solution leaves much to be desired, which is why it is necessary to reinforce the concrete floor with cement or polymer impregnations. The main objective of this process is to improve the characteristics of the material and give it additional improved properties. Namely: moisture resistance, increased abrasion.

Attention! If the cement base is not subject to serious loads, for example, it is a basement floor, then there is no need to make iron. The loss of strength is insignificant, and the absence of constant loads will not make any changes to the structure of the concrete.

Types of compositions for reinforced concrete

The main component of impregnations is Portland cement. This is understandable, because the base must be treated with identical material. Otherwise, it will not be possible to talk about high adhesion of the two materials.

But there are a huge number of different additives in the mixture. This includes metal fiber, plastic shavings, sand, corundum, basalt chips and other materials. Depending on the filler, it will be necessary to choose impregnations, because each type has a number of characteristics that give the concrete strength, and in some cases, water resistance and other properties.

For example, if the task is to pour a high-strength concrete screed that can withstand high impact loads, then it is better to use impregnations for ironing, which include stainless steel shavings or fibers. Let us add that various pigments can be added to impregnations. This is a question of transforming the screed in terms of design.

All compositions for reinforced concrete present on the market are divided according to their structure. They are dry and liquid. The composition of the latter includes soluble substances and inorganic compounds, which, together with the liquid, penetrate deep into the solution, where they enter into a chemical reaction with the chemical components of cement. As a result, insoluble compounds are formed. It is they who clog all the pores, cavities and cracks of the screed on the floor, forming a monolithic top layer with a high level of strength and water resistance.

Distinctive features of liquid impregnations:

  • They penetrate deeper into the body of the concrete floor.
  • They can be applied even after the screed has dried, say 14-16 days after pouring the concrete. Dry mixtures are used 3-4 hours after the floor is constructed.

How to carry out the process of ironing a floor with your own hands

Correctly ironing concrete means choosing the right impregnation and correctly carrying out the ironing process. Based on the choice of material, it is divided into wet and dry.

Wet (liquid) floor ironing

The use of liquid impregnations is a better approach to strengthening cement screeds. These reinforcements are based on a polymer material, often polyurethane. The application technology is quite simple. It is necessary to pour the liquid composition onto the concrete surface and distribute it evenly with a special spatula or trowel. This is usually done if the floor area is not very large. On an industrial scale, special trowels, which are similar to a scraper or grinder, are used for rubbing and distribution.

Why is asphalt sprinkled with cement - Special equipment

There are various combinations of materials available for hard surfaces of walkways, patios and driveways, most of which require repair or maintenance from time to time. Methods for such repairs depend on the types of these materials. Good maintenance of paths, courtyards and entrances is a task that concerns not only their appearance. If the destruction of road surfaces is not stopped in time, they can become dangerous for pedestrians, especially in wet weather.

Why is asphalt covered with cement?

There are various combinations of materials available for hard surfaces of walkways, patios and driveways, most of which require repair or maintenance from time to time. Methods for such repairs depend on the types of these materials. Good maintenance of paths, courtyards and entrances is a task that concerns not only their appearance. If the destruction of road surfaces is not stopped in time, they can become dangerous for pedestrians, especially in wet weather.


Small cylinders are quite rational for removing small old stains from oil products. The listed drugs are inexpensive and effective in a private garage. When the pollution is voluminous and long-standing, you cannot do without special products, which are available in canisters of 5 liters or more.

However, we dare to remind you: if an oil puddle has formed on the floor, you need to quickly cover it with sawdust or sand. After absorption, remove the absorbent material and immediately begin removing stains.

concrete or asphalt

concrete or asphalt, which is better and cheaper, and what is an asphalt concrete mixture?

Masters online: 770 Orders per week: 2,305 Offers per day: 1,899

concrete is durable asphalt is flexible and asphalt concrete and durable and flexible have different applications depending on what you are going to build

Concrete differs from asphalt concrete in that concrete uses cement as a filler, while asphalt uses mineral powder and bitumen. Depending on the application, it uses either concrete (for monolithic construction, foundations, pouring load-bearing areas, etc.) or asphalt (roads and sites only)

asphalt concrete mixture - it could be asphalt, but the monolith and foundation have nothing to do with it

depending on what for))

There are cases when laying asphalt without concreting is not effective, in each case. . Asphalt concrete mixture is exactly asphalt, it is simply prepared from a bitumen mixture, sand or crushed stone.

Asphalt is much cheaper than concreting, and both can serve a long time, depending on what technology is used

First, indicate for what purpose you need this material. Concrete is more expensive. Asphalt concrete mixture is a mixture of crushed stone, gravel, sand, mineral powder and bitumen.

Why is asphalt laid under snow in Vladimir?

When people have free time during the holidays, they notice a lot of interesting things. The editors of KP-Vladimir asked the mayor's office questions received from our readers on the first working day.

Why is asphalt laid under snow?

January 5, Nizhnyaya Dubrova street, noon. Residents of Vladimir are surprised to see this picture: an orange Kamaz slowly makes its way through the snowstorm along the roadway, followed by road workers and pouring some kind of mixture into holes on the asphalt right into the snow.

What surprised the townspeople most was not even the pothole repairs in winter, but the fact that the first four days of January in Vladimir turned out to be warm, dry and almost like spring. Except there was no sun. What a bad weather for patching holes. But the road workers chose the snowiest day.

“As a result, after them, in some places it is necessary to do pothole repairs again,” Ivan, a resident of house No. 24 in Nizhnyaya Dubrova, was indignant. — I have a question, why do you need to repair the road in snowfall?

“Because new technologies make it possible to do pothole repairs even in conditions of precipitation,” said Alexander Karpilovich, official representative of the Vladimir city administration. — The becem material (at the factory they call this technology pneumatic spray — Author) retains all its properties even in the snow. However, if there are complaints about the repair, we will definitely punish those who did it.

Why sprinkle asphalt with sand?

This question arose among residents of Lenin Avenue (and other streets) on January 8th. It was freezing that day, but over the previous days all the snow had melted. As a result, the sidewalks were clean - just bare asphalt. But in the morning the road services went to work, and as a result the city turned into a big sandbox. On dry, clean sidewalks there is a smooth path of sand.

At the same time, in many yards there was the opposite situation - icy roads that no one sprinkled with a sand-salt mixture. Why is that?

Sidewalk on Lenin AvenuePhoto: Sergey MORKOVKIN

“As for the sidewalks on Lenin Avenue, municipal road services there worked based on the forecast of upcoming frosts,” said Alexander Karpilovich. - And they predicted ice for us. That's why utility workers sprinkled sand on the sidewalks. We had to do this so that, God forbid, people would not fall and end up in the emergency room. As for the fact that there was no ice, this cannot be determined by eye. Condensation in the air can always settle on the asphalt and form an ice crust.

Where do unsold Christmas trees go?

The post-New Year “Christmas tree” scandal stirred up conservationists throughout the region: in Kovrov, a whole cemetery of unsold Christmas trees was discovered on the Klyazma embankment. The video has already gone viral on social networks: several dozen small Christmas trees and fir trees, which were recently sold at Christmas tree markets, but now, due to their uselessness, were simply thrown out like garbage.

In Vladimir, residents asked themselves the question: is anyone keeping an eye on businessmen selling live spruce trees? Firstly, it’s a pity for the Christmas tree, and secondly, there’s no need to litter.

“Fortunately, such a situation cannot happen here,” said Alexander Karpilovich. — We have been practicing the following for several years now. If an entrepreneur was unable to sell some of the living Christmas trees, then for Christmas he gives them free of charge to church parishes. There they are decorated for the holiday. For example, several of these Christmas trees were placed on the territory of the Kazan Church this year.

.Photo: Dmitry NIKOLAEV

Everything about asphalt crumbs in simple words

One of the most common recycled materials obtained through recycling is asphalt chips, also known as asphalt granulate, which is used in a wide range of construction and renovation applications.

Composition of asphalt crumbs

This material is obtained by crushing old asphalt pavement, removed during replacement or repair of the roadway, using cold milling.

Thus, asphalt chips consist of particles of bitumen and small crushed stone from three to five millimeters in diameter, and may also contain traces of sand or other elements.

Using asphalt chips

Due to its inexpensive price, ease of operation, and the fact that crumbs, as a processed product, cause relatively less harm to the environment, the range of its applications is extremely wide and includes almost all areas of human economic activity:

  1. This material is widely known among summer residents and gardeners. In a summer cottage, asphalt chips are convenient for arranging parking lots and paths, which are much cheaper than tiles of the same length. Also, any summer resident can lay paths from it, even without experience working with this material;
  2. This material is also used for asphalt paving of access roads, as well as suburban and secondary roads for vehicles. A road made from asphalt chips can be laid in a short time with a minimally prepared surface for this purpose, and is resistant to adverse weather conditions. But it is worth noting that for roads of the first category its use is strictly not recommended, since roads made of crumbs are subject to wear;
  3. In the construction of sports complexes, such as football, basketball, tennis fields or training complexes, asphalt chips are an almost irreplaceable material due to good shock absorption and the ability to lay a covering from it on almost any terrain;
  4. In the construction of garages and small residential buildings: a blind area made of asphalt chips is constructed easily and quickly, much cheaper than one cast from concrete, and copes with the main task no worse. And the floor in the garage made of asphalt chips will be able to please you for a long period of time.

Due to the widespread use of this material, as well as the presence of many other options on the market, consumers, trying to find the most suitable option for themselves, often ask the question of how much a cube of asphalt chips costs. Below, in abstract form, are the main reference characteristics of this material, including answers to questions such as how much 1 cube of asphalt chips weighs and how many cubes fit in a KAMAZ or dump truck.

  • The average price of asphalt chips in Moscow is $12-14, in the regions it starts from $10;
  • 1 cube of asphalt crumbs can weigh from 1500 to 1900 kilograms, depending on its composition;
  • Accordingly, about 12 cubic meters will fit into the body of an average KAMAZ;

Cold asphalt technology

Laying cold asphalt on the road surface has many advantages, which makes this technique one of the modern and very popular. When using it, there is no need to use expensive equipment. This has a positive effect on the cost of asphalting roads. Given the simplicity of the coating, this technology is often used in private construction to form pedestrian paths and platforms.

Features of the technology

Cold mixed asphalt is a traditional asphalt concrete mixture. For its preparation, petroleum bitumen is used, which is characterized by a low or medium setting speed.

The laying mixture also includes various additives and plasticizers. The carefully selected composition of the asphalt concrete solution allows it to be used for constructing road surfaces with medium or low traffic intensity.

Cold asphalt is most often used to quickly restore various types of surfaces. The scope of application of the material is limited to the following operations:

  • road patching;
  • you can lay garden or walking paths on private property;
  • formation of blind areas around buildings;
  • asphalt paving of the site area, including car entrances;
  • carrying out routine maintenance.

Traditionally produced liquid asphalt differs from its dry counterpart in the way it is cured. The first material gains its design strength during the cooling process of the main and additional ingredients heated to high temperatures.

Dry asphalt concrete hardens due to the evaporation of hydrocarbons that are part of its binding components.

Production of laying mixtures

The production of cold asphalt, which can later be laid on the road surface, occurs in several ways.

With heating of components

The main components of the solution are crushed stone, sand, gravel, heated to a temperature of 80-100°C. Then binder ingredients are added to it. They are also heated. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and cooled naturally. Asphalt concrete is packaged and sent to the consumer in bags of 25 and 50 kg.

No heating

In order to avoid heating the mixture, special modifying and plasticizing additives are introduced into its composition. This material can be laid even on damp areas under unfavorable environmental conditions.

Material advantages

When laying cold asphalt with your own hands, you can note the following advantages of the material:

  • quick and easy installation. Installation work requires a minimum amount of time and effort;
  • no need to involve professional machinery and equipment;
  • the material arrives to the consumer in dry form, completely ready for use without preparatory operations;
  • To compact the coating, hand tools or a low-power vibrating plate are sufficient;
  • installation work can be carried out at -25°C, which is very convenient;
  • delivery of material to the site can be made at any time of the year, regardless of the timing of its use;
  • The mixture can be stored for 2 years in any conditions (in original packaging for up to 10 years).

What materials are needed to repair cracks?

Various materials are used to repair cracks in asphalt pavement:

  • Asphalt concrete mixtures (filling and binding, cold and hot, etc.);
  • Bitumen – its advantages include low price and high strength. But in order for the repair of cracks with bitumen to be of high quality, it is necessary to heat it to a high temperature, and in addition, dry the crack well;
  • Emulsions (they do not need to be heated; in addition, emulsions are not afraid of moisture and have low viscosity - which means they fill the crack well). Emulsions are usually made from bitumen;
  • Sealants are the most suitable material for eliminating defects, because they have optimal viscosity and moisture resistance parameters. However, sealants have a high cost, and therefore are used to a limited extent, in the most critical areas of the road surface;
  • Sand is an inexpensive material necessary to protect the fault from excessive heating in the heat. In addition, sand effectively prevents the upper sticky layer of bitumen, emulsion or sealant that fills the crack from sticking to the wheels of cars.

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e-mail, city: Kursk

In the village of Gorodensk, Lgov district, May 2022. They also laid crushed stone on top of freshly laid asphalt. And why is it better than normal asphalt? Is it really difficult to do it well right away? And while it is rolling away, do you need to spoil your property? How can you explain to an oncoming driver that crushed stone is flying from under the wheels of his car when he himself is driving more than 40 km? What kind of nonsense are they talking about. These engineers have screwed up. Make normal roads already. The 21st century is in the yard. Grandfathers used to make roads better than now.

  • 13:16 Another natural monument appeared near Kursk
  • 12:17 Kursk residents are invited to see off Santa Claus
  • 11:00 Near Kursk, a driver injured a pedestrian with a ladder
  • 10:30 Elena Vaenga will perform in Kursk
  • 10:00 Police are looking for a Kursk resident suspected of theft
  • 17:20 One of the strongest karatekas in the world arrived in Kursk
  • 16:30 Two aerial bombs were discovered in the Kursk region
  • 16:19 In Kursk they will fight “flocks of spawning PAZs” on Lenin Street
  • 15:59 Relatives of a Kursk resident who ended up in a hospital in Podolsk were found
  • 15:43 Wet snow, fog and drizzle are expected in the Kursk region
  • 15:06 The contractor will restore the plaster in Proletarsky Park in Kursk under warranty
  • 14:36 ​​Five people were injured in an accident near Kursk
  • 14:22 Kursk residents were told where to complain if they don’t accept card payments in the minibus
  • 14:02 Artists of the Kursk Philharmonic commented on the petition addressed to Vladimir Putin
  • 13:49 Igor Sklyar will sing in Kursk
  • 13:44 “The NeverEnding Story” will be shown in Kursk
  • 12:40 Kursk residents ask Vladimir Putin to save culture “from obscurantism and degradation”
  • 12:25 Not all Kursk pensioners received an increase
  • 11:45 The investigation reported details of the brutal murder in Kursk
  • 11:14 Pensions of 354 thousand Kursk residents have been indexed
  • 11:05 A woman was hit by a car in the center of Kursk
  • 10:48 The law “On Children of War” came into force in the Kursk region
  • 10:00 Kursk region. The driver of a stationary car was injured by a drunk driver
  • 09:50 At the Kursk railway station, toilets have become free
  • 09:23 A resident of Kursk stabbed a friend to death on Christmas night
  • 09:00 All-Russian hand-to-hand combat competition starts in Kursk
  • 08:59 A “mothballed” house burned near Kursk
  • 08:00 GRINN Energosbyt LLC publishes information
  • 18:00 A resident of the Moscow region won a billion in the lottery
  • 17:26 In Kursk, 43 units of equipment went out to clear the streets of snow
  • 17:20 Avangard Kursk signed a new player
  • 17:02 Kuryanka became the champion of the 6-hour all-Russian race
  • 16:36 Details of the gas explosion in the Kursk five-story building: there could be more victims
  • 16:19 Buying the dog of the Queen of England, a Kuryan woman lost 10 thousand rubles
  • 16:10 New spontaneous landfills discovered in the Kursk region
  • 15:57 In Kursk they are looking for girls from a store fitting room
  • 15:50 Kursk residents collect frozen fish in bags
  • 15:31 In Kursk, a passenger fell out while getting out of a minibus
  • 15:17 An artillery shell was found near Kursk
  • 15:10 145 Kurdish residents were detained by the Russian Guard for the New Year holidays
  • 14:45 Near Kursk, a car hit a cyclist, the driver fled
  • 14:30 Girl who went missing on the way from Moscow to Kursk has been found
  • 13:59 Kursk athlete won silver in Yekaterinburg
  • 13:37 Kursk deputy will open two restaurants on Red Square
  • 13:03 Roman Starovoit’s account entered the top of the most “live” pages of governors on social networks
  • 11:59 In Kursk, on Pobedy Avenue, a truck flew onto the sidewalk
  • 11:41 Energy workers reported which streets in Kursk will remain without electricity
  • 11:00 In Kursk, volunteers and Spider-Man wished low-income families a Merry Christmas
  • 10:20 On Christmas Eve, a Kursk man stabbed his drinking buddy to death
  • 10:15 Kursk region. The house could have caught fire due to an unextinguished cigarette butt
  • 10:00 Have you already read the latest issue of “For Each Other”: it’s interesting
  • 09:56 Rostrud reminded about short working weeks in 2020
  • 09:40 Low price fair continues in the LINIA retail chain*
  • 09:18 A pensioner died in a fire near Kursk
  • 08:00 Dynamo (Kursk) lost to Familia in the Euroleague
  • 07:30 A car was on fire in Kursk
  • 19:07 The Chairman of the Regional Health Committee checked the availability of subsidized drugs in Kursk pharmacies
  • 18:10 The procedure for checking meters will change
  • 17:30 A minibus was involved in an accident in the center of Kursk
  • 17:16 Kursk residents will be able to see the first lunar eclipse of 2020
  • 16:30 A man and a girl with drugs were detained in Kursk
  • 16:00 The work of public transport was checked in Kursk
  • 14:00 Kursk officials competed in hockey
  • 11:30 Near Kursk, a car crashed into a bus stop
  • 11:00 Fish and shrimp from China will disappear from Kursk shelves
  • 10:30 Kursk rescuers conduct inspections of reservoirs
  • 10:00 A car burned down near Kursk
  • 23:00 A 100-kilogram cake was distributed to Kursk residents for Christmas.
  • 21:30 A Christmas festival was held in Kursk
  • 21:00 In Kursk, a fire in a former dormitory building was extinguished
  • 19:49 The reception of Father Frost in Kursk will be open until January 13
  • 19:00 A gas explosion in a five-story building in Kursk could have occurred due to a faulty stove
  • 17:28 Kursk. A man and a girl were injured in a gas explosion in a 5-story building
  • 16:23 In Kursk, on Republican Street, barns were burning
  • 15:49 The Ministry of Emergency Situations reports a gas burst in a residential building in Kursk
  • 15:29 Volunteers are looking for the relatives of a Kursk resident who ended up in a hospital in Podolsk
  • 14:20 In Kursk they are discussing the shooting incident near the children's hospital
  • 14:12 In the Kursk region, train fares have increased in price
  • 14:00 Kursk. Pensioner rescued from apartment fire
  • 12:50 Tangerines from China are banned from being imported into Russia
  • 12:23 Ex-forward of Kursk Avangard moved to Fakel (Voronezh)
  • 12:00 Christmas events in the Kursk region passed without incident
  • 10:50 A house and a garage with a car were on fire in the Kursk region
  • 22:00 Near Kursk, fire destroyed a house, a woman died in it
  • 19:43 The corpse of a man was found in Kursk
  • 18:41 Kursk Rospotrebnadzor told what the temperature of hot dishes should be
  • 18:28 Roman Starovoit wished Kursk residents a Merry Christmas
  • 18:20 Kursk. The young man is suspected of stealing bicycles
  • 17:32 Batteries are stolen from Kursk residents during the New Year holidays
  • 16:19 A Kuryan resident blocked the road for a drunk driver and received gratitude from the police
  • 15:29 “It will be killer”: a unique exhibition of contemporary art will open in Kursk
  • 14:35 Kursk region. A passenger was injured in an accident at an intersection
  • 14:28 Avangard Kursk is looking at Podolyak and Morozov
  • 14:00 Near Kursk, a car crashed into a tree, a child was injured
  • 12:22 Kuryanin was detained for stealing a bag from a young mother
  • 12:18 Three people were injured in an accident near Kursk
  • 10:52 Kursk presenter claims to be the best master of hospitality
  • 10:15 Kursk region. A man died in a fire
  • 10:12 The number of Kursk families who will be able to receive payments for their first and second children will increase
  • 09:49 Experts call a mistake when brewing tea that can turn it into poison
  • 08:20 Kursk residents collect New Year's mushrooms and flowers under the snow
  • 22:30 Kursk region. A man was rescued from a burning apartment in Lgov
  • 13:25 Kuryan stole a car and caused a traffic jam
  • 12:59 The first operation with 4K ultrasound visualization was performed at the Kursk Oncology Center
  • 12:40 25 “New Year’s” children were born in Kursk
  • 10:20 Kursk residents took two medals at the World Cup stage
  • 10:00 In the Kursk region, an apartment and a house burned in the morning
  • 18:15 In the Year of the Rats, rodents continue to use the cars of Kursk residents
  • 17:40 In Kursk, a “herring under a fur coat” damaged a foreign car
  • 16:58 In Kursk, due to a burning balcony, the entrance to a high-rise building was filled with smoke
  • 12:51 Kuryan threatened a friend with a knife for a cell phone and a watch
  • 11:46 A Kuryan citizen was detained in Dagestan in a wanted car
  • 09:50 Near Kursk, the military can raise two sunken Soviet tanks from the rivers
  • 09:00 Kursk Church is included in the top five most beautiful Catholic churches in Russia
  • 23:15 15 people rescued from a burning house near Kursk
  • 13:00 Povetkin may fight Briton Whyte in the spring
  • 11:00 Foreign cars collided in the center of Kursk
  • 20:32 Fire in a high-rise building on Klykov Avenue. 20 people evacuated
  • 20:00 In Kursk, a new road on Druzhby Avenue was illuminated
  • 15:39 Kursk entered the top three cities in Russia
  • 13:07 DDD material about a Kursk schoolgirl who saved her friend is in the final of the all-Russian competition, online voting is underway
  • 20:22 Drunk Kurman driving a truck on New Year's Day was caught by the traffic police in Karelia
  • 17:18 Kursk region. The main Christmas trees fell in Dmitriev and Shchigra
  • 15:25 Kursk region. Violets bloomed in Sudzha for the New Year
  • 12:58 A man was hit by a train near Kursk on New Year’s Eve
  • 12:49 Pensions of Kursk residents have increased
  • 11:48 A resident of Kursk was injured by sparklers
  • 17:50 Stopping and parking of cars on two dozen streets is prohibited in Kursk
  • 18:15 Loan for a used car

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Communities › Dream Garage › Blog › How to treat crumbs

Greetings to the community. I’ve been here for a long time and at the dawn of its creation I posted about my garage and the renovations in it. But now we need help. In front of the garage, in the driveway, between the streets, my neighbors and I chipped in and bought asphalt crumbs, leveled them with a small caterpillar tractor with a bucket. Attention question ❓ How to treat it so that it holds together or leave it like that? The heat in our region now is in the shade from +33 and above. I've read a lot of things, some recommend using diesel fuel, some using working off, some even saying to leave it like that, they say the heat will compact itself and hold it together. Does anyone have experience processing or installing this type of coating?

Construction portal No. 1

It is always convenient to drive a car on a flat and smooth highway, developing high speed. It is not uncommon for the quality of the track to not allow this, since the surface deviates from the norm and is unsuitable for high-quality driving. Over time, under the pressure of the wheels of vehicles, especially large trucks, and the influence of unfavorable natural conditions in the form of rain, hail, sudden changes in temperature, the asphalt concrete flooring loses its original appearance. It becomes covered with small cracks, pits, and potholes, which shortens the time for high-quality operation of the highway. Driving on such worn roads leads to damage to vehicles and can even lead to an accident.

Filling cracks on asphalt concrete pavements

Work on filling cracks on asphalt concrete pavements is carried out in dry and warm weather at an air temperature of at least 5°C, when the cracks are in their most open state. To carry out the work, equipment is used, including a unit for blowing cracks with compressed air (compressor), a syringe for filling cracks with repair material and a boiler for heating it, or a crack filler of the RD-201 type on the base chassis of a GAZ car with a boiler with a capacity of 700 liters and a heating system.

Small cracks less than 5 mm wide are filled with bitumen grades SG 130/120, MG 200/300, BND 200/300, heated to an operating temperature of 160-170 ° C, and sprinkled with dry sand.

Cracks 5 mm wide or more are filled with rubber-bitumen mastic heated to a temperature of 150-170°C.

Technological processes are carried out in the following sequence.

Cracks are cleaned of dust and dirt using compressed air from a compressor using metal hooks or brushes. Small cracks are filled with bitumen and sprinkled with mineral powder or sand. After cleaning them from dust and dirt, wide cracks are moistened with an organic solvent at a consumption rate of 0.1-0.15 l/m2 using sprayers or spray guns and filled with rubber-bitumen mastic. The depth of material penetration into the crack must be at least 20 mm.

Excess rubber bitumen mastic is immediately leveled with a squeezing roller to the level of the existing surface. After this, the crack is sprinkled with pre-dried hot stone chips or sand.

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