Number of bags of sand concrete mixture per cubic meter

How many cubes in a 50 kg bag of cement

Cement is one of the most popular building materials. It is produced in standardized packaging of 25, 40 and 50 kg. But for the convenience of construction work, incl. To simplify the selection of proportions in building mixtures, it is sometimes necessary to know how many cubes of material are in such a 50 kg bag.

Determination of cement volume

To obtain the volume of a package of a certain weight, you need to know the density of the material. It varies depending on the brand and composition features (exact proportions of components, additive content, presence of impurities, etc.). In most cases, the manufacturer indicates this data on the product packaging or in the accompanying documentation. The indicator can also be clarified in reference books or on the Internet. If a perfectly accurate calculation is not needed, then use the average figure of 1300 kg/m3.

Next, the weight of the bag (in this case 50 kg) must be divided by the density of the material. For example, for cement with a density of 1250 kg/cubic meter, the volume of the bag is 50 kg/1250 kg/m3, i.e. about 0.04 m3.

Features of density determination

If we take all the initial components used for the production of cement, their volume will be significantly less (about 1.5-2 times) than that of the ready-made powder. This is due to the fact that when grinding these components and mixing with each other, air gaps take up quite a lot of space. Therefore, one should distinguish between true density (i.e. in an absolutely dense state) and bulk density (taking into account pores and air between the particles of the material). It is the latter that is indicated by the manufacturer on the packages and is used in calculating their volume.

Fresh cement is characterized by the lowest density (on average about 1100 kg/m3), in other words, a large volume with less weight. Then, over time, it tends to cake, and for material stored for several months, this figure is higher (reaches 1500-1600 kg/m3) than for material recently released; accordingly, the volume of such a bag will become smaller.

If we are not talking about pure cement, but about various mixtures containing it - cement-sand mortar, concrete, etc., then we should take into account the proportions of cement relative to other components and their density indicators, and only on this basis calculate how many cubes This or that mixture will be obtained using a package of material weighing 50 kg.

How much fiber do you need for a screed?

To achieve the reinforcement effect, you need to add 600 g/m3. And in order to get a screed

with the best properties of polypropylene and concrete stone, then it is necessary to add at least 800 grams
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per cubic meter of solution.

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Determining the quantity of materials

There is a table with ready-made coefficients for determining the number of DSP packages in 1 m3 of working solution without filler (except for the large fraction: expanded clay, crushed stone, gravel). Calculations are presented for the M300 brand in a ratio of 3 to 1. To calculate the surface area, you simply need to divide it by the indicated number.

So, for a coating of 1 layer, with a thickness of 1 to 10 cm, the required number of bags will be:

packaging 40 kg:

packaging 50 kg:

For example, the calculation for leveling walls S is 45 sq.m, layer 2 cm. Calculation: 45 / 1.8 = 25 units of 40 kg or 45 / 2.25 = 20 units of 50 kg. So for 5 cm screed without filler for 20 sq. you need: 40 kg TsPS - 44 packages, 50 kg - 36 packages.

Calculation of how much mixture is needed per 1 m3

Intuitively, every person should understand that the consumption of the presented mixture will depend on the strength of the structure that will be erected. For example, to build a foundation you need M300 concrete and no lower, but for a screed, a solution with a strength of 150 kg/cm2 is quite suitable. Each brand of mixture has its own properties and scope of application.

The higher it is, the less material is needed. Knowing the consumption of the mixture per meter cubed is very important, because in this way you can purchase the exact amount of material and not worry that you will need to bribe it. In addition, when purchasing, you can even purchase material in a larger volume, since its consumption is greatly influenced by the type of structure being built. It will also be interesting to read about how many bricks are in 1 m3 of masonry.

Plastering walls

When performing such work, a classic plaster mortar is most often used. It contains components such as sand, cement, taken in a ratio of 1:3.

When leveling the surface, material consumption will be directly related to the thickness of the applied layer. If this parameter does not exceed 12 mm, then for 1 m3 of plaster you will need to stock up on 1.6 kg of M40 mixture or 1.4 kg of M500 mixture. The volume of solution per m2 is easy to calculate. To do this, we use the above formula: 1m2x0.012 m = 0.012 m2 or 12 liters.

Here you can see photos of the base panels.

Volume of cement in a bag (25 kg, 40 kg, 50 kg): calculation and table

There is no need to buy extra cement. When stored for a long time, even in a dry room, it loses strength. In a year it will be 50% of the nominal value. That is why when purchasing it is worth knowing how much binder is required. But there may be problems here. Proportions for concrete mortar are often given in volume fractions, and cement is sold by weight, packaged in bags. Calculations may require the volume of cement in the bag. You can use the average and calculate approximately.

Cement bag volume

In general, the question of how much cement is contained in a bag is not so easy to answer. Let's start with the fact that packaging comes in bags of 25 kg, 40 kg and 50 kg. So we need to clarify the mass. The second point is that cement comes in different forms. With or without additives. And additives also come in different types, and different types differ in density. This means that the same weight occupies a different volume.

The weight of a bag of cement can be 25 kg, 40 kg and 50 kg

There is one more point. The density of any cement changes over time. Immediately after production, when it was poured into bags, the density is the lowest. As the ground powder is poured in, the particles become charged and capture air molecules. Therefore, freshly poured it weighs less. During transportation and storage, the charge decreases, some of the air evaporates, and the density increases. So after a month more weight is placed in the same volume. Moreover, after about a year of storage, the difference with the bulk density is significant - up to 35% of the original value.

In the calculations, an average figure is taken, which is called specific density. For each type of cement it is different and in calculations when determining the amount of material required, you can build on it.

Calculation method

The specific density of cement is the mass of one cubic meter. For Portland cement, for example, it is 1300 kg/m³. To determine the volume of cement in a 50 kg bag, you need to solve a simple proportion:

How to calculate the volume of cement in a bag

We found what percentage of one cubic meter is contained in one 50 kg bag of Portland cement. This is 3.85%. This means that this container contains 0.0385 m³ (we simply “take a percentage” of the cubic meter).

Pivot table

For a bag of 25 kilograms, you can not count, but divide the resulting figure by two. One 25 kg bag of Portland cement contains 0.019 m³. For a 40 kg bag, you will have to calculate everything again. The result is 0.031 m³. Similar calculations must be done for all brands of cement with different densities. We did this and compiled the data into a table.

Volume of cement in a bag: table for different containers and different brands of binder

The table contains average values. If you know exactly the weight of a cube of your material (it can be indicated on the bag or you can weigh it and calculate it), it is better to recalculate. The difference is unlikely to be big, but still. How to calculate? Take a liter container, put it on the scales and weigh it. Pour cement - do not shake, do not compact. Just pour and weigh, and then take away the container weight. You will find how much a kilogram of cement you purchased weighs. Then you multiply by 1000 (one thousand liters in one cube) and you get the exact (almost) density of your material. You can use it later in calculations.

How much concrete will be produced from a bag of cement?

Often proportions are indicated in volume fractions and therefore, when making calculations, it is useful to know how much concrete can be made from one bag of cement. But we need to talk about a specific brand and a specific concrete solution. The proportions are different and you need to decide on this first. The difference is significant - this can be seen from the following table.

How much concrete will be produced from 10 liters of cement?

For each binder and each brand, you will again have to count separately. For each concrete, the approximate consumption of cement for the production of one cube of mortar is known. Based on these data, you can calculate how much solution can be obtained from a kilogram of cement. Next, it is easy to find out the amount of concrete that can be obtained from a bag of cement.

Binder consumption by concrete grade

For example, a cube of M300 concrete requires 350 kilograms of M400 cement. That is, from one kilogram we get 1 m³ / 350 kg = 0.0028 m³. To find out how much M400 concrete you can get from a 50 kg bag, multiply by 50. We get 0.14 m³. As you can see, the calculations are simple.

To consolidate the information, let’s calculate for M200 mortar and the same M400 Portland cement. This type of concrete requires 250 kg. Then from a kilogram we get 1 cubic meter / 250 kg = 0.004 cubic meters. Then from 50 kg it will be: 0.004 * 50 = 0.2 cubic meters, from 40 kg - 0.004 * 40 = 0.16 cubic meters.

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