The armored belt in the house under the floor slabs is made to strengthen the building structure of the building box, so
Home |Construction |Antifrost additives in brick mortar Date: November 14, 2017 Comments:
Using a drill Drills are suitable for creating new blind and through holes and increasing the diameter
In order for concrete to gain strength and not freeze at low air temperatures, it is necessary
During construction and debugging work, various consumables are used. So that the connections
Preparing mortar for brickwork in the summer is not difficult, and most
Characteristics of concrete M 400 But first, let’s look at how this composition differs from others
When the need arises to change the existing layout of a house or apartment, do it yourself with a partition made of foam blocks
Foam block is a building block. Has a white color. Consists of gas silicate and foam concrete. Perfect option
Aerated concrete panels have become widespread today in low-rise frameless construction. Main features of this material