Plastic molds for the manufacture of concrete fences

When choosing a fence for their summer cottage, house or cottage, many try to keep up with the times.
In recent years, concrete fences have become very popular. And these are no longer bulky gray slabs with smooth lines and outlines; thanks to technology, it is possible to produce sections of various colors, shapes and sizes. It is worth noting the advantages of such a fence:

  • reliably protects the territory from intrusion by strangers;
  • has a reasonable price;
  • attractive appearance;
  • long service life;
  • does not require additional care.

Where to choose plastic molds for making fences and posts

Today we can safely say that concrete fences have gained great popularity.
They are erected on private farmsteads, garden plots, around municipal and government institutions, the list can be endlessly long. This situation in the building materials market cannot go unnoticed by entrepreneurs involved in concrete production. For such entrepreneurs and for everyone who may have decided to make an elegant fence around their site, we offer to buy forms for making fences and posts for them at an affordable price.

The company has been manufacturing plastic forms for more than ten years, and there is an understanding that the quality of a concrete product largely depends on the quality of the forms for pouring concrete. At the same time, the company maintains the low cost of molds for fences and posts, which gives a good price-quality ratio for the products for buyers. This can be done because:

  • the enterprise is a direct manufacturer of molds;
  • does not use the services of trade intermediary organizations in the sale of products;
  • sells its products using Internet technologies.
  • Delivery of the ordered products is carried out by a transport company convenient for the customer; the buyer can independently calculate the transportation of goods using a specialized service on the website.

The organization and efficiency of the established production makes it possible to optimize financial investments and stabilize prices.

Where and why are concrete fences needed?

Concrete panels can be installed as fencing for flower beds, as well as full-fledged solid blind and combined fences for playgrounds or parking lots, cafes, animal pens in agriculture or gazebos. With the help of fencing, you can protect your home from the entry of strangers at a low price and without additional maintenance of the structure. Pouring into specialized molds gives the product an appearance and a different texture.

Using molds, a concrete fence can be made at a construction site without the expense of delivery.

In a number of advantages and ease of use, it is worth noting that you can make a concrete fence at the construction site of a building yourself, without spending money on delivery, and assembly and installation is distinguished by its ease of operation. An undoubted advantage is that the forms can be made individually, choosing the desired height and appearance.

Due to this, high quality shapes of fences and posts are achieved

Achieving high quality of a product depends on the materials used, the equipment on which it is made and on the specific person who is engaged in this work. At the enterprise, molds are made from ABS plastic and due to this they acquire special qualities:

  • resistance to high mechanical loads;
  • low weight with high strength – up to one hundred concrete pours;
  • inertness to alkalis and acids;
  • safety for human health.

In addition to the wonderful listed qualities, the shapes of fences and pillars are tested in specially created concrete production conditions to confirm the design characteristics. They undergo adaptation to the conditions of the domestic specifics of concrete casting.

Which material is best for concrete forms?

The feasibility of purchasing a mold directly depends on the purpose and type of material. ABS plastic is in demand for use in lightweight fencing due to the variety of patterns and low cost. This surface is much more aesthetically pleasing than fiberglass fences and is available in different thicknesses. The production of PVC molds is also characterized by a smooth surface and high quality appearance, however, their segment thickness can only be 0.8 mm with a small number of products produced from one mold. However, this is compensated by quality and the ability to manufacture products using different technologies.

Polyurethane fencing structures are characterized by high cost and a tendency to chip, but thanks to their double-sided surface, they look beautiful outside and inside due to the pattern of stones. Fiberglass manufactured sections are painted with acrylic paints after installation at the site by the customer himself, which is not always convenient. The advantages include immunity to ultraviolet radiation, quick removal of formwork and ease of movement and installation by workers.

Pouring concrete using fence and pole shapes

The direct production of concrete products is carried out using vibration casting technology. Marble from concrete. It is the simplest and most popular among manufacturers of small series of products:

  • Mineral fillers are cleaned of foreign inclusions; the more thoroughly, the better the final product will be;
  • a plasticizer and a coloring pigment are added to the concrete mortar made from traditional materials for a more rapid increase in concrete strength;
  • forms of fences and/or pillars are placed on the vibrating platform, into which concrete mass is poured to compact and increase the frost resistance of the finished concrete product;
  • with a plasticizer in solution, it is recommended to carry out demolding after 18 hours.

Already six days after pouring, the concrete gains sufficient strength to allow installation of the fence structure and its post.

Types of forms, their advantages and differences

Made from polyurethane

Not long ago, double-sided polyurethane molds appeared on the construction market. They have great strength and, due to their rigidity, have a long service life (withstand up to 100 cycles of laying concrete mixtures ).
Thanks to them, the fence has a beautiful appearance on both sides. Such forms provide almost any pattern and relief. Often the sections made in them have the appearance of decorative stone, which goes well with metal, plastic and other materials.

At the same time, there are disadvantages that cannot be ignored:

  • high cost of the material itself;
  • chips often occur, due to which the design of the fence is obtained with noticeable defects;
  • the product is difficult to get out of such forms, so there is a large percentage of defects.

Creating fence sections in such forms is quite simple. To do this, a special solution of fiber-reinforced concrete is poured into them and placed vertically on a vibrating table. After 12 hours the product completely hardens.


Perhaps the most widely used forms. This is due to their low cost. In addition, there are a number of advantages:

  • a large assortment;
  • practically no marriage;
  • high quality of the finished product;
  • durable (allows you to perform 100 fills);
  • fire resistance.

The finished span should dry for at least a day (it is advisable to use a drying chamber).
In order not to interrupt the manufacturing process, you will need a fairly large number of molds. A prerequisite is that the form must have handles to make it convenient to transfer it from the vibrating table to the drying shelf. Thanks to them, it is possible to obtain slabs of various shapes, structures and colors. It is possible to decorate with granite or marble.

Made from fiberglass

They are suitable for those who are ready to paint the section after its production and installation.
During the process of creating a slab, it is technically impossible to change its color, since adding dye to the mixture breaks the strength of the product. When removing it from the mold, there are chips and various defects. Such forms have a thickness of at least 8 mm, framed around the entire perimeter with a metal frame to which handles are welded. They are designed to be easily carried. The slabs can be produced either by the quick release method or by drying during the day. The second method is usually not used. It is considered unprofitable.

Made from ABS plastic

At enterprises engaged in the production of concrete fences, these are the forms that are mainly used. They have a number of advantages that distinguish them from other options:

  • high strength of finished products;
  • long period of operation ( 200 filling processes );
  • durable, as they are made of chemically resistant plastic;
  • the flexibility of the shape makes it easy to remove the product;
  • when assembled they have compact dimensions;
  • do not require additional processing before pouring the concrete mixture.

What to choose?

  • Molds for making concrete panels from ABS plastic and PVC are inexpensive, but removing the finished product is possible only after the mixture has completely hardened and dried. Therefore, they will be convenient only if you have the required number of similar forms. When working with ABS plastic, a vibrating table and a special drying room are not required, and it does not need to be coated with lubricant.
  • Fiberglass molds are very durable and are absolutely not afraid of ultraviolet rays. The product, which has not yet hardened, is placed on the surface of an iron tray and left to harden.
  • Polyurethane molds appeared on the domestic market not so long ago, so they are not very popular. The repulsive factor is the high price.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to make such forms with their own hands. The answer is obvious - no. To create such products you need:

  • special material;
  • special equipment;
  • a huge amount of knowledge;
  • chemical reagents that are unsafe to work with.

How to install concrete fence posts - see this article.

Read about how to make concrete blocks for a fence with your own hands here.

Recommendations for making a fence structure

For those who are just starting to get involved in the production of artificial stone from concrete, a few tips should be given to optimize the work and its quick payback:

  • forms for fences are bought in sets - three for the lower elements and one for the upper, for an area of ​​100 square meters. m and a fence height of two meters, on average you will need 20 sets, at least five to six sets of plastic forms for pillars of different textures;
  • for type-setting pillars, each element is cast separately and only in solid gray colors for strength, using vibration casting technology;
  • the tops or covers on the pillars are made in the same way, using the same technology.
  • As you can understand, there are simple fence options and more complex ones. The first is simply a post with grooves (video) into which fence panels are inserted; in the second, more capital version, stacked posts (video), caps and fence panels themselves are used.

All that remains is to decide which path to take, relying on your own tastes and financial capabilities.

Installation of fences and posts

We need to make a few more recommendations for assembling fences:

  • remove all obstacles from the place where the fence will be located and take careful measurements, mark key places with pegs;
  • make holes for the foundation of the pillars and, after installing at the level of the first pillar, fill the base, secure with slats until the strength is gained with concrete;
  • place a second post while simultaneously installing the lower panel of the fence, fill it with concrete and leave it for a day;
  • Continue installing the posts and bottom panels, then insert the remaining elements into the grooves of the posts until the concrete fence is completely assembled.

The result is an aesthetically attractive design that only takes two people to assemble. To order forms for the production of fences and pillars from concrete, you need to place this order on the Mold Factory website using the “cart” button. The company’s specialists will call you back by phone and competently explain all questions regarding the transaction.

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