How to make molds for paving slabs with your own hands

Molds for paving slabs are special matrices for casting building material, which can be used at home to produce elements with your own hands. The need to create tiles may arise if you want to decorate the area with an original exclusive coating, saving significantly and getting exactly as much material as you need.

The advantages of paving garden paths, adjacent areas, and other landscape elements with paving slabs leave no one in doubt: the coating made in this way will be reliable and durable, beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, smooth and ideal. Using paving slabs, you can create a unique decor that is compatible with other elements of the architectural ensemble and landscape of the area.

Modern manufacturers offer a large assortment of tiles, which, however, is limited to the choice of standard patterns and colors, is high in cost, and requires costs for organizing loading and unloading operations and transportation. In view of all these features, many craftsmen prefer to make building materials with their own hands, using molds for the production of paving slabs.

Molds can be made from various materials - rubber, plaster, various types of plastic, wood, etc. You can buy ready-made templates or make your own, implementing a unique idea and saving a lot of money.

Types of paving slabs

Paving slabs come in a variety of shapes, colors and designs. Every year, manufacturers offer more and more new product positions, so the choice is quite large.

Variety of paving slab shapes:

  • Rhombus - offers maximum freedom in terms of design: using several types of this type of element, you can even create 3D effects.
  • Square - tiles can be made in different versions, with patterns. The standard size is 500x500x50 millimeters. By using tiles of different sizes and colors, you can also create original patterns.
  • Clover - often used for paving squares and parks, made of concrete with granite crushed stone. The tile has a smooth surface, is not afraid of dirt, and is always clean and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Brick - can withstand maximum loads, which is ensured by the shape of a geometrically regular parallelepiped.
  • The wave lasts a long time without moving even under heavy loads. The coating is created with a puzzle effect, therefore it is very durable and beautiful (when using several colors, for example).
  • Galvanized tiles with round edges are a good choice for summer cottages and suburban areas where there are no heavy loads. Looks good.
  • English cobblestone - imitates brown or gray natural stone, produced by vibration casting, looks stylish and simple.
  • Tiles with teeth on the sides guarantee the highest level of strength when joining elements; therefore, they are often laid where cars drive and there are heavy loads.

Materials for making paving slabs:

  • Cement and sand - environmentally friendly, produced in a wide range of colors and shapes, usually obtained in a bright shade, very durable, not afraid of water and ultraviolet radiation, can be dismantled and re-laid. Typically, such tiles are used to make coverings for city parks and sidewalks.
  • Clinker - tiles are obtained with a rough surface, safe and environmentally friendly, strong and durable. Usually the choice is represented by a large number of natural shades.
  • Rubber - such tiles are used for arranging children's playgrounds and institutional areas. You won't be able to slip on such a surface, and even if you fall, the impact won't be strong. Even in icy conditions, the tiles are safe, as they provide good grip on shoes.
  • Plastic (polymer and sand) - tiles are made by heating and melting polymers, sand and dyes, then pressed. The tiles do not contain cement dust or toxins, they do not wear off, withstand maximum mechanical loads, do not involve cracks or chips, do not require special care, and are available in a huge number of shades and patterns.
  • Granite is a material produced by sintering natural stone chips. Such tiles are not afraid of aggressive influences, are strong and durable, and look expensive and elegant.

Paving slab production technology:

  • Vibratory casting - concrete mixture is filled into casting molds, placed on a vibrating table, where the mixture is compacted. Then the tiles are dried for 24 hours at a temperature of +40 degrees. The tiles are resistant to temperature changes, highly durable, and durable.
  • Vibrocompression - concrete solution is poured into molds installed on a vibrating machine, and the top is pressed with a piston. The mixture is compacted, the tiles are of an ideal geometric shape, with a rough surface. The material can easily withstand high humidity, high and low temperatures, durable and strong.
  • Hyperpressing - the technology is similar to the previous method, but without vibration. Here, high pressure for compaction is created thanks to a hydraulic press. Production is automated, the percentage of defects is minimal, so the tiles are cheaper.

Home production involves the use of the casting method. All you need to create beautiful and original tiles are molds and concrete mortar.

Varieties of forms

Today there is a wide range of paving slabs on sale. They are divided into categories, which are determined by the shape of the product and the method of its installation. The following types of tiles are distinguished:

  • universal;
  • square, rectangular;
  • free form;
  • modular;
  • environmental;

Regarding the manufacturing method, tiles are divided into cast and pressed. It is possible to produce pressed tiles only in factories that have specialized equipment. This process requires significant financial costs. Therefore, such tiles are not made at home.

Unlike pressed tiles, cast tiles are easy to make yourself. To do this, it will be enough to purchase or design molds for making tiles and make the necessary solution.

Ready-made forms: types and characteristics

Forms for pouring paving slabs can be very different in material, configuration, size, number of elements, etc. The most important thing that you need to decide right away is the material of the mold and the method of getting it into production: buying a factory one or making it yourself.

Each of the materials has its own pros and cons and features. As for whether to use homemade or factory templates, each master decides for himself, based on desire and financial capabilities.

Rubber molds

Rubber molds are not very popular, as they have a significant mass, are expensive and difficult to use. To work with a rubber matrix, you will need a vibrating table, a special drying rack, and portable shields for transporting workpieces to the drying site.

The use of rubber molds is not justified. Not only does this significantly increase the cost of the process, but also manufacturers, in an attempt to reduce product costs, add soot to the rubber, which makes the molds of lower quality and short-lived, capable of staining the tiles a dark color. Each production mold must be washed with hydrochloric acid after use, which can also be a problem.

Made from sheet plastic

The production of paving slabs in plastic molds involves the use of materials such as polystyrene, PVC, ABS, and acrylic. All forms are stamped on high-tech thermal vacuum machines using the vacuum molding method. But each material should be considered separately.

PVC plastic

Tile casting can be carried out in molds made of different plastics. The best matrices are made from a film type of material. But the walls of such templates are thin; they need to be transferred to the drying area on something solid. The shape is susceptible to deformation and requires the use of stands.

After the tiles are ready and removed, the templates must be washed in a soapy solution to prevent concrete from sticking, which takes time and delays the production process. When planning to cast tiles with your own hands, you need to remember that even careful operation and careful care will not add durability to film forms: they will last for a maximum of 15-25 pours.

Two-millimeter PVC plastic is considered more durable - in reality, the molds are made with a wall thickness of 1.5 millimeters; to use them you will also need a shield, stands, and places for drying. There should be no pressure on full containers; after use, the mold must be washed thoroughly; the tiles must be left for at least 2 days. Thickened PVC is more durable than film, but it is also enough for a maximum of 70 pours.

Thus, the use of PVC molds is only relevant for small volumes of material, otherwise the templates will have to be changed frequently and the process will be extremely lengthy due to the need to keep the tiles in the mold until they completely harden.

ABS plastic

The molds for making paving slabs from this material are of high quality and meet the standards. But most often they are used for casting large elements, since it will be difficult to give even outlines to small tiles in an ABS plastic template. If you leave the contours round, then difficulties will arise in installing the covering from such tiles.

On the other hand, tiles cast in such forms turn out to be very beautiful - with a glossy shine, bright, durable. The tiles are kept in the molds for 2 days; after using the matrix, they must be thoroughly washed off any concrete that has adhered.

When choosing forms, you need to take into account a nuance: high-quality products are made exclusively from light plastic. The dark color of the plastic indicates that the quality of the material is low, the matrix will be thin in bends, with any deformation the product will become covered with cracks, etc.

Silicone forms

The most popular option among those who are wondering how to make paving slabs themselves. Silicone molds are easy to use, elastic, and allow you to draw the smallest details of a pattern and create beautiful, high-quality tiles. But the material is not suitable for mass production, as it wears out quite quickly.

For home production of small volumes of tiles, silicone is an excellent choice. Any craftsman can quickly and easily make tiles of the most unusual design or choose a standard template from the many available on the market.


Forms made from this material are distinguished by excellent quality, strength, and durability. Suitable for mass production as well. The blanks imitate different textures very well - natural stone turns out to be almost perfect and hardly distinguishable from natural stone. All the craftsmen who used polyurethane in their work note only the advantages, except for one nuance - factory-made molds are quite expensive.


This option is practically not used today, as it involves a one-time use. Formoplast is enough for one pour, which is not justified even for creating tiles for a small garden path. Even a narrow alley in a small area requires far from a dozen tiles, and buying a lot of mold plastic matrices (even if the cost is not too high) is simply unprofitable.


The polystyrene mold for pouring paving slabs is considered to be of the highest quality. It conveys the texture of even marble perfectly – both in design, pattern, and shine. You can create exclusive elements. Working with the molds is simple; after pouring, you don’t need to soak or wash them for a long time, since the tiles come out of the container themselves.

Such forms are quite expensive, but it is justified. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the presence of a protective film inside the matrix: if it is not there, it means that it is a low-quality template, but a banal fake made of cheaper material, made without following technology.


This type of mold is most often used in the production of small garden objects and volumetric slabs. Fiberglass allows you to create not only large tiles for arranging paths, but even figures for landscape decoration.

But the matrices are not very comfortable to use: they require mandatory lubrication before pouring the solution, which often provokes the appearance of cavities and pores in the cast elements.

The tiles do not have a glossy sheen; after removal, the elements often have to be modified. Therefore, for the production of small paving slabs, fiberglass molds are not the best option.

Gypsum mixtures

In some cases, gypsum mortar is used. It is flexible and hardens quickly. Using a gypsum mixture, you can make paving slabs with any pattern.

Gypsum template for tiles

The disadvantage of products of this type is fragility. Under mechanical stress, the edges of the template crumble. This requires periodically producing new parts. To make an impression from a plaster solution, follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Select a container. You can use a wooden sheathing installed on a smooth surface.
  2. The internal surfaces are lubricated with oil. It is applied by spray. This eliminates the possibility of leaks. Lubricant is applied to facilitate unmolding.
  3. Dilute the gypsum mixture with water. The solution is prepared before pouring.
  4. Place a prepared form with a pattern in a container.
  5. Cover the contents of the container with the solution. The layer thickness must be at least 10 mm.
  6. Wait until it hardens completely. You must wait 60-90 minutes for hardening.
  7. Dismantle the finished template for paving slabs.

After manufacturing, the template is inspected for holes and damage. For ease of use, the sharp outer edges are cut off and ground.

You can make an impression after pouring. To do this, you will have to wait until the gypsum mixture becomes viscous.

How to choose a practical shape

If you don’t want to wonder how to make molds for paving slabs with your own hands, but want to buy a factory template, you need to choose the right one. The quality of products depends on the correct production of the element and the material used in the process. It is worth paying attention to the products of companies that have managed to establish themselves well in the market and have a lot of positive feedback from customers (even if their forms are a little more expensive).

Suitable options for home production:

  • Forms made from virgin polyethylene always have an ideal contour, good rigidity, and do not involve cracks or deformations during operation. Such templates can withstand up to 1000 fills.
  • Forms made from secondary polymers - tiles produced using them are clear, with a beautiful pattern, and ideal geometry. The mold can withstand up to 500 pours. To buy really high-quality templates, you need to carefully consider them when purchasing: good templates always have a beautiful shiny surface and do not crack when compressed.
  • Molds made of granulated polystyrene can withstand up to 100 pours and guarantee a perfectly flat, glossy surface. But the concrete is kept in them for at least 2 days, so the process will be lengthy.

Before purchasing a product, you must study the quality certificate, which contains all the information about the raw materials, other properties and characteristics.

In addition, when choosing a specific material, production conditions, volumes and other specific factors are taken into account. In Moscow and the regions there is a fairly wide range of matrices for every taste and budget.

Manufacturing technology

The procedure for home production of paving stones looks like this:

  1. Several forms are made. It is also possible to purchase in a store - today they are sold in a wide variety;
  2. prepare a solution;
  3. Having placed the forms on the vibrating table, lubricate them and fill in the solution. If necessary, perform reinforcement;
  4. leave the castings in the molds for 48 hours;
  5. remove the modules from the molds and leave for some time until complete hardening;
  6. carry out finishing treatment: painting or ironing.

Next, all stages are discussed in detail.

Making your own mold

When deciding to make homemade molds for paving slabs with your own hands, you must first become familiar with the features of working with different materials, choose the appropriate option and study the technology. In principle, this is not so difficult, and if everything is done correctly, it is quite possible to obtain high-quality and durable molds for the production of elements with the desired characteristics.


Wood forms are the simplest and most affordable option. To create the shape, you will need bars that are connected to each other in such a way as to create a closed figure, the inner surface of which will serve to create the outlines of the paving stones. All matrices must be the same so that the tiles fit well together during installation. Therefore, you should not make complex configurations - the best choice would be a rectangle, square, rhombus, hexagon.

Only the internal dimensions matter - they need to be calculated accurately. For rectangular/square matrices, the diagonals inside are measured, which must be the same. In a hexagon, check the evenness of the corners with a protractor.

Form assembly process:

  • Cutting from wooden blocks the necessary elements according to shape and size.
  • Assembling elements with screws.
  • Cleaning the inner surface and sanding, coating with several layers of varnish, drying oil (this way the mold can be used several times, protecting it from moisture).

Miracle plastic

The cheapest option for creating molds is production from plastic bottles. To do this, it is best to choose five-liter canisters, the bottom of which is cut off, leaving a part equal to the height of the future tile.

Product packaging, trimmed canisters, and anything that matches the size and shape of the required elements can be used as a container for filling. Such molds are budget-friendly and not the most successful solutions, but they can also be used.


An affordable and easy way for those who don’t know how to make a mold themselves. The only requirement is the presence of a sample matrix.

How to make a plaster mold:

  • The assembly of the wooden box is 10 centimeters larger than the model.
  • Pouring plaster into the box, squeezing out a cast of the model in it. It is best to use not gypsum in production, but a molding mixture based on it, which will not shrink or crack when hardening, and will be stronger.
  • You can do it differently: fill the model with a thick layer of plaster and carefully remove it.
  • Then the surface is covered with wax mastic or varnish.

Usually several molds are made at once to speed up production.


Metal forms provide a smooth, even surface, do not react with water, are durable and strong. But making such a matrix yourself is quite difficult; the option is optimal only in the case of large volumes of tile production. The template will not be flexible, so it is made collapsible to make it easier to remove the tiles after hardening.

The shape and configuration of the matrix can be any. But usually they simply weld rectangular, square, hexagonal frames into which concrete is then poured. By combining frames with a bottom that imitates the relief of natural stone, wood or a pattern, you can get very beautiful tiles.


A homemade polymer mold is made in two stages. First, a wooden box is made for pouring plastic, the internal dimensions of which are 2 centimeters larger than required (allowance for the thickness of the matrix walls). Then another box is assembled with the exact outline of the shape.

The second frame is placed in the first so as to create an even gap. Molten plastic is poured into this gap. When using polyurethane, you must take care of personal protective equipment and ventilation of the room. If a tile with a complex pattern is created, then an exact model is used, placed in a box.

After the product has hardened, take it out of the box, remove any irregularities with sandpaper and use the mold for its intended purpose. It involves repeated use, but requires certain skills and experience in operation.

Silicone molds are more flexible and of higher quality (but also more expensive). They can be used repeatedly. True, they do not hold their shape very well; if the master lacks experience, they can sag and squint. Silicone molds are made according to the same principle as other types of plastic: the master model is installed in a wooden box, filled with a layer of material at least 1 centimeter thick, and removed after crystallization.

Things to remember:

  • The wooden box and the master model must be fitted perfectly (check the lines and corners with a level and other tools) so that the shape is smooth and neat.
  • The plastic hardens quite quickly - the work must be carried out confidently.
  • It is better to make a wooden box collapsible so that after hardening you can remove the plastic mold without breaking it.

Natural gifts

You can find an original design by simply observing the world around you and looking at natural textures and reliefs. You can even use burdock leaves to create unusual tiles: just apply a thick layer of concrete mortar on it, press firmly and, after drying, cut the tile along the contour. Such “leaves” are then placed on the territory at a certain distance, for steps.

What can garden paths be made from?

  • Paving slabs. Paving stones have different shapes and colors. The durability and wear resistance will pleasantly surprise you.
  • Concrete paths. Filling paths with concrete is a budget-friendly and effective option, but the aesthetics of such paths leave much to be desired.
  • Large format porcelain tiles. Porcelain tiles are dense, highly durable and resistant to temperature changes. All this makes it a popular exterior cladding. Large tiles can be laid on a flat base as a path.

Types of different molds for filling garden paths

Which material is better

When creating a home template, it is very important to choose the right material. Requirements for it are determined by the characteristics of tile production. So, the mold is used to pour a liquid cement mixture inside, which is then compacted and hardened. Then the product is taken out and in order for the removal to be easy, without damage, the material must be either very smooth or lubricated with something.

Basic material requirements for the mold:

  • Minimal water absorption, sufficient resistance to moisture.
  • High rigidity and sufficient wear resistance are desirable.
  • Resistance to interaction with abrasives.
  • No thermal expansion when the ambient temperature changes.

Plastic, silicone, and polyurethane are considered the most durable: they are not afraid of moisture, are easy to clean, and can be used repeatedly. The easiest way is to make a homemade template from wood or weld it from metal. Metal matrices are considered the most durable and rigid; gypsum matrices are the cheapest. Much depends on the preparation of the master - skills and experience in working with this or that material will greatly facilitate the entire process.

Laying paths

When the molds for pouring are ready in a ratio of 1:3, a solution of cement and sand is prepared. Water is added until the consistency of thick sour cream is formed. Cement grades M-400 and M-300 are best suited. First, you need to thoroughly mix the cement and water, and only then gradually add water. For mixing, you can use a concrete mixer, a construction mixer, or a drill with a special attachment. The finished solution must be poured into molds pre-treated with oil no later than 1–3 hours. To guarantee quality, it is recommended to pre-cover wooden and metal blanks with film.

This is useful: preparing a mixture for concrete paths.

Depending on weather conditions, the drying process lasts 3–5 days, but the surface must be sprayed with water 1–2 times a day to minimize the likelihood of cracks.

The frozen material is removed from the blanks and left to harden in a cool, dry place for 2–3 weeks.

Of course, making matrices for garden paths yourself requires certain physical and time costs, but following all the technological processes you can get a result that will exceed all expectations.

Preparing for pouring

Before pouring cement mortar into the mold, it must be properly prepared. Many craftsmen do not know what they lubricate the molds with before starting work, which then makes it much more difficult to remove the tiles. Typically, drying oil, varnish, or materials of this type are used for lubrication to prevent contact with water. True, there is no need to smear molds made of silicone, polyurethane and plastic.

All molds can be lubricated before filling with wax mastic, so that it is easier to remove the hardened tiles later. The layer is applied thin and even, without drops or streaks. You need to decide how to lubricate the mold based on the material that was used to make it: for example, impregnation is required for wood, but not always for polymers.

It is advisable that the mold have handles/grips, which will make it much easier to remove the tiles. After all, the weight of concrete is quite large and when carrying or removing tiles, it is necessary to eliminate the risk of falling.

Quite simply: forms from auxiliary materials

Utility materials will help make life easier, and with it the making of a mold for filling. For example, scraps of a metal corner, the main thing is that the width of the sides is at least 4 cm.

The corner is cut to the required length, welded into a square, triangle, rhombus, hexagon. A steel sheet is welded on the bottom and the mold is ready. It’s even easier to cut a square metal tank or canister; you can cut off the side of it to fit the shape, or the bottom, depending on what size you plan to make the tiles.

Possible errors, tips

A homemade form is always a risk: that the material was chosen incorrectly, that the production technology was not followed, that the nuances were not studied somewhere in advance. But only those who do nothing make no mistakes, so it’s definitely worth trying to create matrices yourself. And take into account the experience of the masters.

Things to remember when creating a form:

  • It is allowed and encouraged to tilt the walls of the matrix outward (inward is unacceptable).
  • When working with plastic, you should not make the walls too thin - they will quickly crack and wear out. It is advisable to maintain the thickness of the mold so that the master can easily carry a workpiece full of concrete without deformation.
  • Templates made of plaster and wood are periodically coated with paints and varnishes to renew the layer, protecting it from deformation and moisture.
  • You can use any plastic objects as molds - pipe scraps, containers, parts, etc.

Unusual decor

Often, hand-made tiles look gray and monotonous. To give it an original appearance, the following decorative options are used:

  1. Pebbles and other stones. It is allowed to use multi-colored stones, which are laid out on the surface in a chaotic form, without waiting for hardening. Each element is laid by sinking it into the solution.
  2. Pieces of dishes or ceramic tiles. Such elements are attached in the same way as in the case of pebbles and various stones. If desired, you can create some original drawing or pattern.
  3. Prints. This is one of the most original and memorable decorative options, which involves creating any prints by pressing on a solution that has slightly stuck.

    To give a unique design, use various prints and patterns.

  4. Dye. Finished products can be painted in any color, interesting designs can be created, but varnish must be used as a fixing agent. Everything needs to be done as carefully and slowly as possible.

Safety precautions when working

When using chemically active components in your work, you should definitely think about protection and ensure air access to the room. Eyes and respiratory organs are protected with goggles and a respirator. Under no circumstances should these measures be neglected when working with polyurethane.

Welding work is carried out in accordance with safety regulations - in a room with fire extinguishing equipment, keeping in mind the standards for working with the electrical network. One way or another, health protection should be a priority during the work process.

Creating molds for the production of paving slabs is an interesting and creative process that allows you to implement the most unusual design ideas, as well as significantly save on the purchase of factory matrices. With certain skills and experience, you can create real masterpieces that are in no way inferior in quality to factory samples.

Small production of paving stones

In most cases, paving slabs are required by the owner of the site for a one-time construction of a platform or path. In this case, he needs a small number of molds (from 7 to 12) with a very limited resource, for example, made of polyurethane or silicone. You can easily make them yourself, which will reduce the cost of manufacturing the coating even more.

It is not necessary to purchase a concrete mixer for a small batch: the solution can be prepared in a bucket, mixing it with a drill with a mixer attachment.

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