Mortar for masonry: how to make cement-lime for brick


  1. Types of masonry mortars
  2. Features of colored masonry mortars
  3. What characteristics should you pay attention to when choosing a solution?
  4. What is important to know about the application and process of bricklaying
  5. Consumption of masonry mortar
  6. Mistakes when working with masonry mortar for wall cladding and their consequences

“Masonry mortar” often refers to a mixture of cement, sand and water. But the composition may vary depending on the specific tasks that it must solve:

  • whether the facade masonry will be made of facing bricks or a load-bearing wall of the building will be erected,
  • what are the characteristics of the material (for example, low water absorption in clinker or hollowness in ceramic bricks),
  • air tº during installation and other environmental conditions,
  • whether the color of the seam changes the appearance of the facade or interior design.

Photo: website
Wrong choice or errors in the process of applying masonry mortar lead to poor adhesion of materials, reduced strength of walls, efflorescence (unsightly formation of salts on the cladding surface) or violation of the architectural design of the project due to incorrectly selected colors.

When choosing a masonry mortar, we recommend using the following simple rules as a starting point:

  1. Universal masonry mortars are used for working with brick, stone and concrete blocks. The wide functionality of such solutions has a drawback - the impossibility of choosing a color. The only option is the standard, and already boring, gray one. Therefore, universal solutions are used for technical work where color does not play a significant role.
  2. Colored masonry mortars are used when cladding facades, since even a small detail significantly affects the appearance of the entire building. Such solutions are suitable for clinker and ceramic bricks, as well as interior and exterior work. A wide range allows you to match the mortar to the color of the masonry or play with contrast in accordance with the architectural style of the house.
  3. Warm masonry mortar is suitable for construction from large-format blocks and other porous materials (for example, aerated concrete or expanded clay concrete). Its main task is adhesion of surfaces and preservation of thermal insulation properties. Among the distinctive features are high strength and ductility, good adhesion and increased wear resistance.
  4. Special (or heat-insulating) masonry mortars are used for stoves and chimneys, since their installation places high demands on fire resistance.

We recommend giving preference to trusted manufacturers of masonry mortars to avoid unexpected results. Pay attention to compliance with GOST 28013-98 and, even better, European quality standards EN. Require masonry workers to strictly adhere to installation rules in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Types of masonry mortars

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Based on their composition, masonry mortars are divided into gypsum, lime, cement and mixed.

  • Gypsum mortar contains cement, gypsum, water and sand. Advantages include rapid setting and hardening. The disadvantage is low strength, so the main area of ​​application of such solutions is decorative work.
  • Lime mortar combines sand, lime and water. Used for installation of concrete blocks, brickwork and large stones. Lime mortars are plastic, strong and durable. The only drawback is the long drying time, which creates difficulties when using them for outdoor masonry.
  • The mixed solution includes various components. The composition and proportions depend on the material being laid and the required characteristics of the solution.
  • Cement mortar is a mixture of sand, cement and water. This is the most optimal choice for facing with tiles or ceramic bricks, since the use of such masonry mortar guarantees a stable result and strength of the masonry.

And if you want to make your brick façade beautiful and unique, then colored masonry cement mortars are something you can’t do without.

In what proportions should cement be diluted?

The correct proportions can vary significantly between different mixtures. Therefore, before mixing, it is necessary to decide for what purposes a particular solution will be used.

Important! The consistency of the solution changes depending on the proportions of the components.

The most popular mortars that require cement are:

Mixture for plastering walls. To prepare it, it is recommended to use 1 part cement and 3 parts sand. The volume of water is usually equal to part of the cement, but it cannot be added immediately, so it is poured into the dry mixture in small portions to obtain the desired consistency. If you need to carry out internal plastering work, then the M150 or M200 grades are selected, and if you plan to plaster the facade, then the M300 grade is suitable.

Brick masonry mortar. Here we use 1 part cement and 4 parts sand. The optimal brands for this work are considered to be M300 and M400. Often slaked lime is added to this mixture, acting as a binder. Its amount is calculated as 0.2 parts per 1 part cement. This substance produces a plastic solution, which is quite easy and convenient to work with. The amount of water may vary, as it is added gradually until a solution of the desired density is obtained

It is important to make a mixture that will not flow from the spatula, tilted at an angle of 40 degrees.

A mixture designed to create a floor screed. Typically the following proportions are used: 1 part cement to three parts sand. The M400 brand is considered optimal. Water is added in a volume of ½ of the amount of cement

To make a rare solution, it is recommended to gradually add water, as it is important that the mixture stretches well, which ensures that all voids in the base are filled.

Concrete. To create concrete, use 1 part cement, 2 parts sand and 4 parts gravel.

If this solution is made to form the foundation of a building, then it is necessary to purchase material grade M500. The amount of water is equal to ½ of the cement. The water must be clean and potable, and it is recommended to stir the composition with a concrete mixer (how to choose a concrete mixer for your home and garden). The entire solution must be used within an hour after receiving it.

Important! If you want to get a mixture in sufficient quantity to form the foundation of a building, then you will need a fairly large amount of it, for which special equipment is used, represented by a concrete mixer.

Often, ready-made solutions are purchased at the factory, and in this case you need to make sure that the mixture is created immediately before sending it to the customer. Before purchasing, we study all the documents for the mixture in order to know what components it consists of, as well as what parameters it has.

It is necessary to choose the right grades of material to form different solutions. If the mixture is intended to create brickwork, then you can use grades M50 or M100, and if you need to make a foundation, then it is advisable to choose grades from M300 to M500. The higher the grade of material, the more durable and reliable the solution will be.

Features of colored masonry mortars

Photo: website

Colored masonry mortars are used as a decorative element, giving the structure completeness. Nowadays, manufacturers produce solutions in a rich color palette, which allows you to choose the desired shade for any material.

Colored masonry mortars have a number of advantages:

  • are responsible for the aesthetics and neatness of the masonry,
  • retain color for a long time, as they are resistant to sunlight,
  • the components of the composition are environmentally friendly and safe,
  • You can create a unique masonry due to a larger selection of colors.

One of the most famous brands of colored masonry mortars is Weber Vetonit. High quality cement, fine quartz sand (0 - 4 mm) and special additives that have a positive effect on setting and frost resistance are what distinguish Weber Vetonit solutions from other manufacturers.

Video description

You can see plasticizers in solution in the following video:

The second recipe is with washing powder

In order to use this recipe you will need one hundred and fifty scales of powder per fifty kilograms of cement. Further:

  • the powder dissolves in warm water;
  • the powder solution is poured into water for solution;
  • the components of the solution are mixed;
  • water with a plasticizer is added.

The technology for introducing the plasticizer is generally the same as in the first recipe.

What characteristics should you pay attention to when choosing a solution?

The basic requirements for masonry mortars in the Russian Federation are regulated by GOST 28013-98. Among the most significant properties are the following:

  • Mobility is the ability to fill voids and spread across the surface of a material. The required grade of workability for masonry mortar directly depends on the material used. Thus, for masonry made of hollow bricks or ceramic stones, it is recommended to use the Pk2 grade, and for solid bricks and stones made of light rocks - Pk3.
  • Water holding capacity is responsible for retaining water in the layer. For mortar mixtures it should be at least 90%.
  • The separation of mixtures (or separation into component components) should not be higher than 10%.
  • The temperature for using masonry mortars for external work according to GOST 28013-98 is presented in the table below.
Average daily outside air temperature, °CTemperature of the mortar mixture, °C, not less
Masonry material
at wind speed, m/s
until 6St. 6 until 6St. 6
Up to minus 1010101015
From minus 10 to minus 2010151520
Below minus 2015202025
Note - For masonry mortar mixtures during installation work, the temperature of the mixture should be 10 °C higher than indicated in the table

Source: website

The properties of the hardened solution include the following:

  • Compressive strength is the main indicator of the quality of the composition, which is responsible for the thoroughness of installation and the amount of pressure on the supporting structures. The lower the compressive strength, the greater the likelihood of deformation of the masonry and bending and shear stress for the material.
  • Frost resistance. The composition must withstand a large number of freeze-thaw cycles. According to GOST 28013-98, frost resistance should be from 50 to 1000 cycles.
  • Adhesion . Responsible for resistance to tearing or shearing and provides adhesion between building materials.
  • Waterproof. No penetration of moisture into the masonry.
  • Plastic. Allows you to correct the position of materials during masonry work by adding special plasticizers to the mixture, which reduce the amount of water and affect the mobility of the solution.

Confirmation of the quality of the solution is its ease of use. Such a solution is mobile, plastic, fills all voids, does not slide down the walls, does not crumble, does not crumble.


The following devices can be used to mix the DSP:

  1. Concrete mixer.
  2. Construction mixer.
  3. Shovel

It is important to consider that the mixture can only be used for its intended purpose during the first hour. Otherwise, it will harden and become unusable.

In order to save materials, you need to correctly calculate the volume of solution in order to rationally use the composition. Depending on the stage of repair or construction work, the DSP is diluted to the correct consistency.

If it is necessary to plaster the surface, the solution is given elasticity and cleaned of lumps or abrasive particles. Often a cement-lime composition is used, which is characterized by practicality.

Universal mixtures are in demand for the following tasks:

  1. Pouring concrete base.
  2. Construction of premises of varying complexity.
  3. Plastering.
  4. Masonry work.
  5. Sealing seams, voids and cracks.

The addition of additional components contributes to the emergence of the following operational advantages:

  1. Wear resistance.
  2. Water resistance.
  3. Resistance to negative temperatures.
  4. Strength.
  5. Reliability.
  6. Durability.
  7. High adhesive properties.

What is important to know about the application and process of bricklaying

Photo: website

Before use, the solution must be thoroughly mixed to ensure uniformity of the composition. The strength of the mortar determines the degree of deformation of the masonry during shrinkage and the load on the material.

The accuracy and uniformity of the masonry is affected by the thickness of the seam: the thicker it is, the more difficult it is to make the masonry even. Careful masonry also affects the strength of the structure being built, so each material has its own seam thickness. For brick walls, a thickness of 10-12 mm is most often used.

Particular attention should be paid to temperature conditions. Most solutions can be used from +5 ºС. At lower temperatures, it is necessary to use a frost-resistant masonry mortar that can withstand down to -15 ºС.

Within 28 days after laying, the mortar gains full strength. This parameter is classified by brands, expressed in numerical terms from 50 to 200, and directly depends on the constituent components and their proportions in the masonry mortar

If you want your masonry to look aesthetically pleasing and last for many decades, contact only professionals.

A mixture of grades M125, 150 and 200

The masonry mixture for bricks M125 is suitable for the construction of walls made of stone and various blocks. The composition for laying gypsum tiles is often used. The fraction of sand used can vary from 0.5 to 1 mm. The M150 grade mixture is characterized by increased hardness. The material is suitable for masonry, and in domestic construction it is used for ceramics and finishing concrete structures. This mixture is good in that it is not sensitive to low temperatures, but requires adherence to a temperature range ranging from +5 to +35 °C during the work process. Heat-resistant masonry mixture M200 is characterized by its refractoriness and water-repellent characteristics. Use washed mountain sand without organic compounds for preparation. Among other things, shells and limestone fragments are used, the fraction of which is approximately 3 mm.

Consumption of masonry mortar

The consumption of masonry mortar depends on the material being laid, the required properties of the mortar, as well as the professionalism of the craftsman carrying out the work.

For example, the consumption of masonry mortar for bricks is influenced by both the quality of the material and the quality of the masonry mortar. When using hollow bricks, due to its internal structure, the consumption of mortar increases compared to laying solid bricks. The thickness of the seam also affects the consumption: in thin-seam and thick-seam masonry, the consumption of masonry mortar will be different.

Mistakes when working with masonry mortar for wall cladding and their consequences

  1. Poorly or sloppily filled seams. This error significantly reduces the thermal insulation properties of the walls and also affects their strength. Seams with voids not filled with mortar, due to increased accumulation of moisture in them, can cause destruction of bricks or tiles, and even failures in the masonry.
  2. Careless application of the solution threatens to reduce the strength of the masonry. The consistency of the masonry mortar is also important - it should not be too liquid. But the opposite situation with an overly hard mortar can lead to negative consequences, since the mortar will not spread evenly over the surface of the brick. It is necessary to strictly monitor the strict adherence to the manufacturer’s instructions for the process of preparing the solution.
  3. Failure to follow recommendations for joint thickness and shape can also have a significant impact on the strength of the masonry. A thin seam negatively affects the durability of the connection, as it does not have sufficient adhesion. When using a thick seam, it is more difficult to maintain the masonry planes (vertical and horizontal). Such a seam increases the number of cold bridges, which affects the thermal insulation properties. Maintaining the optimal seam thickness allows you to avoid these problems. For brick it is 10-12 mm.
  4. A seam that is too deep can have devastating consequences. Moisture accumulates in such a seam, which, in places where there is no mortar, penetrates the pores of the brick and affects the strength of the masonry. This is also one of the reasons for the formation of efflorescence. Maintaining the ideal joint depth for brickwork - 5 mm, eliminates such consequences.
  5. Using one mixture for all types of work. For each element in the masonry, including masonry mortar, a corresponding role is assigned, which means that certain technical characteristics predominate. Thanks to this, strength is achieved that allows buildings to be preserved for centuries. So, the main function of masonry mortar is to be tear-resistant and fill voids. If you use this mixture as a grout, then the likelihood of efflorescence increases, since masonry mortar, unlike it, does not have sufficient water resistance.
  6. Lack of care for fresh masonry. Newly produced masonry must be protected for 5-7 days from any weather conditions, since both active sun and high humidity or rain are detrimental to it.
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