Choosing between gas silicate, aerated concrete and foam concrete

This building material, produced by the closed joint stock company INSI, is considered reliable and capable of saving energy, and has a wide range of uses. The product range includes blocks for walls and partitions, U-shaped and non-standard types. The products are capable of providing excellent protection for buildings of any purpose from low temperatures. The technological features of installation work make it possible to use INSI aerated concrete on a large scale or to build private houses with your own hands. To facilitate the work, related materials from the same company are used - impregnating and adhesive compositions, mixtures for masonry and plastering work.

Pros and cons of houses made of aerated concrete and reviews from owners living in such houses

Aerated concrete has been known to European builders since the beginning of the last century. Over the past 80 years, a significant number of new buildings have been built from it. For the last 30 years, this material has been actively used in the domestic market. Despite this, the question of the feasibility of building a house from aerated concrete is still relevant. Owners living in aerated concrete houses can give an objective assessment. Lots of reviews, both positive and negative. We will conduct a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages.

Pros and cons of aerated concrete houses

He suggests studying for comparison the main pros and cons of a house made of foam concrete and only then drawing your own conclusion. It will also be useful to familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of aerated concrete blocks and the pros and cons of aerated concrete as a wall material.

Advantages of a house made of aerated concrete

  • building a house from aerated concrete will cost less than building a house from other wall materials;
  • a house made of aerated concrete is almost ideal from the point of view of environmental friendliness of living in it. The material itself has an almost minimal radiation background, due to its natural components, so being in the house does not pose a threat to residents;
  • an aerated concrete house does not need insulation. It is known that the best existing insulation is air. In aerated concrete it is enclosed in small, equal-sized pores. What makes a gas block an excellent heat insulator?
  • saving on home heating. An advantage arising from the previous paragraph. Such a house is warm and therefore provides significant savings on heating costs;
  • aerated concrete is a lightweight material that is cut into large blocks. This imparts several positive qualities to a house made of aerated blocks: the cost of pouring the foundation is reduced, the need to use lifting equipment is eliminated, and the speed of installation increases. A house made of aerated concrete can be built in just a few weeks;
  • the use of aerated concrete blocks allows you to build a house of any configuration. The gas block is easy to process, which eliminates difficulties in forming complex breaks or in designing arched openings.

Disadvantages of aerated concrete houses

  • Even the construction of a one-story house made of aerated concrete must be accompanied by a significant number of calculations. The higher the number of floors of the building, the more reasonable these calculations should be. When building a 2-3-story house, it is unacceptable to use aerated concrete as the main load-bearing material. As an option, the masonry of load-bearing walls is made from aerated block of a grade higher than D 600. However, the higher the grade (density of aerated concrete), the lower the thermal insulation properties. Which leads to the need to insulate the structure. The solution may be to lay the wall in two rows with dressing. The outer part of the wall is made of load-bearing dense gas blocks, the inner part is made of heat-insulating (porous and more fragile);
  • A house made of aerated concrete is characterized by low thermal inertia. Inertia is the ability of the material used for construction to accumulate heat. Aerated concrete structures quickly warm up and just as quickly release heat to the environment. The thermal inertia of an aerated concrete block depends on the structure of the aerated concrete. The more pores, the lower the inertia.
  • minimal deformation caused by shrinkage of the material, errors when pouring the foundation or soil movement will inevitably lead to the appearance of cracks on the aerated concrete wall. They will not cause significant damage to the structure, but will affect the visual perception of the house. As practice confirms, even if the laying technology is followed, about 20% of all blocks crack;
  • A house made of aerated concrete needs finishing. Even if work is forced to be interrupted, it is recommended to preserve unfinished buildings for the winter. A newly built house needs immediate finishing due to the ability of aerated concrete to absorb moisture from the environment (moreover, the source of dampness is not only rain and snow, but also fog). Aerated concrete can withstand no more than 25 cycles (some manufacturers claim no more than 35 cycles) of freezing and thawing. This does not mean that the house will only last 25 years.
  • When finishing a house made of aerated concrete, it is important to follow the order in which work begins. First, internal work is carried out. This is due to the fact that the gas block releases moisture in both directions: inward and outward. Thus, by starting plastering work from the inside, it becomes possible to reduce the humidity in the room. Afterwards the external walls can be finished.
  • Any type of finishing can be used as finishing materials for a gas-block house. It's right. But the arrangement of ventilated facades is associated with a number of difficulties, the main of which is the difficulty of fastening them into aerated concrete. The facade may simply fall off over time. Based on this, the best option is to plaster walls made of aerated concrete. Moreover, you can only use special gypsum-based mixtures;
  • The smoothness of the walls also plays against the craftsmen when it comes to finishing. The mixtures do not stick well to the wall. It requires double priming of the walls, sanding them with sandpaper or reinforcing them with mesh (preferably polymer);
  • lime contained in aerated concrete (2.5-5%) and in some adhesive mixtures for aerated blocks (0.5-1 part of lime in the masonry mixture) leads to the fact that the metal components of the masonry become unusable after a certain time. The same fate awaits metal communication pipes;
  • fasteners in aerated concrete walls do not hold well. To hang anything that has significant weight (shelf, water heater, wall kitchen cabinets), you need to use special fasteners.

Thus, a house built from aerated concrete has both pros and cons. As a conclusion, it can be noted that some of the shortcomings of the house can be leveled out at the construction stage, thanks to compliance with the technology of laying aerated concrete blocks. Thus, the characteristics of a house made of aerated concrete are determined by the master’s ability to apply the material in practice.

House made of aerated concrete - reviews from owners

In the field of individual housing construction, debate among consumers continues: what is the best material to build a house from? Particularly lively discussions are taking place around cellular concrete, in particular foam concrete and aerated concrete. Like any other material, aerated block has its supporters and opponents. And each of them gives their own arguments for and against in an attempt to defend their designated positions.

This article contains several reviews from real owners of aerated concrete houses. Practical reasoning, opinions and statements will allow you to get a more complete picture of what the pros and cons of an aerated concrete house are really relevant.

Vladimir (Moscow region)

Based on my own experience, I can recommend aerated concrete as a building material for the walls of a house. True, we don’t have a house, but a dacha. But we use it almost all year round. The building is small, 4.5x7, and warms up quickly, which is very convenient, since it is usually not heated.

Among the shortcomings, I will note the most common one - a web of cracks both along the seam and along the block. But we are still thinking about the finishing touches. Last winter the dacha stood unprotected. And I’m sure it will last this year. And then we’ll save some money and start finishing it.

Dmitry (Orenburg region)

They write a lot about cracks. A house built from aerated concrete is subject to mandatory shrinkage. But their number can be significantly reduced.

Firstly, there are three types of shrinkage.

The first of them is structural, occurs within a month, it can be avoided by starting construction after the block has been lying on the site for this period.

The other two do not have such a strong effect on the characteristics of the building. If a quarter of the area of ​​the house is covered with cracks, this is considered a normal indicator. Of course, you need to take into account the depth of the crack and its location.

Secondly, you need to properly finish a house made of aerated concrete. Small cracks that run directly along the gas block are eliminated by high-quality finishing. Proper plastering of aerated concrete involves the use of mixtures intended for this purpose and the use of reinforcing fabric.

There are nuances in reinforcement. I suggest using fiberglass canvas rather than reinforcing mesh. This is a canvas (popularly called “gossamer”), made by pressing from natural materials. In addition to the fact that fiberglass perfectly reinforces the surface and masks cracks, it also allows steam to escape freely. The mesh is also supported by the fact that it is not afraid of water, chemicals, impacts and prevents the development of mold and fungi. To be honest, fiberglass will not protect against cracks, but they will not be visible on the plaster from the outside.

Mikhail (Chelyabinsk region)

Due to the sudden onset of autumn, construction work had to be interrupted. It’s not just that we didn’t cover the roof, we didn’t even completely remove the walls. Although, the dimensions of the gas block are such that the work progressed quickly. We've read a lot about how to mothball a construction site. Everything was done as recommended. They covered it with a universal primer and even wrapped it in film. In winter, however, we did not visit the site. But in early spring they discovered that the house was soaked through like a sponge (this can even be seen from the color of the wall, it became dark gray).

Now we wait for it to dry. The builders say that if the situation (weather) is good, we will have to wait about a month and a half until we can continue the work.

The moral is this: if you don't have time to build a roof, you don't need to start building walls. Once you have wrapped the building in film, please check its integrity periodically. The winds in Russia are crazy, the film was quickly torn to shreds.

And finally, rather than using a universal primer, it is better not to prime with anything. There’s no point anyway. It is necessary to use either a deep penetration primer or a special composition - a water repellent. Yes, it’s expensive, but it’s better than watching the laid aerated concrete become covered with cracks both at the seams and along the block.

Experienced builder (St. Petersburg)

I am engaged in construction. We had to lay walls from different materials: brick, foam block, gas block, cinder block, gas silicate, etc. I can give a lot of reasons in favor of aerated concrete. But I think the best confirmation of the quality of the material is that my own house is built from aerated concrete blocks. And those who complain most likely either built it themselves or entrusted the work to specialists from neighboring countries. Contact the professionals right away. Save time, money and nerves. And instead of complaining about the material, you will live peacefully in the house.

Vladimir Ivanovich (Vitebsk)

I settled on aerated concrete for a two-story house. This decision is based on:

  1. Low cost
  2. Lightness, both in masonry, and in processing, and in lifting the material. The weight of the block allows you to move it to the desired height without any problems.
  3. Good thermal insulation properties. Under the house there is a monolithic strip foundation buried almost a meter deep (it has lasted about 2 years). There shouldn't be any cracks. At the top there will be a roof made of asphalt shingles (theoretically not heavy).

I plan to build it myself, I think I can finish it in a month, and before the cold weather sets in I can handle the finishing.


In your description you forgot such a trifle as the number of floors of the house. For a two-story house you need structural (load-bearing) aerated concrete. And it is just a bad heat insulator. Therefore, think about insulation before it’s too late. It is enough to place the insulating gas block on the inside of the load-bearing wall and bandage it.

Sergey (Nizhny Novgorod)

I ordered turnkey work from the construction company New Technologies. All work, from the project to communications and interior decoration, was carried out by professionals from this company.

The house is made of aerated concrete, the seams are adhesive mixture for aerated concrete. High-quality insulation of the foundation was carried out, each 4th row was reinforced with rods with a diameter of 8 mm, reinforcement was placed under and above the openings, the rafter system was also installed on the reinforcement (additionally laid around the perimeter).

I watched the progress of the work. The house was commissioned in the fall, the family spent the winter without any complaints. Yes, I forgot to say, I live in Novopokrovsky, near Nizhny Novgorod. It’s not cold here in winter, it’s not hot in summer, there are practically no strong temperature changes, the house is constantly heated.

What are INSI blocks?

The introduction of advanced technologies in the construction industry allows the average consumer to move away from the usual bricks, turning their attention to more affordable and easy-to-install aerated concrete. This is a modern composite material that has enough advantages to find its niche in the private, mass civil and industrial sectors. A prominent representative of products of this type is the INSI block, mass-produced at the Autoclaved Concrete Plant.

Reducing labor intensity while maintaining and improving the quality of the finished product are the advantages that composites, such as INSI gas block, have. Unlike homogeneous brick, which is a baked clay mass of regular rectangular shape, the new material consists of several components, where each plays its role:

1. Portland cement, sand, water are the basic elements of any concrete that form the bulk of the mixture.

2. Lime or gypsum is the main component for a highly alkaline solution that reacts with the foaming agent.

3. Aluminum (in the form of fine powder or paste) - used to activate gas formation in volume.

The finished mixture, which has a paste-like structure, similar in consistency to liquid sour cream, is poured into the frame, where it gradually hardens. The main feature of aerated concrete produced by INSI is the gas formation that occurs in the mass. The components form a lime solution, which in turn reacts chemically with aluminum, releasing hydrogen. At the same time, the entire mixture foams, increases in volume, and when hardened, forms a porous structure. Individual cells do not physically communicate with each other, but have an approximately spherical shape with a diameter of 1 to 3 mm.

Aerated concrete blocks are obtained by cutting a more or less frozen mass into separate “cubes”. After this, autoclave processing occurs, which gives final strength to the workpiece. The process conditions involve the use of compressed water vapor at a pressure of at least 0.9 MPa and a temperature of up to 175 ºС.

Technical specifications

The products of the Autoclaved Concrete Plant and other domestic manufacturers in this area are regulated by the state standard GOST 31360-2007 (GOST 21520-89). This document, among other things, normalizes the technical characteristics of the INSI block: shape, specific gravity, thermal conductivity, shrinkage, frost resistance, vapor permeability, strength.

1. Shape of finished products.

As already reported above, after the mixture has hardened (before the autoclave), the INSI block is not the ideal “cube” that is sold in the wholesale and retail trade networks. To ensure the manufacturability of the process, in accordance with GOST, aerated concrete is formed in the form of a slab or block blank. The differences between them are not only in dimensions, but also in the ratio of sizes:

  • The block extends up to 625 mm with a width and height of 500×500 mm.
  • The slab with a maximum length of 1.5 m has a cross section of 1.0 × 0.6 m.

In addition to these two options, aerated concrete blocks with a U-shaped cross-section are also produced. Their main purpose is the arrangement of monolithic stiffening belts, supports for beams, ceilings, mauerlats, and upper limiters for window and door openings.

The standard size of INSI blocks is achieved by cutting the frozen workpiece into individual elements. Their geometry may vary depending on the manufacturer, however, some generally accepted dimensions are used:

2. Specific gravity and strength.

One of the main indicators that INSI aerated concrete blocks have is their density. Since the finished product has a porous structure, its weight is significantly reduced in comparison with brick or ordinary concrete of the same volume.

Research results show that an aerated block has a specific gravity of about 400–600 kg/m3, which is almost 5 times less than that of concrete. At the same time, the finished INSI block has a strength of 2.5–7.5 N/mm2 (MPa). This is more than enough to form a reliable masonry. For example, in private one-story construction, such characteristics allow one to avoid bulky frames.

3. Thermal conductivity, frost resistance, shrinkage, vapor permeability.

Ensuring normal temperature conditions inside the room is achieved with the required wall thickness and the thermal conductivity coefficient of their material. The gas block has this indicator at the level of 0.1–0.14 W/(m·ºС). For comparison, for brick these characteristics reach 0.35–0.7, and for concrete – 1.3–1.5.

The block obtained during the INSI molding process has a shrinkage in the range of 0.3–0.5 mm/m. Frost resistance is defined as F50 and F100 (number of cycles). Vapor permeability characterizes the ability of a material to pass or absorb gaseous water. For composite blocks this figure reaches 0.16–0.2 mg/(m·h·Pa). For comparison, for classic concrete its value is only 0.03.

Before choosing INSI gas block as a building material, it would be useful to read reviews from owners of houses made from it:

“Using gas blocks and doing everything together, my father and I were able to build a box at home in just a month! The laying is carried out using special glue, the work goes quickly. It rained during construction, but no changes in the properties or condition of the walls were noticed. After a couple of weeks of living, we can say that the house really “breathes” and warms up quickly - this is my opinion.”

Anatoly Zaitsev, St. Petersburg.

“My husband and children have been living in a house made of building blocks for several years. Construction and finishing were ordered to a hired team. From experience I can say that the house does not freeze at all, it is comfortable and cool in the summer, and warm in the winter. The air inside is always fresh, there are no unpleasant odors. The main thing is to remember to check the quality of the products yourself when purchasing.”

Svetlana Lebedeva, Nizhny Novgorod.

And here are the reviews of professionals who built a house from aerated blocks:

“In my profession, I have used the INSI block more than once to build prefabricated houses. The material, from the point of view of working with it, can only be characterized on the positive side. It is easy to cut and is light weight, which allows installation alone. Autoclaved aerated concrete has ideal geometric shapes. Customer feedback says that the investment is completely worth it.”

Pavel Shchukin, Cheboksary.

“I have been involved in construction professionally for decades. We usually do the masonry with brick, but recently we have begun to pay more and more attention to aerated concrete blocks. The positive aspects include ease of installation and cutting. If we consider its properties, then everything looks ideal: light weight, high energy-saving indicators, strength, reviews, and you can buy it inexpensively. But in practice, you should pay attention to the quality of the purchased products and strict adherence to masonry technologies.”

Nikolay Svetlichny, Kursk.

Key Features and Benefits

All the main properties that the INSI block has have already been mentioned, but it is still worth writing about its advantages. These include:

1. Manufacturability. The current model range (sizes) for finished products makes it easy to assemble it, and well-thought-out structural elements (grooves, ridges, grips) simplify the process of its installation.

2. Environmental friendliness. Production is carried out using modern energy-efficient technology from natural ingredients.

3. Comfort. The original porous structure provides an excellent microclimate inside the building (temperature, humidity, air freshness). In addition, following practical installation recommendations will allow you to achieve a sufficient level of sound insulation.

4. Quality. The maximum permissible dimensions during manufacturing differ from the norm by only 1–2 mm.

5. Savings. The thickness of the adhesive connecting seams does not exceed 4 mm, despite the fact that the cement-sand mortar must be laid in a layer of at least 10–15 mm. If we take into account that the gas block weighs 5 times less than concrete, then we can reduce the cost and volume of foundation work.

Price of standard blocks

On the market, prices for this type of building material are formed taking into account its physical and technical properties and the manufacturer/supplier. A cubic meter of blocks in the regions can cost:

What are gas silicate, aerated concrete and foam concrete made of and how are they produced?

Foam blocks are made from quartz sand, Portland cement and a foaming agent - this whole dry mixture is mixed with water, placed in block molds and dried naturally - in indoor or outdoor rooms, in the fresh air. Molds for foam blocks can be single (for one brick) or large - from them the frozen composition is removed and cut into the required size.

The production of aerated concrete begins in the same way: Portland cement, slaked lime, and gas-forming additives are mixed with water and poured into molds. The pore-forming composition, when reacting with lime, releases hydrogen from water, so air pores form in the body of the future block. Once hardened, the brick is cut into the required size into building blocks. Aerated concrete is dried in an autoclave chamber or naturally. Do not confuse aerated concrete with gas silicate, which is produced only in an autoclave.

Gas silicate building material is obtained by mixing quartz sand, lime, slaked aluminum powder and water. The mixture, mixed with water, is poured into molds, which are placed in an autoclave chamber. The gas silicate is dried under high steam pressure (13 atm.) at a temperature of 200°C. After hardening, the homogeneous mass is cut into blocks of the required sizes.

One common advantage of gas silicate, aerated concrete and foam concrete blocks is that they can be ordered from the manufacturer in any size.

The components of the mixtures determine such technical and operational characteristics of all blocks as strength, density, thermal conductivity properties and other parameters. A comparison of the final characteristics of all three building materials in the form of blocks is reflected in the table below:

Building Block Property Aerated concrete material Gas silicate block Foam concrete material
Thermal conductivity, W/(m•K) 0,11—0,145 0,136-0,19 0,09-0,38
Specific gravity of the material, kg/m3 400-800 750-850 400-1200
Vapor permeability 0,165-0,22 0,145 0,25
Number of frost resistance cycles more than 90 (F90) > 50 (F50) > 35 (F35)
Shrinkage during drying, mm/m 0,32 1,1 2,1-3,5
Humidity, percent 5,2% 1,42% 12,53%
Strength, MPa 2,5-15,0 10,0-15,0 2,50-7,50

INSI block: sizes and prices, reviews, technical characteristics, application

The introduction of advanced technologies in the construction industry allows the average consumer to move away from the usual bricks, turning their attention to more affordable and easy-to-install aerated concrete. This is a modern composite material that has enough advantages to find its niche in the private, mass civil and industrial sectors. A prominent representative of products of this type is the INSI block, mass-produced at the Autoclaved Concrete Plant.

Reducing labor intensity while maintaining and improving the quality of the finished product are the advantages that composites, such as INSI gas block, have. Unlike homogeneous brick, which is a baked clay mass of regular rectangular shape, the new material consists of several components, where each plays its role:

1. Portland cement, sand, water are the basic elements of any concrete that form the bulk of the mixture.

2. Lime or gypsum is the main component for a highly alkaline solution that reacts with the foaming agent.

3. Aluminum (in the form of fine powder or paste) - used to activate gas formation in volume.

The finished mixture, which has a paste-like structure, similar in consistency to liquid sour cream, is poured into the frame, where it gradually hardens. The main feature of aerated concrete produced by INSI is the gas formation that occurs in the mass. The components form a lime solution, which in turn reacts chemically with aluminum, releasing hydrogen. At the same time, the entire mixture foams, increases in volume, and when hardened, forms a porous structure. Individual cells do not physically communicate with each other, but have an approximately spherical shape with a diameter of 1 to 3 mm.

Aerated concrete blocks are obtained by cutting a more or less frozen mass into separate “cubes”. After this, autoclave processing occurs, which gives final strength to the workpiece. The process conditions involve the use of compressed water vapor at a pressure of at least 0.9 MPa and a temperature of up to 175 ºС.

Technical specifications

The products of the Autoclaved Concrete Plant and other domestic manufacturers in this area are regulated by the state standard GOST 31360-2007 (GOST 21520-89). This document, among other things, normalizes the technical characteristics of the INSI block: shape, specific gravity, thermal conductivity, shrinkage, frost resistance, vapor permeability, strength.

1. Shape of finished products.

As already reported above, after the mixture has hardened (before the autoclave), the INSI block is not the ideal “cube” that is sold in the wholesale and retail trade networks. To ensure the manufacturability of the process, in accordance with GOST, aerated concrete is formed in the form of a slab or block blank. The differences between them are not only in dimensions, but also in the ratio of sizes:

  • The block extends up to 625 mm with a width and height of 500×500 mm.
  • The slab with a maximum length of 1.5 m has a cross section of 1.0 × 0.6 m.

In addition to these two options, aerated concrete blocks with a U-shaped cross-section are also produced. Their main purpose is the arrangement of monolithic stiffening belts, supports for beams, ceilings, mauerlats, and upper limiters for window and door openings.

The standard size of INSI blocks is achieved by cutting the frozen workpiece into individual elements. Their geometry may vary depending on the manufacturer, however, some generally accepted dimensions are used:

Features of INSI gas blocks

Aerated concrete blocks produced by INSI JSC are reliable and energy-saving, with a wide range of applications. The range includes wall, partition, U-shaped and non-standard masonry products, all products have positive reviews and provide good thermal protection for private, public and industrial buildings. The installation technology makes it possible to carry out construction on an industrial scale or to build individual buildings on your own; in order to simplify the work, related building materials from the same company are used: impregnation, adhesives, masonry and plaster mixtures.

Description of material, dimensions and characteristics

The composition includes cement, lime, sand, gypsum, clean water, and aluminum paste is selected for the blowing agent. Density parameters are controlled at the stage of initial hydration of the binder; standard INSI grades vary between D400-D600. Products gain final strength (up to 28-40 kgf/m2) during autoclave processing and are cut using high-precision equipment. This technology makes it possible to obtain high-quality and lightweight aerated concrete with a closed structure and round, evenly distributed cells with a diameter of 1 to 3 mm. Read more about the types of gas blocks and their sizes here.

Technical characteristics of the blocks are regulated by GOST 31360-2007 and include:

  • Brand density is in the range of 400-600 kg/m3.
  • Density class: from B 1.5 to B 3.5.
  • Frost resistance – up to 100 cycles.
  • Vapor permeability coefficient – ​​0.2 mg/m·h·Pa.
  • Release humidity by weight, no more than 30%.
  • Shrinkage during operation is within 0.3-0.5 mm/m.
  • The thermal conductivity coefficient in a dry state is from 0.1 to 0.14 W/m °C.

Consumer reviews confirm the characteristics of INSI blocks declared by the manufacturer; their energy-saving properties and ability to provide a good microclimate indoors are positively assessed. The scope of application depends on the type of products; if necessary, they are combined: wall ones are used for the construction of load-bearing structures and are covered with facade ones.

The dimensions of these gas blocks are also regulated by GOST; with a constant length (625 mm for wall and partition ones and 600 mm for U-shaped ones) and height (250 mm), they have different widths. Its value depends on the purpose of the building materials and is 100, 150, 200, 240, 300 or 400 mm. The clear advantages include high geometric accuracy of shapes; deviations from the standard size do not exceed ±1 mm in height and thickness and ±2 in length. The products can be easily cut, grooved or otherwise processed and allow any architectural idea to be realized. To simplify work, hand grips and longitudinal strips are located at the ends, helping to lay them as tightly as possible.

Reviews about the material

“When building a two-story house from aerated concrete blocks, I used the products of JSC INSI; in my opinion, its price fully corresponds to the quality. I bought all types, including partition and U-shaped, they had accurate dimensions and a smooth surface. The walls were erected in one row, 40 cm thick; when insulated with mineral wool and covered with siding, they kept the heat well in winter. I haven’t noticed any shrinkage processes, there are no cracks in the masonry.”

“I worked with the block during the construction of private houses, there are no complaints about the quality, I have not encountered any fakes. The price of this autoclave is slightly higher than average, but I think it is justified; there have never been any problems during installation. For masonry, it is convenient to use an adhesive mixture from the same company; it is applied to a standard aerated wall block in a continuous thin layer, the next row is placed immediately, the whole process goes very quickly.”

“I consider aerated concrete from the INSI manufacturer to be a good option for building your own home; the shape, weight and dimensions of the products allow you to carry out the laying quickly and limit yourself to minimal finishing. The disadvantages include the high price, which is, in principle, characteristic of products that have undergone autoclave processing. The material has no operational shortcomings; with the right foundation and good insulation from ground moisture, the building will last a long time.”

“For the construction of internal partitions in the office, I bought smooth bricks 150 cm thick, I positively assess their strength and soundproofing properties. For installation, as recommended by the seller, I used Tytan Professional glue; it was enough to simply apply one strip in the middle of the product and tap the gas block with a rubber hammer. As a result, the partitions were inexpensive, the walls turned out smooth and breathable, and a thin layer of plaster was enough for finishing.”

Features and advantages of INSI brand aerated concrete

The properties of products taken into account during construction include good vapor permeability, a decrease in heat retention when wet, and the need to eliminate cold bridges at the masonry stage. The installation technology is standard: the blocks are placed on a stable base insulated from moisture, raised 50 cm above the ground level, the masonry is reinforced, thinly applied compounds with a similar thermal conductivity coefficient are used to fasten products and rows, the walls are protected from direct exposure to moisture, but with their safety ability to breathe.

The advantages of this manufacturer include:

  • High accuracy of geometric dimensions and shapes, reviews in this regard are extremely positive, the possibility of laying on a thin layer of glue (no more than 2-4 mm) declared by the manufacturer has been confirmed in practice.
  • Environmental friendliness, ensuring a good microclimate. The maximum effect is observed when combining INSI wall blocks with façade varieties or covering the walls with breathable building materials (for example, rigid mineral wool followed by plastering).
  • Compliance with fire safety standards. The load-bearing capacity of gas blocks from this plant is maintained under direct exposure to fire for 150 minutes; its use is allowed when adding floors or increasing the fire resistance of structures.
  • Seismic resistance.
  • High level of comfort and providing good acoustic protection of buildings.


The main characteristics that are taken into account during construction work include excellent vapor permeability, a decrease in thermal conductivity from getting wet, and the need to eliminate cold bridges at the masonry stage.

Installation technologies are standard. The blocks are placed on a base that is well insulated from the influence of water, for which it is raised above the ground surface by 0.5 m. The masonry is necessarily reinforced; when connecting individual elements and masonry rows, compounds applied in a thin layer are used, having a similar thermal conductivity coefficient. The surface of the wall is protected from direct influences of water, while the ability to “breathe” must be preserved.

The main advantages are considered:

  • precise geometric parameters and shapes;
  • environmentally friendly material, which allows you to create a comfortable microclimate. The greatest effect can be achieved by combining wall blocks with varieties of facade finishing or covering the walls with materials that can breathe;
  • full compliance with fire safety requirements. The material retains all its load-bearing capabilities during a fire for two and a half hours. For this reason, it is used when adding floors or improving the fire resistance of an object;
  • earthquake resistance;
  • high comfort, good acoustic protection of buildings.

Aerated concrete blocks "InsiBlock"

InsiBlock aerated concrete loading calculation table

  • Loading a 12m semi-trailer - 18 pallets.
  • Loading a 9m semi-trailer - 14 pallets.
  • Hitch loading 6m+6m - 16 pallets.

The Magnum company offers to buy Insi-block in Chelyabinsk at the lowest cost possible due to the fact that the INSI autoclaved aerated concrete plant is located in the city and therefore there are no costs for long-distance transportation of products.

The Insi gas block is in high demand due to the favorable ratio of quality and price characteristics. An expanded range of products allows any potential client to make the best choice and order items that best meet the requirements for the structure being built.

Characteristics and types of aerated concrete block Insi

For cellular aerated concrete produced by INSI, produced using the industrial autoclave method, the following indicators, reflected in its labeling, are of utmost importance:

  • density grade - D400 (kilogram per cubic meter), D500, D600;
  • strength class - B2.0, B2.5 or B3.5;
  • thermal conductivity coefficient (dry) - 0.096, 0.12 and 0.14;
  • frost resistance grade according to GOST 31359, reflecting the number of guaranteed freezing cycles - F100;
  • vapor permeability coefficient - 0.23, 0.20, 0.16;
  • probable shrinkage is no more than 0.5 millimeters per meter.

Insi gas block , the price of which depends primarily on its brand of density and dimensions, is available in different dimensional proportions. With a standard height of 250 millimeters and a length of 625 millimeters, its thickness varies and can range from 100 to 400 millimeters. Thinner blocks are used for the construction of internal walls and partitions, while blocks with a thickness of 300-400 millimeters are required for load-bearing and main walls. They have tongue-and-groove ends and in-depth hand grips.

In addition, the INSI plant produces U-shaped aerated concrete Insi-block for creating monolithic lintels in internal or external walls.

Advantages of aerated concrete Insi (Chelyabinsk)

These aerated concrete blocks have many advantages, manifested in quality and technical indicators:

  • the optimal ratio of not too large volumetric mass, good strength and low thermal conductivity, ensuring heat retention indoors;
  • a wide range of products, allowing you to make an informed and accurate choice;
  • frost resistance and durability, subject to the manufacturer’s requirements for interior and exterior decoration, as well as for storage and laying of blocks;
  • environmental friendliness and fire safety, vapor permeability and excellent sound insulation properties.

Insi-block, the price of which in Chelyabinsk is the most favorable, since it is produced here, is offered in combination with suitable building mixtures (masonry, plaster) and water-repellent impregnations-primers, providing reliable masonry and protection of the aerated block.

High quality prefabricated buildings

When constructing buildings from blocks, the requirements for masonry structures SNiP II-22-81, Manual for SNiP 2.03.01, STO 501-52-01-2007 must be met.

The thickness of the walls of a building under construction is determined not only from the condition of strength, but also from the condition of the required thermal resistance. The calculation of wall thickness must comply with the requirements of SNiP 23-02-2003. The calculated thermal conductivity coefficients at an equilibrium humidity of 4% correspond to operating mode A (buildings with a dry operating mode in the dry and normal climatic humidity zones and buildings with a normal operating mode in the dry climatic humidity zone). For all other external walls made of INSI blocks, the calculated thermal conductivity coefficient is taken at an equilibrium humidity of 5%. Table 5 shows the data of thermal engineering calculations of walls made of “INSI-blocks” of density D 500. Type of premises “1” corresponds to residential, medical and preventive institutions and children's institutions, boarding schools, hotels and dormitories; Type “2” premises include public (except for premises of type “1”), administrative and domestic buildings. For premises of type “1” the internal air temperature is +20ºС. For premises of type “2” the internal air temperature is +18ºС.

Calculated heat transfer resistance of a wall made of INSI blocks.

Table No. 5

No.Regional city of RussiaTerms of UseType of premisesRo tr, m2°C/V tDesign heat transfer resistance, m2°C/W
Thickness of a wall made of INSI blocks without insulation, mmThickness of a wall made of INSI blocks in mm with additional insulation with mineral wool slabs 50 mm/100 mm thick
1EkaterinburgA13,492,313,023,734,442,8 / 3,993,51 / 4,74,21 / 5,4
2UfaA13,492,313,023,734,442,8 / 3,993,51 / 4,74,21 / 5,4
3TyumenA13,492,313,023,734,442,8 / 3,993,51 / 4,74,21 / 5,4
4ChelyabinskA13,492,313,023,734,442,8 / 3,993,51 / 4,74,21 / 5,4
5IzhevskA13,492,313,023,734,442,8 / 3,993,51 / 4,74,21 / 5,4
6OrenburgA13,492,313,023,734,442,8 / 3,993,51 / 4,74,21 / 5,4
7MoundA13,492,313,023,734,442,8 / 3,993,51 / 4,74,21 / 5,4
8PermianB13,512,222,93,584,262,63 / 3,723,31 / 4,43,99 / 5,1
9Nizhny TagilB13,512,222,93,584,262,63 / 3,723,31 / 4,43,99 / 5,1

To calculate a wall made of INSI blocks without insulation, the design according to Table 6 was adopted.

To calculate a wall made of INSI blocks with insulation, the design according to Table 7 was adopted.
Table No. 6

LayerName of layersLayer characteristics
Thickness Δ, mλ, W / (m° C)
1External thin-layer plaster0,010,70 (0,87)
2Aerated concrete 500kg/m3 with adhesive composition0,141 (0,147)
3Interior plaster0,010,70 (0,87)

Data for operating modes “B” are given in parentheses
Table No. 7

LayerName of layersLayer characteristics
Thickness Δ, mλ, W / (m° C)
1External thin-layer plaster0,010,70 (0,87)
1Plate Fasad Batts ROCKWOOL 145kg/m30,05 /0,10,042 (0,046)
2Aerated concrete 500kg/m3 with adhesive composition0,141 (0,147)
3Interior plaster0,010,70 (0,87)

The data in parentheses is for operating modes “B”

The weight of one block when laying without the use of small-scale mechanization should not be more than 45 kg.

When working with cellular concrete, care and precision are required. It is prohibited to load blocks in bulk and unload them by dropping them.

First of all, you should pay attention to block storage. Pallets with blocks must be installed on a leveled base, protected from soil moisture. The storage height is no more than 2 tiers. During long-term storage, unprotected cellular concrete must be protected from rain or snow with insulating materials (tarpaulin, roofing felt, plastic film). Masonry adhesive must be stored protected from moisture at a temperature not lower than +5°C.

The blocks can be supplied to the laying site on pallets using a crane or by means of small-scale mechanization, which are easy to manufacture on site (two-wheeled wheelbarrows, three-wheeled carts).

Support frame elements

  1. — The first row of mortar-based blocks;
  2. — Additional cellular blocks;
  3. — Ring reinforced belt;
  4. — Reinforced concrete floor slabs;
  5. — Thermal insulating gasket;
  6. — Monolithic reinforced concrete distribution belt;
  7. — Lintel reinforced from concrete;
  8. — The lintel is made of concrete;
  9. – Waterproofing;
  10. - Basement.

It is recommended to start laying INSI blocks from the corners of the building, in rows along the entire perimeter. Before laying the blocks of the first row, it is necessary to ensure its waterproofing (1 - 2 layers of roofing material are laid on the foundation). Rice. 1. All blocks of the first row are laid on a sand-cement mortar in a ratio of 1:3 with a thickness of no more than 30 mm. Rice. 2. After laying the first row, it is necessary to remove all unevenness using a plane or sanding board. You should strictly monitor the correct height of the rows from the very beginning of masonry using a stretched mooring cord and horizontal and vertical levels or laser coordinators.

Before laying, blocks must be cleaned of dust and dirt (snow and ice in winter), and broken ones or those with chipped edges and corners must be put aside. In the future, having subjected them to mechanical processing with the simplest tool (a hand hacksaw or saw, a plane for chamfering, an angular template for directing the cut), the blocks can be used when laying gable walls or in internal walls.



“INSI blocks” are produced with a geometric accuracy of ±1.5-2.0 mm. The laying is carried out using an adhesive mortar based on a factory-made dry mixture. The dry mixture consists of sand, cement, water-retaining, plasticizing and hydrophobic additives. The thickness of the seam should not exceed 2-5mm.

It is possible to carry out masonry with light mortar. The thickness of the seams is 8-10mm. Masonry with cement-sand mortar is allowed, the thickness of horizontal joints is taken from 10 mm and no more than 15 mm, on average 12 mm within the height of the floor. The thickness of vertical seams (if there is no tongue groove) is taken from 8 to 15 mm, on average 10 mm. It must be taken into account that the use of masonry mortars leads to a decrease in the heat transfer resistance of the wall. When carrying out masonry work in dry weather, it is necessary to pre-wet the blocks.

It is recommended to prepare mortar for laying block walls at the construction site from ready-made dry mixtures delivered from the factory, or from binders, fillers and additives. The adhesive solution is prepared according to the instructions printed on the bag, and the mortar according to Instruction CH 290. The finished solution (glue) is unloaded into a bucket, and then, using a special container, trowel, or scoop, distributed along the length of the wall, leveling the bed with the serrated edge of the trowel. The block is lowered onto the solution (glue) from above, avoiding horizontal movement of more than 5 mm. The squeezed-out solution (glue) is removed immediately with a scraper, preventing it from setting. The blocks are straightened by shaking or tapping with a rubber hammer. The seams must be carefully filled with glue.

When laying, you must follow the dressing rules. Vertical seams of the next rows of masonry are made with an offset of at least 0.4 of the height of the block. When laying walls in two blocks, tie the vertical seams “solid”, Fig. 3.

Fig.3. “Die” dressing

  1. outer die row.
  2. internal die row.

The depth of the “die” dressing must be at least 100 mm. Connections between walls of different directions should be made only with an inclined slab with a ligation depth of at least 200 mm (vertical slab is not allowed). Internal walls and partitions are erected according to the same rules as external walls. The external and internal walls are connected by tying the blocks to a depth of at least 200 mm. The connection of the partitions to the walls is arranged using flexible connections made of steel strips, pre-fixed in appropriate places in the seams of the walls (Fig. 4).


The need for masonry reinforcement and the location of the reinforcement are indicated in the project. If the design does not indicate the locations of reinforcement, it is necessary to provide a device for structural reinforcement in the plane of the masonry of the walls: reinforced belts at the level of the floors, on blind sections of the walls, and also in all cases along the height of the masonry when the clear distance between the floors is more than 3.0 m. (Fig. .6). In addition, the armored belt should be installed within the top row of masonry along the perimeter of the external and internal walls, including the pediments.

Additional structural reinforcement should be provided in the window sill area, Fig. 5. In the window sill area, the reinforcement is placed in grooves pre-cut in the masonry. The reinforcement placed in the grooves must be completely embedded in the adhesive composition. The cross-sectional area of ​​the reinforcement must be at least 0.75 cm² class AIII (for example, 2 longitudinal reinforcements d = 8AIII). If it is impossible to place two rods across the width, it is allowed to reinforce the masonry with one longitudinal reinforcement with an equivalent cross-sectional area (d=10АIII). The fittings are inserted into the walls at a distance of at least 600 mm from the edge of the window opening.

Fig.5. reinforcement in the groove of ordinary blocks;

  1. - wall masonry;
  2. - window sill row of blocks;
  3. — structural reinforcement;
  4. — concrete (mortar);
  5. — tray blocks;
  6. - thermal insulation liner.


  1. — structural reinforcement of the masonry of the window sill area;
  2. — Structural reinforcement of the masonry within the height of the pier;
  3. — Structural reinforcement of masonry in a blind section of a wall with a clear distance between floors of more than 3 m.

To lay reinforcement in certain rows of masonry, horizontal grooves are made, which are then filled with masonry mortar. The reinforcement is placed in these grooves so that it is completely covered with mortar and does not protrude above the surface of the blocks. To prevent concrete spalling, it is recommended to install grooves at a distance of at least 60 mm. from the side faces of the blocks.

Structural reinforcement of the masonry is carried out with reinforcement in accordance with GOST 5781-82, GOST 10884-94, taking the number of rods across the width of the masonry to be at least two. When the floor height from floor to ceiling is more than 3 m along the entire perimeter of the external walls in two levels (the level of the window sill area and the level of the top of the lintels).

Execute in the groove of ordinary blocks of the window sill area and the top of the lintels, the reinforcement is completely recessed in the adhesive composition, its quantity depending on the width of the wall. The cross-sectional area of ​​the frame reinforcement of one level is at least 75 mm2 (for example, 2 longitudinal reinforcements d = 8AIII). If it is impossible to place two rods across the width, it is allowed to reinforce the masonry with one longitudinal reinforcement with an equivalent cross-sectional area (d=10АIII).

A closed armored belt within the penultimate row of parapet masonry along the perimeter of external and internal walls, including pediments and other elements. The reinforced belt rods in the longitudinal and transverse walls are placed in specially cut grooves, the grooves are filled with glue. The rods are welded in the corners.

INSI blocks can be easily machined using mechanical tools. If it is necessary to make complex geometric shapes with curved and other outlines, as well as sections of walls whose dimensions are not a multiple of the size of the block, a non-standard product can be obtained by cutting using mechanical and hand saws.

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