How to use a helicopter to grind a concrete floor: technology, types of trowels

The installation of a concrete surface is a responsible undertaking, the quality of which determines the strength and reliability of the screed, as well as the appearance of the floor covering. The work is carried out in stages; various additives are used during the pouring of the solution, after which the concrete is grouted with a helicopter, as a result of which the surface becomes stronger and smoother.

If work is carried out in a small area, craftsmen make do with hand tools. But, when constructing large objects, the use of productive equipment will be required. The need for a procedure using technical means is due to the fact that after pouring the solution, large filler particles fall to the very bottom, and the smallest fractions and milk rise to the top.

As the solution hardens, air bubbles may remain in it and unfilled areas may form. All this negatively affects the strength of the concrete coating and its appearance. Unnoticeable cracks can grow over time and significantly degrade the quality of the structure. Treating the surface with a trowel will avoid such problems.

How to use a helicopter to grind a concrete floor: technology, types of trowels

A concrete helicopter is a special trowel for the most effective surface treatment, which makes the floor perfectly smooth and even, removes differences in crack heights and other types of deformation.

Thanks to the use of such a machine, the entire floor treatment process can be completed quickly and efficiently. It is also important that after processing, concrete not only acquires certain aesthetic characteristics, but also becomes more durable, strong, and wear-resistant.

A concrete trowel (helicopter), as a rule, is a powerful multifunctional device, thanks to which the process of treating the floor and eliminating defects can be mechanized, simplified and accelerated. Labor costs when using the machine are reduced significantly.

How and with what to grout a concrete floor: a complete guide

Concrete flooring is a popular solution that is often used in garages, shopping centers, warehouses, utility rooms and residential areas. The final stage of creating a high-quality concrete screed is its grouting. This can be done manually, but the work is done much faster and more efficiently using a special trowel, popularly called a helicopter. After pouring concrete, traces of the rule and small pores remain on its surface, and in order to properly level it, you cannot do without grouting. In a garage or warehouse, after grouting, you can leave everything as it is, but in the house, laminate, parquet, tiles or other flooring are laid on a leveled concrete surface.

Purpose of trowels

A helicopter for concrete grouting is used in a variety of situations - both in residential apartments and in large areas (hangars, warehouses, terminals, etc.). In the first case, concrete treatment is carried out to level the floor and remove differences and cracks for the purpose of subsequent coating with one or another material.

In the case of grouting floors in warehouses, production/industrial premises, concrete grinding by helicopter is performed as a finishing treatment. The surfaces are given the desired level of smoothness, evenness, remove all defects and make the floor suitable for comfortable use.


A trowel may be required by both individuals and entrepreneurs who have their own workshops and workspaces that do not require special visual aesthetics. The device is used to remove uneven surfaces, strengthen the surface and eliminate existing cracks. A helicopter makes it possible to perform a large amount of work in a short period of time.

If the room will be used exclusively for industrial or production purposes, then grouting the floors can be the final stage of surface treatment. A flat floor in warehouses is more than enough, and additional design solutions in such situations will be unnecessary.

Grouting the surface also has another not so obvious advantage - it strengthens the surface. The fact is that when polishing, the pores are rubbed out, cracks are removed and concrete milk is formed, which directly affects its strength and service life.

Types and characteristics

A concrete trowel is a device of simple design: it consists of a drive, a gearbox, a frame, a blade (or two), operator protection and a control system. The surface is rubbed first with a disk that is put on the blades, and then with the blades themselves, which rotate at high speed.

According to the type of drive, a helicopter for grinding concrete can be of the following types: diesel (rather rarely used), gasoline, electric. Fuel-powered devices are mobile and powerful; they can be used in open areas to process large surfaces, but require ventilation indoors. Electric machines can be used in enclosed spaces, but require the ability to connect to the network.

A helicopter for grinding a concrete floor can have a different diameter of the working disk, a different number of rotation speeds, and the angle of the blades can also be adjusted. All models differ in the length of the blades, engine power, and the method of interaction with the operator (a special place or device driven by a person can be equipped for him).

When grinding concrete by helicopter is necessary, when choosing a machine you need to pay attention to the parameters of the unit. Thus, the intensity of the impact on the treated surface depends on the range of rotation. For rough and finishing processing, a unit with a rotation speed of at least 200 rpm is suitable. It is desirable that the rotation speed be regulated.

Diameter is an indicator that indicates the performance of the equipment and the level of maneuverability. If grouting a concrete floor with a helicopter will be carried out in a small room or on shaped areas where there are narrow passages, it is better to choose a diameter of 610 millimeters. When you need fast and effective grouting of a large area, you can take 900 millimeters or more.


A single-rotor concrete trowel (helicopter) is used to process not very large areas - on average up to 500 square meters. Models can be equipped with a gasoline or electric drive, with one blade with a diameter of up to 1.2 meters. It is possible to adjust the force and speed of rotation.

Double rotor

A two-rotor trowel (helicopter) already belongs to the class of professional equipment, used for processing surfaces of 500 square meters or more. A large-sized productive self-propelled machine can only work in large spaces, without any obstacles or changes in surface configuration.

Models are usually equipped with two troweling blades, the diameter of which is in the range of 600-1200 millimeters. Typically, units run on gasoline or electricity (diesel fuel is rarely used at all, since the operation of the machine is no different from gasoline and this choice is relevant only for those who have free access to diesel fuel).

The devices are controlled by an operator who can sit low or high, usually between the rotors in a special chair. Operates levers, buttons, or joysticks.

Grouting cracks

One of the uses of a helicopter is crack removal. But their appearance may already indicate the need to take more serious measures. Further actions depend on the nature of the cracks formed:

  • open, single, no more than 1 mm - can be sealed with mixtures with the addition of resins based on polymer-cement compositions;
  • more than 2 mm - special polymer cement dough is used;
  • many - a polymer cement solution is used;
  • wide - filled with polymer cement solutions.

To see how a helicopter works for grinding concrete, see this video:

Application and principle of operation

Grouting of concrete floors by helicopter is used to give concrete the desired properties and characteristics, as well as to eliminate the risk of delamination of the coating during operation due to cement laitance protruding on the surface of the monolith.

The technology is quite simple: grinding blades at high speeds (with a certain vertical pressure, specified speed) forcefully rub materials into the concrete body to strengthen the upper layers of the screed. By adjusting the angle of inclination of the disks (blades), efficiency can be increased.

Grouting of a concrete floor is carried out in two stages. First, 4-20 hours after pouring, rough grouting is carried out at the moment when a shoe print leaves a depth of up to 3 millimeters in the concrete. For additional strengthening, cement-based toppings are used and the process begins only when the product has absorbed moisture from the floor.

First, the composition is distributed in an even layer over the concrete, then about two-thirds of the mass is rubbed into the monolith, after a while another third is rubbed in. The unit turns on the blade rotation speed at a reduced speed and the work is performed in two passes, which must be perpendicular to one another.

The final grouting is carried out by a concrete grinder (helicopter) within 10-16 hours after completion of the roughing (the floor should darken, it should not get your hands dirty or be pressed through). The machine rubs in the dust-removing impregnation in one or two layers, after which the concrete becomes stable and not susceptible to the spread of cracks. The work is carried out with crossing finishing blades, at high speed, in two passes (also perpendicular).

How to grout concrete floors

Depending on the surface area of ​​the concrete floor, its grouting can be done manually or using special trowels (helicopter). This operation allows for forced additional compaction of the top layer of the concrete floor, which leads to an improvement in its characteristics. To harden the surface of a concrete screed, grout mixtures called toppings are used.

Regardless of whether grouting will be done by hand or by helicopter, in order to obtain a high-quality surface, this process must consist of the following operations:

In order to correctly complete all the stages of creating a concrete floor, you must be able to determine the moment when each operation begins. If you don’t know how to do this, then it’s better to invite specialists.

Grouting by hand

If the area of ​​the concrete floor is small, then it can be grouted manually. To get the maximum effect from this operation, you need to correctly determine the time when you can begin the work. If you put a board on a concrete screed and step on it, and after that there is no mark left on the floor, then it is too late to grout. If the depth of the mark is 2–3 mm, then this means that it is time to start grouting the surface.

Required Tools

To grout a concrete screed manually, you will need a minimum set of tools:

What mixtures are used and how to prepare the composition

When the work is being done on a small surface, then you should not buy ready-made toppings, since they are usually sold in large packaging, and you will not have time to use it up. Most home craftsmen use regular dry cement when grouting concrete screeds.

You can use cement and sand in a 1:1 ratio. The main condition is that the mixture should not have any foreign inclusions; the sand is taken of a fine fraction. After preparing such a topping, it is necessary to sift the composition through a fine sieve again, since the presence of large particles will negatively affect the result of grouting the floor and its appearance.

How to choose a trowel

When choosing grinding machines, you should focus on several basic parameters: the availability of the model and the feasibility of financial costs, the size of the area and the presence (absence) of obstacles on it, the frequency of operation of the unit. A concrete grinder (helicopter) may differ in engine type, power, and working width.

Single-rotor machines with one blade from 30 to 61 centimeters are best chosen for small spaces with hard-to-reach areas. Double-rotor machines are more suitable for large-scale work. Machines with a blade diameter of 90 centimeters are considered universal.

The diameter of the smoothing blades determines the working width - that is, it directly affects the productivity of the equipment. Serious work is performed with nozzles up to 1.2 meters. The rotation speed must be changed. Both stages of processing (rough grouting and final polishing) can be carried out by a machine with a rotation speed of approximately 200 rpm.

Examples of manufacturers

There are a huge variety of machines from different manufacturers on the market today with various characteristics. Masalta, ENAR, MISOM, Wacker Neuson, VPK are popular in Moscow; there are many models.

To perform not very large-scale work, you can choose the German-made QJM-600 Werk: an electrically driven unit, perfectly balanced, with a folding handle, a protective rim, a power of 3 kW, the ability to adjust the processing depth, a grouting diameter of 60 centimeters, a rotation speed from 50 to 115 rpm, weighing 53 kilograms.

If you need a more powerful unit, a Swedish-made Tremix g1203b petrol engine, equipped with a Honda GX 270 engine and a 120-centimeter disc, is suitable. When you need a two-rotor concrete grinder (helicopter), you can opt for the self-propelled Spanish LR900. The set includes a disk, blades with a diameter of 90 centimeters, the machine is equipped with external light, a powerful Honda GX 670 drive, and weighs about 325 kilograms.

Grouting concrete by helicopter: technology and materials

When grouting concrete by helicopter, the technology must be strictly followed. Only in this case will it be possible to guarantee high quality processing.

Rough grout

Rough (roughing) processing is carried out by a device with troweling disks in two (or more) passes perpendicular to each other. First of all, areas near doorways, columns, and walls are treated. The trowel disk mixes the top layer of the screed, compacting it: in the process, large heavy fractions end up at the bottom, light ones rise up. To obtain cement laitance, several passes are made, the number of which may depend on the thickness of the concrete layer and its properties.

Some features of rough grout:

  • When enough laitance has reached the surface, topping is quickly applied to strengthen the layer, distributing it evenly (preferably using a special trolley). First, apply 2/3 of the product, wait for it to absorb moisture and change color to a darker one, then make the first pass, scatter the remaining 1/3 of the mixture, again wait for moisture to be absorbed and perform the second pass. The optimal topping consumption is on average 3-5 kilograms per square meter (minimum and average load on the floor), 5-8 kilograms (high load).
  • The troweling disc for the job must be chosen correctly, taking into account the shape of the edge - if it is beveled at 45 degrees, a concrete grinder (helicopter) will process the surface smoothly, a 90-degree disc is suitable for areas where the floor adjoins columns or walls.
  • The first pass is usually made with a single-rotor machine, the second with a double-rotor machine, which better compacts the mixture of topping and laitance.

Mixtures used

Which mixture to choose:

  • Corundum hardeners - suitable for surfaces with high loads: warehouses, industrial facilities, gas stations, etc.
  • Quartz - for low and medium loads: when, for example, shopping and entertainment centers are built.
  • Polymer and steel fibers provide additional strength and reinforcement.

Finish grout

It is performed by a unit equipped with blades in at least two passes perpendicular to one another. During the first pass, the edges of the blade should be about 7-9 millimeters from the floor, the second – 20-23 millimeters. This way the mixture is better compacted, and changing the angle of the elements allows you to make the surface almost mirror-like.

Finishing is carried out using high-power tools - it is unlikely that it will be possible to perform high-quality work with a manual unit. Properly troweled concrete becomes shiny, even, smooth, and does not require flooring.

Example of a standard technical process

  • Roughing pass by helicopter with a disk - waves on the surface remain approximately 6-8 millimeters
  • Distributing the topping, waiting for the time of moisture absorption, darkening of the mixture
  • Second pass with a disc unit
  • Determining the evenness of the surface using a control rod
  • Repeat the process - again with topping if necessary. Passes with the disc are usually repeated at intervals of 30-60 minutes, depending on the speed of setting of the screed. When the disc no longer leaves marks on the floor, you can stop.
  • Finishing grouting with blades in the directions of processing with a disk - usually properly polished surfaces are performed in 2-3 passes maximum
  • The use of polymer impregnation to increase the level of resistance to moisture and wear of the floor, impermeability to alkaline aggressive environments

Grouting cracks in concrete

If cracks appear on the screed, it is necessary to find out the cause of the deformation process and urgently take measures to eliminate the consequences.

What to do with cracks:

  • Open single cracks on the surface of concrete, along reinforcement up to 1 millimeter wide, are sealed with hard coatings based on polymer-cement/water-cement compositions, synthetic resins.
  • Cracks up to 2 millimeters in small quantities can be repaired with paint or special polymer cement paste.
  • There are many cracks - there is no point in rubbing, it is better to use polymer-cement solutions.
  • Cracks in structures exposed to aggressive influences, wide cracks - the method of injection with polymer cement solutions and paint is relevant.
  • The most durable coating is the use of polymer cement mortar and compositions based on epoxy resins. First, the cracks are painted with epoxy glue, then a polymer cement solution or dough is applied over the still fresh layer.

The prepared composition is injected into the cracks: if the opening is less than 3 millimeters, epoxy glue is sufficient, if more, add M500 cement filler.

Very wide cracks are secured with steel staples - grooves 2 centimeters deep and up to 1.5 centimeters wide are cut every 25 centimeters across the crack. They are injected with a repair compound, reinforcement is placed, and covered again with the same compound. Then the cracks are sealed, the concrete is rubbed with units with one disc, removing all roughness.

A helicopter for grinding concrete floors is a productive piece of equipment that allows you to achieve an ideal surface for a cement screed with minimal time and effort. Provided that the machine is selected correctly for the implementation of the task and the technology is followed, it is possible to complete the work quickly and efficiently.

Grouting concrete with a helicopter

Grouting concrete with a “helicopter” improves the quality of monolithic flooring, its durability and practicality. From the material in this article you will learn what the features of the technology are and its main stages. In addition, we will tell you what to look for when buying a grinding machine.


Grouting a concrete floor is used in professional construction and involves grinding and hardening the concrete screed.

Thanks to this treatment, base defects (roughness, unevenness) are eliminated. As a result of smoothing the surface, a flat, almost perfect floor is obtained.

Leveling technology helps to increase the strength and wear resistance of the concrete floor. The grout gives the base moderate oil and petrol resistance and dust-free properties. It is performed using special technology that gives the coating the ability to withstand high mechanical and abrasive loads.

A “helicopter” for grinding a concrete floor is a device consisting of:

  • frame platform;
  • power plant;
  • gear unit;
  • working mechanism;
  • protective casing;
  • machine controls.

The scope of work performed depends on the design of the unit. Models can have 1 or 2 rotors and different coverage of the working surface. Options with small platforms are designed for processing the base in hard-to-reach places. Models with large coverage are used for finishing main areas.

Helicopter grinders are equipped with a manual shaft rotation speed switch, necessary for double finishing of the concrete surface. The key parameters of machines that determine their maneuverability and productivity are the power and working width of the working blades.

Single-rotor units are used where the grinding area is no more than 500 m2. These are devices with a gasoline or electric power plant, a device that simultaneously processes a surface 120 cm wide. These are universal “helicopter” systems, characterized by mobility and compactness.

Double-rotor grinding machines are used to work with areas of 500–700 m2 or more. They are larger than their single-rotor counterparts and have greater productivity. This technique runs on electricity or gasoline. Some modifications are equipped with hydraulics and require different ways of placing the operator above a layer of concrete surface.

Leveling the surface with a “helicopter” type grinder is used in different cases. For example, for:

  • preparing the screed for further finishing;
  • creating a horizontal platform for mounting the machine;
  • prevention of concrete delamination;
  • sealing the top layer of the monolith.

The technology used eliminates height differences and surface cracks. It is used in residential and non-residential premises (manufacturing, industrial types) as a roughing and finishing tool.

During surface treatment, grinding blades intensively rub the materials, strengthening the upper layers of the concrete screed.

Grouting is performed in 2 stages. The initial processing is carried out using a semi-dry screed (approximately 4–20 hours after pouring the fresh concrete mixture). Finish polishing begins approximately 10–16 hours after finishing the rough work.

Purpose of grout

When the concrete screed dries, large elements of sand and gravel sink down, while small ones tend to the surface. This creates unevenness and voids, and the floor takes on an unattractive appearance. The heterogeneous mass of concrete after drying worsens the quality of the surface. It becomes less durable.

The adhesion of material particles is reduced if microvoids appear in the upper layers of the mass. As a result, with regular use, concrete detachments will appear on the surface. This will lead to the appearance of deep depressions. It is possible to repair such potholes, but it will cost a considerable amount. In addition, it is sometimes unrealistic to restore the original strength of the floor.

A concrete trowel can help prevent surface imperfections. When making decisions about using such a machine, it is worth remembering that working with it is quite difficult and requires a certain level of skill. Grouting creates additional compaction of the upper layers of the screed. This increases the strength and wear resistance of the floor. Some craftsmen often use grout mixtures and toppings for high-quality hardening.

How to choose a trowel?

The correct choice of equipment helps to significantly reduce labor costs, increase productivity, and improve the quality of the surface prepared for finishing. As for the type of cars, diesel options are practically not used in work today

Gasoline units are good for working in open areas. They are quite powerful and mobile, but when used indoors, ventilation is required.

Electric models are suitable for indoor work, although sometimes connecting to the network is quite problematic.

The range of products is varied. To choose your option, you need to take into account that the “helicopters” are different:

  • working disk size;
  • number of speeds;
  • adjusting the angle of the disk;
  • blade length;
  • engine power;
  • operator's way of working.

For rough work, single-rotor models are used. Twin-rotor engines are characterized by greater productivity and self-propelledness.

When purchasing a specific model, you need to pay attention to the basic parameters of the equipment (type of power plant, power, processing width).

It’s worth taking note of some expert advice.

  • The unit with a rotation speed of 200 rpm copes with rough as well as final finishing of the base.
  • For small rooms and complex areas, maneuverable models with a blade diameter of 600 mm or more are needed.
  • For fast, effective grouting, a “helicopter” with a nozzle of 900 mm or more is suitable. Products with a blade diameter of 90 cm are considered universal.
  • Single-rotor machines are controlled by an operator who drives the machine across the floor.
  • Twin-rotor options (professional equipment) are controlled by a seated operator.

Before buying one or another option, they decide such issues as the availability of a specific model, the feasibility of the purchase, the size and configuration of the site, and the frequency of use of the equipment. If the decision to purchase has been made, it is worth deciding on the manufacturer.

You can see products from the brands Masalta, Wacker Neuson, VPK, ENAR, MISOM. If the amount of work is not too large-scale, you can take a closer look at the QJM-600 Werk model with a nozzle diameter of 60 cm. The German brand’s equipment is equipped with an electric motor and adjustable grinding depth. Speed ​​can be varied between 50-115 rpm and weighs 53 kg.

When you plan to buy a more powerful unit, it makes sense to choose the Tremix g1203b modification. The Swedish manufacturer offers a device with a 120 cm disk that runs on gasoline.

If you need a self-propelled two-rotor type for smoothing concrete, you can purchase the LR900 model. The unit, with an impressive weight of 325 kg, is equipped with 90 cm nozzles, external light and a powerful drive.

Basic grinding steps

The work of grinding a surface using specialized equipment consists of several successive steps. Each stage has its own implementation nuances. To wipe the surface correctly, you need to know the principles of work process technology.

Special grout mixtures are used in the work:

  • corundum – for warehouse and industrial facilities;
  • quartz ones are purchased for sites with medium load;
  • polymer and steel - for the purpose of reinforcing and increasing the strength characteristics of concrete.

Most often, quartz sand, basalt, and steel fiber are used in the work. Pigmented compounds are purchased when they want to give the coating a certain shade.


Rough grinding of the surface involves the primary stage of work. It is performed on fresh concrete when it begins to harden. Initially, the layer should be compacted by 1–2 cm to get rid of air bubbles. Following this step, you can grind the concrete.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the technology, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the best grinding quality.

Do not grind the surface immediately after pouring concrete. The minimum holding time is 4 hours. A technological pause will allow the base to gain initial strength.

Rubbing the surface of freshly laid concrete is carried out in 2 passes. Experts recommend first treating surfaces located near columns, holes, doorways and walls. It is in these places that the cement hardens earlier.

The operating technology is as follows:

  • install the working disk and turn on the engine;
  • at the start, warm up the engine for 1–3 minutes;
  • increase speed;
  • rub the surface with smooth circular movements.

If during processing a lot of cement laitance comes to the surface, topping is promptly applied and distributed over it.

First use 2/3 of the product, when the base darkens, perform the 1st pass. Then pour out the remaining grout mixture, wait until it is absorbed a little, and go through it a second time.

On average, the topping is consumed up to 3–5 kg per 1 m2. If it is scattered on a base that will be subject to increased load, use 6–8 kg per 1 m2. If there are two machines, the 1st pass is performed with a single-rotor unit, the second with a double-rotor unit.


The finishing grouting time is determined visually. This stage is performed in at least 2 passes perpendicular to each other. When starting to polish the surface, remove the trowel disc and place the blades at an angle.

During the first pass, the edges of the blades are located at a distance of 0.7–0.9 cm from the floor. During the second pass, they are located slightly higher (2–2.3 cm). By changing the angle of inclination, it is possible to give the surface a mirror shine and perfect evenness.

During the final grouting, several passes are made. In this case, the blades are installed parallel to the floor surface. The more horizontally the knives are set, the more delicate their work.

It is worth considering that with each new pass it is necessary to increase the speed of the grinding equipment.

After finishing treatment, microscopic cracks and pores may remain on the surface.

Deep phase technology

To carry out the procedure, you need to use trowel discs. Surface areas near walls and other hard-to-reach places should be treated at the very beginning. This rule is due to the fact that the concrete mass in such areas hardens much faster than the rest of the surface.

Due to the rotation of the machine disk, the poured mixture is mixed. This helps seal the screed. Several grouting approaches are carried out to obtain a sufficient volume of concrete milk. The number of approaches is directly related to the quality and thickness of the poured layer.

After enough concrete milk has been obtained, it is time to apply the topping, a special grout mixture. Topping is recommended for use in rooms where the floor will be subject to high loads. Most often these are markets, parking lots, and production workshops. The grout mixture should be distributed evenly using a trolley.

The trolley for applying the mixture must include:

  1. Container for topping.
  2. Augers grinding the dried mixture.
  3. Dispenser for uniform application.
  4. Wide wheels to avoid deep marks on concrete.

At the first stage of topping distribution, a little more than half of the entire mixture is used. After even distribution, it is left to soak in moisture. Once the topping has darkened, it's time to start grouting. Next comes the stage of distributing the remaining mixture. It also needs to be left for a while. After which the helicopter is reused.

Sealing of the smallest pores

When cracks appear on the surface of the screed, there is a need to use a sealant. Concrete has low compressive strength. As it hardens, it contracts and shrinks. The technology for sealing cracks can be different. It depends on the type of damage and the cause of its formation.

Microscopic cracks in the monolith are sealed with epoxy resin. To do this, the surface is initially cleaned of fine particles. Then the problem area is dried and cracks or microscopic pores are filled.

Clean the required area using a stiff metal brush. For better results, treat the inside and surfaces near the gap.

Dust is removed by blowing. Dry the area with a hair dryer.

To increase the adhesion of the sealant to the base, treat the joints with a primer or primer. If there are too many pores or cracks, polymer cement solutions are used to seal them. The use of epoxy resins allows for greater coating strength.

When the cracks are small, use epoxy glue. Tiny ones are rubbed over with paint or polymer cement paste. Single cracks in concrete are sealed using synthetic resins.

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