Making reinforced concrete stairs with your own hands - step-by-step plan

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The concrete staircase will be completely hidden under the tree

Reinforced concrete stairs are installed not only in multi-storey buildings. Such designs are preferred by people who build their homes thoroughly, sparing no expense and time.

The work of constructing such a structure is very labor-intensive, requiring certain knowledge and adherence to technology. We will talk about all this and much more in today’s article.

  • Construction of a monolithic concrete staircase
      Design calculations
  • Marking and formwork
  • Further assembly and frame made of reinforcement
  • Pouring concrete
  • Types of reinforced concrete stairs

    According to their shape, concrete staircases are divided into the following types:

    1. Single-march straight lines

      . This is the most common type. They are placed in rooms with low ceilings and in entrance areas. They are easy to install and inexpensive.

    2. Rotary.

      Turns of 90 and 180° are common. Such products are used in buildings with high ceilings, apartment buildings, to adjust the length of the flight and the angle of inclination. This is done using a turntable or winder steps. The latter take up less space.

    3. Screw

      . They are distinguished by their compactness and unusual shapes that will fit into any interior. To make them, you need a special complex formwork. The steps have different widths and lengths. If the diameter of the flight of stairs is small, then the ascent and descent of large objects will be difficult.

    Stairs made of reinforced concrete can be monolithic or prefabricated, consisting of standard blocks manufactured in a factory. They are made on stringers and bowstrings, cantilever and modular.

    Products are distinguished by purpose - emergency, service, fire, etc.

    Features of reinforced concrete stairs

    Staircase made of reinforced concrete without finishing in loft style

    Concrete today is probably the most popular building material and it is even used in finishing, if required by the style of the interior, when roughness and brutality are put on display. You can see a striking example in the photo above.

    But even if you are a follower of classic designs, you still probably wouldn’t refuse a reliable, powerful staircase that will neither creak nor play.

    • The main advantage of reinforced concrete structures over their competitors in the form of wood and metal is their highest strength and durability - a reinforced staircase, the construction of which complied with all norms and rules, will last for decades without needing maintenance.
    • The practical side of the issue does not end there, since concrete will be the ideal base for any cladding, which means it will fit perfectly into any interior, while the same metal and wood can sometimes look specific.
    • The raw materials from which the structures are made are sold everywhere - we have plenty of stones, sand and cement in our country, but accessibility and convenience can safely end there, because good reinforced concrete stairs will hit the construction budget well.

    Installation of reinforced concrete stairs

    • At first glance, it may seem that concrete is a budget solution due to the low prices of raw materials, but let's operate only with facts and add up the total amount from them. Firstly, consider the cost of the concrete itself, and secondly, do not forget about the reinforcement, the price of which is about 40 rubles per meter, despite the fact that you will need to knit a fairly thick mesh from it, preferably in two layers. Thirdly, do not forget to take into account the material for constructing the formwork. Yes, you can use old boards, but the smoother the staircase turns out in the end, the easier it will be to veneer it, which means it’s better not to save money and buy good sheet materials, for example, plywood or OSB.
    • If you make an accurate estimate, then include in it the cost of the waterproofing film, fasteners and screeds. You will also need strong supports - this is where you can save money if you have rough boards and beams available.

    How to correctly calculate the construction budget

    • The weight of a reinforced concrete staircase can easily pull ten tons, which, as you understand, is not small. Only a permanent foundation made of reinforced concrete can withstand such a load, which means it must be included in the cost of the structure.

    From the author! The base for the stairs is poured simultaneously with the foundation of the house, being its integral part. That is, you must design a reinforced concrete structure in advance so that during operation this entire mass does not begin to sag, damaging the walls and their finish.

    • But that’s not all, don’t forget about finishing, which is done in 99% of cases. Of course, here you are free to save by choosing cheaper materials, but one way or another, an expense item will be added. We also take into account the hiring of workers, the cost of tools and equipment.
    • In total, we have quite a substantial investment, clearly higher than for wood (we do not take into account options from rare and exotic species) and metal.

    So, if you are not confident in your abilities, look at the available staircase models. You can also pour concrete without fear of spending a lot when the amount of work is not very large, say, you are pouring the porch in front of the entrance to the house.

    Types of reinforced concrete stairs

    Reinforced concrete stairs – LMP series (flight staircase with landing)

    Advice! Let's tell you a secret that if everything is initially done according to the project and the parameters of the flight of stairs are adjusted to standard products, the installation work will not only be much cheaper, but will also be completed in the shortest possible time.

    All reinforced concrete stairs can be divided into three types, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages:

    Monolithic reinforced concrete staircase - dimensions are selected individually

    • The most reliable option is monolithic structures. The advantages include the ability to choose any size and shape and the ability to install in a roofed room. Disadvantages include the lengthy installation time and the need to construct powerful formwork.
    • The second option is prefabricated models manufactured by various concrete factories. The undoubted advantage of these structures is the simplicity and speed of installation (they are laid on the seat and the cracks are sealed with mortar, they can be used within a day), the guarantee that all technologies were followed during manufacturing, which means the product will last a very long time. The downside is the standardized size, which makes installing such a staircase in a private house problematic.
    • The third type is called prefabricated monolithic and is a symbiosis of the above structures. There are no particular advantages here, since you need to look at what exactly a person wins or loses on a construction site.

    Application area

    The widespread use of concrete in construction work and the industrial production of reinforced concrete products makes it possible to reduce the cost of individual monolithic products - stringers, steps, platforms. The construction of reinforced concrete stairs for a house from ready-made elements has become possible not only in Moscow, but also in most populated areas of Russia.

    Concrete staircase under construction.

    Factories produce flights with ribbed and flat platforms and half-platforms, with frieze steps and without them. They can be installed in separate staircases or placed directly in any part of the room.

    The products are used in industrial premises, apartment buildings, cottages, townhouses, and small private houses.

    In accordance with GOSTs (9818-85, 8717.0-84), intermediate platforms and flights, as well as steps, are regulated in terms of strength, mixture composition, reinforcement and dimensions.

    The most common flight designs are those with 10 steps, and 3 to 18 are produced. The minimum width allowed is 0.9 m, this ensures compliance with fire safety standards and ease of use.

    Any additions and changes can be made to the design when making reinforced concrete products yourself. Both monolithic structures with floor slabs and separate strong metal frames that form the basis of individual products are manufactured.

    In your own production, the width and height of concrete steps should be chosen so that it is convenient for all residents of the house, especially pensioners, disabled people and children.

    Installation of concrete steps on a metal frame - YUG-ZhBK

    Construction of a private house takes a huge amount of time. But this is not the most important thing. One of the most serious events during construction is that after all this you also need to develop the area that surrounds your new home.

    To do this, you need to think about fencing, the design of your personal plot, as well as how the entrance or approach to the house will be organized. you can build a porch, install concrete stairs and hang a canopy that will protect all visitors from possible precipitation.

    Or you can put steps up to the entrance.

    Concrete products are the most durable; they are practically unaffected by temperature changes, moisture and chemicals.

    The best solution would be to combine all these options into one. To do this, you will first need to carry out a series of works to connect the porch with the house itself, after which you will need to bring a ladder to the front door and finally hang a canopy on top. This process takes quite a long time, which is associated with the need to perform a large amount of work and select all the necessary materials for this.

    Installation Rules

    Choosing the angle of a concrete staircase.

    Among other things, you need to know some nuances, taking into account which will allow you to implement everything you plan quickly and at the highest level. The most important condition that future steps must satisfy is safety for all members of your family.

    Accordingly, if you have small children or they often come to visit you, then you should avoid overly dangerous finishing options, and the distance between them should not be too large, since it will be quite difficult for children to climb them.

    Features and Benefits

    In addition to the fact that reinforced concrete stairs can be made of any, most original, shape, reinforced concrete products have the following advantages:

    1. With their help, different parts of the building frame are rigidly linked together.
    2. They can be easily finished with different materials: stone, wood, plastic, decorative plaster, tiles.
    3. Almost unaffected by moisture.
    4. They have high wear resistance, do not creak, or sag.
    5. They are good sound insulators.
    6. They don't burn.
    7. Resistant to chemicals, mold, mildew.
    8. Harmless to human health.
    9. Compared to wood and metal, they are more durable.

    When calculating the cost of erecting reinforced concrete structures, you need to take into account the price of the material: sand, crushed stone, reinforcement, waterproofing, formwork, screeds.

    Concrete staircases are heavy. This must be included in the calculations when planning the foundation of the building.

    The process of installing the structure is labor-intensive. It is necessary to maintain technological breaks for the material to gain strength.

    Material selection

    Dimensions of stair steps.

    You can approach the door of your home using a variety of materials. This may require ordinary wood, one or another metal, brick, natural stone and, of course, concrete mortar. The first option is a fairly simple and cheap installation method, but at the same time, wood is the least durable and insufficiently reliable material. Ordinary wooden steps are exposed to all sorts of microorganisms, such as fungal growths.

    In addition, even after treatment, they will not be able to fully withstand high humidity and, even more so, will not withstand a fire. The most durable material is metal. In order to build a staircase of any type, you must first weld the frame for it, and after installing it, you can begin installation. A problem may arise from the fact that welding is a rather complex method of joining metal parts. In order to use it, you must have basic skills.

    Selecting the parameters of a spiral concrete staircase/

    Metal, unlike wood, does not burn and rots. No parasites can destroy it. But the only thing metal can be susceptible to is corrosion. Its most common form is rust. Then it will be possible to install a wide variety of steps on the metal frame. They can be filled with concrete, laid with wooden boards or iron plates. This way, you will end up with combined ones. Stone or brick are strong enough materials for constructing stairs. But they will also contain a solution, which can crumble over time if mixed incorrectly. This mortar in its composition is partially a concrete mortar for pouring.

    How to build a staircase

    Any construction begins with a project. The main parameters according to SNiP that must be provided for when calculating a flight of stairs:

    1. 160-180 mm is a convenient step height for use. It is selected depending on the inclination of the staircase structure.
    2. From the ratio of the height of the step to the length of the span, the number of steps is calculated.
    3. The tread should be able to fully accommodate a person's foot. This must be taken into account when choosing the width of the tread.
    4. 1200 mm is the distance that is considered comfortable so that 2 people can move along the stairs towards each other. If space allows, it is better to make the width of the march no less than this value.
    5. The height of the railings is 90-110 cm.
    6. For residential premises, the correct slope of the stairs is from 24 to 37°. The width of the step and the height of the riser are determined depending on it.
    7. Winder steps or a turning platform with supporting posts are calculated relative to the turn of the march.

    For a rotating structure, the width of the step in the widest part should be no more than 40 cm, and in the narrowest part - 10 cm.

    The strength of the entire structure is determined by the reinforcement. It is advisable to have a separate diagram in which the reinforcing frame will be presented, repeating the staircase shape, indicating the cross-sectional values ​​of the reinforcement.

    The amount of concrete mixture can be calculated using online calculators. The grade of concrete required and the cement used are taken into account. The approximate mass of 1 m³ of mixture and the number of bags of cement are calculated.

    It is better to do the project in 2 planes - side and top views. It needs to clearly present all the important elements separately.

    Contents of the standards

    What do the documents we mentioned say?

    GOST 8717.0.-84

    We have already mentioned the area of ​​application of reinforced concrete steps - inside and outside buildings. GOST gives a more detailed definition: it is permissible to use them outside heated buildings in climatic zones with the coldest five-day period of the season, with an average temperature of -40 degrees. Contact of concrete with aggressive media is allowed, which allows the products to be used in production (including in the chemical industry).

    The steps are divided into the following categories:

    • LS is the main one.
    • LSV - upper frieze (adjacent to the site).
    • LSP - platform liner.
    • LSN - lower frieze.
    • LSS - flat for through marches.

    LS type feet.

    The main material for the products is reinforced concrete; however, the main steps of the LS up to 1.5 meters long can be produced without reinforcement.

    The maximum short-term load for reinforced concrete products is 6 kPa, or 600 kgf/cm2.

    A caveat: the calculated load does not take into account the own weight of the step. However, on a solid base it should be completely transferred to this very base, without loading the step.

    The standard stipulates that reinforced concrete stair steps are produced with steel embedded parts for fastening railings. By agreement with the customer, however, mortgages can be replaced with sockets.

    Flat steps LSS, in addition, are equipped with mortgages for fastening to stringers (supporting beams of the march) with a width of 155-180 mm; Additional embedded elements can be installed for a specific project.

    If necessary, products are made left and right - depending on the direction in which the stairs rise. As a rule, this parameter only affects the location of the embeds or sockets for mounting the fence.

    Depending on the project and in agreement with the customer, steps can be supplied with or without mounting loops. In the second case, the use of loading equipment with special grips is implied: the concrete products themselves cannot be rigged.

    Massive reinforced concrete products are usually produced with mounting loops.

    Steps made of lightweight concrete must have at least a 15 mm layer of heavy concrete or an abrasion-resistant coating of synthetic materials on the front surface.

    The top surface finish may vary within the standard.

    What options are possible?

    1. Smooth concrete with regular cement.
    2. Decorative concrete - on white, colored cement or marble crushed stone.
    3. Mosaic concrete , obtained by grinding concrete on crushed marble and/or white and colored cement.

    What are the dimensions of reinforced concrete stair steps?

    • The width varies from 900 to 2380 millimeters.
    • Height ranges from 100 to 168 mm.
    • Tread depth - from 260 to 330 mm.

    Several standard sizes of products.

    Reinforced concrete steps weigh from 45 to 187 kilograms. If you are not an experienced strength athlete, obviously, you should not take on the task of moving and installing these products with your own hands, without loading equipment.

    Design options for steps are described by a related regulatory document - GOST 8717.1-84.


    It consists of alphanumeric groups and hyphens between them.

    1. The first group indicates the type of step and its overall dimensions, rounded to whole numbers. However, the height of 145 mm is not displayed.
    2. The second group contains the letters B - for concrete main steps, L - for products made of lightweight concrete and C - for silicate. Reinforced concrete prefabricated steps made of dense concrete, belonging to types other than LS, are not marked with the second alphanumeric group.
    3. The third group contains:
    • Numbers 1, 2, 3, etc., indicating the presence of mortgages or nests for fences. Number 1 corresponds to the design provided for by GOST 8717.1-84; other numbers refer to the design documentation.
    • The letter L indicates the left design of the step (for stairs with a guardrail on the right side).
    • The letter G means a smooth concrete surface on white or colored cement, the letter W means a polished mosaic surface. Smooth concrete based on ordinary cement is not indicated separately in the markings.

    Concrete with marble crushed stone.

    • M means increased frost resistance (can be used at -40C and below). P - increased density, allowing the use of products in constant contact with aggressive environments.

    Marking samples

    Let's give a couple of examples and look at them.

    LSV12-L-Sh The upper frieze step of LSV is designed for a march with a width of 1200 mm. Height - 145 mm. Material: lightweight concrete. The surface is polished mosaic. LS12.17 Type - LS (main). Length - 1200 mm, height - 168 mm. Material - heavy concrete with a smooth (unpolished) front surface.

    Technical requirements

    GOST for prefabricated stairs and steps for them imposes certain requirements on the materials used and, of course, on the quality of the finished product.

    • The compressive strength of concrete for external stairs should not be lower than grade B25. For internal stairs, the use of concrete grade B15 is allowed.
    • The average density of lightweight and silicate concrete should not be lower than 1800 kg/m3.
    • For products intended for use outdoors, in unheated rooms or at constant relative humidity above 60%, the fittings are protected from corrosion. The method is specified in the design documentation.

    Useful: traditionally paints and varnishes are used for protection. However, it is now easy to find a more effective product on sale - a phosphating rust converter, which creates a durable film of chemically transformed iron oxides on the surface of corrosion-resistant steel. The price of the material starts from 200 rubles/kg.

    Rust converter.

    GOST 9818-85

    The standard specifies the production of the following types of products:

    Flights of stairs Type LM - flat flights without frieze steps. Type LMF - ribbed, with frieze steps.

    LMP type - ribbed with half-plates (both or only the top).

    Stair landings Type 1LP - flat, designed for LM flights. Type 2LP - ribbed for LM flights.

    LPF - ribbed, compatible with LMF marches.

    LPP - ribbed half-platforms and platforms for LMP marches. Overhead treads 1LN are intended for laying on ordinary and lower steps of flights. 2LN are laid on the upper steps and platforms.

    The photo shows marches with half platforms.

    The calculated loads without taking into account their own weight are:

    • 360 kgf/cm2 for residential buildings.
    • 480 kgf/cm2 for public buildings and industrial construction.

    All elements can be produced in left and right versions.

    The surface options are slightly different from those discussed above, within the framework of the previous standard:

    1. Smooth concrete surface using regular cement.
    2. Polished concrete surface on white cement, colored cement or marble crushed stone.

    Let us clarify: this type of finishing is allowed only for landings and overhead treads.

    1. In addition, the platforms can be finished with ceramic tiles, providing maximum wear resistance of the surface.


    Here, too, it consists of several groups separated by hyphens (see also the article “Cinder concrete - everything you need to know about this type of material”).

    The first group indicates the type of element and its dimensions. In general, the length and width are indicated in decimeters; for flights of stairs, their height (projection onto the vertical plane) is additionally indicated.

    The markings indicate dimensions A, B and H.

    Nuance: for a LMP march with one upper half-platform, the length is indicated equal to the length of a march with two half-platforms, belonging to the same type.

    The letter B in the first group means that in front of us is the final platform or overhead tread for the upper final step.

    The second group contains:

    • For platforms and marches - the design load (number 4 corresponds to a load of 360 kgf/cm2, number 5 - 480 kgf/cm2).
    • For overhead treads - left-hand design and type of surface finish (Ш - polished mosaic; the absence of letters indicates a smooth concrete surface).

    The third group may include:

    • The letter L, denoting the left execution of a march or platform.
    • The letter K for the site means the presence of support consoles. The letter M is a technological hole for a garbage chute. The letter U is a reinforcement for supporting the march.
    • In the case of the LMP march, number 1 indicates an elongated upper half-platform, 2 - an elongated lower half-platform, 3 - the absence of a lower half-platform.
    • Ш - again a polished mosaic surface, K - facing with ceramic tiles.

    Smooth concrete surfaces do not appear in the markings.

    • The letter C indicates increased seismic resistance of the staircase structural element. Such products are used in the construction of buildings designed for 7-9 points on the Richter scale.

    Marking samples

    LM27.11.14-4L March LM with a length of 2720 and a width of 1050 mm. Vertical projection height - 1400 mm. Design load - 360 kgf/cm2. The surface is smooth concrete. 1LN14.32-Sh Overlay tread 1LN 1350 mm long and 320 mm wide. The surface is polished mosaic.

    Technical requirements

    They relate to the type of reinforcement used, surface abrasion, quality of concrete and maximum permissible deviations in linear dimensions.

    Construction materials

    To pour a staircase (concrete with your own hands), you will need:

    • ready-mixed concrete or sand, crushed stone, cement;
    • material for the manufacture of formwork - boards or metal, fiberboard, multi-layer plywood, hard plastic;
    • plastic or metal reinforcement for the reinforcing frame.

    The required amount of mixture can be calculated using geometric formulas. But it’s easier to use an online calculator.

    To determine the volume of concrete without errors, you need to know:

    • length of the flight of stairs;
    • march width;
    • thickness of the working plate;
    • height and width of steps, their number;
    • the sum of indicators of the length of the support platforms;
    • thickness of the supporting platform.

    In order to save money, experts recommend making a reinforced frame for a private house, and not reinforcing the steps themselves, since the operating load does not exceed permissible limits.

    How much reinforcement is needed, what its cross-section is and the amount of material for the formwork depends on the individual characteristics of the march design.

    If the project involves the use of ready-made forms of reinforced concrete products, then additional calculations are not required. In this case, you need to decide on installation options, since concrete elements are heavy and most often require the use of technical means for their installation.

    How to make concrete steps for a staircase

    A staircase is an important element of any structure, the construction of which must be approached responsibly and wisely. The choice of material from which such a structure will be built plays an important role. Beauty and elegance of form are not always required from a staircase, and sometimes it is much more important to make a structure that is as strong and unpretentious to the environment as possible.

    In such a situation, a staircase whose steps are made of concrete will help us out perfectly. This material is durable, unpretentious, and can be given the shape you need. Let's take a closer look at all the pros and cons of using it and find out how to make concrete steps yourself with your own hands.

    Features of concrete stairs. Its advantages and disadvantages

    The main feature that sets concrete apart from other competitors is its durability and strength. A structure made from this material will serve the owner faithfully for many years. Thanks to the peculiarities of the manufacturing technology, concrete structures are quite easy to erect, and at the initial stage they can be given almost any shape. This staircase has a number of pros and cons

    The advantages of concrete stairs include:

    1. Due to their wear resistance, concrete structures will serve you for a long time. An excellent solution would be to use concrete steps for the porch of the house.
    2. A concrete staircase will be very strong and can easily withstand heavy loads.
    3. Safety. Concrete is not afraid of fire, has a monolithic structure and is made from environmentally friendly materials.
    4. Its use opens up great scope for experimenting with the shape and size of the staircase.

    The disadvantages of concrete porch steps are:

    1. Their appearance is unprepossessing, which is why such stairs are often used only in places where appearance does not play a big role.
    2. If you need to improve your concrete staircase, you will need to spend additional money on finishing it.
    3. The materials used in construction also cost money, and the total cost of concrete steps will be more than wooden ones.
    4. Due to their heaviness, the foundation of concrete stairs and load-bearing elements require additional strengthening.

    In this video you will learn how to make concrete steps:

    What kind of concrete is needed for steps

    If you decide to make concrete steps with your own hands, you need to adhere to the following rules when preparing the solution:

    1. Concrete must correspond to a class of at least B15. This is necessary to ensure that the structure has sufficient strength. Concrete mixtures of a lower class will not be able to provide the required result.
    2. When preparing the solution, it is necessary to use large crushed stone. This will help give the mixture a denser consistency, which you cannot achieve using fine crushed stone.

    Note! Concrete with a class lower than B15 is used mainly for preparatory work and is not used in structures subject to heavy loads.

    Calculation of the size of stair steps

    When calculating the number of steps required to build a staircase, you need to make the following calculations:

    • measure the height of the flight of stairs and divide the resulting value by the planned height of your step;
    • if you get a fractional number, round it to a whole number and, based on the data obtained, adjust the height of the steps;
    • to calculate the width of the steps, divide the length of the flight of stairs by the number of steps.

    When designing a staircase, do not forget the following rules:

    • the minimum number of steps recommended when constructing a staircase must be at least 3;
    • it is undesirable to erect structures with more than 18 steps;
    • the width of the concrete step should be at least 30 cm and no more than 45 cm. Smaller sizes will not allow your foot to be securely fixed on the surface, and larger ones will make you stray from your usual step;
    • The height of a standard step is 17 cm.

    If you are unsure of your calculations, use a staircase calculator.

    Don't forget to calculate the number of steps

    Making concrete steps with your own hands

    If you do not know how to pour concrete steps, the algorithm of actions will be presented below:

    1. The first step is the construction of formwork, imitating the shape of a future staircase or individual step. The material used is board or plywood. The frame must be strong and without gaps to avoid leakage of the mixture.
    2. Reinforcing elements are installed into the formwork frame, ready for pouring the concrete mixture. Typically, steel rods are used for this, which are connected to each other by the same rods.
    3. The finished structure is filled with a mixture that contains concrete of a class no lower than B15.

    The steps are poured from the bottom of the structure and gradually, as the formwork is filled, you rise higher.

    Installation of concrete steps on a metal frame

    If you are not satisfied with the monolithic design and want to make a staircase from its constituent elements, you need to prepare the following things:

    1. Staircase frame welded from metal beams.
    2. The frame is fastened to the upper and lower concrete platform.
    3. The steps, made in the form of separate elements, are installed in special sections.
    4. Concrete elements are usually not made in the form of monolithic blocks, but are hollow structures. This serves to reduce weight and reduce pressure on the frame.
    5. For one span, two frieze steps are used, which are installed at the beginning and end of the structure. A frieze is a step that has special recesses for joining with the landing.

    Important! If you use a fascia structure, the thickness of the base plate that serves as the platform can be reduced, reducing its weight and cost.

    Installation of overhead steps on stairs

    This method is very practical and convenient, thanks to the following features:

    1. Such structures are easier to assemble and easier to install. They have less weight and are not as large as monolithic ones.
    2. Installation of concrete overhead steps allows you to hide connecting seams and docking joints. This is achieved due to the fact that all elements are made to strict dimensions.
    3. The use of overlay elements allows you to combine different materials, which makes the staircase more attractive.

    When manufacturing overhead elements, it is necessary to carefully control their size, since the slightest miscalculation will complicate installation or make it impossible. If you do not have confidence in your own abilities, seek help from specialists.

    Installation of formwork

    The construction of a flight of stairs begins with the foundation. Most often, in private houses they make a monolithic slab. For this:

    • remove the soil to a depth of 60-80 cm;
    • fill and compact the sand cushion, it should be at least 20 cm;
    • lay a layer of crushed stone 20x40 10-20 cm;
    • if the recess is not enough, then add simple formwork around the perimeter of the slab and pour the concrete mixture.

    To give the foundation sufficient strength, air bubbles must be removed. For this it is better to use a vibrating tool.

    Concrete gains strength in about 3 weeks, which you will have to wait before installing the entire structure. It is advisable to periodically shed the substrates with water to ensure uniform drying.

    How beautiful and geometrically correct the staircase will be depends on the preparation of the formwork. To make it you will need the following materials:

    1. For risers, sides and bottom, you can use 12-18 mm waterproof plywood or 25-30 mm thick edged board.
    2. The support is made from boards 50×150 mm and timber 100×100 mm.
    3. Semicircular sections are formed from 9 mm waterproof plywood or thin sheet metal.
    4. To make the formwork easy to disassemble, it is better to use screws and metal corners instead of nails.

    The inner part of the formwork, which will be in contact with the structure, should be made as level as possible. This will ensure the smoothness of the surface of the flight of stairs being constructed.

    Install the formwork as follows:

    1. Using plywood and boards, the first thing to do is make the base. The required level is set with supports from below, coinciding with the step step.
    2. After this, side fences are installed and reinforced with boards. In the future, they are additionally connected with risers.
    3. The structure is reinforced and risers are attached to the walls or side walls of the formwork.
    4. After the formwork is assembled, it is checked for reliability and additional supports are installed. Using a grinding machine, uneven surfaces are removed from the inner surface.

    Installation of reinforced concrete elements

    When building a private house, many developers are faced with the problem of installing reinforced concrete stairs with their own hands. To ensure complete safety during the installation and operation of steps, it is necessary to carefully complete all stages of installation.

    Preparatory work before installation

    The staircase must be installed simultaneously with the construction of the walls of the house.

    Advice! A minimum of three people are required to safely install reinforced concrete steps. One installer will be located on the lower floor and the other on the upper floor. A third person operates the crane equipment.

    Before starting work with reinforced concrete sections and supports, it is necessary to measure their dimensions and prepare a wooden template, which will be an exact copy of the profile of the supporting part of the stepped span.

    Installation work

    1. Places for installing reinforced concrete structures are marked on the walls of the staircase, a layer of cement is applied and platforms are installed;

    Advice! The installation of each slab must be checked with a wooden template and constantly checked against the construction plan. The goal is to achieve the design position of each element. Otherwise, the flight of stairs will be installed crookedly and skewed.

    1. Next, a cement-sand mortar is applied and leveled to the supporting places of the slabs (half-platforms);
    2. Using crane equipment, sections of steps are supplied for installation;

    Advice! The marches must be lifted with a sling of four branches, two of which are shortened to give the section the required slope. If stepped flights are not equipped with mounting loops, then a fork is used.

    Do-it-yourself staircase to the attic: tips for making

    1. The installers, who are located on the lower and upper floors, accept the flight of stairs and control its position relative to the support slabs. First the lower and then the upper end of the march is installed in place;

    Note! If the installation sequence of the reinforced concrete structure is reversed (first at the top and then at the bottom), there is a possible failure of the march from the top slab.

    1. If inaccuracies are made during installation, the position of the structure can be corrected with crowbars;
    2. After giving the march the desired position, the joints between it and the slabs are closed with mortar;
    3. At the next stage, an inventory fence is installed;

    Fencing installation diagram
    In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.


    Monolithic staircase structures are reinforced with a frame made of corrugated reinforcement of class A3 with a diameter of more than 12 mm. It must be positioned correctly:

    • no more than 50 and no less than 30 mm should be retreated from the edge of the structure;
    • at the bottom of the formwork, the rods are placed on special selections;
    • There should be 20-30 cm between the reinforcing bars, less is not possible, as this will make it difficult for the mixture to pass through;
    • as a result of binding, a frame with a cell of 20-30 cm will be obtained;
    • you need to drill holes at the junction of the structure with the walls and ceiling in order to drive reinforcement into them for tying;
    • for cross rods you can use 6 mm reinforcement.

    When reinforcing, you need to take into account several nuances:

    1. A place where, due to the density of the frame, there is not enough concrete, will contain air gaps and have reduced rigidity.
    2. An excessive amount of reinforcement makes the structure heavier and creates unnecessary stress on foundations and walls.
    3. Excessive consumption of material leads to higher construction costs.

    Particular attention should be paid to turning areas - there are most often interfering weaves and overlays.

    In the same way, the frame for 2 marches and the platform is assembled. The metal of the entire structure is connected to each other so that it is a single whole.

    Construction of a monolithic concrete staircase

    Now that we have a general idea of ​​what we will have to face when constructing a reinforced concrete staircase, let’s talk in more detail about the technology of pouring the monolithic version, which is the most likely to be installed in a private household.

    Design calculations

    Design of reinforced concrete stairs

    The project is perhaps the most important part in the construction of a concrete staircase, and we have already mentioned the reasons for this. This documentation will contain all the necessary data.

    The cost of a finished house project is not that high, but many developers prefer not to overpay, building, as they say, from their heads. However, such an approach cannot have a positive impact on the structure being built; at the very last moment, unaccounted for details will inevitably emerge, which will complicate the work, or even make it impossible.

    • Due to the fact that the concrete staircase has a lot of weight, it will put a lot of pressure on the frame of the building, and if the calculations are incorrect, serious subsidence is possible.
    • Sometimes it is simply impossible to eliminate the consequences of such changes, and all the savings will go down the drain. So, without any experience in construction, approach the work wisely.
    • If you belong to the category of people who like to do everything with a reserve, then, without accurate calculations, you will probably make the structure thicker than necessary, thereby increasing its weight, wasting more material, and complicating your work. Wouldn't it be better to direct the overspending right away in the right direction?

    Due to the uneven shrinkage of the building, serious cracks appeared in the concrete

    We hope that we have convinced you of the rationality of having a normal project, and this question will no longer arise before you. Let's now move on directly to the installation process.

    Marking and formwork

    As an example, we will consider the pouring of a staircase at just such a site, where there was no initial design for the structure. At the same time, the owner paid for a 3D design of the staircase itself, which was originally supposed to have winder steps, but due to inconsistency in the actions of the builders, the idea was never brought to life.

    Markings for stairs directly on the walls

    • The fact is that in the place where the flight of stairs should have passed, there was a window opening, which, if everything had been left as it was, would have been partially closed, which is both ugly and inconvenient for work.
    • As a result, they came to the conclusion that the craftsmen adjusted the height of the steps right on the spot so that the opening remained practically unaffected, but instead of winder steps, they got a small transition area between the flights. The owner approved the option, lamented the wasted money, after which the work began.
    • First of all, the outlines of the stairs were drawn directly on the walls of the niche. This is very convenient when setting up the formwork and gives you the most accurate idea of ​​how the stairs will fit.
    • Enough attention must be paid to the marking so that all lines are clearly aligned, parallel, corresponding to the horizontal and vertical. Any inaccuracies will ultimately result in curvature, which complicates the subsequent finishing of the structure.

    Reinforced concrete landing - base

    To be honest, in the end the craftsmen won, since it is much easier to install the formwork under straight flights without winder steps.

    Here's how it's done:

    • According to the resulting markings, it is necessary to set the base for the site. Its top point will be slightly lower than the bottom of the ladder itself. This is done so that the OSB board can still fit there, which will provide an even and durable plane. The thickness of OSB or plywood is selected to be at least 20 millimeters.

    Material provided by the owner for formwork

    • The complexity of this object was that for the work the craftsmen were provided with boards left over from the formwork and roofing. The boards themselves are mostly inch (25 mm), which is clearly not enough to hold the mass of concrete. Therefore, the blanks had to be paired together with nails and screws.

    Durable galvanized concrete dowel

    • So, taking into account all the points, we attach horizontal beams directly to the walls on powerful dowels. In long sections, vertical supports are installed under them, which are rigidly connected to the floor and the base itself, so that during work you do not accidentally knock them down when walking.

    Miter stop system

    • The outer beam will be suspended. It also needs to be supported, but in addition to the vertical support, use a couple of slopes. Calculate the lengths of the elements so that they can be conveniently connected with self-tapping screws at the front. Additionally, you can use steel corners.

    Advice! Make sure that the hanging board does not have cracks or falling knots. It is not fixed as rigidly as wall beams, so the load will be higher.

    • Is it worth reminding that all elements must be set strictly according to level.
    • Next, additional intermediate beams are placed on the base, which will strengthen the structure in the middle and break it into sections. These elements also need to be supported from below.

    Advice! While the OSB board is not screwed onto the resulting frame, you can lay boards so that you can move along the base.

    Measuring the slope angle of the march

    • The thickness of the reinforced concrete landing and flights was chosen to be 10 centimeters. This is quite enough for such a small structure, provided that a powerful frame made of 14 mm reinforcement is installed. That is, the ladder will not be too heavy, thanks to which the craftsmen were able to attach the “inch” to the walls.
    • At the next stage, the base is placed under the lower flight. We will support it on three parallel belts. We cut them from the boards at an angle of inclination of the march. You can measure it using a regular protractor, as the master does in the photo. The angle is transferred to the wood, after which we cut the parts with a jigsaw or circular saw.
    • The wall belt is exposed first. We fasten it clearly along the line marked on the wall to the same dowels in increments of 40 centimeters. If desired, you can install a support, but, in principle, it is not necessary.
    • Then an outer belt is placed, which must be strictly parallel to the first. At an equal distance from the site, the level established between them must be strictly horizontal.

    Be sure to double-check the level when setting

    • The central element is placed last. It with the outermost belts should form a flat plane - you can control this moment with the same level, rule, or any flat strip.

    Supports for the march are held on top by corners and 55 mm screws

    • The belts are rigidly connected to the base using small steel angles. They should not be attached to the floor at the lowest point, since dismantling the formwork will then be difficult. However, a ligament is needed - let’s make it a little deeper, at the location of the first support.

    The central and outer belts have additional supports to prevent the elements from sagging

    • We additionally strengthen the belts. We can’t give specific recommendations, just use common sense and the principle - it’s better to be safe.

    Installation of OSB sheet

    • Next, we cut the sheets of OSB panels to actual sizes and lay them on the flight path and platform. You can cut it in advance or directly on site - at our facility, due to the curvature of the walls, we had to use the second method.

    The assembly of the base for the second flight will be carried out in the same order. We will skip this moment for now, since in fact the installation of a reinforcing frame was carried out at our site.

    Further assembly and frame made of reinforcement

    How the side of the formwork is made

    We remind you that our frame and formwork are not entirely standard, due to the low-quality lumber used. For this reason, instead of a normal side board, it was necessary to build the structure described above, to which the side panel must somehow be attached.

    • The situation was resolved this way: the edge of the OSB was released slightly beyond the border of the outer belt, which made it possible to tie a narrow strip to the bottom with self-tapping screws. Now we can easily screw the side to the end without having to worry about aligning it. Yes, in the end it turned out that it was much more convenient to drive reinforcement into the wall.
    • As you can see, the bottom of the sheet does not reach the floor a little - there will be a small inset here.

    Reinforcement of reinforced concrete stairs

    • A rebar mesh was also installed. Rods of 14 mm were used for working longitudinal conductors, and 12 mm for transverse conductors.
    • The frame begins to assemble from the transverse cores. Holes are drilled in the wall for them in increments of 20 centimeters. Rods are hammered into them, after which longitudinal belts are wound on top with the same pitch.
    • The rods are tied together with ordinary knitting wire - you can also weld, but this requires additional equipment, the ability to work with it, as well as unnecessary stress on the frame.
    • The fittings should hang at least 2 centimeters higher above the base - we light the holes in the walls at the required height, and small stands can be used on the side of the free edge.
    • The frame for the platform and the second flight is assembled in the same way. By the way, all parts of the reinforcing mesh must be connected to each other to strengthen the structure.

    Do-it-yourself formwork installation continues

    • At the next stage, we expose the side, as well as the wall “Velcro”, to which the frame of the steps can be tied. We fasten everything with self-tapping screws and dowel screws.
    • The installation of wall bars is carried out strictly according to the markings - they can go beyond the upper boundaries of the outline of the steps, but not beyond the lower ones.

    Board markings

    • Using a level and a tape measure, transfer the border of the lower step to the edge installed on the free edge. From it we can duplicate the drawing from the wall.

    Attention! To ensure that all steps are level and geometrically correct, it is important to strictly check the level between the horizontal lines on the wall and the side. Pay more attention to this so that you don’t have to redo anything later.

    Installation of steps

    • Next, we set up the crossbars that will form the steps for us. For this we use a 50 mm board. We attach them to the board with metal corners and screws, aligning everything clearly in one line - checking, as shown in the photo, is carried out as a rule.
    • Please note that these elements are placed outside the steps, without going beyond the boundaries. The bottom of the upper lintel is located exactly at the level of the top of the lower one, pardon the pun, that is, the height of the boards must correspond to the height of the steps, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to level the concrete when pouring.
    • When fixing, we simultaneously align the side itself vertically. After tying, we will have a rigid and reliable structure.

    Steps are placed level in all planes

    Advice! When checking the levelness of the steps, place a level from the inside, since the board may have a curvature.

    • By the way, for the steps the owner had to buy normal, flat boards - we advise all economists to do the same.

    Reinforced concrete landings do not require the installation of so many additional parts. The only thing that may be needed is a side between the marches, and even then not always, since the marches can be adjacent to each other. Therefore, there is nothing special to describe here. We set up the second march by analogy and start pouring.

    Formwork for steps

    For the steps, the formwork is made of boards with a width equal to the height of the step. They are attached depending on the structure of the flight of stairs.

    For winder steps, each element must be made separately in the shape of a trapezoid, taking into account the required width of the step and the angle of rotation.

    In straight marching structures, you can lay a longitudinal strip through the middle of the boards and fasten the formwork together. This will prevent the form from bending under the weight of concrete, the steps will be the same size.

    If the march is located close to the wall, then the formwork for the steps is attached to it on one side using an additional block. Side 2 is attached to the side formwork.


    How are reinforced concrete flights of stairs, set-up steps and other stair elements installed? It is clear that this work is rarely done with one’s own hands by an untrained person; It is also clear that a professional builder will hardly need instructions for carrying out installation work.

    If so, let’s pay attention only to the main points.

    • To verify the position of the marches, wooden templates are used.
    • Installation of flights and platforms is carried out using a crane. The slings cling to the mounting loops; in case of their absence, steel grips made of profiled pipe are used.

    The march is lifted by a crane using mounting loops.

    • Adjustment to the desired position is carried out manually using crowbars. The march is first installed with its edge on the lower platform; the upper edge is adjusted to the desired position and placed on a bed of cement mortar.
    • The steps can be installed on stringers either using heavy equipment or manually.

    Let us clarify: it is clear that only steps weighing up to 80-100 kg can be assembled manually. Carrying and installing steps weighing 150-180 kg is not only problematic, but also dangerous.

    • The steps are laid along the march from bottom to top. A sand-cement mortar is poured onto the edge of the lower step, after which the next element of the staircase is installed on top. The treads are simply laid on the solution.

    Scheme of assembling a flight of steps.

    • In order to make mounting holes not provided for in the manufacture of elements, abrasive cutting of reinforced concrete is used - concrete with diamond wheels, reinforcement - with ordinary metal cutting wheels or a gas cutter.

    It should be taken into account that damage to the reinforcement sharply weakens the structure: during the construction of multi-story buildings, such modifications are prohibited. Diamond drilling of holes in concrete, along with conventional pobedit drills, is used to make additional holes when installing fences.

    Small holes for communications are made with a diamond crown.

    Pouring concrete mixture

    All parts of the finished formwork are checked again before pouring the mixture. The rupture of a structure under the weight of reinforced concrete in the presence of defects in the device can lead to forced additional work to eliminate mortar spills and excessive consumption of materials.

    When preparing the solution yourself, take 7 parts water, 20 parts sand, 30 parts crushed stone and 10 parts cement. To prevent intermediate uneven drying of the layers, it is better to use a concrete mixer for faster work.

    The best option is to purchase a ready-made solution of at least B30 class. The required quantity can be clarified by calculating the internal volume of the formwork.

    As you move from bottom to top, the resulting surface is compacted and leveled. If subsidence occurs, they are immediately topped up or the next day they are rubbed with a mortar of grade 500 cement.

    Dismantling of formwork

    To prevent deformation and the appearance of cracks in the elements of the finished flight of stairs, the formwork must be removed in accordance with the technology of concrete work. It is necessary to maintain the desired humidity level, because when it dries out, the frozen mixture cracks.

    To do this, when working without a roof, the structure must be protected from rain and sun as follows:

    1. In the first few days, you will need a tent made of tarpaulin or film and periodic spilling of the structure with water in hot weather.
    2. If the weather is above 25°C, it is recommended to cover the surface of the stairs with burlap or sawdust to save moisture.
    3. If frost is possible, then the reinforced concrete must be covered with thermal insulating materials.

    To make it easier for you to remove the formwork, before pouring concrete, you can wrap it with polyethylene film or lubricate it with oil compounds.

    Most often, dismantling begins from places where the structure is least loaded. Please note that unclosed and open edges and corners dry faster.

    It is recommended to remove the formwork elements from top to bottom:

    • carefully remove the parts stabilizing the structure, struts, stops, supports;
    • unscrew or cut off staples, pins, and wires holding individual parts together;
    • long prefabricated elements are easier to dismantle one by one, removing connecting links;
    • pay attention to the installation locations of the mortgages, if any;
    • You can use wooden wedges, which are carefully hammered in from above, in case of difficulty in removing the boards.

    To ensure that the removed parts can be reused, it is better to immediately remove them to a dry, ventilated place.


    Materials for finishing concrete surfaces of stairs should be selected taking into account design preferences and the safe movement of people.

    The following options can be used:

    1. Carpet. The result is a soft surface that is pleasant to walk on (even barefoot) and has good soundproofing properties.
    2. Cork covering. The material is environmentally friendly, wear-resistant, and a good sound and heat insulator.
    3. Laminate. It is produced in different shades, textures and textures. To ensure that the finishing lasts a long time, only high-class products are used for staircase structures.
    4. Porcelain tiles and ceramic tiles. It is easy to choose the appropriate design solution and sizes. Floor models are suitable.
    5. Stone. You can use artificial and natural types. The construction will be fundamental and solid.
    6. Clinker steps. They are supplied ready-made specifically for finishing external and internal flights. It is baked clay made in different forms.
    7. Tree. Hardwoods are best. The material is a good heat and sound insulator and is environmentally friendly.

    You can save on finishing if you use a paint coating. The surfaces are first thoroughly polished and treated with concrete contact.

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